Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask the Writer

Mishel Kryze

I feel like this is about a TV show that I haven't watched so I'm gonna go with Patsy.

Deadpool or Cable
Indifferent. Life's good. Life's bad. has its ups and downs. Keep on trucking. Don't think about it. If it's bad, distract yourself. If it's good, engage and get some memories.

Writing style inspiration? Who would you LIKE to be able to write like?
Delta Green. Players Knowingly Infected Somebody with the HIV Virus who was bothering them, then made false purchases with his card at a local strip club, knowing the billing information was sent to his house, and his wife got the bills.

Same Question.


Code-Name: Creator
Ooh.. That's hard. I'll have to go with this since I can't think of anything else:

What is your country of origin?


United States of 'Murica

So, who is your oldest character you can remember, doesn't have to be here.


"DT-0029 Reporting for Duty!"
Oldest Character? Man thats like going through the archives of bad roleplay- Probably a generic dude named, "Cold Killer" I made him when I was like 12, or something.

Why did you start roleplaying?

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