Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction of the Century (OPEN - Black Sun Dominion of Nar Kreeta)

Aedan Miles pushed him off the wall and made his way over to her his datapad lit up as he looked down at it and smirked. His people had been doing their jobs and had gathered a list of items he had stored that he could use to bid with. He smirked as he recalled two more items. As he reached her he handed her a datapad and sat down nodding to her lightly. "Field Marshal on that you will find a list of items that you have at your disposal to bid with. I am rather partial to the blueprint as well but I can not compete with people like this." The list was as follows Two Endurance-class carriers, Two Immobolizer 418 Cruisers, Two Recusant Light Destroyers (One fully repaired the other without weapons), Six Corellian Corvettes, Thirty Claw Craft Fighters, Fifteen Tie Interceptors, Twenty Scimitar bombers and Two TL-1800 Frighters with four cargo pods. The two items he had added onto that list were a Holocron holding the teachings of Master Sar Argon and a sith scroll. While both of these last two objects were merely copies they could still fetch a decent sum. @[member="Mia Monroe"].


You could argue both... Ashe telepathically continued towards @[member="Yusan Fenn"]. May I ask what your own interest is?
Ashe looked up for a moment. It appeared the bid for the fragment of Lady Savan hadn't changed... for now. The blueprints and the weapon seemed to hold the fore. She only wanted the arm so that it could be re-assimilated into the mass that was Circe Savan's Vinithi body. Then she realized... if the holotape was false and her distress was illusion, her body in the tank was likely just another display of the White Current as well. The feel... the smell... it was all just false. This angered Ashe deep inside, even though she could no longer express it. It better have been worth playing that Vornskr like a marionette. The real body must've been the one standing before her this very moment. But the life force, it tasted so very genuine, nothing could reproduce a feeling on that primordial level. Why would it be real but the the entire presence a facade? Only by unveiling the mask and asking for herself would Ashe ever find the answer she sought.
Arthur's own mind answered @[member="Ashe the Reaper"], his eyes watching the bids carefully while it did. 'Im an old friend of Circe Savan and heard of her death, with the arm i can revive the woman as im sure some bit of her remains in the personality that would be cloned, should the correct form of revival take place. Its more of a lifedebt really, Circe saved me more than a few times and that was something the certainly i cant just let end without repayment so i plan to clone her and bring her back to the world, only this time with a clean slate.' Yusan's fingers tapped the chair's arm, studying each offer as it was sent in and scratching his neck once, carefully to keep his face shrouded.

Ishiro Zambrano

Competition for that Krayt Dragon Egg was quite fierce. It was apparent that he wouldn't get it through conventional means, he had to improvise. The young man quickly located the person who was bidding for the egg and moved towards her. Once in front of her, he bowed and said ''Greetings, I am Ishiro Panteer, heir to the Royal Panteer Family on Alderaan, it seems you have a great interest in the Krayt Dragon Egg. Is there some way I would be able to trade something for it, once you won the auction for the Egg? Maybe a rare collectible from Alderaan? How about a couple rare Ladalum Flowers plus all of the things required to keep them alive as well as the 150.000 and 20.000 added to that?'' He said calmly to the woman.

@[member="Lucien Cordel"]


@[member="Yusan Fenn"]​
I see, Ashe replied, But you will find that the one you know as Circe Savan is hardly dead at all. The one you saw me with earlier... was a lie. It was nothing more than a hollow illusion, as I am sure you must then be familiar with, friend of Lady Savan. At first, I thought she had left her former vessel for a new one, thought she was in distress, and yet I have been proven the pawn of an even greater plan of hers all along. Worry not, and please allow me to buy the arm if you are truly the ally of my fiance. It must be assimilated, or destroyed.

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
Damnation. She can't last for long with bids such as those. Perhaps... I shall play to that. Neskar looked to his side, at the woman placing these bids, and her competitors around him. Sadly, he was a bit of a minnow in influential waters such as these. Perhaps, in the future, he would have more sway, or could hurl more money around in this dong measuring contest. But either way, he was leaving with those three weapons, and damn those who tried to stop him. Glaring back at the auctioneer, he narrowed his eyes and stared through his visor, running his eyes across the Hutt. He may as well pull out all the stops, Neskar realised, and so raised his arm to bid again.

"Forty six thousand credits on the chain-blaster, and a single bounty performed by yours truly."
The woman looked to the gentleman who approached she stopped relating information to Lucien and Listened to what the man had to say the offer was a good one but she doubted Lucien would bite. The woman relayed the offer to Lucien through the ear piece then shook her head "His grace has no interest in flowers however rare he will however negotiate for any other rare or unique items you happen to posses, His grace is fond of sith/Jedi artifacts but other collectibles may be considered"

@[member="Ishiro Zambrano"]
Yusan's voice responded without him so much as looking. 'I must apologize but you never told me how you know miss savan, and as for her new body it isnt much of an improvement to be honest, a little hollow and too pale to fit Circe right. No no, she certainly must be reborn do you not agree miss, while i know from the fact that you are persistent that you are either as close if not more a friend than me, it does not answer the fact that you are here to help the arm Savan as evident by your choice of words. Assimilation and destruction is not rebirth, and that is something that i am giving Circe, and perhaps her new form will see the value in such a action...' Yusan's hand raised and he spoke out, the metallic voice still sounding and not his own. "Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand for the Arm."
Huntsman, the alchemical tomahawk of Master Seroth Ur-Rahn............80,000 Copies of the Preface and Book Six (Absolute Power) from the Book of the Sith (Sidious' contributions)
Seydakin, the alchemical longknife of Master Seroth Ur-Rahn................80,000 A copy of Book Thee (The Rule of Two) from the Book of the Sith (Darth Bane's Contribution)
A Corusca gem from the personal collection of Master Lucien Cordel.....45,000 And a safe haven whenever needed that people don't know the location of now + extraction.
1 Miri Farms ysalamir with nutrient cage harness................................. 500,000

A beep just before she stepped into Boondi's, the Muun she wass here too see, office distracted Domino for a second. It seemed she'd been outbid on the gem. Hard to compete with a casino and all that. Domino should know, she had a history with them. Still she left her bid up, it was a more than fair price and throwing more money and assets at it would be a waste. At least those blueprints were doing well. Returning her pad to its belt case, the Twi'lek pushed her way into the Administrator's office without knocking. "Hello Mr. Boondi, I believe your lobbyist told you to expect me."

He complained about the short notice, she countered that the Suns were quick to address important concerns. He didn't like that she was wearing armor, Domino told him that it was for her safety in the case of rebels. The Muuns already had a deal with this government different from any with the Black Suns, that was great, the local government was staying intact. The markets were in an upset, they almost always were, they'd settle down soon enough. The Suns weren't here to seize everything? Of course not, happy and healthy planets were much more productive and better in the long-run, the Suns were no worse than any other government, better in ways as what was once a crime violently defended became regulated and de-brutalized. The meeting went on for what seemed like an hour. The whole time Domino kept calm and patient, explaining away the Banking Clan Administrator's fears and worries, pointing out problem areas and how to avoid them. She used the force on him to help, but only to insure that he kept a calm and open mind, his eventual acceptance was something that Domino wanted him to arrive at himself with no outside mental influence.


@[member="Yusan Fenn"]​
Ashe subtly frowned, as the compatriot clearly did not understand her meaning.
I am her fiance, Lady Ashelotte Saybin. Simply telling you this means that I trust you; do not betray that trust or it will betray your life. How do you rebirth that which has not died? There is no new body. The woman known as Thalia is no more. I cannot allow you to receive this fragment of Lady Savan's body. It is my duty in life and in death to protect her. You will not succeed at any measure.
Ashe had retained her patience, though truthfully, she was growing dull of explaining things. She truthfully wasn't sure why anyone had thought her dead in the first place, as only her and Kaine had ever witnessed her change even if it was just one of her illusory tricks.
"Eight hundred thousand for the fragment of Lady Savan...."
Arthur had some catching up to do, and so he went to work, fingers glided over the surface of the datapad until he smiled and spoke up. "The Krayt Dragon egg for 2 Million, and fifteen Cyclops Battle Droids." He let the topic of the Blueprints go, he would not bankrupt his people, especially when saw a certain purple colored hair pirate appear, to which he sent a private message to. 'Welcome Aedan, hows your night.' it read when he received it.
"Thanks." Mia accepted the datapad, running her eyes through the list. "Well, we can combine our efforts, and share that chain blaster too if I get it. For the record, Aedan, I'm off duty, don't call me by my rank." She could feel the eyes of her competitor on her. Lifting her gaze from Aedan she returned the mercenary's look with a steely gaze.

"Forty seven, on the chain blaster plus two TIE Interceptors."

A mercenary would not be able to keep up with Mia, not with the resources she had, plus a manifest of ships given to her by Aedan. No, she couldn't last much longer, but she could outlast him. Those blueprints would be theirs, as would the chain blaster. As yet, she had not been outbid on the sample of force dead blood.

@[member="Aedan Miles"] @[member="Neskar A'toll"]
@[member="Ashe the Reaper"]

Yusan tapped his fingers lightly and sent back an addition message to the woman, thinking for a long moment before letting the words flow from him to her. 'So Circe remains, interesting... well then i wish you luck with beating me miss, because i do not intend to lose so simply.' He wanted to test her devotion to the woman that had saved him, would she really spend any price to save even a fragment of Circe Savan... perhaps and perhaps not, but things would come to him soon enough on whether or not that these suspicions were true. His hand reached to touch his face for a moment before removing the hand and speaking up. "Eight Hundred thousand and a Decommissioned Hammer-class Frigate that will be sent immediately upon the conclusion of the bidding, its location will not be disclosed though." His voice remained Metallic and distorted beyond recognition.


Very well.... Ashe replied to @[member="Yusan Fenn"].
It was time to up the ante. Ashe would truly stop at nothing. She'd even kill for that fragment. "Nine hundred thousand, and my personal Eightgun and Languor for the fragment of Lady Savan."
Ashe really did not want to give away fighters from her collection. They were the few things she actually still held a use for aside from aesthetic value. Within them were still IFF codes to Atrisia, Ansion, the Fringe and the Sith Council, with the lattermost likely to be purged before the exchange. It would be a shame to see two such powerful starcraft be sold away.
@[member="Yusan Fenn"] @[member="Ashe the Reaper"]

Cypher moved from his overlooking position upon the balcony to the auction floor. He'd party it up a bit with the guests and meet some new people, maybe even gain some contacts. Two of the bidders seemed to be in a war of their own. And fighting. Fittingly; like two dogs pulling at each end of a severed arm. "Well it seems you two are really scraping for this arm. A morbid curio to be buying I think". Cyper seemed to materialize from the air behind the two, he was good at that.
A boast of laughter as another bidder went with the dear Jacobs, to the point where she could hardly control herself and by the time she recovered umpteen more bids went flying through the room over random other things. This was fun, Triam wished she could have thought of this a long time ago! She decided to REALLY piss them off and go by an increment of 2!

Ah the balls on her! How dare she make the bidders pay more money than necessary! Ha, as long as she didn't actually have to pay for it she was cool with it.

She could pay for it obviously, as soon as she got the appropriate shipments to her boss, Popo... who seemed to have deigned around here as well. At the moment of course, she was betting a little more than what she had, but that was minor. Then she thought about... then she really thought about it. So far her running price for Phrik was at 25,000 credits a kilo... and thus 2 million credits would equal to 80 kilos of the stuff. Maybe she could up the ante of her payment with contracts for her mining business. Of course she didn't want to continuously getting the same contracts over and over again...

Lamanium! She had never gotten Lamanium before! That wold be a most interesting hunt indeed, as if memory recalls they were on specialized droids to hunt Yuzhaan Vong or whatever they were spelled. How much would that go for? Well it might be difficult to mine, and probably isn't found any where else other than one of those droids. If 25,000 was the standard, then perhaps this should be 40,000 per kilo. She had in her "treasury" somewhere in the range of 1.2 mil and 1.3 mil she would be willing to lose. So what if she bid 1.2 mil safely each time, and just increased how much specialty material she would promise via contract? That meant that right now she would require...

At least 20 kilos of Lamanium... well that was pretty good! And she had some room to make that figure grow, since she could fit at most 25 kilos in her pack. Perfect! Also, if the fun was to continue, she could offer up her busted Phantom Fingers from her fight with Ashin, that might be worth something to someone. Like an antique piece of art or something... as after all, people have bought literal "paintings" composed entirely of the color blue for unimaginable prices. Why not a broken worthless item? Even if not for that, it had salvageable bits that could be melted down for other things.

She raised her glass, "1.2 mil, but I'm offering a contract for 20 kilos of Lamanium worth 800,000 credits, for a date with Spencer Jacobs." She couldn't help but giggling hilariously. She didn't even know if that was "legal" since she lowered the money figure, even if she offered an almost equal amount in material worth right next to it. Let's see who would top 2 million!
"They will see you now Miss Alisha'ven," said the secretary to the Rutian, which only prompted a faint smile as the Twi'lek came to her feet. Sashaying on over in the direction she was lead to, Alisha made note of her surroundings. Soon, she thought to herself, knowing that this was going to give her a great pay out.

Already thinking ahead, Arceneau Trade ships were towing in the enormous trade stations to Nar Kreeta, and would be here within a week's time. Course, the folks in the Trade Commission didn't know that.

Not yet.

The secretary opened twin double doors towards an enormous office suite, revealing a large table where sentients of different species were sitting around in, some transmitted through holocall.

"Ladies and Gentlebeings... a pleasure," came her toothy grin, as she was escorted to her seat.

"What is she doing here?" came the murmur of a Hutt's protocol droid. Ah yes, Zaruga the Hutt. They had some words before, and the slimy slug knew all too well who Alisha represented.

"Miss Alisha'ven is here.. to... ahh," came the rather blubbering voice of a Neimoidian seated next to her, his mottled skin shining due to his sweat.

"She is here to ahh, make a bid for the commission to vote on a new president." Loud murmurs and objections came next. "What is this all about?!'

All through it all, Alisha'ven merely kept smiling.

"Arceneau Trade has no sway here!" came another objector, to which the bumbling Neimoidian began to sputter, almost attempting to hide within the folds of his robe.

It was Alisha'ven who simply said, "Actually... we do," taking the datapad she had carried and tossing it upon the table. It slid across until it stopped just in front of the Protocol droid of Zaruga the Hutt.

"After all, Miz Arceneau now owns fifty one percent of ya'll's trade commission."

Oh, they didn't like that.
Hmm, it would be rather convenient to have that Ysalamir, mused the bounty hunter, albeit with a bit of distaste. As a Force user, she'd taken to using a cocktail of drugs to hide her force signature. Thankfully, with a bit of help from a doc, she was now able to simply hide it.

However, it would be mighty nice to have a Ysalamir. So she placed a bid along with her current offerings for the rest of the items. The witch was going to have to earn her keep one way or another, no matter what the Captain said. Good thing she managed to get her powers back, thought the Bounty hunter.

He's not going to like this... but it's for a good cause.

[ Huntsman, the alchemical tomahawk of Master Seroth Ur-Rahn............81,000 and one holocron by Dathomir Witch Ti'Cira D'arr Hawk describing and instructing the Life bond Force Power ]
[ 1 Gorgon web rifle........................................................................starting at 33,000 and a free bounty hunt. ]
[ 1 Miri Farms ysalamir with nutrient cage harness................................. 510,000 and a Holocron describing and instructing the practical application of Psychometry ]


I'm Sexy and I Know It

He'd have the steak later. Right now it seemed to be suffering from spontaneous flight. Popo liked his steak firmly in his stomach, not flying around in the air.

@[member="Rasho the Hutt"]


Was that hutt asking for death?
"One million five hundred thousand credits, every fighter and freighter in my private collection, electrum-plated TJR Recon Variant armor and the classified files from the Czar Project...."
Ashe would stop at nothing to secure that item. None could be allowed to reproduce a Vinithi, let alone Circe's form. For her soon-wife's sake as well as her daughter's, this would not be allowed. She would without question kill anyone that won such auction if it wasn't her, her fiance or Yusan Fenn.

1,500,000 Credits
Alndys-Class Exploration Craft (Black)
Languor Superiority Starfighter (ORCA Camo)
Languor Superiority Starfighter
Eightgun-Class Assault Fighter (MARPAT Camo)
TJR-01 Recon Armor, Electrum-Plated & Non-Market Optics Upgrade
Sliced Czar Project Files & Blood Augmentation Data

Edited: Realized it's not within this character's rights to declassify the HoloSynth tech, sorry.

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