Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter II — GA invasion of DE held Tython


Chapter II : Portal



As Torson, Jessen and their respective squads linked up at the Cafeteria, they were further joined by additional squads of soldiers who had been rerouted to support both the Special Forces Operative and the Mercenary in handling the Jedi. To Torson, the more numbers they had, the higher chances of success they would have. Jedi were renown for their skills and abilities, capable of taking on entire armies on their own. As such they would need to strike with precision and accuracy with little room for mistakes.

Torson then pulled out a small holographic device which displayed an image of the map of the Space station as Torson and Jessen gathered within the Cafeteria surrounded by their respective soldiers. "The Jedi's most likely target will be either the bridge or any of the more vital components of the Space Station." Torson began. "Regardless we need to check their advance before they manage to push too deep inside the station." he continued. "I've seen footage of what the Jedi are capable of, and their strength is in numbers. We isolate them from one another, our chances at victory increases." the Special Forces operative.

"The path the Jedi are most likely going to take is this one" Torson said pointing to a highlighted portion of the holographic map displaying a corridor that led to the main lift to another corridor which itself lead straight to the bridge. "What i suggest is that we use the tables here to create a small barricade near one of the intersections and split into two teams, the first team led by Jessen will position themselves behind the barricade and draw in the Jedi, the second team lead by myself with approach the Jedi on both sides from the intersections in a pincer maneuver. If our timing is right, we'll catch them right as they cross the intersection and command will activate the blast doors permanently splitting the group." Torson said, explaining his plan.

"Also, it is important to note that we must not use any energy weapons as the Jedi can simply deflect the shots fired at them back at us. Instead we'll focus on Sonic and Slugthrower based weapons, which they can't deflect. Make sure that each squad has at least on man carrying a Yslamiri Cradle, those things will protect us from force-based attacks. Maintaining control of this station is crucial to Warlord Sularen's plans for this battle, so we must not let him down. Long live the Empire!" Torson finished. "Long live the Empire!" the Imperial soldiers responded in unison ready to confront the treacherous Jedi and halt them right in their tracks.


Tags [Friendlies] | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen
Tags [Hostiles] | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Ran Serys Ran Serys | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa


Ran understood Kahlil's direction. Up and to the bridge they would go. If they didn't, taking the portal was practically a pipe dream. Like all the Jedi fighting to release Tython, Ran would not be satisfied with a dream. She needed the victory to be real, and she was determined to make it so.

Past the hum of lightsabers Ran could hear the deep booms of military assault. The Jedi Strike Team wasn't alone in their ambitions. There were other Galactic Alliance plans at work to accomplish the same task. Some were louder and some were quieter. Of the louder operations, Ran wondered who the Dark Empire would make their priority, the Jedi or the Havoc squads.

As fast as Zaiya volunteered options, it was as fast that they might've been taken away. Security alarms sounded as the battle for the Orbital Station officially began. Imperial response came in the form of trooper contingents and shut downs that dotted every level. Choke points were created, dead ends, and traps appeared. Only the most essential paths between key areas remained open and they were known to the Dark Empire's forces. Ran was shocked to see Zaiya's assignment was more crucial now than ever. The padawan needed confidence and calm for what was ahead.

"I think you let your instincts guide us, Zaiya." Ran answered the padawan's question. "This is no longer a mathematical equation of time and distance," The Knight gestured to the alarms and security cams. "This is a maze, and it doesn't come without serious risk." Ran sent the feelings of confidence she had in the next generation of Jedi, to Zaiya and Mahsa, through the force in an effort to bolster them. "But this task is not beyond your capability. We know it, and so should you." Ran declared as another doorway sealed shut before they could take it. "Our options may be limited, but there is still a path. We just have to find it." Ran locked eyes with Zaiya just to make sure the girl understood her words, and then she turned to the group at large.

"Until then, the emergency lift is our best bet. Let's move. Quickly."

"If I survive this I'm shoving one of these size 10s where the sun doesn't shine..."

As thoroughly frustrated as the mercenary was, she sat through the briefing and listened to the battle plan. If it weren't for their force negating lizards, these barricades would be as useful as a child's pillow fort. Even with the threat of the force removed, the Jedi still had the advantage of lightsabers and incredible training. While the Dark Empire's forces only had numbers on their side. For this battle, it'd be uphill for the defense.

"I'll take Sierra squad and try and maneuver behind the Jedi's line to try and keep them off balance. If we move fast enough we'll be able to cut down their support. With any luck we'll be able to turn the tables on them."

It was a solid plan she thought, the well trained eight man squad of special forces troops were no pushovers. Their sonic weapons would help even the playing field, but they wouldn't replace good tactics. The responsibility of taking down the Jedi would ultimately fall to Tibera, which was a hell of a responsibility to lay on a fresh squad leader.

"Long live the Empire and all that." As a mercenary she didn't have the zeal or patriotism that the frontline troops of the Empire had. She only cared about living long enough to cash her creds. It wasn't the greatest motivation, in the galaxy, but it'd have to do. She saluted Torson before moving her troops out. "Move your asses! We have to get in position before the Jedi can get here!"

It took some time to move through the hallways given the lockdown. Most of the halls were blocked by either debris or blast doors, not that Tibera was itching to fight Jedi. As she rounded corners, her squad moved with her getting ever closer to their quarry. Tibera stopped her squad before leaving into an open area. Weapons fire filled her hud as she peeked the hallway, there they were, the Jedi were here. The ones that stood out were Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti and Ran Serys Ran Serys , who she thought might be leadership.

"Of course they brought a kid... Damn those Jedi!"

Before she could think better of it, she leveled her rifle's barrel toward the two, spraying lead down range at the two Jedi. What she didn't know is that there definitely more saber swingers in the area. She was just glad she wasn't using a blaster.

Frendlies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson

Enemies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Mahsa Mahsa , Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania


Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Ran Serys Ran Serys | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa
Enemies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | IMPERA IMPERA
Vicinity (I think): Pal Veda Pal Veda

Zaiya's slicing abilities came through – and now that they had an updated map of the craft, the strike team could plan their route without with more certainty. With the station being a high-profile target and having the time to prepare, they'd surely encounter heavy opposition no matter which path they took.

Klaxons blared, flashing wildly in alarm as they bathed the hangar in red light. The heavy sound of blast doors sealing both nearby and elsewhere reverberated through the base. With her saber still swatting blaster bolts away, Cora ducked behind a terminal and had a few moments to inspect the holomap. Three options; the main corridor, the long and twisting back route, or the emergency lift straight to their target. Time was precious, and a swift decision needed to be made.

Knight Serys was quick to analyze the situation and determine their best course. The emergency lift – Cora's eyes darted to the spot Zaiya had marked on the map. It was close by, just outside the hangar, at the end of a hall. That hall's entrance was at the far end of the room.

The hall where Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen and her troops had just spilled out of, as it happened. Slugs peppered the terminal she crouched behind; the sound of metal on metal. If Cora were the type to curse, she would've done so in her mind.

"Good Heavens," she grumbled instead.

The knight deactivated her saber and reached out with both hands to the wall beside her. Fingers clenched, and the paneling groaned before being yanked from the wall entirely. Bolts clattered to the floor as she curved the sheet of metal around them, halting the slugs in their path. With a push, she sent the pockmarked metal sheet hurdling in the direction the shots had come from.

"Go!" Cora shouted. "They've got slugs!"
On Board the Space Station
Allies in Proximity:
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Ran Serys Ran Serys
Enemies in Proximity: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen IMPERA IMPERA
Primary Opponent: Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt

Buzzz! Buzzz!

The unexpected vibrations caught Veda off guard, nearly causing him to drop his shotgun in surprise. He was just inside the corridor leading out of the hangar when his wrist unit went off. New vibration feature to avoid unnecessary beeps and rings from giving him away. Was probably also creating minor radiation damage that would lead to space cancer, but he’d worry about that later. Veda made sure he was clear then took a look, bringing up a holographic layout of the station. “Nice work,” he complimented Zaiya, even though she was nowhere around to hear it.

He first noticed the bridge, seeing a couple of direct routes available to the Jedi. Good luck with that. The Imps would be guarding every inch of those hallways and the turbo lifts now that their presence aboard was common knowledge.

Veda searched for a power control room, or the power control room, still unclear if there may be multiple points or a single center. He guessed the reactor would be near the center of the space station, and the control room would be pretty close in proximity. As usual, he was right. This would take him several floors down and father into the interior of the space station. Something else caught his eye, another room not too far out of his way. ”Well, look what we have here . . .” Maybe this contract would be even more profitable than he’d imagined.

Veda memorized the next few turns and twists then closed out the map. He knew better than to try the turbo lift. It was a risky proposition for a Jedi strike team. It was suicide for him on a solo mission, even if he was clearly stronger and more competent than the group he arrived with. Right? Sure. Anyway, he headed for the stairwell, where he knew he could keep moving under the radar. Any troopers not pulled off their patrol to deal with the Jedi would be too lazy to take the stairs between floors in this gigantic space station. Good thing he still kept up his cardio routine.

Left. Right. Not this turn. Not this turn. This kriffin’ hallway was as long as Life Day. Right. Stop! Veda heard indecipherable chatter ahead, robotic through the standard issue Imperial trooper helmets. It was getting closer. He quickly ducked into the nearest room and hit the keypad, closing the door behind him. Veda leaned his ear against it, listening intently for the approaching soldiers.


Objective: Steal The Portal
Tags: Pal Veda Pal Veda | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa | Ran Serys Ran Serys | Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt

Kahlil's brow furrowed as he let his senses drift out. Slugthrowers, on an Imperial ship? It didn't take long at all for him to realize it now. Ysalamiri. "Jedi Hunters. Ran, Cora, keep with the Padawans. Use cover, don't let them surround you. And don't get too close." He didn't dare speculate on what else they might have up their sleeves, but he wasn't surprised the Dark Empire was prepared to fight Jedi. How many were properly trained for it, though? His passive defense turned more proactive as he shifted and turned, weaving through the slugs now being shot his way. Molten slag wasn't something he wanted to deal with, so away went his lightsaber.

Instead he ripped one of the panels from the nearby wall, wrenching it with a quick screech of metal before it floated before him. Another was quick to join it as he walked towards the firing group. They all needed to make it to the Bridge for this plan to work, after all. For now, he'd act the Shield for the others, controlling the panels to intercept the shots sent their way.

"To the lift. Quick!"

Location: Tython Space Station, The Bridge.
Allies: IMPERA IMPERA Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Joseph Torson Joseph Torson
Enemies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Pal Veda Pal Veda
Equipment: In Sig.

The lights on the bridge flickered for a moment, just as Officer Dace barked his orders to the communications liaison. The air grew colder, unnaturally so, as if the life support systems had begun to fail, but something else, something far darker, was wrong. The tension on the bridge heightened as the officers exchanged nervous glances, though none could pinpoint the source of their unease. Then it came—like a faint whisper at first, a shudder that ran through the bulkheads, rippling through the station like a seismic disturbance. It wasn't physical, though. It was something far worse.

The Force screamed. WRONG. WRONG. THIS IS WRONG!

It echoed through the minds of everyone on the bridge, an unspoken alarm that sent tremors down their spines, twisting their guts in knots. Even the Imperial officers, who had long been conditioned to fear nothing but failure, felt it. The station groaned as if in protest, and then the space just in front of the holopod ripped open. A tear in reality, dark as the void itself, swirled in on itself, warping the light around it. The bridge's sterile, metallic environment was momentarily bathed in a foul, unnatural glow as the figure of Darth Immortuos stepped out from the abyss. His form was tall and spindly, barely holding the semblance of a man, cloaked in tattered black robes that dragged along the cold floor. The sound of the fabric scraping against the deck was faint, but it carried an unsettling echo, like a whisper from beyond the grave.

Immortuos' pale skin, stretched taut over brittle bones, gave him the appearance of a corpse reanimated by some obscene sorcery. His long, thin white hair clung to his scalp, falling limply around his gaunt face, framing hollow cheeks and eyes that burned like dying embers—red and malevolent, set deep in his skull. His presence, a festering wound in the Force, twisted the air around him. The putrid stench of decay wafted from his being, crawling into the lungs of those nearby. It was suffocating, almost unbearable. Many officers froze, eyes wide, paralyzed not by fear of reprimand or failure but by the wrongness of what stood before them. It was as if time itself had recoiled, protesting this violation of its boundaries. Immortuos moved slowly, his spindly frame drifting forward with a grace that belied his cadaverous form.

He looked ancient, like a man who had crossed the threshold of death long ago but refused to relinquish his hold on life. Then his mouth opened. The officers recoiled, hands instinctively moving to their blasters, but none dared draw them. His lips parted in a grotesque grin that stretched impossibly wide, revealing rows upon rows of sharp, jagged teeth—coated in a thick, black substance that seemed to ooze from his gums and down his chin. His smile was unnaturally broad, nearly splitting his face in two, as though his mouth had been carved wider than what should have been possible.

The silent wail of the Force reverberated again, WRONG. THIS IS WRONG.

Finally, Immortuos spoke, his voice low and gravelly, like the rasp of bone against stone. "Where... are your Jedi?"
Location: Heading for the emergency lift in the Orbital Station, Tython

Seconds felt like hours as she’d protected Zaiya, the young padawan deflecting any incoming blaster fire that threatened to interrupt the Lovalla as she fished for a map within the station’s database. "I've got it!" Her triumphant cry was music to Mahsa’s ears as the information was promptly downloaded, before both girls retreated back to the rest of their group as the Lovalla shared her findings.

She’d only caught the part about three options when the alarms began to blare, lights flashing as the Imperials worked on shutting down many of the available routes that would lead them towards the bridge. "They’ll n-narrow down our options, force us into choke p-points…" Knight Serys was right, any path they took would be riddled with unexpected risks and opposition, but there was one that Mahsa thought wouldn’t change much compared to the others.

"They w-won’t hinder their own escape routes… right?" They would be heavily guarded, but surely the Sith wouldn’t block out their own path to freedom should the Jedi take over the station… a glance towards Ran confirmed they seemed to share the same idea. "Y-Yeah, the emergency—look out!"

Standing opposite to the Lovalla and the Marialan meant Mahsa spotted the lone mercenary as she took aim from one of the hallways, the Kazelrrian quickly diving for Zaiya and pushing both of them away from the spray of bullets as they landed behind small be of the maintenance carts in the hangar. It didn’t take long before the Shield and Cora were moving in unison, ripping metal panels from the walls as they manipulated them through the force into temporary cover.

"Go! They've got slugs!"
"To the lift. Quick!"

There was no more time for second guessing as Knight Ascania and Master Noble called for them to move, a hand reaching to grasp Zaiya’s and give it a tight squeeze as Mahsa prepared to bolt in that direction—before a nauseating wave hit her.

The hilt of Mahsa’s lightsaber clattered onto the ground as both hands quickly shifted to cover her mouth, the disturbance that had shook the station unsettling every single one of her senses as it ripped through the Force. "I-I’m… I’m f-fine…!" Words struggled to get out as Mahsa forced down the rising bile in her throat, a clammy hand taking hold of the dropped hilt before shakily getting back onto her feet.

Whatever had caused that feeling certainly bore little to no good news for them, but the Kazelrrian refused to become a burden for the rest of their team as she began heading towards the lift.

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Objective II
x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Mahsa Mahsa | Anyone else
Enemies: Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Joseph Torson Joseph Torson

The decision to move was made just in time. Another wave of chaos hit them -- this time in the form of slugfire. Zaiya's heart leapt into her throat, the sharp warning from the Force barely reaching her in time. Cora and Master Kahlil reacted instantly, ripping nearby panels from the walls with the Force to shield them from the deadly hail of metal shards.

This wasn't like anything Zaiya had faced before. She was used to deflecting blaster bolts with her lightsaber, not dodging slugs. Her thoughts scrambled as the slugs ricocheted off the makeshift shield, each metallic impact sending a jolt through her. She barely had time to react before Mahsa grabbed her, yanking her down behind a maintenance cart for cover.

Zaiya crouched low, her mind racing. Note to self: make some kind of shield for slugfire next time, she thought, the colors rippling under her cloak revealing the anxiety she was fighting to contain. The fabric thankfully dimmed the brightness, but it didn't mask the fear she felt crawling up her spine. They needed to reach the emergency lift, but the squad firing at them stood right in the way.

Just as Mahsa tugged at her hand to get moving again, Zaiya's kyber crystal clip began to hum. A bright light pulsed from it, the resonance of the crystal pushing back against the dark disturbance that washed over them. Zaiya's breath hitched as the Force twisted unnaturally, the sensation making her stomach churn. The Dark Side was near, distant but approaching, and the wrongness of it set her skin aflame in pale lime-green patterns.

No... no, not again. For a brief, terrifying moment, her skin blanched from its rosy golden hue to a silvery white, as memories of Echnos City flooded back -- the overwhelming dread, the suffocating weight of death. But Mahsa's voice snapped her out of it. The determination in her friend's tone was enough to pull Zaiya back to the present. They didn't have time for fear. Not now.

I can do this. We can do this.

Zaiya gave a firm nod, lips pressed into a thin line of determination. She stretched out her senses ahead, feeling the way the Force struggled to flow within a certain radius -- like a dam holding back a river. It hit her like a realization from Myrkr.

"They have a Ysalamir!" Zaiya shouted, alerting the others. That explained the disruption. They couldn't rely on the Force here -- not in that bubble. Which meant they had to get creative.

Think, Zaiya. Think.

Her mind raced, and she quickly grabbed at her cloak, fingers pulling at the delicate-looking pearl beads lining its edges. They weren't just decorations -- they were small EMP and stun grenades, disguised to look unassuming. The 11 mm pearls shimmered like iridescent white and black pearls, but each one packed a serious punch with a 3 meter radius.

Zaiya's hands moved swiftly, removing the small metal pins that held them in place, activating the grenades. She took a steadying breath, her skin rippling in focused, cool blues. Five seconds. That's all she had once she threw them. With a sharp flick of her wrist, she hurled the pearls toward the squad, her telekinetic shove sending them directly at them.

The pearls scattered, their small size making them barely noticeable amidst the chaos. Zaiya clenched her fists, counting down the seconds in her head. If the stun pearls hit their mark, they would incapacitate anyone in the blast radius, while the EMP pearls would fry any electronics or cybernetics within range as they rolled and bounced like marbles, spreading wide toward their target.

It wasn't a guaranteed solution, but it was their best shot at creating a window of opportunity to try and get to that lift.


Chapter II : Portal



As Jessen and her squad left to immediately confront the Jedi, Torson and his accompanying forces went on a separate path heading around the engagement zone in order to block the Jedi's immediate path towards their first main checkpoint that being the first turbolift leading to the level that would bring them to the bridge of the Tython Space Station. As Torson and his forces made their extensive detour, the group split again into two, with a larger second detachment heading towards the level of the bridge as a reserve in-case the Jedi managed to push through both Torson and Jessen's forces while Torson and his smaller group trekked forward to flank around the Jedi.

Eventually, Torson and his remaining forces would complete their detour emerging right beside the turbolaser lifts from the corridor that intersected with the corridor which the Jedi were currently traveling along. With his Pseudosonic Beam Rifle in his hands, Torson quickly scanned the corridor infront of him as he came into view of the Jedi making their way towards the lift his gaze locking onto one of the Jedi sprinting towards his location ( Mahsa Mahsa ). With a smile behind his mask, Torson simply uttered out. "Not today Jedi." before setting his Pseudosonic Beam Rifle to the Lethal setting, taking aim at the padawan and opening fire , unloading a powerful concentrated beam of sonic energy at the Jedi hoping to immobilize her and pummel her to death with the beam of sonic energy which would begin to intensify every second.

Behind Torson, the 18 Operatives and Commandos kept their Rail Submachine Guns and Sonic Rifles guns aimed at the rest of the Jedi ready to support their Captain against any sort of Jedi retaliation and further pin down the Jedi. They were ready to make sure that the Jedi would not make it past them through any means necessary.

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Ships assisting:

Wickedness Hunter - Throne of Obedience

Antony-Class Battlecruiser - Wisdom of Mace Windu

Plague Destroyer - Yoda's Sledgehammer

Wearing: Ritual Gown

Armed with: Double Bladed Lightsaber (Green)

Units (Tython Orbital Station Assault)


Clone Offense Troopers (100)

Offense Trooper Weaponry:



Shotgun Undermount (4 round, clip fed, 12 Gauge, semi auto)

Shotgun clips (8)

Shotgun Clip Types

Standard Armor piercing Buckshot (4 Clips)

Cryonic Buckshot (2 Clips)

Incendiary Buckshot (2 Clips)

Rocket Launcher Attachment (30 mm breach load, single shot)

30mm rounds for each trooper (5)

30mm Rocket Types per trooper in this category

Heavy Explosive Armor Piercing (3)

Napalm (2)

Fusion Cutter Attachment

Seeker Rail Detonator

Rail Detonator Rounds per Offense Soldier: 80 Rounds (10 rounds a magazine)

Rail Detonator Damage Types

Standard (5 Magazines)

Incendiary (Thermite mixed with Vong Fire Jelly) (5 Magazines)


Heavy Ammo Bandoliers (2 each)


Phase 1 Clone Trooper Armor

Assault Battle Droid (8)

EFR Heavy Battle Droid (10)

MasqueradeWorks Soldier Biot (20)

Biot Weapons:



CQB Gun Rounds per biot : 50

Round Types

12 Gauge, Heavy Explosive Slug (30)

12 Gauge, Incendiary (20)

Plasma Grenades (3 each)

Squad Layouts

Clone Offense Trooper (10)

Soldier Biot (5)

Assault Battle Droid (2)

Boarded station via TIE Boarding Craft


EFR-SF Heavy Battle Droids (4)

Clone Pyros (4)

Pyro Weapons:

Assault Cannon

Baradium Bomb (2)

Pyro Equipment:

Model-7 Therm-Ax

MK. II Hotspot Armor

Clone Rangers (20)

Ranger Weapons

DLT-19X (Squad Leader Only)

DC-17M (Rifle Attachment + PEP Laser Attachment) (all other Rangers)

Talon Vibrodagger

DC-15s Pistol

Laser Trip Mines (2)

Ranger Equipment:

Environmental Bastion Armor (Clone Scout Appearance)

Mobile Ray Shield (Squad Leader Only)

Automated Sentry Guns (All other Rangers)

Clone Defense Troopers (12)

DC-15S (Grenade Launcher Undermount 25mm)

25mm Rounds (X5 15 round clips per Trooper)

25mm Damage Types:

Armor Piercing Fragmentation (2 Clips)

Plasma (1 Clip)

Heavy Explosive (1 Clip)

Cryo (1 Clip)

Obsolete Grenade Launcher (X7 Rounds Each)

Grenade Launcher Rounds

40mm Heavy Explosive Buckshot (4 rounds)

40mm Incendiary Buckshot (3 rounds)


Phase 1 Clone Trooper Armor

Med Kits

Clone Siege Troopers (4)

Siege Trooper Weapons

CR-1 Blaster Cannon

Class A Thermal Detonators


Heavy Exoskeleton

Clone Sabotuer (4)

X-8 Night Sniper Pistol

Talon Vibrodagger



Baragwin Shadow Armor
Baragwin Stealth Unit
Stealth Field Reinforcement Visor

Active Sabotage Loadout:

X5R Heavy Demolitions Kit
Computer Slicing Kit
Electronic Lock Picking Kit

Navy Stealth Clones (4)

X-8 Night Sniper Pistol

Stealth Clone Weapons

DC-19 Stealth Carbine

Det Packs

Stealth Clone Equipment

Shadowtrooper Armor

Boarded Station in:

IPV-2C Corvette (4)

Squad Layouts

Clone Rangers (5 per Squad)

Clone Defense Troopers (3 Per Squad)

Clone Pyro (1 Per Squad)

Clone Saboteur (1 Per Squad)

Navy Stealth Clone (1 Per Squad)

Clone Siege Trooper (1 Per Squad)

SF Battle Droids (1 Per Squad)

Number per Squad: 12

Units (Assaults on other Platforms)

Clone Offense Trooper (150)



Attachment: Undermount Grenade Launcher (40 mm)

Number of undermount grenades: 20


40mm Buckshot (10)

Plasma (10)


Phase 1 Clone Trooper Armor

Med kit

Clone Rangers (50)


DC-17M (Blaster + Anti-Armor Attachment)

Anti Armor Rounds (8 per Ranger)

DC-15s Pistol

Talon Vibrodagger


Environmental Bastion Armor (Clone Scout Trooper Appearance)

Droid Marine (10)

Med Kit

Squad Layout

Clone Offense Troopers (10)

Clone Rangers (5)

Droid Marines (1)

Arriving in: Plague Destroyer TIE/SRRET's


Magdalena Bloodscrawl meditated on Kytrand, inside of a stone temple that was half constructed that, when it was done would be used to train local Force Users in the Jedi Way.

She was preparing herself mentally for an assault on the Tython Orbital Station with recently recovered warships.

The Operation would be ambitious, to say the least. They would be going in AFTER the Alliance had already alerted the Dark Empire. It was an operation considered so important that her son asked her to lead the attack on the Orbital station personally.

Magdalena didn't like conflict. But she was adept at it all the same.

She had spent the past few weeks getting to know the assault force, a motley crew of Clones, Droids, and Biots from House Bloodscrawls ally, Clan Li-Ves.

It had been a rocky start. Some victories, but also some set backs. Bacta-Works had been forced to learn how to shelter, care for, and train an army overnight. Even with the shocking trillions at the company's disposal, it was a massive learning curve. Only the most loyal, most trusted of employees were allowed to help in the process. Eventually, the army had started to get better supplies.

A boom in the distance stirred her from meditation and she ventured out side, the elderly looking blonde woman with a golden fair skin blinked green eyes as she watched the Clones, out of their armor, testing some of the new ammo Gun-Works R&D had sent them to test out. Her eyes rolled as the Clones seemed to get a kick out of the incendiary ammo, while the Boots, supermodel like female androids in skintight metallic gold catsuits watched with interest, the Ammo's effects turning targets to slag.

"Guess the company finally started to scrounge the good stuff..." a Biot remarked, folding her arms as Magdalena passed by her.

Every credit would be calculated, and then the calculations would be calculated. This was going to be a massive, complicated assault.

"Oh! Lady Bloodscrawl!" One of the Offense Troopers, a Fett Clone named OT-007 called out, with a number of his squad mates.

Being the Abbess of Kytrand brought with it unique problems she was still adjusting to, one was guiding clones properly on a spiritual level. They were human and had human feelings and flaws stunted by a life as a soldier in an army from birth. There were gaps she was still trying to understand.

The Sorceress nodded in a friendly manner, "Nice to see you up and early, Oh-Sev...and what is that contraption you are testing on that poor Mannequin?"

"Oh this old thing?" Oh-Sev replied, holding up a bulky, fat pig of a hand held cannon that reminded her almost of a Grenade Launcher "This here's a seeker rail detonator! Wanna try?"

Knowing it was essential to foster cohesion, Magdalena agreed, and he spent the next few minutes showing her how it worked.

"Seems so heavy..." she said pointing at the torn up rows of Mannequins in the grass lands.

Then she fired it, watching the mannequin the shell hit explode violently.

Magdalena paused, grinned and suddenly she was launching the shells with abandon at the mannequins.

"Reload!" The Force Spawn exclaimed happily, having never taken to explosive weapons before.

"There's the Spirit! These are some of the special rounds they were trying out. Replacing ALL our weapons and armor will be crazy expensive so working on new ammo types is cost saving measure." The Clone explained.

"I can only hope it will prove adequate..." she said with a sigh. "My son places great burdens on you all... sometimes too great..."

She looked at all of them. "You do all understand what you're fighting for, right?"

The clones and biots present all shrugged but nodded.

"As members of House Bloodscrawl, you are all warriors of Light. However you came here, you are fighting for that light as the most essential members of the House. Without you, we would be nothing..." she emphasized.

"And that is why this operation..." she said, setting the Detonator down.

"Lives or dies with you all..."

The wind blew silently between them.

"Would anyone care to meditate with me?" she asked. "Because now is the time to make peace with the idea of dying..."


Two battle ships were detected entering the theater of war. There was a third one, but it was hidden.

The Two Battleships, each registering on the IFF of both fleets as 'UNKNOWN' announced their intentions by blasting apart smaller Sith capital vessels in short barrages, almost all of their guns firing on the larger ones used by the Sith, trying to draw their fire from the fleets of Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn and Liram Angellus Liram Angellus , the fighters of both fleets rapidly reporting the unknown newcomers in the ancient vessels firing on the Sith. They remained well out of traditional turbolaser range, yet their own cannons lanced through the black, harsh and accurate, slamming into enemy ships. The Antony-Class, a relic from the Gulag Era whose original manufacturer was lost to modern societies history, just like the other vessels it traveled with, was a lumbering black whale of a vessel, its cannons lighting up the side of its hull as it held back, the Plague Destroyer going forward, it's guns and point defense composite laser cannons smashing into enemy ships and fighters, downing them. The Tri-Fighters the mysterious Plague Destroyer launched chased enemy Sith squadrons, the standing order was to raze the fleet and seize the platforms. The Antony-Class held back even as it followed, it's battleship ion cannons and long range turbo lasers firing at constant, staggered barrages as it covered the Plague Destroyer's approach, slaughtering Sith pilots trying to chase Vonn Soren's and The Reactionary Fleet vessels.

But as The Orbital Station got closer, that was when the actual threat the as-yet-unknown House Bloodscrawl has sent became apparent in all its terrifying glory.

A black arrowhead shape shimmered into existence, wide, domineering, and bristling with Fusion Cannons, which it opened up against Sith vessels without mercy, the Composite Laser Cannon of the Plague Destroyer slashing brutally into a carrier as they finally launched their boarding shuttles, the Plague Destroyers guns smashing apart the space station guns guarding their approach, but a few got shot down regardless as they docked, powerful laser cutters and explosives blasting open a violent path into the station, The Offense Troopers and the Rangers and Droid's with them launching assaults against not just Tython Orbital Platform, but the others also. It was a general assault, and the orders were to kill every Dark Empire personnel encountered in a war of bitter attrition.

The Throne of Obedience's ancient Fusion Cannons pounded into enemy capital ships, living up to the unsettling moniker it's design had gained over the centuries, drawing more aggression and desperation on a very dangerous, very well equipped mystery opponent trying to give the Alliance Fleet more chances to attack, Stealth Corvettes docking as the obvious assault force proper pushed into the facility, already taking casualties, but frightfully accurate with sprays of their carbine.

Magdalena herself was here as well, for her blood could have terrible effects in a place such as this as she stepped out of the hole they had made into the station, quickly patching it up as they advanced. A crack team had been chosen, one whose unique assets could be a balance against many kinds of threats.

The Saboteur they had brought, dressed in armor that made him resemble an imperial officer disappeared and went ahead with the stealth Clone to traverse the station for sabotage opportunities. Magdalena would try to draw the attention of Sith like Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos (For she had sensed his wrongness upon her arrival) as she flung spears of her own glowing green blood at defenders, which exploded on impact as the Spec Ops teams and assault teams began their push to help the Alliance seize the facility. Invisible Clone Saboteurs sliced local systems to force open doors and turn off Force Fields blocking their advance. In some cases, they turned security turrets in the facility against nearby Sith Hostiles, as Alliance teams who had boarded also began to report their presence back to fleet, and their attempted blitz as Magdalena hissed out a spell that exploded multiple lights on multiple decks, plunging certain areas where Sith were concentrated into total darkness...

Mahsa Mahsa

Joseph Torson Joseph Torson

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen

Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt

Pal Veda Pal Veda

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore
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Glory to the Empire


Chapter II : Portal



Office Dace observed as the enemy made progress on multiple fronts, throughout the Tython Orbital Station and with their attempts to take over both Guardian-2 and Guardian-3. The GADF and NJO were pushing hard against Imperial Forces although for the time being their advances were slowing down, with resistance becoming more intense and harsher, which Dace hoped would be enough to stall their advance and give the Empire the means to push them back. However suddenly, the alarms of the bridge rang out indicating there had been a breach, which confused Dace as both Torson and Jessen were reported to have already engaged the Jedi strike team outside the hangar within the corridors of the Orbital Station. Did the Jedi manage to defeat Torson and Jessen and bypass the reserves too? Dace thought as the alarms blared.

Then he arrived. A rift would soon materialize within the bridge of the Tython Orbital Station array and emerging from it was an individual or what was once and individual. A man cloaked in tattered black robes that dragged along the floor with pale skin and a frail body with the bones fully visible. He had white hair along with red malevolent eyes and a putrid decaying stench that accompanied him. As the many members of the bridge crew froze, ceasing their activates now gazed upon this thing, Dace knew who they were dealing with. A Sith Lord. Maybe one of the more powerful ones within the New Sith Order itself.

The Sith moved forward to approach Office Dace before addressing him, opening his mouth to speak to him exposing the rows upon rows of sharp teeth with a think black substance dripping down his gums and down his chin, smiling in an almost unnatural way as he finally uttered the words. "Where... are your Jedi?" Even in the face of this Sith, this abomination Office Dace maintained his composure even as some of the Soldiers and Officers within the bridge foolishly placed their hands on their blasters before proceeding to offer a response. "They are right outside one of the hangars." Dace explained. "Now engaged with Imperial Special Forces and Mercenaries in a corridor leading to one of the closest lifts that opens into the main corridor that leads straight here." the ISB Officer further explained, speaking in a cold and professional tone as he addressed his Sith superior.


As the Ziio moved in to launch a pair of rockets at the blast doors, it was immediately confronted by a trio of TIE Destroyers with two of them immediately opening fire upon the Alliance gunship with their powerful electromagnetic plasma canons hoping to soften up the target and deal considerable damage while the third TIE Destroyer followed the movements of the Ziio as it would attempt to evade the initial attacks of the other TIE Destroyers. As the two TIE Destroyers continued their relentless attack, the third one locked onto the Ziio before firing a volley of half a dozen guided cruise missiles at the Alliance Gunship hoping to take it down for good.

Meanwhile within Guardian-2 itself, the second wave of Imperial Forces arrived to engage Pheonix Platoon. Now that they were aware of Pheonix Platoon's employment of Force-Users, the second wave consisting of a platoon of 32 Marine Stormtroopers was more cautious, instead taking cover at certain points of the hallway near intersections and the entrances to other rooms while more turrets opened up to engage the Platoon as they advanced. This time, the Marine Stormtroopers were more methodical in their attacks, firing with better aim and accuracy in order to more efficiently eliminate the riflemen of the enemy platoon.

At the same time, the Turrets unleashed heavy fire upon the Platoon once more, this time focusing on the riflemen and ammo bearers in order to prevent them from using their ordinance in the same manner as before while also firing upon the walkers concentrating on the legs in an attempt to disable them. Until the arrival of the Commandos, the Stormtroopers would be unable to pierce the armor of the walkers who offered the enemy platoon their biggest advantage although they could still delay their advance and inflict moderate casualties to slow down their progress, as they remained determined to defend the Defense Platform at all costs.


As the enemy starfighters struck the defense platform, eventually taking out it's shield generators they were met with a harsh response as an additional 5 squadrons of mixed TIE Brutes and TIE Destroyers would emerge from the hangars of the Defense Platform, immediately engaging the Sovereign and Warpig heavy attack fighters in a devastating retaliation, with the defense platforms anti-starfighter batteries providing support as they concentrated fire upon the 5th Fleet's heavy attack fighters, all with the intent of wiping the heavy attack fighters out and further push the tide of the engagement in the Empire's favor.

At the same time, with the 5th Fleet now closing in on the defense platform, it's anti-capital ship weaponry unleashed hell upon the enemy, first concentrating their attacks on the Avalon as TIE Destroyers fired volleys of guided cruise missiles and ion pulse missiles upon the troop transport, hoping to take out the damaged troop transport before it could successfully dock with the defense platform. At the same time, the other three defense platforms joined in, also firing their anti-capital ship batteries upon the both the Avalon and the other troop carrier, the Stellar hoping to destroy both before they could unload their compliment of marines upon "Guardian-3".

The struggle or "Guardian-3" was slowly becoming more and more intense as more waves of TIE Brutes entered the fray quickly joining the Brutes already engaged with the X-Wings and A-Wings increasing their total squadron count to 12 squadrons as they increased the pressure upon the enemy starfighters. The Imperial pilots fought ferociously and methodically, giving their all to ensure the protection of "Guardian-3" so that it would remain outside of Alliance hands as the Battle above Tython further progressed.


Tags [Allies] | Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos
Tags [Enemies] | Liram Angellus Liram Angellus | Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore



Phoenix Platoon
Objective: Contingency Plan.
Engaging: IMPERA IMPERA Forces.

The mortar team inside the Ziio was quick to respond as the Ties came screaming at them. Given they were already stopped, they popped the deflector shield quickly, allowing them to block the incoming fire rather deftly. Still, they couldn't dogfight a set of three ties. They wouldn't need to. As soon as the third came around with missiles, the crew chief "Soup", normally a mortar gunner, popped the back of the Ziio and opened fire with the rear blaster cannon.

"Come're ya-" The sound of an expletive was drown out by Soup opening up on the Tie, before the Ziio dropped it's shields and lowered itself into the hole that the strike team had entered, before popping it's shield again. If those ties wanted to come around for another pass, they'd have to risk shooting at the base itself.

Anytime one of those turrets popped up, they were almost immediately disposed by Bobcat fire. The men of Phoenix platoon had a unique way of room clearing as a result. First, the autoriflemen would suppress a hallway with blaster fire, then the Team Leads, as well as the riflemen, would use the Bobcats as cover before rushing forward once the turrets were dealt with, and opening fire with underbarrel scatterblasters and grenade launchers at ranges where they were basically able to sock stormtroopers in the face. Some did actually, employing the integrated sonic pulse gloves in their armor. They moved with blinding speeds, using their integrated repulsor boots to glide across the hall before many imperial marines could even get a target lock. Finally, they would engineers would rush in and jury rig any terminal they came across connected to an outside weapon.

Blaster bolts seemed to bounce off the Manticore armor, as the platoon methodically moved through the station. Ashley could count how many times they came across commandos, and the Bobcats would open up on them instantly.

Soon, they approached the bridge. They knew it would be more heavily defended than the rest of the station.

"How we wanna do this Ash?"

"Not sure DJ. We need to secure it, but we don't have the usual manpower for that. Bastard, any wounded?"

"Mouth took a pretty big hit back in hall three, but he's stable. Those damn turrets are kicking out asses."

"Any ideas Boxer?"

"...I'm partial to just having the Bobcats shoulder check their way into the bridge. They're small enough."

"...not a terrible idea."
Ashley chuckled. "Paladin, what's your thoughts on that?"

"Fuck it, why not?" Snot laughed over comms. "We could always deploy a Raven in."

"That's a waste of a Raven. They'd light that mother up quick." Suck responded, the Zygerrian female groaning. "Can't we just blow the whole station up?"

"No can do. Securing the bridge is the primary objective."

"Ash, you're the Force expert here. How many men we got behind those blast doors?"

As they cleared the last of the hallways, Ashley Nevermore closed her eyes, reaching through the Force to see how many enemies would be behind those blast doors.



[TARGET] Pal Veda Pal Veda
Location: Portal Facility


Fan out,” Abraxas said bitterly. He directed them forward with a straightened open hand. “Find him and draw him out. I want him alive.” A symphony of yes sirs flooded his comms as they followed his command. He recognized the smuggler as Pal Veda Pal Veda , one of the GA’s innumerable freelance profligates and part of the team responsible for apprehending Grand Admiral Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen during the Battle of Coruscant.

It was an embarrassing blunder, and one that Abraxas had nearly lost his life in.

In the Imperial academy, cadets are taught not to allow personal vengeance to color their judgement. Even more so if they aspired to become officers or special forces personnel. Brax would rather have died in service to his Emperor that survive the INV Predator’s untimely crash into Coruscant, yet here he was, scarred and furious, ready to end his vendetta with Pal Veda’s capture and personal interrogation.

The stormtroopers moved slowly through the corridors, their barrel-mounted flashlights illuminating every corner and maintenance closet along their path. “Clear,” one reported. “Hallway’s clear,” another said. “Nothing her, sir. Clear.

Keep looking. He can’t have gone far.” Abraxas kept his sidearm primed in stun mode to incapacitate the smuggler, but his rifle remained ready to end Veda’s life if the encounter turned deadly. “Come out, little mouse,” the Storm commando taunted. Unknowingly, was nearing the room that Pal had ducked into, stepping closer to the door as he taunted the man, blaster at the ready…
So this was combat with the Jedi, now it made sense why most mercs wouldn't deal with them. No time for regrets though, she had the fight of her life on her hands! One of the young Jedi threw a whole sheet of thick paneling right at her, with barely any time to react, Tibera tried to roll out of the way. It was to no avail, and she was quickly pinned to the wall. Thankfully, her armor's impact resistance was enough to keep her from breaking any bones, didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell.

There was a stillness from the commander, and it appeared she my have been dispatched by this maneuver from Corazone, until the metal began to groan as it was kicked away. Slowly, the Merc stood from her spot on the floor. Without much fanfare, she picked up her rifle and inhaled through her helmet, it was time to start the real work.

"Don't just stand around gawking! Kill these Jedi!"

Her command was heard, and would be followed soon thereafter. This was until some relatively tiny pellets started to scatter across the floor. They looked like...pearls? What kinda trick were these force users playing? Then the little beads started to pop with lights and electricity far beyond their size. Some of the troopers were stunned, and others had their gear severely hampered. Pushing the Jedi now would be dangerous.

"Squad! Pull back and fix your gear! I'll cover you!"

Tibera didn't come out of the engagement unscathed either, her helmet electronics were fried, making it little more than a fancy looking hat. Hell with it, she thought, and quickly tossed her helmet aside. As he troops retreated back around the corridor, the Mercenary decided she'd play her own tricks. With all of her enemies trying to scatter, but blocked together by the corridor, she tossed a pair of Cryoban Grenades down the hallway.

Even if the Jedi didn't get frozen solid, it'd be enough to give her time to close the gap. She wanted to get that little Jedi witch back for tossing a durasteel panel at her...

Friendlies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson , Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt , Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos

Enemies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble . Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti , Ran Serys Ran Serys , Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , Mahsa Mahsa
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell


5th Reactionary Fleet
For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.
Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO
LCaptain Halpern "Celestial City CO"
Captain Zev Tantor "Silver City" CO
Captain Rojuh Pouil "Valhalla" CO
Captain Scott Pouil - Flight Director 5th Fleet
Chief Gribbs - NCOIC 5th Fleet.
S.E.R.A.P.H.I.M. - 5th Fleet A.I.


SECTOR: Tython
ORDERS: Retake the Planet and the system.

Objective II — Portal​

The fighting was intense, already, the Marines were making little headway getting into the Orbital Defense platform. This was not simply because of the fact that those defending it were aware of the boarding parties, it’s because they were elite troopers. However, the URS systems also detected a heavily armed force nearby. The fleet was unaware of the force's location, and their mission was now in jeopardy. They needed to act fast if they wanted to complete this phase and move on to the next.

Isaacs! Angellus, standing next to his command table, pulled up “Raider’s” comm-link. The SCAR Team leader was sitting in his Jackal Fighter.

My word, it’s about time! Tell me we are doing something!

Angellus understood his frustration and wanting to get into the fight, but was still taken aback by the open showing of disrespect towards his station. Well, Captain, you’re about to do something…

Normally the Admiral, when it is just him and the command staff, was more than welcoming when it came to free speech, but this was out loud and in earshot of everyone on the bridge of “The Celestial City”. It wouldn’t fly, and Isaacs realized his mistake. He wouldn’t apologize as the Admiral wasn’t looking for one, but he immediately returned to a signal of respect. Whatever you need, sir.

Meanwhile, Liram pulled up the Flight Director again. Pouihl… no, the other one…

Yessir? He heard the exchange.

How many squadrons of Elysians you have available?

Two… the other three are still being prepped.

Launch them. Target the station closest to us. Full Stealth but draw as much attention as they can.

You got it, boss. Aye.

Let me guess. We’re assaulting an airlock.

Every single opening your people can find.

Clearly seen mouthing the words “This guy is insane…” Yessir…

Again, Angellus fully accepts and welcomes independence among his staff, but outright insubordination? No. Cutting Isaacs line, he was still in connection with Pouihl.

Scott, can you meet me on the flight deck in five? It was a big ask, and he knew it, but if he did not have a reason, he would not be asking. He needed to know what was going on. Isaacs had been acting strange lately, and he wanted to find out what was behind it.

... can we make it ten? This was not a good time, but Angellus had a reason for asking him to do so, so yeah. He would make it happen.

See you in ten… Stepping away, he looked to “The Celestial City” captain and his second in command of the fleet. Gym, can you?

There wasn’t much to say, Gym just nodded and watched over the table while his Executive Officer took “The Conn” (Command of the ship).

It took only a few moments to get down the lift to the flight deck and over to where SCAR Team crews were preparing their fighters. Pouihl was already there arguing with Isaacs, who saw Angellus and “knew what was up”.

Oh, I see it now. I’m getting dressed down in front of my people for speaking my mind, huh?

Angellus just shook his head “no”. No, that would be “insane”.

Isaacs just then had a look of intense frustration. Oh, so you say you want us to speak our minds, as long as it is in agreement with you? At this point, he figured he was about to be thrown in the brig, or something stupid, so might as well go for broke.

I simply want to know what your issue is. Why is following your mandate suddenly a problem?

Fine. You wanna know? I’ll tell you. Sluis Van was a massacre for us! I lost thirteen good pilots that day! You sent us into a bloodbath that we knew nothing about!

You arrogant punk! Who do you… Liram then just put a hand on Scott’s shoulder.

No, he’s right. I sent them into a fight that they were not prepared for. We lost hundreds of good people that day. Clearly, he’s saying he’s not ready to take the stick again, to lead his team taking a station in every way possible, using any means of entry he can. He’s not ready. So I have to find someone who is now.

Rolling his eyes, and refusing to “eat crow”, Ewan just threw his hands up… Oh whatever! I was just blowing off steam! I d

That ticked Liram off. He grabbed Ewan by the collar and pushed him into his own fighter. He needed to find out what was happening before Isaacs did something that could jeopardize the entire mission. He needed to find out what was going on. He had to find out. I can live with you disrespecting the chain of command, you will not disrespect those who were lost. You disrespect them, in turn you disrespect your own! Now either tell me what is the problem? Tell me you are going to do your job. Or I will find someone who can! EVEN IF I HAVE TO DO IT MYSELF!

I’M AFRAID! There? You happy?! For the first time in my life, I’m afraid!

Fully expecting Angellus to look down on him, let alone Pouihl he started to pace around. The Admiral did not. You think that we’re not? We’re fighting a battle that isn’t ours against foes that… well… I don’t know what to say that they are, but this is what we do! We do this, because if we don’t what’s to stop them from continuing to attack us? We have to draw a line. Now again… if you’re afraid… that’s fine… but can you handle yourself? Or should I suit up?

Isaacs just shook his head. Game on, then! Turning on his heel with Scott following him, he looked to his flight Director.

The moment that they are in the air, I want those Stealth’s with’em, reroute the Warpigs too.

Multiple options, I like it. I’ll get flight control on them as well, we might be able to control the jackals in a fight remotely.

Switching to his comm-link[Gym, “The Revely”(Reverlry Cruiser), as well as “The Retribution” (DP2000 Gunship) and “The Ironhand” (Loki Escort) onto that neighboring platform. We need to keep all attention off of the SCARs as they “Zero-G” and effect entry into it.]

[Will do, we’re also getting a distress call from Bogan, calling for fighter assistance. I was about to call for support from our “distant relatives.”]

[I have Scott here with me, we’re on our way back. He’ll take care of it.] Switching off his comm-link and looking to Pouihl. Can you…

Working on a plan now, they’ll take an alternate route so as not to give away their position. Sir, our fighters are starting to take a beating. I’m going to change the tactics.

Both Marine carriers have docked with the platform and are sending in all Marines to take control of “Invictus”
5th Fleet capital ships have blockaded the platform, taking fire and firing on any ships intercepting.
Y-wings, and Sovereignty attack fighters and bombers engaging cannons on platform, and
Warpigs, Elysian Stealth Fighters, and SCARs moving on neighboring platform (2?)
“Loki” Escort Cruiser, “Revelry” Escort Cruiser, and DP2000 “Masterbolt” Torpedo Frigate moving on neighboring platform.
X-wings and A-wings have changed tactics to drawing enemy fighters into either each others gunsights or those of friendly capital ships.

Two Squadrons of "Super-Angel" Interceptors are being rerouted from their position to assist on Bogan (will post this in OBJ 3)

Ran listened and watched as the battle transformed. The use of energy weapons faded as projectiles replaced them. Ysalamiri on the backs of a few protected the enemy from the direct influence of the force. Anti-Jedi techniques were employed as an attempt to mitigate the Jedi and their uncanny abilities. Ran believed it was all the Dark Empire could do, was attempt.

As Kahlil pushed the line forward like a tank, Ran repelled any ricocheting projectiles safely away from her comrades. The metallic panels proved a great buffer against the assault. Slugs dinged, scratched and ricocheted off of them. The few that pierced the makeshift armor were avoided easily by the Jedi's keen awareness. Cora turned the paneling into a projectile itself, as anti-jedi troopers struggled to avoid an entire wall slamming into them and trapping them beneath the heavy metals. There were moments where Ran was ready to leap into action, fearlessly, but she held herself back as she headed Kahlil's orders.

Ran stuck by the side of the two padawan's as they marched in the shadow of protection, trusting Kahlil and his dual panel shield. Ran watched as Zaiya was quick to find an alternative to her lightsaber as she pulled the beads from her cloak, it was an unassuming action, but Ran could sense her intent and the anticipation brought on by an explosion. While she didn't understand completely, Ran recognized Zaiya for what she was, a very dangerous girl with a very keen mind, who moved purposefully.

When Ran looked at Mahsa she saw the opposite, but only for a moment, as the girl's lightsaber hit the ground and she looked flush with sickness. Ran listened to the girl lie. She wasn't fine, but Ran was too preoccupied with thoughts of slugthrowers, ysalamiri, and protecting the padawan in a moment of vulnerability to probe further. If she had, she would have seen the impressive sensory ability of Mahsa and tuned into the dark side presence that flooded the bridge with vile intention.

Instead Ran acted as a buffer between troopers and padawan. The Ysalamiri only negated a Jedi's force ability when in range, and the troopers knew that and did their best to close in on them, to pincer them between the other imperial contingent. They did their best to volley a never ending attack on the Jedi, but the gap came soon enough in the form of a reload. A slug thrower's weakness, and Ran found opportunity in that weakness.

With her saber still glowing, Ran leapt into the anti-force bubble. Her mutant reflexes and natural grace compensated for the brief loss of the force, and as trooper hands went to reload they disappeared, replaced by phantom limbs, instant cauterized wounds, and shock. The shock that came with mutilation. And all they could do to distract themselves from it was look up at the monster who did this to them. Ran's face appeared statuesque, unmoving, and unfeeling. A mask for the mercy that followed as Ran spared their lives in favor of the Jedi's path.

In the moment of stillness she created, she noticed the accessway that was inadvertently revealed by Cora and Kahlil's use of the force. It was the accessway up. The very path they needed that would take them to the emergency lift's maintenance shaft. It was an escape from the imperial pincer tactics. It was also only a matter of time before the enemy noticed what Ran did. The Jedi had to be fast and discreet.

Ran moved away from the Ysalamiri's force dampening influence all the while protecting herself from the troopers that remained. With the force she nudged the other Jedi. Not exactly with telepathy but psychic impressions and suggestions that would clue them in on the appearance of the accessway.



Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ran Serys Ran Serys Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa
Enemies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen IMPERA IMPERA Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos

The combination of airborne sheet metal and Zaiya's strange beads - which began sizzling and popping as they released bursts of EMP and paralytic energy - were enough to scatter Tibera's squad for the moment. It gave the Jedi, shielded by Kahlil, enough of a chance to rush past them and down the hall.

"They have a Ysalamir!"

"They have a what?" Cora grimaced. This was like fighting the Mandalorians all over again. "How tacky."

Their advance was halted by another group of troopers, effectively pincering the strike team from either end of the hall.

Cora clenched her fingers and drew her hand sharply outward, peeling back another metallic panel to curve around their little group and give them some cover from Torson's company. Ran moved like a shadow, graceful and deadly as she wove in and out of the Force nullification bubble, disabling troopers and their weaponry with the type of calculated movements that came from experience.

Something nudged at the back of her mind, urging her to glance back along the poor wall they'd been shredding for makeshift cover. There, from behind the broken beam work and plaster was a hollow space that stretched upward. It wasn't wide enough to fit them all, unless they wanted to try squeezing the petite Padawans through.

Running on adrenaline, Cora telekinetically gripped what remained of the paneling that covered the maintenance shaft's entrance and tore it to the side. Part of a second shaft was revealed, and an unpleasant odor started to drift into the hall.

She'd found the garbage chute.

Cora pinched the bridge of her nose with one hand, and levitated a heap of what she hoped was rotten food with the other. The veritable stink bomb was launched in the direction of Torson and his troops, a hail of cafeteria remnants turned into slippery, unpleasant projectiles.

Tiny hairs at the back of her neck stood on edge. Cora whipped around in time to see the cryoban grenades tossed her way. She reached out, attempting to return to sender when a chilling presence materialized in the Force. A familiar voice scratched the back of her mind.

Caught off guard, her fingers trembled for a moment, and the grenades detonated in the middle of the space between her and Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen , coating the hall in slick ice and freezing her right arm to the wall.

Stunned from the detonation, Cora blinked, trying to reorient herself. Zaiya's saber might have reacted defensively to the new Dark presence in the Force, but the second saber clipped to the back of Cora's belt awoke.

In her mind, the voice of Darth Ukatis scoffed. Trapped within the kyber, the Sith spirit seemed unamused with her performance as she struggled to free herself from the ice.

Why are you holding yourself back?

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Objective: Steal The Portal
Tags: Pal Veda Pal Veda | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Mahsa Mahsa | Ran Serys Ran Serys | Joseph Torson Joseph Torson | Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | Abraxas Colt Abraxas Colt | Darth Immortuos Darth Immortuos

The Force screamed.

It wasn't a presence Kahlil recognized, but he knew the effects. A Sith, rending through time and space to appear here. A Sith who's time had long passed naturally, so they turned to the unnatural to keep alive. Mahsa had felt it too, given the pause, the fumble. Anywhere else and Kahlil would've been more alarmed. Anyone else, perhaps, too.

But there was a reason he'd brought her along with the others. She'd proven she could handle herself, when she helped Vera Noble Vera Noble against the Sith they fought. She could do this, just as he knew the others could.

They were quick to react. Surrounded on both sides of the hall by Ysalamiri aided troops now he knew things weren't going to go as their initial plan did. It was Cora who found an alternative path, though, even if she didn't realize it right away. And likely didn't want to, given the odor. His attention shifted to the shaft as he kept the panels floating about, catching the shots they could. They wouldn't last too much longer.

What Masha did next made that much less pressing. As did Zaiya's marbles. Such simple, unassuming tech, yet so effective at clearing a path. Nonlethal, too. Good. And- Good. His gaze shifted to Ran. For a moment, she'd faded from the Force. Why had been readily apparent. Cutting down one of the Ysalamiri carriers would leave them to scramble to lift it back up. He reached up, wrenching from above one of the panels of the ceiling just out of range of the bubble. He couldn't affect it once it reached the bubble of course, but the force in which it was dropped didn't disappear.

The metal crumpled around the cage of the Ysalamiri, imbedded in the ground. It'd keep them from collecting it, even if only for another minute. Just long enough for the few seconds he took to turn his attention to the saber on Cora's back. They were all supporting each other, but what he felt from that was only a hinderance. A quick motion and a rune carved itself onto the hilt.


It wouldn't last forever, but for their mission such a presence wasn't going to be welcome.

"Get yourself free, Cora. We're heading up the trash chute."
Location: Hallway pincer It’s Raining Trash Hallway, Orbital Station, Tython

"They have a Ysalamir!" The unexpected pockets devoid of the Force had been unsettling, but it wasn’t until Zaiya’s warning that the Kazelrrian finally figured out the cause. "Are they j-just lugging them around…? T-That’s… that’s too cruel!"

She finally noticed the scarce large packs that some of the personnel carried, and her own feelings on the matter were visually displayed in bright ambers and crimsons that dyed the tips of her hair. To be trapped and confined against their will was an experience the Kazelrrian knew too well, but there was little she could do about it as they made a beeline for the emergency lift further down the hallway.

Her steps kept her to the very edge of the corridor near the leftmost wall, skirting around the Ysalamir’s reach to keep her connection with the Force. It’s first cautionary whisper fluttered into her ears just as Mahsa reached the halfpoint mark, the girl coming to an abrupt stop just as her right arm extended behind to keep Zaiya from going any further.

"Not today Jedi."

A lifetime—short as it may be—of survival and deadly encounters proved to be her saving grace, and there was zero hesitation to be found once she was within view of Torson and his men. She knew he meant business as his rifle aligned in her direction, and Mahsa was quick to beseech the Force as her hands extended forwards. A shimmering barrier of blue formed in front of them, reaching forwards in the direction of Torson and his crew, just as the man pulled the trigger on the overcompensating sized weapon he carried.

Mahsa’s initial plan to try and trap them inside the protective bubble was quickly modified once she realized the punch packed by his rifle, the young padawan unable to move as she focused all her might into blocking the powerful blast that sought to end her story. Only a small part of the shimmering guard remained stretched around her hands, large enough to defend against the continuous attack as it was deflected into the only direction Mahsa knew wouldn’t hurt any of her companions: upwards… and, quite unexpectedly, right into the incoming trash projectile that Cora had flung.

Time seemed to slow down and everything else became background noise as the padawan, still focused on keeping her shield up for safety, watched the offensive bags of cafeteria remains be struck by the deflected blast—exploding mid air into a downpour of decomposing organic matter and waste as the momentum of their throw guided it all towards Torson and co.

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