Kha'ro says in shock, "A- An- Anususho? The one wh- who killed the friend I had in the jedi temple? The one who killed Noboshosa?" The sith gave a laugh and said, "He is not dead, he is the apprentice who is in front of you!" Kha'ro froze in shock, he did look familiar, he had turned to the dark side? Tears fell from Kha'ro's eyes, "I thought you were better than that, you mon- mons- no, I cannot call you a monster," he said sadly. Igniting his lightsabers he prepared to fight but he flinched, while he was flinching, the dark jedi shocked him, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHRHRHGH!" Kha'ro had to do this, he couldn't stop because of his feelings. Kha'ro was always a step ahead of his friend, he used the force to pull the dark jedi apprentice then they got into a saber clash, with a few swings of 1 lightsaber and a stab from the other, Noboshosa was dead. Kha'ro found it hard to take that he had just killed his old friend and so he fell to his knees.
[member="Zathra Fett"]