Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Artfully Done | Galactic High Society |

A princess? Will wonders never cease. Although one can say that she does carry with her an air of authority.

I bow my head to her, as is a customary greeting to royalty. "It is lovely to meet you, Highness."

Straightening up, I have another sip of my wine and listen intently as she speaks of her armor. I cannot imagine wearing such a thing. There is little doubt that I would find it very awkward, indeed. And as she says that she lives in it, does that mean that she sleeps in it as well? And what about bathing? Is it ever washed inside?

There are so many questions, yet I dare not ask them for it would be impolite. Instead I smile and tilt my head to the right ever so slightly while I remark; "How touching it is of you to honor your fallen foe in such a manner that strengthens your protection. Is such a thing common practice, Highness? Or is it something much more rare?"

Her compliment on my dress is responded to with a polite bow of my head. It does not have an interesting history as the princess' armor does, and so I just leave it at that.

"I may have something back home that could interest you. Have you ever had biomolecule-infused metals in your armor? It is light but extremely durable." I set my nearly finished glass of wine down on the tray of a passing waiter, tuck my fan under one arm, and then show her my Covines Ring, which I remove and set in my palm. "This ring's pewter has been infused with biomolecules, and so it is very durable. Would you like to see if you can bend it?" I raise my palm up to her in the very case that she would like to try.

It did not take me very long to turn from a watcher to a player. Yet I shall easily revert back to a watcher when the moment arises.

Tag: Nova Ka Nova Ka

Galactic High Society
Belasco Museum of Fine Art, Belasco
Just as two ushers attempted to close the heavy twin doors of the Hall, here approached Hal Karjos with a small entourage in his wake. The ushers struggled to reverse their gains and swing the double doors back open to allow his passage into the event of the month.

Hal wore a ostentatious noble garb adorned with the latest fashion and materials. Around his shoulders was the white pelt of some foreign exotic beast and around his wrist and fingers were jewelry of no doubt high value. The Duke of Rucapar of planet Alsakan and current Senator of said planet. His shoulder length curly black hair falling around his well clean shaven but young face. The man was in his early twenties but had only recently inherited a host of titles that most sycophants here no doubt envied him for. But he wasn't here to be admired.

Actually...yes he was. But he was also here for the entertainment. For the party. For the people.

Trailing behind him were six people. The foremost being his personal assistant/aide who was the real power behind his scheduling and memos. The woman was a Force sent administration expert. Following her, two Senatorial Guards accompanied him. If folks didn't know him by sight or from reputation then those two highly trained bodyguards certainly gave away the secret. Behind them were two members of the press who attempted to follow into the event to get shots and glimpses of everything in attendance for their next big blog of whose who weekly. But two attendants for the event quickly ushered them out and shut the doors in answer.

As his aide spoke to him of some no doubt new troubling concern somewhere within the Alliance, Hal instead gazed around looking for his first victim of the night. Someone here had to be worth meeting and aiding him in not being bored this evening. That would be a travesty.


TAG: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Gear: Mantle of Ka, Edge of Oblivion, Star of Thustra

Nova regarded the offered ring with an impassive stare, arms crossed over her armored chest. Aside from the glass she held. The title ‘highness’ felt so off to her. She wasn’t sure how to feel about it, but she continued on.

Still, she was amused by the display. The air of grace, the carefully measured words. A game of manners she had no interest in playing.

At the mention of her armor, her lips curled into a slight smirk. "Rare?" She echoed, tilting her head. "No, it is not rare. It is earned." Her fingers ghosted over the plating, the remnants of worthy foes. "To take strength from the fallen is the way of warriors. Their deaths are not forgotten, nor wasted. They become part of something greater."

The question may have gone over her head.

Her gaze flickered to the ring in the stranger's hand. "Biomolecule-infused metal?" A pause. Then a quiet chuckle. "You want me to test its durability?"

She uncrossed her arms and reached out, taking the ring between her fingers. For a moment, she simply turned it over, examining it.

Then she would attempt to bend it, as Liin requested. “It is quite impressive, if I may say so, Director.”


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I listen as she describes the way upon which she honors those that fell by her hand - or rather blade. I find it to be highly respectable. If only all warriors carried such a tradition. The Galaxy might be a more peaceful place.

It does not surprise me that her Highness had not heard of biomolecule-infused metals. More than likely she had not heard of biomolecules at all. I do not blame her for it, though. Biomolecules are the Galaxy's most rarest of resources. They cannot be synthesized in any way. Instead they are carefully and secretly harvested by the Covie. Such rarity makes them highly valuable, and as such it has built up a very strong economy for New Cov.

'We can make them grow on other worlds, Terallo.' The voice rears it's ugly head in my mind; soft and almost gentle-like. Yet still it's presence causes the hairs on the back of my neck to rise up. 'Just you and me and anyone else that you can snatch up to start the process.' I snatch another glass of wine from a passing server and quickly down half of it, mentally pushing the voice aside. Now is not the time nor the place for this. I need to maintain my composure.

I hold my gaze steadfast on her Highness as she attempts to bend my ring in her fingers. Yet it does not yield. I offer her a polite smile, whilst holding out my hand for my ring to be returned to me. "Indeed it is, Highness. Is there any part of your armor that tends to wear down quicker than the others? I can arrange for you to have a small piece of the biomolecule-infused metal to forge it and use it as you please. And if it is to your liking, then we can work out a deal. What say you, Highness?"

Tag: Nova Ka Nova Ka


TAG: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Gear: Mantle of Ka, Edge of Oblivion, Star of Thustra

Nova rolled the ring between her fingers, testing its weight, its resistance. It did not bend, did not yield. She applied more pressure, and felt the metal push back, unbreaking. Hm. Curious.

Her eyes flicked to the woman before her, but she said nothing. Not yet. She let the moment stretch, let the silence linger as she turned the ring once more, tracing its edge with the tip of her thumb.

Biomolecules. A resource she had barely heard of, and yet one spoken of with such reverence, such guarded secrecy. Rare, valuable, something that could not be synthesized, only harvested. Perhaps she had underestimated this woman.

She smirked.

Of course, it was valuable. Anything that could not be made—only taken—would always be valuable.

Nova exhaled softly through her nose and finally extended her hand, placing the ring back into Liin’s waiting palm.

"I could have use for this," She said simply, voice even. "My people….my followers, they need protection, armor."

Her fingers tapped once against the table, thoughtful, before she leaned forward slightly.

"But…" Her smirk lingered, sharp as a blade's edge. "I do not refuse an opportunity to test something new."

She let the words settle, watching her.

His offer had been simple. Practical. Yet Nova knew the truth about humans who spoke like this—humans who dealt in things they considered precious. They never gave something without the expectation of return. They never offered without wondering what would happen when their prized creation fell into the hands of someone like her.

Her head tilted slightly, curiosity flickering in her gaze.

"Tell me, Director," She mused, voice quieter now, lower. "What do you stand to gain from this trade?"

Her smirk widened, slow, deliberate.

"Do you truly seek a deal… or do you desire more than that?"

She remembered some vague instructions from her tank training regarding this, about checking the rational for your allies.

She was pretty sure this was how it worked. Maybe.



Wine in hand, she was looking over the paintings in front of her. One was a stylized portrait of a Queen from a far flung system in Wild Space. Trained eyes looked in the corner of the painting for the small information plaque for the title and notes on the artist. It seemed many of the paintings in the gallery were smaller, local artists in the Mid-Rim, but Persephone found that refreshing. Save the major art for the Core Worlds, often times it seemed so manufactured in her eyes.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught her cousin coming over, followed by a woman she did not know. Time to see if her cousin was going to get on her case or not. At one point her adoptive parents had suggested Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell go with her at one point. Perhaps this was his way of making it seemed as if he wasn't keeping an eye on her after all.

"Nah, separate vessels is the way to go. I get an earful of crying baby at home. Didn't want it while travelling too."
The woman ( Junko Ike Junko Ike ) approached, making a quip about wearing children. Persephone let out a rather unlady like snort. "Perhaps my cousin will start a new fashion trend?"

Hand outstretched in greeting towards the woman, introducing herself. "Persephone Dashiell, a pleasure to meet you."

Just then her eyes caught a man ( Hal Karjos Hal Karjos )walking in with six other people. An entourage. Quite the spectacle for an introductory art gallery event. However, from what she could tell, this entire event was one big way to flex on the others. Personally she was just here to make connections, not be overly flashy, but each to their own.

Location: Belasco Museum of Fine Arts.
Tags: Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell | Junko Ike Junko Ike .
NPC's: Kellan Dashiell.
Wearing: X.


Balun was no stranger to being the subject of lighthearted teasing—his brother, Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell 's adoptive father, had long since ensured that he had plenty of practice in the art of playful banter. So when he caught the subtle amusement in Persie's expression, no doubt prompted by the sight of Kellan bundled securely against his chest, he responded with a quiet chuckle. His gaze met hers, a silent exchange that conveyed both his approval of her humor and his genuine fondness at seeing her again.

What he hadn't anticipated, however, was the interjection of a third party. The voice, poised yet familiar, prompted him to turn, and as recognition set in, his brow lifted slightly. There, standing before him, was a woman whose reputation extended far beyond mere name recognition— Junko Ike Junko Ike . A storied figure in the annals of Jedi history, she had once been a prominent force in the galaxy's endless struggles, a beacon of the Light in times of war and uncertainty. Though Balun had never met her personally, he had read enough to understand that she had witnessed more than most could fathom.

"Oh, Mas-… Miss Ike," he murmured, catching himself mid-word, uncertain whether addressing her as 'Master' in such a setting would be fitting or even welcome. He recovered quickly, offering a polite smile. "Forgive me, we haven't met, but your name precedes you. I'm Balun Dashiell" he offered his hand in greeting.

When the inevitable curiosity turned toward the small, sleeping bundle secured against his chest, Balun's expression softened. "And yes, not what people were expecting, I'm sure," he admitted, his hand instinctively rising to rest lightly against Kellan's back, feeling the slow, even breaths of his son's slumber. "But better with me than left unattended or in the care of someone else, I figured." There was no hesitation in his words—only quiet conviction. "My son, Kellan Dashiell."

A fleeting glance back at Persephone told him that this revelation was likely the first she had heard of it. He could only imagine the thoughts running through her head, though he knew better than to give her the satisfaction of a reaction. Instead, he smirked.

"And as for crying babies, Persie," he added with a wink, his voice tinged with playful mischief, "we might see more than one in this room before the night is over." It was a fair rebuttal to her teasing, and with it, the familiar rhythm of family banter fell easily into place.
Once my ring is back in my palm, I bend my ring finger towards it, and tilt my hand back like an expert, slipping my ring back onto my finger in just a few quick moves.

I listen to her inquiry which used the same words that I have heard from others before; including myself - on the many times that I was in the same position as her. "What do I gain, Highness? Well for one thing; a highly valued customer. If you carry the bio-metal with the same level of respect that you give to your other pieces, then I would be most pleased for you to have some of it in your possession. And should I find myself in your sector of space, I can only hope that my passage will be secure and safe." With biomolecules being so rare, it would not be a wild notion to think that pirates or anything of that ilk would try their luck at an attempted seizure of my ship and my products.

"But I shall give you a small piece at no charge, let us say; one foot square? You can shape it how you would like in your forger and see what you think. Then if you would like more, you may reach out to me."

I bring my wine glass up for another sip, keeping my focus entirely on her; even though out from my peripheral vision I had spotted other arrivals. I will get to them all in due time.

Tag: Nova Ka Nova Ka
Belasco Belasco Museum of Fine Art Open Forum
OPEN | || Indirect: Nova Ka Nova Ka | Junko Ike Junko Ike | Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell | Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell | Darth Nathrax Darth Nathrax | Xoff Chantin Xoff Chantin | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Lady Kyoteru Seraphine Lady Kyoteru Seraphine | Hal Karjos Hal Karjos
NPC(s): Arthur Sterling
Attendance here had proven to be be mandatory for the Knightfall Successor. Not only for the optics necessary for a man of his station, but the presence of several important figures required his attention. Of course there would be the usual meet and greet. The necessary mingling and communication required to get anything done within the realm of business and politics. But Nolan Knightfall set his sights on other attendees for this lavish private gallery event.

Individuals who possessed connections beyond the ordinary or legal channels of power. They believe themselves untouchable through leveraging their clandestine networks and operating in the shadows. After tonight, no one would be safe from him. This was not a simple art gala for him. This was a reconnaissance mission. Tapping into the lives and conversations of the upper elite required the greatest discretion in the form of a winning smile and polite conversation.

The regal, all-black landspeeder slowly pulled to a stop near the front entrance.

"Do enjoy the gala, sir."

"Was that a joke, Sterling?"

"I suppose it was," the older gentleman offered a polite smile in resignation, "At least pretend to enjoy yourself. I hear the new art pieces are quite lovely."

Nolan's expression did not change as he gazed out the window towards the front entrance. Arthur meant well, but this was not a simple night out. Not this night nor any night. Stepping out from the vehicle, the Silent Philanthropist—fitted with an expensive yet classy tuxedo that showed off those broad shoulders—opened the door and slowly approached. A gentle expression filtered onto his face before the staff saw him and let him through. He was a blank slate, any role or persona his to fulfill. Entering the event floor proper, the Rich One's debonair smile took front and center stage as he entered.

"Oh, it's Nolan Knightfall!"

A murmur of voices grew within the crowd. The proper effect of his carefully crafted image and presence. Nothing ostentatious need be adorned by him nor did he require an entourage. Not even a single bodyguard by his side. He did not necessarily require one, but it would be to his advantage for others to believe him alone. The playboy billionaire philanthropist's name and face carried across all mediums. One glance and immediate recognition followed amongst the elite.

It certainly saved him time introducing himself.

"Well, this is embarrassing. You started without me."

A quiet chorus of laughter and smiles followed. Working the room already, Nolan began shaking hands and talking with a few individuals before grabbing himself a flute of clear champagne to nurse for the evening. While his hands worked deftly with introductions, a flick of his wrist or a brief flourish covertly pressed small surveillance devices against the different furniture and adornments within the museum. The movement so swift that anyone would be fooled into thinking the devices had always been there since the start of the evening.

Each and every conversation would be his to listen to once he returned home. For now, Everyone's Favorite became nothing more than a class act as he began networking.

"I have a wonderful idea for a new sublight drive."

"I'll have my people meet with yours, and we'll make it work . . ."

Posturing and humming with a quiet, carefree amusement—his eyes gently scanned the room for anyone else he may need to approach or, perhaps the wiser move, wait for he or she to approach him instead. He had time. A whole evening's worth.

The night was his.
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TAG: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Gear: Mantle of Ka, Edge of Oblivion, Star of Thustra

Nova's fingers drummed lightly against the surface of the table as she listened, her expression unreadable beneath the weight of her own thoughts.

Liin was clearly her superior in the world of word smithing.

She knew the game. She knew the words. And yet, the way they were spoken always told her something new.

"Generous," She murmured, swirling the last remnants of her drink before setting the glass down. "A small piece, just to taste. Like a dealer offering a test drive…." A smirk curled at the edges of her lips, though it didn't quite touch her eyes.

She wasn't fool enough to mistake charity for kindness. Every move had intent, every gift carried weight. But she could appreciate the art of it.

"And should I find myself in your sector of space, I can only hope that my passage will be secure and safe."

Now that was interesting.

Nova tilted her head slightly, red eyes sharp with something thoughtful, something calculating. There were unspoken words in that statement, in the way it was phrased—because no one ever truly hoped for safety. They secured it. They ensured it.

But it seemed she was meant to take this at face value. For now.

"Then I'll take it," She finally said, reaching for her glass once more, letting the silence between them stretch just long enough to be intentional. "We'll see how it shapes up."


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Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell

HIs hand coming out and his recognition was.... a surprise to her to say the least... she didn't know if people knew her. Her hand extending to meet his and a bow of her head. "Well he is sure to be the heartbreaker in a number of years." She said it with a smile while remaining there... hands going to the front of herself as she spoke looking at Persephone. "I am Junko Ike of the Atrisian royal family." She said it and it was more casual about it. One hand coming up to greet while she looked around at the paintings and other people. her handmaidens were there but she had come less with the entourage then she could see. The artwork itself though was beautiful. "The art is a sight, we have only begun to bring back some of our more ancient forms within the Commonwealth."
I offer her Highness a polite smile as she referred to taking the sample for a test drive. In a manner of speaking; she was. However her views on it in real life scenarios, most particularily in battle, were of the utmost of importance. Afterall, how else was I to be able to make improvements on it without real testing outside of my laboratories?

And as she mentions travelling safe through my sector of space, I bow my head in agreement. New Cov is in neutral territory, and so nearly all are welcome, so long as they aren't attempting some hostile take over. And it is through deals like thse that our continued security is confirmed and well maintained.

My smile broadens as she accepts my proposal. "Wonderful! I do hope that you keep me informed of the progress. I will take any and all criticism; afterall a product cannot be perfected without it." I raise up my glass and have a sip in toast to seal the deal. "Come find me before you leave this evening, your Highness or leave me with your contact details and we shall get it all arranged for you. Now if you will excuse me, I should not linger in a single space for too long, lest people think that I am a part of the decor."

With another bow of my head, I then turn on my heel and step away from both Nova and the statue. My expression changes from delight to a more sombre one as I return to becoming an observer again. I find a spot next to a 3D landscape painting that when looked upon squarely, it looks 2D. However moving along either side of it distorts the illusion, showcasing the layered effects. It is a brilliant piece in it's own right. However my focus is not on the artwork so much as it is on those within the room. More have arrived and some creating more fanfare than others.

I suppose that in the grand scheme of things; the more eclectic the better. The circle of influence will be far greater this way.

My gaze drifts over the various playboys that have arrived so far this evening. I almost dread their arrival, but I would never say such a thing out loud. Instead I just watch them as I do with everyone else and hope to continue to be overlooked by them. It has worked at past events, afterall.

Tags: Nova Ka Nova Ka OPEN

Outfit: Something Nice

"Have you any friends with you this evening? Or is a pretty little morsel like you out and about all alone, without a proper chaperone?"

"Oh, please, it took me half the evening just to lose my chaperone" Xoff spoke, finishing his sentence with another sip from the flute. The Zeltron teased back from a safe distance - adorned as he was, he must either be someone's prized possession or incredibly vainglorious.

The truth was, in fact, both.

"I've come here to make friends, Lady Kyo, such is business that I am all to often shuttered away from admiring eyes of the galaxy. It is nice to be appreciated once in a while." He said playfully. If the Hutt heard about that it'd be at least a week in Carbonite for Xoff, but Whotto would come around once they again realized stone can't sass back.

"Unless you come as Lady Seraphine in search of Business contacts, in which case please forgive the careless whims of this mere debutante" Xoff was playing up the role a bit too much now, but such was his leisure.


Xoff Chantin Xoff Chantin
She'd let a quiet chuckle slip past her lips, the kind that hinted at amusement but never quite reached her eyes. "You do play the part well, Xoff." A slow sip of her drink, "To think... lone debutante, brushing up against wolves and calling it leisure."

Her gaze would settle on him, unhurried yet appraising. "You say you're here to make friends." A small tilt of her head, considering. "But tell me, what do you think makes a friend? Shared admiration? Pleasant conversation? Or perhaps something a little more… tangible?"

She'd let the weight of that last word linger. After all, in her world, friendships were not made on charm alone; they were investments, debts, alliances forged in steel and blood.

"If you're here in search of Business friends, then do forgive my scrutiny."

And then, almost as an afterthought, she'd lean just slightly closer. "But if it's just admiration you seek, Xoff… be careful. Every so often some one gets the funny idea that they would like to keep you all to themselves for strictly private viewings. "

A quiet, almost playful warning. Except, with her, everything was a transaction. And Xoff had just placed himself in her metaphorical ledger.

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