Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Atrisia Chaos Lore Development Thread

[member="Shoma Ike"]

Looks good! Don't think there's much to add.

You can add this thread:

This thread precedes the GA-Sith Rebellion. As far as I remember, [member="Mythos"] reclaims the throne of Atrisia following OS's dissolution and GA hears about a Sith presence on the planet. Leads directly to the Dominion/Rebellion thread. So it would be right before the Full Reach of Law thread.

Sor-Jan Xantha

[member="Moira Skaldi"]



  • Intent: Codify the "Chaos canon" for the planet Atrisia; incorporating the stories of the Atrisian Empire faction of [member="Akio Kahoshi"], [member="Junko Ike"]'s House of Atrisia royal bloodline, the One Sith, [member="Mythos"] and the Galactic Alliance. Simply put, there's a lot that's happened to this planet on the board and it makes sense to have a sub that captures that. Continuing with the theme of Atrisia as Space Asia, I've carved out several distinct Atrisian regional units that incorporates different and unique identities employing various Japanese, Chinese, and Tibetan tropes, while leaving room for future writers to expand on any of the below or add their own piece to it.
  • ​Image Credit: Upper Image: Ancient Chinese Temple by Klassen_divic; Middle image: Chinese Temple by Su-jian
  • Canon: Atrisia
  • Links (Development Threads):
Frigid Shadows | The Atrisian Empire Dominion of Csilla
Establishes the Atrisian Empire of Emperor Kahoshi's galactic influence expanded as far as the Unknown Regions.

To Steal a Man's Tea | Lords of the Fringe Invasion of Atrisia

For Their Own Good | The [Atrisian] Galactic Empire Invasion of Fondor
Failed Atrisian Empire invasion of the Omega Protectorate.

Imperial March | Omega Protectorate Invasion of Atrisia

Rebuilding an Empire
Emperor [member="Akio Kahoshi"] is murdered by unknown terrorists in the city of Jar'Kai. Empress [member="Madeline Kahoshi"] ascends to the throne. The Inquisition is disbanded as an Anti-Force User purge of the planet Atrisia begins under Madeline's totalitarian regime.

Do Robots Dream of Electric Sheep
Empress Kahoshi's reign is ended when she is assassinated by former Grand Inquisitor Mirien Valdier. End of the Kahoshi Dynasty.

Seoul Sisters
Establishes the existence of Revma Village.

No Honor or Humanity | One Sith Dominion of Atrisia
Establishes that the Atrisian Emperor invited the One Sith in order to quell political dissent resulting from the collapse of the Atrisian Empire.

Atrisia. Glory and Agony
Establishes the planet under Emperor Mythos' rule.

The Take Back: Return of the True Monarch
Establishes the planet under the rule of [member="Darth Novus"].

Return of the King
Mythos deposes Darth Novus and returns to power.

The Full Reach of the Law | The GA Dominion of Atrisia
Establishes the destruction of the city of Jar'Kai and planet-wide devastation as a result of the Battle of Atrisia waged between Emperor Mythos and the forces of the Galactic Alliance. In the ensuing battle, several Sith Lords commit themselves to the Dark Side of the Force, sacrificing their physical forms to unleash great Force Storms that ravage the surface of the planet. The electromagnetic disturbance generated by the Force Storms on Atrisia can be felt as far out in the galaxy as Crystan V.
Restricted Material Thread for Force Nexus | Posts that develop the Force Storm as a story/plot element #79, 85, 89, 102, 112, 120, 130, 136, 139, 143, 176, 177, 185, 236, 245, 274, 287, 300, 301, 306, 318, 330, 382, 392, 411, 430, 431, 432, 433, 435, 443, 452, 456, 480, 502, 510, 607, 612, 624, 746, and 765,

The Sun Rises Again
Alderaan Engineering and Firemane begin reconstruction, humanitarian aid lift, and economic aid to Atrisia while search and rescue efforts commence around the planet.

[*]Links (Characters/Timeline):
  • Akio Kahoshi, former Emperor of the Atrisian Empire (later known as the Galactic Empire), c. 835-837 ABY
  • Madeline Kahoshi, former Empress of the Atrisian Empire of the Lords of the Fringe, c. 837-844 ABY

  • Mirien Valdier: Former Grand Inquisitor of the Atrisian Empire. Now Head of Firemane Intelligence.

  • Naamah Aesham: Former Inquisitor of the Atrisian Empire. Now vigilante.

  • Sumiko Tanaka: Former Senior Inquisitor of the Atrisian Empire. Now Sith Lord.

  • Siobhan Kerrigan: Countess, Firemane Industries CEO, Atrisian Baronness.
  • Mythos, former Emperor of Atrisia (One Sith planet), c. 844 ABY-847 ABY; 848-849 ABY
  • Darth Novos, former Emperor of Atrisia (One Sith planet), c. 847-848 ABY
  • Six-O, Patrols the ruins of the city of Jar'Kai since 849 ABY.
  • Junko Ike, Jedi Princess of the House of Atrisia, special envoy to the Atrisian people of Shri-Tal.
  • Shoma Ike, Jedi Prince of the House of Atrisia, Ambassador-at-Large for the Atrisian Commonwealth as of 851 ABY.

  • Planet Name: Atrisia
  • Demonym: Atrisian
  • Region: Core Worlds
  • System Name: Atrisian System
  • System Features: 1 sun (Atrisi)
    Rotational Period: 26 hours
  • Orbital Period: 366 rotations (366 days or 9,516 hours)
  • Satellites: Rancor Space Station (destroyed)

[*]Coordinates: P,28
[*]Major Imports: Construction materials, Heavy equipment, Foodstuff
[*]Major Exports: Tea, Aeien Silk, Synthsilk, Traditional Atrisian Folk Medicine
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain: Varies; arctic at the poles, tropical or desert at the equator.

  • Major Locations:
XAM'CHI (Current Capital)
An urban sprawl pressed between the mountains and the sea, Xam'Chi offers stunning vistas. The historical seat of the Xiaolang Kingdom, Xam'Chi is on the far side of the globe from the Imperial capital of Jar'Kai. For this reason, historically Xiaolang was not as affected by Imperial rule and retained much of its autonomy. Today, Xam'Chi functions as the center of Atrisian commerce and governance, with the Atrisian Parliament meeting at the Xiaolang Palace.

Home to mountain temples, monastic communities, and shepherds, the valleys of mountainous Quan'Lo are home to many folktales of transcendental mysticism. It is also one of the most repressed regions of Atrisia, having been subjugated by neighboring Xiaolong several times throughout Atrisian history. Free Quan'Lo is an Atrisian expression of political dissent that continues even though, today, Quan'Lo operates as a free and autonomous member of the Atrisian Parliament.

A forbidden wonderland, a tropical oasis, possessed of beauty unlike that seen in any other part of Atrisia... and horrors beyond description. Largely intact after the Force Storm that ravaged the planet, this area remains a wild and untamed frontier.

The hub through which humanitarian aid to the displaced people of Yovshin Province is dispensed, as well as shelter for any survivors of Jar'Kai City... though few, if any, can be counted. Located on the Seoulpa River, across from the ruins of Jar'Kai, the base maintains scientific observation of the Dark Side taint that lingers over the former Imperial city.

A poor, rural community in the Imperial Yovshin Province of Atrisia.

Force Nexus

  • Size: Location (Jar'Kai City)
  • Intent: As a result of [member="Mythos"] and multiple other Sith Lords summoning Force Storms on the planet, the devastation over the area that once contained Jar'Kai City now includes a wound in the Force. The Dark Side miasma and taint upon the planet is under surveillance by Firebase Ardarvia, and forms one of the basis for Firemane locating the facility there. The miasma lingering over Jar'Kai prevents any natural growth from returning to the land, and prohibits any reconstruction of the planet's capital. Because of the presence of a Dark Side nexus on the planet, the droid known as [member="Six-O"] maintains a vigil over the ruins of Jar'Kai City. Firemane also operates Firebase Ardarvia for the purpose of observing the Dark Side taint on Atrisia.

  • Native Species: Atrisian Human, Jar'Kai
  • Immigrated Species: Human (non-Atrisian ethnicity), less than 1% Near-Humans
  • Population: Sparsely Populated. Large uninhabited/uninhabitable regions.
  • Demographics: ~1 billion (as of 851 ABY, down from 7 billion in 844 ABY)
    Firebase Ardarvia: 409 aid/relief workers
  • Xam'Chi City: 7,300,000
  • Quan'Lo: 3,180,000
  • Rancor Space Station: 21,000 (crew); capacity for 19,400 passengers

[*]Primary Languages: Basic, Atrisian Script
[*]Culture: Atrisia is comprised of several different cultural groups of distinct identity, with some shared traits, such as bowing in lieu of the more common human gesture of a handshake. Atrisian folklore incorporates several demigods as part of the worship of spirits, with Wapoe being a god of disguise present in several lunar and star festivals.
Yovshin Culture. The culture of the Imperial City of Jar'Kai is typified by the Yovshin Swordsmen. It features a monotonal dialect, ancestor worship (in addition to traditional Atrisian folk religion), and an emphasis on a strict code of honor known as Yovshindo. Jar'Kai is known for its use of peanuts and sauces in food, with Jar'Kai being synonymous with spicy. Seafood figures light into the traditional Yovshin diet, which favors poultry and pork. Yovshin chopsticks are long and pointed. Traditional Yovshin martial arts include the use of two swords.

Xiaolang Culture. A seagoing kingdom, Xiaolang recognizes several regional dialects that are much more tonal in nature from Yovshin. Seafood, vegetables, and soy feature heavily in Xiaolang diet. Xiaolang chopsticks are usually shorter and blunted. Traditional Xiaolang martial arts use a broad, fan-shaped sword, the bow, and the spear.

Quan'Lo Culture. A poor, nomadic kingdom based on a herding culture home at the mountains, Quan'Lo cuisine is the most meat-based, often served with some variety of bean noodle an served with butter tea made from nerf milk. Curries are considered a staple of Quan'Lo culture and cuisine. Quan'Lo warrior culture sees the body as a weapon, with emphasis on unarmed combat. The quarterstaff is also a feature in Quan'Lo folklore.

  • Government: Atrisian Parliament (Constitutional Monarchy)
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
  • Wealth: Low. The wars of the Atrisian Empire, subjugation by the One Sith, and subsequent devastation of the planet during the Battle of Atrisia has humbled this former galactic capital.
  • Stability: Medium. The humanitarian relief work provided by Firemane and Alderaan Engineering, combined with the continued presence of the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces, has enabled local authorities to retain control of the urban areas. However, reconstruction continues and several cities across the planet have yet to even be touched by the relief efforts.
  • Freedom & Oppression: As a member of the Galactic Alliance, the people of Atrisia enjoy a much broader array of civil liberties than any other time in the planet's much storied history. The people of the Nine Kingdoms vote to determine how they will be represented in the Atrisian Parliament, with Quan'Lo being a Direct Democracy, while Xiaolang has remained a traditional Constitutional Monarchy. Those practicing Force religions are tolerated, though Galactic Alliance law prohibits the worship or study of the Dark Side of the Force. Those suspected of studying the Dark Side of the Force are subject to investigation and possible imprisonment by the New Jedi Order.


  • Military: Low. Atrisia has little infrastructure remaining as a result of the Omega Protectorate invasion, One Sith invasion, and Galactic Alliance invasion. Aside from planetary shield generators and a handful of planetary defender ion cannons, Atrisia has become the modern day Alderaan. As such, the planet relies heavily on the ships of the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces for its protection from piracy or further invasion.
  • Technology: Previously, Atrisia was a technologically advanced world. Currently, it is a major importer of technology in order to aid in civil reconstruction.


Atrisia, also known as Kitel Phard, dates back to before 25,200 BBY. Atrisian recorded history begins at that point, with the founding of the Kitel Phard Dynasty on the planet. Prior to unification, Atrisia's oral history indicates that there were Twelve Warring Kingdoms; including Jar'Kai, Xiaolang, and Quan'Lo. By the time of Atrisia's Golden Age, there were only nine recorded kingdoms or distinct municipalities. The first Kitel Phard Emperor declared Jar'Kai as his capital when he united the Nine Kingdoms, making it the de facto and de jure capital of the planet.

Atrisian exploration of space commenced around 5,000 BBY. By 4,000 BBY it was known to the Galactic Republic as the Atrisian Commonwealth, which controlled the surrounding Frisal and Kiliea Systems. It was connected to the greater galactic community by the Giju Run hyperlane and trade route, establishing trade relations with the Herglics.

Atrisia joined the Republic at some point prior to the Declaration of a New Order, after which Atrisia served as part of the Galactic Empire. Atrisia contributed substantially to the Empire through inclusion of Atrisian realpolitik principles to many of Emperor Palpatine's reforms of the Republic system. The Atrisian Royal Corps was one of the four major components of the Imperial Army, with many Atrisian soldiers facing off against the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

After the collapse of the Empire, Atrisia was ruled by the Atrisian Commonwealth once more. It seceded from galactic affairs and remained aloof from the New Republic, despite entreaties to join the Galactic Senate.

The planet was subject to several minor skirmishes during the Yuuzhan Vong campaign and its planetary policy of isolationism made it notably absent from the following Swarm War. The policy of isolationism was reinforced by the Gulag Plague, during which time the Imperial Remnant on Atrisia codified into splinter elements divided between the Nine Kingdoms. By the time the Gulag Plague had passed, [member="Akio Kahoshi"] had managed to unite the nine shöguns of the Imperial families under one Atrisian Empire. Emperor Kahoshi maintains order on the planet through the use of Inquisitors as a form of state secret police, monitoring the Force Sensitive population and neutralizing political dissenters.

Emperor Kahoshi's Empire expanded out from the planet, swallowing surrounding worlds and placing them under an Imperial system of rule based on the New Order; making the Atrisian Empire an Imperial Remnant. It suffered an attack by the Lords of the Fringe, leading open galactic warfare between the two. The end of Emperor Kahoshi's rule was signaled by the ill-advised invasion of the Omega Protectorate, which resulted in a defeat for the Empire.

As diplomacy with the Galactic Republic broke down over the Imperial held world of O'reen, the Atrisian Empire was absorbed into the Lords of the Fringe. The Lords of the Fringe subsequently defeated the Republic forces at O'reen. When Emperor Kahoshi was murdered in the city of Jar'Kai by unknown terrorists, Empress [member="Madeline Kahoshi"] ascended to the throne. Under her reign, the Inquisition was disbanded and an Anti-Force User Purge of the planet undertaken. Madeline's reign was ended when she was assassinated by former Grand Inquisitor, member="Mirien Valdier"]. With the end of the Kahoshi Dynasty, the Atrisian Empire underwent several shifts in political control, before breaking down shortly after the Netherworld cataclsym.

In 844 ABY, the One Sith invaded the planet, installing [member="Mythos"] as planetary governor. Mythos styled himself as emperor of Atrisia, ruling from the Imperial Palace at Jar'Kai city. During this time, the Nine Kingdoms were reduced to Seven Kingdoms, as municipalities were streamlined and simplified. Quan'Lo was merged with Xiaolang to form the Xiaolang Autonomous Administrative Region, based on historical claims and past conquests by the Xiaolang against the Quan'Lo. This gave rise to "Free Quan'Lo" becoming a rallying cry of political dissent on Atrisia that remains to this day.

In 847 ABY, Mythos was severed from the Force and stripped of his titles by the Dark Lord of the One Sith. [member="Darth Novus"], a former acolyte of Mythos', fought a bloody campaign in the Imperial City of Jar'Kai for the right to rule as Emperor of Atrisia. His reign was brief, lasting only one year before Mythos' successfully ousted Darth Novus and resumed control over the planet in 848 ABY.

The One Sith collapse in 849 ABY heralded the arrival of the Galactic Alliance to the world. In the ensuing battle between the Galactic Alliance Defense Force and Emperor [member="Mythos"], two cataclysmic Force Storm were summoned on the planet, ravaging the Imperial capital of Jar'Kai and devastating many areas of the planet's surface. Another Sith Lord located on the planet conjured a great demon-like monstrosity, the summoning of which caused the detonation of a super volcano. The ash cloud from the super volcanic eruption caused damaged to the planet's atmosphere. The Force Storms caused damaging and detrimental effects beyond the planet itself, resulting in the destruction of Rancor Space Station. Though the battle to secure Atrisia resulted in eventual victory for the combined power of the New Jedi Order and the Silver Jedi Order, the devastation of Atrisia's atmosphere and surface demanded many resources. Many Atrisians were evacuated and resettled to the planet Ession by [member="Veiere Arenais"]. Alderaan Engineering and Firemane arrived shortly after, establishing basing from which to begin reconstruction efforts to revive the planet's populace.

By 851 ABY, Atrisia had resumed normal interstellar relations as a member of the Galactic Alliance. Though never apologizing for its Imperial past, the planet participated in Alliance politics as though it had never been opposed to such, causing some to accuse the planet of historical revisionism. The Seven Kingdoms were again res-structured, this time back to the traditional division of Nine Kingdoms -- with Quan'Lo autonomous and represented to the Atrisian Parliament separate from Xiaolang. The Lord Xiaolang, [member="Shoma Ike"] served as a diplomatic envoy for the Galactic Alliance, while Princess [member="Junko Ike"] represented the planet to the distant Atrisian colony world of Shri-Tal.
Shoma Ike said:
Mythos was severed from the Force and stripped of his titles by the Dark Lord of the One Sith.
Ohh this is going to be cool. So Mythos was severed from the force by [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] in the battle of Lujo. (Epic frigging fight btw)

He decided to come in contact with [member="Darth Prazutis"] in this thread here
In return for Faking his death, making a funeral and confirming his death to others so Mythos could escape into Midvinter Mythos gifted Braxus the Valthris Crystal.
[member="Shoma Ike"]

that thread also gives a vibe of what the Warrior Culture looked like with him up there ruling stuff XD

Sor-Jan Xantha

[member="Sawa Ike"] and [member="Mythos"]



  • Intent: Codify the "Chaos canon" for the planet Atrisia; incorporating the stories of the Atrisian Empire faction of [member="Akio Kahoshi"], [member="Junko Ike"]'s House of Atrisia royal bloodline, the One Sith, [member="Mythos"] and the Galactic Alliance. Simply put, there's a lot that's happened to this planet on the board and it makes sense to have a sub that captures that. Continuing with the theme of Atrisia as Space Asia, I've carved out several distinct Atrisian regional units that incorporates different and unique identities employing various Japanese, Chinese, and Tibetan tropes, while leaving room for future writers to expand on any of the below or add their own piece to it.
  • ​Image Credit: Upper Image: Ancient Chinese Temple by Klassen_divic; Middle image: Chinese Temple by Su-jian
  • Canon: Atrisia
  • Links (Development Threads):
Frigid Shadows | The Atrisian Empire Dominion of Csilla
Establishes the Atrisian Empire of Emperor Kahoshi's galactic influence expanded as far as the Unknown Regions.

To Steal a Man's Tea | Lords of the Fringe Invasion of Atrisia

For Their Own Good | The [Atrisian] Galactic Empire Invasion of Fondor
Failed Atrisian Empire invasion of the Omega Protectorate.

Imperial March | Omega Protectorate Invasion of Atrisia

Rebuilding an Empire
Emperor [member="Akio Kahoshi"] is murdered by unknown terrorists in the city of Jar'Kai. Empress [member="Madeline Kahoshi"] ascends to the throne. The Inquisition is disbanded as an Anti-Force User purge of the planet Atrisia begins under Madeline's totalitarian regime.

Do Robots Dream of Electric Sheep
Empress Kahoshi's reign is ended when she is assassinated by former Grand Inquisitor Mirien Valdier. End of the Kahoshi Dynasty.

Seoul Sisters
Establishes the existence of Revma Village.

No Honor or Humanity | One Sith Dominion of Atrisia
Establishes that the Atrisian Emperor invited the One Sith in order to quell political dissent resulting from the collapse of the Atrisian Empire.

Atrisia. Glory and Agony
Establishes the planet under Emperor Mythos' rule.

The Rising Sun and Faling Darkness
Establishes the Yovshin warrior culture

The Take Back: Return of the True Monarch
Establishes the planet under the rule of [member="Darth Novus"].

Falling Skies
Establishes [member="Sawa Ike"]'s residence on the planet Atrisia

Return of the King
Mythos deposes Darth Novus and returns to power.

The Full Reach of the Law | The GA Dominion of Atrisia
Establishes the destruction of the city of Jar'Kai and planet-wide devastation as a result of the Battle of Atrisia waged between Emperor Mythos and the forces of the Galactic Alliance. In the ensuing battle, several Sith Lords commit themselves to the Dark Side of the Force, sacrificing their physical forms to unleash great Force Storms that ravage the surface of the planet. The electromagnetic disturbance generated by the Force Storms on Atrisia can be felt as far out in the galaxy as Crystan V.
Restricted Material Thread for Force Nexus | Posts that develop the Force Storm as a story/plot element #79, 85, 89, 102, 112, 120, 130, 136, 139, 143, 176, 177, 185, 236, 245, 274, 287, 300, 301, 306, 318, 330, 382, 392, 411, 430, 431, 432, 433, 435, 443, 452, 456, 480, 502, 510, 607, 612, 624, 746, and 765,

The Sun Rises Again
Alderaan Engineering and Firemane begin reconstruction, humanitarian aid lift, and economic aid to Atrisia while search and rescue efforts commence around the planet.

[*]Links (Characters/Timeline):
  • Akio Kahoshi, former Emperor of the Atrisian Empire (later known as the Galactic Empire), c. 835-837 ABY
  • Madeline Kahoshi, former Empress of the Atrisian Empire of the Lords of the Fringe, c. 837-844 ABY

  • Mirien Valdier: Former Grand Inquisitor of the Atrisian Empire. Now Head of Firemane Intelligence.

  • Naamah Aesham: Former Inquisitor of the Atrisian Empire. Now vigilante.

  • Sumiko Tanaka: Former Senior Inquisitor of the Atrisian Empire. Now Sith Lord.

  • Siobhan Kerrigan: Countess, Firemane Industries CEO, Atrisian Baronness.
  • Mythos, former Emperor of Atrisia (One Sith planet), c. 844 ABY-847 ABY; 848-849 ABY
  • Darth Novos, former Emperor of Atrisia (One Sith planet), c. 847-848 ABY
  • Six-O, Patrols the ruins of the city of Jar'Kai since 849 ABY.
  • Junko Ike, Jedi Princess of the House of Atrisia, special envoy to the Atrisian people of Shri-Tal.
  • Shoma Ike, Jedi Prince of the House of Atrisia, Ambassador-at-Large for the Atrisian Commonwealth as of 851 ABY.

  • Planet Name: Atrisia
  • Demonym: Atrisian
  • Region: Core Worlds
  • System Name: Atrisian System
  • System Features: 1 sun (Atrisi)
    Rotational Period: 26 hours
  • Orbital Period: 366 rotations (366 days or 9,516 hours)
  • Satellites: Rancor Space Station (destroyed c. 849 ABY)

[*]Coordinates: P,28
[*]Major Imports: Construction materials, Heavy equipment, Foodstuff
[*]Major Exports: Tea, Aeien Silk, Synthsilk, Traditional Atrisian Folk Medicine
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain: Varies; arctic at the poles, tropical or desert at the equator.

  • Major Locations:
XAM'CHI (Current Capital)
An urban sprawl pressed between the mountains and the sea, Xam'Chi offers stunning vistas. The historical seat of the Xiaolang Kingdom, Xam'Chi is on the far side of the globe from the Imperial capital of Jar'Kai. For this reason, historically Xiaolang was not as affected by Imperial rule and retained much of its autonomy. Today, Xam'Chi functions as the center of Atrisian commerce and governance, with the Atrisian Parliament meeting at the Xiaolang Palace.

Home to mountain temples, monastic communities, and shepherds, the valleys of mountainous Quan'Lo are home to many folktales of transcendental mysticism. It is also one of the most repressed regions of Atrisia, having been subjugated by neighboring Xiaolong several times throughout Atrisian history. Free Quan'Lo is an Atrisian expression of political dissent that continues even though, today, Quan'Lo operates as a free and autonomous member of the Atrisian Parliament.

A forbidden wonderland, a tropical oasis, possessed of beauty unlike that seen in any other part of Atrisia... and horrors beyond description. Largely intact after the Force Storm that ravaged the planet, this area remains a wild and untamed frontier.

The hub through which humanitarian aid to the displaced people of Yovshin Province is dispensed, as well as shelter for any survivors of Jar'Kai City... though few, if any, can be counted. Located on the Seoulpa River, across from the ruins of Jar'Kai, the base maintains scientific observation of the Dark Side taint that lingers over the former Imperial city.

A poor, rural community in the Imperial Yovshin Province of Atrisia.

Force Nexus

  • Size: Location (Jar'Kai City)
  • Intent: As a result of [member="Mythos"] and multiple other Sith Lords summoning Force Storms on the planet, the devastation over the area that once contained Jar'Kai City now includes a wound in the Force. The Dark Side miasma and taint upon the planet is under surveillance by Firebase Ardarvia, and forms one of the basis for Firemane locating the facility there. The miasma lingering over Jar'Kai prevents any natural growth from returning to the land, and prohibits any reconstruction of the planet's capital. Because of the presence of a Dark Side nexus on the planet, the droid known as [member="Six-O"] maintains a vigil over the ruins of Jar'Kai City. Firemane also operates Firebase Ardarvia for the purpose of observing the Dark Side taint on Atrisia.

  • Native Species: Atrisian Human, Jar'Kai
  • Immigrated Species: Human (non-Atrisian ethnicity), less than 1% Near-Humans
  • Population: Sparsely Populated. Large uninhabited/uninhabitable regions.
  • Demographics: ~1 billion (as of 851 ABY, down from 7 billion in 844 ABY)
    Firebase Ardarvia: 409 aid/relief workers
  • Xam'Chi City: 7,300,000
  • Quan'Lo: 3,180,000
  • Rancor Space Station: 21,000 (crew); capacity for 19,400 passengers

[*]Primary Languages: Basic, Atrisian Script
[*]Culture: Atrisia is comprised of several different cultural groups of distinct identity, with some shared traits, such as bowing in lieu of the more common human gesture of a handshake. Atrisian folklore incorporates several demigods as part of the worship of spirits, with Wapoe being a god of disguise present in several lunar and star festivals.
Yovshin Culture. The culture of the Imperial City of Jar'Kai is typified by the Yovshin Swordsmen. It features a monotonal dialect, ancestor worship (in addition to traditional Atrisian folk religion), and an emphasis on a strict code of honor known as Yovshindo. Jar'Kai is known for its use of peanuts and sauces in food, with Jar'Kai being synonymous with spicy. Seafood figures light into the traditional Yovshin diet, which favors poultry and pork. Yovshin chopsticks are long and pointed. Traditional Yovshin martial arts include the use of two swords.

Xiaolang Culture. A seagoing kingdom, Xiaolang recognizes several regional dialects that are much more tonal in nature from Yovshin. Seafood, vegetables, and soy feature heavily in Xiaolang diet. Xiaolang chopsticks are usually shorter and blunted. Traditional Xiaolang martial arts use a broad, fan-shaped sword, the bow, and the spear.

Quan'Lo Culture. A poor, nomadic kingdom based on a herding culture home at the mountains, Quan'Lo cuisine is the most meat-based, often served with some variety of bean noodle an served with butter tea made from nerf milk. Curries are considered a staple of Quan'Lo culture and cuisine. Quan'Lo warrior culture sees the body as a weapon, with emphasis on unarmed combat. The quarterstaff is also a feature in Quan'Lo folklore.

  • Government: Atrisian Parliament (Constitutional Monarchy)
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
  • Wealth: Low. The wars of the Atrisian Empire, subjugation by the One Sith, and subsequent devastation of the planet during the Battle of Atrisia has humbled this former galactic capital.
  • Stability: Medium. The humanitarian relief work provided by Firemane and Alderaan Engineering, combined with the continued presence of the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces, has enabled local authorities to retain control of the urban areas. However, reconstruction continues and several cities across the planet have yet to even be touched by the relief efforts.
  • Freedom & Oppression: As a member of the Galactic Alliance, the people of Atrisia enjoy a much broader array of civil liberties than any other time in the planet's much storied history. The people of the Nine Kingdoms vote to determine how they will be represented in the Atrisian Parliament, with Quan'Lo being a Direct Democracy, while Xiaolang has remained a traditional Constitutional Monarchy. Those practicing Force religions are tolerated, though Galactic Alliance law prohibits the worship or study of the Dark Side of the Force. Those suspected of studying the Dark Side of the Force are subject to investigation and possible imprisonment by the New Jedi Order.


  • Military: Low. Atrisia has little infrastructure remaining as a result of the Omega Protectorate invasion, One Sith invasion, and Galactic Alliance invasion. Aside from planetary shield generators and a handful of planetary defender ion cannons, Atrisia has become the modern day Alderaan. As such, the planet relies heavily on the ships of the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces for its protection from piracy or further invasion.
  • Technology: Previously, Atrisia was a technologically advanced world. Currently, it is a major importer of technology in order to aid in civil reconstruction.


Atrisia, also known as Kitel Phard, dates back to before 25,200 BBY. Atrisian recorded history begins at that point, with the founding of the Kitel Phard Dynasty on the planet. Prior to unification, Atrisia's oral history indicates that there were Twelve Warring Kingdoms; including Jar'Kai, Xiaolang, and Quan'Lo. By the time of Atrisia's Golden Age, there were only nine recorded kingdoms or distinct municipalities. The first Kitel Phard Emperor declared Jar'Kai as his capital when he united the Nine Kingdoms, making it the de facto and de jure capital of the planet.

Atrisian exploration of space commenced around 5,000 BBY. By 4,000 BBY it was known to the Galactic Republic as the Atrisian Commonwealth, which controlled the surrounding Frisal and Kiliea Systems. It was connected to the greater galactic community by the Giju Run hyperlane and trade route, establishing trade relations with the Herglics.

Atrisia joined the Republic at some point prior to the Declaration of a New Order, after which Atrisia served as part of the Galactic Empire. Atrisia contributed substantially to the Empire through inclusion of Atrisian realpolitik principles to many of Emperor Palpatine's reforms of the Republic system. The Atrisian Royal Corps was one of the four major components of the Imperial Army, with many Atrisian soldiers facing off against the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

After the collapse of the Empire, Atrisia was ruled by the Atrisian Commonwealth once more. It seceded from galactic affairs and remained aloof from the New Republic, despite entreaties to join the Galactic Senate.

The planet was subject to several minor skirmishes during the Yuuzhan Vong campaign and its planetary policy of isolationism made it notably absent from the following Swarm War. The policy of isolationism was reinforced by the Gulag Plague, during which time the Imperial Remnant on Atrisia codified into splinter elements divided between the Nine Kingdoms. By the time the Gulag Plague had passed, [member="Akio Kahoshi"] had managed to unite the nine shöguns of the Imperial families under one Atrisian Empire. Emperor Kahoshi maintains order on the planet through the use of Inquisitors as a form of state secret police, monitoring the Force Sensitive population and neutralizing political dissenters.

Emperor Kahoshi's Empire expanded out from the planet, swallowing surrounding worlds and placing them under an Imperial system of rule based on the New Order; making the Atrisian Empire an Imperial Remnant. It suffered an attack by the Lords of the Fringe, leading open galactic warfare between the two. The end of Emperor Kahoshi's rule was signaled by the ill-advised invasion of the Omega Protectorate, which resulted in a defeat for the Empire.

As diplomacy with the Galactic Republic broke down over the Imperial held world of O'reen, the Atrisian Empire was absorbed into the Lords of the Fringe. The Lords of the Fringe subsequently defeated the Republic forces at O'reen. When Emperor Kahoshi was murdered in the city of Jar'Kai by unknown terrorists, Empress [member="Madeline Kahoshi"] ascended to the throne. Under her reign, the Inquisition was disbanded and an Anti-Force User Purge of the planet undertaken. Madeline's reign was ended when she was assassinated by former Grand Inquisitor, member="Mirien Valdier"]. With the end of the Kahoshi Dynasty, the Atrisian Empire underwent several shifts in political control, before breaking down shortly after the Netherworld cataclsym.

In 844 ABY, the One Sith invaded the planet, installing [member="Mythos"] as planetary governor. Mythos styled himself as emperor of Atrisia, ruling from the Imperial Palace at Jar'Kai city. During this time, the Nine Kingdoms were reduced to Seven Kingdoms, as municipalities were streamlined and simplified. Quan'Lo was merged with Xiaolang to form the Xiaolang Autonomous Administrative Region, based on historical claims and past conquests by the Xiaolang against the Quan'Lo. This gave rise to "Free Quan'Lo" becoming a rallying cry of political dissent on Atrisia that remains to this day.

In 847 ABY, Mythos was severed from the Force by Silver Jedi Grandmaster [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and afterward faked his own death. [member="Darth Novus"], a former acolyte of Mythos', fought a bloody campaign in the Imperial City of Jar'Kai for the right to rule as Emperor of Atrisia. His reign was brief, lasting only one year before Mythos' returned to the planet and successfully ousted Darth Novus sometime around 848 ABY.

The One Sith collapse in 849 ABY heralded the arrival of the Galactic Alliance to the world. In the ensuing battle between the Galactic Alliance Defense Force and Emperor [member="Mythos"], two cataclysmic Force Storm were summoned on the planet, ravaging the Imperial capital of Jar'Kai and devastating many areas of the planet's surface. Another Sith Lord located on the planet conjured a great demon-like monstrosity, the summoning of which caused the detonation of a super volcano. The ash cloud from the super volcanic eruption caused damaged to the planet's atmosphere. The Force Storms caused damaging and detrimental effects beyond the planet itself, resulting in the destruction of Rancor Space Station. Though the battle to secure Atrisia resulted in eventual victory for the combined power of the New Jedi Order and the Silver Jedi Order, the devastation of Atrisia's atmosphere and surface demanded many resources. Many Atrisians were evacuated and resettled to the planet Ession by [member="Veiere Arenais"]. Alderaan Engineering and Firemane arrived shortly after, establishing basing from which to begin reconstruction efforts to revive the planet's populace.

By 851 ABY, Atrisia had resumed normal interstellar relations as a member of the Galactic Alliance. Though never apologizing for its Imperial past, the planet participated in Alliance politics as though it had never been opposed to such, causing some to accuse the planet of historical revisionism. The Seven Kingdoms were again res-structured, this time back to the traditional division of Nine Kingdoms -- with Quan'Lo autonomous and represented to the Atrisian Parliament separate from Xiaolang. The Lord Xiaolang, [member="Shoma Ike"] served as a diplomatic envoy for the Galactic Alliance, while Princess [member="Junko Ike"] represented the planet to the distant Atrisian colony world of Shri-Tal.

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