Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter II — GA invasion of DE held Tython



After months of brutal conflict and the devastating invasion of the Galactic Core, the Galactic Alliance is finally ready to strike back. The Dark Empire's forces have claimed several key planets within the heart of the Alliance, including Tython, a world sacred to the Jedi. Tython's fall had been a harsh blow to the morale of the Alliance, but after their resounding victory defending Coruscant, the tide of war is starting to shift. The Alliance now stands united, determined to reclaim lost planets from the shadow of the Dark Empire.

The Core must be freed once more.

The liberation of Tython is to be the first step in this counter-offensive. Once a symbol of peace and balance, Tython has been corrupted under the enemy's rule. For the Jedi, the liberation of the planet is more than just a military victory — it is a fight to restore the sanctity of a world deeply connected to their history and the Force. Now, the time has come for the Alliance to strike, and with their victory at Coruscant fueling their momentum, they have now turned their full might toward reclaiming the lost world of Tython. Fleets are mobilized, strategies finalized, and the resolve of the Alliance and its allies has never been stronger.

The battle for Tython is about to begin, and the galaxy will once again witness the relentless spirit of the Galactic Alliance.


Objective II — Portal
The Dark Empire's invasion of the core began with fleets emerging from a portal over Tython, created by the wound in the Force left behind during the Maw's invasion of the planet. Now, the Galactic Alliance is determined to secure the portal to prevent further incursions and cut off the enemy's assets in the core from their main cloud.

While Alliance fleets engage Imperial forces in a massive space battle, attempting to control the area around the portal, Jedi who traveled along with the fleet focus on controlling the unstable rift. Their combined efforts aim to sever the Dark Empire's link and secure Tython for good, and potentially offer Jedi a way to use the portal to strike into the heart of Imperial territory. But be aware — The Empire's forces have had time to prepare and fortify their positions. Expect heavy fighting, and potential boarding attempts to neutralize the Jedi who were sent to take control of this vital portal.

Do you have a different story you'd like to tell on Tython? Bring your own objective!



ANS Mon Mothma
Allies: Galactic Alliance | Open
Opposition: Dark Empire | Open

Tython, the origins of the Jedaii, precursors to what would become the Jedi Order and the planet from which the first schism arose, leading to the eventual creation of the Sith Order. It was symbolic and important to both those who harnessed the Light Side of the Force just as much to those who tapped into its Darker aspects. Its Moon, Ashla, had been nearly destroyed during the first Invasion heralded by the Brotherhood of the Maw, and now, its Moon, Bogan, had been turned into a fortress; a stronghold to the Dark Side of the Force by the Dark Empire. It was from here, the Deep Core, that the Dark Empire had struck against the Galactic Alliance and sought to claim the heart of the Galaxy, Coruscant, for their own. It was here, that the Alliance was striking back, seeking to close the portal and reclaim the ancestral home of the Jedi.
Amelia understood the importance of their mission, she understood the implications if they could not push the Dark Empire from the Deep Core. She understood the potential that a failure here could result in the Dark Empire merely striking at the Alliance once more, and they couldn't merely hold to the hope that they would turn them back once more just as they had at Coruscant. The horrific result could ultimately be one in which they were struck in an unending cycle of attacking and defending until either the Alliance or the Dark Empire were incapable of continuing and crumbled to the sands of time.
The woman stood silently on the bridge of the behemoth, the massive vessel sat silently in space, waiting for its moment. A plan had already been set into motion, one that saw Amelia collaborating with the Shield of the Jedi, Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , and thus she waited, impatiently. She trusted the Jedi Master to accomplish his side of the mission, to achieve success in his operation. All she could do, for the moment, was to wait for that moment, a sign, one that she would know the moment she saw it. A heavy sigh slipped from her lips as she stared into the darkness of space, the vast empty nothing that was pinpointed with the flickering lights of distant stars. Her arms slipped behind her back, hands clasped together as her ears perked up.
"All Squadrons have checked in ma'am and reporting green across the board. All Starfighter and Bombers squadrons are ready for immediate deployment."
"Have them recheck all systems and run through the pre-flight lists again, I want to make sure we're ready, we won't get a second chance once we're thrown into the fray."
Amelia said as she looked to the Lieutenant, only nodding silently at the salute to dismiss the Officer. She wasn't usually the type to be nervous, to be anxious, and yet, she felt it; the anxiety. Bringing her arms forward, she supported her elbow with her left hand, her right hand coming to rest against her chin in a clenched fist. Her golden-yellow hues kept a constant watch, a staunch vigil on the darkness that stretched out before her. It was the waiting that was the insufferable part, always the waiting, she hated the calm before the storm.
"Anytime now Master Jedi... Anytime..."
She whispered to herself as she stepped toward the viewscreen... watching and waiting...
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell


5th Reactionary Fleet
For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.
Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO
LCaptain Halpern "Celestial City CO"
Captain Zev Tantor "Silver City" CO
Captain Rojuh Pouil "Valhalla" CO
Captain Scott Pouil - Flight Director 5th Fleet
Chief Gribbs - NCOIC 5th Fleet.
S.E.R.A.P.H.I.M. - 5th Fleet A.I.


SECTOR: Tython
ORDERS: Retake the Planet and the system.

Objective II — Portal​

CURRENT LOCATION: Between Vulpter and Onami Prime
ORDERS: Preparing for next phase
The 5th Reactionary Fleet sat idle, launching fighters, and preparing for their mission at hand. The Long range Interceptors were already sent to their pre-designed coordinates with A.E.R.I.S. UCAS(Unmanned Combat Aerial Starship) having just returned. The only thing left was to launch the A.R.T.I.M.U.S. URS (Unmanned Reconnaissance Starfighter) systems, to which they immediately jumped to lightspeed, their destination was the Tython Sector. They were to gain, and send back as much intelligence data as possible. There would not be the mistake that Sluis Van was, there would not be anything that they jumped into that the fleet would not be prepared for. The URS systems successfully arrived in the region and began to survey the area. They quickly captured and transmitted the intelligence data back to the fleet, allowing them to make informed decisions. The mission was a success, so far.

Admiral Angellus stood on the bridge of his flagship, "The Celestial City," going over battle plans and strategies with his crew. The tension in the air was palpable as they awaited the call from Supreme Commander Von Sorenn that the action was "go."

The Admiral's mind raced as he studied the latest data sent back by the "ARTIMUS" recon systems. The enemy was formidable, their numbers overwhelming. But Angellus was not one to back down from a challenge. He was a seasoned veteran, with years of experience leading his fleet to victory against insurmountable odds.

As the minutes ticked by, the tension on the bridge grew. Every member of the crew was on edge, ready for the call to action. Finally, Liram decided himself that it was easier to ask for “forgiveness” than permission. This was a “Reactionary Fleet” and it was time to react. It was time to strike.

Admiral Angellus wasted no time in giving the order. The fleet sprang into action, their ships moving with decisive cohesion in a manner that could be described as nothing less than destructive as they prepared to engage the enemy. The battle will be fierce, with lasers and missiles flying in every direction. However, Angellus had his crew well-prepared as he always had done in the past.

The ships that intercepted them were “outer defenses” decoys meant to gauge their size and might so that Dark Empire forces could plan accordingly. However this was something that was accounted for ahead of time. The data that the opposing forces leadership would get would be what Angellus wanted them to.

As the battle raged on, the tide began to turn in favor of the 5th Fleet. The enemy's forces were dwindling, their ships falling one by one to the relentless onslaught of Angellus and his fleet. Victory was within their grasp, but the Admiral knew that the battle was far from over. After all, these were “throw away” ships, not even fully associated with the Dark Empire, probably.

But Angellus knew that this was just one battle in a long war. The enemy was preparing for the “real fight” and show up stronger than ever. And when they did, Admiral Angellus would be leading the charge into battle.

5th Fleet engaging Outter Forces, could be "Dark Empire" doesn't have to be... they shot first

SERAPHIM, SUPER ANGEL, AND CARCHARODON Fighters are not among assaulting forces.


Jedi strike teams were a tried and true method of fighting against countless foes. In mass, Jedi were an easy target. But when a few worked together much like a squad of commandos, they could do what many often believed were impossible. Right now? Stealing a portal. A rift in the very fabric of time and space that the Dark Empire had used to launch their invasion here hadn't been closed, either because they couldn't close it, or didn't want to.

It was going to be quite useful.

An assortment of Jedi were with Kahlil this time around. As the initial skirmishing fleet of the Alliance engaged, the Shield piloted a small vessel right through the chaotic landscape and onboard the Orbital Station that had been repurposed to monitor the portal itself. Their mission was two fold; take the bridge and control of the facility, and take the portal. The less chance the Dark Empire had to realize the portal was being turned against them, the better.

"Be ready once we land."

A pull of the controls sent the vessel right into the hangar. It was not a graceful landing by any margin, but the ship he'd taken wasn't meant to be used for a return trip. A pull of the Force kept the ship from flipping and throwing around the passengers, at least, and once he had, the Jedi Master was immediately out of the ship with his hands raised. Troopers had already started to open fire, but a quick pull down had them all flattened to the ground under an invisible, immense weight.

"Stay close, keep each other safe. We take the bridge now."

Ran Serys Ran Serys | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Mahsa Mahsa

Objective II
x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Mahsa Mahsa | Anyone else

Zaiya couldn't shake the weight of what had happened on Echnos City. The memory clung to her like a shadow she couldn't quite outrun. Even though her Master, Iris Arani Iris Arani , had helped her process the worst of it, the fear and anxiety still bubbled beneath the surface. Feeling so much death around her, so much loss -- it had torn at her, left her reeling. She had joined the Jedi with the intention of protecting people, of defending the innocent, but when she'd had her first chance to prove that on her own... she'd failed. Every civilian life snuffed out still echoed in her mind, haunting her in moments of quiet.

Aris had been there for her, offering comfort in his own way, but Zaiya knew this wasn't something that could be easily soothed. She couldn't just talk it over with the other Padawans and expect to feel better. No, she needed time. Time to talk to Iris, maybe others. She had always encouraged Braze Braze to reach out when he was struggling, and it would be hypocritical of her not to follow her own advice. Trusted adults could help her find her way again.

But now, the mission to reclaim Tython loomed large. Zaiya had reviewed the mission parameters with a fine-toothed comb, deliberately steering clear of locations that might stir up the fear still simmering inside her. She wasn't ready for another encounter with the Dark Side, especially after what the Dread Queen had done on Echnos, flooding her senses with that awful, crawling feeling of darkness. If the Sith had left anything like that on Tython, Zaiya knew it would only mess with her head even more.

When she volunteered for the mission to secure the portal, Zaiya hadn't expected to be working under Kahlil Noble -- Aris's father. The thought made her stomach flip with anxiety. She wanted to make a good impression, to show she could handle herself, but what if she didn't? What if she failed again?

It was a relief to find out Knight von Ascania, Mahsa, and a Knight named Ran Serys would be joining the team. At least she wouldn't be alone with Kahlil and her nerves. Still, she prepared carefully. Knowing her color-shifting skin might betray her emotions, she made sure to wear her cloak and even packed a small personal cloaking device, just in case. Her wrists were adorned with her usual array of prototype electronics -- her wrist lightsling shot, various bangles, and bracelets -- and her blaster-lightsaber hung at her hip, along with a lightpaddle.

There wasn't much time to think once Kahlil guided their small vessel into the hangar. The Force swelled around them, keeping them steady through the landing. No sooner had the ship touched down than they were met with heavy opposition. Zaiya watched as Kahlil dispatched the enemy with a powerful telekinetic shove, clearing the way.

"Stay close, keep each other safe. We take the bridge now."

Kahlil ordered, his voice firm, no room for hesitation.

Zaiya gave a quick nod, her eyes darting to Mahsa. She wanted to make sure she was okay before they pressed on. Once she saw Mahsa was ready, Zaiya stretched out her senses, feeling for any lingering threats. Iris had been teaching her methods to support other Jedi through the Force, techniques that could disarm or incapacitate without harming. One in particular had intrigued her after talking with Master Rhen Qel-Droma -- a way to affect others with non-lethal Force techniques. She could feel the Force swell within her, rippling across her skin in determined flashes of citrine and blue.

Now they just had to find the way to the bridge.

Zaiya spotted a nearby terminal and nodded to Mahsa. "Come on, follow me," she urged, moving quickly toward the console. A jingle of bangles and she brought up one that had slicing tools, taking out a dataspike in one hand.

"Let me see if I can get us a map of this ship, find the quickest way to the bridge. Can you protect me so I can concentrate?"

She didn't know what lay ahead, but this time, she was determined not to fail. Not again.

Location: Invading a hangar in Tython

She’d been perplexed when Master Jigora had briefed her about the newest mission, but despite her own apprehension Mahsa had read over the details again and again while preparing as the day of the invasion ticked closer. Her nerves had only grown upon finding out that the Kahlil Noble would be leading the mission, before relief washed over the Kazelrrian as she spotted Zaiya as she boarded the small vessel.

Mahsa had chosen to sit beside the Lovalla for the trip, extending a soft and nervous smile towards Knight Ascania and Knight Serys who were across from them. Silence had reigned among the two padawans as the Shield piloted their small ship towards its goal, her own hands tightly gripping the edge of her seat as the Kazelrrian tried her best to keep her own emotions in check.

Easier said than done of course, though the usual shades of deep amber and light ocher that danced in her hair lacked their usual vibrance. Despite her own worries and misgivings she hadn’t missed that her nerves weren’t the only one in disarray and, while the cloak Zaiya wore managed to conceal most of the colors on her skin, she could still see the few that danced across her face.

"E-Everything will be alr-right." A soft whisper of reassurance as the Kazelrrian shifted just close enough so her shoulder could bump lightly against Zaiya’s, knowing of her roommate’s preference for physical contact. "We’ve g-got this."

Words that Mahsa desperately wanted to believe, though the padawan knew they’d be in good hands with Master Noble around.

"Be ready once we land."

She straightened as the voice of Aris’ and Vera Noble Vera Noble ‘s father rang through the small vessel, her back pressed firmly against the back of her seat as the ship angled towards the enemy’s hangar. Shaky as the ride had been, Mahsa was certain it should’ve been a lot worse given the forceful landing—a testament to the masterful control the Shield had over the Force as her hands finally managed to unbuckle the straps meant to keep her safe.

Their direct approach had certainly gathered attention, one that was swiftly cleared by Kahlil with measured movements and a telekinetic shove through the Force. Her golden gaze quickly found Zaiya’s as both girls sought to make sure the other was alright, returning the Lovalla’s nod with one of her own as her steps quickly matched up with those of her friend.

The handle of her lightsaber already rested on her palm as the duo moved towards the terminal that had caught Zaiya’s attention, the pink hued blade quickly humming to life once they reached it as Mahsa took a protective stance in front of the Lovalla. Soresu was still a form that the Kazelrrian didn’t feel confident about, even if her training with Ioti and others had certainly polished the movements over time.

"I g-gotcha," There was no room to doubt herself now, not when a close friend was counting on her, and the resolve that coated her words became visual as her hair settled into its natural snowy coloration. "So focus on finding us the best route for that bridge."



Chapter II : Portal



Alarms rang as Joseph Torson accompanied by a squad of six Red Right Hand Operatives entered the bridge of the Tython Orbital Station, utilized by the Dark Empire to control and oversee the rift above Tython that they had utilized since their initial invasion of the Galactic Alliance's Deep Core holdings. The Alliance had struck Tython sooner then Warlord Sularen had expected but nevertheless the Imperial Navy thanks to Sularen's extensive preparations were ready to meet them and repel them from Tython. Coruscant was merely a fluke, as the Galactic Alliance's defeat at Sluis Van had demonstrated and today Torson stood ready to further prove that the days of the Alliance were numbered.

As Torson entered the bridge he immediately approached the commanding officer of the Space Station, Officer Dace of the ISB, who had been responsible for leading the strike force that had freed Sularen from Corellian captivity. "What kind of situation are we looking at sir" Torson inquired. "A boarding party consisting of five Jedi has landed in one of the hangars." the ISB officer replied. "Most interestingly, among them is none other then the Shield of the Jedi, Kahlil Noble." Dace further added. "The Shield of the Jedi? Here?" Torson responded, somewhat surprised to learn that one of his primary opponents for today's operations would be none other then one of the New Jedi Order's most powerful members. "What's the matter Torson? Afraid?" Dace said as he briefly smirked well aware of Torson's nervousness underneath his helmet.

"I heard what happened on the Warlord's former Flagship at Coruscant" Torson answered recalling the events that lead to Sularen's capture at the hands of the former Sentinel of Harmony and his padawan. "Dozens of Troops sucked out of a hangar, a Sovereign Protector dispatched in a single motion, layers internal defense systems disabled within mere seconds." Dace added, having also read the after-action report submitted by Sularen's aide Colonel Rackham in the aftermath of the Battle of Coruscant. "And that was only with two Jedi." Torson further added. After a breif silence Torson then sighed and gripped his weapon, a Pseudosonic Beam Rifle before Dace would add a few more words for the Special Forces Captain. "You know what to do Captain. Long live the Empire."

"Long live the Empire" Torson and his squad repeated before they left the bridge towards the hangar. As Torson and his squad began their long march towards the hangar, the Captain picked up his commlink and opened a channel with Tibera Jessen, a Mercenary employed by the Warlord who had been assigned with a squad of Kovatroopers from the Dark Imperial-aligned PMC Ephraim Labors and another squad of SpecNav Commandos. "Jessen, this is Torson. Link up with me at the Cafeteria. We have work to do and Jedi to kill." Just another day in the Dark Empire, Torson thought to himself as his squad made their way towards the Cafeteria.


Tags [Friendlies] | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen
Tags [Hostiles] | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Ran Serys Ran Serys | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa

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The station was quiet, deathly so. All of the Dark Empire's troopers were readying for the worst, and among them was one women not necessarily aligned with the Empire's ideology. She was a mercenary hired by Sullaren himself to keep the station under control.. She'd been briefed on the possibility of Jedi incursion, and it didn't sit right with her. Jedi were always bad for business, but damn if she couldn't use the pay.

In Tibera's hands was her helmet, she observed it, the various pits and chips, as well as the spots of weathered paint. Fat lot of good this thing would do against a lightsaber. Still, she donned the piece of armor regardless, as a force of habit. Maybe it'd come in handy if a GA troopers got involved. Regardless, this was the moment she'd have to make a stand, even if it was under a flag that wasn't hers...

Now all there was to do was wait for the command to start hunting. She was definitely not looking to get on the wrong end of a lightsaber. Torson would be calling soon, inviting her to what would surely be a brutal battle. Even if they were just padawans, fighting would be bloody, and Tibera would rather not fight kids.

"Jessen, this is Torson. Link up with me at the Cafeteria. We have work to do and Jedi to kill."

"Copy that Torson, I'll take Sierra team and head down that way..." She trailed off, looking out of one viewports of the space station, all of the lights from ships and munitions. The battle was starting in full swing, and only one thing was certain, the Jedi were here.

Once she got out of her thoughtful trance, Tibera started down towards the Cafeteria. Some of her troops muttering to themselves, unsure about having a merc lead them. Tibera didn't care for their distrust, as long as they followed orders. She was more worried about whether or not the upgrades to her armor would hold up through the coming storm...

Friendlies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson
Enemies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Mahsa Mahsa


Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa
Enemies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen

As their craft streaked towards Tython Orbit Station, Cora was seated prim as ever through the bumpy ride. Back straight, eyes closed, she let her focus lapse into the cold, open space of the galaxy around them. The wound in the Force was felt keenly here. Blunted, but all encompassing. A sacrilege to Ashla if there ever was one.

The ship jolted suddenly to during its descent into the hangar, and jostled the knight from her meditations.

"Be ready once we land."

Cora set about unbuckling her straps. Her eyes, own opened, rested on the pair of Padawans across from her. The smile that she gave them was muted, but genuine. It hadn't been that long ago that she had sat where they were now - an anxious Padawan on the verge of war. That anxiety never really left her, but she’d slowly learned to compartmentalize it away.

"Zaiya, Mahsa." Now standing, she placed her hands on either of their shoulders. "Remember that you two are capable. Look out for one another, alright? We’ll be there to support you."

Her hands gave a quick squeeze before the boarding ramp dropped.

The troopers that immediately opened fire hit the floor beneath an invisible pressure. So calm and steady, it was easy to forget that Kahlil possessed immense power - and it was startling to be reminded of it up close.

Putting Zaiya's tech skills to use, the Padawans headed for a nearby terminal in hopes of procuring a map. Cora turned to Kahlil and Ran, her lips parting to voice something when she paused.

This initial wave of troopers was only the beginning. The Dark Empire had plenty of time to prepare - there were more, many more lives she sensed heading their way. Lives wrapped in armor carrying blasters and plasma all manner of weapon. Lives that, undoubtedly, would present a challenge to their mission.

"There's more." A lightsaber hilt was unclipped from her belt, and ignited the moment before another hangar door opened. A second wave of troopers peppered them with fire, but this too was still only the beginning.

"Many more."

The blue light of her saber blurred as she moved it in quick, careful movements to deflect the plasma bolts away. Several grenades soared across the open space between them, aiming for the small strike team of Jedi.
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Ran meditated aboard the bullet-like vessel as it shot through the skirmish. Even with her eyes closed she could tell the Jedi Master was a heck of a pilot. They were operating on pure speed, no guns, and no shields. All power was directed to engines and thrusters. Ran would’ve been jealous of the Jedi Master Kahlil Noble, any pilot would’ve been, but she had bigger worries on her mind. The safety and success of the strike team being first and foremost. Ran was focused.

Their rough landing was welcome as they pierced the threshold of the Orbital Station. Even though she trusted Kahlil’s skills as a pilot, Ran was just happy to have agency back in her hands. As they exited Kahlil flattened the hair triggered imperial troopers with the force, and Ran ignited her lightsaber, stepping forward to intercept the already airborne bolts before they could reach him. Red beams clashed against her blue blade safely redirecting in different directions.

Ran watched as both Mahsa and Zaiya rushed to a dataterm and worked hard to gather current information on the Orbital Station. They were fulfilling a role, everyone had one. Ran stood beside Cora, and Kahlil, with her awareness spreading out past closed doorways and barricaded corridors. She gleaned as much as Cora had.

“Let them come. We won’t be here long.” Ran declared flatly as her saber hummed and clashed against freshly volleyed blaster bolts.

Grenades arced overhead and with a hand extended Ran reached out with the force. The grenades arced in reverse and detonated. Smoke filled the air as did the bodies of ragdolled and injured troopers, if only for an instant. The sound of armor hitting ground, and pain filled moans followed soon after.

Ran’s eyes raced to the padawans at the terminal and then back to Kahlil. “What is the word, Master Noble? We’ve come this far. Where to next?” The Orbital Station was unknown to Ran, save for the older blueprints in their operations briefing.



Phoenix Platoon
Objective: Contingency Plan.
Engaging: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen

Two Ziios came down on the roof of one of the platforms. The jedi led by Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble had been tasked with capturing the portal.

Pheonix Platoon was the back up plan. If the portal couldn't be captured, then it would be secured. The defense platforms the Imperials had set up to defend it would be captured instead, and turned against them.

"Maniac, you good?" Ashley asked as they hopped onto the roof, relying on their armor to allow them to breath in the open space. The 30 men, split into two squads, piled out of the LAATs, relying on their magnetic boots to allow them to walk. This was a semi-stealth op, in the sense that they wanted to at least catch the Imps by surprise.

"I'm fine Firebird. Just a bit jittery."
The newest member of the platoon responded. "First time since Coruscant. Thank god we don't have to deal with the Maw anymore."

"Never know." Bastard scoffed, as he watched Giggles and Shotgun get to work. The plan was simple.

Drop in unannounced.

The charges set, and...

The base rumbled. Demo charges set off as the entire platoon dropped into the top floor, and quickly moved out. Including
their three walkers.
Boarding the Space Station
Allies in Proximity:
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Ran Serys Ran Serys
Enemies in Proximity: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen
Primary Opponent: Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt

This is not what Pal Veda had in mind when he signed up for this contract. First off, he should be flying the ship, not some Jedi Master with a fancy title like “Shield of the Jedi.” Stick to your laser sword, space wizard. Second, he should be flying the Rubicon, which was superior to this shuttle in every way — faster, better armored, and better armed. But deep down he knew the chances of them getting off the space station in the same ship they came in on were slim. Ole Rubi wouldn’t last forever, but at least she’d live past today. Now he just needed to do the same.

Pal lagged behind as the Jedi exited the ship and cleared the hangar. They were doing well enough of their own, alternating between defensive tanks drawing fire and offensive nightmares wreaking havoc on the troopers doing the firing. If they wanted his help, they would ask for it. In fact, he doubted the Jedi even wanted him here. He wasn’t “one of them.”

Master Noble used a bit of space magic to subdue the initial wave, and Knight Serys began dismantling the next. One Padawan chipped in, while the other two headed to the data terminal. If he was lucky, they would locate a map and download it to their shared datalinks. If not, he would have to go off of the old blueprints — out-of-date sketches that left a bit to be desired.

Pal secured his gear and readied to exit the ship. He was heavily armed — too heavily, to the point that it would slow him down. But his plan was to drop the standard issue Alliance blaster rifle as soon as he made it out of the hangar and switch to the shotgun slung over his shoulder. Range wasn’t an issue in the confined spaces of the orbital station’s corridors and breakout rooms. That’s where the real fight would be.

Here goes nothing. Pal slipped down the ramp and quickly made his way to cover behind a stack of cargo crates off to the side. He so badly wanted to take a shot at the Imps coming through the doorway ahead, but he did not want to give away his position, or the fact that he was even here. Let the Jedi remain the targets as long as possible. He slipped forward several feet to the next spot, popping up with his rifle briefly to make sure he was still clear. Then again to the next position. Normally, it wasn’t easy for the big man to go unnoticed. But chaos always is the best cloak of invisibility.

A soft boom could be heard somewhere in the distance, separate and apart from the frags exploding in the hangar. Pal wondered to himself if that was the contingency plan already in action.


Objective: Steal The Portal
Tags: Pal Veda Pal Veda | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa | Ran Serys Ran Serys | Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt

Kahlil was quiet for a moment. His body moved on instinct, small, barely enough movements for his body to dodge the blaster shots sent his way or battered aside from the lightsaber he couldn't. The Jedi of old had used this station for access to Tython. Rebuilt, repurposed, dozens upon dozens of times as the world was changed. Meditation rooms were gone, he knew.

But the Force didn't fade. It flowed free as ever, even in the Dark that this Dark Empire brought. Zaiya and Mahsa were nervous, but determined. Cora focused on defense against the blaster shots, leaving it to Ran to send the grenades back with explosive results. It was a battle field, through and through. But his focus drifted from his fellow Jedi to the other that had come with them. The key, in his mind. Jedi pulled a lot of attention after all.

His eyes opened as he brought his saber up to deflect another shot, his gaze now focused on Pal.

"Find the power center, disable their defenses. Then find us a ship, yeah? We're going to need you and your skills to get us out, Veda." He gave a half smile before his gaze pulled to Ran.

"We fight our way up, Knight Serys. Padawans, we move as soon as you have that map downloaded. Zaiya, you're our navigator. Find us the quickest route to the Bridge. Mahsa, be her eyes while she does."

It was the safest job for them, certainly. The report that Zaiya could use Battle Meditation was the key reason she'd been brought around, and when the time came, he would ask her to use it. With what they were aiming to do, they were going to need as much focus as possible. His gaze shifted as he glanced to a different hallway acros the hangar. More troops. He brought a hand up just as the door was about to open, and closed a fist. The doors crashed back inward just as they parted, crumpling and wrinkling like a paper bag.

"Hopefully it wasn't that way."
Location: Invading a hangar in Tython

The gentle pressure on her shoulder had brought the padawan out of her own doubts, her gaze focusing on Knight Ascania as she addressed Zaiya and her. The bright golden locks of hair that framed Corazona’s face always drew her attention, warm and inviting like the sunlit when it filtered into the gardens back at the Temple.

Her words brought a comfort Mahsa hadn’t realized she’d needed until then, a soft nod given as her hand had quietly reached for Zaiya’s before giving it a light squeeze. "W-We will…!"

─── ⋆ ⁺ ∘ ₊ ⊹ ☽ ⋆ ◯ ⋆ ☾ ⊹ ₊ ∘ ⁺ ⋆ ───​

Her senses stretched outwards in a small mimicry of Corazona and Ran, though Mahsa’s radius was much tighter compared to the Knights. There was no denying the presence of the dark side around them, but even through the thick of it all she could also sense the lighter presence of the Force as it answered her call.

With its help she was able to keep track of Zaiya’s positioning even as her gaze was occupied with the enemies that continued to filter into the hangar. "Don’t rush Zaiya, you got this!" She was confident in her friend and her abilities, certain that the Lovalla would be able to procure the map they needed, and she’d protect her for however long Zaiya needed.

Most of the firepower had centered around The Shield and the two Knights at his sides, their presence impossible to ignore, but eventually a few had finally spotted the two padawans by the dataterm. The few blaster shots that came their way had been successfully deflected by her lightsaber, making sure that none of the parried shots were accidentally sent in Pal Veda Pal Veda ‘s direction as he shifted from one spot to another.

However she could sense the presence of another steadily approaching, and it caused her hands to instinctively tighten around the hilt of her blade. She focused on the energy that gently pulsed from the angraal crystal, drawing strength from it as Mahsa forced back the nauseating feeling that threatened to bubble up.

Whoever was coming for them certainly felt like bad news, but she pushed those thoughts out as her focus remained on keeping Zaiya and herself safe—ready to follow the Lovalla once the map was acquired from the terminal.

On Board the Space Station
Allies in Proximity:
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Ran Serys Ran Serys
Enemies in Proximity: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen
Primary Opponent: Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt

”I know, I know,” Veda muttered, giving a thumbs up and feigning a smile in Master Noble’s direction. He had worked with the Sword of the Jedi, but this was his first time on a mission with the Shield. As much as he hated to admit it, Kahlil Noble was the real deal, skills on full display. The same could be said for Ran Serys, a new face that would surely rise through the Jedi ranks if she didn’t get stabbed by a red lightsaber on the way up.

There were only a few doorways out of the hangar, and one had just been destroyed. Ehh, sometimes less options is better. He preferred the path of least resistance anyway. Only a couple of troopers stood at the exit closest to him, some 50 meters or so away. They did not appear to be part of the attack squadrons; the pair must have been patrolling the area when the transport came barreling through the defenses and crash landed into the room. Veda lined up the shot, bracing his weapon on the stack of crates to better steady his aim.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

That was . . . Unexpected. The kriffin’ automatic switch was on! Rather than a couple of deadly accurate shots, he instead sent a barrage of blaster bolts all over the place. Luckily, all over the place included the chests and helmets of the two Imps. They dropped to the ground, the wall behind them covered in carbon scoring. Veda took a look around to make sure no unwanted attention had been drawn his way, glad to see the rest of the troopers still focused on the Jedi.

Veda dropped the rifle — half the power cell was gone anyway — and checked his wrist unit. “Come on, little Padawan,” Veda said under his breath, noting that his map had not been updated yet. No time to wait. He had a job to do, and he had to trust she would do hers. He brought the shotgun around to his hands, made sure the coast was clear, then took off in a full sprint toward the hangar exit he had been shooting at just moments earlier.
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell


5th Reactionary Fleet
For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.
Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO
LCaptain Halpern "Celestial City CO"
Captain Zev Tantor "Silver City" CO
Captain Rojuh Pouil "Valhalla" CO
Captain Scott Pouil - Flight Director 5th Fleet
Chief Gribbs - NCOIC 5th Fleet.
S.E.R.A.P.H.I.M. - 5th Fleet A.I.


SECTOR: Tython
ORDERS: Retake the Planet and the system.

Objective II — Portal​

“Entering the Tython system!” The Helm department supervisor yelled out as the fleet was moving in enmasse. There would be no splitting battlegroups this time, no cute little trickery, the recon ships showed Angellus exactly what he needed to know. The command staff was coming up with their plans and giving orders as Angellus moved over to his command table. While the ships moved into place, he pulled up the comm frequency of the Marine Battallion Commander.


“Am I moving?”

We’re taking those platforms one by one.

“We holding them?”

Your call.

The Orbital platforms were not the only defenses that the Tython Orbital Station (he didn’t give a crap what the Sith called it, that is what it is called) was employing. Several capital ships and several dozen fighters, let alone smaller defensive satellites. They were in for a fight, and they had yet to come across the meat of the Dark Empire forces.

I want all X-wings and A-wings flying cover for the Y-wings attacking those platforms. We have to draw their fire so that the Marines can start taking those Defense stations..

Y-wings attacking targets of opportunity
X-wings and A-wings flying cover.
Capital ships and remaining fighters not already deployed providing close support.
Marines moving to board and take orbital defense platforms, one platform at a time.

Objective II
x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Mahsa Mahsa Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore | Anyone else
Enemies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | anyone else
Directly engaging: no one yet, slicing a terminal


Zaiya let Cora's words anchor her resolve.

We are capable. Yes. I am capable. She had to chant it in her mind, over and over, to drown out the dark whispers that still haunted her, telling her she wasn't enough. That she would fail again.

But people were counting on her. She couldn't afford to let doubt slow her down now. The map of the Tython Orbital Station would be crucial to guide them to the quickest route to the bridge. Squaring her shoulders, Zaiya felt the weight of responsibility settle over her. It was heavy, but it fueled her. A flicker of determination crossed her face, and the colors rippling across her skin shifted to citrine and azure, reflecting her renewed focus.

Mahsa's voice pulled her out of her thoughts, the Kazelrrian already busy deflecting blaster fire, keeping them covered. Zaiya could sense more enemies approaching, their determination crashing against her awareness like an oncoming wave. But she shoved that distraction aside.

Focus, Zaiya. Focus.

Moving quickly, she pulled out her dataspike and inserted it into the terminal, her hands flying across her databracelet's interface. Iris had mentioned using the Force to manipulate droids and electronics, but Zaiya hadn't gotten that far in her training. What she lacked in the Force, she made up for in skill. Slicing into the station's systems was second nature to her; she had a mind for cybernetics and tech. This wasn't a high-security file, and getting a map of the egress routes and maintenance corridors was easy enough.

"I've got it!" Zaiya called out, feeling a surge of relief as the data downloaded. If it had been encrypted, they might have had a problem, but luck was on their side this time. A holographic map flickered to life on her cuff, and Zaiya turned to Mahsa with a wide, beaming smile.

One step down.

She quickly assessed the map, three possible routes standing out, heading over towards Kahlil, Cora, and Ran.

"We've got three options," she explained, tracing her fingers over the holo display. "First, we can take this corridor and use the main lift then down this corridor towards the bridge -- direct, but will definitely be heavily guarded. Second, we could try the maintenance chutes and backways -- more discrete, but slower." Zaiya hesitated for a moment before pointing to the third option.

"There's also an emergency lift that goes straight to the bridge. It's fast, because it leads directly to the escape pods, so we could technically use it in reverse, but that might mean we might run into a lot of opposition if they are trying to keep this clear."

She looked to Mahsa, then back at the map, then back at the group, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on her again. Three choices. Which path would they take?

Zaiya's skin shimmered with a soft flicker of dove grey light, colors rippling in her usual rhythm of uncertainty. She took a deep breath, steadying herself. "What do you think?"


Glory to the Empire


Chapter II : Portal



Once Torson left the bridge, Officer Dace proceeded to head to a nearby hologram pod which displayed a live feed the struggle going on in the hangar as Marine Stormtroopers tried to repel the Jedi only to be repulsed in their attacks suffering heavy casualties in the process. Of-course none of this was surprising given what Dace knew about the Jedi given the many ISB reports regarding regular encounters between Jedi and Imperial soldiers which were always one sided. Their best bet here would be Special Forces but even Dace wasn't sure if they would be enough especially given what had happened onboard Sularen's flagship over Coruscant.

As Dace continued to observed the battle in the hangar one of the bridge officers cried out to him. "Officer Dace, sir." the officer said. "We just picked up an unauthorized download from one of the data terminals in the hangar." the officer said. "The Jedi. They've must of sliced it." Dace responded. "What did they download?" the ISB Officer inquired. "A map of the entire station." the officer responded. So that's what their objective was, Dace thought. It was now clear to Dace that the Jedi sought to take the bridge and perhaps even hijack or shut down the portal. Without speaking to the officer who had alerted him to the situation, Dace headed towards the main area of the bridge where he approached the troop officer who acted as the communications liaison between all Imperial forces on the station.

"I want all possible routes leading to the bridge locked down and secured along with every sensitive part of the station, reactors, life support systems, shield generators, the autoturret mainframes." Dace ordered. "And i want those Jedi intercepted and dispatched." the ISB Officer added. He then approached the communications officer and spoke to him. "Get me in touch with the Defense Platforms, and the Defense Fleet. I need to know if we can get any sort of reinforcements to handle the Jedi." Dace instructed. "About the defense platforms, sir..." the Communications officer replied. "What about them." Dace inquired, somewhat confused about the Communications officer's statement. "The enemy has launched a boarding party on two separate defense platforms. They're trying to hijack them."

Dace then took a look at the viewports focusing on the four defense platforms that surrounded the Space Station and provided an additional layer of defense for the defending fleet. He then sighed as a simple thought entered his mind, this wasn't going to be an easy battle nor a short one.


As soon as Pheonix Platoon made landfall within the Defense Station, the station was put on immediate lockdown as a notice of a breach within it's defenses was sent to both the Tython Orbital Station and the rest of the Fleet. As they made their way through the Defense Station the Platoon would immediately encounter two squads of Marine Stormtroopers (16 Troopers total) sent as a first response to their incursion. Almost immediately upon making contact the Marine Stormtroopers would open fire upon the Pheonix Platoon hoping to inflict some casualties as more units of Marines and Commandos were dispatched to reinforce them and halt the enemy advance.

As the two squads of Marine Stormtroopers engaged the Pheonix Platoon, the officers within the command center of the Defense Station proceeded to activate the internal security systems of the Defense Station with turrets within the corridor soon emerging from their hidden positions within the ceilings of the corridor unleashing heavy fire upon the men of the Pheonix Platoon and their Walkers while the blast doors behind the Platoon was closed in order to trap the Platoon against the Stormtroopers and the turrets. Then, a pair of laser gates were activated with the aim of disrupting the formation of the platoon by splitting them up and enabling the Stormtroopers and turrets to wipe them out one small group at a time thus eliminating the threat.

With more squads of Stormtroopers on their way towards the site of the battle within the Defense Station, the Pheonix Platoon had to act quickly and swiftly before they could potentially be overwhelmed and their contingency nipped in the bud before it can even make any significant progress.


As the group of X-Wings, A-Wings and Y-Wings approached the Defense Platform designated as "Guardian-3", the platform immediately responded by firing it's defensive anti-starfighter weapons while 8 Squadrons of TIE Brutes and 2 Squadrons of TIE Destroyers were quickly dispatched to intercept the enemy fighter craft, with the TIE Brutes moving in to engage the X-Wings and A-Wings hopefully drawing most of their attention while the TIE Destroyers focused on mopping up the Y-Wings to minimize any sort of damage from the Defense Platform. With "Guardian-3" already being made aware of the ongoing battle within the neighboring "Guardian-2" it's garrison of Marine Stormtroopers and SpecNav Commandos were put on high-alert in order to be ready to quickly and swiftly respond to any boarding party.

In addition to this, the remainder of the Defense Platforms squadrons were put on stand-by for a rapid deployment in case they needed to intercept any transports deployed by the enemy in order to end any attempt made by the enemy to board "Guardian-3" and take it over. The Alliance had made their move and the soldiers of the Empire were ready to respond and unleash their true might upon them.

That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell


5th Reactionary Fleet
For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.
Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO
LCaptain Halpern "Celestial City CO"
Captain Zev Tantor "Silver City" CO
Captain Rojuh Pouil "Valhalla" CO
Captain Scott Pouil - Flight Director 5th Fleet
Chief Gribbs - NCOIC 5th Fleet.
S.E.R.A.P.H.I.M. - 5th Fleet A.I.


SECTOR: Tython
ORDERS: Retake the Planet and the system.

Objective II — Portal​

Episode 1: The Battle for Tython

The Galactic Alliance 5th Reactionary Fleet, led by Admiral Angellus, was engaged in a fierce battle with the Dark Empire over the planet Tython. The Dark Empire had established a stronghold on the planet, and the Galactic Alliance was determined to take it back.

As the fleet surrounded one of the orbital defense platform “3”, X-wings and A-Wings engaged Dark Empire fighters in a dogfight above the planet. TIE Brutes hit hard, and were fast, proving to be a strong match for the deployed Alliance Fighters. The Y-wings made bombing runs on enemy capital ships, trying to weaken their defenses, and when the TIE Destroyers came out to engage them.

On board the flagship "The Celestial City," Admiral Angellus watched the battle unfold on the holoscreen. He knew that the key to victory lay in securing the orbital defense platforms. If they could take control of them, they would have a strategic advantage over the Dark Empire.

Scott! He called out on his command table through the comms to the Flight Director for the Fleet, Captain Scott Pouihl.

We’re busy right now! You making the call?

Reroute the Sovereigntys and the Warpigs, I want the Sovereigntys to reinforce the Y-wings and cover the docking procedures of the Marines. Get the Warpigs on those defenses. Make those Brutes make a bad choice.

Aye sir… anything else?

Get everyone else ready, business is about to pick up.

The fighters roared into action, streaking towards the defensive station with blasters firing. The Dark Empire put up a fierce resistance and were doing serious damage to “The Avalon” (one of the two Marine troop carriers attempting to dock with station 3), but the Galactic Alliance fighters were determined to succeed.

As the battle raged on, Admiral Angellus knew that the fate of Tython hung in the balance. The Galactic Alliance had to emerge victorious if they were to have any hope of defeating the Dark Empire and restoring peace to the galaxy.

The Sovereignty and Warpig Heavy attack fighters closed in on defensive station 3, their blasters blazing as they engaged the Dark Empire defenders. The station was heavily fortified, with turrets and shield generators protecting it from attack.

Admiral Angellus watched anxiously as the fighters battled against the Dark Empire forces. The fate of Tython depended on their success in securing the orbital station.

We need to take out those shield generators, Admiral Angellus ordered over the comms. Without them, the station will be vulnerable to our attack.

The fighters focused their fire on the shield generators, blasting them with all their firepower. The shields flickered and then went down, leaving the station exposed to their assault.


Phoenix Platoon
Objective: Contingency Plan.
Engaging: IMPERA IMPERA Forces.

The first problem to solve was the turrets. Those were easily solved as the riflemen and ammo bearers brought their grenade launchers to bear, each firing two thermal detonators into the laser cannons, before shifting to laying down heavy fire on the stormtroopers.

Next came the Laser Gates. Rather than deal with them traditionally, each of the gate projectors were crushed via the Force by the Engineers, specialists in destruction. Quick, efficient.

Finally, the autoriflemen opened up on the stormtroopers, using the Bobcats as cover, who also opened up with their blaster cannons, picking off one marine stormtrooper after another. Bumpkin could be heard on the radio counting them as he watched one who was attempting to set up an AT launcher get hit dead in the face, as the 30 men pushed forward.

As for the Blast Doors?

Pheonix made no attempt to disarm them. Instead, Ashley called an audible.

"Rainmaker, bring the Ziio around and hit these damn doors with some rain."

<Copy Firebird, bringing the pain.>

A second later, a pair of rockets flew through the open roof, and into the blast doors.

And like that, they were off. The three Bobcats pushed forward, as Wizard led the pack.

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