Supisy Blen
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike
The reasoning for preparing the island for as residences for as many as possible made sense to Supisy. That she could be one of them was a special treat. She knew that Junko had taken her and Latty under her wing so to speak, but that she was ready to move them in close to the palace was another thing altogether. “A technologically advanced cave beside a grotto sounds like a wonderful habitat for me,” Supisy gushed over the idea. “Can we go visit one of the sites? Put my own eyes on it. Maybe try out the inviting waters for a bit before we had back to the palace?”
Tags: Junko Ike
The reasoning for preparing the island for as residences for as many as possible made sense to Supisy. That she could be one of them was a special treat. She knew that Junko had taken her and Latty under her wing so to speak, but that she was ready to move them in close to the palace was another thing altogether. “A technologically advanced cave beside a grotto sounds like a wonderful habitat for me,” Supisy gushed over the idea. “Can we go visit one of the sites? Put my own eyes on it. Maybe try out the inviting waters for a bit before we had back to the palace?”