Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Assertion of Power

Caehl's expression took a cold shift beneath that of his Helm listening to [member="Kyrel Ren"] speak down to them all, the Master of Ren having come here by the Disciples Summons, as had all the others for the sake of stoking the fire that burned within them all for the will and vision of the Supreme Leader of the First Order. Such arrogance and haste, the Master was indeed experienced in battle yet he waited none to appreciate the students among him that were stepping forward to speak up in favor of their willingness to pursue the renovation of progress for their Order. "You fail to understand the purpose for which I have summoned you all here, Kyrel Ren" Caehl spoke up in counter, choosing his words that he knew would garner the attention of the man that adorned the armor of Vader; "Blind violence is not the objective. We would do the Order of Ren more harm than good if our goal was to slaughter each other needlessly".

The Disciple was glad to see that the Master of Ren had joined them, it was encouraging to know that their ranks were not entirely obliterated by the traitors to the Sith; however there was an example to be set among his own ranks, his peers of which were to become the future of the Ren and the hand of which Sieger would hold the balance of power across the Galaxy when those like Kyrel had fulfilled their purpose and the First Order had moved on.

His gaze shifted, the black visor moving to watch [member="Mishel Zanteres"] and [member="Varas Kyrel"] who had already taken into the fight. "Learn from one another" Caehl called to them as they began, "Use each other. Body Language, momentum, we are our own short comings. The Blade is not the only weapon, use your mind and lead each other into strength..." he offered them the short advice, whether they would understand what he was saying was up to the pair. If Kyrel wasn't to pair them up into groups then it would be left to him. Casting his gauntlet to point out at [member="Elani Zambrano"], "You" he spoke and then gestured to [member="Zesiro"] "And you". He then turned to look across the room to that of [member="Cyril Ren"] and [member="Jack Napier"] "You two...-Arm yourselves and begin. Remember, do not kill each other. Use intellect as much as you do strength. Anger is a worthy tool in moderation but intelligence will keep you alive, instinct will drive you through. Challenge your opponent only as much as you seek to challenge yourselves. LEARN!". Looking across to that of [member="Zmej Ren"], Caehl lowered his head briefly to the Knight of Ren, extending a hand to the rest of the room as if to say the choice was hers. Like Kyrel, she outranked him and he would not dictate her choice for a partner, least of all limit her to only one.

With that said and done, Caehl Ren once more turned his attention upon the Master of Ren, for which he turned side on, his gaze not leaving the mask of Vader now as he carried the large bastard sword, his phrik plated boots of the Armor he bore distancing to shift his weight evenly upon both feet. "And we shall learn from one another, Master...-For it seems you are eager to fight and I would be your opponent today".

Edited as I missed [member="Zmej Ren"] >.<"

[member="Elani Zambrano"] | [member="Jack Napier"] | [member="Cyril Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Mishel Zanteres"] | [member="Zmej Ren"]​

Mishel Kryze

The room had fallen silent to Mishel she ignored the posturing of [member="Caehl Ren"] who attempted to mock his better. She allowed the others to become muted tones of the walls around her, her eyes focused on [member="Varas Kyrel"]. Abomination to abomination for all intents and purposes the two were not much different. Pieces of another's DNA, of another's legacy one was crafted for a purpose and the other had been a mistake. The force's own sick, twisted humour had been Mishel - the child who should not have been, born of the force in a moment of pure heat and lust between the Grandmistress Siobhan Kerrigan and her lover whose dark ancient blood pricked at the power within Kerrigan's aura. Concealed behind the mask were the burning orange hues that traced the training saber as the sound of Mishel's own 'Firebrand' clashed against it.

Mishel had no chosen form, instead, there was a hint of Soresu, and a glimmer of Ataru. Do you know what you are . She thought to herself with regards to her brother's chosen words, you are a tool. You are their tool, and how easily you obey . Her thoughts flowed freely - in a way one could say the same as Mishel obeyed her own father, Seiger Ren almost without question. And yet she knew she was the rebel of the clan, everything paused as all she could focus on was Firebrand's clash against the training saber. The disciple had only taken a single five-foot step forward, right foot forward, left foot back. She paid no heed to the taunting smile of the woman before her, for in her mind she focused on the hideous smiles of the Jedi, that of Taeli Raaf. That of those she faced off against on Skor II, in particular, the so-called Jedi who placed her into a lock in an attempt to dart her. The furious cold eyes of the dark Eldorai woman, the Dar-Eldari as Mishel referred to her.

Mishel's rage grew and one could not help but feel the heat around her elevate. He would mock me but create you. He would mock my blood, talk of my blood and then turn around to create you. Such. A. Hypocrite. Every one of you in this family, liars. Liars. LIARS.

[member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Elani Zambrano"] | [member="Cyril Ren"] | [member="Jack Napier"] | [member="Zmej Ren"]
Thinking to himself of the person Kyrel chose to partner him up with he thought, *Looks like I'll be going up against a Knight*. With the dagger he chose earlier in his hands, he slowly approached [member="Zmej Ren"]. Reminiscing on Caehl's words to learn from their partner and not kill them, he quietly scoffed. Just when she didn't expect it, Jack came towards her with speed. Aiming towards her stomach, he thrust the dagger in front of her. Turning at the last second he went for her left arm, aiming to prove that he wouldn't kill her. He sliced at the middle of her arm, hoping to pierce it enough to cause a lot of damage. Smirking, he waited for her response to his spontaneous attack.

[member="Zmej Ren"]​
Kyrel was feeling unlike himself, the saber that was under his belt and had bonded to him despite the blade being bonded to him was affecting his behavior. Instead of letting Caehl instruct the class, Kyrel craved conflict his anger, his rage would have nothing else, and Kyrel didn't realize this until Caehl had spoken to him. It had caused him to rethink his words and had caused him to rethink his methods normally he wasn't like this, but now was determined not to let the blade rule him.
As Caehl moved to grab a large sword most likely resistant against Lightsabers, he kept his sabers down as he looked at the man corrupted by the dark side's influence. "I apologize for my outbursts Brother Caehl. The saber you see on my belt, Vader's Bane as I call it was crafted by a crystal found where Vader was defeated on Mustafar." He said as he started to raise a Force Barrier up to prevent himself from falling prey to Force Attacks so easily, he then continued. "It's unlike any other weapon, a curse to some, a gift to others. Pray you don't find yourself against it. It may be already affecting you, you can feel your rage slowly rise, can't you. As long as you are within the vicinity of it, everyone in this room is affected and it get's worse if the blade is activated."
Speaking of rage, he could feel Mishel's rage as her daughter was forced to duel her. It was anything unlike Kyrel has every faced before, that it was astonishing to him. She may have enough rage to even rival Kyrel, and for a moment feared for her safety, if anyone especially her attacked his daughter, he would move in with haste and defend her if need be, but for now such useless emotions needed to be set aside as he looked at Caehl and went into a stance mixture that of Djem So and Soresu. "You know keep this up and you could perhaps be an instructor here at the Academy if not a headmaster, but for now Brother no more talk, let our blades do that for us. I will let you make the first move." He said anticipating the Disciple's first move cautiously.
[member="Jack Napier"] | [member="Mishel Zanteres"] | [member="Zesiro"] | [member="Caehl Ren"] | [member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Cyril Ren"] | [member="Elani Zambrano"]​
Although Zmej Ren’s armoured figure stood still, the dark plates coating her form merely hid the fuming rage within. Superior or not, the blonde agent held zero loyalty to [member="Kyrel Ren"]. The only man she offered her blind devotion to was the father of all Ren; men like brother Kyrel had to earn it and she wasn’t impressed by the new master so far, finding his approach ineffective. Yes, Kyrel wanted Ren to be strong. Physically capable warriors, skilled combatants. He seemed to disregard the ideological part and loyalty to the Supreme Leader though, trying to supplement it with fear of his own wrath. Not that she would have done much differently; fear was a most useful tool, but Kyrel was simply too brash, too hasty to wield it efficiently. Instead of inspiring obedience of those under him, the Vader-esque warrior had underlined his lack of authority.

This gathering of Ren further proved her point.

“Enough, Kyrel,” hissed Zmej like an angry snake, finally losing her nerves with the newly appointed master, “You’re insecure in your new position and see disrespect everywhere. Right now, what Ren need is a confident leader to rally under, not a Sith wannabe who threatens competence and assertiveness with mutilation. Inspire us and cultivate the order's loyalty to Sieger Ren!”

Carrot and stick, that was her approach.

Kyrel had no carrot and held the stick like a brute.

A warning through the Force alerted the blonde knight to incoming danger. She spun around, lightsaber telekinetically summoned to her right hand. An unstable and loud beam of crimson burst to life, yet as deadly as it was, its master believed herself skilled enough to avoid injuring the disciple. Zmej’s booted feet took a quick step back, enough to gain some distance between herself and the disciple who rushed at her with dagger in hand. The knight’s blade of crackling red energy parried his strike, pushing the short bladed weapon aside – and by then she charged, launching her hulking mass of armour against his body to knock him down.

“If you lack the skill and equipment to take down armoured opponents, pick weaker combatants to attack,” commented the knight, “Good thinking on the feint on my torso and going for the arm. Stabs are more effective, though – aim for the armpits and popliteals, the armour’s weak points. Your strikes will bounce off otherwise.”

The blonde agent did not retaliate otherwise, giving [member="Jack Napier"] time to recuperate and try different ways to hit her.

[member="Varas Kyrel"] [member="Cyril Ren"] [member="Zesiro"] [member="Mishel Zanteres"] [member="Elani Zambrano"] [member="Caehl Ren"]

"You fail to understand the purpose for which I have summoned you all here, Kyrel Ren."

As the one named [member="Caehl Ren"] corrected her father, Varas felt a rush of embarrassment for him, manifesting itself in a hot flush spreading across her collarbone and up her pale neck. Duty and honor compelled her to take a step towards the more experienced Ren who sought to put Kyrel in his place, but she did not need to see her father’s eyes to know that a bold attack upon Caehl, even with words, would only end badly for her.

Better to focus her ire upon the female target. If she had known Mishel’s origin she may felt more of a kinship, but right now she only saw someone standing in her way.

As her adversary closed the distance between them and envisioned the blonde Ren as Taeli Raaf, Varas unknowingly used a similar technique to visualize Mishel as a long-necked Kaminoan, smugly teaching her how to eat or read or move her stiff limbs as she spent time in the Morpho research center during her conditioning, to prepare her for this journey here today. Of course, the Kaminoans were far from lenient upon her especially after working for her xenophobic mother for so many years. She recalled them leaving her for hours to try and lift herself by atrophied arms and legs until she finally gave up, exhausted by heat, hunger and the effort to move when her body wasn’t yet ready.

Vader's Bane injecting her with a surge of rage, as though a spice flowing through her veins, she swung the practice saber towards Mishel with equal grace and clumsiness and followed through with short but determined chops which beckoned Mishel’s blade with a satisfying clash.

[member="Mishel Zanteres"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]​
Brennan Cabrol, the man beneath the visage of armor and cybernetics that was Caehl Ren as they all saw today would never have expected [member="Kyrel Ren"] to stand and accept the opinions of his own to be viable and worthy of such a compromise. To his words, the Disciple did not speak any further, not for lack of words but out of respect for the Master's wish to pursue where they had left off. All that was given in response was a slow bow of his head in honor of the other man, he whom adorned the cloak and armor of Vader, so too carried a lightsaber of the fallen Sith Lord; one of which carried a tremendous weight of darkside energies to which it became quickly apparent that Kyrel had too become aware of it's effect and now sought to keep it isolated within his own aura. Curious as such, Caehl himself was one consumed within darkness and yet within control of himself as the Ren often sought to be. The day that he had accepted his fate and sought to end his own life to take down the likes of Taeli Raaf, a supposed Jedi Master of whom beyond his knowledge it would seem that the others too held experience with; there within the Hilikan Facility, giving all to the Supreme Leader and being baptized within the Purifying Fires of two incendiary grenades rolling gently out of his palm, Brennan Cabrol died and the Hand of Sieger Ren was born, twisting up through the corruption of the Force, Dark as it was, to reach out and take hold of the path not that was guided by the Force but decreed by prophetic declaration of their All-Father, their indomitable Lord and the righteous leader for which the Galaxy would submit...or perish before.

With the strength and hydraulic hiss of his cybernetic right arm, he brought the two handed blade from atop his shoulder, the weight greater than that of a typical mans wield. It's steel was not unlike the other weapons offered up to those of the Ren, forged for the purpose of opposing other practitioners of the Force and skilled combatants in the arts of swordsmanship, the Goliath double-edge embedded with Phrik for the better combat and durability against the blade of a lightsaber, Kyrel's still drawn and awaiting Caehl's initiative. The Force was not something that he planned to use against the protege of Vaders Legacy, as possessed by the fallen Sith as Caehl himself was by the Father of Ren's magnificence, he sought not to take up arms in full force with his superior least they completely level the grand hall they all shared breath within.

Shifting his weight across to his forward foot, his left knee bent as the Disciple throw himself forward, his left hand joining the right as it too a firm grip around the handle of the Bastard Swords hilt, the cross guards wide and meant to guard injury or damage to his Gauntlets, Caehl Ren's step quickly turned into a sudden burst of energy showing no reluctance in crossing the room to meet Kyrel face on. The Bastard Sword hurled around in a hefty and vicious arc, Caehl shifting to put all his weight into the momentum of the strike that would take an unarmored foe in two. The added strength of his cybernetics aiding him in handling the massive weapon as if it were his lightsaber, though it dwarfed the far more civil sword of energy that Kyrel carried by an additional quarter length. Such a sword in all it's brutal design would force Caehl to be carried with it's momentum, his arms swinging around and raising his right up above his head, he carried the momentum on to lift high above that of himself and prepare to bring it hurling down with a final vertical lunge; these attacks were not those of a man who sought to hold back yet those of a Disciple whom knew that the opponent he faced would neither hold back nor allow himself to be crippled nor killed by that of Brennan Cabrol.

[member="Elani Zambrano"] | [member="Jack Napier"] | [member="Cyril Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Mishel Zanteres"] | [member="Zmej Ren"]​


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Ting'tinag had stood silently besides [member="Kyrel Ren"] as the other talked, she was not sure of the point of being here, maybe it was her masters way of showing her the power of the Order, or simple because he did not trust the Twi'lek on her own. Tin'Tinag had no idea who anyone of the people present were, only that they held significant power and status in the First Order.

As the other discussed what every issued they face Tin'tinag contemplated her new standing, she was now part of a galactic order, one that held more power that anything she would have been able to join as a smuggler. In a way she enjoyed this new life, but was new to it, and was very much still in the leaning phase, but then again, experience was the best teacher.

The other master's and more skilled Ren took up arms for light-saber sparring, causing her to in-turn move to the side, her own skill with a blade while decent was unfriended and sloppy compared to other who had trained from a young age. Watching the other member go about their business it seemed as though Kyrel was not the most liked, that did not bode well for her.

/ [member="Varas Kyrel"] / [member="Caehl Ren"] / [member="Zmej Ren"] / [member="Mishel Zanteres"] /
Recovering from Zmej pushing him to the ground, he starts laughing. *Man, what a fool* He thought, staring back up at her. Starting to get up he asked, "Do you really think I was stupid enough to try to cut through the armor?" Continuing to laugh he walks a little closer. "No, that was just a distraction. For this!" As he lunged forward, sliding on the ground, aiming towards her right armpit with the dagger. Turning around, he crouched on the floor and attacked her left popliteal. Quickly getting up and backing away a few steps, he thought that maybe this time he did some damage.

[member="Zmej Ren"]
Getting tired of waiting for Zesiro to attack, she ran head on for her, slicing at her stomach. She channeled her anger and repeatedly slashed her with the sword, causing a little over mild damage. "You may have been instructed to come here by Kyrel personally, but I came on my own fee will!" She shouted through her slashes. Thinking she did enough damage, she backed off and continued to speak. "Which means that I have to prove myself, even more than you do!" Breathing heavily she waited for Zesiro's reaction.

For Cyril, she didn't always have the best growing up. She was born to a poor family, and then one day her parents were taken by death. Ever since then she had to fend for herself, alone. She had grown to be untrusting, and a little antisocial. She's always had to rely on only herself, no one else. So seeing she had to fight one of the people Kyrel personally called in, she wanted to prove herself as she saw the two people he called upon as dependent on approval from Kyrel. And she was quite easily the youngest person in the room at only 15 years of age. She didn't want to be seen as weak or childish because of that.

For her, she was able to channel the force through her anger towards other people. Her hostility towards them comes from the fact that she feels that she doesn't need anyone else, and is better than everyone else. But secretly, she's afraid that if she gets too close to someone she'll lose them like she did her parents. So instead, she acts bitter and cold towards everyone. Or, she doesn't even acknowledge them at all. For if she were to love, it would cause nothin but pain.

Which is why no matter what [member="Zesiro"] had went through in life, Cyril didn't care. She only wanted to win in the fight, to prove her devotion to her Father Sieger Ren. And ass-kissers like Zesiro shouldn't stand in her way. At least that's how Cyril felt about her. She completely disregarded the fact that Zesiro was probably his apprentice as well. Now, it was only a matter of Zesiro's reaction to her vicious attacks.

Zmej had half expected the disciple to blindly try his chances at piercing the fearsome armour’s weak points. The other half had secretly hoped he’d be smarter than that. No such luck, though – disappointing. Utterly predictable, boring and lacking imagination. Scoffing, the knight of Ren remained motionless as her trainee got up and charged, going for the very weaknesses she just spoke of. The man’s speed went in his disfavour though as he built up more momentum.

In accordance with Makashi's core principles, Zmej’s exceptional footwork reacted to the disciple’s approach, sidestepping and completely avoiding his attack, yet rotating her entire form as she did so. It was meant to constantly keep the man in sight and never let him get into her back, effectively eliminating any chance he might have had at exploiting the lack of armour on popliteals.

“Predictable,” hissed the obviously unimpressed Zmej from behind the cold mask, “If your opponent’s aware of his weaknesses, it is likely he knows how to counter your attempts at exploiting them. Right now, there is no way for you to take me down on your own. Not without better gear.”

Fluidly shifting into the offensive, Zmej started to circle her opponent clockwise in carefully planted, yet light steps. Humming menacingly, her blade pointed at the youngster’s torso, its reach denying him the chance to come close enough to even try hitting her. There was nothing he could do about it and the battle-hardened knight purposely let him wallow in the fact.

“Either grab a second dagger or pick up a force pike.” She advised him upon feeling his frustration reached suitable levels.

But actually granting the man a chance at following her advice wasn’t a part of her plan. Like a poisonous snake, the armoured Hand of Sieger Ren lunged forward, thrusting the saber’s searing tip forth in a feint that appeared to be going for his mid-section. All it took was a simple flick of her wrist and the stab’s direction changed to that of his left thigh, meaning that even if he saw through her trick and blocked or parried the playful jab, his arm would find itself in an awkward position waiting to be exploited.

[member="Jack Napier"]

Mishel Kryze

The sounds of lightsabers clashed with fury, vrummmummmmm, schvrmmmmmmm. Mishel shifted her stance and came down to block, pivot and counter her rage grew and the heat around both her and [member="Varas Kyrel"] began to turn up a few degrees. Her lightsaber hungered for heat, embers flew from the orange hue and all she could see before her now was no longer Taeli Raaf but her own biological mother. A low growl began to emit from within her throat until a force bound scream. It created distance between the two women and all the teenager could think now as her anger grew was how she had been abandoned. Left with her father, Seiger, left to be his tool, left to be tortured by him and all she wanted to do was end it all. Just the same she felt the light within her diminish, [member="Hazel Zanteres"]'s own transformation, her own fall could be felt. A unified darkness within the girl began to take its grip on her heart. "He would create you, he would make you for his legacy and mock me, mock my blood, mock my being," an unholy rage could be felt from her, the words were dripped with poison. "You are just as unholy as I, you are no better ," she lashed out - her anger drew onto her own force reserves.

Ashira L'Adonai . The words came down into her mind, the thought of mothers connected her back to Tygara. Have you forsaken me, Ashira? I am not of Eldorai blood but I worship you all the same, beloved Goddess. A moment of unfocus, a moment of disillusion led to Mishel taking a cut across her armor. Smoke began to emanate from her armor, it rose and smelled of hell itself. Sulfur just as her eyes became drenched in the color concealed behind the mask as she drew on her pain and anger. Her lightsaber not only glowed brighter but burned at a higher temperature. The unknown effect from the lightsaber poured into her, and around the disciple smoke too began to rise the poor blonde in front of her would surely feel it now. Unknown to the clone, to the woman made of science - for as powerful as she was designed to be, so too had Mishel been born with such power. Distilled from the Grandmistress of Fire herself, Siobhan Kerrigan.

Zesiro was standing at the side of the room when a girl about five years younger than her moved in for her attack. This was going to be a sparring session it seemed and the young sith was ready for her. She pulled out her saber and deflected most of the weak slashes, but one or two got through her own poor defenses. The sword did not harm to her stomach as she was wearing a shirt that kept it from breaking through to her skin.

She felt the anger of the little one and smiled at her. Knowing all too well how to manipulate people, she pretended to be hurt by the blows. It may give rise to a small bit of sympathy from the girl. She would be really surprised if it didn't.

No matter the reaction of the child, Zesiro launched her own attack. As poor as it might be, she held her saber left handed and made a stab at Cyril's right shoulder. Before it might connect, she changed its trajectory and turned it into swipe at the side of the girl's face.

[member="Cyril Ren"]

Varas had two goals in mind for this duel, and hopefully they would come together gracefully like a pair of harmonious voices singing the same mournful song. To Impress her father and to make Mishel kneel before her.

It was as simple as that.

How to get there was far more complicated.

She could feel the heat from the sabers clashing, threatening to break her concentration on the elaborate Makashi sequences she’d lined up in her head - which incidently all went awry with Mishel’s capable parries. Improvising turned into just hanging on and soon, Varas felt herself slowly retreating, step by backwards step. The silvery-blonde haired Ren wanted to do something, anything to break Mishel’s powerful spell of dominance.

The banshee scream from her opponent further broke her concentration.

Closing her eyes for a brief moment, eyelashes fluttering, like a huge gulp of oxygen, she drew the darkside of the Force into her being to fill her with the advantage she'd been losing over the last few minutes. Mishel’s words barely scratched the surface of her consciousness - she only had the capacity for fluid movement and her own brand of rage, resulting in a successful blow across Mishel’s chest.

The burning material smelled like perfume to her sensitive nostrils, yet the teenager before her only seemed to grow stronger with the wisp of smoke and perhaps even the caress of pain.

There was something going on before her - something unearthly, beyond the mortal realm - or so she assumed. Spooked momentarily, Varas thrust her arms out, lightsaber up, but left hand with palm flat, facing Mishel, violently pushing the other girl with the Force, attempting to slam her into the wall behind her.

[member="Mishel Zanteres"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]

Mishel Kryze

Mishel felt the push and let it take her she closed her eyes and shifted her stance. Ataru, her eyes opened and she felt her back hit a wall and in the moment she landed she planted her feet on the ground. Her anger continued to boil, sweat dripped from her brow but concealed by the helmet and without a second thought, she charged. She charged full on with [member="Varas Kyrel"] in her sights, smoke trailed behind her as pops of ember sparked up from beneath her feet. Carried by the force as she used force speed, Mishel focused on the other woman's weapon and with the flick of her hand used force disarm in an attempt to toss the weapon away. The heat of her powers, combined with the speed she moved in caused those mere sparks of ember to become inflamed. Fire now trailed behind her just as she focused on a complete body slam into Varas, Mishel pivoted away and her lightsaber grew with ferocity as it came down in another attempt to clash against Varas. He would create you, would he? You are just as much of an abomination as me, and you are a fool. Orange hues flipped into a sulfuric yellow as the heat between the two erupted, and Mishel switched her focus away from the teenager and unto [member="Kyrel Ren"].​

Kyrel prepared himself, the rage that he was keeping at bay with all of his might, His crimson blade prepared for the sword that his companion wielded. Kyrel Ren was no stranger to combat, he was a veteran of the War against the Galactic Alliance, he had faced countless foes, from the Jedi Padawan that he killed on Kaeshana during the first battle, the Ancient Sith Spirit of Darth Thaxsis on Mustafar and the Jedi Masters he went up against in trying to save Master Derith, and then Hoth where he faced the bastard line of Kerrigan and her allies, surviving with more than enough scars and with each encounter he emerged stronger than ever.

He prepared himself for the attacks the Ren would deliver, and just like that with a burst of speed he came rushing upon Kyrel within seconds, the move almost surprised Kyrel, but he dare not move, he stood his ground as within seconds he saw Caehl raise his heavy blade above his head, he recognized it as a familiar move known as the Falling Avalanche strike, a common attack of Form V dueling, A Form-focused on shifting the focus of combat in one's favor dominating the opponent with hard and heavy attacks. Kyrel knew this all too well as it was the form he most preferred and trained himself in an amateurish variant that Darth Vader used when he was a Disciple studying Holograms that he could recover of the Dark Lord. Before the young man could even connect his attack, Kyrel sidestepped to the right, and moved back in order to toy with his prey.

He then shifted his focus at first to Zmej and did not take kindly to the words that were spoken, under the Influence of Vader's Bane. He looked to the girl as he stepped back in case Caehl would make another move. "You dare insult me... Where were you during the time of your absence? You dare call me a Sith, when you are too much of a coward to serve the Supreme Leader, you weren't even brave enough to defend the people of our nation or even save Sister Ara when she was struck down by the enemy... Where were you when we were under siege on Bespin and Hoth, where innocent and good men died in that hell. You were nowhere, while me and others such as Brother Caehl devoted our very lives, and even some lost theirs in trying to save our great nation and do our duty to the Supreme Leader, you disgust me, you pathetic fool who didn't even fulfill her oath in her time of need, but has the gall to call her own a Sith." He said as his rage was growing harder to contain looking at the girl that was before him.

He then watched the battle that took place between his Daughter, and the Daughter of Kerrigan, he grew worried for her and wondered if the Mishel would kill Varas. He couldn't allow that to happen, he wouldn't stand for it, and as he watched the two, his worry only increased as he could feel Mishels thoughts as he could feel pure rage coming from her, then in midst of the sabers clashing, he saw fire erupted between the two. He instantly became worried for his daughter's safety and then as Mishel shifted her gaze to him, he stared right back and began to walk towards her, his saber down to his side. He wanted to see if she was alright, and if need be deal with the abomination that was Kerrigan.

[member="Mishel Zanteres"] [member="Varas Kyrel"] [member="Zesiro"] [member="Zmej Ren"] [member="Jack Napier"][member="Cyril Ren"] [member="Caehl Ren"]

Varas watched as Mishel flew backwards and at first, she lauded her own effort, but when the Kerrigan spawn regained her footing, skidding slightly into the wall, her mouth formed a tense line, arms and legs swinging back into a Makashi stance. The dark haired disciple might have gotten a tailbone bruise from the push, but certainly no broken bones as she’d hoped.

And suddenly Varas’s lightsaber flew from her hand. Her silver-grey eyes darted to her father and back to [member="Mishel Zanteres"]. The embarrassment that she felt from being disarmed so easily… it fueled a fire inside of her that grew from her belly, outward and upward. But the fellow Disciple slammed into her, the girl’s saber grazing Varas’s forearm, causing her to crumble to her knees and howl in pain. She could feel the wound under her armor, semi-cauterized now with blood seeping from it.

He would create you, would he? You are just as much of an abomination as me, and you are a fool.

The young clone threw up a Force barrier, bracing for the next blow from the whirling dervish that Mishel had become in the training room. If Varas had her way she would not be kneeling for long. She glanced at the weapons rack, scanning and scanning the staffs and swords for what she would pull down with telekinesis when the electric field gave way.

But to her surprise Mishel turned directly towards Kyrel and her father began to stride over to the two opponents. And into Mishel's mind, Varas said in a low and threatening taunt: No, I'm a flesh and blood daughter of [member="Kyrel Ren"]. Not a degenerate like you.

Mishel Kryze

"The only degenerate I see here is you."

"You believe yourself to be flesh of his flesh," she doubted this creature was even made of true flesh. "When he can replace you so easily, tell me, do you not think he would create another if you should fail?" Mishel grinned beneath her helmet and laughed. See, "unlike me, I am a unique entity. If I perish there can not be another like me, for you see. Unlike you, my blood lies not within a tube." There was a sickening laughter as she turned over her shoulder to look at [member="Varas Kyrel"]. "You are not made for the Ren, your father possesses too much of his own vanity to serve my father, Seiger."

"As such he should be cleansed from this holy temple."

Her fire grew, and behind her blazed a conflagration it was an unholy fire the disciple marched toward the metal man that was Kyrel. "Yield brother, or would you prefer the term Dark Lord as you seem to display such tendencies. You claim to want to know where our dear sister was, but what I want to know, is what possessed you to create your own spawn. You are a Ren, you have no need for such trivialities. Our legacy is our name, we are his legacy and yet you would defile our home with this." Her anger grew and her fire did as well as she looked around and turned back to see the young woman. "You, you would submit yourself to our Order?"

She turned and walked toward Varas, with her fire fully in control. "If you should then you submit yourself to our family, you cast away all your chains, and your bonds including to him." Mishel eyed Kyrel as she took off her helmet and threw it down. "You comply and obey, you leave behind that which you knew and become reborn as a Sister of Ren, a Daughter of Seiger himself. Or do you fail like our brother." Mishel's hair was matted down with sweat, "do you yield yourself to our father once more, Kyrel. Or do we put you down? For you have decided to forsake our greatest vows."

[member="Zmej Ren"] | [member="Caehl Ren"] | [member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]



The voice echoed through the chamber, cold, hard, and unyielding floating over the din of plasma crashing and petty arguments. A blanket of power swept over the assembled Ren, stinging with the heat of anger and the force of the command threading its way into each Disciple, Knight, and Master’s mind.

A figure stood in the doorway, unnoticed for some time, watching the chaos unfolding with an unamused sneer curling up the corners of her lips. Swirling amber and maroon eyes swept over the scene before her as she stepped down into the room, the stormy expression pulling her eyebrows together. Her gaze paused on each of the Ren in turn, familiar and unfamiliar, the strength of her power tightening vocal chords and chest muscles as she reinforced her command with each locked gaze.

The black cloak settled on her shoulders whipped up behind her with every step, the golden clasp beneath her chin flashing in the light, a new addition to her wardrobe, the Eye of Solomon, her family’s crest. She wore no armour nor mask, the Knight having answered [member="Caehl Ren"] ‘s summons immediately after Master [member="Samka Derith"] had chosen to dismiss her from their regular training sessions. Maroon orbs froze on the organizer of this…cluster of a training session with a slight inclination of her head. The blanket of power swept over the disciple without consequence, Ara content that he alone among this group would head her words without the needless display of power the rest would no doubt require of her.

Each step brought her closer towards the center of the room, all eyes trained on the woman who pulsed with darkness and heat, aura burning like a dark sun even in this collection of Force Users. A purr dripping with honey and vinegar simultaneously, slithered through the stillness of the room and into the minds of the gathered Ren.

”Is this what you have to offer for the Supreme Leader? Petty squabbles…

A flash of her irises and she locked onto one who knew her well, but until this moment, believed the half-Hapan to have died in service to the Order, @Mishel Zantares . Disappointment and pride warred in the Knight’s eyes as she regarded the younger girl.

”And insults? I expected better of you both.”

Another step and she regarded [member="Kyrel Ren"] and [member="Zmej Ren"] with an icy glare.

Almost with unnatural precision, she stopped in the dead center of the room, the heavy fabric of her cloak falling still around her, the clink of Ba’Vanim the only sound as it settled into place against her hip. The pressure exerted on the room lessened slightly, the Ren letting her control of their minds and vocal chords slip some, her control not infallible.

”You were called here to learn to fight. To defend our great nation and to better serve the orders of Sieger Ren, and yet…”

Her hand swept out, palm face up, in a semi-circle at the room around her.

”Here you are, bickering and fighting amongst yourselves instead of learning to act together, as a unit, as you have been bid. You disgust me.”

The grim expression curled up into a sneer, shoulders turning square to the Master in the room, eyebrows raised as she took in his armor, saber, and aura. Red rolled over her irises once more as her hand reached out and pushed. As the invisible fingers of power loosened from around the throats and hearts of those gathered, minds released from the siren grip of the Affect Mind she’d affected them with from the moment she first spoke, the hiss and groan of armour under immense pressure filling the hollow silence hanging in the room.

The crash of a knee hitting stone brought a smile to her face, another step bringing her closer to the now kneeling brother in arms, her words for him alone, although all could hear.

”You call yourself a Master of Ren, but you cannot even inspire them into the simple task of acting as one, setting aside personal concerns and egos for the sake of the Order. Pathetic. You do not deserve to stand in my presence, much less that of Decitus or Sieger.”

Her words had a purpose, a knife twisted in the gut of those who’d dedicated their lives to the will of the Supreme Leader. Rage and anger flowed through the room in a heady mix, waves of emotion filling the room and spurring each of the Force Users to greater strengths and yet, they turned it against one another as children in the playground. She could only imagine Samka’s response should the younger woman have walked in instead of the knight.

”I am Ara Zambrano, Knight of Ren. Apparently, I am the only one worthy of such a title.”

If they would not come together on their own, she would give them something to unite against.

[member="Varas Kyrel"] | [member=Zesiro] | [member="Zmej Ren"] | [member="Jack Napier"] | [member="Cyril Ren"]​​
The Desciples eyes closed as the voice emanating from the presence of darkness he had helped return to the First Order reared it's disbelief and malcontent across the facade of which they were meant to call training. Anarchy had reigned in the face of what was supposed to be Order among them; [member="Kyrel Ren"] had eluded Caehl and turned his attention to the others for which the Disciple immediately ceased his attack and refused to pursue the man while his focus was invested elsewhere.

Petty squabbles indeed, it seemed little doubt now that the Order of Ren were sorely lacking in an education of self discipline; perhaps the reason in and of itself for Sieger Ren's silence that they had failed him. Turning away from the Master of Ren, Caehl returned towards the side of the great hall while the back of him glowed with the fires of [member="Mishel Zanteres"] fury. What damage did they seek to cast upon their own temple of instruction and rule; it was for this reason he had known better than to use the wealth of power in the Force against his opponent, no matter how out classed he might have been by that of Kyrel, the state of the grounds they all shared were a testament to their faith, a symbol of the First Order's might in the galaxy.

Returning the Bastard Sword to the weapon rack, he would no longer need it.

"Blind are those who place the priority of themselves above that of the First Order's glory".

He called to the room, his back turned to them all and yet those three standing guard at every side of the great hall under the code of Omega finally made their first movements since the start of the lesson. Delengtha, Arkaos and Nocturnus all moving from their positions to circle around the group and making their way towards that of [member="Ara Ren"], she of whom had met them once already in her return to the First Order's stomping grounds. To her they moved and took up position in the way of the entrance to ensure that none would take their leave; this action a command by that of Caehl Ren's Nueral Interface, feeding his words to their minds and reacting to his bidding instinctively, they took up a defensive position behind her that none might seek to challenge Ara in the way that she sought to challenge the hierarchy of such a tragic performance.

She had taken her time to arrive, Caehl had called upon Ara prior to the rest of the group wishing to meet with her first that he might explain his plan for the lesson. Her duties however took priority over his wishes, as a Disciple, his summons was easily sub-missed in the bidding of [member="Samka Derith"] who sought to reunite Ara with the home and power that she was so deserving of. Behind the knowledge of those in the room, Caehl had been involved in a select number of missions, operations and objectives that would later see to Ara's true place in the galaxy. His dominance over the Knights of Ren was not a matter of arrogance nor faith in and of himself, though it disregarded the approval of some of his higher ups, his purpose was justified before the eyes of the few, his fanaticism not a choice but his very purpose of being; before all of this, he would not see the Supreme Leader denied of the force and divine legion that the Knights of Ren were supposed to be.

Slowly he turned, facing the others from the side of the hall, his visor turning to look to Ara of whom now finally regained the image of fear and power that she once held. Her aura within the Force was immensely stronger than that of Bespin's failure. She had come into herself, a new Goliath of dominion towards those whom might disrespect and come to oppose them. The loud crush of Kyrel's knee hitting the floor, leaving Caehl to turn and look across the hall, a curl to the corner of his mouth as he watched a Knight force a Master to heel before her for the honor of their all-father. This was providence, this was strength in faith to progress. His will, through their hands, hands that would grip the throat of every nation marred in corruption and self loathing. Among them, the weak and narcissistic would meet the same fate and it was now up to those standing before him whether or not such a fate was theirs to behold.

"Witness her!"

Caehl barked another Order, not to the Knights but to his fellow Disciples in the presence of the new arrival. His desire for them all, himself included in this need, to witness the might of one who's faith and etiquette had not broken away from the purity of their cause. Turning to look back towards that of Ara Ren, he smirked in cold admiration of her defiance and authority over others. It was a charge that he had meant to bring upon the group himself, if not roadblocked by his superiors of whom he had expected more from. Needless to say he was impressed.

[member="Elani Zambrano"] | [member="Jack Napier"] | [member="Cyril Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Mishel Zanteres"] | [member="Zmej Ren"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Ara Ren"]

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