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Dominion Bacta the Future [Galactic Alliance Dominion of Thyferra Hex]

Kohlhaase Gotthard




The Senator of Alderaan Alicio Organa Alicio Organa was quick to assure him that the proposal would be covered by the Health and Welfare Budget for the Alliance. He held nothing against the former occupier of the seat Faith Organa Faith Organa but trusting her was another issue. The House of Organa was known to meddle in affairs that they had no reason being in going as far back as the Old Republic between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. The Federal Government was growing extremely powerful compared to the planetary ones who held less and less authority to conduct their affairs with each new bill passed within the chamber.

Soon enough those planetary governments would just be for show and nothing more. "I yield my time as my concerns have been addressed." Senator Gotthard said towards the Lord Speaker Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce and the Chancellor Auteme Auteme who were the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Senate and held complete authority over the way the session occurred. He sat down within the chair as the pod withdrew back into its slot and locked once again.

He turned his eyes towards his Chief Aide Delo Juun for just a brief moment. "Senator Gotthard, do we trust the senator of alderaan?" Juun asked with a quiet whisper within his ears not loud enough for even the receptors within the pod to listen in incase the SIA was bugging Senator's Seats.
"Not completely; he may need to be pushed a little in order for us to get what we want. Contact the Bounty Hunter known as Karkosuchus for the mission. Have the funds wired encrypted." Gotthard said with a small smirk as he leaned on his cane within the pod. His other two aides were conversing back and forth on the matter at hand.

Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham
Reiner Ghadi Reiner Ghadi
Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama

Now all that waited was the results.

"Becca, find out what you can about Senator Kohlhaase Gotthard I don't know much him. Be nice to know more" She sat back watching the floor, watching the others. Were there others who had not yet voiced an opinion?

"Yes Mam"

She would message Alicio to find out if he knew anything about the Senator. Perhaps also she should approach a few others who she remained friends with, just in case there was a concern. But what would be the concern? That he didn't like a medical fleet? Or perhaps it was the budget, every Chair had a budget anything above it would need to be presented to the Chancellor.

Her positioned remained, the budget could support ships. Now no one had really said how big the fleet could be, or not be. 4 frigates from MandalMedical - donated frigates - would help, but the Maintenance and fuel that was a cost.

Tags: Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce | Auteme Auteme | Kaljak Rakham Kaljak Rakham | Reiner Ghadi Reiner Ghadi | Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama
tinker tailor soldier spy


Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor
"Rather sooner than later, General. Especially if it makes you happy." Cheerful there... a little beat... before he continued slyly. "Keeping your superior officer happy is the surest way to a productive career after all."

As if it hadn't been yet another flirt in a chain of them.

But Kenth was nothing if not enterprising. He was fine dancing on the edge of Ridor's comfort, keeping her amused, but keeping her Jedi caution away from ruining this little game of theirs. Jedi were often too concerned about things like propriety. Half of them anyway. The other half were karking like animals in heat.

It was rather odd and usually a coin-toss which you'd find.

Guess being a channel of the Force meant moderation was difficult for them.

Osarla didn't want to give much away. Which was fine. This was just their first conversation... the first in many, he hoped. If the Alliance's hold on his charge papers would be lifted anytime soon anyway.

"Well, keep me alive, General and you won't find anyone more loyal to the cause."

Bold statement coming from someone who swapped one nation for another.

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