Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Are there stuff you cannot write about?

Male characters, children, White Knights and Jedi in general.

I don't enjoy Goody-Two-Shoes. Even my more honourable characters are grey in a number of ways. Moreover, I hate writing Jedi...because reasons! It also seems that all my NFUs end up being HRDs.

Oh, and I have great difficulty writing a character without maiming them. Their penchant for limb loss has become a running gag at this point.
I wish I didn't have to say this, but NFUs. I'm a fantasy writer, and it's hard for me to not write magic. One of my favorites is distinctly NFU, but I have difficulties keeping myself inspired for her.

Politicians and merchants aren't my steez. It's a lot of name-calling and metagaming and passive-aggression, and I'm not fond of any of those things. I prefer active aggression.

Contrary to common belief, I can write male characters, but this board would get seriously uncomfortable if I did. Less Conan, more Bridget.
I cannot do pure evil. Kudos to [member="Darth Carnifex"] who has mastered this craft.

I also don't think I'm very good at writing duels. I'm too concerned with whether my writing makes me seem too eager to win or my character seems too powerful. So far all but one of my PvP duels have ended in a draw.

I like writing my characters as if they were "normal" people, only in a Star Wars setting. They'll have their traits and characteristics, of course, but I'm not at all interested in making any of them the "Chosen One" or anything. Hence why I enjoy writing about them falling in love, their family life, etc.
Darth Vitium said:
  • Characters that don't have at least one existential crisis.
This one right here. Whenever I start a new character, I find myself in such a rut with them before long, unless that character has some overwhelming, traumatic experience to push their person. This is why I've found so much muse for Auron lately. The Korriban events have given me a tonne to work with.
I can't write about lightsaber duels. I've done it twice on another SW RP site, both ended in my characters' deaths.

As for backstories, I actually prefer peaceful or regular upbringings, because I can't write about my character recalling a past which I haven't written about in depth yet with another writer.
I find it difficult to write men. Ironic since my first characters were male but, after writing them for a while, I realised that all of my male characters were stoic because I wasn't sure how much emotion to portray in them so I took the easy way out.

Other things I find difficult to write include Jedi, lightsaber combat, and fleeting. Jedi because I don't enjoy writing good guys, lightsaber combat because I can't imagine it well so I get stuck as to what to write, and fleeting because I'm no good with numbers.

Backstory wise, I don't enjoy writing happy ones since I find unhappy backstories way more interesting to write.
I've nailed the art of dueling finally, it's taken so long but I nailed it. Which is a major shame in retrospect because that would of totally been the thing I put. Other than that, it's like someone, I think it was Cira, stated: It's not that I cannot, It's that I struggle and struggle and have to challenge myself to push forward and force myself to write that thing until I improve.

Kudos to [member="Darth Carnifex"], how you do PURE evil is beyond me. I tried to move a character towards the pure evil and realised soon after I stared that I struggled with it, he kept being too nice, he didn't murder slaves or twi'leks or things, he didn't eat planets, so I dropped it. I would, someday, like to properly knuckle down with a proper evil character, a proper Carnifex but not quite as heartless.

Evil in general I struggle with. I always find it so much easier to write the "nice" person, thus I do. Kei currently isn't evil, he's quite pacifist to be completely honest. I would, someday soon, like to knuckle down and find a good RP partner I can enjoy telling stories with. My last Sith character was my first character here, I was new and his stories were, and still are dreadful because I really failed to tell a Sith. Since then I focused on the Jedi, but I'd like to go back and write a completely new Sith from childhood, that's my current plan with a new character. It'll be fun, probably.

Mandolorians, just how? I'm too nice to be a Mando.

Fleeting again, I hate fleeting. Once I understand it I'll probably be fine with it, but right now it just seems like too much math for my pitiful D Grade GCSE so yeah. Someday I'll understand fleeting, but that day isn't anytime soon, it really isn't.

Gray Jedi, they just always end up normal Jedi for me.

Species not human, I have no idea why. Tried writing a Chiss once, never seen a more human chiss in my entire life. Someday I'll knuckle down, but until then I'm sticking to my humans, Correllian or other.

Corporate people, just why? Props to Danger and that lot, I just can't. I once had a character who run a ship building company, and I only managed that because he was a smuggler/crime lord of the Hutt Cartel. I just get bored way too easily. Who sits there and writes about spreadsheets?! I'll give a medal to anyone who can do an entire, detailed thread where they read spreadsheets, not even joking.

Females, I have no idea why. I really don't have any clue why I struggle with this.

Writing with big, major factions, I just can't. I always end up just feeling like another insignificant number. You get all the major factions, like the SJO with [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and all that lot at the top, and as a lone padawan a few years back when I first joined, I just felt like another insignificant number. Plus I like my smaller threads, unless I have a good writing partner who I know will work well and is organised then I prefer my smaller threads.

The map game, I just hate it and can't write anything to do with it, in dominions or other. I just get lost in the mess and decide "you know what, I'm sick of this" and leave it at that.

I really struggle to RP with people I don't know. I'll RP with anyone, that's always been my motto, but I struggle to RP with people I don't know or have never RP'd with before. I just feel like there's this line where you need to impress people and I always struggle to meet that line, to impress people. Once I know your RP style we'll be well away, but the first few posts are always my living hell.

Getting above Padawan/Acolyte, heh. Only ever got one character to Knight, then abandoned him but *shrug*
Kei Garnik said:
Corporate people, just why? Props to Danger and that lot, I just can't. I once had a character who run a ship building company, and I only managed that because he was a smuggler/crime lord of the Hutt Cartel. I just get bored way too easily. Who sits there and writes about spreadsheets?! I'll give a medal to anyone who can do an entire, detailed thread where they read spreadsheets, not even joking.
The closest I ever got to a thread about spreadsheets as a writer were board meetings, close enough. They are called Funding renewal and Transfer of power, where Ringovinda StarYards' board debated the corporate budget and Charzon resigned from her position as CEO of Ringovinda StarYards respectively.
Hmm...I was puzzling this one out, but I've got a list:

- Non-Force Users. I can write them, I just find them a struggle, because their aims in life tend to be a little fuzzier than those of Force Users. They also tend not to delve too much into philosophical crisis, and I enjoy writing those.

- Orthodox Jedi. I'm sorry, I genuinely can't swallow some of the platitudes and plain-text teachings that the Jedi throw out there. Grey or go away!

- Mandalorians. I feel like everyone on the site needs to be issued with a can opener, just for dealing with them.

- Crime Lords. Greedy, and wanting your money. Also inherently immoral, 'cause money. Let's be honest, if I want to mess with people, it's better to be Sith, right?

I'll think of others later, I'm sure!
I need a character with a purpose.

Jedi, Sith, NFU, criminal, pilot, grey, uber-evil or ultra goody-goody, whatever, I'm good- but they need to have something driving them. I lose interest in a character just floating along with no goals very quickly and I have to either find them something (or do something awful) to motivate them, or shelve them. Most of my characters are driven, in one way or another.

I also get completely lost in fleeting. So I'll leave lots of ships and how they interact to other writers ;)
I'm with Cira on the whole "it's not that I can't, but I greatly struggle with..." I love pushing myself to try new concepts and characters even if it's not long-term because it helps me grow. I would say I grapple the most with two things:

1. Writing Jedi. It's not that I don't want to, because I'd love to. I love the Obi-Wan Kenobi sort of Jedi, and I really want to make that work some day. I just find myself growing bored with writing a character without them drifting towards the dark. And if I were to write a Jedi, they would never fall. I just have to find my motivation, their purpose.

2. Women. Which is weird because I'm a woman and Matsu is a woman and I've been writing her for years. But male characters instantly click in my head and basically write themselves, where it takes me a while to get comfortable writing a female character.

All things to work on. :)


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
A few more weaknesses of mine:
  • Bounty hunters (and regular Mandos by that same token; Cathul isn't a regular Mando by any stretch). I find them overdone and hence my muse would dry up pretty quickly.
  • Pure evil. Even Charzon, whose transition to evil was almost completely unexpected, would never be purely evil
  • Unintelligent people, regardless of profession. Perhaps it is a limitation imposed by my own intellectual makeup (or composition). As my two active FU characters would say, intelligence is multifaceted, and they both say that people often tend to conflate the magnitude of a person intellectual makeup with their intelligence (to them, ICly, intelligence is some sort of vector whose positive-definite components represent various facets, and also a belief I hold as a writer, and a character's, or writer's, intellectual makeup is just its algebraic vector)
Medical personnel. Ironic since I am soon to be a Paramedic, have held several other medical licenses(mental health and otherwise), and was raised by a nurse in a family of medics and firefighters. But honestly? I eat, sleep and breathe emergency medicine. Before my injury in my late teens I was slated to join the Navy as a Corpsman. I write to find release, and rehashing my daily life in RP just doesn't fulfill that. I'd dearly love to, as no offense to anyone, but so many write my profession in a very odd way. But every attempt just grinds to a halt and fails.

Alternately? Females. I just don't feel comfortable writing them. I constantly question and doubt how realistic the scenes and threads and posts are and it nags at me until the whole thing just becomes a constant chore, and no fun.

Same thing with bad guys like Ostanes, honestly. I just struggle over if I do well writing them, and it eventually stalls.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Related to what [member="Isamu Baelor"] said, I cannot write consistently. I'll go a few days knocking out posts and then my muse will just up and vanish for a week.

Also apparently Force Users smugglers politicians anyone but a bloodthirsty mad old Admiral, judging by the relative post counts of my various characters.
Let's see.

Stupid characters,

Artistic Characters,

Hacking in general (which is funny because I do it in RL)

Archetypical characters, like pure good hero's or pure evil

God characters, I hate them, stems from hating superman.
Romance, actually.

While it's not a problem with Mak, seeing I doubt anyone has a fetish for a eight foot, four-armed bearded snake, but even my other characters, it's always been extremely hard to write out romance with other characters.

I've tried multiple times, and I'll probably try again, but every time I've failed.

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