Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well, hello!
As you can tell by the terrible profile pic and awkward topic title, I'm new to this roleplay site. Newer than most, actually- This is my first forum rp.
Fortunately, I've been able to figure it out, sorta. I'm a huge fan of star wars, so everything's been a breeze on here. Unfortunately, I have no idea how the timeline works! That, and a few other things, such as groups. If anyone could lend a helping hand, I'd be grateful.
Other than that, I think I'll do pretty good in this rp. I'm no stranger to Star Wars (though I'm just starting to dip my toe into legends), and the community seems alright.
Anyways, if you'd like to message me or reply to this topic, feel free to do so.



Hey and welcome to Chaos! Hope you enjoy your stay here and if you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! :)

So. We are currently in year 844 ABY, so that is hell of a lot after the seventh film. You can see our timelines here. The first one (835 ABY: Galaxy at War) is our main timeline while all of the others have been made for site-wide events. Currently the galaxy has somewhat recovered of the effects of the Netherworld event.

Groups also work easily. Most of the factions/groups are IC, so join the ones you think you character would fit into. Just click on the faction and then you'll be able to see a button "Join Faction" somewhere. :)
Welcome to Chaos :)

This, too, was my first forum RP!

As far as the timeline works, you'll have to open up each individual article to load the images that show what all has gone on during the site's history since some 800 years ago. I'll spoiler the images for you below, though, so you can view them at your leisure.

Right now it's 845 ABY (845 years after the Battle of Yavin. It was 844 ABY when the Netherworld Crisis event occurred, last year, but we also advance a year in real-time so consider it 845 as of current) and there has been quite a bit of stuff that has happened. The One Sith took over Coruscant during their initial invasion of the Galactic Republic in 838 ABY and is a large (but steadily shrinking, now) presence in the galaxy and remains a major threat to most people galaxy-wide.


Wow, talk about efficient admins. Thanks for the help! I have a few questions concerning my character's potential role in the plotline- Should I ask here?



Yeah, definitely. :)

EDIT: Also, if you click on the button @Mention under an account's avatar or write their account name after the @ symbol, they will get a notification that you've posted and mentioned them in a post.
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"] [member="Braith Achlys"]

Thanks for the tip. Again, I'm new to these forums, so I'll be pretty clumsy around them.
Would you like me to post her information here? I just wanna see what suggestions you could give me for her bio, and whatnot, to fit the rp.



You're free to describe your ideas here and we'll surely help you.
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]
Alright. Well, she's a Chiss Jedi who uses a green cross-guarded lightsaber, and she's pretty terrible handling the Force. She was born on Coruscant to two Chiss diplomats, and she was taken into the order at the age of five. She was made a padawan when she was 13, and she graduated into knighthood at 20.
Now, considering the events of the plot, have you anything to add that'd alter her biography and overall mission? I don't want her to be assigned into the military, though.



You can join whatever you want and nobody else can assign you to places, so no worries about being assigned to the military. :)

However, you must start at Apprentice level as per this rule (source):
All Force Users start out as an Apprentice or a Padawan.
That's really all the criticism I can give you at the moment.
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]
Thanks for the clarification. I thought it was referring to an oorp rank, or something. Well, I can work around it.
You've been a great help with the whole character thing. I hope she fits the rp!

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