Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter II — GA invasion of DE held Tython

On Board the Space Station
Allies in Proximity:
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Ran Serys Ran Serys
Enemies in Proximity: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen IMPERA IMPERA Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos
Primary Opponent: Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt

After a few seconds, Veda realized that holding his ear up against the durasteel door to listen for passing troopers was pointless. He could hear nothing but the low steady hum of the space station reverberating through the metal. His gut told him to stay put for now. In his experience, troopers usually patrolled in pairs. He had no doubt that the Maji Ironworks shotgun in his hands would make short work of two unsuspecting Imps, but even if the crack of the weapon did not draw attention to his location, their failure to check in certainly would. Of course he had no idea that it was actually a team of commandos searching specifically for him, led by none other than the fearless, resilient, and revenge-seeking Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt .

Think quick, Pal. Veda took a step back and assessed his surroundings, thankful he had not accidentally ducked into a room full of hostiles. Not exactly an empty armory, either. Just a storage room, with several rows of floor-to-ceiling iron shelves stocked with nothing useful. Most important to his immediate survival was the fact that there were no other exits. One way in, one way out.

Now this was a pickle. Then again, Veda’s specialty was getting out of pickles. The ceiling was maybe eight feet high, not too far above his head. He pulled on one of the shelving frames to make sure it was snugly bolted to the ground, then gingerly stepped onto the bottom shelf to test his weight. Sturdy enough. He moved up to the next row, now high enough to touch the ceiling with his hand. Panels! Heavy panels. It would barely budge. Hanging on with one hand for balance and leverage, he grabbed his weapon from the barrel and jammed the butt upwards, banging it onto the durasteel tile. Nothing. He tried again, then again. On the third attempt, the panel popped up, then fell right back into place. This will work. He hit it a forth time at an angle, dislodging the tile to the side, creating a small gap. He slung the shotgun back over his shoulder then reached up with both hands, pushing the tile aside to make enough room for his body.

If the Imps were coming for him, that door would be opening any second. Veda climbed to the third row and reached inside the exposed space, grabbing hold of the metal frame and pulling himself upward and in. It was tight, with less than two feet of clearance, just enough room for him to move around from a low crawling position. Claustrophobia momentarily took hold, and he paused for a couple of seconds, wondering if it was better to surrender than get trapped in here. This was decidedly better, especially if they figured out he was the same man that helped the Jedi bring down the Predator not that long ago. He maneuvered to the side and slid the panel back into place to cover his track. Well, almost back into place. It was jammed into something, leaving a tiny break in the tiles. Only keen eyes would notice this.

Veda slowly crawled forward, unsure exactly where he was going but trying to at least clear past the room he had been trapped in before pulling up the map to figure out his next move. He hoped the Jedi were fairing better.
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Objective II
x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Mahsa Mahsa | Anyone else
Enemies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen

There was no time to celebrate the success of the stun pearls. Zaiya barely registered the scattering of stunned Imperials' electronics fizzling out when Mahsa yanked her back, keeping her from rushing forward.

"Not today Jedi."

Zaiya's opal blue eyes widened, and a cascade of electric colors danced across her skin in alarm.

"Oh blast!" she muttered, her pulse quickening. Thankfully, Mahsa was faster, raising a shimmering shield to block the incoming sonic waves. But Zaiya knew how much effort that kind of barrier took to maintain, especially in the chaos of battle. They couldn't stay still for long.

Her attention flicked to the sudden, glorious spray of trash launched upwards, smacking straight into the Imperials initiating the sonic attack. Ew. Gross!

No, focus, Zaiya!

They had to move, and fast. Zaiya's gaze darted around, her mind racing as the noxious odor of spilled garbage reached her nose. That's when she noticed the torn paneling and exposed shafts -- the very ones Kahlil and Cora had ripped apart to block the slug fire earlier.

"Hold on, Mahsa," She encouraged her friend, a jangle of bracelets and cuffs tinkling as she brought back the map. Coming to a skidding stop in front of the shafts, Zaiya did her best to try and not hurl at the stench

Her breath caught as she saw Cora pinned, her arm frozen against the wall. Alarm sent her patterns into a swirl of pale blues and greens. She wanted to help her friend, but they couldn't delay. They had to reach the lift before reinforcements arrived. Pulling up her holographic map, she frantically scanned for an escape.

"Think of your crush, Cora! It'll warm you up!" Zaiya blurted, recalling Master Efret Farr Efret Farr ‘s advice on tapas. It was supposed to heat your body in freezing conditions, right?

"Like... when you felt the most flustered or embarrassed! That should help melt the cryoban, right?!"

She couldn't tell if Cora's expression meant she was horrified or grateful, but Zaiya couldn't wait to find out. A wicked grin split across her face as she spotted the solution -- an unmarked route that connected the maintenance shaft and garbage chute directly to the emergency lift tunnel.

"I got it! Follow me!" she called, not even bothering with telepathy. Her voice echoed down the corridor as she grabbed the edge of the maintenance shaft, her fingers gripping the metal tightly, pulling herself up into the narrow passage. She landed with a soft thud, her skin pulsing with vibrant citrine and blue as she stood up quickly, her boots making a soft sound against the metal floor.

Eyes. We need eyes ahead.

Zaiya tapped the cuff on her wrist, releasing three small sensor droids from her bracelet. They hovered with their repulsor lifts and silenced thrusters in the air for a moment before zipping ahead, scanning for any signs of danger. The feed would link back to her holomap, giving them a chance to avoid any nasty surprises.

"This way!" she whispered urgently, motioning for the others to follow. If they could make it through the shaft and reach the lift without being spotted, they had a real shot at completing the mission. They just had to keep moving.

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At long last, the Alliance had come for the Imperial Core. Just as Sularen had long predicted, the combined might of the GADF and the NJO had descended upon Tython although not in the way he had expected. Initially, the Warlord of the Empire believed that the Alliance would first seek to soften the Imperial defenses across the Deep Core via incursions and hit-and-run strikes before finally launching the final blow in a decisive counter-offensive. However it appeared that this time around the Alliance had chosen to go straight for the decisive confrontation, most likely a desperate gambit to prove to the galaxy that their victory at Coruscant was not blind luck, especially with their recent defeat at Sluis Van which saw their offensive against the Sith Order repulsed.

Nevertheless their desperation to prove themselves in the face of the galaxy would only serve to benefit the Empire, which under his direction would begin fortifying the Imperial Deep Core and preparing the Imperial Military to respond to an enemy assault. Unlike Coruscant, Sularen was now more involved in the planning and direction of the defense of Tython, devising a plan aimed at dealing a decisive blow to both the Alliance Navy and Army as they threw themselves against the Empire's defenses on Tython. If everything went as planned, then the Empire would maintain it's hold within the Deep Core, which would then enable the Warlord of the Empire to undo the defeat at Coruscant and reverse any gains made by the Alliance along their eastern borders.

As part of his extensive plans for the defense of Tython against the invading Alliance forces, the Warlord of the Empire had assembled a considerable fleet jointly commanded by him and Admirals Kaine Hamilton and Max Sinn while only mobilizing a limited amount of assets on Tython proper in order to draw in the enemy fleet so that he could spring his trap and annihilate the enemy through a series of successive actions. So far his forces were ready and prepared to be thrown into battle, the pilots were ready for immediate deployment with their starfighters fully equipped and all pre-flight checks completed, the gun crews sat behind their consoles eagerly waiting to unleash hell upon enemy warships and starfighters, the bridge officers went with their usual business coordinating with personnel all throughout the Imperial Warlord's flagship to ensure that it was well prepared for the upcoming battle.

However there was one issue that needed to be addressed in the form of the continued silence from the part of the Imperial Fleet above Tython. By now, Sularen was certain that his forces should have received the signal to spring their trap against the 10th Sector Armada and any accompanying fleets but so far there was nothing from them, only silence. "Get me into contact with the Tython Orbital Station." Sularen ordered, finally tired of the continued silence and seeking answers. Soon enough a holographic image of Office Dace appeared in front of the Warlord of the Empire as he remained seated in his command chair.

"Officer Dace, what is going down over there? The signal should have been sent ages ago!" Sularen demanded, both confused and frustrated by this delay as it could have given the enemy an advantage in the battle. "I'm afraid we've encountered a few complications Grand Admiral, sir." Dace responded. "What kind of complications?" Sularen inquired. "Right now the Station has been boarded by a Jedi Strike team that seek to either shut down or take control over the portal in addition to two separate attempts to seize control of our own defense platforms, and they are pushing on all fronts" Dace explained. Sularen sighed, clearly disappointed as Jedi Strike team and two separate boarding parties it should have easily put down by the Empire, but it seems that the odds were somehow in their favor.

"In addition to this, the 10th Sector Armada hasn't appeared on the battlefield yet, with only a smaller naval task force that has directly confronted our line of orbital platforms and fleet supporting it." Dace added. Now this was intriguing, the 10th Sector Armada wasn't present and the Alliance were trying to hijack both the portal and the space defense platforms. As Sularen thought about these developments he came to a realization having an understanding of what the enemy was attempting to achieve. If his hunch was right then not only was his original strategy completely useless, but the entire Imperial Fleet at Tython would be in danger if the Jedi successfully hijacked the portal.

"Listen to me carefully Officer Dace, for what i'm about to say is crucial to turning back the tides in our favor..." Sularen said, as he began to give a series of new instructions to the ISB Officer in charge of the Tython Orbital Station to ensure that these incursions would be put to an end before they could further sabotage the Warlord's plans for the battle.


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Location: Tython Space Station, The Bridge > Turbolifts
Enemies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Mahsa Mahsa Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Magdalena Bloodscrawl Magdalena Bloodscrawl
Allies-ish: Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Joseph Torson Joseph Torson IMPERA IMPERA
Objective: Infect the bridge...

Even in the face of this Sith, this abomination Office Dace maintained his composure even as some of the Soldiers and Officers within the bridge foolishly placed their hands on their blasters before proceeding to offer a response. "They are right outside one of the hangars." Dace explained. "Now engaged with Imperial Special Forces and Mercenaries in a corridor leading to one of the closest lifts that opens into the main corridor that leads straight here." the ISB Officer further explained, speaking in a cold and professional tone as he addressed his Sith superior.

Darth Immortuos remained motionless as Officer Dace spoke, the flickering lights of the bridge casting long, sinister shadows over his spindly form. His hollow eyes, gleaming with a deep, unnatural red, remained fixed on Dace, unblinking and filled with malice. The Sith Lord seemed to drink in the officer's words, his grotesque smile widening slightly, amused by Dace's facade in composure. The silence stretched for a long, suffocating moment after Dace finished. Then, Immortuos tilted his head ever so slightly, his long, white hair shifting like brittle strands of cobwebs.

"Imperial Special Forces… Mercenaries…" His voice dripped with disdain, each word drawn out, slow and venomous. "Pathetic," he sneered stoically and raised the thumb nail of his left hand and dug it deep into his palm. Thick clumps of black ooze and deep red blood leaked onto the floor. Then, In an instant, Immortuos moved, faster than the eye could track, becoming a blur of tattered robes and pale flesh as he dashed across the bridge. Before anyone could react, he was upon one of the crewmen standing near a console. His blood infected clawed hand shot out like a viper, seizing the terrified man by the face. Forcing him to come in contact with the strange substances.

The crewman gasped, his eyes wide with terror as Immortuos' grip tightened. A sickening sound, like wet rot, filled the air as the Sith Lord's hand began to glow faintly with a sickly, unnatural red hue. A putrid stench intensified as the crewman convulsed, his skin paling, veins darkening, as if some vile plague was coursing through him. Inside him. Crawling and squirming under his flesh.

" The pain will pass. You should survive the process." He explained plainly.

The man's cries turned into guttural, animalistic moans as the sickness consumed him, twisting him into a shell. His limbs twitched uncontrollably, fingers clawing at the air as the affliction ravaged his body, warping it a sick creature riddled with black protruding veins. Immortuos released his grip, letting the now twisted, wretched officer collapse to the floor, still alive but far from human as the galaxy knew.

Darth Immortuos stepped closer to the newly infected crewman, his bony hand reaching out with a disturbing tenderness. His long, skeletal fingers brushed over the man, sickly gray skin, with a caress that seemed to almost nurture the infection festering just under the skin of his new creation. The infected crewman stood perfectly still, trembling as the Dark Lord's touch both soothed and fueled the sickness puppeteering his body.

Then Immortuos leaned in, his voice barely a whisper, yet carrying a weight of unbearable cruelty. His lips curled into a depraved smile as he spoke.
"Go, my child," Immortuos hissed, his voice both venomous and commanding. "Return to your station and... do not be stingy."

At those words, the infected crewman's eyes flicked open wider, He shook off what had been done to him, adjusted his uniform and saluted the Dark Lord. There were no words given in exchange but, despite his appearance, The officer returned to his station as commanded and focused on the consoles. With a turn of the heel Darth Immortuos motioned himself to exit the bridge.

Smiling the whole time, he looked back at the bridge crew as a blast door slide horizontally, obstructing the view and sealing off the bridge. And though Immortuos could not physically see what was going on, He could hear and sense it. The chest of the infected officer expanding as if sucking in a deep, unnatural breath. Then, from deep within its rotting form, a shriek emerged—high-pitched and oscillating, a sound so horrifying it would sent waves of panic rippling through the bridge. It was a scream that tore through the air like jagged glass, a sound of pure, mindless hunger and torment.

"... do not be stingy." He mouthed and strided gracefully down the corridor and to the turbolifts.

Now for the jedi.


[TARGET] Pal Veda Pal Veda
Location: Portal Facility


Abraxas made it two steps past the storage room when he heard a metallic thud from inside. With silent hands, he gestured for a pair of nearby troopers to join him and stack up on either side of the door. "I'll take point," he instructed with a single nod of his helmeted head. Through his scout visor, he looked at the door's control panel and, in one fluid motion, tapped the keys with the barrel of his carbine before snapping it back forward and rushing into the room.

Both troopers filed in behind him and spread out as much as they could, E-11D's at the ready. Brax was sure he heard something inside, but the room was empty. Only storage containers and metal shelves. The troopers shined their barrel lights in and around the crates but found nothing that would indicate an intruder was present.

"Keep searching the halls," the commando ordered his squad. "I'll take another look here." A pair of unquestioning yes sirs came back at him as the troopers nodded their understanding and returned to their hunt. Meanwhile, Abraxas resumed his own investigation. He checked the inside control panel for signs of tampering but found none. Moving to the containers, he examined each one's seals to be sure that the interloper hadn't popped one open and slipped inside.

Satisfied that he had not, Brax turned his focus to the shelves themselves. His eyes trailed up their height until he was looking at the top.

"What's this?" he asked himself rhetorically; the corner of a single ceiling tile appeared skewed to the side, popped up and out of the tray that held it in place. A grim smile spread across Abraxas' face as he realized where Pal Veda had disappeared to. He turned on his heels and marched straight into the corridor.

"He's in the vents," Brax said plainly. "Sir?"

"Thermal detonators in the ventilation shafts. Now." The trooper nodded, making Brax's vindictive grin grow even more. "Flush him out like the little Alliance rat he is."


Chapter II : Portal



As Torson fired a concentrated beam of sonic energy at the Jedi Padawan, she formed a powerful barrier that deflected the beam at an angle right into a large projectile of what appeared to be trash that had been flung by another Jedi. As the beam from Torson's rifle made contact with the projectile it caused an explosion sending all sorts of decomposing food and other garbage towards Torson and his Men. However while the Jedi had pinched their noses to avoid the smell of trash, as Torson and his men found themselves covered in garbage they continued on simply ignoring the smell as they pushed forwards against the Jedi. They were Imperial Special Forces and they weren't going to let some foul odor get in the way of the mission.

Once the trash attack had subsided, Torson proceeded to scan the hallway eventually locking on the Jedi who had thrown the trash projectile at him and his men. However more importantly he noticed at how one of the Jedi simply disappeared into the walls indicating that the Jedi were trying to find an alternative route towards their destination, most like through the maintenance shaft. This was the perfect opportunity to cut off the Jedi and split them up in order to facilitate his mission. "Push forward men, we need to cut them off" he shouted as he aimed at Cora whose arm was frozen to the wall, and fired yet another powerful concentrated beam of sonic energy at the Jedi Knight hoping to hit her before she could break free. At the same time, the Special Forces operatives accompanying Torson also opened fire on the Jedi concentrated their attack on both Mahsa and Kahlil Noble himself.

With Mahsa Mahsa having taking note of her ability to form barriers that would protect her from future attacks, a single Red Right Hand Operators would each take out a single repulsor grenade and throw it at the general direction of Masha while two other Operators would provide heavy cover fire, unleashing a barrage of heavy fire of high-velocity durasteel-tipped projectiles from their rail submachine guns and leave the young Padawan unable to respond to the grenade thrown by the first operator as she would have to defend herself against the projectiles.

As for Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Torson's men were more aggressive with him given his proficiency in the force and status as the Shield of the Jedi. As such they began unleashing a overwhelming attack with both rail submachine guns and pseudosonic beam rifle firing both high-velocity durasteel-tipped projectiles and concentrated beams of sonic energy at Kahlil in order to him down and force him on the defensive leaving him unable to react against other attacks. However unlike Mahsa who would receive a single repulsor grenade, Torson's men instead threw a trio of ravenous grenades at the feet of the Shield of the Jedi which would detonate and infect the Jedi Master with a biological agent that would slowly sap at the strength of his force abilities.

Hopefully this would be enough to pin down some of the Jedi and keep them from reaching their objective buying more time for the Imperial Fleet outside to put an end to the incursions of the Alliance Fleet.

On Board the Space Station
Allies in Proximity:
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Ran Serys Ran Serys
Enemies in Proximity: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen IMPERA IMPERA Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos
Primary Opponent: Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt

”I am too big and too old for this,” Pal muttered to himself, slowly progressing through the tight space inside the ceiling. Normally his height and muscles worked to his advantage. Not here. This was more appropriate for one of those tiny Padawans he rode in with. He laughed thinking of Kahill trying to do this. Not a chance.

After a comfortable distance, he pulled up the map on his ORO WC-1 wrist comp and assessed his location. It was only a layout of the floor plan, not the spaces between floors, but it was useful enough. He was glad to see that his navigational senses weren’t completely off, and he had been moving in generally the right direction. Just not getting anywhere fast. He pondered whether he should find a location to drop down or just keep heading toward the staircase.

Dink . . . Dink . . . Dink . . .

Looks like someone was making that decision for him. The sound of the first detonator bouncing around echoed through the shaft, followed by a deafening BOOM! The concussive force rattled his body, but the explosion was far enough away to keep him from disintegrating. MOVE!

Pal continued on, crawling like a Kowakian monkey-lizard to escape the incoming frags. It was apparent they didn’t know exactly where he was, but they knew he was in the ceiling, and that was more information than they needed to kill him up here. A second BOOM! exploded behind him, this one closer.

He rounded a corner and saw what he was looking for. A vent several meters ahead. That meant an exit. He used the cross-shaped junction to turn his body around, pushing himself feet first toward the vent. He kicked, then kicked again. Kriff! It ain’t opening! Another kick. Are you really going to let some no-name Imp blow you up in a ventilation shaft on a space station? Frustrated, Pal maneuvered his shotgun around his body and stuck the barrel against the metal frame, making sure to move his feet out of the way. He plugged one ear with a free hand and tried to tuck the other against his jacket collar to protect what little hearing he had left after the thermals erupting in his vicinity. Here goes nothing.

The vent door went flying off, and Pal followed shorty behind, just as the shaft erupted in fire from a third thermal, way too close for comfort.

And he fell. Fast. The turbo lift shaft! That was not what he had in mind. Nearly dropping his weapon, he quickly tapped the side button on his wrist comp, activating the propulsion in his Star Grinder boots, thanking Yoda he had recently stopped by Si Tech for an upgrade. Slam! He hadn’t quite mastered them yet, though. Pal flew hard into the wall of the turbo lift shaft, grabbing onto a cable and finding footing on a frame. That hurt, but not nearly as bad as falling the hundred plus meters down to his death.


Glory to the Empire


Chapter II : Portal



As rear blaster canons of the Gunship opened fire upon the trio of TIE Destroyers it managed to do moderate damage to one of the TIEs wings forcing it to withdraw to avoid being destroyed as the other two TIE Destroyers returned fire hoping to destroy the gunship. However the Gunship would manage to lower itself within the very hole that had been utilized by the boarding party to breach the defense station giving it cover against further retaliation from the pair of TIEs. As such, the two TIEs proceeded to immediately disengage and shunt the power to their engines as they raced to intercept the second enemy Gunship hoping to force the first gunship to come out of hiding to support it. At the same time a second group of starfighters this time comprised of five TIE Brutes began their approach towards the battlefield ready to join the two remaining TIE Destroyers in confronting the two Ziio Gunships.

Meanwhile the enemy boarding party had managed to further punch through the interior of the Defense Station soon reaching the bridge of the Defense Station which would be secured by three successive blast doors designed specifically to withstand any attempt made to breach the bridge by intruders. Within the bridge two squads of eight SpecNav Commandos each kept their guns aimed at the entrance bracing themselves for the eventual attack. Knowing that some of the hostiles were force sensitive and that their assault was mostly spearheaded by their walkers, the SpecNav Commandos had brought with them SLAM Launchers equipped with powerful armor-piercing missiles and Ravenous grenades which were specifically designed to slowly sap at the strength of force users and weaken them to even the playing field for non-force sensitives.

The Commandos had positioned themselves in a way in which they would be able to pin down the enemy platoon with heavy crossfire with the soldiers carrying the SLAM Launchers and Ravenous grenades located within blind spots near the entrance so that they could quickly take shots at the walkers once they entered the bridge while easily throwing grenades from the cover of the walls at the enemy forces to deprive them of their primary advantage.

Meanwhile the bridge crew itself initiated the emergency protocols activating the Defense Station's reserve of 250 Dark Troopers which immediately left their stations and began advancing towards the bridge to meet with the platoon while more squads of Marine Stormtroopers and SpecNav Commandos followed them to confront the platoon before they could even breach the bridge. As the enemy platoon made their preparations on how to breach the bridge, two platoons of mixed Marine Stormtroopers and Commandos would move in to engage the platoon supported by a first wave of a dozen Dark Troopers.

With the Dark Troopers themselves mainly covered in Beskar Armor, they quickly moved at the front as they opened fire upon the platoon with the platoons of Stormtroopers and Commandos providing additional suppressive fire against the enemy riflemen using the Dark Troopers as shields as their Beskar Armor would be able to withstand the heaviest of punishment from the enemy walkers. From behind the walkers, the Stormtroopers and Commandos would soon begin targeting the Walkers with their SLAM Launchers aiming for the legs as they began firing the first round of armor-piercing missiles at the enemy.

Meanwhile, as all this commotion was happening, a distress signal was sent from the bridge of the Defense Platform to the rest of the Imperial Fleet defending the Tython Orbital Station.


As soon the GADF Marines made landfall within "Guardian-3" they would be met with immediate and fierce opposition from the defending garrison. Taking advantage of the small and enclosed environment around them, the Marine Stormtroopers and SpecNav Commandos established chokepoints in order to keep the Marines in check while also occasionally giving up ground in order to let the enemy rush them only for the bridge crew to activate laser gates and shut the blast doors to split up enemy Marines and allow other groups of Stormtroopers and Commandos to ambush and attack the isolated GADF Marines as they progressed through the station. In addition to this, turrets attached to the ceilings provided additional support for the defending forces against the Marines ensuring that the GADF Marines would suffer heavy casualties as they would further attempt to push forwards.

Meanwhile as the GADF Marines fought with Imperial Stormtroopers and Commandos, the Alliance Fleet began to encircle "Guardian-3" isolating it from the rest of the Imperial forces present although the other three defense platforms would intensify their assault on the enemy fleet, concentrating fire on the three command ships in an attempt to quickly destroy them and leave the enemy fleet without any proper chain of command, which would give the defending Imperials an advantage over them. However, it was at this time that the defending fleet had chosen to now move forward to confront the Alliance 5th Fleet and strengthen the Imperial line against the relentless assault.

Consisting of 15 Escort Ships, 6 Star Destroyers and 6 Interdictors, this fleet had been assembled as the Empire's first line of defense against the Alliance's inevitable incursion within the Deep Core and until now had simply watched as the main enemy fleet simply threw itself at the Imperial line, offering little support in the form of starfighter squadrons launched primarily from some of the Escort Ships within the Fleet. Now that the 5th Fleet had thrown itself at the line of defense platforms, the Imperial defensive fleet was quick to make it's move against the Fleet launching a full-scale counter-attack against them in order to halt them right in their tracks.

As the Y-Wings and Sovereignty Heavy Fighters would begin attacking "Guardian-3" they would be met with immediate opposition from an entire starfighter wing from one of the Escort Ships (5 Squadrons total) consisting of mixed TIE Destroyers and TIE Brutes that responded with brutal efficiency using their superior speed and anti-starfighter weapons to pick them apart one starfighter at a time with the assistance of Guardian-3's anti-starfighter weapons. At the same time two starfighter wings consisting of a total of 10 squadrons of more TIE Destroyers and TIE Brutes moved in to confront the Warpigs, Elysiums and Jackals that approached the second Invictus-III Defense Platform codenamed "Guardian-1" hoping to prevent them from targeting the space defense platform.

Meanwhile, the two Escort Cruisers and the Torpedo Frigate that would begin to move against "Guardian-1" would soon find themselves being quickly intercepted by a single Star Destroyer supported by a pair of Escort Ships as they began to unleash heavy fire upon the three ships starting by launching a concentrated alpha strike on the Revelry by unleashing a massive barrage in unison at a single concentrated point near it's engines hoping to quickly overpower the Escort Cruiser's shields and disable their engines before the other two ships could respond. As the three Imperial warships unleashed hell upon the Revelry, squadrons of TIE Destroyers and TIE Brutes moved in to attack Loki and Masterbolt with the TIE Brutes moving in to intercept any enemy starfighters within the vicinity while the TIE Destroyers began launching massive devastating waves of dozens of Ion Pulse Missiles upon both the Escort Cruiser and the Torpedo Frigate in order to knock out their shields and enable "Guardian-1" to finish them off.

Finally, the remaining five Star Destroyers that had remained with their formation began to unleash their full might upon the two Marine Carriers docked within Guardian-3 as more waves of TIE Destroyers moved in to launch bombing runs in an attempt to further weaken the Carriers and enable the Destroyers to finish them off. As for the core of the Alliance's 5th Fleet that continued it's blockade of "Guardian-3", the rest of the Imperial defense fleet did not bother to further respond against them, as the Empire moved to slowly tear apart the rest of the 5th Reactionary Fleet once ship at a time given at how they had begun to slowly spread out throughout the defensive line. No matter what punches the Alliance would throw, the Empire would punch back harder as the Imperials stood ready to do everything in their power to ensure the inevitable success of the Dark Empire.


Tags [Enemies] | Liram Angellus Liram Angellus | Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore



[TARGET] Pal Veda Pal Veda
Location: Portal Facility


The thermals shook the corridor and sent more than a few ceiling panels flying down to the floor. Scorched wiring, damaged light panels, and broken pipes hung through the blast holes from one end of the hall to the other, but a mangled Alliance corpse wasn’t among the debris.

Find him!” Abraxas barked at the troopers who had turned to face him. Having already realized that Darkstar was more than willing to trade Imperial damage and casualties for a win against the spy, the troopers didn’t hesitate. They spread out again, this time trotting quickly into the adjacent corridors to begin their search anew.

Brax took this opportunity to move to a nearby terminal booth and punch in his credentials, turning the idle screen into a personalized database instance that would last as long as he remained logged into it. “Map of the station,” he said to himself as he navigated the screen.

He figured his level of clearance was high enough to grant him access to the station’s standard map, but detailed layouts of maintenance tunnels and ventilation shafts were usually reserved for officers and technicians. Luckily for Brax, he was the former.

The holographic layout of the sector’s ducts and electrical hubs were overlaid, looking more like a rat’s nest of wiring and junctions, but he could make out several prominent artifacts on the map. The terminal he was using and the storage room across the hall. From there, Abraxas trailed the vents through various junctions to see where they emptied out.

Station command,” Darkstar hailed over comms. “I need trooper squads posted at the ventilation returns on Level 1256, 1257, and 1258,” he said. Then his eyes fell on the fourth terminus: the turbolift shaft. The thought of seeing Pal Veda’s insides splattered against the roof of an elevator car below was extremely entertaining, but he had a feeling the bastard would have weaseled out of death once again.

Yes sir,” the comms officer replied. Brax made no mention of the turbolift; he was already jogging toward it, E-11D in hand.

Battle held more horrid notes than the putrid smell of long lingering refuse. The subtle scent of smoke sailing from slug throwers bothered Ran more. It smelled like danger and hurt, but the Jedi wouldn't be smelling artillery for much longer as the other Jedi had taken note of the accessways. Zaiya squeezed in first. Sensor droids deployed. "We are right behind you!" Ran informed Zaiya over the sound of enemy fire. But right behind was a bit of an overstatement as the Jedi still had to contend with their attackers before retreating into the relative safety of the walls.

Ran aimed herself at the accessway as she saw the set of grenades lobbed in Mahsa's direction. The girl's force bubbles were draining in effectiveness as bullets and sonic rounds crashed against it. "Grenades!" Ran called out! "I have them." She said, calling her shots as she reached out with the force, repelling them hard over ducking imperial heads and incidentally towards the lift. She had thrown grenades back to their source before and she'd do it again and again until her allies were safe. A multiboom resounded as the grenades detonated. The lift door dented slightly inward from the excess concussive force and its control panel shattered and became almost inoperable. It seemed that there was no accessing the emergency lift from this floor.

While the area overhead was clear, there was still danger in every other direction. She looked between Kahlil and Cora, both in precarious positions. Kahlil was more capable in the moment, even with the amount of operators and commandos with eyes trained on him. To take out the Shield of the Jedi was an honor. An honor Ran was sure the imperial troopers wouldn't have. Ran continued on navigating enemy fire to help her fellow knight, Corazona.

The Mirialan Knight's eyes blinked as she focused on the physical fault lines of the world around her. Every being, beast, object, and situation had its weak point. As toxic yellow eyes glowed a little brighter she located the weakest point in the ice that pinned Cora's arm to the wall. With an urgency Ran pressed her hand against the ice and released a calculated push. The pressure focused on a small point, fractured the ice, and shattered it into a million tiny shards. Pivoting Ran levitated the shards and sent them flying into the eyes of the helmeted operators and commandos trained on Kahlil. "Into the shaft! After Zaiya!" Ran called out at Cora and Mahsa as Kahlil continued on as his namesake of shield.

Into the accessway, and up the maintenance shaft, she disappeared from imperial eyes and went after Zaiya. That is when she finally felt the dark sider's energy. It was vile and coming from the bridge above. She wondered who or how many of the Jedi would contend with this foul energy as they closed in on it.

Tibera watched as the Jedi party started to move into the accessways that had been revealed by ripping the walls apart. Chasing the ones that had already gotten away was useless. All she'd be was fodder for the lightsabers in those cramped corridors. On the other hand, Torson's men were throwing grenades at the remaining Jedi like mad, making it hard to manage getting in close...

The mercenary had to make a choice, follow the rats into the nest, or risk getting blown to shreds by errant grenades! In the moment one seemed much more effective than the other, even if it was the more reckless of the two decision... Tibera lifted up her communicator, linking up to her squad who was waiting for her command.

"Sierra leader to all units, find out where maintenance hatch 128-B lets out! Jedi are heading towards the bridge, cut them off at the pass! Ram a rocket down their throats if you have to!"

Despite not being the Jedi hunter that the enemy expected her to be, she was still aiming to make a dent in the enemy, come Hell or high water! She took note of the knight pushing the younger Jedi into the access tunnel. By her count it was the shield Jedi the called Khalil, and this Mirialan. There was no way Tibera's big and bulky armor would allow her to squeeze in after the Jedi. Damnit! There was too much to risk trying to fit in there after them. So she could only watched impotently as the Jedi crawled away.

All there was to do now was take a look at Torson and his forces, she couldn't help but openly chuckle at the refuse sticking to their armor. "I'll head up and link back together with Sierra team. They'll try to slow the enemy from getting to the bridge." Little did Tibera know that there was something far more dangerous than Sierra team up there now...

Friendly Tags: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt
Enemy Tags: Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Mahsa Mahsa Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Location: Trash chute/maintenance shaft hidden path, Orbital Station, Tython

The offensive stench of the impromptu garbage rain, unexpected as it had been, didn’t seem to bother the Kazelrrian despite her heightened senses—having already experienced numerous variations of terrible smells throughout her young life. It also hadn’t phased Torson and his troops, though a small part of Mahsa couldn’t help but find the visuals of it all quite amusing.

The same couldn’t be said for the horrors happening in the bridge up above.

Whatever unknown events were currently transpiring continued to tear at the Force, and the silent wail that expanded through it was visibly felt by the young padawan. It pressed heavily against her chest even as the familiar sting of unshed tears gatherers at the corners of her eyes, and it was only thanks to the presence of the angraal and kasha crystals carried with her that Mahsa’s focus on their current situation didn’t shatter.

She’d have to thank Drifter Drifter again for the wonderful gifts that continued to protect her even when the man was far far away in an unknown part of the galaxy.

"I got it! Follow me!" The voice of her friend caused Mahsa to look in her direction just in time to see Zaiya display a feat of strength she would’ve only expected of Ayhan Ayhan or Aris Noble Aris Noble . "This way!"

Her chance to quickly follow was cut off when Torson’s squad decided to double their efforts against her, keenly aware that one wrong move here would cause her to burden the rest of her party greatly. Mahsa could only assume it was due to her positioning, slightly ahead from the rest of the pack, that Torson’s Special Forces were itching to give her the Byss cheese treatment, hands quickly raised as two RSGs were pointed in her direction.

A faint tint of gold signaled the return of her protective shield, focused solely on a radius around her hands as she sought to endure and deflect the unrelenting barrage of shots. Their rapid speed and immense strength caused her own muscles to protest in response, hindering her movements as she sought for an effective way of turning the firepower against their enemies.

"Grenades! I have them."

Ran provided her the respite Mahsa needed to collect her thoughts, no longer distressed about how to deal with the grenades as Ran deflected them back to the enemy—damaging the lift’s control panel and jamming its doors in the process. "Incoming…!" It was the only warning she could give as white dots splattered against the shimmering yellows of her shield, a dazzling display had it not spelled a deadly outcome for the padawan, as Mahsa angled her body and the shield just enough to deflect the shots behind them and towards the mercenary just as she began retreating from the hallway.

A glance was finally spared towards Kahlil and Corazona, unable to keep herself from worrying over them despite knowing it would take far more than this to hinder The Shield™ and the Knight, before using the opportunity provided as the RSG magazines finally ran dry to rush behind Knight Serys towards the trash chute and the unmapped path Zaiya had found for them all.

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Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Pal Veda Pal Veda
Enemies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt


Darth Ukatis’ voice faded from her mind before he could become a further distraction. His guiding words were replaced by Kahlil's own.

Cora wanted to grimace at the thought of climbing through the trash chute, but even the haughty noble had a sense of preservation as she tried in vain to yank her frozen hand from the wall.

"Think of your crush, Cora! It'll warm you up! Like... when you felt the most flustered or embarrassed! That should help melt the cryoban, right?!”

"Wh-what??" Cora sputtered, utterly scandalized that Zaiya was suggest something so brazen in a place that was so open. While the courts of Ukatis were a battlefield on their own, usually people weren't shooting at you.

A crimson flush surfaced to her cheeks, but that wasn't where the heat was needed. It was difficult to tell whether or not she'd taken the Padawan's advice, or was flustered of the idea of thinking something steamy.

"What a vulgar su-"


She felt a push. A hairline crack formed at the narrowest point of the ice that held her hand to the wall. With a grunt of exertion, Cora finally managed to work her stuck limb free. Under the command of a green hand, jagged shards went flying in the visored faces of the enemy.

Ran's voice followed soon after, as did the sound of a sonic beam - the same one that had tried to strike Mahsa.

Time slowed as Cora exhaled. With the Sith spirit silenced and her hand free, her focus tracked back to the Light. A perversion of the Force lingered somewhere above their heads, but she drew on the presence of her companions. They filled her with a renewed sense of vigor - the need to protect, the need to serve.

Even in a place like this, the Light would not abandon them. She shared the sentiment, her tenacity felt pulsing in the Force.

Cora whipped around caught the sonic beam with her hand, still encased in a chunk of ice. It shattered. Prosthetic fingers flexed slowly as they tested their movement. Her hand was working, but the beam had sapped some of its strength.

She ducked into the passageway, clambering up the shaft behind Zaiya, Ran, and Mahsa.

Kahlil would be alright. He was the Shield for a reason.
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Turbo Lift Shaft Shuffle
Allies in Proximity:
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Ran Serys Ran Serys
Enemies in Proximity: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen IMPERA IMPERA Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos
Primary Opponent: Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt

Don’t look down . . . Don’t look down . . . Pal looked down. He felt his palms begin to sweat beneath his bantha hide gloves as he tightened his grip on the cable and adjusted his feet to a more secure position. That’s a long way to the bottom.

Feeling as safe he could in this position, he finally mustered the courage to let go with one hand so he could view the holographic map. The turbo lift had always been the faster way to the power control center, just easier to be spotted. That was obviously out the window now that the Imps were blowing up ventilation shafts to smoke him out. He had fallen a few levels, but still had about three more to go. “Time to climb.”

Pal started shuffling toward the maintenance ladder, moving slowly while trying to quell his fear of heights. One foot, then the other. He quickly realized there would be a short distance where he would have to let go of the cable, about a meter with nothing to hold onto. Don’t freeze up. He froze up. Breathe. Think. Wait, what’s that?

A grinding noise followed by a whoosh! drew his attention up above. The lift was lowering. The turbo lift was lowering, turbo being the key word here. “Dank ferrik!” With no other choice, he released the cable and jumped, crashing into the ladder. He missed the footsteps, but managed to grab hold with his hands, hanging for a moment as the lift rushed by behind him. Pal frantically kicked his legs, finally finding the rungs with his boots to ease his failing grip. All those pull-ups were finally good for something.

Pal wiped the sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his jacket and turned his head to spit down the shaft, clearing the nervous saliva built up from the adrenaline rush. Then he smiled, even laughed to himself, a moment of celebration in having once again narrowly escaped the clutches of death. ”Who needs a Jedi when you’ve got a Pal Veda?” he said aloud, heart still racing but fear mostly dissipated.


Objective: Steal The Portal
Tags: Pal Veda Pal Veda | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa | Ran Serys Ran Serys | Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt | Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos

A Jedi alone was something easily overwhelmed. Too many angles, too many different types of attack, and not even Kahlil would be able to keep up in his defense. They were employing everything they could. Sonic, slugs, explosives, Ysalimiri, even grenades of various kinds. It was chaos. And very destructive to this portion of the ship. A small price to pay to take out Jedi, huh?

The air around the Shield shimmered. They were protecting each other, all working in tandem to keep the momentum up, to keep each other safe as they started to push through the vents. But with each moving up, the defenses would lax further. Metal screeched all at once as the very roof of the hallway caved in around them. Grenades thrown, bullets shot, sonic blasts rippling through the air. Anyone unfortunate to be outside of the Ysalimiri bubble, all suddenly flattened to the ground around the Shield. The only safe place? The vent, the immediate area around him.

A reprieve, enough to get up through the vent, to keep the Imperials here from pursuing right away. Grant it, he didn't think it'd take this much effort. His brow knitted together in focus before he'd slip back to start rushing up the vent himself. Again, more difficult than he expected. Why was it so difficult all of a sudden?

"Don't stop. Cut different paths. They'll assume we're following the set vents, but don't let them."

Objective II - Lift time!
x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Mahsa Mahsa
Enemies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos

The three small sensor droids floated ahead, scanning for life signs, atmosphere readings, and anything else useful. Their data fed back to Zaiya's cuff, the holographic display flashing rapidly as she tapped through the information, syncing and analyzing it in real time. Her mind raced with the tasks at hand, focused and determined.

Suddenly, Zaiya staggered, her breath catching as a wave of darkness washed over her. The Sith's presence -- Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos -- was unmistakable, his malevolent use of the Force sending a nauseating ripple through her senses. Her stomach churned. The kyber crystal woven into her hair flared to life, glowing softly in an attempt to shield her, humming in a quiet but comforting resonance. Fear clawed at the edges of her mind, memories of past failures threatening to resurface. It was just then that the Force Valor sent by Cora sent a renewed surge of energy and determination. Thank the Force.

No. Not now. They had a job to do, and Zaiya wasn't about to let fear control her again.

With a renewed surge of determination, she pushed the feeling back and raced toward the maintenance panel, heart thundering in her chest. There it was -- the emergency lift access. She slid to a stop, crouching down to inspect the manhole-sized panel. It was locked, with a durasteel wheel handle securing it in place.

"Blast!" Zaiya muttered, her lips tightening in frustration.

But then she remembered something Aris had taught her back on Aldhani, about the strength she could find in the Force if she truly focused. A shimmering wave of bright orange washed over her skin, laced with rippling cerulean flecks. It was like the Force itself was reacting to her emotions, mirroring her determination.

She might look weak, but she could be stronger than she thought. Aris had proven that to her.

Zaiya took a deep breath, interlacing her fingers, and cracked her knuckles. "Alright, here we go."

Grabbing the wheel, she channeled the Force through her body, willing her muscles into action. One second passed. Then two. The metal began to groan, protesting under the strain. Her grip tightened, knuckles turning white, and with a deep grunt, she gave a final, massive heave.


The wheel gave way with a deafening creak, and Zaiya ripped the emergency hatch right off, sending twisted metal bolts clattering to the ground. Her sensor droids zipped through the entrance immediately, scanning the lift tunnel beyond as they went up and up.

Zaiya barely had time to savor her victory. Dropping the hatch beside her with a heavy thud, she leaned forward and peered into the tunnel. A gust of cool air rushed past her, echoing faintly in the vast shaft. There was a ladder to her right, but no sign of the lift. Still, better to be safe.

She reached into her cloak and grabbed a few EMP stun pearls. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed them up into the shaft, darting back just as the charges detonated. The EMP blasts crackled through the tunnel, hopefully shorting out the lift's systems for now. Who knew how long they would last or if it would flag anyone where she was at.

"Let's see how long that holds," Zaiya muttered.

She peeked back inside, her eyes narrowing with resolve. It was time to climb. But not the conventional way.

Deactivating her holo map, she pulled out her light paddle and activated it, a series of glowing disks forming in midair. The disks were sturdy but temporary, each one only lasting five seconds before fading. Zaiya leapt onto the first disk, her body light and nimble, moving with practiced precision.

One leap. Then another.

Her feet landed with soft thuds, parkouring her way up the shaft, her skin glowing with a fierce mix of orange and blue as she climbed higher and higher, racing against time.

That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell


5th Reactionary Fleet
For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.
Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO
LCaptain Halpern "Celestial City CO"
Captain Zev Tantor "Silver City" CO
Captain Rojuh Pouil "Valhalla" CO
Captain Scott Pouil - Flight Director 5th Fleet
Chief Gribbs - NCOIC 5th Fleet.
S.E.R.A.P.H.I.M. - 5th Fleet A.I.


SECTOR: Tython
ORDERS: Retake the Planet and the system.

Objective II — Portal​

The void of space shimmered and darkened above Tython, where the Dark Empire’s cruel dominion cast shadows on the radiant blue orb below. Clusters of stars, eager to witness the impending confrontation, blinked into oblivion as sleek warships and their lethal payloads warped into existence. The currents of destiny stirred, echoing through every fighter cockpit, every command center, and every anxious heart of the soldiers poised on the brink of war.

From that ethereal height, the battle commenced with a sharp clarity; the 5th Fleet, a frayed knot of resilience and ferocity, emerged from the depths of forgotten sectors. Twenty powerful squadrons, the legendary Carcharodon Stealth Strike Fighters — sleek, fast, and mercilessly efficient — emerged from hyperspace, their engines roaring, ready to plummet into the chaos.

Beside them, the “Super Angel” and “Seraphim” interceptors, with their impressive weaponry and advanced targeting systems, joined the fray, striking quickly and without warning. “Prepare to engage. All squadrons, target enemy interceptors first,” crackled through the static of the fleet’s comms. Power surged through the ships, illuminating the dark. Commanders blinked away sweat, weighing their options as if they held the fate of the universe in their hands.

Beneath the clangor of battle and the ghostly flashes of energy beams, the giant Marine carriers “Stellar” and “Avalon” docked with the orbital platform dubbed Invictus III. They shuddered under the onslaught of enemy fire yet pressed onward — their cargo of Marine warriors, like clenched jaws, waited to unleash hell upon the occupying forces. With oxygen at risk and hull plating buckling, the carriers jettisoned the last of their troops. It was now or never; every Marine understood the stakes. “The Avalon” was the unfortunate victim of a “coolant leak” in the main reactor. The ship would not hold together and was going to try and move to the opposite end of the platform. They may not take this station, but they were going to try to take it down.

High above, amid the swirling chaos, the Scion Escort Carrier maneuvered like a dancer lost in melody, absorbing fire from enemy positions. Its shields flared and buckled but held desperately, intent on shielding its brethren as they dispersed into combat. Other vessels, the Revelry and Loki, fought valiantly despite crippling damage, their valiant crews sacrificing speed for survival, firing backward at pursuing enemy Star Destroyers while trying to maintain traction.

“Shift fire! Y-wings, engage their defenses!” a voice barked over the chaos. The vocal command bolted hearts awake as the Sovereignty fighters swarmed like angry wasps, unleashing a barrage against Platform 3, its defiant cannons imposing against all odds. Each round fired was an oath, a promise to reclaim freedom from the Dark Empire’s strangling grip.
With a battle cry echoing through the cosmos, the Warpigs, Elysian Stealth Fighters, and SCARs charged toward Platform 1, threading their way through shields and destruction, racing toward their assignment — to cripple the enemy’s heart. Yet, they knew dangers lurked around every galactic corner, and they remained vigilant, determined to carry their burdensome payloads safely to their targets.

As energies clashed and ships fell, a grisly fate met the Jackals. They had been the spearhead of this offensive, bravely plunging into the maelstrom, but enemy fire was unforgiving. One by one, their sleek shapes disintegrated into stars as they bailed out. The survivors grappled with fear as they broke the ship's atmosphere. They spiraled into nearby platforms, using their Zero G training to land discreetly on the metallic surfaces below. ‘Destroy at all costs’ — it echoed fiercely, a mantra that lit their rage as they prepared their small but ferocious units for ground assault. They were not looking for airlocks, they were looking for viewports they could set shaped charges to and blow out (so what if people were on the other side).

In the ensuing fray, the Elysians took a stand against pursuing TIEs relentlessly, drawing fire away from their brethren. Every blast aimed at them was a potential shield for their allies. They danced in and out, trading precision for life, their stealth-equipped frames glowing in defiance against the oppressive darkness that sought to consume them.
Meanwhile, the Seraphim Long-range interceptors unleashed their fury, firing at least an entire volley of missiles toward enemy Interdictors, piercing the heavens like stardust. Each explosion rippled through the battlefield, breaking the stillness with the promise of destruction. They were not flawless in their approach and took damage to their numbers, but both interceptor models were built to engage capital ships, armed heavily. They aimed not just for the ships but to free the systems from the Dark Empire's suffocating grasp.

As conflicts ensued, the Masterbolt Torpedo Frigate bulldozed through the void like a sentient beast. It surged with croaking engines, piercing its way toward the enemy platform. For those watching, it was a sight of terrifying beauty — each torpedo tipped with the potential of obliteration, resonating with power and purpose. And when the moment arrived, it unleashed its payload, a vortex of utter annihilation spiraling toward the enemy stronghold.

The Carcharodon Stealth Strike Fighters, now emboldened, lit up the void with their merciless assault against the towering forms of Star Destroyers and Interdictors, their presence marked more by blood than by alloy. They cut through enemy defenses with unholy speed, their precision strikes whispering lullabies to the cosmos — for they were conquerors in their realm.

As the bloodshed culminated over this celestial battleground, the carriers “Celestial City” and “Silver City” moved to positions laden with heavy weaponry. They too entered the fray, their mass driver cannons targeting the enemy with unyielding intent as the winds of fate turned at last. Like titans battling in the firmament, they stood alongside their Marines, combatants, and pilots, fortified by courage and unrelenting hope.

Thus, their war never dwelled solely in the dark; it surged into the light, drawing warriors from all corners of existence. In orbit over Tython, even as silver streaks of death graced the black, whispers of triumph echoed louder. They fought not merely for survival but for an ideology that glimmered like stars — one that promised freedom over oppression, light over shadow, and destiny over serendipity.

With each detonation, a new galaxy would be born, and echoing through space, the battle raged on at the forefront of legendary tales yet to be written. Each heart on that battleground beat with fierce resolve, for the tides of change were upon them.

  • The 20+ squadrons consisting of Carcharodon Stealth Strike Fighters, as well as “Super-Angel” and “Seraphim” Long range heavy interceptors jumped in from their positions out of sector.
  • Both Marine carriers have docked with the platform and are sending in all Marines to take control of “Invictus III”. Both ships are taking heavy damage.
  • ”Avalon” (Marine Carrier) is experiencing a reactor coolant leak and moving into a position to where they could do the most damage
  • 5th Fleet capital ships have blockaded the platform, taking fire and firing on any ships intercepting.
  • ”Scion” Escort Carrier is taking heavy fire and is moving into a position to become a “meat shield” in a manner of speaking.
  • Y-wings, and Sovereignty attack fighters and bombers continue engaging cannons on platform 3
  • ”Super Angel” interceptors are splitting their focus between engaging escort ships and TIEs targeting Y-wings and Sovereignty fighters.
  • X-wing and A-wing fighters are shifting their focus to the fighter wings being dispatched to intercept the
    Warpigs, Elysian Stealth Fighters, and SCARs moving on neighboring platform (1)
  • Warpigs would continue on to their targets, the defensive emplacements of platform (1)
  • The Jackals are getting wiped out, all eventually “bailing out” and the survivors do indeed “Zero G” to the platform looking for discreet ways to enter the platform. Their orders are now “Destroy at all costs”
  • The Elysians are engaging the intercepting TIEs directly, to draw fire away from the Warpigs.
  • Seraphim Long range interceptors, while still engaging starfighters, focus primarily on attacking interdictors and escorts.
  • “Loki” Escort Cruiser is taking heavy fire, but shields are holding at 62% and engaging enemy Star Destroyer directly.
  • “Revelry” Escort Cruiser has lost forward weapons but is still mobile and drawing enemy fire using aft weapons when possible.
  • DP2000 “Masterbolt” Torpedo Frigate is moving at attack speed towards the enemy platform and when in position, unleash all torpedoes on target.
  • Carcharodon Stealth Strike Fighters are now attacking the enemy Star Destroyers.
  • All Liberator Carriers using heavy, long range and mass driver cannons on attacking Star Destroyers.
  • ”Celestial City” and “Silver City” carriers have moved into positions to use their own heavy weapons to target enemy Interdictor and Escort ships.
Post 2

Tython Orbital Station Force


Clone Offense Troopers (100)

Offense Trooper Weaponry:



Shotgun Undermount (4 round, clip fed, 12 Gauge, semi auto)

Shotgun clips (8)

Shotgun Clip Types

Standard Armor piercing Buckshot (4 Clips)

Cryonic Buckshot (2 Clips)

Incendiary Buckshot (2 Clips)

Rocket Launcher Attachment (30 mm breach load, single shot)

30mm rounds for each trooper (5)

30mm Rocket Types per trooper in this category

Heavy Explosive Armor Piercing (3)

Napalm (2)

Fusion Cutter Attachment

Seeker Rail Detonator

Rail Detonator Rounds per Offense Soldier: 80 Rounds (10 rounds a magazine)

Rail Detonator Damage Types

Standard (5 Magazines)

Incendiary (Thermite mixed with Vong Fire Jelly) (5 Magazines)


Heavy Ammo Bandoliers (2 each)


Phase 1 Clone Trooper Armor

Assault Battle Droid (8)

EFR Heavy Battle Droid (10)

MasqueradeWorks Soldier Biot (20)

Biot Weapons:



CQB Gun Rounds per biot : 50

Round Types

12 Gauge, Heavy Explosive Slug (30)

12 Gauge, Incendiary (20)

Plasma Grenades (3 each)

Squad Layouts

Clone Offense Trooper (10)

Soldier Biot (5)

Assault Battle Droid (2)

Boarded station via TIE Boarding Craft


EFR-SF Heavy Battle Droids (4)

Clone Pyros (4)

Pyro Weapons:

Assault Cannon

Baradium Bomb (2)

Pyro Equipment:

Model-7 Therm-Ax

MK. II Hotspot Armor

Clone Rangers (20)

Ranger Weapons

DLT-19X (Squad Leader Only)

DC-17M (Rifle Attachment + PEP Laser Attachment) (all other Rangers)

Talon Vibrodagger

DC-15s Pistol

Laser Trip Mines (2)

Ranger Equipment:

Environmental Bastion Armor (Clone Scout Appearance)

Mobile Ray Shield (Squad Leader Only)

Automated Sentry Guns (All other Rangers)

Clone Defense Troopers (12)

DC-15S (Grenade Launcher Undermount 25mm)

25mm Rounds (X5 15 round clips per Trooper)

25mm Damage Types:

Armor Piercing Fragmentation (2 Clips)

Plasma (1 Clip)

Heavy Explosive (1 Clip)

Cryo (1 Clip)

Obsolete Grenade Launcher (X7 Rounds Each)

Grenade Launcher Rounds

40mm Heavy Explosive Buckshot (4 rounds)

40mm Incendiary Buckshot (3 rounds)


Phase 1 Clone Trooper Armor

Med Kits

Clone Siege Troopers (4)

Siege Trooper Weapons

CR-1 Blaster Cannon

Class A Thermal Detonators


Heavy Exoskeleton

Clone Sabotuer (4)

X-8 Night Sniper Pistol

Talon Vibrodagger



Baragwin Shadow Armor
Baragwin Stealth Unit
Stealth Field Reinforcement Visor

Active Sabotage Loadout:

X5R Heavy Demolitions Kit
Computer Slicing Kit
Electronic Lock Picking Kit

Navy Stealth Clones (4)

X-8 Night Sniper Pistol

Stealth Clone Weapons

DC-19 Stealth Carbine

Det Packs

Stealth Clone Equipment

Shadowtrooper Armor

Boarded Station in:

IPV-2C Corvette (4)

Squad Layouts

Clone Rangers (5 per Squad)

Clone Defense Troopers (3 Per Squad)

Clone Pyro (1 Per Squad)

Clone Saboteur (1 Per Squad)

Navy Stealth Clone (1 Per Squad)

Clone Siege Trooper (1 Per Squad)

SF Battle Droids (1 Per Squad)

Number per Squad: 12

Units (Other Platforms)

Clone Offense Trooper (150)



Attachment: Undermount Grenade Launcher (40 mm)

Number of undermount grenades: 20


40mm Buckshot (10)

Plasma (10)


Phase 1 Clone Trooper Armor

Med kit

Clone Rangers (50)


DC-17M (Blaster + Anti-Armor Attachment)

Anti Armor Rounds (8 per Ranger)

DC-15s Pistol

Talon Vibrodagger


Environmental Bastion Armor (Clone Scout Trooper Appearance)

Droid Marine (10)

Med Kit

Squad Layout

Clone Offense Troopers (10)

Clone Rangers (5)

Droid Marines (1)

Arriving in: Plague Destroyer TIE/SRRET's

The Clone Offense Troopers pressed the advantage minutes after boarding the Tython Orbital station, loaded with ammunition and hate, and began cutting through sealed access ways or blowing them open with explosives, coming under fire immediately from defending marines.

They had come equipped with DC Carbines and under mounted attachments, Seeker Rail Detonators, and were loaded with Glop Grenades. And alllllll of 'em wanted the blood of Imperials on their hands.

OT-007, leader of his squad advanced cautiously, the Fett Clone as fearless as his brethren. Fett Clones of The Ghost Army were engineered that way, and conquered whatever else could not be completely excised with strict training.

Oh-Sev sent out an encrypted dot dash code to the Clone Saboteur that was a part of his unit, to start opening airlocks on certain decks that would bring them closer to their objectives...and suck out the air in certain passages where enemies were.

But it was the Droids that were proving a serious problem.

There were combat simulations he had trained in against these models, but they were still nothing like the real thing. These bastards were TOUGH. After a few moments, he ordered the droid bombarded with glop grenades as it fired on them, hitting and killing his squad mate next to him. This Clone Trooper armor might as well be tissue paper compared to what counted for armor in this era. Pared with its lethal accuracy, a fair amount of caution, and strategic use of its built in Jet Pack, the Droid had kept his particular squad from advancing. The weapons kept them in the fight against others, but ion bolts seemed all but useless against this particular Droid...

But he was a Fett Clone. And Fett Clone Troopers learn how to kill droids before they learn how to crawl...

There was more than one way to shave a wookiee...

But it was the soldier, not the weapon, that made the true difference in war. These Imperials, by all accounts, were even more savage than was typical. It had allowed them great gains, but they had lost before.

Because they fought only to rule with an iron fist. They didn't understand, or didn't care, that history had already discredited their approach. Imperial Factions are always undone by their own inherent selfishness and cruelty. This was something he had observed in his private studies. They make great gains at first, and kill a lot of innocent people, but they are always stopped in the end, their falls equal to their initial rise, at least in the magnitude of opening glory in comparisons to closing humiliation.

The super strong Dark Trooper struggled to free itself using its jets from the adhesive deployed but that stuff had cured fast in the open air, and stuck it right to the ground. Concentrated blaster fire on a single spot on its face, directed at the eyes, the single most vulnerable point on the Droid Model, eventually melted through the sensor lens and into the delicates behind it, superheating the internals of the skull as it exploded.

A message came in from the Plague Destroyer that was overseeing the Clone Trooper assault on all platforms that forces sent by Liram Angellus Liram Angellus , according to Intel, had arrived.

There was a beep sound and the supermodel like Biot closest to him, clad in a skintight metallic crimson catsuit like the rest of the biots with them, rushed and brutally yanked him away from the ensuing plasma blast, she was just fast enough to escape death but not damage, the blast ripping her right arm off and completely scorching one half of its body a charred, roasted color.

"Heavy systems damage at forty p-percent..." the Biot gasped. the amount of damage done to something deliberately designed to be alluring even as it killed in grotesque ways making the moment all the more bizarre and surreal for the Clones who watched it.

"Can you still fight?" Oh-Sev asked the Biot.

She nodded, flicking what was left of her black hair back. Her skull was partly exposed by the blast.

"We should be very cautious not to get too close to those Droids in future engagements." she cautioned. "Assume they ALL have those destruct devices."

Oh-Sev nodded.

"Team, concentrate fire on the joints and face." he told the others.

"Mark my words, we're gonna burn through the anti armor stuff fast." One of the B1 Assault Battle Droids muttered. These were stock units, and thus had the annoying, typical B1 voice.

"It's not so bad, if we gotta go out, at least we'll go out Roger-Rogering." the second Assault Battle Droid said, with the typical battle droid computerized emphasis on the variation of their typical reply to orders.

"YEAH! We'll Roger-Roger until there is nothing left to Roger-Roger..." The first Assault Battle Droid replied happily.

"Nearly a full millennium after the Clone Wars and our creators STILL didn't want to shell out for a better personality matrix than the ones they used in those wars..." one of the other Offense Troopers muttered. "Typical credit-pinching bullchit..."

"Roger-Roger." The Battle Droids said in unison, having both gained the idea to troll him at the same time."

The Offense Trooper sighed.

"How the CIS could suffer an entire army of you bastards is something this Trooper will never understand."


"I give up." The Offense Trooper complained, hefting his rifle and walking away from the Droids.

"We've already lost one. Our armor isn't rated for the kinds of weapons we're facing. They're barely rated for vacuum..." The grumbling Trooper said. "And things could get nasty fast if we run into any Alliance right now."

"It's not just the armor, but the discipline that counts. And the best armor is not getting hit to begin with..." Oh-Sev replied. "We'll be on the lookout for any more of these, but tell command to send the word. Glop grenades first upon encountering any droids of this model."

Oh-Sev turned to the rest of his unit as they scavenged their fallen comrade's ammo and divided it amongst themselves. Every bit would help. The precious seeker rail charges were of high priority to recover in circumstances like these.

"We'll make our push for Engineering with the other teams. Expect heavy resistance. Chances are high that Alliance Marines will be coming to destroy this place if their command decides it cannot be seized. We must not let that deter us from our objective. We know our roll. It is to soak up blaster fire so the Alliance and Jedi Order can get the job done. This ain't about anything but winning by giving the enemy too many threats to deal with. And our threat is the kind of threat that is ready to die to win."

"What if we run into Alliance Spec Ops?" One Trooper asked.

"Don't engage. Retreat if they fire at you. They'll probably fire at you anyway but don't fire back. I remind you all that you are forbidden from engaging Alliance personnel, even if it would save your life."

The team moved forward, aided by deadly accuracy. They were very good at shooting targets when on the move themselves, and relied on tried and true Clone Squad discipline, providing covering blaster fire on enemy soldiers any time one of their own squad moved to new cover, The Clones began scoring eye shots regularly, functionally acting as something of a Glass cannon. They were extremely lethal with their carbines, with an uncanny ability to score headshots even using burst or full auto, but their armor just could not take more than one hit (and a glancing one at that) from the modern weapons used by the imperials. The armor was another problem. The Biots and Assault Droids provided heavy support, firing their DLT-19 Rifles on burst fire, or resorting to shotguns.

Things, however, got serious when two more of those Dark Trooper Droids showed up, and they found themselves completely pinned down, using the natural architecture of the station for desperate cover. This time the Biots engaged them more directly, firing with deadly accuracy at their eye lenses even as they themselves got perforated and burnt, slighty much more vulnerable to damage, but compensating with squad tactics, constantly firing at the very weapons the enemy droids were holding. The armor looked only slight singed in the chest plate area, the bolts glancing off its energy shield and face plate until a burst of heavy concentrated fire managed to overwhelm the shielding and finally penetrate the sensor lens on the Dark Trooper Droids.

Oh-Sev finally decided to use one of the rocket attachments, fitting it with a napalm warhead which he fired at the Droid whose shielding had ruptured. The 30mm Napalm Rocket burst all over the head of the Droid, slathering it in molten hot napalmy goodness that rapidly overheated its brain circuitry, causing it to go haywire as the extreme temperature of the chemical began to melt through even its legendary Beskar plating slowly but surely, but not enough to take it down on its own, firing and finally blasting through the side of the torso of the heavily damaged biot missing one of its arms. She had been nearly cut in half but she was still firing at it's very slowly melting head, fortunately. The napalm had compromised the molecular structure juuuussssst enough on the head plating that one of her DLT-19 shots managed to finally penetrate the skull and severely damaged its internal circuitry, finally downing it where it violently self destructed moments later.

Meanwhile the second, one, having finally accepted the danger the clones posed, fired its flame thrower and cooked one alive before armor piercing shotgun fire from the other clone carbine undermounts, heavy explosive slug fire from the biot shotguns, Seeker Rail Charges and combined carbine fire completely destroyed its face plate and forced it to retreat, concentrated ion bolt Carbine fire and two more undermount shotgun blasts from the surviving clones completely ripping one of its arms off. But they hadn't killed it. Oh-Sev hand signalled a Biot to follow him, and hand signaling the others to scavenge ammo and weapons from their fallen comrade, whatever they could carry.

"Head on a swivel, it could be trying to lead us into a trap..." The intact Biot, named Carol in its day job, said. Oh-Sev did not understand this era's penchant for making Combat Androids look like Supermodels, but he was finding these biots extremely reliable, even if excessively creepy in spite of their great beauty.

Oh-Sev got out his remaining Glop Grenade as he reloaded his carbine's rocket undermount on. He didn't want to use the high value Seeker Charges where more plentiful ammo could be spent or unless left with no option.

They immediately came under heavy fire by not just the damaged Dark Trooper, but an entire squad of enemy Marines.

They both toss their grenades and opened fire, Oh-Sev blowing through his armor piercing shotgun ammo to penetrate the high quality modern armor the Marines sported that his ion bolts could barely scratch (the same could not be said of their weapons: both Oh-Sev and Carol managed to land shots that hit the fresh clips of blasters as they were changing magazines, as well as their grenades, causing massive explosions amongst their number as Carol's plasma grenade landed, bathing the hoard of Marines who didn't eacape in hot burning plasma, the glop grenade trapping the Dark Trooper as Oh-Sev and Carol falling back to their original position.

"Seekers! Seekers!" Oh-Sev yelled as he dived behind cover to avoid the blasters of vengeful enemy forces, whipping out his detonator weapon and pumping a full clip of seeker rail charges into the faces of approaching enemy units, right as the other clones did so. The explosions were immense, causing great rumbles across the deck...

The Dark Trooper Droid at last broke free, but one of the assault Droids ambushed it by popping out of cover just as it approached and blasting it completely apart with a rocket to the face.

"Roger-Roger." it said compulsively.

"C'mon, fellas..." Oh-Sev said grimly.

"Let's go soak up more blaster fire for the Alliance grunts..."


GUARDIAN 2 and 3

The teams tasked with raiding Guardian 2 and 3 had less specialized equipment, because they were there to force the Imperials to waste effort and ammo on a highly aggressive enemy that moved very rapidly.

This has its advantages, what with the forces under command of Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen or Joseph Torson Joseph Torson currently fighting for their lives, it made assaults made at inopportune moments much more critical to counter and mistakes made by an enemy on the defensive in such situations were costly and extremely difficult to recover from.

OT-509 had an undermount that fired 40mm rounds, except the "40 mm round" in this case was a buckshot load, which basically made it a poor man's Super Shotgun. And he had just fired it at a squad of advancing Marines.

The blast that came out of that undermount was so powerful it was like detonating a fragmentation mine in their face. Thick, heavy durasteel buckshot slammed into limbs, chests, weapons, not penetrating or killing them due to their modern armor but knocking them down as concentrated fire like a squad based version of the Alpha Strikes being carried out by the ships outside slamming into faceplates and lenses, overwhelming shields and penetrating lenses. Chest shots were risky, and he had already lost a few of his own from single hits. It was a violent firefight ever since the cucumber-cool clones (say THAT ten times fast!) had begun their raid, stubbornly pushing into the Guardian 2 even as resistance grew more and more determined and stiff. The Clones deadly accuracy while moving scoring many a kill while suffering the penalty of a potential one hit kill to the chest, was making enemy squads resort to using cover more whenever possible. Too often, an imperial Marine would be out of cover a second too long firing and his overconfidence would cost him, his head and limbs getting violently blasted by clone carbines, wielded by Clones who possessed supreme discipline. Oh-Nine was proud to call them his brothers.

The Rangers had an even sharper eye, even without their sniper rifles, their trigger discipline often allowed them devastating headshots that often passed through face lenses, or hit grenades or Magazines being swapped in. One Ranger managed to even shoot down the barrel of an enemy rocket launcher, and its ammo exploded in the launcher, killing the enemy along with his entire squad.

But when a clone made a mistake it was costly. Their armor was basically paper mache to the weapons the defenders were sporting, and their discipline was just as fierce and fanatical as that of the Clones themselves. The Ranger armor was slightly better. Slightly.

509 pushed ahead with his squad, loading up a 40mm Plasma Round this time and fired it at the defenders who had set up a barricade. The explosion was horrifying, bathing the area of the barricade in plasma fire that rapidly chewed through expensive armor where their carbines could not.

"Another glorious day in this Clone's Army..." he muttered as he watched them die.

The Plague Destroyer sent an encrypted transmission. Marines were trying to land on the hull. 509 decided to give them a hand.

"You! Droid!" he shouted at the Droid Marine, gesturing to the nearest viewport.

"Give me a rocket!"

"But Rockets are for firing! Not giving!" The Droid Marine protested.

"Stupid Droid! Curse The Trade Federation for making your model! The VIEWPORT, MORON!" 509 shouted.

"Ohhhh. The viewport!" The Droid Marine said. "Coming right up!"

The stupid droid fired and burst open a wall with a view port so that open space sucked out all nearby enemies. The Clone Trooper armors of the Offense Troops and the Environmental Bastion Armor of the Rangers instantly activated their internal oxygen. 509 felt the beginning of a chill. The Armor would only hold up, keep him alive for so long. He had to find atmosphere immediately.

"Book it, troops! Them Alliance Breachers DEFINITELY saw that blast, and we do NOT wanna be here when they come in!" 509 ordered.

Across the station, every Droid Marine was ordered to do the same, firing at an exposed viewport to create a big hole into space for Alliance Marines and such to get through. The same thing occurred on Guardian 3, with the clones present on three using glop grenades and plasma rounds much more aggressively than 2, the vast majority of the teams fighting deadly Dark Trooper Droids they were all but forced to expend heavy ammo on to destroy, even as a number of their own were slain in turn. Explosions lit the hulls of the station, some clones in many instances emptying their buckshot and plasma rounds point blank into enemy armor to successfully damage it, with the internals drowned in carbine fire...


The special forces units of Magdalena Bloodscrawl were doing much better by far. Not only did they have a powerful sorceress with them, their special ammo was also vastly more useful.

Magdalena used her blood to sabotage electrical systems. Forcing doors closed on certain decks to try and force enemy units to divert their path or slow them down by cutting through. The blood began to spread, infecting many local electronics and allowing her to feel where life forms moved on the station. The Clone Saboteurs aides them by continuing to stealthily slice into local networks, reporting enemy movements and sabotaging power coupling as enemy units passed by with deadly results.

One of the Navy Stealth Clones contented themselves with ambushing strangers, killing them and then using their own ammo to booby trap their bodies. But as good as they were, they were not invincible, some of the primary offense squads had been badly reduced in strength by fire fights and the enemy was growing more determined. But House Bloodscrawl was also willing to destroy the station.

Magdalena felt him before a Saboteur reported what Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos was doing. She felt his evil and told the others she was separating from them to draw the Sith out.

I am here, Blasphemer. she called out to the horrible presence as she split off from her unit, spears of glowing green blood forming from gaps in-between her fingernails and launching outward, force infused projectiles tearing through high quality armor of defenders, evading units equipped with ysalamiri. Her magic let her phase through certain walks by smearing them with her blood first to find a more advantageous route to draw the deadly Sith into the open.

I am waiting. I am not afraid.

The Spec Ops units all pressed for the command center, ready to make the fight more difficult for imperials...whether the Alliance forces already assaulting that area were prepared or not.


The heavy Battleship Throne of Obedience, which was closest to the orbital station launched simultaneous attacks, launching its stealth fighters (Xanadu Blood Replicas) into the fray to attack the fighter defenses of enemy ships firing on the fifth fleet, focusing on the main cannons of all enemy Star Destroyers in particular while the battle ship itself let out a concentrated volley of its Fusion Cannons, their ancient power great enough to potentially threaten even the most modern shields and armor in only a few hits, while the Yoda's Sledgehammer fired it's main composite beam laser cannon at one of the enemy Destroyers also, it's composite beam points defense cannons lancing out red beams to try and swat multiple enemy fighters out in a single sweeping arc, all of its main guns firing at the enemy fleet as well as station defenses, while the Wisdom of Mace Windu launched seemingly endless volleys of all its side mounted weapons at the enemy ships currently attacking the Celestial City and Silver City, trying to draw fire away as much as possible. Each bolt that hit them was one that would not hit alliance forces ...

Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen

Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Mahsa Mahsa

Pal Veda Pal Veda

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Ran Serys Ran Serys

While there was strength in numbers, Ran believed splitting up was the right call. "Mahsa! With me!" She called out to the Kazelrrian behind her as Zaiya, Cora, and Kahlil continued up the empty shaft that held the emergency lift. On Kahlil's orders paths diverged, instead of going up alongside their fellow Jedi, Ran and Mahsa would take an alternate route up a separate and adjacent shaft.

The shaft was marked by catwalks, thin durasteel stairs, and control platforms. There wasn't a soul in the shaft save for them. Too many fires to put out elsewhere, Ran assumed while pipes, cables and vents crossed overhead. Important electrical systems were one swing of a lightsaber away from being interrupted, but Ran kept her composure. Crippling the ship was too dangerous without a more nuanced understanding of the way it worked.

With speed enhanced by the force, Ran only traveled up as fast as Mahsa was capable. "The armored mercenary," Ran referenced to Mahsa. "We are fated for conflict with her." She informed the padawan. "She's dangerous, and not to be underestimated. My instincts tell me as much."

"The battle for the bridge will be fought on two fronts. On the bridge and just outside of it. Master Noble, Knight Ascania, and Padawan Zaiya will have the bridge. We will be just outside of it."
Ran sighed as a wave of visions, possible outcomes and situations, hit her mind. "We must prevent anyone else from taking the bridge once the others reach it."

"Can we do that, Mahsa?"
Ran asked. She knew what she was capable of as a knight and former military commando, but she didn't know the extent of Mahsa's capability. Once the action had started the girl seemed competent, strong, and skilled in the force, but how long could she go just the two of them against squads of dark imperial troopers. She'd find out soon enough as they came to the top of the shaft.

Ran ignited her lightsaber and plunged it into the wall cutting a semicircle in doubletime, hoping Mahsa would follow her lead. What waited for them on the other side was the hallway before the bridge. It was silent then, but that would change soon enough.



Chapter II : Portal



Torson watched as the single repulsor grenade one of his men had thrown at the Jedi was thrown back at them landing at his feet. As he looked down at the grenade and back at the Jedi all he could say as "You motherfu-" before the grenade detonated sending the Special Forces Operative flying back with Torson's back soon making impact with the doors of the repulsor lifts at the end of the hallway before he fell on the floor flat on his face. Torson's men weren't as lucky too as they were also caught within the vicinity of the blast ending up being thrown in all directions with soldiers hitting the walls and celling as the Jedi made their escape into the shafts.

As Torson and his men began to recover from the blast, Torson would assess the situation before him. Fortunately due to the closed space there had been no severe injuries or casualties, although the attack had delayed Torson's squad significantly giving the Jedi strike team more time to advance through the maintenance shafts. What was worse is that right beside Torson was the destroyed control panel to the repulsor lift behind him which rendered them inoperable. This meant that in addition to the head start afforded to the Jedi by their attack, Torson and his men would have to take a long detour to the closest available repulsor lift which would only make them lose more time.

However thanks to Torson's forward thinking he had made sure to divert a significant contingent of SpecNav Commandos, 28 of them to be specific, to guard the bridge should the Jedi manage to bypass them. In addition, the Space Station also possessed a contingent of Dark Troopers which could be activated from the bridge and be utilized to reinforce Imperial forces on the bridge. This gave the Empire another defensive advantage from which while the Jedi fought with Imperial Forces on their way to take the bridge, they would find themselves under assault from more Imperials from their rear pushing against them.

Thus Torson pulled out his commlink and contacted the second group of 28 SpecNav Commandos. "This is Captain Torson to Strike Team Besh. The Jedi have managed to bypass us. Be prepared to hold them off and block their access to the bridge." Torson instructed. He then opened a channel with the bridge contacting Officer Dace who unbeknownst to Torson had been corrupted by Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos . "Sir, now would be a good time to deploy the Dark Troopers. The Jedi are making significant progress and might be approaching the bridge." he said. They were in the Endgame now, and it was all or nothing for the Empire. If the Jedi got access to the portal then they could shift the tides permanently in their favor.

Once Torson had sent word to the second team and the bridge and he and his men had sufficiently recovered from the blast, they all grabbed their weapons and began to make their way towards the nearest repulsor lift in order to head to the next floor above and rejoin the fight before it was too late.


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