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Are Sith Evil?

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Toxarien said:
The Sith DO encourage selfishness, but their main message is one of individual power, that equality is a lie, and the strong will always rule the weak. That is true. But they go so far into the goal that every individual begins to think that they are the strong and all the weak ones should follow them. This means infighting, murder and all sorts of evil things will follow. The Sith go from crazy to evil.
This is just Nietzschean will-to-power philosophy and is not necessarily evil. But of course, as stated, everyone thinks they're the hammer and not the anvil. Everyone wants to believe that they have the power to impose their will over others, few can actually accomplish it.

I don't think this is necessarily evil though, so long as the fratricide is kept within the ranks of the Sith themselves and not transferred to the populace at large, and membership within the Sith is kept to an "opt-in" basis (which it many times is). Culling the weak then becomes necessary in order to impose a true hierarchy. In other words, you join the Sith at your own peril. The reward for success is ultimate power, the price for failure is death. Understanding the risks, if you think you can succeed, come and try.
Jay Scott Clark said:
Q: Are Sith Evil?
I'm going to break all the rules and say yes.


From the perspective of a viewer, there's no debate. It's just as how the Joker would be described as evil.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
I think it's all suggestive and depends on point of view. Objectively, technically you can't call anything good or evil, because the terms are in and of themselves suggestive.

Now, here's my point of view. Completely OOC, of course, and based not on their ideology necessarily, but on their actions:

What became the Sith began with the Force Hounds of the Rakata Infinite Empire. They were, for all intents and purposes, the equivalent of Jannisaries, and were merely military personnel. From that standpoint, no, they weren't evil, they were just doing what they were trained to do. After that, it came to a minor schism between two rivaling schools of thought. Again, not good or evil, just different.

This is where we get to a gray area, with the first large-scale schism and the Legions of Lettow. the Legions of Lettow were initially peaceful, supposedly, and just wanted to create a new ideology that was less restrictive than that of the Jedi. The Jedi at the time weren't exactly tolerant of this, and so they spun a lie to paint the Legions as a threat to the galaxy. In a sense, the Jedi were the evil ones here.

Now, as time passed, we had the Hundred-Year Darkness and the second schism that led to an exile that created what we now call the Sith Order.

Now, the Sith's actions definitely make them evil, but the Jedi were far from the heroes that they would think themselves to be. It's arguable that they're even worse because they do all of this while still claiming to hold a sort of moral high ground (the almost complete erradication of the Sith species wit help from the Republic, as well as their actions in multiple wars, come to mind). Of course, this argument more or less fails to hold water when one sees what the Sith became and eventually did (intentionally blowing up a couple of populated planets comes to mind).

In conclusion, the Sith are definitely evil, but the Jedi are far from moral paragons themselves.

Now, based on IDEOLOGY, on the most fundamental's largely up to perspective, but I would say that they aren't evil. Cynical, perhaps, but not necessarily evil; although at times it certainly implies evil, but there's been many Sith that drew the line between what they viewed as necessary evil (aka Lawful Evil) and evil for the sake of evil (aka Chaotic Evil). Me, I tend to play Armyss as something between Lawful and Neutral Evil.
Several things wrong with what you've said, [member="Darth Armyss"]

There were four Great Schisms.

The first schism was between the Jedi Order and the Legions of Lettow.

The second schism led to the Hundred-Year Darkness and the formation of the Sith Order by the Dark Jedi exiles.

The third schism occurred when Jedi, influenced by Sith teachings, broke off from the Order and fought against the Jedi on Coruscant before being driven off-world to the Vultar System. Long-story short, they found a super weapon, tried to use it, annihilated the Vultar System and themselves.

The final schism happened when Phanius (Darth Ruin) fell to the Dark Side and created the New Sith Empire.

And I wouldn't consider the Sith starting with the Force Hounds, but when the Exiles met and mingled with the original red-skinned Sith species on Korriban, because that was when the term 'Sith' was used. Although the rest of the galaxy wouldn't really know what a Sith was until the Great Hyperspace War.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Fair enough, though I meant to say the one that led to the formation of the Sith Order itself.

I mean in terms of the Sith as an order. The influence of the Rakata is arguably what caused the original schism in the first place.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Well if all we're talking about is from that point onwards, then...well it's a bit less ambiguous at that point.
Darth Armyss said:
I think it's all suggestive and depends on point of view. Objectively, technically you can't call anything good or evil, because the terms are in and of themselves suggestive.
I stopped reading right there. In order to be accepted as a member of society you have to accept that objective good and evil both exist. For example, murder and rape is generally considered to be objectively evil by anyone who is sane.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]

There were societies that condoned both long ago. I'm not saying I do, because I don't. Of course, you also need to bear in mind that often, even evil has standards.
Sith as in the Order is not Evil but we gotta remember the Dark side of the Force has its own will and can/will brake its host for its evil will
The Jedi are a bunch of self-destructive smackheads.

In all seriousness, I am kind of bias towards the Sith. But the Jedi have no freedoms, and while they may be peacekeepers, they aren't always in the right.
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