Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Artifact & Trinket Auction

Vulpesen's tail flicked behind him as he went over the auction items, catching sight of one particularly useful item for the Veran Politics, as well as battle. Tapping into the com system, he send a message to Patricia.

My apologies, but given that my people are in a state of turmoil, as well as my every day life, I'm going to try and take that bid for myself. Perhaps we can reach some sort of agreement for consolation.

Four Million Five Hundred Thousand credits on the truth sin lightsaber

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Patricia sighed and looked at another bidder who was chiming in to try and reach some sort of compromise. Really she didn't care about his BS story and how he felt. The saber was going to her and that was that, he could have it back when solan paid his dues.

"Your people are of no concern of mine, if your people are really in trouble then buy guns. A single saber won't make a difference. So step off child." Patricia said on her comm unit

Price raise: Eight million for the saber.
How rude.... Vulpesen was a fairly civil person. Calling a Valde a child however, was not a diplomatic interaction by any means.

I never said it was for my people. I aim for it to go to someone who can use it.

Vulpesen hardly ever spent a credit in his life. He didn't need to. But that didn't mean he didn't collect said credits.

Ten million.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

"Do you know who I am?" Patricia asked on rhetorically on her comm.

"Your ten million is my chump change, now walk away before I find out who you are and put your people in real trouble." Patricia said as she upped her bid

Bid raised: thirteen million for the saber
Vulpesen smirked and placed another bid.

Fifteen Million.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

I do. I also don't care. As for putting my people in trouble... I wonder how many governments and good souls would put a bounty on a person who commits genocide for a single saber... I also wonder how many people can take such a bounty with a clear conscience.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

"Try me, see what happens." Patricia said to her comm channel.

Patricia knew about the man vulpesen. She had a company that had facilities in former Vitae Alliance space. So she knew where to strike, how to strike, and had the methods and resources to do so. For now she'd play the bidding game and if the fox wanted to play then she would end him. This really wasn't about the saber, it was about not looking weak in the cut throat industry of galactic corporations.

Bid increased: seventeen million credits for the saber.
I could give the same challenge, or I could point out that the last hired person to knock me down lost an arm and a leg trying. Or, I could remind you that your products need consumers to be sold... something hard to do with bad publicity, such as that of you murdering people when not allowed to have your way.

Twenty Million.

Intimidating Vulpesen at this point was impossible. After how much he had lost, there was nothing else you could really take from him. And that which you could, mattered so much that anyone would die trying. As for the zorren people. There was no fear for them either. They had already lost it all before, and he would feel sorry for anyone who tried to take it away again.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

"Such a feisty one, I love it. Why are you drawing up assumptions that I'm going to murder your people? No that's not painful enough, I'm going to make you a relic, I'm going to make you a piece of the past in their eyes. I'm going to watch you become nothing more than an old wives tale. This is your last chance before I destroy you. Even if I outbid you, you will become nothing more than a faded memory." and that was the truth.

Bid increased: twenty five million credits.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Twenty-five million five hundred Thousand and a datacron of how to make a dathomiri shapeshifting talisman.

Tradition, thanks, and brother-ship. These are things you apparently don't know about. They cannot abandon me, simply because I am their future. And if you think you can hold any sway... then your ignorance of our history is further flawed. In any case, i fail to see how throwing a hissy fit for such an object is worth it. Especially against someone who has fought at your side. Half my ear is still buried in the geonosian sands

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

"I will weep for you." Patricia said shutting off the comm channel.

This wasn't about a saber anymore, it was about a threat being made and the follow through that was necessary.

Bid increased: Bid raised thirty million and the seal of the lady protector.
[member="Ultimatum"] [member="Belis Ren"] [member="Razor Shot"] [member="Cheshire"]

Aight, I'm lazy and unreasonably wealthy. 520k for the beskar upon proof of ownership.


I was supposed to do this at about 3:30 but fell asleep. ^^;​
All bids will undergo review and all winners will be posted and tagged soon enough.​
(busy life is busy)​
Due to the extravagant raising of thanks to two bidders Belis bowed out and departed safe with the knowledge that his reachable bidding goal was well out of sync with this new...heavy bidding.
Vulpesen smiled and with a nod, lifted from his seat and started for the exit, but not before typing in one last message. "Good luck explaining that expenditure to your associates and investors."

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