Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Edse'ka follows and says, "I'm comin with ya Kha'ro buddy!" He makes sure his blaster isn't jammed and makes sure he has enough thermal detonators and rockets.
[member="Zathra Fett"]
Kha'ro gets ready for battle, he says, "Thanks Edse'ka, this could be bad, I've heard rumors about a group of jedi-hunters, as a padawan, I won't have their highest class troops, but they might have a sith or dark jedi on board, not too powerful, maybe a knight, together we can do this." He senses a small ship outside about to fire and so he uses the force to destroy it and toss it away. He waits till he is close enough.

[member="Zathra Fett"].

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Kha'ro"] [member="Edse'ka"]​
Zathra runs towards the landing platform and unlocks her ship. A loud clank sounds as the ramp extends out from under the ship revealing the interior of the ship. Zathra gestures to the other two guys to get their butts on board of the ship, they had to leave sooner than later. Zathra then noticed a regular thug ship circling overhead and she fires on of her wrist mounted rockets towards the bottom of the ship. A loud explosion rings out as the bottom of the ship blows off along with a lot of thugs falling to their deaths upon the hard ground. The ship then tries to regain it's balance but it unable to and it crashes into the ground with a loud and vibrant explosion.
Kha'ro leaps into the huge ship, grabbing and igniting both his lightsabers, there must have been 100 enemies in there and using force pushes, lightsaber throws and regular lightsaber combat he is able to tear through about 70 of them, 5 of them surviving but knocked out.
"Thanks [member="Zathra Fett"]!" Yelled Kha'ro.
Edse'ka leaps in and uses his blaster to shoot out 10 thugs, he then uses grenades to take out the rest, suddenly, he has a plan to get [member="Zathra Fett"] into the plan. "Hey, Zathra bucko! I'll pay 5000 credits for help on this ship of criffin jedi hunter rascals!

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Edse'ka"] [member="Kha'ro"]​
"Yeah, sure no problem. What did you have in mind Edse?"
Zathra then fired both of her blasters upon a group of thugs before rolling a thermal detonator towards the group, causing the thugs to blow up. This was quite easy, too easy. Why only send thugs if the person in charge was figuring out thugs weren't doing much? This defiantly wasn't right. You would expect more of a powerful force from some jedi hunters. But, for now Zathra just ignored that feeling of curiosity and continued firing upon the thugs. She then grabbed one of her knives attached to her leather belt once a thug was getting a little to close to her for comfort and threw the knife at the thug, the knife went flying and struck the thug right in the center of his throat, killing him.
Kha'ro looks at the thugs who were just beaten, "These are trainees, also I can sense a sith somewhere on board, so 2 things to worry about, the other thugs actually being a challenge and a sith jumping out of nowhere," Kha'ro states. He cuts down the door to the next room, inside there are 10 thugs who look well trained.

[member="Zathra Fett"]

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Kha'ro"] [member="Edse'ka"]​
Zathra then placed her blasters back in their leather holsters and grabbed her carbine rifle. Like shooting fish out of a barrel, easy as pie, will pie wasn't easy to make but....oh never mind. She looked through the iron sights of the carbine and placed will timed headshots and chest shots upon the thugs. So that explained why they were so easy, they were trainees. Zathra saw a red explosive container of fuel and fires upon the container, blowing up a group of five thugs running through the diameter of the container. She then fired again at a couple of thug's, boy this was sooo boring.
Edse'ka fired a rocket at the well-trained thugs, unfortunately their armour resisted it and about 20 more ran out. There are more? How much do they want this jedi? Edse'ka fired a concussion rocked, stunning 5 of the enemies.
Kha'ro leaped to the stunned enemies and cut 2 in half before mind tricking the rest, "You do not want to kill jedi, you want to help jedi!" Surprisingly, they obeyed, their will was so weak it was amazing. It was then that Kha'ro realized they were clones. "Hey they will come at us infinitely, don't waste ammo, just get past them!" Kha'ro yelled, the trainees were being trained just so they could be cloned.

[member="Zathra Fett"]

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Kha'ro"] [member="Edse'ka"]​
Zathra, still fired upon the trainees despite what Kha said. So what they were cannon fodder, they were useful for target practice which she would need lots of for the incoming defensive of a mandalorion controlled planet. Zathra fired three more times at a well armed thug until he ran up to her and she ducked just in time to not be decapitated by his large vibroaxe. She then swerved to his side and then behind him before grabbing the thug with her right arm by the thug's neck and tossing the thug into a fire. Man, these guys were also pretty frigging annoying, and I mean a ton.
Edse'ka tries running past the clones to the next room but one of them gets him in a grab and breaks his arm, the one he didn't use for his blaster luckily, "AAAAAHHGG, damn criff!" He yells while shooting the enemy in the head and pushing it back, this wasn't one of the trainees.

[member="Zathra Fett"]
Kha'ro leap't over the enemies, deflecting their blaster shots. He uses the force to pull the injured Edse'ka towards him and the exit, "[member="Zathra Fett"], lets go! These guys will keep coming!" he yells. Sprinting into the next room, he sees 3 dark jedi apprentices and behind them a sith knight who says, "Hello, padawan." Kha'ro says to himself, "Great."

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Kha'ro"] [member="Edse'ka"]​
"I'll power up my ship"
F​inally they could leave, this was getting boring fast with the trainees. Zathra ran into her ship and skidded to a halt and went towards the pilot's chair and she began to power up the engines and shielding. Only, their was a problem, something was wrong with the exterior shielding. Great, she would have to go fix this. Zathra opened up a hatch in the floor of the light freighter and dropped down a small, tight hole and knelled down and tried to fix the shielding. Then, that's when she heard it, the click of a red lightsaber. The click sounded close, like in her ship close.
Following Kha'ro Edse'ka saw the sith and dark jedi, "Damn!" he yelled and fired at a dark jedi apprentice who easily deflected the shots, "Criff!" He was then being choked by the apprentice using the force, he felt faint and was moving towards the big thug ship, he felt his consciousness begin to fade and shot the dark jedi apprentice in the head, causing him to be dropped but he was knocked out anyway.

[member="Zathra Fett"]
Kha'ro says in shock, "A- An- Anususho? The one wh- who killed the friend I had in the jedi temple? The one who killed Noboshosa?" The sith gave a laugh and said, "He is not dead, he is the apprentice who is in front of you!" Kha'ro froze in shock, he did look familiar, he had turned to the dark side? Tears fell from Kha'ro's eyes, "I thought you were better than that, you mon- mons- no, I cannot call you a monster," he said sadly. Igniting his lightsabers he prepared to fight but he flinched, while he was flinching, the dark jedi shocked him, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHRHRHGH!" Kha'ro had to do this, he couldn't stop because of his feelings. Kha'ro was always a step ahead of his friend, he used the force to pull the dark jedi apprentice then they got into a saber clash, with a few swings of 1 lightsaber and a stab from the other, Noboshosa was dead. Kha'ro found it hard to take that he had just killed his old friend and so he fell to his knees.

[member="Zathra Fett"]

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Kha'ro"] [member="Edse'ka"]​
"Guys, hurry it up...we have a problem over here!!"
Zathra drew one of her blasters and swiftly climbed out of the small hatch and the electronic hatch door automatically closed once she got out. Great, some type of sith or something on her ship....this wasn't good, not goo at all. Zathra fired twice at the sith apprentice that stood before her and the sith deflected both bolts back at her, the shots hit her armor doing no damage to her but she still felt the jolt of both of the shots and staggered backwards. Zathra, slightly dazed aimed her blaster at the sith and fired once more but the sith blocked the blast and sent it into the ground of the ship, making a small dent in it. Will, that didn't need fixing, hopefully. Suddenly, the sith brought up his hand and gripped Zathra by the force and slowly started chocking her. Ughhh, just great being chocked this was not on Zathra's to do list today........not at all. The Sith then sent Zathra flying behind him and she crashed hard into the ship's console and then slammed her against the wall and released her from his force grip. The sith slowly walked towards Zathra while keeping his blade ignited. Something felt broken, gravely broken and bloody. Suddenly, Zathra's astromech flew towards the Sith knocking the sith apprentice out of the ship and onto the hard concrete outside. Zathra's vision was blurry at the edges and she certainly knew something was broken, but how much was broken she didn't know along with how much she was bleeding she didn't know.
Kha'ro's sadness became rage, rage he couldn't control, even with all his jedi training, he couldn't do a thing about this rage and hatred towards this sith. He screamed, cutting the remaining apprentice into pieces and charging at the sith knight, he screamed, "I'LL KILL YOU!" and in pure rage he swung with both lightsabers at the sith in a flurry. Clashing with Anususho he kicked the sith and cut of his arm before being shocked and thrown away, Kha'ro's rage was gone but it had effected him, tired him, he lay down, unable to move. He enhanced the mandalorian with the force and healed her, saying, "I've weakened him... You finish... Th-... The... Job... [member="Zathra Fett"]..."

Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Edse'ka"] [member="Kha'ro"]​
The force heal didn't do much in Kha's weakened state but it did help to strengthen some of Zathra's broken bones and stop some blood leakage for a limited amount of time. Zathra stood up and grabbed her fallen blaster and fired five times at the wounded sith, the sith blocked most of the shots but two hit the sith in the abdomen causing the sith to stagger back. She then fired when the sith was weakened and killed the sith with a slightly off headshot. Zathra then limped over to Kha'ro and sat him down in one of the four passenger seats along with dragging Edse to one of the passenger seats an putting them both in the seats. The little astromech then rolled back into the ship quickly as a group of well trained thugs ran towards the ship. Zathra slumped down in one of the two pilot's seat and typed on the console. The ramp then ascended into the ship and the ship locked. Zathra turned a switch upwards and the ship's engines turned completely on and the ship flew off of the ground and went towards the clouds. The astromech then clicked it's uplink cord into the mainframe of the ship and began to autopilot the ship. Soon, some of the thug ships chased after the ship and the exterior lower turret turned and fired upon the cockpits of the ships, hitting a few of the cockpits but only sending one singular ship spiraling down towards the ground below.
" of you if your able to, go operate the upper turret."
Zathra then grabbed two med kits and threw one to Edse and Kha and used the other for herself. Let's see, her left arm was broken along with her right knee down and a few ribs, Great! Zathra then limped over into her personal quarters and locked the door behind her and sat on her bed. Then, she began to wipe down her wounds and replace her armor to something comfortable, like a brown tanktop with a black armorweave suit underneath.

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