Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion As You Know, Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal | First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance Held Hex L,

Aryn Teth

The Incandescent Truth, Hex L-49
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, [member='Coren Starchaser'], [member='Zark'], [member='Taeli Raaf'], [member='Cathul Thuku']​
Enemies: The First Order, FIV Executioner [member='Sieger Ren'], [member='Ara Zambrano'], [member='Brennan Cabrol'], [member='Elensa Jari']​
Objective: Assassinate Supreme Leader Sieger Ren, Disable the FIV Executioner
Though Coren and Aryn were within the depths of the Truth, and thus unable to see for themselves the extent of the damage the Incandescent Truth's primary weapon had wrought. The report of the damage echoed through the ship, and Aryn couldn't help but smirk as it was detailed. Destroying the starboard hangar limited the amount of support the Executioner could deploy, and likely meant it would not be as difficult for the two of them to get aboard the ship, not that it was going to be easy, however. What he had not expected was the open broadcast which was then played through the ship, the one on open frequencies directly from the same ship that Coren and Aryn had set their eyes upon.

"Open Fire!"

That was a voice Aryn had heard only in reports, only in old recordings from the first war, and in broadcasts he had heard on his rare missions with the Rebellion into First Order space. It was a voice that carried with it strength, determination, and the inevitable ability to strike fear through all who heard it. As he heard that one voice, the force within him shut out all distractions, pushing them aside as though it were forcing its way through a busy crowd, and it focused upon the source of that voice, upon the immense surge of the dark side which echoed from the ship they had fired upon. The First Order had been far more ambitious than even Aryn had expected, he had believed that the presence of Nemo Ven was a master stroke on the behalf of Alliance high command, but the presence of the Supreme Leader himself. That was another thing, entirely.

Aryn froze as he turned to Coren, having been about to respond to his allies questions when the voice had echoed through the ship. There was a silent acknowledgement, he did not need to say anything, for he figured that Coren too would know their objective had now drastically changed. There was no faltering in Aryn's gaze however, nor his step as he continued towards the hangar bays. This was certainly the most dangerous goal Aryn had ever set himself to, but the galaxy had just been enveloped in now the largest conflict it had seen for many years. Now was not the time to falter, even in the face of such power.

As they stepped out into the hangar bay, the ship began to rock under the barrage which came from the other ships. Turbolasers and missiles slammed into the hull of the Truth, pressing against its shields and plating. Guns from the top of the ship were torn to shreds, the arsenal badly damaged from the onslaught, and the shields were forced down as the impact caused damage and hull breaches on a number of the upper decks. Luckily, the surprise of seeing the proton beam used had delayed the response from the First Order's fleet, and the Proton beam had been safely retracted back into the ship before it could take any damage. Though, had it been at full-power, the onslaught delivered in response likely would have caused considerably more damage to the Incandescent Truth.

As the barrage halted, Aryn could hear echoing shouts from the halls, and he could feel the lives torn from his crew that had been killed by the barrage, the tendrils which reached out from him through the force found them, and pulled the last of the strength they could from the dead crew members, allowing them to give a last boost of strength to the General. Luckily, the hangars had held particularly well under the barrage, and the squadrons of X-wings that had been intended to go with the two Jedi were ready and waiting for the two. Aryn brought his comlink to his lips, speaking through to the Captain. "Captain, bring the Truth behind the Itsukusk, begin repairs and utilize the beam again once it's ready." The cover which would be granted from the Immense Itsukusk would ideally allow the Truth to keep firing its beam without suffering another barrage of that strength.

Turning back towards Coren, Aryn sucked in a breath, finally answering his question. "Have I ever boarded an Imperial capital ship with the intention of killing the Supreme Leader? First time for everything." He gave Coren a wry grin and a nod, hurrying over to his personal X-wing, he climbed up into the cockpit, grinning as he saw that BB-3 had already gotten the ship ready to launch as he placed his headset on. "All green here, Coren, ready to go on you."
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Ravager \\ Unforgiven-class Battlecruiser
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance \\ Status: In the vicinity of Station Hapspir
In Vicinity: [member="Cable Shike"] | [member="Castor Ren"] | [member="Gir Quee"]
An almost supernatural calm had descended on the crew of the Ravager. There was no true mystical force behind it, no action by Master of the Dark or the Light, merely the tense readiness of a veteran and well-trained crew, watching as battle began in the viewscreens before them and waiting. Waiting for their turn in the fire. Seated at consoles, knee deep in reactor coolant, running pre-checks in cockpits, manning damage control lockers and medical response stations, they were a living, breathing, fighting city of 80,000 souls ready to commit violence on command but for the moment... nothing.

They could do nothing but wait.

Space beyond was alight as the First Order returned fire. The gulf of blackness between the bulk of the two fleets seemed suddenly connected by etched lines of green and red.

In contrast to the many thousands onboard his ship, the Grand Admiral was far from idle. Coordinating actions and movements of nearly an entire battlegroup took a tremendous amount of work and though he was far from the only one involved most of the key decision-making was left at the highest level. So far it was all maneuvering. The press of GADF ships at Station Triaxis demanded attention, but diver too many ships for reinforcements and it would leave the other stations vulnerable. For the moment, despite the shock of there being a proton-beam weapon present in the Alliance, the Executioner and its companion fleets were stable, fairly evenly matched with their opponents.

But the damage report from the flagship still merited some response. Almost gingerly, Cyrus detached a section of escort vessels from his own force and directed them to close up on the Resurgent-class ship. He could handle a battleline sans a few frigates, and it was simply not worth imaging what might happen if the Executioner was sunk.

How could the Alliance possibly know who was there?
The Shadow-class corvettes utilized by the First Order were a marvel of shipcraft. Originally a One Sith design, they were engineered with such a level of precision that otherwise prohibitively expensive sensor-damping technology was able to reproduced efficiently time and time again. It was a technique that had been studied for years by the Weapons Department, in an attempt to replicate exactly the process and spread it across the fleet. They had yet to succeed. Even a fraction of an increase in engine power and the baffle drive lit up like a sun. Change the hull design at all and the reflec coating was rendered useless. So they'd given up, and satisfied themselves in simply reproducing the ship i the same manner it had been done for over a decade.

Coupled wiht the FIPV-9's, it gave the First Order a cheap and replaceable asset with remarkable reconnaissance and sensor capabilities. So it should come as no surprise that several of the ships were lurking in the system, passing data back to the fleet through secure point-to-point datalinks. One such vessel, deployed hours before the stations had arrived 'north' of the galactic plane was the FIV Sena. For hours now they'd had nothing unusual to report, besides a constant datastream on inbound and outbound hyperspace traffic (decidedly less of the latter, now).

That was until they'd picked up an intermittent contact for the past several minutes.

"Three sweeps, no echoes. Scopes are clear" the main array operator reported. Shortly after the secondary sensor tech chimed in with a "All dark here too, Sir." The CO reacted immediately. More than likely it was a false report, but this was the sort of situation were any anomaly was to be fed back up the chain. "Tag it as a lost contact and get the message out to the fleet. Open a laser line to the Ravager first, everyone else is secondary priority."

And that was what, all the excitement faded and the crew began to shift back into the routine. But not entirely, and a few minutes after the 'final report' the CO waved a tech over with a small request. "Make sure the missile tubes are prepped, eh? Just in case."
Cyrus reviewed the report with some concern. He could tell one way or another if the contact was real or not, but there was a great deal of extra information pouring in that made him suspicious. The control room on a Shadow-class was far too small to properly process the vast amounts of data the sensors gathered, but the Ravager and its kin had processing power to spare for days. A picture was gradually coming together, of forces on the edge of the blockade working to take it apart, piece by piece.

It was all professionally done, fighters and escorts working in tandem to identify and neutralize hazard fields, assist civilian craft, and move on. Bit by bit and step by step. It tugged at the back of his mind, a memory of an earlier battle, now long ago.

"Commodore, put the battlegroup on alert."

"Yes sir," the Zabrak answered without delay, but Cyrus could tell there was hesitance in her voice. She was used to being able to understand his orders, even the ones with grim purpose behind them. Maybe he was being over-cautious, but something about the machinelike precision of the work at the edge of the blockade clashed with the harried and rushed manner of the bulk of the Alliance forces.

He said nothing else, and she made no further protest.

Perhaps he was being overcautious. He checked the mass shadow field data still being overlayed on the central display, and centered it on Station Hapspir. There no clear vulnerabilities, though there were a number of eddies and gulfs that while present would be basically un-exploitable by all but the most advance navicomputer. If you had an idea of what to look for. If you scouted it ahead of time.

He considered the anomalous contact again.

Surely not...

Keeper-Class Interdiction Stations
Station Hapspir
Officer in Charge: Grand Admiral Cyrus Tregessar
  • Status: Interdiction Field Active, Relays at 100%. Integrity at 100%
Station Barrini
Officer in Charge: Vice Admiral Uluc Keri Reis
  • Status: Interdiction Field Active, Relays at 100%. Integrity at 100%
Station Corbolan
Officer in Charge: Admiral Isano Sekerian
  • Status: Interdiction Field Active, Relays at 100%. Integrity at 100%
Station Triaxis
Officer in Charge: Fleet Admiral Carlyle Rausgeber
  • Status: Interdiction Field Active, Relays at 100%. Integrity at 100%
Station Wormturns
Officer in Charge: Admiral Itsel Kahalen
  • Status: Interdiction Field Active, Relays at 100%. Integrity at 100%

Fascinating. A conversation with a fleet admiral himself. Aeshi glared at the transmission, but it had cut off before she had a chance to reply. Now, of course, they had a choice. They could certainly outrun the ship. That'd be easy enough. Nothing that large could match the engines she'd put into the StarDream. And they could handle a handful of ion cannons. The tractor shroud could be useful, but then, without being able to jump to lightspeed, it wouldn't matter. They'd recalibrate.

Fighting was an option, but hardly looked good. She could make a run for the Alliance fleet, but that would likely get her caught in a crossfire that she wanted nothing to do with. She remembered the carnage of the Omega War. That devastation was still burned into her mind and this was her ship. Besides, she was responsible for her ship and her crew, even if it was just the two of them.

A new idea crossed her mind and she smiled.

"Power down the engines and shields," she commanded. Her co-pilot stared at her in surprise. Life support only. Get your best Trade Council garb on." She squared her shoulders and took a brief look at her reflection. It would have to do for now. She hurried into her quarters and pulled out the formal jacket emblazoned with the insignia of the Mara-Perlemian Trade Council and Shipping Guild, their equivalent to a dress uniform.

The admiral wished to bring them to heel. Well, it would be problematic if anything were to happen that cause a trade embargo into First Order space. At the least, he had admitted himself, his identity, and the disdain the First Order held for the common folk of the galaxy.

"Broadcast our friend the admiral that we are ready and waiting for the inspection party." She cocked a smile. "Drinks on me."

But even as she said, that she was preparing a new message, one to be sent over hyperwave to the family and to GUIDE. She was being boarded and apprehended by First Order military forces. While the thought of going back into Imperial custody sent chills roiling deep into her gut, there was a chance to do something important here. At the end of the message was a simple request. If she didn't return, for the love of everything, come and get her.

With that, she squared her shoulders and stood before the boarding hatch, arms crossed behind her back in the military at-ease position, with her insignia gleaming in the dim light. She awaited the boarding party, unarmed, except for a bottle of very nice whiskey.

Her cargo was simple enough. Imynusoph artisan crafts for the most part, all hand-carved wooden decorations, tools, and furniture. She forced a welcoming smile onto her face.

Allies: The First Order
Apprentices: [member="Elensa Jari"], [member="Xiomar Ren"].
Opposition: [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Halron Corr"], The Galactic Alliance & All who stand with them.
Present Company: [member="Sieger Ren"], [member="Ara Zambrano"], [member="Elensa Jari"], Omega Four-Five-Nine & Special Forces Squadron "Iron Mantle".
Special Inventory: Click Here!

"The Alliance has made a vast over calculation of their strength. Accept this power and cloak yourselves in it.
Prepare yourselves for the combat about to envelop us all as we release our enemies to the void. My Knights of Ren... You will kill them all".
These were the instructions of [member="Sieger Ren"] to his elite, accompanied by a wealth of power that flowed over the two senior ranking members of the Order of their Overlord, as well as the two Disciples whom were so fortunate to bare witness to his presence in such a regard. To be acknowledged by the Supreme Leader himself, Caehl Ren would have never imagined in his early days still an initiate within their ranks yet this pair under his guidance seemed to have been rewarded most handsomely for their persistence in service to his Will.

The exertion of Sieger's influence was incredible to witness, his words carried weight across all whom would receive them and spurred on by his presence in this time of War, all whom served aboard the flagships and naval vessels of the First Order would no doubt be rallied to the cause just as life surged throughout the bridge that they stood upon, that of which they would soon depart.

"They will be reminded of their place, my Lord".

Caehl Ren lowered his head in bow to their great leader, the Face of eventual peace and Order in a Galaxy rife with Chaos and descent of moral integrity. Through his vision, the Knights of Ren would turn the tides of battle and bring justice upon their terrorist opposition. They had been afforded time to strengthen their numbers far too long as it were.

"You..." Caehl Ren turned to look upon his Disciple still poised upon a knee before their Lord; "Remain here until Omega Four-Five-Nine reaches the Bridge. Unless the Supreme Leader wishes otherwise, you will tasked with the security of this deck should this rabid Alliance seek to board..." her presence had tipped the balance in a favorable position for Caehl, now with his reach being extended through the Disciples Obedience, he soon turned to gestured to Elensa Jari to accompany him, his visor turning first to look to [member="Ara Zambrano"], offering her a curt nod before starting for the corridor leading to the turbo-lifts.

"It is time to put into practice the lessons that you have learned through your past association with the Sith Empire, my Apprentice" Caehl spoke to Elensa, the pair entering into the turbo-lift and beginning their descent towards the lower decks for which "Iron Mantle" awaited them. "You have proven yourself to be most difficult thus far. It has become clear that you do not take well to the chain of hierarchy. We are however, not as narrow sighted as your passed affiliations and your path is your own, only to be guided, not manipulated by my hand. It is therefore that I am choosing to put you in my stead for this excursion. Iron Mantle will fall under your authority, they are professionals, yet you are their leader and will be required to mediate over their assignment telepathically....-Choose your target, board and then cripple the vessel. Your success will be watched over by Sieger Ren himself, this is your opportunity to present all that you are to the First Order and all the potential you can deliver to the success and dominance of the Order of Ren against these heathens".

As for Caehl himself, his place would once more be providing the Queen of Panatha with the support and over-watch that the Council of the Order of Ren had assigned him following her return to service some months in the aftermath of Bespin. Her task during this fight was uncertain, she no doubt having formed intent of her own would eventually find him awaiting upon her personal corvette; not of course before Elensa would be shown the way to his Furious Class Corvette.

Codename "Iron Mantle" - Special Forces Unit.
Commander, Alia Fedahkin.
Overhead the sirens rang across the Hangar, warning all personnel of incoming weapons fire from the enemy fleet. By this point they were all locked and loaded, ready to get their hands dirty with the blood of the opposition. They weren't Force Users alike their superiors, yet classed in a league of their own among the StormTrooper Corps, Iron Mantle was exceptionally equipped and trained for this sort of work.

Standing before the dark visage of Caehl Ren, flanked by that of [member="Elensa Jari"], a female of similar attire and the representation of unnatural strength and authority, Commander Fedahkin saluted them both, speaking firmly in confirmation to their new orders. "We will not fail, my Lord", he hands dropped to her sides, finding each other behind her back and stepping aside that their new envoy and superior would be given entrance aboard the Corvette; the Knight of Ren turning to leave them to the task at hand.

"She's all set to go when you are, Ma'am!" Alia spoke factually, showing little hesitation despite the typical anxiety that came prior to entering into a war-zone and facing the jaws of death with the intent of smacking it in the teeth; "Show us the way and we will do the rest".

Delengtha Ren, Arkaos Ren & Nocturnus Ren
Disciples of the Order of Ren
Theirs was a presence that intimidated the crew of the FIV Executioner, the engineers and naval personnel that came to meet them in their stride towards the Turbo-lifts quickly scurrying out of their way; they who inhabited all the traits of Caehl Ren or rather the vision of fanaticism and silent rage that he had been before Ara Zambrano had changed him. The Knight of Sieger Ren had met with them briefly before heading for the Pacanth Vessel to await her; there he had issued their new instructions to meet and work alongside his new Apprentice, [member="Xiomar Ren"] to oversee the Supreme Leaders absolute protection during this battle.

For the young Disciple, it would be an honor; though Caehl expected that her ability would be dwarfed in the presence of such a show of strength and dominion that was Sieger's palpable Will. The Confidence of his being present during this battle was exceptional, showing no fear and only admiration and pride for his children that would seek to give their lives in order to eradicate the enemy; Caehl Ren quietly wondered if Ara would approve of his decision, though she herself had claimed to trust in his tactics, a vast change in their relationship since the first battle they had shared and bled alongside one another.

Entering onto the bridge and moving to approach the Supreme Leader and Xiomar Ren, all three of them would bow in respect, Arkaos Ren speaking up in echo of the instructions he had received from Brennan Cabrol. "My Lord, if it would please you, Caehl Ren has instructed we remain here to answer to your bidding. Xiomar Ren has been appropriated alternative command should you approve".

Elensa Jari & "Iron Mantle" - Board and attack the GA Fleet
Xiomar Ren & Omega Four-Five-Nine - Protect Sieger Ren
Caehl Ren - Awaiting Ara Zambrano

Roth Tillian

[member="Cambria Zadira"]

"All ships scramble! Scramble!" The klaxon echoed through the hangar and the Wild Knight stopped, before hurriedly, well, scrambling. They gathered their gear and prepped their ships. At least, all the ones that were ready at the moment. Which in this case, were the K-Wings. Not necessarily his ideal for this, but it could work. Even as Roth pulled on his flight-suit and belted his lightsaber and blaster to his hips, he was listening to the briefing. First Order blockade. Shots fired. Full fleet war.

He nodded grimly to himself, but paused as he received a personal message on his comlink, from his cousin Aeshi. Well, the first was from Aeshi. The rest were from a great many of his relatives, all concerned with the contents. She'd been boarded and apprehended by First Order forces.

Roth was no prophet, but he had a hunch that it was the same place he was destined for anyway. He jumped up into the cockpit of the K-wing and took the commander's chair. His other squadron mates, all Knights of various Force sects, settled in around him and the other ships. It was small for a squadron, and made him a little uneasy to only have three ships, but with these things, it would be enough.

"Knight One to Flight Control, permission to launch." Roth spoke automatically, buckling himself into the seat and pulling on his helmet. His shipmates were doing the same, running through their own checks.

"Roger that, Knight One. Squadron free to launch. RZ at the designated coordinates."

"Confirmed, Knights out."

Roth gave a wild smile and then nodded to the pilot, speaking to his squadron through the Force.

All ships, launch. Plot the jump to these coordinates.

A series of mental affirmations rippled through the Force and he nodded. Excellent. With that, and a might roar of the engines, the hulking ships, created to destroy hard targets, lifted off from the hangar floor and thrummed out into the Sullustan sky. The three craft arced through the hazy skies until the atmosphere thinned and the vast expanse of space loomed before them.

The sight always brought a smile to his face.

"Coordinates programmed."

"All ships, hyperspace when ready." Roth said. With that, the ships leaped forward as the stars turned to streaks, and then the blue clouds of hyperspace. Roth kept his fingers on the override as he sank into the Force, letting it guide his direction and tell him when to drop out of hyperspace.

Location: Pantera-class Stealth Frigate "Nightshade", Sullust Orbit
Faction: Order of the Silver Jedi
Allies: Galactic Alliance et al.
Enemies: First Order
Nearby Allies: [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Liuna Ondizi"]
Nearby Enemies: N/A
Post Tracker (* = current): 1*

Lightsaber (standard)
Space suit (standard)
Blaster pistol (standard)


The tension in the air on the Nightshade was palpable. The crew spoke in hushed tones as they went about making preparations for the fight to come. Corridors of the ship were flush with a red-glow, an alert-status indicating a serious level of danger, while a constant alarm looped overhead. Display screens all around showed the current position of the First Order ships in their blockade arrangement, impossible to avoid. The alarm ceased for a moment for an announcement over the speaker, allowing a brief respite from the dread it gave off, only to return and shock all those aboard back to the reality of their situation.

Kira had never witnessed anything like it in all her years. It scared the hell out of her.

Her hands shook as she went through the motions of donning her spacesuit. She had put it on a dozen times before, but now it was as if it was her first time. The Padawan fumbled around with the final clips, botching their order over and over again. You're going too fast, slow down, she told herself. Still though, she found that she could not calm her nerves and complete her task. Kira began to recite a simple Jedi mantra, repeating it over and over in her head. Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force. The words did the trick, and she found herself sitting on a bench in the armory, all suited up. She double-checked the suit and made sure her lightsaber and blaster were attached to her waist. All ready.

She thought getting suited up was the worst part, but soon found that the waiting only amplified her doubts.

There was nothing to do but sit and think. She glanced at the monitors scattered throughout the room, though nothing had changed on them as of yet. She thought of what was to come, and how she didn't want to be a disappointment to Jyoti. I didn't sign up for this, I can't do this. Kira shivered in spite of the suit. Of course, she knew what was getting into, she knew what the Silver Jedi stood for, but it didn't seem real back in the cozy temple on Kashyyyk. They are just words, that's all I thought they were. She was learning all too fast that it was one thing to speak up for something when doing so was safe, it was another thing entirely to defend it with your own life.

Kira gave a nod to Jerit Kolomor as he entered the room. She put on a brave face and tightened the muscles in her arms to stop the shaking. He didn't seem nearly as scared as she was. Or is he hiding it somewhere inside like I am? Are we all frightened of what's to come? The thought was a small comfort to her, a luxury in short supply inside the Nightshade.

I can do this, and I'll be okay. I'll be okay. The lie seemed to help.

Location: Hex L-49
Objective: Silver Barbs to Crash the Heart, Those Gates So Irremovable
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Lily Kuhn"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Zanza Hijikata"] | [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Jax Rhane"] | [member="Jarck Rabsch"] | [member="Liuna Ondizi"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Enemies: First Order, [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member=Robogeber] | [member=Morro] | [member="Dako Asturo"] | [member="Samka Derith"]

Command Deck, Supercarrier The Itsukusk
Alliance Rearguard, Hex L-49

"Cowards," Nemo Ven had cursed upon receipt of the transmission sent by the FIV Executioner, "They seek to take advantage of our good will to fortify their position. No longer."

By now other nearby elements of the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet had jumped in at their flagship's side, and both sides drifted through void as they rallied for a tense standoff. Reports were drifting in of sensor readings indicative of hostile interdiction pickets spooling up sectorwide, and an entire cluster of stations in the cavernous bridge were dedicated to handling a truly worrying number of civilian state of emergencies as traffic along a bustling Alliance trade route ran afoul of everything from gravity well projectors to mass shadow minefields.


No sooner had the Supreme Commander uttered his singular command across Alliance battlecomms, the Incandescent Truth fired its proton beam cannon as if it had been waiting for an excuse. The response from the First Order armada was immediate and furious, as the majority of First Order ships in range retaliated upon the destroyer which had dared to fire upon the source of Senior Captain Cavadan's transmission. Sporadic return fire broke out all across the Alliance battle line, but as its lumbering frame lurched along at a crawl it took the supercarrier and its support group longer to close the distance.

"They're really giving the Truth hell," a junior officer ventured, but there was no need. Ven was well aware of General Teth's current predicament.

"Then let's give them something else to focus on for a while," the Mon Cal replied, a ferocity in his eyes his crew had not seen in a long time, "Launch fighters."

"Aye, sir!" a comm officer nodded, before opening an internal channel down to the flagship's massive hangar bays, "All wings are go for launch, repeat launch is a go. Good hunting."

Few starships were capable of deploying as many starfighters at one time as the Itsukusk, and when the order reached launch control and the supercarrier's CAG, wave after wave of attack craft poured out of the vessel's maw like a swarm of hornets. Seven wings, forty two squadrons in all, primarily a mixture of X-Wings, Crossfires, A-Wing interceptors, and D-Wing fast bombers advanced past Allied Command and formed in attack formation into individualized strikes groups.

"Your orders, Supreme Commander?"

"The enemy has built a wall," Ven answered, gazing up above him at a rapidly shifting holodisplay, "We shall tear it down. Priority targets are anything with interdiction capability, those stations in particular. The Light wills it!"

As his bridge crew took up the cry, their chants echoing off the chamber's acoustics, Supreme Commander Ven nodded at Vice Admiral Zark and Master [member="Taeli Raaf"] as a signal to play their part. Jedi battle meditation was one of the few techniques he had picked up later in life, as his time in the Alliance military allowed him greater access to fellow adepts and New Jedi Order archives than life as a Kathol Outback privateer. He was still mastering the practice, but with each use he found his influence spreading farther and farther afield.

And yet, it had been some time since he had shared a connection through the Force in the way he and Master Raaf were linked together now. It vaguely occurred to him to wonder in discomfort exactly how much may be shared between two such powerful Force users in this way, how much Taeli may perceive about aspects of his life that he may wish to keep hidden from a Jedi Inquisitor. His brushes with the Darkside in his youth, the true effects of his encounter with a Terror From Beyond at the Battle of Atrisia, the 'incident' on Seltos, the list went on.

"The Force flows through me," he murmured out loud subconsciously, lost in a trance as his consciousness split into a vague awareness of a multitude of perspectives, "The Force flows through us."

With Taeli's assistance, the Jedi Master found his influence could be spread across a large swathe of the Alliance battle line. A newfound tenacity and fervor for battle washed over thousands of points of light on a web that made up those souls under the Nemo Ven's command. Zark channeled his own spirit to bolster their strength, stamina, and will to fight. At this scale, it was an extremely taxing experience, and so it was all he could do to both maintain his center and pay attention to what was happening around him physically.

A raging tide of Alliance fighters streaked towards the Imperial armada, each pilot without a single tremor in their hand on the stick.

Allied Command
Ship Name: The Itsukusk Ship Class: Supercarrier (Flagship) Shield / Hull: 5000/5000
Hangar: 42 Squadrons (7 Wings). 10 Sprite-class X-Wing Squadrons. 15 CF10 Crossfire Squadrons. 10 A-Wing Squadrons. 5 D-Wing Squadrons. 1 X-83 TwinTail Squadron. 1 Dauntless-class X-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Advancing to cover the Incandescent Truth. Firing on Station Tiraxis.

Ship Name: ANS Axiom Ship Class: Citadel-Class Star Defender Shield / Hull: 1800/1800
Hangar: 3 Squadrons. 1​ Sprite-class X-Wing Squadron. 1 A-Wing Squadron. 1 D-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Advancing to form a vanguard in front of the Itsukusk. Firing on Station Tiraxis.

Ship Name: ANS Remember Eriadu Ship Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer Shield / Hull: 120/120
Hangar: -​
Actions: Advancing to form a vanguard in front of the Itsukusk.

Ship Name: ANS Rivers of Arbra Ship Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer Shield / Hull: 120/120
Hangar: -
Actions: Advancing to form a vanguard in front of the Itsukusk.

Ship Name: ANS Rancor Claw Ship Class: Dirigible-class Corvette Shield / Hull: 70/70
Hangar: -
Actions: Advancing to form a vanguard in front of the Itsukusk.

Ship Name: ANS Loth Cat Ship Class: Dirigible-class Corvette Shield / Hull: 70/70
Hangar: -
Actions: Advancing to form a vanguard in front of the Itsukusk.

Ship Name: ANS Righteous Sword Ship Class: Dirigible-class Corvette Shield / Hull: 70/70
Hangar: -
Actions: Advancing to form a vanguard in front of the Itsukusk.

Ship Name: ANS Rebel Yell Ship Class: Dirigible-class Corvette Shield / Hull: 70/70
Hangar: -
Actions: Flanking the Itsukusk.

Ship Name: ANS Inalienable Ship Class: Dirigible-class Corvette Shield / Hull: 70/70
Hangar: -
Actions: Flanking the Itsukusk.

Ship Name: ANS Nerfherder Ship Class: GR-90E Transport Shield / Hull: 100/100
Hangar: -
Actions: Flanking the Itsukusk. Attempting to jam enemy target acquisition on the Incandescent Truth.

Attack Group Aurek
1 Sprite-class X-Wing Fighter Squadron
1 Dauntless-class X-Wing Elite Fighter Squadron
2 CF10 Crossfire Fighter Squadrons
1 A-Wing Interceptor Squadron
1 D-Wing Fast Bomber Squadron
Actions: Advancing to begin attack run on Station Tiraxis.

Attack Group Besh
1 Sprite-class X-Wing Fighter Squadron
2 CF10 Crossfire Fighter Squadrons
1 A-Wing Interceptor Squadron
2 D-Wing Fast Bomber Squadrons
Actions: Advancing to begin attack run on Station Tiraxis.

Attack Group Cresh
1 Sprite-class X-Wing Fighter Squadron
2 CF10 Crossfire Fighter Squadrons
1 A-Wing Interceptor Squadron
1 D-Wing Fast Bomber Squadron
Actions: Advancing to begin attack run on Station Tiraxis.

Attack Group Dorn
1 Sprite-class X-Wing Fighter Squadron
2 CF10 Crossfire Fighter Squadrons
1 A-Wing Interceptor Squadron
1 D-Wing Fast Bomber Squadron
Actions: Advancing to begin attack run on Station Tiraxis.

Attack Group Esk
1 Sprite-class X-Wing Fighter Squadron
2 CF10 Crossfire Fighter Squadrons
1 A-Wing Interceptor Squadron
1 D-Wing Fast Bomber Squadron
Actions: Advancing to begin attack run on Station Tiraxis.

Intercept Group One
3 Sprite-class X-Wing Fighter Squadrons
2 CF10 Crossfire Fighter Squadrons
3 A-Wing Interceptor Squadrons
1 X83 TwinTail Elite Fighter Squadron
Actions: Forming into a defensive screen directly in front of Allied Command battle lines.

Intercept Group Two
3 Sprite-class X-Wing Fighter Squadrons
3 CF10 Crossfire Fighter Squadrons
3 A-Wing Interceptor Squadrons
Actions: Forming up into defensive formations on either flank of the Itsukusk.

Summary of Actions
Supreme Commander Ven gives the order for all Alliance ships to fire at will.
Zark begins to channel battle meditation, his range and power reserves expanded by the aid of Master [member="Taeli Raaf"].
Allied Command advances into weapons range, capital ships focus fire on Keeper-class Interdiction Station Tiraxis.
Supercarrier and star defender launch all formations, splitting off into five attack groups and two defense groups.
Attack groups Aurek, Besh, Cresh, Dorn, and Esk on full sublight lining up attack runs on Station Tiraxis.


OOC Writer Account
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Dauntless \\ Marauder-class Cruiser
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance ([member="Lily Kuhn"] @Taili Raaf [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Aryn Teth"]) \\ Status: In Realspace, Stationary in Triaxis Station's Orbit
In Vicinity/Allies: [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="The Major"] | [member="Krayn Ren"] | [member="HK-42"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | @Elensa Jari | [member="Sieger Ren"]

Dako listens to the Admiral's voice calmly through the comlink within his helmet for a moment before regarding the dedication comms officer in kind. "Relay order; all Dagger Class vessels to activate their 220 Sig Jammers, Bastion Systems and anti-missile systems I expect that no fighters, bombers or guilded ordinance shall be permitted to penetrate our security net. All deployed Squadrons are to perform combat air patrol around Battlegroup Imperator." Something wasn't right Asturo felt in his gut while using his eyes to peer in the direction of what he could discern in the very far black void to be the silhouettes of Galactic Alliance Warships. Dako muses at the glistening white lance that zooms past the Cruiser group for a moment cooly deciding its source would be the greatest threat to the Dauntless Cruiser Group.

"Commander Asturo, Orders Sir!?" Onami's voice echoes throughout the bridge as he and many other Officers look towards their armoured Commander who seemed atleast to them to be staring aimlessly beyond the Transparisteel viewports with a proud unflinching posture. "Let them taste our proton torpedoes and mass drivers Gentlemen!" With that, the Crew let out a jubilant cheer and begin smashing enthusiastically at the holographic display the bridge of Dauntless comes alive abuzz with chatter. Folding Arms over breastplate the Dauntless' deck rumbles through the soles of boots softly and his thoughts drift to listening for the voice of his comms officer ensuring the man would distribute the command accurately; never could be too confident in the competence of his crewmen. Dako's attention returns to the void of Space and waits patiently. As the Chief Weapons' officer reports. "Torpedo tubes loaded and ready sir! All Cruiser Group Mass Driver Batteries and Tube are waiting on your mark." Commander Asturo raises a single-hand signaling to hold fire for but a moment waiting considering the possibiltiy there might be several vessels armed with proton beams amongst the enemy fleet before dismissing that idea. There would be casualties in this fight? Yes, would thousands die? Yes, but his resolve suddenly finds itself bolstered as if empowered. "All Marauder Cruisers launch proton torpedo tubes, fire Mass Driver batteries and do not cease firing until otherwise ordered! Sondheimers lock-onto the Flagship's large magnetic signature and launch Baradium Missiles." With but a Brief pause the man licks his lips glancing in the direction of the communications officer. "Have our Dagger Corvettes prepare to cycle electronic countermeasures to interrupt return fire! Have their extended file advance forward five kilometers, re-direct our Squadrons to protect them and order the Harbinger to Scramble Bombers! Port and Starboard Thrusters; minimum five-kilometers between each vessel in the arrowhead"

With that last bit Dako has used some of his initiative; the Carrier was well protected from guided munitions and fighters from behind the line of Escort Frigates and Cruisers which now go to engage the Alliance's Flagship. No doubt it would also draw the ire of the other vessels within Imperator beneath Admiral Rausgeber's Command. With a deeply malevolent albeit cold remark to Onami reflecting a most insidious ambition and methodical mind. "Please pass the word on Commander Onami though to our gunnery crews and fighters that we are to do our very best not to target escape pods; I would make a handsome gift to the FOSB of their officers and Jedi." Dako offers the curt nod to his executive officer who marches away towards the flight control crew aboard the bridge immediately fore of the Dauntless' window a flurry of blue trails launch forth like tendrils towards the Alliance Flagship followed closely by mass driver rounds flanked by streams of Baradium Missiles from the Sondheimer Cruisers. This day would belong to the First Imperial Navy and no other.

  • FIV Harbinger (Hellstrom-Class Carrier) | Shield Charge: 100%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Itukusk. | Fighter/Bomber Status: Launching.
  • FIV Dauntless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 100%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Itukusk. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Fearless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 100%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Itukusk. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Relentless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 100%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Itukusk. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Merciless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 100%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Itukusk. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Interceptor (Sondheimer II-Class Interdictor) | Shield Charge: 100%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Itukusk, Interdiction Field & Gravity Wells Engaged. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Arrest (Sondheimer II-Class Interdictor) | Shield Charge: 100%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Itukusk, Interdictor Field & Gravity Wells Engaged. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Stiletto (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 100% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Dirk (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 100% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Needle (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 100% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Pike (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 100% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Spear (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 100% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Lance (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 100% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Cutlass (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 100% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Broadsword (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 100% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Staff (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 100% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Dagger (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 100% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
Location: Hex-L49
Objective: Join up with other Galaltic Alliance forces
Allies: [member="Zark"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Lily Kuhn"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Zanza Hijikata"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Jax Rhane"] [member="Jarck Rabsch"] [member="Liuna Ondizi"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Enemies: [member="Sieger Ren"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Robogeber"] [member="Morro"] [member="Dako Asturo"]
Ships: Mynock Squadron
Mynock Rock

Decker prepared to prime his ship for takeoff, ready to immediately fly out as soon as the corvette came out from hyperspace. He had no idea what to expect, as mostly he had only faced Vong, a couple of random low class pirates and a few training operations. By the time he would arrive, he would be in for the shock of his life, so far. The corvette shuddered as it arrived to the scene. Decker prepped his ship for launch, lifting slightly in the hangar along with the other members of Mynock Squadron. Then, they came out of each hangar opening, one by one. Twelve fighters. Once Decker saw how large the scale of this battle was, he knew right away that twelve was a very small number in the face of this. He could see that the fight had already begun in some parts. Fighters launching from Alliance ships, heading for the enemy. This was the first time he had gone up against First Order forces. Things were going to get very hectic for them.

"That's a lot of targets" one of the squadron members, Mynock 3, piped up. "What do we do, Mynock 1?" Decker didn't answer, couldn't answer. This was the largest operation he had been apart of. It wasn't until he felt an unusual calm that he was able to answer, like something deep within pulling him out of his speechless state. "We, uh...we form up with other fighters. Split off into three groups of four." Decker started flicking at switches on his console, trying to access and comms he should be listening to.

"We'll target bombers and support our own as best we can" he added. That was the best he could think up. "No speech, sir?" Mynock 7 spoke up. "No speech...not this time." He merged off with three of his fighters, the entire squadron splitting off. "Mynock Rock, if you can hear me, merge in with the fleet. Provide anti-fighter assistance and refueling, do what you can. This is gonna be a tough one."
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Minotaur \\ Assimilator-class Star Destroyer
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance \\ Status: Aboard the FIV Minotaur
In Vicinity/Allies: [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="The Major"] | [member="Krayn Ren"] | [member="HK-42"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Vlannem Pox"]

FN-6767 "Scars"
Hanger, AT-AT Barge, FIV Minotaur Hanger.

FN-6767 fists curl unimpressed or phased by the pilot's simply pathetic attempts to intimidate the Stormtrooper, she'd seen too many truly disturbing and terrifying events to be frightened by a whimps' ego and the Stormtrooper shudders slightly with barely contained rage as she listens to the petulant Pilot who she has half a mind to induce a highly emotional event into; Perhaps a tragic little accident to a solar panel coupling? Accidents happened all the time due to useless aircraft mechanics after all and the Navy wouldn't miss one pilot any more than a Stormtrooper. But the first mention of a Cigar and the Stormtrooper visibly relaxes even offering a respectful 'hmph' to the Panelhead before proceeding to openly accept his proposal. "Alright Commander hairgel, you've got a deal. Now, where's your bird?" FN-6767 places both hands open around her hips looking at the man expectantly. While walking with the pilot to his craft FN-6767 feels some primal force wrap its cold fingers around her frame for a moment before some primal anger builds again deep in her breast though not like the anger she felt for the pilot's snide remarks; no this was an entirely different beast. Controllable although yet leaves the Stormtrooper with a heavier gait as if weighed down by a mass of conviction and strength. Scars' helmeted head seems to dart around the hanger now with her cybernetic eyes scouring each little noise inside the hanger with senses sharpened to a height never before experienced by the Stormtrooper now plagued by a slight sway in her step due to the sheer power of the malevolent energies radiating from Sieger Ren begin to overpower the young trooper, what could possibly inspire such malaise albeit strength in the uninitiated? Certainly not just the innocuous presence of their Supreme Leader despite what he and the Knights of Ren were attempting to perform to Scars' ignorance; bolster the fighting Strength of the First Order though for an untrained Force-Sensitive whose potential had gone for the most part unacknowledged and disregarded the dark side's power was now coursing through her body, to a building fondness for the sense of power it provides.

Arjant Clevenger

Location: Space
Allies: [member="Bryce Bantam"]
Enemies: [member="Ara Zambrano"] [member="Brennan Cabrol"]
Objective: Reckoning

Now there were several ways to break free of these chains. One was to choke someone with them and demand to be freed. Another was to smash and break them on some hard, sturdy object. A third option was to stretch his arms with his brute strength. But what Halron wasn't expecting was to have someone just loosen him from his cuffs at the click of a button. The man was immediately surprised, but he didn't let his emotions halt him. This was one foolish mistake Bryce and his companion could make it, and would cost them dearly. They would find the colossal being as their enemy instead of as a radical, extremist ally. The Corr and the Lions had no problem with cooperating with other factions that shared similar causes of bringing havoc to factions such as the First Order, the Galactic Empire, or the Sith Empire.

Yet when one threatened Halron or put him in cuffs, then they would have one ferocious Firrerreo being their worst bane.

With Bryce being the closest to him and with a weapon in his hand the Judge became the Rebel's first target. The blaster was raised and the man moved in with his mind dictating his body what to do. With strength he slapped the gun away from aiming at him and gave a good front front kick to Bryce squarely in the chest that would push him back and perhaps knocking the wind out of him. If that succeeded; however, whether that succeeded or not, Halron intended to bring reckoning amongst Bryce and his crew for their unforgettable, unforgivable mistake.

An officer engaged with the Firrerreo with the results being swiftly jabbed and landing on the floor from a well placed on his temple from the power in Halron's hand. From there he would try to make a run to get off of the bridge as it wasn't very smart to stay around on the bridge where he would be overwhelmed and piled on. His appearance would make people assume him to be a brute with no strategical mind, yet that was not true at all. His mind was as dangerous and capable as his body, and he had plenty of evidence to prove that with his actions.

Allies: [member="Dako Asturo"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Varas Kyrel"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Enemies: [member="Lily Kuhn"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Zark"] | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Decker Willo"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] | [member="Jax Rhane"] | [member="Aeshi Tillian"]
Objective: Hold the line.
Theme: Attacking A Star Destroyer | John Williams

The Fleet Admiral watched in satisfaction as the Alliance warship which had started the fray, now pulled back from the fore of the battle. "Coward." The droid calmly lamented, a smirk appraising the situation, "Good job gentlemen," He said, complimenting his crews, "A vessel of that size retreating after such little time is heartening, to say the least, and speaks wonders of your ability." Rausgeber said, before the droids optical sensors turned to the Alliance fleets, gathering before him. "Change targets." The droid commanded, "And engage the Itsurusk, and surrounding vessels. Let's see if we can sever a head from the Alliance's hydra."

The batteries aboard the Reprisal, and the other attacking vessels stilled themselves momentarily, before realigning, and then beginning to fire upon their assigned targets. The Fleet Admiral watched as his own Mandator-class dreadnaughts now began to relentlessly hammer away at the looming Itsurusk, and the batteries aboard the Reprisal now engaged Commodore Kuhn's fleet. He scanned the horizon, searching for any newcomers, until it arrived.

"Admiral, we have a new contact sir, we've got a-!" The Sensor Officer got halfway through his sentence when Rausgeber raised a fist, silencing him, while not even giving the ensign any eye contact. Rausgeber knew what that thing was. There was only one commander in all his time who used the Procruator-x class vessel. Only one.

Cathul Thuku.

Therapy Command, was what Rausgeber, in life and death, considered one of the reasons he had received so many commendations as an admiral. Were it not for Thuku's lack of positioning on Kaeshana, the First Order would have been lost. Had it not been for Thuku's negligent command, Asmeru would have been a disaster. The Ison Corridor Rout was Carlyle's finest hour thanks to this woman's arrogance, and the ineptness of her crew. In fact, even while in retreat, the First Order hadn't been defeated by her. It had only been the Silver Jedi's treachery which wrought Carlyle his blackest of days.

And now she bought the same vessels, which had failed to break the Sixth Fleet. To break Battlegroup Imperator, time and again. Vessels which now stood to attempt to smash the First Order force-given right to assert its dominance again. Rausgeber's projection smirked, with his upper lip curling. "Admiral Thuku, what are you going to try today?
" He murmured quietly to himself, observing Therapy Actual attempt to set up her vessels.

It was an amusing time to say the least, as the Fleet Admiral began to imagine what inane ramblings were happening at this moment. What boorish battle cries were uttered aboard her vessel. To be a fly on the wall, at this time was enviable to say the least. Carlyle realised he would be speculating for far too long about what were inevitably mundane matters, and decidedly changed tract. Readying himself for the nigh inevitable wave of fighters which would attempt to break them.

"Sir, we have a transmission." The Comms Officer reported, after nearly a minute of silence, "It's not from any of our vessels." Rausgeber frowned, turning to face the younger officer. Who was it from? Who could be trying to talk to him. The Comms Officer paused, "Sir, it's the StarDream."

Rausgeber cocked his head, an expression which was a mixture of confused anger slowly welled into being upon his face. Eye brows raised, jaw clenched and arms crossed, "Please, do elaborate.
" Rausgeber continued, "Play the transmission."

"Fleet Admiral Rausgeber," A voice began on the other end. It wasn't Captain Tillian's. "This is the StarDream. We have powered down our engines, and we await your inspection."

The Fleet Admiral's face wrinkled up. Were these yahoos taking the mick? If he'd still been human, Rausgeber would have surely scratched his head. Rausgeber's face continued to contort, "Do they not realise, we're in the midst of a space battle?
" He asked, "Have the last few minutes, just not existed on their end?" He shook his head, a modicum of disgust and confusion coming over him. "They'll have their boarding party." He scowled, "Fire on them, when ready."

"Admiral, aren't they a civilian ship?" Comms reasoned, "Surely, we cannot-" Comm's reasoning was overcome by the unbridled anger of his superior.

"I see no civilians," The Fleet Admiral scorned, "I see a pest, in need of a swatting." The Admiral scowled, and glowered, "They're an irritant, a nuisance, and they are in contravention of mandated naval work." He paused, "They're acceptable casualties." He brooded, "No one will mourn a crew of spacers as arrogant enough to goad the First Order, and too stupid as to leave a war zone." he paused, and had he been able to spit, phlegm would have been flying, everywhere. "Now, if-" Before the order to fire could even be finished, the Fleet Admiral found himself once more, engaged.

"Admiral!" It was the Sensors Officer, again. "The Itsurusk is on the move sir," The Officer barked, "She's deployed- kark," The officer grew red again, flustered by the sheer amount of fighters deployed, "She's deployed, twenty..." He paused, "Thirty?" He continued to double back on the calculations, "Somewhere between twenty to thirty squadrons sir, they're headed this way."

The Fleet Admiral could feel himself growing tense, he knew the Alliance's tactic, but this was a disturbing development indeed. He needed to be calm, clear and collected. "Continue fire on the Itsurusk," He coolly ordered, the freighter would be forgotten about. "And order all corvettes, and frigates onto anti-fighter duty." He ordered, "Screen them. Thin them out. Our TIE's will feast on the carcasses." He ordered. It was now, more than ever Rausgeber felt like one of his heroes. Gial Ackbar.

Perhaps one of the most prevalent memories of his childhood had been Ackbar's account of the Battle of Endor, which saw the death of Sheev Palpatine. However, other than being an intriguing battle, what caught the young Dossunian's attention. The Mon Calamari's vivid description of Admiral Firmus Piett's "living wave of TIE fighters" was something which stuck in his mind as a nightmarish situation. And was now, more than ever, Rausgeber felt a connection to that, as X-wings and the assorted 'wing' variants moved to press the attack.

Although they aimed for Tiraxis, there was no feasible way to pass through to attack the station, without being forced to pass through the assembled fleet of vessels, and now as they drew clear, Rausgeber tensed up. He had to remain stoic. Resolute. Brave in the face of danger. For his crew. For his officers. For the First Order.

First Order 6th Fleet, Battlegroup Imperator, Imperator Command.

Name: FIV Reprisal
Vessel Class: Supremacy-Class Star Destroyer
Shields: 1600 | 1600
Hull: 1600 | 1600
Attacking: ANS Excubitor

Name: FIV Conqueror
Vessel Class: Vanquisher-Class Star Destroyer
Shields: 1600 | 1600
Hull: 1600 | 1600
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Bombard
Vessel Class: Mandator-Class Artillery Cruiser
Shields:1000 | 1000
Hull:1000 | 1000
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Devstator
Vessel Class: Mandator-Class Artillery Cruiser
Shields:1000 | 1000
Hull:1000 | 1000
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Chase
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: Firing at oncoming fighter formations.

Name: FIV Lion
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: Firing at oncoming fighter formations.

Name: FIV Cavalier
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: Firing at oncoming fighter formations.

Name: FIV Raider
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: Firing at oncoming fighter formations.

Name: FIV Skipper
Vessel Class: Locust-Class Torpedo Frigate
Shields: 386 | 386
Hull: 386 | 386
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Fortuna
Vessel Class: Locust-Class Torpedo Frigate
Shields: 386 | 386
Hull: 386 | 386
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Enforcer
Vessel Class: Locust-Class Torpedo Frigate
Shields: 386 | 386
Hull: 386 | 386
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Firestorm
Vessel Class: Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
Shields:244 | 244
Hull:244 | 244
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Inflictor
Vessel Class: Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
Shields:244 | 244
Hull:244 | 244
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Restoration
Vessel Class: Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
Shields:244 | 244
Hull:244 | 244
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Interception
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields: 171 | 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Fury
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields:171 | 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Lancer
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields:171 | 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Gavel
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields:171 | 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Roar
Vessel Class:Halberd-Class Frigate
Shields:380 | 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: ANS Liberty

Name: FIV Torment
Vessel Class: Halberd-Class Frigate
Shields: 380 | 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Crusade
Vessel Class: Halberd-Class Frigate
Shields: 380 | 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: ANS Excubitor

Name: FIV Vengence
Vessel Class: Boneshatter-Class Cruiser
Shields: 380 | 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: None.

Name: FIV Trepid
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: Firing at oncoming fighter formations.

Name: FIV Brigand
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: Firing at oncoming fighter formations.

Name: FIV Guardian
Vessel Class:Charger-Class Corvette
Shields: 160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: Firing at oncoming fighter formations.

Name: FIV Aggressor
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: Firing at oncoming fighter formations.

Name: FIV Pursuit
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: Firing at oncoming fighter formations.

Name: FIV Bespin’s Pride
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: Firing at oncoming fighter formations.

Allies: [member="FN-6767"]
Enemies: None Yet.
Objective: Scramble

The pilot watched the stormtroopers reaction with some trepidation. He really needed this. He knew his colleagues, and although they were good people, Vlannem knew if push came to shove, he'd be flying sans gunner. He licked his dry lips, and waited for the response. When she eventually said 'yes', there was a muted reaction. He didn't appreciate his hair being insulted. He knew it was quite fashionable in the right circles, so to hear this nobody groundpounder start talking a boatload of poodoo frustrated him. Still, she was doing him a favour, and he would bear it. For now, at least.

"Well, let's get going then." He said, setting off to the hangar where his TIE lay in waiting. They returned wordlessly, however, as soon as Vlannem stepped foot in the TIE hangar, the alarm klaxon sounded, blaring. It was a warning all good pilots knew, it was time to scramble. Fixing his helmet onto his head, Pox made a beeline for his fighter, turning back once, to look at the trooper, "Come on, we don't have all day here!" Vlannem felt a little stronger in step. He felt he had a bit of pazzazz about himself. A bit of tough stuff. He was on top of the world. Like he could take on the whole damn Alliance himself.

Steadily the pilot climbed into the cockpit of his fighter, and began the pre-flight check. He flicked on the ignition, charging up the ion reactors, and began to ensure the weapons systems were loaded. The shields were up. He strapped himself in, and plugged himself into the comms system. Adler Squadron was sounding off.

"Adler Two, ready to roll."

"Adler Three, waiting for the orders boss."

"Adler four, kicking ass."

"Adler five, reporting for duty."

"What about Six?" The sound of Captain Kell resonated through the comm unit, "Slick, you there?" He asked, "Manage to get yourself a gunner?"

"Adler Six, all good." Pox replied, hands on the twin joy sticks, "Give me the word, and we'll be right out there." Vlannem paused, and reached into one of the consoles, and twisted a knob. The rich sounds of Lenny Koggins' "Threat Sector."
"Hope you don't mind the music too much groundpounder." The pilot said, listening to the beat. His head rhythmically bouncing to the tunes of it. Pox closed his eyes, thinking of all the good times he had in the Cloud City Synthwave clubs, his body writhing to this song with beautiful, nameless women.. "Helps me concentrate when I'm in the hot seat." He gripped his joysticks tightly, ready to thrust himself right out there.

"Alright, let's get them!" Kell barked into his mic, lifting off. One by one Adler squadron laughed. Right out of the safety of the hanger, into the danger, wherever it may zone.

Rick Kaloo

Location: L-49, FO flank
Allies: GA ([member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Zark"], [member="Jax Rhane"], [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"], etc)
Enemies: FO ([member="Sieger Ren"], [member="Robogeber"], [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], etc)
Objective: Flank some FO vessels

The assorted fighters and bombers took a dive under the Order fleet, meaning to avoid radar temporarily or at least visual range. Soon enough, they would reach their target and be brutally assaulted by the fleet, but not before they dropped their loads. It was a one-way mission, one that would hopefully prove its worth. The formation of bombers and fighters passed a kilometer under the first enemy Destroyer, focusing all power to engines. Thankfully, the Order fleet was still distracted by the main Alliance forces. For now.

OOC: Weird format stuff, sorry

Rick wandered in the starfighter command room of Destiny, examining the locations of both sides and checking on communications. The situation at hand reminded him of the First Battle of Yavin. A small group of starfighters were being deployed to destroy a much larger and more powerful target, with nothing but hope and desperation pushing them forward. While there was no Skywalker within any of the deployed vessels, a battlecruiser was not exactly the Death Star. There was still a chance.

"Tilt the vessel 90 degrees to the right. Prepare to flee and make sure you figure out if any Order vessels start firing on us. The starfighters will likely not make it out, close the hangars unless I say otherwise." ordered Rick. "This might turn out to be a rather interesting day."

Shielding - 100%
Armor - 100%
Weapon Systems - 100% - Targeting: N/A
Engines - Turning
Starfighter Compliment
Sprite-class X-Wings (12/12) - Targeting: Executioner
BTL-Y Wings (6/6) -Targeting: Executioner

Informed GA defense fleet of flanking plan
Exited hyperspace
Turned toward FO vessels
Deployed starfighters (Target: Executioner)
Starfighters dove below FO visual range
Destiny turned to the right
Order given to prepare for withdrawl

Hex L-49 // Space // Daisya Infiltrator
Faction: First Order: [member="Robogeber"], [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Sieger Ren"] // Enemies: The Galactic Alliance: [member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Zark"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Rick Kaloo"] (Soon: [member="Lily Kuhn"], [member="Raph Thule"]) // Status: Full Speed Ahead.
Notable PCs in Vicinity: [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="The Major"]
Also People Who Want the Pie: [member="Aryn Spar"], [member="Silas Mantis"], [member="Baiko no Kaho"]
Objective: Capture Assets.

Laconic, as always, the Head of House Graush led them aboard the shuttle that shortly after took off from the Crimson Dawn. Therran remained focused on the battles ahead but he couldn't help contemplate on the possibilities of abducting the Empress of Teta. Although he doubted she would appear here, as that would be absolutely illogical, the Scion of Graush felt his enthusiasm increase regarding such a quest.

Asharad mostly kept to himself and Therran could only guess what his desires from the Empress were.

He doubted it their wishes from the Empress would contradict each other and put them at odds. Yet if they did, Therran had to take a step back considering his position in the House.

But that was temporary.

Ambition burned bright within Therran.

Location: Amongst the enemy, (surrounded by the FO fleet, literally) in “Zero” Charon-Class Corvette
Primary mission: Parallel parking (you’ll see)​
Allied: [member="Halron Corr"] - Half time​
Dance partners: [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] (We’re here!)​

Awesome 80’s invasion mix - More invasion goodness

The fight had gone much as Bryce had expected, poorly. Strength and speed was a good paring and they had been put to full use as Bryce tired to recover from the brutes most recent assault. He was about to counter when Harlon unexpectedly roll off the marshal and bolted for the door.

Suddenly the ship began to shutter as it dropped out of Hyperspace. As Bryce had not commanded this and they were still many parsecs from home it caught him by surprise to say the least.

“Ok what the feth is going on? Why did we revert?” Bryce asked looking over at his three crewman…

“Oh, the hyperdrive was running a little hot, seems we were running through interdiction field. Now I know the zepher hyper-drive can take it and pass right throught but I thought it better we drop out and just run in normal space for a bit. You know don’t want to have to do any undeeded maintenance of the heat sinks and all” Anglica said.

Now Anglica Drosera was one hell of an engineer, borderline genius level with great taste in music. However where the force blessed her in intellect it seemed to balance with a lack of what many would call common sense.

“So let me get this straight… you noticed the drive running a little hot so you decided, all on your own mind you. To drop us into a random point in space, one which was creating an interdiction field so strong that it was affecting our engines and Even after Felicity reported massive comm traffic of unknown origins coming from the same area, just to avoid doing a little extra maintenance later?”

The pieces Bryce had overlooked previously were now beginning to fall into place and the picture that was being painted was alarming him.

“Felicity, tell me it is not as bad as I think.” Bryce asked already knowing the answer.

“It is worse Bryce... “ She said gravely.

With a wave of her had the holo projector in the center of the bridge came to life. In the center indicated by green triquetra over a green circle was their position. Immediately surrounding them in all directions were icons of red, a sixteen rayed-symbol surrounded in a hexagon, that of the First Order. Bryce didn’t need to say another word, the look he had for Anglica said volumes.

“Oops?” Anglica exclaimed sheepishly while shrugging her shoulders.

“Oops, seriously?! Why did I hire you again!” Bryce asked rhetorically.

“Bryce, you didn’t, we were hired by [member="Joza Perl"] , remember?” Layla chimed in.

It was true, most all of his crew were heartbeat agents. Zethons of amazing skills hand picked by Joza. Still he wondered sometimes if she chose them based on skill alone, or if she like messing with him a bit also. Those thought would have to wait as the ship’s klacksons began to sound and Zero out of instinct raised her shields without having to be told.

“Harlon, wherever you are, our little debate justice and truth is gonna need to hold on a sec, if I don’t get us out of here no one will have time to win it.”

Though Harlon was a beast of a man, he had an intellect to match. He was sure he would understand, at least he hoped he did as Bryce took a seat in the captain's chair and took direct control of the young corvette. The battle ground was a fury of activity. Fighters from both sides dog fighting with one another while main guns and anti-spacecraft fire lit up the space around them with green and red flashes. Bryce did what he could, excellerating to flank speed he engaged the ion thrusters and joined the dancing ships around him.

The shields flashed with activity as the nearby ships began to naturally change targets to the corvette that had literally just appeared within their ranks, with an alien transponder signal.

“Bryce get us out of her!” Layla shouted, fear clearly in her voice.

“Yes run toward the Alliance!” Anglica added.

“No, you don’t get a vote, not a word Anglica, just sit their and keep those shields up!” Bryce snapped back at his engineer.

He had noticed the Alliance fleet as well, still they were tens thousands of kilometers away. The odds of him running to them in the lightly armored and shielded corvette was between slim and none, and as far as he was concerned Slim left town. He needed to find another way. As Bryce continued to juke and jive a massive three kilometer destroyer with a nasty war wound in it’s hull caught his attention. Quickly a plan began for form in his mind, one spawn of pure insanity but was also their best chance for survival.

Quickly he turned toward the injured destroyer (The FIV Executioner) and began weaving his way toward their damaged side.

“Bryce, why are we going toward that star destroyer?” Felicity called out noticing the course change.

“We need a place to hide, that hole is large enough to do the trick.” Bryce responded curtly.

“What you don’t mean we are actually going into an enemy ship!” Anglica screamed in surprise.

“Quiet, more talking for you, no,you have lost your speaking privileges for now so sure up the port shield, shunt power from the plasma cannons if you need.” Bryce ordered.

“Bryce that nice hanger their seems like a better choice, it’s shields are down we can just fly in there right?” Layla added now strangely calm that she understood Bryce’s plan.

“Look I don’t have time to take this up with the committee, now strap up we are going in!” Bryce chided as he made his final approach.

The shields on the “Executioner” were still wobbling from the first attack as Zero came in. At her speed she punched through then barely bit took some superficial hull damage and lost her own shields to overload caused by the maneuver. Bryce did not have time to slow down his ship so he nosed her straight for the massive First Order command ship. At the last second he spun the corvette one hundred and eighty degrees on her axis. Ignited the ion thrusters, and prayed to the force they would slow enough to slip in and not break apart.

Location: Incandescent Truth
Allies: Alliance [member="Aryn Teth"]
Enemies: First Order [member="Sieger Ren"]
Objective: Get into the Fight

The ship rumbled. That was… not something Coren was used to. Advanced systems like this mounted on a larger capital ship always seemed a bit superfluous. But then again, he was a Starchaser, the use of a ship like this was to carrier fighters and strike teams around the galaxy. And find a home, fight off the Cylons, or come back and save Earth from the Reapers. But right now? It didn’t matter, someone was being the big gun, and he’d be able to get himself out there and do his own task. The thing was, would others trust him to do the right thing because it was right?

He was a firebrand, and he knew what he was here to do. Making his way down the hangar floor, he could see the pilots that were fighting for the Alliance, those who had stayed, the ones who were here to defend the way of life, and the ones who had followed him. His matte green Rassilon was sitting on the far end of the hangar and the Alliance zealot smiled. This was the time he was waiting for, getting back into the fight.

“Starchaser.” One of the ranking officers of the ship was hurriedly making his way towards Coren and stopped as the pilot had turned around with an inquisitive look. “Word from Sullust has arrived. You’re reinstated to your former role of Commander.” The officer had a pair of rank tags in his hand and tossed them to the pilot. Coren grabbed them and grinned. His eyes filled with that look that just said that it was about to get real.

Pulling the tags over his neck, he nodded.

He looked to the pilots assembled with him. The ones who had approached when he entered and saluted. He had dismissed them and kept walking. Lily Ardellian and Scall McLean were pilots he had flown with for what felt like decades. They were part of his extended family in Warbird Wing. Lily made a quick quip about COren’s instatement. And the Corellian pilot laughed.

“You know how this works for me. Alright, so game plan is getting me and Teth to the Executioner. What I need you to do is make sure we get there. Once we board, take the Wing and join the fight. The Alliance has pilots, and they are going to need the numbers. See what you can do about bringing the FO’s attention around.” He ordered. Ardellian nodded and the three pilots tapped their flight helmets and made their way to the fighters. Another pep in his step, Coren climbed up the ramp of his Rassilon and fell into the seat. Pre-flight was going and all he had to do was link himself in with his implant.

That was the stuff…

Looking over at his partner for the job, Coren laughed. “Yeah, well, we’ll make sure we do it right the first time, alright?” Wide smile on his face as his light helmet came down. “Engines green. Lets get out there!” He punched the ship free of the docking clamps and pushed to full throttle, breaking out into space and dodging initial crossfire. His own fighter support would be launching as it was ready and tasked.
Location: L-49 | Advancing on Blockade
Objectives: Strafe Run on FO Blockade Ships
Allies: [member="Jax Rhane"] [member="Jarck Rabsch"] | [member="Zark"] [member="Decker Willo"]
Enemies: FO Blockade (Engaging: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Varas Kyrel"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"])
Just as Zanza and Beast Squadron had moved beyond the last of the Alliance vessels, the heavens around them lit up with the glow of turbolaser batteries firing off bright salvos of energy and death. The ships around the Itsukusk began to deploy from their arrival positions and several First Order and Alliance ships had begun to exchange hits. Things were getting hot. The turbolaser bombards flew across the mine fields lighting them up into blooming bubbles of heat, fire, and destruction with some carrying on in chain reactions. The line of fire was getting dense with too much obstruction and death.

"Saber One, let's dive and let the big guns enjoy their barrages." Beast One, the leader of Beast Squad said. Zanza smiled and replied, "Copy that Beast One. Let's Dive boys!"

Together as one creature of the void Beast Squadron pointed their noses down and taking advantage of the 3D of space engagements dove below the main battle line of sight of the First Order ships. With their current focus on Alliance vessels, a single starfighter squadron could slide down into the lower planes of the battle. Beast Squad dove deep and fast, diving several tens of kilometers below the main engagement skirting the edges of the battle itself. Feeling that they had sufficiently pushed their squadron to the margins they levelled out their formation into a expanded crescent shape to leave room of each starfighter to move directly into evasive manuevers if need be. Zanza watched the looming figures of the First Order ships grow in size as they burst across the space between them.

"Active scans on. All flights attack speeds!" Beat One called out. Zanza flicked on her sensor tabs and leaned hard on the command stick of her starfighter. "This is when the fun begins. Beast Three, Beast Four... take a ride with me." Zanza said. Beast Three and Four were A-Wing interceptors that were coupled with Zanza's heavy X-Wing together the formed their own miniature flight. Together the X-wings spread out their s-foils and hit their engines towards full throttle and darted at full attack speed towards the first set of ships now looming as large white beasts above. They hadn't spotted them yet, they were several of tens kilometers below them.

"I got echoes. Right above, looks like they just launched." one of the pilots called out. "They spot us?" Beast One Called out.

"Not the full formation but, some of them did they are redirecting sir!" ([member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Varas Kyrel"])

"Saber One, attack flights. Go say hello for us! Other flights hold tight to the bombers and continue our recon!" Beast One barked, continuing, "Red Leader ([member="Jarck Rabsch"])we are engaging through south vectors 2290. Preparing for close-recon copy."


While Beast One was organising the remaining flights, Zanza and her flights pulled on their command sticks and erupted into a sudden vertical ascension. They would meet the re-directing First Order TIE's directly from below in a head on assault. Zanza prime her targeting computer to launch a full scan of on-coming TIEs. Tilting on her stick she sent her Dauntless X-wing into a upward spiral.

"Let the bastards have it!" Zanza shouted on her comms. Her spiralling X-wing began a barrage of blaster fire spitting from her s-foils. Flying directly into one TIE she impaled the central cockpit pod with blaster fire blowing it up and passing through the explosion cloud afterwards. But, then her attack sirens went off a TIE Silencer ([member="Kyrel Ren"]) had fired a streak of green blaster fire across her starfighter's prow. Zanza pushed on her controls and dove to pass below them. Setting her targeting computer register and triangulate the shots Zanza steered her starfighter to turn on its belly and rise right up in a sharp ascent but in a bent curve so that she flew above and parallel to the TIE Silencer that fired on her.

Meanwhile Beast Squadron began their ascent in another location. They were heading towards a first line of ships in the vicinity of a large station (Hapspir). "This is Beast One to Command, we are engaging First Order line, stand by!" Beast One informed the Command at Itsukusk ([member="Zark"]).
Entering the deep-space system in L-49
Primary Objective:
Secondary Objective: Make Red Squadron Great Again
Allies: @[member='Zanza Hijikata'], @[member='Jax Rhane'],

Red Leader spoke out over the comms as his two flights followed him towards the front,

"Beast One, Red Ten will join up with you leading Bravo flight and Charlie Flight, Alpha Flight will cover your bombers' 6."

"Red Leader, Red Ten Acknowledges, Moving to engage. Beast One we'll clear a path. Red Five, Lock S Foils in Attack Position."

The A-wings and X-wing would each pull a power pivot, quickly using the lateral thrusters to flip the fighters 180 degrees and move into formation with Saber One. Moving into a vanguard position in front of Beast One and Jedi Saber one, they rocked their craft before accelerating towards the engaging First Order Fighters.

"Let's get the first kill of the day- BREAK!"

The Green blasts flying towards the formation startled Jarck, causing him to immediately Break formation in a tight, unrestricted upwards turn, the other members of his flight each going different directions to allow the streaks of green to go flying into the shields of a cruiser or otherwise into the deepness of space.

"Silencers Engaging! Get the Bombers to Safety. Bravo Flight, Engage!"

Jarck slammed his thrusters into a full burn as he started to erratically corkscrew towards the incoming fighters, firing his laser cannons any time his targeting computers locked onto an enemy fighter. The A-wing on his tail position covering him as the other A-wing and X-wing engage with the fighters.

Charlie Flight, with two X-wings and Two A-wings sped up to join the fray, "Seven, Eight, Engage Right. Six and Twelve, Engage Left." As the two A-wings broke left and the X-wings broke right, Jarck found himself being engaged by one of the TIEs, breaking hard to the left and braking to allow the Interceptor to Overshoot him. "Beast One, Saber One, this is Red Ten. We need to get in close to those Destroyers, use the trenches and terrain to our advantage."

Jarck broke hard from the battle and made several hard turns, beginning to approach the First Order's Capital Line.

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