Nomkneer walked through the Tenhaqu forest with the follower of the former emperor, as they traveled Nomkneer felt a disturbance coming from the bonsai tree, as he took it out, he noticed that it was pink. Nomkneer thought
"maybe this scum is force sensitive", as they walked by Nomkneer heard Akillian beasts coming from all directions, as he saw this, Nomkneer took out his lightsabers in preparation for an assault or defense if he had to. The man saw Nomkneer took out his lightsabers and he asked
"are more coming!?" Nomkneer replied "yes, they are..." as they kept on walking slowly, Nomkneer told him "hide under that bush", Nomkneer didn't know how many were coming but using his hearing he could tell more than five.
Akillian beasts rushed out from all directions and Nomkneer prepared for the assault, as he tried to kill two, he could slice one akillian beast in half, then after he was gonna strike the other, he got force pushed with telekinesis from one of the akillian beast,
"these over evolved apes are force sensitives!!!??" screamed Nomkneer as he was lunged at a tree and hurt his shoulder while crashing to the ground, Nomkneer didn't expect this, he felt feelings of anger rushing towards him, but they weren't his feelings,
"they can use telepathy?" Nomkneer thought to himself while he was easing off the pain as he stood again, he could sense some had hatred, others were calm,
"so this is just one group of beasts that each have their own feelings... some have hatred some are calm and peaceful even though, they can peacefully rip your heart from your rib-cage..." Nomkneer was thinking these things as he was standing and going into a position for battle, Nomkneer dashed in a zig-zag shape as he tried to eliminate a few of the akillian beasts, Nomkneer killed two of them, and then suddenly even the peaceful ones turned into hatred themselves, he noticed the bonsai tree was red, like fire.
There was three Akillian beasts left, there was blood everywhere and body parts lying in all places, suddenly an akillian beast came into the show, he was bigger than everyone else and his anger towards Nomkneer was not incomparable, Nomkneer rushed towards two of the akillian beasts, as he slashed one he got tossed back with telekinesis from the akillian beasts, after he slammed to a tree, the bigger akillian beast suddenly stood in two legs, and pointed his arm towards Nomkneer, after that Nomkneer felt his neck was getting tighter, it was the akillian beast force choking him to death, the akillian beast looked at Nomkneer with eyes of pure anger. Nomkneer let go of his lightsabers and used telekinesis to wipe out the last remaining akillian beast, he felt like the slaughter wasn't necessary for those beasts could be dangerous weapons for the sith. Nomkneer looked at the dead akillian beast that was force choking him, as it died, it died passing his feelings on Nomkneer using his telepathy, the beast had anger and hatred on a level Nomkneer has not seen before. Nomkneer felt like it was a shame these beasts were attacking him and he had no choice but to kill them, they were dangerous enough themselves, but force sensitivity made them much more dangerous.
Nomkneer kept along the path and told the man who follows the former emperor
"come out" and they left the forest, he knew there was a mass amount of akillian beasts living within the Tenaqu forest, and he thanked the gods he didn't get to fight all of them, cuz he could've ended up dead. Nomkneer