Supisy Blen
Location: Near Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike
Supisy was quite happy that her intrigue with the Princess’ handmaidens was mutual at least with some of the handmaidens. She did wonder if Junko saw her interest in others as a threat. Junko seemed pretty open and free about her relationships, to Supisy guessed the princess would be ok with her doing likewise. “Yummy sweet bite-sized berries to feed each other as we lounge around the grottos sounds like it would be a lovely treat to have very near to my home.” Supisy said with a wide smile. “Do you have snowgrapes here? I love snowgrapes.”
Tags: Junko Ike
Supisy was quite happy that her intrigue with the Princess’ handmaidens was mutual at least with some of the handmaidens. She did wonder if Junko saw her interest in others as a threat. Junko seemed pretty open and free about her relationships, to Supisy guessed the princess would be ok with her doing likewise. “Yummy sweet bite-sized berries to feed each other as we lounge around the grottos sounds like it would be a lovely treat to have very near to my home.” Supisy said with a wide smile. “Do you have snowgrapes here? I love snowgrapes.”