Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask the Writer

To feed my creativity. AND because I'm so ADD that I can't just sit and write chapters. Why? I get distracted and hop around too much, then forget what my original plot was.

Same question
I find it more fulfilling. With a normal game, your rank is determined by your skill. You must kill endlessly to rise to another level, and everything is set in some sort of story, from which you cannot escape your role. In rp, you are free and your level is determined by your mind and skill, not your time on the game.

Why so many same questions?

Atlas Kane

I'm guessing it's because people want to know someone else's answer/opinion to/on a the same question. Or they are just uncreative.

Minus green or pink?
Nope. I prefer to stay grounded. Besides, I think I would have a heart attack on the way down.

Who do you consider as having the most influence on the type of person you are today?
Indiana Jones, Michael Valentine Smith, Tarzan, Michael Coreleone, J
Sara Bernhardt, Cate Blanchett, Florence Nightingale, Berthe Morisot
Do you have any tips for beginning writers?

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