Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Attack of the Clones! Dominion on New Alderaan (EOTL)


When Grand Admiral Velran Kilran Velran Kilran entire Stormtrooper division rebelled against him due to Kilran's mistreatment of them during his reign as ruler of New Alderaan, he sought to create a Clone Army to replace them. Created from the last genetic strands of the infamous Mandalorian Bounty Hunter: Jango Fett, the Grand Army of the Lost was produced in a matterr of months due to the work of kidnapped geneticist: Akiya Orime Akiya Orime . The Empire of the Lost has been seeking to curry favor with Velran Kilran since he has a massive fleet and has the mysterious and unstable Clone Army on his side. With Velran on board, it would solidify the Clone Army as the backbone of the Imperial Military while also bolstering their rebuilding navy.

Yet the insane Admiral has put in his demands if the Empire wants to attain his services. Chief among them, is to crush the Stormtrooper rebellion that has been a problem for him for too long. In a swift and sudden move, Velran's former Stormtroopers have taken the capital city: New Aldera and are daring Velran to attack. The Stormtroopers managed to build a Planetary Gun capable of firing planet to space with enough power to rip Star Destroyer into shreds.

A special detachment of the Clone Army has been deployed as well as a regiment of the Imperial Volunteer Force comprised of inexperienced volunteers from backwater planets. They are surprisingly led by Velran Kilran who decided to lead the attack on foot. The objective is clear: Kill any Stormtroopers that in the way and disable the Planetary Gun so the Star Destroyers can start leveling the city. Civilian casualties are expectable as long as the rebellion is quelled.

Objective 1: Distraction Force


While the Clone Army attacks the Planetary Gun from behind enemy lines, Velran Kilran will lead the ragtag group of the Imperial Volunteer Force to draw the Stormtoopers out. Go in New Aldera and assist Velran in killing as many Stormtroopers as possible as well yelling at IPV for being incompetent morons.

Objective 2: DESTROY THAT GUN!


If Velran wants to put down the rebellion as quickly as possible, than the planetary gun must go offline. While the fighting will be happening in the city, the Clone Troopers as well as a detachment of the Empire of the Lost will be heading towards the outskirts of the city where they'll meet a considerable amount of resistance. Help the Clones in wiping out the Stormtroopers and destroy that gun.

Objective 3: Fighting in Space!


Looks like those pesky Stormtroopers are trying to escape from New Aldera! Don't let them! Despite cannon fire from the surface from the planet, all fighters do what you can to prevent any freighters from jumping to Hyperspace. The freighters will be assisted by an assortment of TIE Fighters as well as local starfighters from the New Alderaanian resistance. Tread carefully though..... The Planetary Cannon will fire upon you........
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Maldor Mecetti stood on the bridge of the Darkfall, one of the ships he had 'stolen' from House Mecetti during his defection to the Empire of the Lost.

Once his involvement with Sith Artifacts had been discovered, the sands of the hourglass had been set in motion. His father had sacrificed a great deal to ensure that his only son would be able to make a life for himself elsewhere: Family honor. Political standing in the Galactic Alliance. And a significant percentage of the Mecetti House Guard Navy.

It could have gone another way.

Casteban could have abandoned his son.

Perhaps he should have. The careless young man had ruined a decade of careful political planning and manipulation. But even if many considered Obulette and its nobility to be villainous, honest observers had to acknowledge that these villains were still capable of love and loyalty. If not to the Alliance, at least to each other.

Now Maldor was here, over New Alderaan.

He'd brought Darkfall, his uprated Victory Class Star Destroyer, and also Raider class escorts Strife and Doom. His job was to take out any of the rebellious forces that tried to escape. This was his chance to prove himself to his new masters. The Empire of the Lost would be watching his actions here carefully when deciding whether to give him a worthwhile position in their ranks.

"Shields at maximum," Maldor ordered, "and prepare to roll the ship. We'll try to stay outside the firing arc of the planetary cannons until ground forces can disable them. However, those guns are capable of over-the-horizon shots. There may be no completely safe position in the orbit of this world.

The guns are powerful enough to gut star destroyers, but the Darkfall is equipped with reinforced shield generators. A parting gift from the Obulette shipyard.

So, until the guns are disabled, we will ensure that we continuously present a different shield quadrant to enemy fire. This will prevent a breakthrough and give impacted shields time to recover between hits.

Our Raider escorts are small and maneuverable, and should be able to avoid fire from the guns."

At least, he hoped so.

"Soon, the Imperial clones will take out the planetary guns, and then we'll have free reign in orbit.

Until then, we endure."

The officers on the bridge all went to work.

The crew of the Darkfall were meant to be the most loyal of the House Mecetti Guard.

Time would tell if that was truly the case.

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

Lorian Tarsis

Objective 2: Destroy That Gun
Tags: [Open]

Lorian looked down towards the city as it passed swiftly beneath the Imperial shuttle craft, the knight looked towards the group of Troopers that had also been assigned to the mission to destroy the Planetary Gun that threatened the EOTL's supremacy in orbit, He had never fought alongside clones though, like many, he had heard the historical recounting of the infamous Grand Army of the Republic and the myriad other clone army spinoffs that had taken inspiration from the Kaminoan creation.

The Imperial Knight looked back towards the open ramp of the shuttle as they neared the landing zone. Multiple shuttles engaged their maneuvering thrusters in order to slow down before landing, troopers and assorted EOTL individuals rushed out from behind the shuttles to engage the rebellious Stormtroopers. Lorian followed the others as he ignited his white lightsaber.

With a serpentine motion Lorian deflected a couple of blaster bolts away from himself then with a wide horizontal sweeping slash another bolt was reflected back to one of the Stormtroopers causing him to fall backwards. Lorian continued to utilize his expertise in Form III to defend himself against the Stormtroopers. The assault on the Planetary Gun had begun in earnest.
Tags: Lorian Tarsis | OPEN
Location: Outskirts of New Aldera
Objective: 2 - Destroy That Gun
Equipment: In Bio
Theme: HERE

New Alderaan was a strange planet from everything I have heard of it. It was founded by people searching a better life, and for the most part succeeded. However, such a life made them grow fat and weak. The Empire that conquered this world moulded it into a stronghold of strength. The locals still wallowed in their weakness, but the those of the military presence were certainly worthy of a shred of a this woman of Kalidan's respect. Today, however I come for a multitude of reasons. One professional and the other being very presonal. A meeting with Aculia Voland Aculia Voland lead to an inspiration about legacy. Hearing of the technology at the disposal Velran Kilran Velran Kilran gave a means for that inspiration to manifest. That was why I joined this invasion and annexation effort. There was more to my presence on this world than merely my knack for breaking a rebel's will to fight before destroying them without mercy or remorse.

Landing on this world was rough, especially in this sector. The shuttle that came with me and my escort managed to weave through anti-aircraft fire as it broke through the atmosphere of New Alderaan. Admiral Kilran's authority borders mine. Appearing here will start a good relationship among a future neighbor who I would see as a new member of the Moff Council at some point soon. These thoughts stirred in my head until the shuttle learched in kind to landing and I could hear the hissing of the legs coming under the weight of the ship. I and my escort of Ultranauts stood firm in position as we walked down the ramp.

I exited the ramp at the head of the escort in my field uniform, that of the Iron Legion's Supreme Commander. Thankfully my rank allowed little resistance to me being on the field of battle once more rather than having me stuck in orbit shooting shuttles like game-fowl. The legion of clones at the disposal of troops sent to this battle was surely impressive in size. I had yet to fight in a battle using such things, however the histories show the propensity for effective fighting. Regardless, I would always trust a properly born soldier more than one bred like cattle. A fully Human mind is capable of something far greater than mere battle.

The charge soon began. I stood before the Clones that I would lead into battle. My Ultranauts covered the sides. I then said coldly in Galactic Basic, despite my accent, "You were bred for war. Show me and the Empire you will serve as designed. Charge with me!" I strutted forward with the Ultranauts at my sides still. The Clones then kept pace. I would not charge across an open field. I would leave that to the Knights that lead the vanguard of this push to the planetary gun. Ahead of the position, I could see the white lightsaber in the distance. They would smash into the lines to soften them. It would be those I lead under Iron Legion command that will back them up and grind down the enemy. We would march forward. The vanguard already has been put under fire. I turned back as soon as forms of the enemy's fighters appeared. "Maintain your pace! Concentrate fire on the position to our right! You may fire when ready!"

Soon, a storm of blasterfire cascaded around me towards the position. These storm troopers now knew we were here as well. Their concentraiton will be split between the vanguard with the Knight leadership, and this contingent under the Iron Legion. Additionally, I was hoping this advancing gunfire will provide a bit of cover for the vanguard from the flank we fired on, as it would reduce the guns they would have to worry about. We then pressed onward towards the planetary gun that loomed overhead. Its fire could be heard for miles around as it tried to take shots at the ships in orbit. So far it had yet to hit anything of ours, but I knew to expect plooms of fire any moment. Soon, it will hit a mark after spending this time sighting in its targets. However, soon our forces will be upon it as well to hopefully destroy it before too many valuable targets are taken down.


The arrival of the first barrage from the planetary guns was as inevitable as the tides.

A Victory Class Star Destroyer had a mass of over a million tons, but that bulk didn't prevent it from shuddering under the energetic blow. Lights flickered on the bridge, and Maldor gritted his teeth.

The ship did not disintegrate. It had not been hulled. There was no serious damage.

Not yet.

"Hit on the Forward Port Quadrant," came a shouted announcement, "the reinforced shield generators held, but are now at 50% capacity."

Another voice, "Their shots are entering orbit from over the horizon, and proceeding along orbital paths until they impact."

Maldor thought back to his time working with the Lilaste Order, drawing upon everything he'd observed of both their tactics, and the tactics of the pirates they'd encountered.

"Bank the ship twenty degrees to Starboard. Concentrate shields to the ventral quadrant. Increase our orbital distance by 10,000 kilometers. How are our escorts doing?" He gave his orders with much more confidence than he felt.

"Both escorts are intact. Their guns may have trouble hitting smaller targets."

That made sense. You couldn't have a gun that could tear into star destroyers and also easily hit smaller ships. There was always a trade-off in weapons design.

"Here comes another one," a bridge officer announced.

"Brace for impact," Maldor ordered. But this one passed just under them, missing by a mere handful of meters. Maldor felt a surge of satisfaction. Changing the ship's elevation had helped to avoid a hit.

He was figuring out how to manage a ship in combat. That was good, but learning on the job was not ideal. He knew he was a ways from being at the competency of other ship's Captains.

And at any competency, this was not a dance they could participate in forever.

Hopefully, the forces on the ground would engage with those guns soon, and shut them down before Maldor's improvisation and luck ran out.
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Objective 1: Distraction Force

This had to be the first time that Velran had fought on land before, it felt..... strange not sitting on the bridge and observing the beautiful dogfights decorated the dark and cold depths of space. He was standing in front of the entrance of the city, with the Imperial Army Troopers behind him. They were all civilian volunteers from the Tion Cluster and were trained for barely a year. Velran had to fight to hide his utter contempt for these so-called soldiers. They were a "gift" from the Empire of the Lost's high command while they take care of the fleeing ships in space.

The Stormtrooper rebellion wanted Velran dead with multiple assassination attempts on him during his rule. Foolish, ungrateful, imbeciles! After everything that Velran has given them, his Stormtrooper corps decided that it wasn't enough, so what if Velran executed Stormtoopers for disobeying direct commands, it wasn't his fault that they were incompetent! It was a good thing that these Stormtroopers did rebel, that way Velran could create the Grand Army of the Lost. Loyal, trusting, always by Velran's side. People were unpredictable and are never satisfied, but a vat spawned Clone will be loyal to you even death.

Still, the Stormtroopers needed to be occupied they were hellbent on killing Velran well here he was and the bulk of the troops were amassed on entrance of the city ready to fire upon once he got in range. Velran turned around and saw the troopers many of them fresh faced boys and girls a little over 18 on average and never held a Blaster Rifle in their lives. They're all good as dead at least they'll serve a purpose of dying gloriously for Velran: The genius whom the Empire is so desperate to recruit.

"Remember this moment!" Velran yelled. "It is the greatest event in your lives! Today! You will go forth not as people, but as soldiers for the Empire!"

An Empire that was mired in beauacracy and self-indulgence. An Empire that wasn't focused on domination was not an Empire, it was one of the things that Velran proposed in his deal with the Empire of the Lost. They must be ruthless in expanding and conquering, conflict was in the Empire's blood and failing that caused it to decay.

"You are the youth of a BRAND NEW EMPIRE!" Velran shouted. "Your deeds will be remembered throughout history! The Empire needs soldiers not peasants and I am certain that I will not lead you to your doom because I will see each and every one of you after this battle!"

The Imperial Army began to cheer while Velran smiled. " You will gain.... honor and respect and all that good stuff!" Velran said trying to find the words, he wasn't much of an orator. It was either do what he said or get thrown out the airlock. "In the darkest hours remember this: In this battle you'll have doubts, but let me tell you something: Doubt is for mentally weak morons! Warfare is like Chess!"

And these Army troopers were the pawns. But Velran doubted that these kids ever heard Chess much less played it.

"It's all about the greater good!" Velran yelled. "You are a collective not an individual! Sacrifices must be made! But you my friends are first into battle! You will not flinch at the sight of death for you are death! Our future lies with you!"

The Army Troopers yelled with glee. "YEAH!" They shouted.

"Now get out there!" Velran shouted. "AND DESTROY THESE TRAITORS!"

With that command, the Imperial Army Troopers rushed towards the hail of blaster fire by the many Stormtroopers in that city. "Oh and civilian casualties are acceptable!" Velran shouted while he pulled out his Dual Blaster Pistols. Time to kick some booty.

Objective 1: Distraction Force

Location: New Aldera, New Alderaan
Outfit: Velran’s Gift Dress
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro | Ramys Marnarro Ramys Marnarro

Akiya wondered what the frack she was doing out in a warzone. What was worse was that she wasn’t even protected by the clones that she had worked hard to properly raise under Velran’s timetable. Her project was out in force to directly combat the rebellion and for some reason Akiya was dragged out of the lab surrounded by simple Army volunteers waiting for the rebellion to come out and take another shot at killing their oppressor. Was she hear to increase the value of making a strike? None of the stormtrooper rebels knew her identity. Or if they did it was very unlikely that they knew what sort of science she was involved with.

Though Akiya was quite out of place and a bit frightened of the mass of enemy soldiers waiting for them to strut forward, she was somewhat at ease as Kilran gave his Imperial ra ra speech to the volunteers. She wondered if they knew that he had a fit and highly trained army at his disposal that was finding other ways into the city to tear at the infrastructure of the rebellion and allow ease of access to the Imperial invaders. She wondered if the bluster in Velran’s voice would make them think they were hear for anything other than cannon fodder. The only thing that kept her calm during the speech was that she was sure that Kilran wasn’t willing to sacrifice himself to take down this rebellion. And he still had use for Akiya so she was the second safest person on this march.

The boys and girls marching to their doom started to cheer which made Akiya sigh. The terror would start soon and warcries would turn into shrieks of pain and death. The deceived youths started to charge and then the firing started. All of Akiya’s calm left her and she pushed herself close to Velran. ”Are we safe here? Shouldn’t we be figuring out a way to get back to the lab? Or the cover of some real soldiers?”
Imperial Moff of the Calamari Sector

Objective 2: Destroy That Gun
Location: New Aldera, New Alderaan
Outfit: Field Armor
Equipment: See Bio, rebreather
Forces: 16 Pakuuni special forces troopers
Tags: OPEN | Lorian Tarsis | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen


Teckla had been spending too much time on New Alderaan. But these were the things one had to do if they wanted a top of the line clone army of their own. She looked at the special forces troopers who were accompanying her for this mission and sighed. She longed for her vision to be completed. her army was still being produced. She couldn’t wait. Hers would stand above even the Grand Army of the Lost. Not in numbers, but in capabilities and basic training and execution. The Jango Fett template was overrated. Teckla had provided Kilran and his scientists with a new genetic template. It held some of what Jango did, but it held even more. Jango’s granddaughter Ailyn Vel had so much more to offer Teckla.

Kilran gave Teckla directions on how to enter New Aldera with her small squad without attracting too much attention. As they approached the orbital cannon, Teckla collected her focus and formed a bond with each of her troopers. They would operate as smoothly as she could possibly expect. They would move as if they were a single entity, because she would wordlessly be able to correct any missteps. It was a power that had served Teckla well in many battles. She hoped that her power would prove easier with the clones that were being grown for her. For now she would make due with the troops who had served her loyally for years. She wondered how Kilran could allow his troops to rebel like this. Teckla was not the easiest general to work under. She had even had two or three subordinates go rogue over the years. But a full on mutiny? It didn’t matter. Securing Kilran’s hold on New Alderaan was part of the price for her clones and so here should was, no matter how much she questioned what Kilran might do with his power going forward.

The clone troopers had started their assault. Teckla grinned at the progress. If these clones were performing at this level, hers would do wonderful things. She didn’t have to give verbal orders to the small squad she was commanding. With her thoughts and gentle proddings, the troopers moved into position.

”Armies of the Lost,” Teckla stated into her comm set to the secure Imperial channel. ”This is General Teckla Tane. I have a small squad approaching from the delta side. We’re equipped with jamming equipment and explosives. If you clear a path, the orbital gun will be rubble in no time.”
Objective 1: Distraction Force

To say that Velran despised these soldiers would be an understatement. To Velran, these moronic hillbillies mascaraing has Imperial Soldiers were only useful for one thing and one thing only" Cannon fodder. Honestly, Porg chit had more value than these incompetent kids. To think that the Empire thanked Velran by sending him these hastily ready troopers who had the aim of a blind beggar. Sending these Imperial Volunteer units in a human wave was the only viable tactic and hearing their pained screams as they get melted by the incoming blaster fire oddly gave a satisfying feeling to Velran.

"Oh what was that?" Velran heard the stupid, squeaking voice of Akiya Orime Akiya Orime . Given that the planet was being under attack by his own Stormtroopers, there was no way that Velran was going to allow Akiya to be left to her own devices. She'll probably find a way to escape and link up with the Stormtroopers. In matter of fact, she might be working with the Stormtroopers! It's a possibility, Velran had noticed lately that Akiya had been taking more..... vacations something that Velran would NEVER allow. She could've been using that opportunity to stab Velran in the back.

"Are you trying to say that you're trying to kill me is that it huh?!" Velran walked towards Akiya grabbing her arm. "I've noticed that you've been sneaking out from the lab lately! You mind telling me what my Stormtroopers are plotting?! The only reason why I'm even here instead of being on my ship is because I need to distract the Stormtroopers! They hate me for whatever reason and want me dead! But they underestimate my sheer genius just like you keep doing!"

He turned towards the city pulling Akiya by the arm. "Now let us fight!" Velran declared. "I've come up with some cool one liners! When I kill a Stormtrooper: I'm going to say: consider your job terminated! Is that good...... traitor!"


Another shot soared at the Darkfall from the planetary guns, missing by a mere handful of meters. That was the third near-miss in the past fifteen minutes.

"I've had enough of being parked here passively waiting to be struck by that thing," Maldor declared.

His mission was to take out any forces attempting to escape, but while a few ships had taken off from the world, it seemed unlikely there would be any mass exodus while that gun was online. Until it was taken out, the stormtroopers occupying this planet would assume the planet was still defensible.

"Re-task ventral heavy turbolaser batteries. The planetary gun is too well protected from orbital bombardment, but there are other options. Target the enemy's other surface installations. Barracks. Communications Centers. Shield Generators.

Answer that gun with ten of our own. Perhaps that will get the turncoats scurrying."

The officers on the bridge quickly responded, and the Darkfall's twin heavy turbolaser cannons swiveled to target the surface, selecting various promising structures to demolish below. Soon, powerful bolts descended. The atmosphere of the planet ablated some of the power from each bolt, but they still had substantial energy as they exploded into buildings and emplacements.

"Adjust our orbital distance by 1,000 meters after each volley. We don't want to eat any more hits from their main gun."

The maneuvering thrusters of the Darkfall fired up, and the gunnery officers adjusted their points of aim accordingly...
Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective 2: DESTROY THAT GUN!

ETOL Stormtrooper Armor
Heavy Concussion Repeater

It was about damn time that the new Empire outfitted the Stormtroopers with shiny new armor. It looked the same as the old Stormtrooper Armor that Amiggie wore back in the NIO but not only that it fit comfortably on her, but it was filled with neat gadgets like Grappling Spike Launcher, an Integrated Force Mask, and all sorts of chit that Ami didn't fully understand but knew it was an upgrade. This Empire of the Lost finally started open their wallets for their soldiers. Now if Ami can just gain access to galaxy communications, then she can contact her parents. It's been months since Ami last seen them and she missed them dearly.

"Only Dad really," Ami muttered taking one look at her helmet before placing it over her head. "Mom has been a real nerf herder."

Ami and her Mom didn't leave on the best of terms. Her Mom was once again begging Ami to leave as soon as her service was done. 4 years was what was required for Ami to serve before she can leave be honorably discharged. Yet Ami grew accustomed in being a Stormtrooper, besides Dad needed the benefits so he can continue to get his meds. Of course, Mom was worried about losing Ami but for frack's sake, Ami was a grown ass woman and she can do whatever the hell she wanted.

In any case, frack her Mom but Ami needed to check on her and Dad. At least she could assuage her fears but right now Ami got a party to attend to. The guests of honor were Stormtroopers who rebelled against their leader and the friends Ami's with are those creepy clones and other Jedi. "At least I got a mini gun," Ami grinned.

The objective was to destroy the planetary gun which was giving the flyboys in space trouble. No problem. "Time to kill!" Ami yelled as she began raining down fire upon the Stormtroopers advancing on her position. The Stormtroopers were ripped apart by the rapid fire as Ami smiled. "This thing handles like a dream!" She exclaimed. "Love the low recoil!"

Lorian Tarsis, Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen , Teckla Tane Teckla Tane
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Objective 3: Fighting in Space!


As the battle rages on the in the city of New Aldera, the planetary gun stationed on the field began to target Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ship: Darkfall. The engineers frantically entered the calculations, and the gun gathered a massive light of purple energy at the barrel of the planetary gun before it launched into the sky forming a large bright purple beam shaped like an arrow. The beam accelerated out of the planet heading straight for Darkfall..... only for it to miss by a couple of feet leaving the ship unharmed.

However, after the beam was fired, a 3 squadrons of TIE fighters were streaking from orbit ready to attack the distracted ship.

Bella Bella

Location: New Alderaan High Orbit - New Alderaan System
Objective: Fighting in Space!
Dialogue Legend: “Galactic Basic” │ <“Imperial Basic”>
Call Sign: Miracle
Tags: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

With the threat that the large planetary guns represented to capital ships, much of the heavy lifting had been left to the Imperial Starfighter Corps. In that regard, Spector Squadron was one of the few starfighter formations that had been committed to the task of destroying any freighters, transports, and other starships attempting to take flight from New Alderaan. While it was important to put the rebellion down, it was just as important to ensure that the rebels could not escape to supply the Empire’s enemies with valuable technologies, intelligence, and material assets.

Failure here might very well lead to instability fermenting within the Empire itself. Such an eventuality needed to be prevented at all costs.

“I have four new sensor contacts, sir.” Bella said over the squadron’s shared comm channel as she shifted her gaze towards the sensor readout. “Unidentified freighter-class starships. It looks like a convoy making a run for it. They’re right at the edge of our zone, though.” The Togruta added, her eyes lighting up with anticipation as a girlish excitement crept into her otherwise restrained, professional tone.

“You are clear to engage, Miracle. Make short work of it, then return to patrol formation immediately.” Commander Ichirr answered in a sharp sequence of hisses and clicks. “Do not delay.” The Harch added. While Ichirr didn’t want to stray too far from the squadron’s designated patrol area, he could not deny his favored pilot the opportunity to break up the relative monotony that had been their patrol thus far. In spite of her outward professionalism, it hadn’t taken him long to realize that she had a bloodthirsty streak.

“Copy that, commander!” On cue, Bella twisted and pulled on the control column, whipping her TIE around in a drop-kick turn that saw her loop-roll, then accelerate in the opposite direction. All the while, the Togruta brought her craft’s weapons to life, committing power to the disruptor cannons as she swiftly closed the distance on her hapless targets. The freighters were moving at near top speed and might have succeeded in escaping had Bella been flying a slower craft. They had taken a good trajectory as well, which was far from the bulk of the fighting and within a seemingly safe corridor.

However, their fatal error lay in downplaying the risk of a TIE as fast as the Miracle One being within the vicinity.

In mere moments, Bella was upon them, a salvo of searing magenta disruptor bolts lashing out from her four disruptor cannons. The ensuing impacts struck massive chunks out of the hulls of the first two freighters, vaporizing the vessels in an effective instant before their crews could make themselves aware of the hostile presence. With her built-up speed, Bella’s trajectory sent her racing past the remaining two freighters in the convoy before she could target them. However, they enjoyed only a brief reprieve in that regard. As Bella whipped her TIE around to line up her next attack run, her targets took immediate—yet ultimately futile—evasive action. Nevertheless, the Miracle One was back only a seconds later, its autocannons unleashing a hail of high explosive incendiary armor piercing slugs that unerringly lanced through the hulls and engines of the two vessels, triggering a series of rolling detonations that tore through their hulls as fuel and cargo stores were ignited.

With that, Bella raced past the stricken, charred chunks of what was left of the freighters, her blood hot in her veins as she flew back towards the patrol formation. “Tally four targets!” The Togruta called out over the squadron’s shared channel. Her blood would have cooled then, but the sudden surge of activity over the channel caused her heart to race once more.

“Three squadrons of TIEs headed for the Darkfall! Miracle, we need you to intercept, now!”

Tags: Lorian Tarsis Teckla Tane Teckla Tane Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost
Location: Outskirts of New Aldera, approaching Planetary Gun
Equipment: In Bio
Theme: HERE
Objective: 2 - Destroy That Gun!

The Imperial forces, alongside the legions of clones, continued marching up the field. The Knights seemed to be handling their advance well enough, as those I was leading were soon approaching their position. It was clear that tactics of the day would be to overrun this rebellion through sheer numbers with these clones. I and my Ultranaut escort lead from the front in a steady advance while fire rained towards us from the enmy positions. Our walking gun-line soon made it to a ridge only a mile or so from the base of the gun.

Over the comms, another army seemed to have joined our efforts, that of a General Teckla Tane.

"General Tane, this is Moff and Iron Legion Supreme Commander DuPorcelen. I receive your notification. My forces will proceed with our advance in anticipation of your arrival."
I would then turn to the others behind me, "Keep firing ahead! We will take up defensive position on this ridge until General Tane arrives! Watch our flanks in case we are routed!"
From here, we had ample position to fire at any counterattacks that would come from the gun itself. I then turned to one of the comms troopers, "Send a signal to artillery command behind us. Give them these coordinates to begin bombardment on the gun itself. We may not be able to destroy it, but it will keep the enemy busy hunkering down."
"Yes, Supreme Commander!", the clone snappily said back in compliance.
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"Thirty-six tie-fighters inbound," the signals officer announced, and the bridge fell silent in anticipation of Maldor's response.

For his part, Maldor avoided showing any concern on his face. It was a talent he'd acquired and honed in politics. If he'd been a bit more circumspect with his hobbies, he'd still be a Senator in the Galactic Alliance, today.

Well... no point lamenting the past. Time to build the future. His father had sacrificed a great deal to ensure he had the resources needed to forge one. Now was the moment to make good use of them.

"Disengage heavy turbolasers. They have no chance of hitting Ties.

We'll try the light turbolasers instead, but our escorts will have the job of the heavy lifting for interdiction.

Make sure we have Spector Squadron's accurate Friend-or-Foe designations. We don't want to hit friendlies."

With eighteen laser cannons firing, they should be able to take a big chunk out of the Ties.

"We have F-O-F code confirmations for Spector," the signals officer confirmed.

Maldor nodded, "Excellent. Concentrate fire in such a way as to herd the enemy towards Spector Squadron.

We'll press them between us. Once the enemy is engaged with Spector, launch our own fighters.

Between the two of us, we'll finish them off."

Deployed Assets
Victory Star Destroyer 'Darkfall'
Two Raider Corvettes
Two Gozanti Assault Carriers

Bella Bella
The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost
Objective 3: Fighting in Space!

"What was that Private?!" A sergeant bellowed at the engineer who was busy running calculations on the Planetary Gun. "You mean to tell me that you can't hit the largest ship on their fleet with that MAC gun?! Are you fracking kidding me?!"

"Sir sorry sir!" The private squeaked his forehead wet with sweat and his hands shaking uncontrollably. "What have I told you?!" The Sergeant yelled. "About firing from the hip?! Do you understand Physics son! An object in motion, stays in motion unless acted on by an outside force! Do you know what that means?!"

The private remained silent.


"Sir sorry sir!" The private gulped.

"Damn it! Check your target and wait for the computer to make the calculations! Now we have more transport to get through so fire again!"

The Private and the rest of the engineers continued to work this time allowing the computer to come up with a solution, the Planetary Gun swiveled a quarter inch before firing again this time inflicting striking the ship on the hull. The shields took about 30 percent damage but it remained space.

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , Bella Bella
Imperial Moff of the Calamari Sector


Objective 2: Destroy That Gun
Location: New Aldera, New Alderaan
Outfit: Field Armor
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: 16 Pakuuni special forces troopers
Tags: OPEN | Lorian Tarsis | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih


Teckla’s mental connection between herself and the rest of the Imperial forces was much less present than what she felt with her own troopers, but she could sense a degree of confidence from the broader field of battle and something within her mind told Teckla that it was not from the rebel camp that this came from. And why should it. These might have been well trained stormtroopers of one Empire or another in the past, but now they were an under supplied revolution with a clone army headed by Velran Kilran Velran Kilran and the forces of the Empire of the Lost bearing down on them. These “stormtroopers” had no reason to be confident. As soon as the Empire of the Lost showed what it could do by taking down the planetary gun, this rebellion would crumble.

In answer to her call over comms came a response from a Moff and Supreme Commander. The title coming in the form of a female gave Teckla reason to grin. She wanted to exceed beyond such ranks, but they were a start and between Dac and now New Alderaan and the plan to press Imperial authority into her own home system, the time was near for Teckla herself to join the list of high ranking women within the Empire of the Lost.

The message that came from Moff DuPorcelen, was even better than the future that her ranks provided for Teckla. She gave more silent commands and her squad started off in the direction of the gun, through what she could assume to be the forces of the Iron Legion. The troopers stayed in tight formation and the tech officer started to flip through the active comm channels looking for which were manned by the resistance, needing to be jammed as they got closer. “Stormtroopers” were falling all around them. The Empire was flexing its muscle in an impressive display to show other rebels in their territory what happened. ”Trooper PSO-597,” Teckla barked out to the Tech Officer. ”Initiate the squad’s friendly location broadcast as soon as we reach the front of our allies advance.” Not even a nod was required for Teckla to know that her order would be followed.

A blaster bolt sailed by the side of her face and the General growled in irritation. She raised her blaster pistol and unleashed a counter barrage into the enemy line. ”Moff DuPorcelen. This is General Tane. My group will be pushing past you momentarily. We will broadcast our positions to you. I would appreciate cover, but keeping your fire from getting too close. Some loss from within my squad is expected and acceptable. Do what you need to do for the glory of the Empire.” With that she waved her men forward. A mostly ornamental display as her troops were already in action.
Location: New Alderaan High Orbit - New Alderaan System
Objective: Fighting in Space!
Dialogue Legend: “Galactic Basic” │ <“Imperial Basic”>
Call Sign: Miracle
Tags: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

Bella pushed the Miracle One hard, though not to the point of activating the SLAM. Even with just its regular engines, her TIE was fast—possessing more than enough speed to get her within weapons range of the three squadrons. In that, the Togruta set up her vector to cross through the front of their formation, in the hopes of inflicting maximum disruption. Her task now was to slow them down so that the rest of Spector Squadron could catch up and ideally, buy the Darkfall time to muster its own fighters.

“Miracle is on point, commander. Intercepting…NOW!” And suddenly, a vicious salvo of magenta-hued disruptor bolts tore through the leading element of the first squadron to come within range of the Darkfall, vaporizing both TIEs in twin explosions of heat and energy. For the enemy pilots, a chilling scream cracked and faded over their comms as the screamer realized his peril, then was suddenly vaporized in the ensuing blast. Only a second later, a crimson-hulled TIE raced across the head of the formation, moving at speeds that more resembled a starship jumping into hyperspace.

On cue, the enemy pilots were compelled to take evasive maneuvers in reaction to their unseen assailant. All the while, Bella whipped her TIE around in a tight chandelle, before accelerating back towards the now-reeling lead squadron. She struck again, this time unleashing a short, yet surgical burst of autocannon fire on a TIE that had turned towards her in the wake of her initial ambush. The large-caliber slugs punched straight through the eyeball-shaped viewport and blew the hapless pilot’s body apart in an explosion of fleshy gobbets and red mist, of which the latter floated out into the void before crystallizing in frozen death.

Only moments later, Bella’s squadmates came on the scene, with the concentrated laser fire from the Darkfall herding the first and second squadron of enemy TIEs straight into the teeth of the Spectors.


Objective 1: Distraction Force

New Aldera, New Alderaan
Equipment: Stormtrooper Armor, medium blaster rifle
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro | Akiya Orime Akiya Orime

The rebellion was coming to an end. Ramys was too smart to think anything else. At least the portion of the rebellion where they could hold their ground and challenge Kilran to a face to face fight. The mad Admiral who had declared himself Emperor even after he lost the support of the New Imperial Order, now had an army of clones to counter the might of the stormtroopers that now refused to follow his orders. And now it seemed a new Empire had popped up to tilt the scales even further from the native New Alderaanians. There was fighting going on in the city. Ramys knew that they would need to defend the orbital cannons if they were going to eventually come out on top. But that was a pipe dream now. Rumors of another scenario came to Ramys’ eager ears. Kilran was in the open.

Abandoning hope of keeping the city, Ramys led a small group to join the guardsmen at the city gates. There to his amazement he actually did find the self-proclaimed Emperor. And with him were not the clone army that he had been developing for months now. No whoever these troops were couldn’t have been out of bootcamp for very long. They were falling by the dozens and Ramys looked to the leader of the guards. ”Is this really all they have challenging the gates?” Ramys questioned. The response was merely a shrug followed by a volley of bolts into the charging attackers.

Ramys raised his rifle to peer through the scope. He found Kilran ranting as usual. With Ramys’ training he should have been able to eliminate Kilran on the spot. He wasn’t sure if that would actually win the battle for them, or just give a new tyrant control of the planet, but at least he could do one good thing before falling. Each time Ramys started to squeeze the trigger however a woman that Kilran was keeping close shifted into his sights. He couldn’t count on her to stay out of the way and he didn’t know if she was a hostage or an ally to Kilran.

”Someone get me firm intel on who that girl is with Kilran!” Ramys called out to the rest of the guards. ”If I can shoot her I can at least we can all go to the grave knowing that Kilran went first. If I need to spare her I’m pretty sure we’re fracked!”
Objective 2: Destroy That Gun
Location: New Aldera, New Alderaan
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: Marines
Tags: Lorian Tarsis | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen | Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane

Split their focus. Break their concentration. Divide and conquer. Father taught his daughter. Subject Zero no longer. She knows what to do. She knows how to move. How to fight. How to kill. She was born for war and to take lives. The battlefield is where the Viper comes to life!

Kanni Ugaiya Kilran in the flesh. The assassin was here at her eternal leader’s behest. So as not to disappoint him, she had no choice but to complete her mission, which meant that the enemy was completely screwed and doomed to begin with.

They should be ashamed of their rebellious ways too.
They would pay either way and be given the boot once the true troops shoot that gun down and take out the clowns without a frown ‘cause it’s Daddy’s town now. Time to mosey, baby!

“LET’S MOVE!” Kanni commanded her troopers. She led a group adjacent from the others, attacking from different directions to keep their enemy’s attention from singling any one of them. Kanni’s brave men and women were a contingent of marines which meant—


They shouted to their leader. The assassin sported her black and white outfit and flourished her shuriken. Without waiting too long, Kanni timed her charge alongside one of her companion commanders facing a flanking.



The fury-fisted marines, distinguished for their armor, relentlessness and exceptional battle prowess, advanced and hammered into the Stormtroopers in a moment’s notice. They focused on suppressing the enemy from their defensive position.

However, there was more to the strategy for Kanni. As blasters exchanged bolts from behind cover, raining on the fields, a bolt of black and white shot toward the sky. The flanking force of Stormtroopers had makeshift barricades in their haste and by the time they looked up it was too late to fix this chit anyway.

Four blades, wicked sharp, arced across their faces, carving their names before returning to their caster. The Viper landed behind a crate further away and waved to her team while getting on the comlink to the other commanders. She spoke while her blaster talked another Stormtrooper into an early grave.

“This is General Kanni Kilran on the northeast wing—I think?—commanding the Gauntlet marines! Noting some super serious boom-boom from this big boy’s batteries! Targeting them might do some added damage—or I can get in and sabotage. I'm in a beeline position and itchin' for action! Over. And maybe I'd find a ham and honey sandwich inside. Yeah baby! Pound this cannon into the ground and then Kanni is gonna make a peanut butter jelly sammie and sorry but I'm not your mommy! -PHWOM!-PHWOM!- Goodbye Mr. Stormtrooper Crybaby Buddy Guy and GOOD NIGHT DONK—”

“General!” One of her marines called across the chaos. “You’re still on com!”


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