Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ayden finally dragged me in

Whoa. Someone who's that good at turning a bold-faced lie into a universally accepted fact? Dude, this guy should run for Senator. I'd vote for him. we vote for Senators? And do Witches get a vote? o.0
Bah! Politics, I say! Stuff and nonsense. I move for the immediate formation of a Witch Senate. We'll make all of those Republic do-gooders jealous at our sexy, sexy "council meetings."

Which are basically giant orgies.
Fabula Cavataio said:
Johnathan, I am confused by your titles. You look like neither a hutt nor a pretty princess. :huh:
People have their opinions about me... I believe this is Tegs... I let people call me what they like, fits with the character.

Viho Hawk

Why does everyone want to thrash the gimp?

I welcome the attempt though. *puts up his dukes* Put 'em up. Put 'em up!

Viho Hawk

When you can't do the things that others do, you gotta be entertaining! :p

Also I like to rough house. It's fun.

Viho Hawk

Fabula Cavataio said:
M-oooom! Can I keep him? I don't normally go for males, but this one understands. :)
That might be arrangeable.

Fighting would be much fun, I assure you. :) Lots of rough play!

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