Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Bacta the Future [Galactic Alliance Dominion of Thyferra Hex]


Oh no.

Words were one thing. Colors another. Her gaze drifted over the pair with her, watching how their colors changed and shifted. It was easiest in space. No life outside the shuttle to blur the colors. Calix was overwhelmed. Lyann was annoyed.

Oh no.

Iris put on her best smile as she nodded to their answers and turned back to the controls. This.. This would be fine.

"Technically we could start open war between the Tauber and the Thyferra- Not the point. We got this. We just need to convince the Tauber that letting the Empire raid Thyferra for them is just going to put them into the Empire's pocket and get a lot of people hurt in the process. Easy."

Yeah she didn't believe it'd be easy, but she should probably try to calm their nerves, right? Or was she just trying to settle her own? Iris exhaled a breath before guiding the controls down so the shuttle could break atmosphere. They'd meet the delegation soon, and go from there. Yeah. Easy.

Lyann Nadnia | Calix of Thyrsus

It was the first true session since the Inauguration of the new Chancellor. For weeks Dracken had been bogged down by paperwork and meetings and so his work had never really stopped since the end of the campaign but now the real fight began. He gazed down at the Speaker's staff and felt his grip tighten around the length of engraved wood. As his pod was lowered to the center of the Senate chamber he stood up straighter and planted the staff firmly beside him in a tight grip.

"Sentients of the Galactic Alliance, the Lord Speaker has found it appropriate to address the Senate as is his right and duty to the people of the Alliance," a voice said over the loudspeaker - A signal for Senators to quiet down and prepare for the session to begin. As Dracken's pod shuddered and hissed into place he stepped forward with his staff.

"By the power vested in me by the Office of the Chancellor and the people of the Galactic Alliance I declare this session open. We begin with the Senator from Alderaan. The Floor is yours."

Calix of Thyrsus


"What's the worst that can happen, kid?"

The Thyrsian frowned as he glanced over at his green-skinned companion.

Talking. That was the worst thing that could happen. Echani did not care for talking. Too many said what they felt the other wanted to hear. Or promised action without the intention to do so.

Words were meaningless. Action produced results.

Unfortunately, the Jedi tended to listen. And encourage talking.

"Technically we could start open war between the Tauber and the Thyferra--" Iris noted aloud.

"Oh, could we do that?" Calix uttered, perhaps a tad more wistfully than was generally called for. He was better at open conflict. This subterfuge and intermediary business just got confusing. Open hostilities would seem to simplify the Jedi's role, casting aside mediation for championing the Thyferra claim.

Then, the situation could be resolved by simply walking over to the Tauber and plummeting them into submission. The perfect diplomatic solution to the matter.

Which was probably an illustration of why so few enjoyed diplomacy with the Echani.

"Not the point. We got this. We just need to convince the Tauber that letting the Empire raid Thyferra for them is just going to put them into the Empire's pocket and get a lot of people hurt in the process. Easy."

Why was it that the way she said convince them didn't inspire visions of the padawans kicking in the doors and dictating to the Tauber what was about to happen. Instead, he had the distinct impression that Iris intended to talk to them. And then listen. And then probably talk some more.

The Thyrsian boy just gave a sigh.

This? This was where there weren't more Thyrsian Jedi.

...which may have been a good thing.


Sion Lorray Sion Lorray


Deep breath. Inhale calm. Exhale calm.

Osarla pinched the bridge of her nose.

It had been a long time since she'd had a Padawan. Closing in on two decades. She'd had soldiers since becoming a Jedi Master, an entire company, a legion, under her command. But that was different. Each one of those was a soldier who chose to enlist, who knew their qualifications, boundaries, strengths and weaknesses. And they were mostly grown.

Her Padawan, however, was very much not grown. And still on the path of discovery — and as much as Osarla wanted to believe in him, she didn't want to do it for the sake of believing.

Before she opened the door, she stole a moment. The space was hers to command, and she bade it to pause and take the time to set the intention to listen, understand, and offer advice that was specific to Sion.

No more just tossing him into the deep end with the assumptions his survival instincts’d take over.

The door hissed open, and Master Ridor stepped into the eerily white room. It was almost auroral in its cleanliness.

“Hey kid,” She greeted, feigning a crispness she didn’t feel. He looked better. Still not good, but better than when the healers had brought him back from Empress Teta; Umbilicals coming from his arms and mouth wrapped up in bacta patches and stitches along his side. Something had happened to his leg, too. He’d looked almost as bad as when she’d found him on Lao Mon.

"You're looking better."

She looked forward to a day when he left a battlefield with fewer scratches.

Standing next to his bedside, she folded her massive arms across her chest and looked down. Tilting her head to look less intimidating, and more interested.

"Want to talk about how that went for you?"

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Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor
Everything hurt.

Not so much as right after Teta.

But- then again, this was after Teta too. Maybe it was the planet that was the problem and not him. No, nobody believed that. Clearly Sion wasn't up to the task. How did he get here? Not by his own strength, that was for sure. The person he rescued ended up having to rescue him in tune. If that wasn't embarrassing? Sion wasn't sure what was.

The timely arrival of his Master shook him out of the misery however.

He immediately straightened out. As much as one could while still being in the bed and hooked up to tubes and stuff.

"Master Ridor," Sion tried to bow, but that was difficult. "Thank you. I am ready to get back into the field."

It took only one look to see this? Was so blatantly false it would be amusing, if it didn't hurt to just look at him right now. Then she asked about how it... had gone. Sion grimaced and looked away from her.

Back to the window.

"It... I failed." He had made sure to evacuate numerous families before encountering the soldier and the Sith. "The Sith got the better of me. I couldn't continue with the evacuations." A Sith Lord and Sion had defeated him. Yes, a weakened wounded Lord, but still.

"Forgive me, please?"

Looking up to her again with just barely-camouflaged despair.
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Sion Lorray Sion Lorray

Osarla tried not to let her frown set too deeply.

She also tried, really hard, not to immediately launch back into her traditional composure of issuing orders of remedy or traditional dialogue she'd quip alongside her company. This was a boy.

Instead of looking full of disapproval, she tried to offer a wan smile and unfolded her arms to drag a chair from the corner to his bedside. She turned it around, so she was straddling it backwards, forearms folded over the top.

For a second more of silence, she watched him. His expression moved something to shift behind her ribs, and she tried to dig through the recesses of her mind on how her master had spoken to her. It was never instructional. Always coaching.

"You think you failed?" Osarla repeated. "Is it my forgiveness you're after, or your own?

Want to tell me what happened?"



Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor
Sion blinked there.

Part of him expected to hear his old Master's words to flow through Osarla.

If you want to do better, do better.
You earn forgiveness, you don't receive it.
Your life belongs to the Galaxy. When you fail, you fail them all

An ornery old man, the deceased Master had long since lost hope in the Galaxy's nations to get their chit together. This had been filtered through to his last Padawan with exhaustion, sarcasm and attempting to toughen him up to face an universe that did not give a kark about your best efforts. Only the results you could produce.

"Why should I need my own forgiveness?" Finally, after picking through her question silently. "I didn't fail myself." He pointed out calmly, but knew that wasn't true.

Would he feel like such a failure if he hadn't failed his own expectations?

"Or... maybe I did. There... was a girl. She was trying to fight the Sith. I... healed her? Tried to help. But in the end... she had to rescue me when I had been trying to rescue her. I would have bled out after that fight, if it hadn't been for her."

And that wasn't how it was supposed to go.

He was there to take the burden away from people. Not put more burdens on them.

Just as he was doing with Master Ridor right now.

"By the power vested in me by the Office of the Chancellor and the people of the Galactic Alliance I declare this session open. We begin with the Senator from Alderaan. The Floor is yours."

And so it began.

The pod for Alderaan slowly raised into position, hovering out over the empty void. Alicio's face was taut with unvoiced worry, but he still held himself high. Proud of where he was. Proud of who he was. His aide sat at his side, nodding encouragingly.

The new senator nodded back, then stared out over the crowd. "Thank you," he said, inclining his head towards Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce 's pod, his anxiety melting into the background as he started.

"Our Galactic Alliance has been faced with crisis after crisis for years. I'm sure I don't have to remind you of Sith empires, Bryn'adul marauders, and a Maw incursion that struck at the heart of our territory."

"Each time a crisis has knocked on our door, the Alliance has answered. We faced the Sith, the Bryn, the Maw, mustering fleets of warships and millions of brave souls, to protect our prosperity."
He paused, his voice gaining a bit more bite. "But there is a crisis we have yet to respond to with as much vigor. A crisis behind, and beyond, our fronts."

"With each battle that we wage, there is a planet left scarred. And while we move on, to face the next opponent, we leave behind people that still need assistance, medical care, and basic necessities."
The Count leaned forward. "In recent years, relief efforts have been led more by individual planets, rather than a centralized Alliance initiative. I ask that we consolidate our resources into a project that can create a lasting impact."

"With Thyferra at the table, I see no better time to do this."

"I motion for the Federal Assembly to commission a medical fleet, to provide aid and relief to planets across the galaxy, suffering famine, shortages, and the aftereffects of war."
Alicio stared directly ahead, a far cry from the nervousness he felt just before talking. If one didn't know him, they might assume he'd been senator for years.

"If we can muster a fleet to protect our people at our borders, we can muster a fleet to protect our people within them." He stepped back, his pod retreating slightly, to allow for discussion.

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Sion Lorray Sion Lorray

Osarla was ready to assure him that there was a level of self-confidence required for performance, but after a few beats, it seemed to click for him. She smiled when it did but did not interrupt his discovery.

Sion Lorray Sion Lorray 's story was delivered in fragments. Bits and pieces that retold events as they happened. The scope of his mission had been to focus on evacuations, but he'd deviated, tried to help someone, had done so, and had encountered a Sith far more powerful than he.

"You were supposed to help people. And you did.

That girl wouldn'ta been in a spot to help you if you hadn't healed her, sounds like.

You know how many families were evacuated from Teta? As of the twelfth of the Kelona," when he'd been there, "Four million, seven hundred eighty thousand, three hundred eighty of the expected five million three hundred ninety."

You know how many sith lords you were supposed'ta fight on Teta, kid?"

She tilted her head and clasped her hands over her wrists.


"It's not a total failure if you helped at least one other life and learned something along the way.

What would you do differently next time."



Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor
He grimaced there.

About to say you're being far too logical about this, Master but even in Sion's head it sounded like an undignified whine. Instead he sat with that, slowly slumping back down into the pillows and tried to relax. Which was difficult, because he currently felt like he was in a display case or scrutinized by a hundred eyes.

Why was Master Ridor so intimidating?

"Oh..." Realizing she had asked a question Sion blinked and thought about it. "Well, to not underestimate any Sith, not even wounded." He reached out to his scar before pausing halfway through.

Hand dropped back to his lap.

"I... tried to spare them. Two times, three times. I asked for their surrender. They used it the third time around to cut me deep." Into his side, that had been the biggest wound. "Right after that I riposted and killed them. I..." Sion shook his head. "I still regret it, isn't that the strangest thing? They were evil, I saw it in their eyes... and yet I can't stop feeling like my hands are dirty."

Looking back up to Ridor.

"How do we rationalize being the guardians of the galaxy, valuing all life, but having to take life at the same time?"


Take a picture. Now there was a thought.​
Caulder reached silently into his jacket pocket and retrieved his smartlink. He fiddled with the device, turning it on, cycling to the camera, then catching the most obscene, unflattering possible view of his own aged features as the self-facing setting was active for some godless reason. He corrected that quickly.​
There is no greater misery than seeing one's reflection in a smartlink camera when undesired.​
Luca asked him about Daegon. Caulder shrugged. "I had the pleasure of hearing him speak to the assembled Viceroyalty some years ago. A refreshing breeze of good sense in what was otherwise a cesspit 'legislature.'"​
Caulder would never forget that day. Dorian Harper wouldn't shut up. The viceroys wouldn't shut up. The exarchs, three struggling brain cells between them, wouldn't shut up. Metus wouldn't shut up. Gat Tambor had been seated directly next to him, wheezing in his pressure suit the entire time.​
Oh, would you look at that. Caulder suddenly felt a migraine coming on.​
The old umbaran attempted to hold his smartlink in such a way as to get a picture of both ships. He was too close, neither were especially distinct or even in frame. Caulder frowned, eying both the device's screen and his position relative to the yachts, taking a few weary steps back…​
"What else? He looks ridiculous. Nearly seven feet tall. As I understand it, he's completely obsessed with his wife."​
He holds the device up again. Frowned. Tapped the screen once, and there was an audible click as the photo was taken. Blurry. Out of focus.​
There was no way he would send this to anyone. Defeated, he shuts the thing off again and slides it back into his jacket. "I do wonder what's taking him so long."​

Daegon stood looking at his appearance in the mirror for some time. Everything had to be in place, and in order. His guests would no doubt have ample time to enjoy the refreshments his wife insisted on making for all who set foot on their property. It had been some time since he found himself on the galactic stage, and this time it was due to a Cold War between the Galactic Alliance, whom he loathed, and the Empire, whom he loathed even more. Business was business however, and if personal feelings were to interfere with that, he would not be wealthy.​
After a time he began to make his way to the portico which overlooked the gardens and bit of water which made itself through the property. It was hewn into the mountain itself, and there was no place more secure than the palace he had built for his queen. His shoes clicked against the cobblestone floor which lined the walkway. One of the domestic staff would see his guest escorted to where they would meet as Daegon insisted to conduct business of this nature away from the cold and stuffy climate of a conference room.​
"Gentlemen," he said as they arrived. "I apologize for keeping you waiting. I do hope you enjoyed some of the pastries my dearest Seraphina insisted on baking for you."
He motioned for them to find space around the table on the patio, and when they had all seated themselves, Daegon took his place.​
"Since I have kept you waiting, I shall cut right to it. Since the Confederacy's fall, a good portion of my shipping contracts have been up for grabs. War with the Maw has seen an increased need in the services of the Xucphra Corporation, and despite synthetic alternatives, we have managed to thrive. Rumors tell me that tensions between the Galactic Alliance and the Empire are rising, and naturally that presents itself with an opportunity for myself. What I do not have is a partnership within the Empire to ship my product, and with the Galactic Alliance at the door, I am certain to receive an offer from them in regards to bacta supply."
He paused, and in his usual demonstrative fashion, Daegon used the force to pour himself and his guests a glass of his finest brandy. He took a sip upon completion.​
"What I need is a distribution channel, and you want, or need, my business, otherwise you would not be here today. I believe we can come to fair terms that will benefit all interested parties."
With that, Daegon leaned back into his seat and sipped on his brandy once more. It would be apparent he was done speaking, leaving the table open for whoever would present first.​



Sion Lorray Sion Lorray

Osarla made a noise of understanding. It was deep and clicked at the back of her throat.

"That was the first time you took a life." She assumed. He recalled the Sith's eyes and felt regret.

She made no comment about the stains on his hands.

His question was good. So good that Osarla had been dreading its inevitability. Now that it was finally out in the open, her spine straightened, and she sat up a little taller to assume the air of authority.

"That is perhaps the greatest question a Jedi ever faces. Continuously. Constantly. Especially in this age of war."

Perhaps she wasn't the most well-suited to this conversation. She clearly had a bias and was comfortable taking a life. Even out of her marine armour, between her physical size and training almost from the cradle to control the space she occupied and mess with anyone who intruded on it, it wasn't easy for her to back down or look pacified.

"We cannot read other's hearts. And we cannot follow our own, they're treacherous things. Often, in times of conflict, there's no time to make such discernment either.

You did the right thing, offering the opportunity for mercy. Sometimes, that's all we can do."

She leaned back, smoothing a palm over the lip of the chair's backing.

"As Jedi, we are indebted to the will of The Force. We must learn to trust it. Listen to it.

We are not judges nor juries of who deserves to live and who doesn't. We cannot be. We're servants to The Force. We value life because we're connected to all of it, and with that comes deep respect. When we take a life, we understand the gravity of it. The impact. The way it affects The Force."

She edged forward again, easing back into conversational poise.

"Sith who are unwaveringly evil exist to strengthen the dark side. If the light is threatened, or there are others we are protecting, the light becomes stronger when darkness is removed.

That is how we are both guardians and takers.

Far be it from us to ever think we deserve to kill, or hunger for it, or glory in it. It's the duty of preservation.

But these are my words. I want you to think about this for yourself. Challenge me if you need. This is a good question to meditate on."



Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor
He expected her to roll her eyes.

To just tell him to get on with it and that was that.


It was like a waterfall opened up and poured all the knowledge in the world over him. His eyes widened as the Padawan listened to her with his mouth slightly ajar. Leaned back and just... listening. There was no moment where he felt he could interrupt her or even wanted to. Was this how a true Padawan-Master relationship ought to work?

Patient explanation instead of annoyed barking?

"I..." Once Osarla was done Sion felt all the attention refocus back on him and that made him blink. "...thank you, Master. You have left me with... a lot to think about."

He thought he understood though.

It made sense. It wasn't about right or wrong, it wasn't about them being allowed to. No, it was about restoring balance in the Force. Not in the mythological way of fate, prophecies... but in the simpler way. Where if you removed a Sith who could do harm? You ensured that in its stead the Light could flow in and do good.

"I will meditate on this and perhaps we can... talk some more about it after I feel better?"

A bit of a hopeful tone. Perhaps this could be reoccurring, her explaining things and him immersing himself into her teachings. That... would be good.


Sion Lorray Sion Lorray | OPEN

"Let's do that." Osarla agreed and finally rose from the chair.

She was glad she ended the explanation there. What remained unsaid was he had been one of those lives she'd protected because The Force whispered to do so. Breaking out of Lao-Mon had been difficult. Almost impossible. They couldn't rescue all the prisoners in the camp, not even a fraction of them. But she'd rescued Sion because he'd endured, persevered, and something from the great influence that connected them all told her she should.

The broadness of her palm clasped his shoulder briefly and she smiled down at him.

"Rest up kid. Start feelin' better."

There certainly was a lot to think about. For both of them. Sion was curious, thoughtful, and soft. A sharp contrast to the brutish nature of Master Ridor. If she were to train him and truly honour the growth of her Padawan, she would have to meditate.

Her mind was awhirl of thoughts of what to do next, concern for Sion's wellbeing and trajectory — he was just so glum lately — that exiting his medical room was not an exercise of her greatest caution.

tinker tailor soldier spy



Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor
His paperwork was still in the progress of being processed.

It was ridiculous.

Boots on the ground on Teta, that's what should have happened, but instead he had been stuck counting bricks on Anaxes. Apparently the SIA was concerned about his past with the Silver Concord. It made sense, he was loathe to admit. Not just a grunt soldier. No, instead Kenth had been part of the Antarian Rangers and not just a Ranger, no.

Of course, Kenth had to kark it up by being an Intelligence attaché between the Rangers and the Intelligence branch of the Concord. That was probably about 3 or 4 red flags perking up at once.

"Let's see... hm, should be somewhere-"

As Kenth walked past another door he got moved. Scratch that, not 'moved', but Moved with a capital M. Osarla, in deep thought, walked straight into him and caused Kenth to stumble a few paces to the side. "Hey!" Mildly annoyed Kenth turned around to face the clumsy individual. Then his face kept tipping up, until they finally met Osarla's eyes.

"Damn lady, you just keep on going, dontcha?"

Plated armor, robes, lightsaber clipped to the belt.

Well, there weren't many options there.

"Well, now that we are chatting anyway, I am guessing you know your way around this huge place?"


Sion Lorray Sion Lorray | Kenth Typho Kenth Typho
Sion's predicament, and all the meditation she would have to do, slipped away when the present demanded her attention. And what a present it was. Like a gift.

"Sorry, I was —"

She stopped her momentum and stood, like an immovable statue, until the fellow finally made eye contact. Did he mean her height or her trajectory?

Her hands fell to her hips, rested on her belt, and she took a brief assessment of the rugged individual engaging her. Her montrals pointed to the right when she cocked her head.

"Yes. What's it you're looking for in this huge place?"

tinker tailor soldier spy


Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor
He most definitely meant both.

"Oh, don't worry about it, I suddenly don't mind." Kenth responded innocently as he checked his hip against the wall and casually looked back towards her. The one good thing about not being enlisted yet was exactly this. It didn't matter if someone was a potential superior or not. At least, it didn't matter yet.

And that was good enough for Kenth.

"Pal of mine works in requisitions for the Order. Makes sure the Jedi always got a pair of good boots, new robes, stuff like that. I was supposed to meet him at his office, but... uh... kinda got turned around."

A helpless shrug there, but Kenth didn't seem to mind whatsoever.

"Maybe you could escort me to where I am supposed to be?"

Lost was one way to describe his state. The requisitions office was on the other side of the Temple. How he ever got here instead of anywhere near there was anyone's question. Or perhaps it was the Force that made the meet this way. It had a funny way of working, had it not? "Kenth Typho." Extending his hand for a relaxed handshake.



"He is probably-"

Then wisely Luca silenced himself as the King approached. His head quirked there as he listened and then smiled thinly. "Nonsense, your Highness, a King arrives when he means to and as such can never be late. We merely were given the opportunity to enjoy the sights just a touch." The mention of pastries was passed by and unremarked on, because Luca's diet... well... it traveled in different realities.

All of them sat down and Luca crossed his legs, before relaxing.

"The Commerce Guild would have no problem serving as a distribution channel, your Highness. It is in the name, isn't it? We focus on commerce wherever we go and it is our dearest wish to expand prosperity to the places we arrive." He accepted the glass of brandy gratefully, taking a sip to allow Caulder to add something if he wished to, before continuing.

"I myself am the chairman of the First Bank of Procopia. You may not have heard of us, of course, but we have extensive contacts throughout the entirety of the Tapani Sector. Up and downstream the Rimma Trade Route, your shipments would have no issues being brought to their customers. I would make certain of it."

That was enough chatter however.

Another sip of brandy, this one a touch deeper, because it was certainly very fine. Let Caulder take the word for a bit. He was getting too old for these shenanigans.


“The only person who is going to give you security and the life you want is you.” - Unknown

OBJECTIVE 1 “The Bacta War”
FLYING: Jedi Starfighter
[All Comms communication in these brackets]

<"Revenant Four to fighters, I'm probing the enemy carrier.">

The enemy carrier looked to be nasty and the heavy fighter could use the cover, but he was in an interceptor and could not provide that cover that the B-wing would need in this case. So the big man provided more of a problem for TIEs in his own right and abilities. Banking hard as he saw several TIEs lining up for a shot, Caltin could line up in time.

So he did something else.

Reaching and pulling at one of the solar panels of the lead Imperial Fighter in the flight the massive Jedi Master sent it spinning into the others. He did not like doing this sort of thing, but it was Imperial or Alliance, and there was always other options.

<"Four, check your six!">

Damn headset. Caltin was trying to communicate with the others, he could hear them just fine, talking to them just proved an issue and there was no use trying to fight it now. So he gained some altitude (if you can do that in space) and got eyes above the fight, looking for any threats or problems.

<"Revenant Four to all available strike fighters, transmitting target data now. Suggest begin attack run now.">

There looked to be several Alliance fighters that seemed to be moving into this position, so that opened up an opportunity for the big man to cause a little chaos. Rolling into a hard pitched dive, he locked onto what looked to be a gunship and opened up his ion cannons. The energy shots slammed into the dorsal fuselage and shimmered all across the ship and a moment later it was “dead in the water.”

Pulling up, the massive Jedi Master saw something that he did not like behind the transfer station and started to make his way there. Powering up the laser cannons and running the “arm” sequence on the missiles there was a problem with this that he did not like about these fighters. There would have to be some changes made, and might as well go with something traditional.

That’s a thought for later though.

<Revenant Five has taken a nootropic which has sent his cognitive abilities into overdrive not too similar to a narcotic.>

Letting out the tiniest of sighs and then a laugh at “Revenant Five”, Caltin could not say that he approved of the “habit”, but it was none of his business. Hopefully the guy could hold his own.

TAG: Kelly T. Perris | Addison Porte | Kaul "Joker" Emos | Shar Sieu | Qellene Tyliame


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

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