The rest of Mullarus' group suddenly loses consciousness. Setzi immediately falls into Krux's arms, to which he looks down with worry. "Setzi! No!" His anxiety shows for a brief moment as he turns and looks toward the rest of the group. All but Fortuna were suddenly unconscious. Alive, as he could still faintly feel their presences through the Force, but nothing more. Mullarus felt immense rage roar up his spine and through his veins, his eyes twitching with anger. He gently set Darth Azurea down behind him and pointed directly at [member="Fortuna"] and commanded, "Watch them. Make sure they are safe..."
Mullarus' face still concealed behind his mask, he turned, his long black cloak flowing behind him, and faced the Sith Lord. The amount of energy resonating off of his grandfather's aura was blinding to his Force Sight. Anger in his heart, he called out to the elderly Lord, "Fine. You want me alone? Here I am, you deceitful old bastard! Bend the rules again! You can defy the will of the Force all you like, but i'm here to put a stop to your honorless, wretched life!"
With the strength of the entire galaxy on his shoulders, Mullarus pulled Bleeding Cross into his hand and ignited the blade. With the torches being the only light within the empty temple, Mullarus' violet blade lit half of the room alone. The other half was then lit a dark orange, as the Masquerading Demon ignited his own blade.
"Come, Krux. You have grown into a beautiful young man, and a powerful Sith Lord. Now show me your wrath, boy!"
Nothing else mattered. Krux leapt at the Demon with a loud war cry.
"I'll make you eat those words, demon!"
[member="Darth Azurea"] / [member="Abelain Narv'uk"] / [member="Fortuna"] / [member="Tormax Ategann"]
Mullarus' face still concealed behind his mask, he turned, his long black cloak flowing behind him, and faced the Sith Lord. The amount of energy resonating off of his grandfather's aura was blinding to his Force Sight. Anger in his heart, he called out to the elderly Lord, "Fine. You want me alone? Here I am, you deceitful old bastard! Bend the rules again! You can defy the will of the Force all you like, but i'm here to put a stop to your honorless, wretched life!"
With the strength of the entire galaxy on his shoulders, Mullarus pulled Bleeding Cross into his hand and ignited the blade. With the torches being the only light within the empty temple, Mullarus' violet blade lit half of the room alone. The other half was then lit a dark orange, as the Masquerading Demon ignited his own blade.
"Come, Krux. You have grown into a beautiful young man, and a powerful Sith Lord. Now show me your wrath, boy!"
Nothing else mattered. Krux leapt at the Demon with a loud war cry.
"I'll make you eat those words, demon!"
[member="Darth Azurea"] / [member="Abelain Narv'uk"] / [member="Fortuna"] / [member="Tormax Ategann"]