Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask the Writer

For shows I've actually watched? Teen Titans Go strikes me as awful. Numerous other shows strike me as being so bad I refuse to watch them! Oh, and children's shows like Dora, Super Why, Blaze the Monster Truck or what's his face, and Daniel Stripe Freaking Tiger!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!

What's your favorite children's show? You like it so much you watch that even when no kids are around?

Joran Del-Finn

Smuggler by day. Snuggler by night.
Avatar the last airbender, Chowder, Clarence, The amazing world of Gumball, Steven Universe, Spongbob Squarepants(seasons 1-3), Ed, Edd & Eddy, many and more that I could spend all day listing here.

Favorite Star Wars EU author?
Gonna have to go with James Luceno. Reading his 2008 Novel Darth Plagueis was just gratifyingly brilliant. Really enjoyed how he perceived a younger Palpatine.

If there was one thing that you could change about the Star Wars Lore, whether EU or Canon, what would it be and why?
If it was canon I would totally bring Revan,and the whole Old Republic era from the EU back because Revan is a complete bad ass,and the Old Republic is one of my favorite era's of Star Wars

Favorite EU/Legends Jedi,or Sith and why?

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
favorite legends forcer? meetra surick(I think thats how you spell her name) the jedi exile from kotor 2, she faced a wound in the force and because she was another one she cancelled it out.

Favorite starwars super weapon, and why?

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