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Private Atrisia Lagoon Games

Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

The reasoning for preparing the island for as residences for as many as possible made sense to Supisy. That she could be one of them was a special treat. She knew that Junko had taken her and Latty under her wing so to speak, but that she was ready to move them in close to the palace was another thing altogether. “A technologically advanced cave beside a grotto sounds like a wonderful habitat for me,” Supisy gushed over the idea. “Can we go visit one of the sites? Put my own eyes on it. Maybe try out the inviting waters for a bit before we had back to the palace?”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

She gave a nod of her head to that. "We could find such a place... there is always room to improve it as you want to do and see fit as well." The smile was there on her face when she was checking over a few things. She walked with the handmaidens and SUpisy from the skiff where it was checking around for them. "We also have places we want to work on to make gardens as it were, fruit trees from around the galaxy that can be cultivated on the island... the places around the planet will give a few other locations and then there is some of the lower bunkers we have established and set up that control the pumps and systems like shielding or some of the communication networks."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

“Improvements are always welcome,” Supisy said with a smile. “But I do like to keep a good deal of the natural beauty.” She purred and looked at Junko with a wider smile. “Based on the palace I know you feel the same way.” The announcement that gardens and orchards would possibly be set up in this area made Supisy even more interested. “I love plants. And I’d give up meat forever if there was a good source of fruit near me,” it was a bit of an overstatement. She probably wouldn’t be able to give up meat completely. “It sounds like a lot of work has gone into this place. I would be honored if you were to let me settle in here…hopefully pretty close to the palace so that I can sneak in when I'm lonely at night,” she gave Junko and the handmaidens a wink.
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"Ehhh maybe don't give up the meat... you want to be healthy and balanced with fruits, veggies and meat is important." She offered a smile and was going along the way. "There iss always a quick way tot he palace. It doubles as a shelter in case of heavy attack with its built in shielding and defensive walls. It is also designed to hold the population of this island and several others in case of dire need with everything built in." She said it matter of factly but offered a wink as travel between the palace and homes was done two ways. "We have the normal over the environment way and well you will see it easier in the cities.. we have been developing smarter more focused tube roads that speeders can travel in under ground."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy grinned when Junko told her that she should stick to a balanced diet. “Want me in tip top form huh princess?” Supisy responded with a wink. “I should not be surprised that you have an underground entrance, secret or not so much,” Supisy replied with a smirk. Junko always had surprises, Supisy just wasn’t sure what the manner of the surprise would be, but she was always ready for it. “And designed to keep your people safe as well as give a convenient entrance. How very responsible.” Supisy gave a smile and then was very interested in the secondary means of transit on the islands. “Speeders in a tunnel? Heck yeah. I want to try that out!”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

She gave a nod of her head to that. "THat is the hope at least and the tunnels are basically a smart road to get around without risking them in case of attack. We are working on sensor dampening so it will be able to obscure the people who are moving. We have connected dozens of cities and villages using it. We have developed more as well the different speeders you saw in the hanger is an idea. The transportation network is something linking the palaces through our teleportation network is still new we have been working on expanding it to the anshins and major stations and then other worlds in the systems. It is mini infinity gates that function... and well that means we can go to other planets within the system."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tag: Junko Ike Junko Ike

“Hiding the presence of fleeing citizens would be a bit of genius. But let’s just hope it never gets to that. I just want to try out the speeders,” Supisy responded with a smirk. “Hold up. You are working on interplanetary teleportation? You are going to put me and Latty out of a job. I hope you will find something useful for us to do when you don’t need us to fly your stuff around anymore,” the Twi’lek gave a flirty wink. “Teleportation does sound super awesome though. I want to try…assuming it is safe.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"We have been working on it as a means to better connect our worlds.. the scale isn't as large a s aship so bulk transport is still a pilots thing but we have managed to do it on a planetary basis generally. We can move between cities, between palaces and towns even to the anshin but system to system is almost impossible... within the system is still hard and the power requirements are intense." She said it and had a grin on her face.. the network wasn't well standard it was still experimental and for emergencies but they had plans aand one always wanted to be advancing towards progress if they could be. "But the speeders are important as well.... and nothing can replace a pilots hand on experience."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy gave a relieved hiss that Atrisian technology wasn’t going to put her out of a job. Though she was a good pilot and could probably pivot into a fighter pilot if the need came up. Droid fighters had been around forever, but seemed like most governments preferred living pilots. “Well then this transporter technology sounds super fun. Does everything come back the same way as it left?” Supisy questioned. “I can’t wait to see all these things up close. Where is the closest grotto though? After all the racing and walking and such I could use a bit of relaxing before we head back to the palace. Unless you’re going to surprise me and show me my new home out here.” Supisy giggled at the last. That seemed ridiculous even to the fanciful Twi’lek.
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"Yes it does, it is rated safe for organic beings to use as well as cargo." She said it with a smile on her but shrugged holding her hands up. "Your new place is not built yet we want you to pick the best place and we'll develop it to the finest standards." Junko said it with a smile on her face though while she was walking around. "You never know what new things we might develop as well... there could even be a Supisy class atrisian vessel as we do enjoy shall we say advanced ideas we can feed into our engineers. I imagine Latyuo might have some suggestions for tech... you could go for style... clothing, ships types. We haven't made yachts to enjoy we just have functional with some style."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy loved surprises. And she knew that if Junko had set her up with a new home it would have been great and most everything would have been given consideration. But she was relieved to hear that no such action had been taken and that she would be able to help pick out her next home. Supisy gave a gasp at the thought of a vessel named after her. “You would really name a ship type after me?” Supisy swooned. “That would be so galactic! It would have to be fast. You think a fighter or a freighter? I know I don’t fly fighters yet but I always see my namesake as…oh what am I doing. Getting a little ahead of myself.” Supisy blushed just a moment before smiling to Junko. “A yacht? With Latty helping to design it. And my name…I’m not sure how much she’d like that. But that sounds wonderful to me. Still would have to be fast though. I know yachts are all luxury and what not so maybe don’t make it more stable.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

She gave her a grin at that and how excited she was getting. "Oh there is always such a chance... you will be able to have some fun and never know... Atrisian standards for speed on some of our larger ships match most fighters in the galaxy. Even the larger fighters and freighters you have seen are able to outpace." WIth a grin on her face though she did give it some consideration.... "And naming a ship class after you would only be worthwhile... a means to better show how important your work is to the Commonwealth." Smiled abounded and Junko was walking offering a hand where she checked on some of the things in the forest leaves. "All of it shall come to be wonderful."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

“I would love to have a super-fast luxurious star-yacht class named after me,” Supisy responded with a beaming smile. “Before we start developing my own starship class, I should probably prove my value to the Commonwealth. So far all I’ve done is enjoy a very nice party and night with a beautiful princess and fly to a colony that has seemed to vanish. Hopefully Latty and I will be able to bring back more information on Eisei and we’ll be worthy of all this that you are giving to us.” A bit of a blush appeared on her face. “If that night was proof of my value, I look forward to proving it quite often.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"Proving yourself can be tricky.. you do not know the metric being used so be careful not to fall into a trap trying to get the approval of someone who is judging you by something else entirely." She said it but standing there and looking at held the largest grin while looking demure. "It is not a problem though proving you belong here is easy... all are welcomed after all and the ones who really manage to show their dedication and skill towards advancing the interests and goals of the commonwealth rise to the top." Junko said it while walking through the forest of the island and she was pointing for the makie class with them to map and start planning in areas. Min was looking at it and she brought up designs. "So tell me Supisy what kind of place do you see yourself living in? Traditional, advanced, naturally made from stone and wood, partially under ground, in the air?"
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy listened to Junko’s words, but she was not well versed in relationships or even the method of proving oneself in the galaxy. Latyuo had accepted her as a little sister, taught her to fly and watched as Supisy excelled past her teachings. All of their clients judged them as a team and Latty was the one who put their credentials out there to be judged. As the Twi’lek looked into the Princess’ face she didn’t know how to react. Was this sage advice? Or perhaps a little teasing? Supisy guessed there was probably a bit of both. Supisy smiled when Junko basically stated that proving yourself wasn’t necessary on Atrisia. Everyone might be welcome, but Supisy didn’t think everyone was given a dwelling from the Princess of the area. Something about her and Latty caught Junko’s eye. And she would work to maintain that special place.

“I’m told that my people lived in various manners, some underground and some in cities on the planet’s surface,” Supisy liked to talk her way through questions. It sounded like she was giving information to the one who asked, but most of it was just to hear her own thoughts before making a decision. “I was in captivity from the day I was born until the day that Latty saved me from being sold off. And since then I’ve basically lived on the Deviant. I would love to have a place that was just part of nature. I know that I can’t live without some tech, so I’m not saying I want to be some hermit when I’m out here. But I’d love to be able to hear the sounds of nature as I fall asleep. You know what I mean?”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Junko gave a nod of head to that and Min was taking it all down with a nod. "Do you have a specific type of nature? Waterfalls, birds, mewling animals, heated wildlife, wind coming through the canyon making some music in the crevices." Min listed it all as there was a few things and placements that could be done if you were looking for it and specifics were important enough but she brought up the idea they had for said building. Junko was looking at it and spoke. "We have come up with some designs for Latyuo's as well.. since she wanted one of the islands well it gives us a lot of space to work with."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy thought out what sort of nature would be most interesting. She was never really exposed to nature very much. A little here and there when they made deliveries, but never any real adventures. “I would love the sound of running water nearby and lovely greenery to look at…As for wildlife…anything that isn’t going to eat me would be welcomed. I’m quite friendly as long as they will be.”

Supisy wanted to make some sort of sarcastic remark about Latyuo needing a whole island to herself, but she knew that there were likely logical reasons for it. And if she really pressed the issue Supisy bet she could get an island of her own as well. But she didn’t want to be isolated on an island. Supisy wanted to be in the middle of everything and in an area where others would live with quick access to the palace sounded much better than a private island.

“Latty has lots of hobbies that take up space,” Supisy finally said with a smirk. “She needs much more space. And some for all the little Latty’s that she wants in the future.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Looking at her and then at Min the princess was going to make a joke. She wasn't sure if Supisy had caught Min's joke but no matter. "Running water and friendly animals can be done... we have some kappa that are valued for their friendliness and we can make one of the streams move closer if need be... hmmm." Min tapped her chin while she was going off and Junko smiled. "She was very excited about the idea of you being so close on the island she wanted to get you the perfect place." The smile was there on her face though while she was looking over at parts of the forest where they could build but also setting up mentally what would be the underground system of tunnels. "Of course you would have access to the underground so you wouldn't be fully isolated and with our aadvances in technology well we have developed better sonic fences in case of predators but there isn't any on the island."
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Either in innocence or excitement about getting her own place, Supisy did not catch Min’s joke. She made a mental note to research Kappa. As Min rushed off Junko mentioned that the Twi’lek handmaiden would enjoy having Supisy around. “That feeling is mutual. Besides learning from Min how Twi’lek and Atrisian cultures have come together. She’s fun and cute and I would very much like to get to know her better. And I will have to tell her that I very much appreciate that she made an effort on my behalf.” Supisy shared a smile with Junko. “With your description I feel quite secure. I look forward to taking the underground to visit the palace.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"Good and I am sure Min wouldn't mind spending time with you around the island when I cannot be around with you." She said it with a smile on her face and Min grinned as well as she was walking around. "I don't mind, there is a whole lot I can answer and even show... the lagoon does plenty more for us to get around the island and just wait until you see some of those grottos or even some of the areas with different fruit trees." She offered a motion from her hand to indicate the area. "I know they are planting and transplanting several from around the galaxy so the island will have plenty of food to go with all of thw wildlife they have."

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