Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion As You Know, Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal | First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance Held Hex L,


Location: L-49
Allies: GA [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Zark"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Aryn Teth"] [member="Zanza Hijikata"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Sko'saht"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Liuna Ondizi"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Kiyron"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
Enemies: FO [member="Robogeber"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Dako Asturo"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Sieger Ren"] [member="Morro"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Emilia Ravel"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Natasi Fortan"]
Directly engaging: [member="Dako Asturo"] [member="Asharad Graush"]
Objective: Breach the blockade

"The enemy is giving hell to the Incandescent Truth!"

"We have to total that station before we can even think of engaging the enemy fleet! The enemy is massing most of their fleet to face us down at Triaxis; they are making themselves vulnerable at the other stations, which should allow whatever allies we do have to engage the other stations with limited interference. Take us within long-range turbolaser range of Triaxis; the Itsukusk is already firing at it"

Given the sheer bulk of the Excubitor, and that the rest of the fleet was moving at the speed of the slowest unit, it took a while to close in to the edge of long-range turbolaser range from the nearly-immobile target. With the Itsukusk already opening fire, it was time to press the attack on that station. Now that the fleet was within firing range of the station designated as Triaxis on the sensor display, and the Itsukusk began firing on that station, the Excubitor came under fire from long-range. From a destroyer that Therapy Command never before engaged in battle. At that range, the real threats were projectile weapons and, as such, the enemy long-lance heavy turbolasers didn't make much of a dent into the shields. No more than the heavy energy torpedoes were. The shields still held, and being hit from such a long range would mean that they were doing something right, just that the Excubitor didn't have as much ability to as it used to. Meanwhile, she could sense an ominous presence coming right at her, attempting to navigate that sea of debris caused by the collisions of merchant ships, and more merchant ships were totalled as they passed through this stretch of the Hydian Way.

"May the restoration of trade and travel freedoms along the Hydian Way begin! Concentrate long-range fire on Triaxis' gravity well projectors"

"I have a little surprise for the enemy cruisers" Amica commented. "We are attempting to cause premature detonation of enemy ordnance using electronic means"

"The FIV Crimson Dawn has now entered standard turbolaser range to our starboard" the sensor technician reported in, while seeing one fat Star Destroyer entering standard turbolaser range.

"Open fire on the Crimson Dawn! Chiloon-Is, move into standard turbolaser range, fire cluster missiles!"

"Roger, roger""

And so Amica ordered the ECM/slicing crews onboard the Velga to target the missile launchers' magazines onboard [member="Dako Asturo"]'s ships so as to cause a premature ending to its ammunition by, hopefully, provoking premature detonations. The effort was joined by the ECM crews of the Lujo. Which, if the attempt was successful, would either cause the ordnance to detonate inside the magazines or the ordnance to be jettisoned. But it was not a given that the slicing attack would work. The long-range fire directed at Triaxis was staggering, including fifteen 380mm HVC rounds, twelve 420mm HVC rounds, as well as nine 15-second bursts of 88mm HVC fire, twelve heavy long-range ion cannons, six heavy long-range turbolasers, three humongous stealth MIRV buses promising to unleash seven assault concussion missiles apiece and finally ninety-six energy torpedoes. With the FIV Crimson Dawn entering standard turbolaser range to their starboard, the 16 squadrons of Chiloon-Is would be firing cluster missiles at it, all 192 cluster missiles were fired at it, much of it was fired at the command tower, splitting up into a total of 960 submunitions they called concussion missiles and, after the missiles were launched, the fighters resumed screening duties towards the fleet, with the Crimson Dawn coming under attack hoping to draw out part of the enemy escorts or fighter screen towards them, but not all of them. But the capital ships' missile launchers held their fire, knowing that firing so many cluster missiles will force its crew to face a huge wall of missile fire, not counting the 18 heavy turbolasers, 9 heavy ion cannons and 12 super-heavy turbolasers being fired at the lumbering destroyer, for a total of 684 turbolasers' worth of standard-ranged beam fire. Yet, now that the When [member="Kiyron"] entered the confines of the CIC:

Kiyron said:
Colonel, SIS. Here for shipboard security. I need access to onboard security information."

"Permission granted"

May Kiyron actually know what he is doing with said shipboard security information, she thought, hoping that he had a clue as to how to best position marines and other security assets around the CIC and other key areas of the ship if it came to boarding action, while she was busy preventing the Crimson Dawn from making any further approach upon the Alliance fleet, knowing that it is closing into the inner ring of fire where more rapid-fire, but short-range turbolasers were ready to be fired at it, while the battle to restore the freedoms of trade and travel in Wild Space was underway. Where are media crews when we need them? Where the feth was SCNN when we need it? she thought again, realizing that it would not be proper for her to attempt tweeting live from the battlefield. That, even though some of the crew already started tweeting about 1) how the First Order was massacring innocents while 2) restricting freedoms of trade and travel along the Hydian Way and that 3) the battle to restore those freedoms has already begun, but she knew that they didn't have the symbolic power she had. And now the HoloNet was awash with tweets pertaining to that theater in the Great Galactic War and what was happening in it, alongside what was at stake on the battlefield.

  • Opened fire at long range at Triaxis
  • Had 16 squadrons launch an attack on the FIV Crimson Dawn using cluster missiles
  • Opened fire on the Crimson Dawn at standard turbolaser range
  • Launched a slicing attack on Dako Asturo's missile magazines
  • Started tweeting over the HoloNet about the blockades

Capital ships:

ANS Excubitor (Procurator-X-class Grand Battlecruiser) | Shields: 75% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis (long-range only) FIV Crimson Dawn (starboard batteries)
ANS Velga (Providence-X-class carrier/destroyer) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis (long-range only)
ANS Lujo (Providence-X-class carrier/destroyer) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis (long-range only)
ANS Metellos (Metellos-class frigate carrier) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis (long-range only)
ANS Third Variable (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis (long-range only)
ANS Causal Claim (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis (long-range only)
ANS Double Counting (C-9980-class assault frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: N/A
ANS Skor (Skor-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis (long-range only)
ANS Polis Massa (Skor-class monitor frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis (long-range only)
S-1 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, shuttle craft
S-2 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, shuttle craft
S-3 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, shuttle craft
S-4 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, shuttle craft
S-5 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, shuttle craft
S-6 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, shuttle craft
S-7 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, shuttle craft
S-8 (Spirit-class picket corvette) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: Triaxis, shuttle craft

Attack craft:

192 Chiloon-I fighters
108 Chiloon-II fast bombers
Location: L,49
Objective: Assist the GA fleet, Engage FO ships
Action: Dogfighting
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Jarck Rabsch"], [member="Zanza Hijikata"], [member="Decker Willo"], [member="Zark"]
Enemies: First Order


Unlike the opposing side, there were no restrictions from the alliance and the array of battle cries from rogue squadron sounded off at the given signal to attack. The ideal way to describe them all at this very moment was like a calvary hurtling into a swoop, bearing down at full speed towards the First Order's fleet with many brave souls now determining their fate here and now. They would have to come down with everything they could if they even had a chance against the array of First Order ships. It was unthinkable chaos. Crimson and green bolts from assorted directions were moving about from place to place taking down assorted fighters with them, the raging fire ceasing to falter anytime soon.

"Heavy fire! Heavy fire!"

"I'm hit! I'm hit!"


Multiple voices of panic and cries rang through the comms in a split of seconds as the continuous lasers rang out. Jax only hoped grimly that it wasn't from his squadron, it was hard to tell but enough couldn't be said for the alliance starbirds shot down. Like the incoming TIES there was a variety of Alliance fighters taking the enemy head on without hesitation, some scoring their own kills in a exploration of fire bursts erupting. Some of the pilots among his midst were seasonal experts. Being at this for quite a while now but if he made it through this fight then no doubt the alliance would consider promoting his ranks to a higher calling. They never said anything about causing a few dents to his craft however, battle scars they called them. There were barely enough ships to spare with the limited resources the alliance already spared but it was more than likely that he'd be held onto with some high esteem.

The thought of his older brother came to mind at exact moment, just what exactly would Kerk do? He always had it figured out which was why Jax couldn't but be ever so envious of him and if he were here now he would do things the right way. Probably to please their father or just to get back at him. He chuckled to himself silently at the thought, he was never the responsible one. Always ever so reckless and in someway, that had gotten him ahead all these years. Kerk had always been safe, secure and guarded so if anyone deserved to be here right now, it was him more than anything.

With his shields activated Jax went in barreling at full force with a twirl towards enemy lines like a dance. A swarm of TIES followed pursuit out for blood and they weren't about to surrender anytime sooner. Just like the alliance they must've had their fare share of pilots in their midst who were just as trained or possibly beyond good. That couldn't stop him. Oh, it wouldn't. "Take this!" He bellowed through the comm as his laser fire came swooping in towards a couple of enemy targets in his scope. He hit one that sent the targeted TIE swirling through vast space in an uncontrollable motion before exploding into specks of debris. It wouldn't stop there.

He still had more bucketheads to kill ----- anything else came afterwards after he emerged victorious.

Objective: Support the Ocean's Tide
Location: Liberte, moving into position near the Ocean's Tide
Allies: [member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Mirax Eygan"], @Alyson Hayle, [member="Gir Quee"]
Enemies: [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Samka Derith"]

"Someone on the other side is exercising a similar force on the First Order's people, but there's something off about them. Whoever it is is still testing themself."."

Hidden safely within the heart of the Liberte, Cedric swam freely through the Great Ocean. He felt the millions of lives gathered here as shoals of fish gliding along its currents. The fish were frightened and anxious creatures, but their numbers could be put to great use with proper coaxing. In the past, Cedric would have focused on that fear and morphed it to form bonds between each fighting man. Doing so tended to result in soldiers zealous to the point of suicide, but it also brought results.

That's not the way we do things anymore.

His influence spread out to the shoals of scattered creatures. He recognized those closest as the Galactic Alliance and their allies. Pleased with his certainty, the veteran knight exercised his influence upon them. With his powers amplified by those around him, and the tranquility of the Liberte's meditation chamber, Cedric had little trouble reaching the alliance fleet.

The knight's presence could be felt in subtle ways. He envisioned himself as the hand upon the shoulders of the allied soldiers. For the dying, he was a comforting presence that remained with them until their lives were finally extinguished. For the admiral, he suppressed and opened mental avenues to more options they normally would not have entreated. For the soldier, he brought the euphoric confidence of victory and brotherhood.

"This is going to end badly for both sides, but we're committed now. We have to save as many lives as we can," Cedric tilted his head up toward Tiland. "Master Kortun, can you retrieve Knight Hayle? We're receiving a request for aid from one of the smaller battle groups, and I think we all need to be prepared for what that entails."

A brief hint of concern for his padawan and the rest of the crew bubbled up in the back of Cedric's mind, but he cast such doubts aside. Ocean Tide needed them; ignoring their distress call would damn them to a fight alone against a superior force. The knight let a heavy sigh fall from his lips.

"Inform this [member="Gir Quee"] that we're en route to his battle group. We'll be arriving shortly," he quipped to the ship's pilot. The message was swiftly relayed back to Quee's battle group. "Mirax, I want you to reach out and bolster my efforts. Look upon me within the force, and offer your outstretched hand. That's all I need."

The Liberte blended well with the rest of the friendly vessels arrayed before Station Hapspir. The vessel wasted no time in confirming its identity with the rest of the fleet before taking a position near its center. From here, Cedric exerted his battle meditation with little trouble. Most within the battle group would feel the Jedi Knight's efforts, though he had not reached out to cause any problems for the First Order.

Not yet, anyway.

"This is Grayson; my Liberte is in position and my crew is ready to commit to the fight."

The comms went silent. Cedric leaned back in his seat, allowing himself to enjoy the brief moment of respite.

Gods knew he wasn't going to get many more of them in the months to come.

(TLDR: The Liberte moved to bolster Gir's fleet, and Cedric's battle meditation is reaching out to buff his people. Presence of Samka Derith was sensed, but no actions were taken toward her.)
Location: Hex-L49
Allies: [member="Robogeber"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Jax Rhane"] [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Roth Tillian"] Zanza Hijikata
Directly Engaging: [member="Jarck Rabsch"]
Equipment: In Signature
Objective: Protect the Fleet, Destroy Alliance Forces.
Ship: TIE Silencer

So the lightsaber did enhance the memories of the one who wielded it. Was it just a blood relative or any Disciple of her father’s? These questions would have to be answered later as the two turned to their respective Silencers to board. As Varas began climbing the ladder to the hatch, she turned her head around to see Kyrel gracefully leap into the ship using the Force. She briefly caught his gaze. Again, here she was taking the long way up when she should have been emulating him. Was that a flicker of disappointment in his fiery red irises or was she imagining things?

As the brunette clone familiarized herself with the controls, she felt a brief tug of separation anxiety towards her father and then mused upon the second part of what he’d said to her prior to boarding. You must kill the past to become what you are meant to be…

She tucked her long dark braid inside of the back of her Ren helmet. Varas had no past. She only had memories of two other adults who she’d barely known, although the connection was physically strong to both Kyrel and Tmoxin.

How do I bury something that does not exist?

An idea germinated, but the scream of her TIE Silencer launching out of the hangar wiped clean all wayward thoughts. Her father’s orders quickly usurped even a stray “What if?”

“Yes, Father.”

Varas followed the formation, their Silencers in the back, not leading the charge yet. The roar of her engines were punctuated by the chirping sensors alerting her to danger. Her hand held tight to the throttle. Ahead of her, the line had been broken by the Beast Squadron and her X-wings, and Kyrel moved into attack position engaging one of them that flew up and around so that it now raced side by side with the Silencer. The brunette Disciple was about to pull the trigger to fire her laser cannons but noticed another squadron breaking off and making a run for the First Order capital line. Turning the Silencer to follow the other TIEs making a one eighty turn, she broke from the original squadron in which her father flew. Maybe it was clone sickness which she’d occasionally experienced before, or maybe she just embodied that Hapan rebellious streak of her mother, but she muttered, “No, Father” under her breath so he would not hear her and sped off after the Red Squadron led by [member="Jarck Rabsch"].

It would not be long until his sensors would pick up the ion cannon fire closing in on his Alliance fighters.

Elensa Jari

Location | Onboard the FIV Executioner, Hex L-49​
Faction | First Order, acting against the Galactic Alliance​
Allies In Vicinity | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Xiomar Ren"]​
Enemies | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"]​

Departing from the bridge had felt like relief from tension that she hadn't known she was holding, a release from the gaze of the Supreme Leader, a moment when she felt herself again, and not under a microscope, being watched and appraised, nor under the stern authority of that powerful man. It felt an oddity, to stand before a person like that as though it were a casual meeting. She had touched his mind and clasped his hand, as though they were two normal people, and little reason to think back on it. But now, free of the force of him, Elensa could acknowledge how tenuous that moment had been, how so much had hung upon it, even though she had not realised it at the time. There was a sterner test than any you've been offered here so far. Whether it was one she had passed...that remained to be seen.

The journey in the turbolift was no more comfortable, Caehl making it clear that he felt that she was intransigent, perhaps simply too independent for his tastes. Which is fine if all you want is a minion to do your bidding, mindlessly and without question, she reflected silently. Some men needed the women around them to be subservient and obedient to their will, but she was not of that ilk, and frankly, her service to the First Order would not of that form. If one like the Supreme Leader chooses his servants only for their willingness to obey, he will ultimately fall as they fail to take the initiative that best suits the needs of the Order. It was better, to her mind, to retain her independence, her sense of how things should be done, in order that her service might better reflect what she could give, rather than simply what they thought she could offer.

Still, now he was giving her a chance to prove herself, and in this, she would not fail. To board an enemy vessel, to plant explosives and see that ship fall, to enjoy the rush and fury of combat, or perhaps simply to oversee a stealthy infiltration...the possibilities were many, the pleasure at their execution considerable.

The troops at her command seemed competent enough, dressed in well-polished armour of specialised design, somewhat different to that of the ordinary troopers that were often seen patrolling the corridors of the vessel, blaster rifles openly carried in their arms. These ones carried different armament, of the kind that Elensa suspected were issued only to special forces units - these, then, were no ordinary men and women, but the highly-trained elite of the First Order. A wise decision, to put an untested Disciple among professionals. It was a sink-or-swim moment, but were she to sink, those alongside her likely would salvage matters. And so it is not a reflection of my competence, but of theirs. Caehl was taking no chances.

The suddenness of impact this time was far more significant than the last: before Elensa had chance to find a means to introduce herself to the troopers, now that their attention rested upon her, the ship jolted with a force of something striking it at speed. The bulkhead lurched and knocked her from her feet, the others following as the grinding of durasteel echoed loudly throughout the hangar. Sparks and small fires ignited at the point of impact, red-hot metal twisted terribly, the tortuous screech of materials pushed well past their breaking point clear in the air. The acrid stink of smoke, and white hydraulic steam flooded the deck, encasing all in a fine mist that made visibility that much less clear. What hit us? That was no torpedo, no laser blast.

Elensa looked up from her prone position on the deck, feeling soreness in every muscle, every joint, the impact of it having sent a concussive wave through the hangar deck as atmosphere was momentarily compressed and then released through the gaps in the hull. The magnetic forcefield that surrounded the hangar held, however, but now wrapped itself the body of another ship, one that had clearly slammed into the Supreme Leader's flagship, the two now entwined. The young woman have a cough as she tried to move to a sitting position, pushing herself up off the floor and trying to ignore the pain that spread through her. An old friend come to join me in a moment of danger, she reflected sardonically.

The troopers were in no less of a predicament: thrown by the impact, many lay sprawled unconscious on the deck, though a few of them stirred as consciousness returned. The smaller ships contained within the hangar were twisted into lumps of non-functional metal and transparisteel, engines smoking and still. Blood pooled in places where those unlucky enough to be caught by the impact had felt their lives extinguished, the red liquid that pumped with ever-decreasing force all that was left of them. Men and women willing to give their lives in service, never imagining that they might end it all as mere smears on the deck. It was an atrocity, but that was war, was it not? All we can do it prepare ourselves for what happens next, and be sure that they did not die without vengeance for their lives.

Whoever had commited this bold act, whoever had dared to do was clear they were playing for keeps. And, as in all good games, it's only over when the opponent is eliminated. As soon as she could stand, as soon as the others came to and prepared themselves to repel whatever boarders there would be...well, then the next moves would be made, and that beautiful moment brought ever closer.

Atsushi Ono

Allies: The Alliance
Enemies: [member="Morro"]
Galactic Alliance forces were dropping out of hyperspace one after another. It seemed like their message had gotten through. This wasn't the problem however. The problem was the amount of civilian ships that were also being pulled out of hyperspace due to the interdictor aboard the space station the First Order brought with them. Mel cursed under breath as she struggled to find a firing angle as the space around them became clogged with Alliance and civilian ships alike. First Order and Alliance starfighers battled it out ahead of the small Mercenary task force.

"Kark it, blast anything that moves that has a First Order Signature! Move the TU5Ks into attack formation and launch all fighters. We aren't letting the Alliance have all the fun!" Turbolasers from the assault corvettes fired at nearby First Order ships. The Shriek-Hawks had been paid to protect the loose space around the Galactic Alliance, and gorrammit Mel wasn't going to let the Alliance get in the way of doing her job.

Dorn's War Droid hummed to life. Double checking his droid's systems and his own suit's integrity and oxygen levels he tapped his fingers along the controls of his droid. This droid hadn't seen nearly as many battles as Gilamar Skirata's Atin. It was a newer model than the old man's, but he still knew how to fight on it and his own droid knew the dance of war as well. It shook its massive, gun covered head, startling the engineers above as they prepared to disengage the magnetic lock.

"Good luck out there Dorn. Bring honor to Clan Skirata." Dorn looked up and recognized the emblem of the Rekr, Clan Skirata's sigil and smirked behind his T-shaped visor.

"Oya manda!" The magnetic lock disengaged and Dorn shot forward into the inky blackness of space.

He wondered if the clans were coming.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Concordia
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance \\ Status: Overwatch, with Battlegroup Nebula
In Vicinity: [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Jaius Sovv"]


"I don't," Natasi said grimly. "But there's a Barkeep's Bible around here somewhere. The XO bought it during my inaugural tour of the empire. We kept stopping places and picking up cases of alcohol that he'd never heard of -- he's a very straight-laced vodka martini kind of man -- so he bought the book so he'd know how to make a cocktail with whatever was brought on board." She finally alighted on the book and picked it up from its spot on top of the small freezer under the bar, then straightened and set it down on the counter, thumbing through the alphabetical entries until she found the one he mentioned: the Sonic Servodriver. She regarded [member="Jaius Sovv"] curiously from behind the bar, looking almost amused, before setting about to mix the drink.

A few minutes (and two ruined cocktail glasses) later, Natasi crossed the room with the drinks and offered one to Sovv.

When they had drunk their toast and settled into their chairs, Natasi regarded her counterpart curiously. "Warren?" she echoes quizzically, her eyebrows lofting. It had not occurred to her that Sovv, who seemed to display the same values of honor and tradition that Natasi had, could have been raised in an alien culture. Natasi was not so naive as to think that only humans possessed such values, but not for the first time she was confronted with a truth. In this instance, to her credit, the revelation of it was more surprising than the truth itself, for her surprise was more that she hadn't considered it before rather than that she expected something different. She raised her eyes from the checkered game board to the President's face, frosty chocolate eyes meeting his inky black ones. "Do you know, it occurs to me that I know next to nothing about Sullustan culture or home life," said Natasi. "It is unfortunate," she mused as she looked back down to the board. "Do you ever think that if we understood each other -- even a little more -- we might --"

Her voice dropped off abruptly and she straightened perceptibly, her head turning a little. Her eyes went unfocused for a moment as something intangible settled over her. It was not unfamiliar, but that didn't make it any more comfortable. The discomfort came from cognitive dissonance -- the knowledge that she was being influenced remotely -- rather than the sensation itself. In fact, the sensation was pleasant in its way. She felt her senses sharpened, she felt stronger, faster, smarter. More loyal.


Part of her wanted to resist the influence of the battle meditation by [member="Sieger Ren"]. A sliver of the Grand Moff resented that she was considered imperfect, incapable -- in need of the forcible application of the Supreme Leader's will. It was a tiny part of her, easily overpowered by the might of the Supreme Leader and the loyalty of her personality. She turned her attention back to the board and leaned forward, moving her pawn forward in her most ambitious gambit. "My father taught me to play," said Natasi, the previous line of conversation either forgotten or discarded as a result of the Supreme Leader's invisible presence. "After my mother died. He thought it gave me something to distract myself with," she said, her tone matter of fact as she lifted her glass and took a sip. Looking over the rim of her glass at the President, she brought another hand to her chest, where her Cosmic Balance pendant hung beneath her tunic.

"Incidentally, I must confess that I'm rather good at it." She set her drink down and crossed her legs primly, sitting ramrod straight as she waited for [member="Jaius Sovv"] to take his move.


Well-Known Member
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Executioner \\ Resurgent-class Star Destroyer
Faction: First Order \\ Status: Unleash Hell
Allies: [member="Dako Asturo"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"]
[member="The Major"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Samka Derith"]
Enemy: Galactic Alliance | [member="Zark"] | [member="Zanza Hijikata"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Lily Kuhn"] [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Raph Thule"] | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"]
In Vicinity: [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Xiomar Ren"]
Relevant NPC's: Omega-Four-Five-Nine
As the batteries opened fire, Sieger's eyes snapped open. His focus was drawn to the bridge of the Itsukusk and the unsubtle shift of power as it spread across the Alliance battle line. They too it seemed had the benefit of the decreasingly rare power of Battle Meditation. In present day, it was almost expected in large engagements and what had once been a rapid blockade had turned into an all out slugfest. While the majority of the opening fire had targeted the GAS Incandescent Truth they yet remained at long range. Perfect for some of the First Order's vessels, but others would need to draw closer to bring all their weapons to bear. Sieger continued to impress his will upon those along the First Order's line of battle, reaching near from one end to the next - it was something he would be able to maintain for a time but surely not till the end of battle. He was thankful then, another surge of Dark Side power practically erupted from the Sith Meditation sphere nestled on the Concordia. There was something different about it, something almost darker, primal even. The sphere spoke of a history not even Sieger knew of firsthand - secrets nestled further still. Alas, he could not let himself be distracted by it now.

Returning the bulk of his efforts to the act of maintaining the battle coordination now instilled throughout the First Order line, he turned towards the Ren on his bridge. The battlefield was changing, rapidly. To chain his Ren to the bridge would not only hold them back, but it would show weakness, a fear for self. Fitting then that it was not the Supreme Leader's way.

"Captain Cavadan, position us just forward of the Triaxis. Bring us in low."
It was rare that the Supreme Leader would get directly involved in the tactical endeavors of Naval vessels, even his own - Captain Cavadan had been given great leniency in that respect. So when the command came, he obeyed without a hitch. Immediately the FIV Executioner began a starboard turn, its left broadside opening long range fire as the CFE-G2 MK7 Reactor boosted the output significantly - their target? Therapy Command's Carrier Vessels and Frigates. Swathes of turbolaser fire, ion cannon fire, and small clusters of torpedoes launched towards the battle group, aiming to damage and incapacitate the enemy's ability to target the station from long range. That however wasn't the only threat facing the wounded FIV Executioner. The Alliance had launched fighters across their entire line, though their tactics were far from sound. Already Captain Cavadan had put the Executioner in motion, his eyes watching in disbelief as he watched a mixed formation of X-wings and Y-Wing fighters advancing directly towards them, not to mention a literal horde of others short behind.

"Launch fighters. Prep assault shuttles for launch. Transmit Fleet Admiral Rausgeber and Commander Asturo a priority request for corvette and frigate screen."
Little did Captain Cavadan know that the frigates and corvettes had already begun ripping towards the Executioner due to the foresight of Fleet Commander Rausgeber. They would have to scramble to intercept the masses of fighters now inbound not only on the Executioner but on the station itself. It was in the next moments that another variable became apparent across the field of battle. The Keeper-class platforms weren't merely capable of projecting interdiction fields. Over the next minute, a myriad of EWAR systems activated, the full force of the station's tracking and guidance relays came online. These systems were designed to not only disrupt tracking software to make it difficult for the enemy to achieve target acquisition, but also to disrupt tracking systems of torpedoes or other forms of guided munition. Positioned below the dorsal surfaces of the Keeper-class platform, the Executioner could remain out of the line of sight of the targeting disruption arrays and still provide maximum fire coverage across the approach. As the arrays of the station targeted the vessels of Therapy Command in an attempt to disrupt their targeting systems, another system came online, this one more defensive in nature but no less important. Not only would targeting data of the enemy formation be disrupted to some extent, but also their sensors. Active sensor dampening arrays targeted the ANS Excubitor. If they hadn't experienced sensor blackout before, it was nearly assured they would now. But the Keeper-class wasn't done yet, it still had one more vital function to perform.

Equipped with a target painting system, it began processing targeting data on the Alliance vessels in the nearest vicinity, passing that data on to the rest of the First Order's fleet. With targeting data being relayed throughout the fleet, it became increasingly less likely that the enemy vessels would escape accurate fire, even at range. With all the stations providing real time battlespace picture, it would afford the First Order a distinct increase in efficiency. Captain Cavadan however didn't have time to appreciate the finer intricacies of the Keeper-class platforms, no - he was more concerned with the loud alarm blaring in his ear. Somehow a vessel had managed to escape their notice till now, either that or lost in the noise considering they were dealing with severe damage to their starboard hangar. In any case, he noticed now - too late.

The Executioner shuddered once more though this time noticeably less as the streaking corvette just barely managed to punch its way through to the vented hangar. A low snarl escaped Sieger's lips as he both watched and felt the intrustion. *Light Siders.* He could sense the inherent shift in the Force as they entered his sphere of influence. Had he needed to, he would have turned to the Master of Ren standing behind him, however that was no longer the case. They had understood his subtle words, interpreted his will and already begun their descent - though before the new threat had arrived. For a moment he focused on their presence, impressing upon them an urgency to respond to what would undoubtedly be a threat. The hangar had been vented and locked down but that by no means eliminate the threat. No, that would be the purpose of his Knights of Ren. Wordless, Sieger impressed his will upon the remaining disciple, the words of the Omega-Four-Five-Nine Captain acknowledge by a subtle wave of his hand. He was indisposed, and so Xiomar was instructed to organize the best defense. The fight had broken out full scale and it was only a matter of time before the enemy began boarding operations. <<Establish a defense as best you see fit Disciple - This is a test of your ability, see to it you do not fail me. >>

On decks below and forward of the bridge, all hell had broken loose. As the proton beam had violently sliced through the hull plating of the Executioner, personnel and equipment alike had gone venting into space - until the automated containment systems kicked in. Even then, anything not caught by the maglocks was jettisoned violently. They wouldn't be launching anything out of the starboard hangar until after they'd be able to hit a shipyards. Electricity sparked and flashed as severed power conduits hung loosely from the jagged cut, and if the instantaneous loss of life and gear hadn't been enough, an entire vessel had punched its way through the breach and now rest on the hangar floor, debris of all sizes scattered about. Damage Control teams had been dispatched, but closing a hole that large would take time - lucky for the occupants of the small corvette the teams hadn't gotten that far when they punched through the gap. Though the teams were armed, their first priority was sealing the gaping hole in the bulkhead whether by using repair patches or even erecting a temporary forcefield. Nervously they watched as the corvette rest on the deck - reporting the issue via the comms. Thankfully response was quick, a squad of troopers arriving within half a minute's time. Whoever was inside was about to find out just how much First Order vessels didn't appreciate unwelcome visitors.

Focusing on the task at hand, several hull mounted shield emitters had been anchored in before being activated by the damage control teams. Their hope was to at least patch up the vulnerability in the armor plating, then they could worry about getting the hangar up and running again. It would be at least a good fifteen minutes however before full life support could be recycled into the large space, but at least the air was semi-breathable.

FIV Executioner

2290/2904 Shields
2680/2904 Hull

Attacking: ANS Excubitor, Therapy Command Support Vessels (Frigates/Cruisers) with Boosted Turbolasers, Ion Cannons, and Torpedoes.

  • Deployed Fighters from Port Hangar, 3 Squadrons of TIE Raptors
  • Damage Control Teams Erect Temporary Shield Barrier in Starboard Hangar
  • Sith Battle Coordination Collaboration with [member="Samka Derith"]
  • Support Vessels (Frigates and Corvette) Support Requested from [member="Robogeber"] and [member="Dako Asturo"] to screen against incoming fighter squadrons from both [member="Rick Kaloo"] and [member="Zark"] (Itsukusk)
Movement: Angled Nose Down, Starboard. Below and Forward of Triaxis for maximum Dorsal Weapons Fire.

Keeper-class Platform Triaxis

  • Initiated Targeting Disruption Systems on Therapy Command Weapons Systems and Deployed Tracking Weapons (Torpedoes) by Directional Array
  • Initiated Sensor Dampening Arrays, aimed at Therapy Command Support Vessels (Overwhelming Data Input to attempt a SIGINT blackout)
  • Initiated Target Painting Arrays and Began Transmitting Real Time Tactical Airspace Data to the First Order Fleet (Locking Targets for easy vessel acquisition)
  • Other 4 stations also initiated Target Disruption Systems, Dampening Arrays, and begin Painting Targets. (Actual Targets Vary, left up to other PC's to call out.)

Objective: Assisting master Greyson with Battle Meditation efforts | Location: Liberte, the Meditation Chamber | Allies: Cedric Grayson | Enemies: Bogan

Mirax, I want you to reach out and bolster my efforts.

The Padawan sat quiet for a moment. Did he just ask her to assist with the battle meditation? Though she was no stranger to knowing what it -could- do, Mirax certainly did not believe herself capable of assisting with it; not adequately, anyway. Yet, in asking for her help, Cedric was displaying extraordinary faith in the girl's rudimentary Force abilities.

I must not let him down. Or myself. I must . . . believe.

The manifestation of the Force which her master was currently projecting was as intensely powerful as it was demanding on the user's physical and psychological stamina. In return, it would endow Cedric's allies with greater morale in combat and help reduce the enemy's will to fight. If successful, a Jedi accomplished in Battle Meditation could coordinate entire fleets of ships - allowing them to perform at maximum efficiency, while acting as one to counter every enemy move quickly and effectively.

Look upon me within the Force, and offer your outstretched hand. That's all I need.

Still heart, still mind. The seemingly stray thought came through loud and clear as she sought the calm of the Force. Leaning into Cedric's seemingly calm presence and wisdom, she focused inward. The Force responded to her emotional state, caught her up in its power until Mirax was awash in it. She sensed the turmoil and the aura of peace, caught up in an endless battle. Ordinarily, Mirax would consider her empathy a boon of the Force, but now? Whatever walls she had put up to maintain self-control, they were now crumbling in the face of all she felt from her master.

As for Cedric's part, the Jedi knight sat across from her, callused hands resting in a fold over his lap. The tranquility he pushed outward seemed to come very near her and even surround her - but never really touched her.


Reaching out to her master, Mirax sought to envision clasping his hands with hers. Whether figurative or literal, made no difference to her now. At the point of convergence, she felt a sharp ripple tear across her spine. If there was a single word to describe what she felt at this very moment it would be . . .


The padawan recoiled from it, as if seeking escape around the lid of her control. All around her, the air felt charged, foreboding. All the sensations of fear, anguish, suffering and hopelessness poured into Mirax, as if she were the lone vessel chosen to contain all that Cedric was attempting to banish from the ship and beyond. There was a steady, unmistakable sensation of darkness creeping up on the fledgling Jedi. How long could she keep this up? Why did it feel like she was doing this all wrong?

They continued to sit in silence; Mirax nonplussed, and barely afloat in her agitation.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]

Rick Kaloo

L-49 Hex

Allies: GA ([member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Zark"], [member="Raph Thule"], [member="Zanza Hijikata"], etc)
Enemies: FO ([member="Sieger Ren"], [member="Robogeber"], [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], etc)
Objective: Flanking

The assortment of starfighters from Destiny's compliment continued to use the Order's engagement of the main Alliance fleet to their advantage, soaring under the vast bellies of Star Destroyers, resisting the urge to strike until they arrived at the battlecruiser. But the enemy had begun to respond to his starfighters, as well as others coming in from the supercarrier Istukusk. TIEs swarmed out of the hangars of the enemy battlecruiser, frigates and corvettes began arriving to provide anti-starfighter support, and disrupting systems made aiming torpedoes much harder.

All of the fighters and the bombers in the starfighter group pushed their engines to their limits, the X-Wings flying in front of the Y-Wings as cover. Heavy fire began to erupt around the formation, and they began to scatter, knowing better than to attempt to maintain a formation in the current environment.

Ship after ship was destroyed, but the others kept going, pushed on by hope.


"We have a report coming in. Heavy casualties, even with the support of the Itsukusk's starfighter compliment. The enemy is preforming multiple countermeasures, including corvette and starfighter screening. Should we withdraw the fighters?" one of Destiny's communications officers asked.

"No." Rick replied. "If they withdrew now, they'd all be destroyed. If they kept going, they'd also all be destroyed, but likely get at least one hit on the enemy ship."

He paced around the command bridge, watching as small explosions popped up like bubbles in the background. The next act he would commence would be suicidal, but worth it in the end if a large Order vessel was destroyed, one less source of injustice in the galaxy.

"Commence a ramming run on the battlecruiser." ordered Rick in a neutral tone, trying to hide as much as his nervousness as possible. He repeated it to make it clear that such ramming run would occur.

Rick walked over to a nearby table containing a microphone that sent broadcasts to the whole ship, and took a deep breath. "Everyone but engine technicians, evacuate the vessel. I repeat, evacuate the vessel. We are commencing ramming procedure. Convert full power to engines, head straight forward. We can outrun the Order vessels before they get a single turbolaser on us."

With a faint buzz, Destiny's shielding went down and its weapons systems were disabled. They would turn into fuel for the explosion when Destiny hit the Order battlecruiser. Destiny's engines flared up, creating enough power to make the ship vibrate from inside. At the same time, escape pods flew out of the ship, and would use their transmitters to get picked up by Alliance vessels at the end of the battle.

Destiny accelerated sharply, its top speed likely two to five times faster than any First Order vessel, fast enough to avoid getting blasted to pieces for long enough to ram the enemy. Four escape pods remained in Destiny for when it would get dangerously close to the Order battlecruiser and aim was no longer required. Rick did not expect to survive this, but if he did, he would have a hell of a story to tell.

Shielding - Disabled
Armor - 100%
Weapon Systems - Disabled - Targeting: N/A
Starfighter Compliment
Sprite-class X-Wings (5/12) - Targeting: Executioner
BTL-Y Wings (3/6) -Targeting: Executioner

Informed GA defense fleet of flanking plan
Exited hyperspace
Turned toward FO vessels
Deployed starfighters (Target: Executioner)
Starfighters dove below FO visual range
Destiny turned to the right
Order given to prepare for withdrawal
Starfighters attempted to fly through Order lines
Destiny began ramming sequence against Executioner
Hex L-49 \\ Vlannenm Pox's Fighter \\ TIE/SF Mk. III
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance \\ Status: Gunner Seat, Vlannem Pox's Fighter
In Vicinity/Allies: [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="The Major"] | [member="Krayn Ren"] | [member="HK-42"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Vlannem Pox"]

FN-6767 "Scars"
Hanger, AT-AT Barge, FIV Minotaur Hanger.

Scars hears the Klaxon and too knows its purpose; to signal the scramble of fighters and though she was not a Pilot Vlammem needs a gunner and so she races after him with her gangly limbs scything through the air towards the man's TIE fighter. Scars' uses her hands to carefully slide down into the TIE Fighters cockpit and hears the holstered blaster at her right-side to lazily clunk against her seat with it dawning upon the Stormtrooper that is was very cramped even by her standards tempered as a Tank Commander. Regarding the safety harness for just a moment before pulling up the buckle between armoured thighs before pursing them shut so as to hold the quick-release harness buckle there while both arms get slid through the straps before hands connect them to the buckle prior to tightening them firmly around a tiny frame. Gloves now around around the fire control systems its crimson display burning to life at the satisfying shriek of the Ion engine fondly reminding Scars of the eight-cylinder powerplant. Scars spares a fleeting smile at the Pilot's remark about the music now rippling through the hull of the TIE fighter. "Eugh, I hate the beat luckily for you I've got holomixes of my own Greasy!" Another pejorative nickname one couldn't entirely begrudge the Stormtrooper Corporal for her liberal use of nicknames and it revealed something Human about her; too often did citizens and even members of the Military just see Stormtrooper as without humanity or creativity though the assignment of nicknames from Scars' might betray a certain fondness for the practice. "Computer; Play Palpatine by Boni Em" Within the confines of Scars' helmet a song she is fond of about the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and Emperor of the Galactic Empire. A tribute to the man's political acumen and gentle presentation as Chancellor.​

Scars enthusiastically guides the rear-facing launcher around sticking her tongue slightly out in the corner of mouth. She listens to his comment silently focusing on the weapon's display and passively consuming Palpatine; It was an obscure track to be certain and secretly retrieved from the Alliance's holonet albeit not by Scars herself she lacked the necessary skills for something of that nature slicing wasn't a skill possessed? servicing vehicles though; Scars could do that while blindfolded. "I've got your Six hairgel, don't get us killed now I do not want my tomb to be this fighter." Using the firing controls on this TIE fighter weren't so different from those on the TX-230A at least the software, input controls were obviously different it is First Imperial efficiency at its finest Scars honestly thought to herself.
Location: Orbit of Sullust, On Board Pantera class Stealth Frigate
Objective: Enroute to meeting room
Allies: SJO, GA, [member="Liuna Ondizi"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Kira Novak"] [member="Allyson Locke"]
Opposition: None
3 Flash Bangs, 3 Smoke Grenades, 3 Thermal Dets, 4 2 Pound Explosive blocks

Pair of Shatterguns, Lightsaber, KG-B1 vibro-flechette loaded magazines (Two)

Light combat Armor, Thermal Imaging Visor

Being called 'merc man' got a grin from him as he got caught up with the situation. So it was a meeting that was being called for was it? Sounded like something had in fact gone belly up, though what was anyone's guess at this point. Maybe they would be lucky and it was just a small group of pirates harassing the nearby lanes? It was a fairly populated area though, so that might not fully make sense.

"Gotcha, heading there now. Will be there in three minutes, Dus out." Shutting off his mic he signaled for the squad to follow him out.

On his way there he noticed that the entire crew was now just on edge. People who had been chatting and looking away from their stations were now at full attention, focused on their own tasks. That wasn't how people acted about pirates. Sure when dealing with pirates, Soldiers were serious. But they were not this focused or this untaltakive. This was something more serious. 'Never a boring day is it?' He thought as he turned around the last hallway that lead him to the SCIF room, Dusaro signaling to the squad to wait outside before walking on in himself.

"Sorry for the delay, i was on the other end of the ship." Dusaro said, giving those present a short nod before walking over to where everyone was gathered.

So they were going to be doing a boarding action to capture this station? That was going to be a tricky mission to pull off, given how people tended to like 'going down with their ship' and all that. That was not a issue to Dusaro though, all it meant was that they couldn't get lazy and had to stay sharp even after they thought it was over. He was glad he had chosen to leave any higher grade explosives back at 'home' though, for this kind of mission they would be more then a bit counter productive.

"I am already geared and ready to go, nothing else i need to grab myself." He always made a point of being prepared for sudden and long drawn out battles, even when just doing a simple patrol mission. Dus found it a bit sad how often that tended to save his bacon.

Dusaro would head on out of the meeting room and draw his squad aside, filling them in on the details of the operation and what their purpose was. The rules of engagement were fairly simple given that anyone besides FO military personnel were highly unlikely to be on board, but as always he told them to be vigilant just in case. Besides that and the usual 'stay focused, stick to your battle buddy and check your sectors' there wasn't much to say, so Dusaro didn't drag it on.


OOC Writer Account
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Dauntless \\ Marauder-class Cruiser
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance ([member="Lily Kuhn"] @Taili Raaf [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Aryn Teth"]) \\ Status: In Realspace, Stationary in Triaxis Station's Orbit
In Vicinity/Allies: [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="The Major"] | [member="Krayn Ren"] | [member="HK-42"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | @Elensa Jari | [member="Sieger Ren"]

The Dauntless rocks and heaves its hull groans under the massive firepower under the Alliance's Mass Drivers causing a small panic amongst the crew as casualties from their many decks begin filtering into the bridge; FIV Needle, lance and Dagger were virtually obliterated by the onslaught of Mass Driver Cannons with their Marauders themselves shuddered by incoming fire as their hulls protect Triaxis station just as Commander Asturo wanted. "Commander!" Onami briskly approaches beside Dako as their Torpedoes and Group's Baradium missiles continue to discharge without incident. Dako swivels his helmeted head around to face the Blue Near-Human and answers with a calm. "Yes, Onami?" Dako pauses waiting for whatever his Executive officer was about to report. "FIV Lance, Needle and Dagger are not responding to comms; They've been hit by Mass Driver rounds from the Alliance fleet Battlecruiser-sized weapons; Additionally they've cut straight through our lowered particle shields. Their Turbolasers are being held by our shields and heavier missiles are being disarmed and destroyed by our Frigates" Asturo loses his temper and screams some curse slapping the command console just in front of his waist before breathing. "May they burn for this!" Composing himself gloved hands finds their ways to Onami's shoulders and look towards the man's face appreciatively. "Thank you Onami, pass the word along; The Group is doing well and there will be no retreat. We fight till our ships are debris fields. When they come into range all cruisers ships are to open fire with Turbolasers on the closest or largest in-range vessel. Daggers continue to screen fighters and guided oridnance" It was his Pride but also his pride of purpose and in the First Order. He calls for the Comman "Conlinkman!" Walking towards the Man's station. "Relay Message; This is FIV Dauntless to FIV Executioner and Supremacy, Dauntless Cruiser Group of Battlegroup Imperator taking heavy fire Triaxis Station in danger of damage, Requesting fire support from Battlecruiser and Star Destroyer assets to engage ANS Excubitor, Velga and Lujo." With a brief pause, Dako contemplated the possibility the Galactic Alliance might be using some kind of IFF tag deceiver but then dismisses it before adding. "All fighters are to form protective screens for the Daggers and Cruisers along with all friendly warships. Strikes are to be made by Special Forces units exclusively, make sure the Harbinger empties its entire complement, I don't want to lose that hardware if it goes down."

Asturo pivots back around and goes to the Transparisteel viewport as some great vessel looms above them; The FIV Executioner? Dako offers a relieved smile from behind his helmet's visage. That would help turn the tides around for Triaxis and take heat off of the Dauntless Cruiser Group which they simply could not whether in the long term. Battlecruiser levels of firepower were too much for them to bare and based off of the damage reports now filing into his brain from the crew it is a fortunate arrival; for Dako Asturo would not have retreated or abandoned his objective here. There were too many eyes from up on high over his humble Cruisers and any shame would be recorded in full view of the Order's Leadership this he simply could not abide. Their Sondheimers were being targeted from what he could tell though luckily their hulls and gravity wells are being shielded by the Marauders to protect them from energy weapons such as Turbolasers or the Mass Drivers and the Group's collective EWAR and anti-missile systems were holding guided ordinance at bay, atleast for now.

  • FIV Harbinger (Hellstrom-Class Carrier) | Shield Charge: 80%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 83% | Firing At: Itukusk. | Fighter/Bomber Status: Launching.
  • FIV Dauntless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 45%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 67% | Firing At: Itukusk. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Fearless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 67%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 88% | Firing At: Itukusk. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Relentless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 73%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 72% | Firing At: Itukusk. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Merciless (Marauder-Class Cruiser) | Shield Charge: 65%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 69% | Firing At: Itukusk. | Fighter Status: Launched.
  • FIV Interceptor (Sondheimer II-Class Interdictor) | Shield Charge: 70%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 87% | Firing At: Itukusk, Interdiction Field & Gravity Wells Engaged. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Arrest (Sondheimer II-Class Interdictor) | Shield Charge: 86%, 0% (Particle Shield) | Hull Integrity: 95% | Firing At: Itukusk, Interdictor Field & Gravity Wells Engaged. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Stiletto (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 54% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Dirk (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 21% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Needle (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 9% | Firing At: None. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Pike (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 77% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Spear (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 33% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Lance (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 27% | Firing At: None. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Cutlass (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 41% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Broadsword (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 25% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Staff (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 26% | Hull Integrity: 100% | Firing At: Fighters/Bombers/Small Craft. | Fighter Status: None.
  • FIV Dagger (Dagger-II Class) | Shield Charge: 0% | Hull Integrity: 21% | Firing At: None. | Fighter Status: None.
Location: The Crimson Dawn, Hex-L49
Allies: GA | [member="Shia Kryze"] | [member="Adora Namadi"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"] | [member="Listralli Namadi"] | [member="Silas Mantis"] | [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Dagon Namadi"]
Enemies: First Order | [member="Therran Graush"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="The Major"]
Ship: Orar

Aryn shifted his grip.

The Orar was now shooting through space, it's main body still cloaked. The pilot had done exactly as he had been told to do, picking a ship and simply hurtling towards it. The one that seemed outfront, the Crimson Dawn, was the perfect targets. It's course hinted at collision, but for the Mandalorians that hardly seemed to matter now. There was still time, there was still opportunity, and that was all they needed, just the tiniest smidgen of an opening to take advantage.

"Brace yourselves!" His voice boomed through the cargo hold and over the comms.

There were few of them, far fewer than an invasions force, but it was all they needed.

Aryn reached up and wrapped his fingers around a small durasteel hook that held just above him, his hand clenching around the metal as his braced his entire body. The muscles within him tensed, and he could almost feel the air grow thinner as the cloaked transport ship went faster and faster. There was a brief lull, an almost absence of sound as the Orar shot past and through dozens of streams of turbolaser fire and errant starfighters, none the wiser that the vessel was even there.

The Togorian took a breath, his eye settling on his allies. "We do this for Mand'alor."

They were the last words that left his lips as a sudden jerk tore through the entirety of the ship, the Orar very suddenly decloaking and it ripped its way into the Hangar bay of The Crimson Dawn.
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Executioner \\ Resurgent-class Star Destroyer
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance | [member="Bryce Bantam"] \\ Status: Defensive Patrol
In Vicinity: [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Elensa Jari"]
Equipment: Ba’Olin (Aura suppression only, see OOC note) \\ Lightwhip \\ Armour

Without preamble, [member="Brennan Cabrol"] and his Apprentice left for the hangar below, the Master of Ren hanging back on the bridge for a moment, eyes still cast towards the borealis of reds, blues, and greens cast across the vast space between the two forces, now coming to a head. Power ebbed and flowed across the battlefield, the amber flecks in her irises bleeding to pure crimson as yet another wave of Darkness washed over her, a shiver of pleasure rolling across her shoulders and down her spine with the sensation. Every nerve ending within burned with the icy flame of the Dark Side, its siren call humming through her veins as her own natural abilities found themselves amplified by the Supreme Leader’s command and this, secondary, surge of power.

You are full of surprises, Master Derith.

An amused smile turned up the corner of her lips, passing unobserved behind the metal and glass that encased her features. The HUD display whirled to life in a riotous mass of red and green, the shrilling of alerts from the Exectutioner’s comm systems transmitted into her own as they identified the threat of an unknown corvette barreling straight for the hull of the Resurgent. Eyes narrowed as she locked onto the ship in question a unique design that distinguished itself from others of its ilk.

A design Ara was intimately familiar with.

The Arch-Queen was in motion as soon as she recognized the noxious amethyst hull, her path following that which the Knight and his Disciple had taken moments before. The shudder of the lift beneath her feet acted as her only warning, the Master thrown violently into the side of vehicle as the ship lurched beneath her boots, armour and bone crashing into the unforgiving steel door. A curse torn from her in the moment of impact, sirens and alarms blaring within her helmet adding to the din of a concussive ache between her temples, the anger curling within snapping and hunting for a target upon which to unleash itself.

Chaos spread before her as the doors to the turbolift slid open with a hiss, any question as to the devastation caused by the sudden appearance and subsequent collision of the Corvette. Sparks showered down on the splayed bodies of the dead and the dying, their life forces flaming out in pillar of dark fire, adding to the palpable blanket of power pressing down around them. Death called to her, the heady energy wrapping around the Ren in the Hangar with sweet temptation, begging to be claimed. The sharp staccato of her steps melted into the riot of sound as Damage Control teams swarmed in, blasters trained on the hull of Zero, moving with the precision and efficiency that was the might of the First Order.

Eyes snapped to the figures of [member="Brennan Cabrol"] and [member="Elensa Jari"] as they regained their purpose, all attention on the enemy ship now forcefully nestled within their hold. Her assessing gaze hovered over the pair long enough to ensure both were free from significant damage, lingering perhaps a slight moment longer than it should on the Knight. Satisfied with the results of her cursory inspection, her steps brought her level with the pair and yet beyond, movements swift and sure as Sarathiel Ren failed to pause in her passage.

The press of a foreign mind against theirs preceded her silky voice echoing through the thoughts of the assembled Ren, meant for their ears alone and yet amplified by borrowed power until those surrounding heard the malicious whisper.

This one is mine.

Her lips curled up once more as the ship loomed ever closer, the signatures within burning brighter in her mind’s eyes as she closed the gap, trained on a singular occupant in particular.

For my life, I would have left you in peace, Mr. Bantam. It seems now, you have chosen a fate of your own disastrous making.
Location: The Crimson Dawn, Hex-L49
Allies: GA | [member="Aryn Spar"] | Adora Namadi | Baiko no Kaho | Listralli Namadi | Silas Mantis | Dorn Skirata | Davon Karr | Dagon Namadi
Enemies: First Order | Therran Graush | Asharad Graush | The Major
Ship: Orar
Gear: Cin'tracinya - the Silver Flame
"We do this for Mand'alor."

Shia's words were almost lost in the tearing scream as the Orar did exactly what it had been intended to do and penetrated the enemy vessel. Although admittedly, it was normal to use the breaching hatch...

She slammed hard against the crash restraints, her armour locking into position for a moment to prevent her being slammed into the rest of the boarding party or into the deployment hatch with enough force to break bones, even through Beskgar'gam. She balanced the weight, felt the vessel sliding across the deck, holding her balance and poise for the precise moment when...

... now!

Her hand slammed down on the harness and hatch release as the vessel's motion shifted momentum to throw her towards the deployment hatch, which sprang open as if blown outwards on explosives, slamming against the hull of the ship and releasing the silver flame that was Shia to hurtle forward into the open and unprepared hanger of the Crimson Dawn like a glittering spear, rocket darts stabbing forward into fuel lines and ammo storage bays - the technicans were warriors, aboard a warship, so they were valid and vulnerable targets. But the aim was not merely to kill, it was to create as much chaos and confusion as possible. To make one woman seem like a hundred. One ship of boarders seem like ten.
Black sheep, black sheep- have you any wool?
Location: GA Held Hex I-49
Allies: Alliance l [member="Rick Kaloo"]
Enemies: First Order l [member="Ara Zambrano"] l [member="Dako Asturo"] l [member="FN-6767"] l

The TR-20 with the particular noseart soared under the Imperial starships. The TIE fighters came in. The Imperial fleets opened up. The X-wings broke off- but not Wedge. The young man flicked his head back, flinging his targeting visor down in a stylish fashion. He rolled his X-wing into a helix, and opened up on two-fighters. The TR-20 was fast- real fast. Faster than the run-of-the mill TIE fighters. Which let him smoke-check two in a single Helix motion. He pushed onwards, flying through the debris of the TIE fighter he sent into oblivion.

They weren't people to him- they were targets. The First Order didn't deserve mercy. They didn't deserve anything but death. They wanted to be lions in a world of lambs- and they wanted a lot of things. But he would be damned if he wasn't going to cull the herd as much as he could. The wolves had been at the Alliance's door, and the accords were a pathetic attempt to stem their anger.

But now, the wolves had come too far into their land. Killed their rabbits. You didn't talk to a wolf as the Jedi would. You didn't do anything but kill it. That was the ugly reality of it. Some people didn't want to admit that. Wedge was free to admit that, alone in his cockpit. He didn't want anything but to send the First Order to the ashes.

Kill 'em all.

Escorting Destiny's fighter squadron towards the Executioner.

Aryn Teth

En-route to the FIV Executioner, Hex L-49
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, [member='Coren Starchaser'], [member='Zark'], [member='Taeli Raaf'], [member='Cathul Thuku']​
Enemies: The First Order, FIV Executioner [member='Sieger Ren'], [member='Xiomar Ren']​
Objective: Make it through the fray, Assassinate Supreme Leader Sieger Ren, Disable the FIV Executioner

As the Incandescent Truth moved across the battlefield to take cover behind the Itsukusk, the ship was positioned along the lower part of the immense behemoth, considering the Itsukusk's immense size, the Truth was more or less completely hidden behind its shape, doing its best to align its lower deck with that of the Itsukusk. As the ship was brought into position, the captain made an effort to patch himself in to Supreme Commander Ven's comms, the Abednedo male giving the Supreme commander a salute as he appeared over the holo. "Commander Ven, sir, the Truth is undergoing repairs, but our proton beam remains fully operational, we can hit any targets below your lower decks, so long as you paint them for us." Visual scans were often ineffective for utilizing the proton beam, but if the Itsukusk was able to mark targets, the Incandescent Truth would still be more than capable in the fight.

Down in the hangar, Aryn grinned as he heard Coren's comment. They would indeed need to do it right the first time. Considering the positioning of the Executioner, he figured it was unlikely that the First Order would expect an attempt at boarding, they seemed to have not expected an attack on the ship in the first place, it's not like it was the most powerful ship of all those in the First Order fleet after all, the Supremacy-class and especially the immense Darr Itah were much more reasonable targets at bringing the fleet battle to a state of ease. But Aryn and Coren were thinking more long term, if they could get aboard the Executioner, and were successful in killing the Supreme Leader, this war would be over as quick as it began.

As Coren's ship and fighter support flooded out of the hangar, Aryn launched out along with them aside the numerous X-wings and Y-wings that were housed within the Incandescent Truth. The longest section of the flight was along the hull of the Itsukusk, but soon enough they were into the battle properly. Massive beams of light crossed ships as the capitals engaged one another, turbolasers slamming into hulls, and the silhouettes of fighters criss-crossed one another as fighters picked targets for dogfighting. It wasn't long after the swarm of fighters that had left the Incandescent Truth were set upon by the First Order, TIEs moving into position to engage them. A few were taken down in the initial spray, Aryn shifting his fighter as a twin blast from his fighter clipped the base of the left stabilizer of one TIE, sending it spinning off into space at high speed.

A few more X-wings alongside his and Coren's ship were taken down by approaching TIEs and those that reached their rear, along with one of the Y-wings. As they continued their flight, Aryn fell into focus, the tendrils which reached out from him in the force latching onto the immense dark-side presence around the Executioner, drawing nearer to it and feeding on its energy as he ducked this way and that, maneuvering around the attacks of TIEs and taking fighters down whenever the opportunity was granted, but for the most part that was left to the other X-wings. As they neared the immense capital ships they needed to get past, the Y-wings in their flight split off, each with two X-wing escorts as they made their way for the capital ships, waiting until they were in range before depositing their ion torpedos. Hopefully, if they were successful, point defences on the capital ships would be limited, and Aryn and Coren would have an easier time reaching the Executioner.

Hex L-49 // Ops Team Harpy // SJAS-AAL/FO-03 Tactical Troop Transport
Faction: The First Order // Enemy: Galactic Alliance
In Vicinity: [member="Rolf Amsel"]

From within the helmet Krayn’s eyes closed, his senses would be allowed to attune if he maintained his focus on the task at hand and his connection with the force. All around him he could feel the emotion, some fear, some excitement but mostly simple and utter determination. It was admirable, these troopers who would give their lives so eagerly to the First Order and without even question. Did the Alliance even truly stand a chance against such determination?

The motors kicked into place, the sealing of the ships forward ramp with a mechanical hiss that signified more to those being locked within then any of them would have thought. The hiss was followed with a whirring that would mean the engines had kicked in and that the ship, now fully prepared for its journey would proceed with its payload.

The Colonel spoke. No resounding words of hope or promise. No he gave instruction with clear and precise goal. Krayn found himself impressed as he listened, it was men like this one that made the First Order what it was, a powerful tool for the Supreme Leader’s vision.

Somewhere there was the sound of deepening doom. A strange sensation washed across the Ren with enough force that his eyes opened from their meditative stance, goosebumps appeared all across his skin and instantly he knew. It had begun.

<<The Alliance has made a vast over calculation of their strength. Accept this power and cloak yourselves in it.
Prepare yourselves for the combat about to envelop us all as we release our enemies to the void.
My Knights of Ren… You will kill them all. >>

His head turned to look towards the Colonel, seemingly silent in his posture.

“It has begun.” His voice was still twisted by the modulator, part of the helmet systems that were currently connecting to the unfamiliar electrical of the stormtrooper armour beneath his cloak. After all a Ren was a gifted agent, but incapable of surviving a vacuum without assistance. “Today the Alliance will remember who is the rightful heirs to this galaxy. You and your men shall make sure of that.”


intergalactic bird of mystery
Location: Hex L-49
Objective: WITNESS ME
Allies: Galactic Alliance
Enemies: First Order
Equipment: Blast Vest, Scattergun, Blurrg-1120 Hold-Out Blaster, Vibroshiv, Wits

Cockpit, Washburn-class Medium Transport Greater Fool
Mass-Shadow Minefield, Hex L-49

"Its not my fault!" Captain Kingsley groaned pitifully as he jabbed his talon at system controls seemingly at random in a panic, "Rrrrawk, they said they fixed it! Its not-whoa!"

Yanking the nearly hundred meter long freighter hard to port, the Hiitian smuggler and his crew avoided a narrow collision with another mass-shadow mine on sublight. They had been running with hyperspeed engines past maximum, and unbeknownst to both the captain and the angry, threatening-looking Outer Rim muscle he had paid to help guard and unload his cargo, the first mine on their course had sent them skipping a ways through an unstable subspace connection before dropping them out close enough to almost ram the next in the field's chain.

Not to mention some serious damage the artificial mass-shadows had caused not only to their systems but the hull's structural integrity. That much Kingsley was acutely aware of, as the cost in billable credit hours it would take for the bird to pass inspection on any civilized planet gave him a splitting migraine. The Washburn-class hadn't exactly been designed to take big hits, whether they be in the form of laser weaponry or extreme stress, and master alarms connecting to half a dozen critical components chimed to crescendo in the cramped freighter cockpit.

"What...what do we do now?" Saia Jun asked nervously, an undercurrent of fear in the Sullust Central News reporter's personal inexperience with these kinds of scrapes, "We should activate our emergency transponder-"

"No!" Kingsley and several other crewman cried, and a talon-like hand slapped hers away from the corresponding console switch just seconds too late. The transponder had only be activated for a second, if that. Would it be enough for anyone to notice? Surely both sides must have bigger things to worry about at the present-

"Unidentified transport, this is the FIV Triaxis," a crisp, female Galidraani-accented voice interrupted his chain of thought as the broadcast somehow managed to set his comm system to full volume, "you have violated a legitimate embargo of trade along disputed portions of the Rimma Trade Route. Please power down your engines and weapons systems and await an Imperial inspection detail. In accordance with bulk shipping regulations and standards pursuant to Sub-Article 15 Section 3 of the Ison Agreements on Inter-Sector Commerce, you will be boarded, your cargo searched, and your true intentions ascertained."

Or not.

"Merchant Fleet transport Greater Fool, this is the Alliance ship Itsukusk," another voice, this one with a Corellian inflection, chimed in before any of them could make a move, "If you're still out there, you have entered a destabilized sector of space in close proximity to an active combat zone. Its is strongly recommended that all civilians with engine power turn around and make best speed on sublight towards Sluis Van, where relief elements will assist in emergency repairs as soon as possible. All Alliance citizens who are armed and willing to use them, you may alternatively comm this attached frequency for militia rendezvous coordinates."

"What...what do we do?" Jun repeated, piercing the silence at last and drawing glares from the rest of the crew that had her reflexively shrinking down into her seat.

"We get the hell out of here, rrrawk!" the Hiitian answered as he coaxed the Fool's struggling sublight back to life.

"Uh...hey boss," one of the hired hands chimed in uncertainly over his shoulder, "If I'm reading this right...are you taking us towards that cluster of star destroyers?"

"We're in the thick of it, my man! We gotta start thinking next level now! Going forward or back, that's just what they expect. The both of them! If we go straight for them, they won't see it coming. Think about it, rrrawk! Its gonna be a mess for scanners in the middle of that fight, and who is gonna bother to target a modestly priced, characterful ship like this? We just break on through to the other side, and then once we're across we jump back to lightspeed!"

None of the expressions in the cabin seemed particularly convinced by his plan, but none of them tried to stop him either. As far as Kingsley's record as a freighter captain, that was pretty typical actually.

"Rrrawk! Its not like this thing could cover the whole sector!"

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