Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask the Writer

@[member="Fabula Cavataio"] You know I had something rather comical and not pg-13 to say, but um probably red lobster - their seafood is so not fresh...unless you count fresh out of the freezer :p

Do you find yourself not having time to RP the older you get?
Well I guess I'd say World of Warcraft, but have not played it in several years it seems like now, so not sure if it still qualifies... lol

What is your favorite syle of books to read...?

Aleidis Zrgaat

Young soul from an older generation.
Horror, generally. I've got a whole shelf of just Robin Cook novels, because I can devour one over the course of a day and spend all night reflecting on the hubris of man, or whatever the 'lesson' to be learned is.

What's your secret talent?
My friend Morgan, then again I think i tend to sap away her insanity and bring it into myself. When together, she becomes tame, and I end up losing what little sanity I have left.

Do you rp in any other styles than forum Post by post?


I hate modern society and have almost no faith in humanity. :3

What is the molecular structure of every substance that comprises a potato and how many electrons does it have per cubic micron?

Akodya Mune

I am not big on poetry to be perfectly honest, But that is probably because I haven't been exposed to a lot of it...


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