Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Artifact & Trinket Auction

The assassin frowned as [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] raised the bid by more than he was willing to pay for such a sub-par weapon. Instead, he would invest in something a bit more promising...

[member="Enoch Zambrano"]

51,000 on each of the signets
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] (My apologies if i miss tagged you... i dont see anyone else going for these anymore past PAtricia but i could be wrong.)

"Hmm, Tsk Tsk Patricia, i am sorry for needing that saber of yours that you are betting on... One Million and Fifty Thousand for the Saber as well as ten thousand for the Zin Diasho."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

"I have more money, guns, and soldiers than you Solan. Remember that." Patricia said on her comm link and then upped the bid to two million credits.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Matching the holocron bid was an option, and her brain said do it...but the part of her soul that always steered her true said there was significance here she didn't know. After a long moment, she sat back - bid unmade - and pondered the rest of the list.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

"And what use do you have for a weapon of a warrior my friend. You are a business woman, not a warrior..." He looked at the bid and bit the inside of his cheek for a second. He could easily go further, but if he went too far the backlash would not be recoverable for the source of his income. "Hmm, You are correct, you do have more of such. But last i heard i had believed you had become too docile for war."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

"Just because my fighting days are behind me doesn't mean that a weapon such as that would not come in handy. I do know people, I'm married with kids not dead. Besides I personally think it'd look great over the fireplace." Patricia said with a little chuckle from her comm unit.

"I'm also waiting for that ADAM unit, consider this collateral."
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

"What, is eve not helping you out in adam's place unail I have the AI ready for transport? And my apologies patricia but you may have a family to protect but so do i, as well as a people. Two million and ten thousand."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

"Solan, I've gone completely mad with power over here. I could buy Kesh and turn the entire planet into vacation home if I wanted to. But since you're an old friend I'm going to give you a choice, give me the saber that you'll get back once Adam is delivered, or else." Patricia said as she raised the bid.

Four million credits for the truth saber.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Solan's eyes hardened for a moment. "Is that a threat patricia... had such a friendship dissolved so quickly that you would threaten to dismantle the effort I've put into protecting the people of kesh." He wasn't angry, she had right to be a bit distant over the fact the Adam AI had not yet been delivered... but her words were still unwarranted in the scale she made what could be a threat.
Ajihad smiled at the bickering between [member="Solan Charr"] and [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]. Perhaps one of them would contract him to kill the other, and everything would be settled. He then gave a faint smile at [member="Enoch Zambrano"]'s counter bidding, the wealthy assassin could do this all day.

70k for each of the signets.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

"No see a threat would be me telling you that I'm going to drop a few million clones on Kesh and burn it to the ground if you don't pay up. But obviously I wouldn't do that over an AI, what I would do for an AI is buy out a saber you want and hold it against you until payment is rendered before giving you a free lightsaber that I paid for." Patricia said on her comm link to Solan her bid still holding.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Solan's hand traced the length of the chair he was sitting in before sighing and smiling wide. "As smart as ever, its a true shame that you are not a warrior because the things you could do as one would be quite... frightening." His hand moved over to the datapad where he removed his bet on the sabers. "Don't go losing them Patricia, i would be quite saddened."
[member="Solan Charr"] [member='Cheshire']

Watcher clicked his tongue and sighed as the bid went up again. Sith swords were nothing to sneeze at, even when one couldn't use the Force.

"Twelve thousand."

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