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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter III — GA invasion of DE held Tython


Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Detritus Ren Detritus Ren et al.
ARC troopers scrambled to assemble a sensor dish component by component while more of the ridge crumbled away. Master Zark kept vigil over Bogan's desolation. From this distance the approaching droid patrol looked almost beautiful like twinkling constellations. He stood on the edge of unstable ground with quiet faith in the Force to protect him.

"We're out of time."

Crimson photoreceptors pierced through smoke as the super battle droids landed and drew closer to salvage their dead. Amber plasma illuminated the outline of Zark's white robes. On that signal two marines opened fire with repeater cannons, raking back and forth across armored droid carapace. Behind the Jedi Master another marine calibrated a now spinning dish while he deflected incoming las bolts.

Despite the ambush, their foes were resilient to conventional blasters and in moments the ridge was lit up in bright crossfire. Master Zark sought guidance from the Force but all he felt was a sudden terrible sense of foreboding. His guard faltered and one of the droids scorched the Jedi's duraplast chest plate. Something was coming.

"Surik's Blade!"

At first Zark thought it was another earthquake but then the technomonstrosity clawed its way from underground. Tentacles crushed marine and battle droid alike. With each shambling step the regolith beneath it grew more unstable. He closed his eyes and the Force told him where to move. Where to run. Where to leap.

A nest of twisted limbs reached to constrict him even as Master Zark plunged his lightsaber deep into its cancerous mass. Gold light from the blade reflected off his death mask. Writhing underneath a triumphant Jedi the dying sithspawn experiment triggered another collapse and they were both falling.

When the surviving members of Nexu Squad pulled him coughing from the rubble his lungs took in painful gulps of air. One of the marines reached for his mask but Zark shook his head.

"Did we locate the signal?"

Their helmet bobbled in a silent nod.

  • Nexu Squad ambushes the incoming rocket troopers. Both sides are attacked mid-engagement by one of the darkside ritual's reawakened sithspawn. Survivors now tracking the Dark Imperial droid command signal to its mobile command center.
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Lightsaber: X | Armor: X | Training: X | Casual: X
Tags: Casaana Casaana | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Ryana mina Ryana mina | @Others


Roman braced himself against the weight of battle, fists clenched and heart racing as he prepared to launch his partner, Anneliese, into the fray. Their backs pressed together, he could feel the tension radiating off her. He glanced at her, catching the glimmer of determination in her eyes--a spark of the light they were fighting to protect.

"Roman -- I want you to throw me," she commanded, her voice steady despite the chaos surrounding them.

A flicker of surprise crossed his face, but he could see the fierce determination in her gaze. "Are you sure?" he asked, a thread of doubt weaving through his mind.

"Throw me!" she insisted, her tone leaving no room for argument.

With a nod, Roman felt the Force swirl around him, steadying himself. He sensed her confidence infusing him with strength, and as he shifted his weight, he prepared to launch her toward the group of encroaching enemies. He could feel the tension build as Anneliese took a running start. With a swift and powerful motion, he propelled her skyward, watching her arc through the air.

For a moment, time slowed. The world around him disappeared, the din of battle fading as he followed her flight with a mix of awe and pride. And then, she landed in the heart of the enemy with a ferocious battle cry. The ground splintered beneath her as a radiant wave of energy exploded outward, knocking soldiers off their feet like rag dolls. Roman's breath caught in his throat as he witnessed the sheer force of her power.

A burst of adrenaline coursed through him at the sight of her unleashing the Force with such vigor. Anneliese, the embodiment of the light, was a whirlwind of strength and resolve. Roman's lips twitched into a smirk as she cleaved her way through the disoriented soldiers, a dance of death that left no corner unscathed.

He quickly moved behind her, placing a reassuring hand on her back, a silent promise that he was there with her, ready to help shoulder the burden of their fight. Together they were a formidable force--he, with the grace of his emerald blade, and she, a torrent of determination with her gold saber ablaze.

The battle raged on. Roman took stock of their comrades; Thurion was an impenetrable wall, striking down foes as if the very ground beneath him feared to oppose him. Casaana, fierce and unyielding, had a leviathan handled on her own. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of admiration for Caelan, even as he stumbled through the fight, managing to dispatch a few soldiers despite his lingering shock.

Roman and Anneliese stood closely, home to a harmony rather than a discord, their strengths complementing each other in this dire fight. But the reprieve was short-lived. The crack of blaster fire echoed in the air, and soldiers surged forward, emboldened by the scent of blood in the stale air. Their uniforms were tattered yet indicative of a relentless army, one that seemed to thrive on despair. Roman felt that despair creeping into his resolve, but he pushed it back with the reassurance of Anneliese by his side. Her fierce spirit was a beacon of light in this shadow-strewn hell.

He fell into sync with her movements as they met the charging wave head-on. Swinging his emerald blade, deflecting blaster bolts and cleaving through the front ranks of attackers. Each time their lightsabers met with steel, he felt the resonance of the Force flow through him, binding him to Anneliese, they were a true team.

As the enemy forces pressed on, a momentary gap appeared in their onslaught. Roman's brow furrowed. "Watch out!" he shouted, pointing towards the horrific sight of a smaller Leviathan -- a lesser creature born of darkness and despair -- rearing its grotesque body, preparing to charge at them. Its maw opened, revealing teeth that could rend flesh and bone alike.

But before he could execute a plan, luck turned against them. A resounding explosion ripped through the air, and the Leviathan was obliterated in an inferno of black bile and chunks of corrupted flesh. Roman was thrown backward, the eruption of energy knocking the breath from his lungs. He felt the heat of the blast sear across his skin as he landed in a graceless tumble.

Scrambling to his feet, gasping for air, he quickly turned back to Anneliese, who was still amidst the eruption of chaos. More artillery shots ( Sid Berik Sid Berik ) began to rain down upon their position, each explosive blast creating havoc in the scattered ranks of soldiers. Roman's heart raced as he witnessed the relentless assault materialize, and instinct kicked in. He dashed towards Anneliese, desperate to shield her from the barrage.

"Stay close!" he shouted, pushing forward and finding her side once again. Breathing heavily, he stood before her, arms raised, directing his will towards the oncoming blasts. There was no time for fear; they needed each other, now more than ever. The Force rippled around him, amplifying his spirit as he tried to create a protective barrier just before another explosion erupted behind them, sending shrapnel flying and sending the soldiers nearby fleeing in panic.

"We need to get to the others!" Roman urged. He could see the intensity in her eyes, a fierce determination that ignited the hope within him. The battlefield felt alive, alive with the screams of torment, the cries of those lost, and the anguish of their plight. But he would not give in. Not now.

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Objective: Safeguard Padawans
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Casaana Casaana Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Sid Berik Sid Berik
Target: OPEN

Shaking off the burning pain in his knee, the Lion rejoined the fight as the four padawans battled bravely despite the horrors arrayed against them, filling the old man's heart with pride. Although he could not say why these four in particular, his trust in the Force was marrow-deep; their fates were now entwined in ways not even the very wisest could foresee, this battle being their trial-by-fire to cement their bonds of brotherhood. They, and many like them, represented the future of the Jedi, and he felt greatly honoured to have inspired them to aspire to new heights and unlock their true potential.

Before his lay the terrible creature still gargling on his shield lodged in its throat, limbs wriggling in its death throes. Thurion stood over the creature, regarded it with pity, then placed his foot upon the slab of metal sticking out of it and pressed down, severing its head entirely. The Shield of Heaven re-attached itself to his forearm with but a conscious thought as the Lion faced down his foes once more.

Ahead, Casaana was battling a Leviathan all by herself and doing an impressively good, if reckless, job of it. As she rolled off the fallen Sithspawn, Thurion caught her and hoisted her up on her feet like she was a child, which, technically, she was. All to maintain her momentum and redirecting her towards the foe. "When each murdering invader will run before us," he echoed her last verse, amused by her mimicking the warrior poetry of his people. He even paused to rub her cheek with his thumb, wiping off a bit of Leviathan.

Without looking, he then drew his sword from its scabbard and in one fluid motion spun around to lock blades with a charging Sith Knight, crimson energy bound against sunlit steel. There he stared down the masked Sith, looming ominously over the shorter devotee of evil until he saw the whites of his eyes, at which point the embodiment of Justice entered his corrupted mind and broke it from within by showing him the Light and the pain of his past actions. Every tortured soul he'd condemned to the Netherworld tore his psyche apart, leaving him but a broken husk of a person on the ground.

Thurion didn't even grant him the mercy of death, but simply stepped over his quivering form.

His gaze turned skywards. Artillery shells dropping on their location. He looked to Roman and Anneliese fighting back-to-back, to the poor boy Caelan still wearing shock on his face, and to Casaana reciting battle hymns. If they retreated now they might outrun the saturation area, but it was a futile hope.

No. They would not run. They would all stand together, or not at all.

The Lion thrust his sword into the ground, held out his hand, and made a yanking motion to Force Pull the four of them to his side as he then proceeded to raise his shield to the skies and create a golden barrier around them. An aura of glittering light surrounded the party of five, beautiful and serene as the noises of battle became muffled, distant suggestions. As bombs rained down around them, pounding the ground into submission and killing indiscriminately, the shield of gold weathered it all.

The strain upon the man wielding it, however, was immense. It forced Thurion to his knees even as he kept his shield arm raised, desperately trying to hold on for the sake of the little ones. He groaned and moaned audibly behind his helmeted visage, sweat beating down his forehead and every muscle aching as each direct impact was felt by him exclusively. He threw his winged helmet at his feet, gasping for air as he looked upon the four with his eyes once more.

"Remember... why... we fight," he told the four of them, each having already proved themselves tenfold in his eyes. His voice was audibly strained, struggling to deliver each syllable. "For each other... our friends... our family."

By the time the bombardment ceased, the Lion collapsed, exhausted. All around them was death; a field of impact craters and obliterated bodies strewn about.
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Command Center // :
Mobile One| CIS Mobile Command Center | ITD Headquarters
Tactical Center | ARENA-7580

Artillery Compliment //:

Super Tank Experimental | x5 Units |
Super Tank Shield Generators | x6 Units |
HAG-M | x10 Units |
J1 Proton Cannon |x10 Units |
Heavy Artillery Gun |x10 Units |
IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks |x10 Units |
Refresh Droid Units

Scout Compliment//:
Separatist Droid Speeders | 3 Platoons |

STAP-2 Aerial Platforms | 3 Platoons |

Main Army Compliment //:
Armored Multi-Functional |x7 Units | Advanced Forward Armor
X4-86H Repulsortank |x12 Units | Infantry Support Armor
G40 Series Armored Assault Tank |x6 Units |
C-9979 landing craft (10)
Troop carriers (500)
Multi-Troop Transports (550)
Armored Assault Tanks (650)
B1-Series battle droids (over 329,600)
B2-A Super Battle Droids (over 200,500)

Q-Series Droidekas (500)

Support Compliment//:
HMP Droid Gunships |x14 Units | Gunship Support

Droid Vehicle Losses//:
HMP Droid Gunships |x7 Units |

Troop carriers (80) Multi-Troop Transports (100) and Armored Assault Tanks (150)
IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks |x6 Units |
J1 Proton Cannon |x5 Units |

A mixed platoon consisting of Battle Droid Assassins, Assault Battle Droids and
Mortar Super Battle Droids
A squadron of B2-A Super Battle Droids in their Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper vairant
More squadrons of B2-A Super Battle Droids in their Anti-Air Super Battle Droid and Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper variant.

Dark Empire: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari Rackham Rackham
Galactic Alliance Commander: Gress D'ran Gress D'ran
Galactic Alliance: Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
Dueling Partner: Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka (Eventually)

"Sir, the Alliance is continuing their push on the northern side of the engagement zone and have started making headway on the southern side as well. Our offensive is operating on a loss even with the support of the Mawsworn and the Krath, and we have detected through our sensors nodes that a large barrage of heavy firepower from the Galactic Alliance Falcon Artillery Walkers is incoming in 3...2...1" the GRX Super Tactical Droid observed the heavy turbolaser fire from the Galactic Alliance's counter-battery on the holographic map, as it made a direct trajectory towards the Imperial Artillery regiment positioned on the adjacent plateaus.

In a dramatic turn of events, several rounds of turbolasers struck the fuel depots of five HAG-M units located in proximity, resulting in their catastrophic destruction amidst a blaze of fire.

Rhomrook glanced at the smoke-stack billowing just a few meters away from the CIS Mobile Command Center, acutely aware that any depletion of his artillery resources would significantly impair the Imperial Military's offensive potential in the face of the Alliance's counteroffensive on the northern front.

Nevertheless, they maintained a numerical advantage, bolstered by the advancing Mawsworn and Krath forces operating independently to crush the Alliance Forces operating behind their own formations.

"A proficient strategist recognizes that triumph cannot be attained without making extensive sacrifices, particularly in the face of a formidable adversary equipped with superior firepower. Press on with our own counter-battery barrage towards the rocky pillars once adjustments have been made on all targeting computers, and munitions are properly reloaded." He gestured casually towards the holographic map, fully aware that the challenges they faced were formidable due to the Alliance's modernization initiative from the outset. Nevertheless, the Dark Empire remained resolute, and they continued their advance as the sound of artillery echoed once again.

The 5 HAG-M Units, 10 Units of Heavy Artillery Gun, 7x Armored Multi-Functional and 5x Super Tank Experimental would return counter-battery bombardment on the Falcon Artillery Walkers aiming to collapse the rocky columns that they were hiding behind.

The 10 Units of Heavy Artillery Guns along with the HAG-M 5 Units, 7x Armored Multi-Functional and 5x Super Tank Experimental carry on bombardment on the Falcon Artillery Walkers.

"Sir, the integrity of our northern defensive line is approaching a complete operational failure, despite the assistance provided by the Mawsworn's war skiff and walkers. According to my assessments, they are expected to advance on our positions within the next rotation unless we shore up our defenses on that side of the battlefield." the GRX Super Tactical Droid relayed the information to the Nosaurian Commander following the acquisition of tactical data regarding the developments occurring in the northern quadrant. It was only a matter of time before the Galactic Alliance breached their defenses and advanced directly toward the central command center, aiming to achieve a decisive victory over the forces of the Dark Empire on Bogan.

"The circumstances on our flank of the battlefield are critical; however, we must not permit the Alliance to progress any further than their current position. Should we fail in this regard, the Battle for Tython's Moon will effectively be lost to the Alliance. Continue to execute our assault formation, and if necessary, obstruct their advance with the remnants of destroyed vehicles. Construct a barrier of charred hulls." Rhomrook asserted confidently while holding tightly to the edge of the holographic projector, recognizing that their losses could be strategically leveraged to construct temporary fortifications. A notable advantage of employing Imperial Droids was their inability to withdraw due to diminished morale; they would continue to engage in combat until the final operational circuit was deactivated.

With the 1st armor column (Troop carriers (80) Multi-Troop Transports (100) and Armored Assault Tanks (150) destroyed by the Galactic Alliance's Firestorm Walker Company as they made their advance up the rocky terrain, flattening droid formations. The only significant obstacle remaining to impede their progress was the supplementary reinforcements dispatched by the Dark Imperials.

This contingent included 1 platoon of Separatist Droid Speeders, 1 platoon of STAP-2 Aerial Platforms, 6 units of G40 Series Armored Assault Tank and several squadrons NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers as they began counter-assault to assist the Mawsworn.

These forces had recently arrived and were beginning to exert a degree of pressure on the Firestorm Walker Company even through the thick carnage of heavy firepower from HE mortars and horn lasers, the lasers focusing fire on the forward exposed tracks of the Persuaders and smoke from burned out vehicles and tanks scattered across the northern side.

The 1 platoon of Separatist Droid Speeders, 1 platoon of STAP-2 Aerial Platforms's smaller overall profile and maneuverability advantage offered them great speed as they zipped across the battlefield, evading fire from Blaster Cannon gunners. Opening fire on the Lynx APCs with their Built-in laser cannons (8) and Droppable bomb (1) while the aerial platforms opened up with Blaster cannons (2) and Missile launcher (1) with Missiles (6).

Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad had taken care of the squadrons of B2-A Super Battle Droids in their Anti-Air Super Battle Droid and Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper variant as they fell back to the surface with a thud, their armored shells cracked and peeling open due to extensive anti-air support and intense weaponry.

Within the skies of the battlefield, the HMP Droid Gunships were beginning to be picked off by the Ziio LAATs and Roc Drop Ship, and the
Sphinxes open fire on gunships with AA missiles and blaster cannons with only seven of them remaining operational from the 14 that the Dark Empire had brought into the engagement. Even through the thick smoke of the engagement and the formidable firepower of the command walkers, the droids fired Variable-payload missile launchers with Concussion bombs (2) Torpedoes and EMP missiles.

HMP Droid Gunships |x7 Units | would engage Ziio LAATs and Roc Drop Ship, and Sphinx Siege/Command Walkers

additional force arrives consisting of 1 platoon of Separatist Droid Speeders, 1 platoon of STAP-2 Aerial Platforms, 6 units of G40 Series Armored Assault Tank and several squadrons NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers to engage Firestorm.

Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad is free from direct engagement for a time.

1 platoon of Separatist Droid Speeders, 1 platoon of STAP-2 Aerial Platforms would focus on destroying the Lynx APCs with their superior speed and maneuverability to dodge incoming firepower.

"Send an encrypted transmissions to the Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk Class III Battleship 'Desolation' within high orbit and inform them that we required CSA Support for the southern side of the battlefield in order to blunt the Alliance's Offensive within this region. We have the perfect opportunity to bog down Thunderstorm." Rhomrook said watching on the holographic map as the Galactic Alliance Thunderstorm began to advance through the bombardment zone of the J1 Proton Cannon with two of them being destroyed by heavy firepower that managed to penetrate through the overlapping shield deployment of the Super Tank Shield Generators.

The transmissions was sent towards the Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk Class III Battleship in orbit as the 4x remaining units of IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks and their Refresh Droid Units attempt to halt the movement of the Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks and Thunderstorm with the assistance of the several squadrons NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers as they fired Ion cannons, Heavy repeating blasters, Shock rifles and Concussion missile launchers with 48 thermal detonators, 12 Concussion missiles, 4 Homing missiles and 4 Dumbfire torpedoes.

After a few moments the roar of ion-enhanced engines could be heard far above, as Imperial Phlac-Arphocc 23 Model Droid Tri-Fighter (48) broke through the atmosphere towards the Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks and Puma IFVs, firing their Missile launchers with a mix of Medium concussion missile (6) and Buzz droid discord missiles (2-6).

The squadron of B2-A Super Battle Droids in their Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper would be defeated by the dark sorcery of Detritus Ren Detritus Ren and the might of Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka leaving him unopposed as the mobile command center's transmissions signal was picked up by his squadron.

4x remaining units of IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks and their Refresh Droid Units attempt to halt the movement of the Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks and Thunderstorm with the assistance of the several squadrons NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers

x8 J1 Proton Cannons which carry on bombardment on the Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks and Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks

x6 units of Super Tank Shield Generators would carry on projecting their mobile shield generators in an overlapping configuration

Imperial Phlac-Arphocc 23 Model Droid Tri-Fighter (48) broke through the atmosphere towards the Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks and Puma IFVs.

Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka was left unopposed, now able to track the signal back to the Mobile Command Center.

Objective 3
Friendly tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Samuel Creed Samuel Creed Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Enemy tag: Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Sid Berik Sid Berik Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Lightsaber, Blaster, Armor, Demolition Charges.

Just as Casaana was struggling to her feet, Thurion grasped her hand and pulled her up. Then she went cross-eyed following his finger as he wiped her cheek. Something slick and chunky came away, yuck. Then he turned away to face down a Sith and she did likewise to give him room, drawing her blaster again to stun a few more enemies as her mind raced to think of the next verse. She needed something to help her keep her cool, not think about the death around her and how thinly her own life hung. "*************," Her blade spun, cutting a strange amalgamation of metal and droid that looked human, rotting flesh hanging from its frame. "*************.'" A bolt whizzed by her head and she fumbled the lyrics as she bounced another two, the shouted chords now barely muttered in her exhaustion.

Without warning her feet left the ground as she was pulled back. She'd thought a Sith had gotten her when her armored back hit the ground next to Heavenshield's proud stance. She blinked up at him and his raised shield, wondering what he was doing before he again formed a protective barrier around them. Explosions blossomed around them, sending plumes of dirt high into the air and the Knight fell to his knees, from the strain. Casaana looked around herself, finding the other Padawans also tucked alongside her and witnessing the unbelievable destruction around them. It was unbelievable that the Alliance would be doing this, not when they were so close to taking the Temple grounds, not when they could have opened with such a barrage. "Remember... why... we fight," he struggled to say, strain evident in his voice, "For each other... our friends... our family." Without his helmet, she could look up and see the sweat beading on his face, the way it tangled his hair.

Because Jedi protected, they looked out for others. And she knew what she had to do. Reaching her gloved hand out, Casaana grabbed onto his ankle and let the Force flow through her to him. She was a candle next to blaze, already spent and pushed further past the ragged point of exhaustion than ever before. But even the smallest of candles can add its light to an inferno, for was it not also a fire? From somewhere in the back of her mind the last of the lyrics rose up, her lips barely moving as she voiced them, "***************s..." She could help, so she did in what little way she could.

Afterward she lay there, too tired to open her eyes, the silence so total after the thunderous explosions that had shaken the world that she didn't think she'd ever hear again, nor want to. She didn't want to get up and open her eyes, to see the gouged earth and the pieces of friend and foe alike littering the field post-bombardment. If she did, she'd know that even those she'd tried to spare were dead, either above the ground or below, with their prone forms were buried under collapsed trench walls. Suffocated by the earthworks meant to protect them, killed by the Empire they were defending. Because a soldier didn't like that the people he'd been sent to gun down had fought back, and that a scared child was shouting out lyrics for bravery.
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Tribal Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Defeat the GA
Location: Ground, Bogan, Tython system
Equipment: Light Armour | Wardress | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || OPBC-01m
Friends: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Sid Berik Sid Berik | Rackham Rackham | Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari | Open
Enemies: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Ryana mina Ryana mina | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Casaana Casaana | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Samuel Creed Samuel Creed | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


For the time being, I could only wait for my brother to get better and be able to answer me and think. At least that's what I thought, because he was much worse affected than I was. Omen of Durace; I remembered that day very well, that incident. After that mission, Asher and I became lovers, which was very strange, because at that time he only had his brain in the tank. I gave him the opportunity with my mental power to get back some of what he had lost. What he didn't think he was missing, the physical touch. The tainted love; the way it started. We didn't love each other then; I was only attracted to his rank and power and he became an addict. But everything changed over time as we really got to know each other.

I know I was with him now in the Netherworld, now in a physical body, but I also missed the times of this world, the old times.

In the meantime, I was jolted back to reality by the fact that Tommy had spoken, or rather continued to speak. How was I supposed to tell him that? He religiously believed in the Avatars, especially Rebirth, and the damn entity even used Tommy's body to talk to me in the past. Even Asher believed in them back then, which is why he went there. I almost managed to persuade him not to. How would our lives have turned out then? And Tommy's life? That was something I could never have an answer to.

"Yes... you were also Asher's omen. That his life was about to end..." I said bitterly.

What if I had killed Tommy there? When he couldn't remember who he was? Would they bring him back again? Did Rebirth really send it back? I did not know the answers to these questions. However, even Tommy did not finish his words, but continued. I nodded at that, because it was very familiar, because of my multiple personalities. When… There was also Ziare, Keilara and Freedom. For a moment I tried to think whether I had told him about Rebirth or not. But I remember I didn't, because it didn't come up after that.

"It all reminds me very much of when I wasn't alone in my head, I had my other personalities. But as far as I know, you don't have that problem, or at least you didn't in the past." I told him. "However, there is something I never told you. I think it's Rebirth. After Tython, she took control of your body and talked to me. Maybe she is trying to come back..."

I knew that the middle of the battle was probably not the best time to bring this up, but I had no other option. He had to know, especially if he felt that way. I had to warn him. I too looked towards the battlefield, and as my brother continued, I became more and more convinced that this could be Rebirth, or even all three Avatars. Asher was also able to be influenced through dreams, as dreams were sent to him and caused him to do the things he did. Among other things, he was told that he would die on Tython, or that Tommy would be found on Durace.

"Yes, if it's really Rebirth and maybe the other two Avatars, War and Death... you really don't need them. But they do need you, especially if their plan is to take control of your mind and body to manifest here in some way. But I'm afraid I don't know about that... that's the specialty of Valkyrja and the Children of Ashla." I told him, since I still wasn't a Force User.

If that were to happen, what should I do? I don't think I'd be able to get them out of Tommy's head; especially since I knew they were after me. Me and Asher and the twins. Maybe even Keilara and Kallan, if they knew of their existence. The only option would be to kill him? Or should I tell Eina? I had no idea. How much simpler my life was with the goal of killing Solipsis and that's all I wanted to do, or revenge. In the meantime, Tommy continued, but perhaps visibly less and less well. I mean, at one moment he seemed less so, at another moment he seemed more himself.

I didn't like this fluctuation, especially as we are so much in the middle of a battle. But maybe I think it's lucky that I haven't left here yet, that I stayed. Who knows what the consequences would have been if I had gone into the ancient buildings in search of what I had. One thing I could have done, which I did with Asher, was to keep his mind from falling apart and completely disintegrating. I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying because apparently what I was teaching him was already not enough and I think intervention was needed.

"There is one thing I can do to keep you yourself and not be affected by the Omen. I can seal it in your mind, or I can rip it out... true, if it really is the Dark Three, there's not much I can do about them, except put a wall around them to protect your mind from them... I did that to Asher in battle when the planes of his mind started to fuse into one..."

After that I looked at it very seriously, perhaps I've never looked at it so seriously.

"But it's your choice what you want... from asking for help to death..." I told him, and hoped he wouldn't choose to kill him.



Chapter III : Bogan



Main Fleet
Starfighter Compliment [Partially Deployed]

As the rockets flew towards the group of two dozen TIE Destroyers, the pilots were quick to react activating their countermeasures to fool the missiles into striking them blindly without any proper guidance. The Ion rockets originally aimed at the center of the formation would veer of-course still hitting some of the TIEs but without the effectiveness of the originally intended airbust in the middle of the formation. The heat-seeking missiles now unable to lock onto specific targets would hit the formation blindly the result being 3 TIE Destroyers being outright destroyed and another 5 taking considerable damage.

However the TIEs would move forward closing in on the Artillery Walkers and once in range they would unleash a volley of concussion missiles and sonic missiles at the walkers, concentrating their fire at the legs where they were most vulnerable. Hopefully with this strike they would be able to either wipe out the entire platoon of artillery walkers or at least deal enough damage to put them out of action for good. Once the bombing run from the TIE Destroyers was complete the group of TIEs flew above the Artillery Walkers and began to circle around ready for another pass as they prepared to unleash a second round of missiles upon their targets.

As the TIE Destroyers engaged the Artillery Walkers, Rackham's remaining fleet continued it's withdrawal suffering heavy fire from the enemy artillery walkers as they further retreated. As the bridge of the Thunderer shook as the Artillery Walkers fired upon it's rear engines, Rackham remained fixated on the holographic pod in front of him. He had never expected the enemy to be able to directly confront his forces from such range, and given that the artillery walkers alone were able to force him to retreat there was no telling what other assets the enemy had in store that could target capital ships.

Until the artillery destroyers and other assets that would be able to strike his fleet would be taken out, Rackham's Fleet would be unable to provide direct support to the Imperial forces below with the exception of continued close air support. But more effective means of support such as orbital bombardments were now out of the question. Hopefully the combined attack from the Imperial Treasury's artillery and the TIE Destroyers would be sufficient to take out the Artillery Destroyers but for now, the Thundrer and the Vindicator would remain outside the battlezone outside the range of the Artillery Walker and any other walkers that the GADF could use to target their flagship.


[Friendlies] | Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe
[Hostiles] | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran
5th Post







Friend: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Sid Berik Sid Berik
Rackham Rackham Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari

Foe: Valery Noble Valery Noble Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina
Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Casaana Casaana Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Samuel Creed Samuel Creed
Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield




'Well, if we are to take this as seriously as we should, all three options must be taken into consideration. All at once, an' all with whatever due course and due respect is needed.'
Understanding exactly what this would mean, even imagining the clawing hands of the Netherworld with a shudder, the thought of a demise by way of honourable pursuit seemed far more acceptable by then, even smiling under the mask for all it would do for his place in history. To die in the hopes it would kill a curse with true, lasting certainty, depressing though it was for the Khan to consider, seemed like a reach for redemption in which many historians thereafter would look to such an act with wonder. But in the moment Thomas finally registered that Mercy had considered him to be Asher's Omen, an Omen apart from the one he assumed had dragged him from the Nether, the Khan found himself taken aback as he uttered,'So everyone really did dream of my resurrection.... Independent of the Omen who dragged me from the abyss after all.', giving unwitting verbalisation to thoughts of realisation.

'Making it appear as though I've been marked with a chequered fate, of all things.... Fitting.... An' if it so turns out that I must part from existence once an' for all - I can think of no-one better than you for the task.... Jus' be sure t'strike true if it comes to that, for both our sakes.'
'Whether the Avatars will it or not, we'll find a way together.', the Khan continued, thinking then of the Matriarch's stated likelihood that the Dark Three had not only been using Thomas, but also had been wearing him to communicate along with it. An insult of which the Bloodhound would not forgive, especially after praying for so long without affirmation, realising they never once answered as Barran quietly pondered,'Though it would appear we have a lot o' reading t'catch up on, Sis.... We need to find an answer to this riddle.', steadily finding hope despite how horrifyingly daunting the task seemed in the beginning.

'Heh! An' perhaps, through the solution we may yet find along the way, we may yet have our answer to the riddle of Solipsis.... Stranger things have happened after all.... An' I do not doubt for a moment that stranger things can, and will happen again.'






'Ulusar! Where are you going?'

'And who the feth are you meant to be?', Rook responded the outpost's latest arrivals, at a brief loss as to which contingent they belonged. They were doubtlessly Marauders, but seemingly a mish-mash from the growing array of differing tribes within the Khanate, noting those most-familiar as the Darkhan gave everyone a brief once-over, though the Arkanian knew that time was stacking against his odds of survival. Even growling,'Speak up for yourselves, damn you! Our survival depends on it, so don't choose now as your moment to be shy and starstruck - speak up, and with some damn pride while you're at it!', as he made to walk through the gathering throng of warriors, as even then Rook could feel the last threads of his patience wearing thin by then, and this never usually boded well for those who were unfortunate enough to test his patience in such situations.

'We're a new outfit, dubbed,"The Band of the Blooded". Comprising solely of survivors from the Coruscant and Empress Teta deployments, Ulusar.... And if you're heading north, we wanna come with you!'

A good answer, and a glorious name as both according to the Darkhan's estimation, but despite all the potential he was beginning to see in the eyes of the Blooded, time was still very much wasting away by that point of the battle. However, despite the omnipresence of the ever-ticking clock, the low morsels of confidence Rook had in these individuals would start to grow from this point, thus he would make the effort to bellow,'We are, so fall in with my subordinates - AND I MEAN NOW, DAMN YOU!!!!', to take command with a certainty all the ragtag Marauders would have needed sorely. Taking mental note of this fact as he unsheathed the Aethysian Romphaia his master aptly named,"Death's Kiss", the Arkanian would step out onto the outpost's courtyard, roaring,'TRILUNARS, BLOODED - COME WITH ME AND RECLAIM THE SOUTHERN BATTLEFRONT!!!!', at the top of his lungs to instil a little wrath in all who stepped out to see what was transpiring at the time.

Stepping out toward with the gate with added Swagger, moving forward with purpose, and all in the hopes that same bluster could be imparted on the warriors making to follow him.

Like a dam, bursting open with all the water it held back, the Darkhan's contingent spilled out from within the outpost they resolved to leave behind; regardless of whether they were on foot, on vehicles or low-altitude aircraft, regardless of formational doctrines, their trusty fortifications would be cast aside for the sake of the ultimate gamble. All things off the ground would carry the wounded and all the important technicians northward, and whilst the majority on foot or wheels advanced with shoulder-mounted launchers and ATGMs at the ready, sufficient cover would be offered for the Doomsayers and War Skiffs rushing off ahead, not that this would offer any cover for the infantry in transit. One of many risks the Arkanian was sure his experienced contingent could negate, as even on a moon like Bogan,"Out in the Open", could never be an absolute certainty, and especially not with all the craters, hillocks and mesas considered, easy proverbial bridges to cross before they finally made it to the Shield Dome.

<"Shiv to Rook! We're closing in on OPFOR's airborne contingent, and with friendly War Skiffs within view, I figured now was the time to request permission to attack.">
'What karking use is autonomy if THE STUPID BASTARDS WON'T USE IT?!?!'

<"Copy that, Ulusar! The slaughter commences.... Shiv out!">





Location: Bogan, Stone Ruins
Enemies: GA: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Ryana mina Ryana mina

The dark imbued screams were music to Detritus’s ears. The Orbalisks that continued to feed into his body, amplifying the dark side within him into a conduit, he was the focal point for the ritual taking place. All around the ruins did the deep crimson glow, the agonizing screams that even the Jedi would find it impossible to ignore. Creatures of the dark side rampaged and run amok. Even as he felt all the Knights and Masters encroach closer, they were hopeless in trying to stop the Master of Ren from blanketing all of Bogan in darkness that lived up to its namesake.

His fingers flexed in and outward, the crimson glow at times would brighten and then dim. As if the red circle was a fire ready to blaze. His yellow eyes glowed, focusing on the sigil and runes all around him. He only needed the defending forces to buy him enough time to complete his plan. He felt his body tense, the dark side responded in kind by using Detritus as a carrier. The screams continued to go louder and louder, all of it was building for a crescendo for his dark power to be released.

All of it was steadily building up. No Jedi would stop him, could stop him from carrying out his plan. The full force could descend and it would all be too late. His eyes closed slowly, he allowed himself to fully embrace the dark currents dragging him. The screams were near defeating, then I came to a head the sigil glow cast a red light all around. Then his eyes snapped open, the yellow gaze still remained. His fists shook as they clench tightly. He raised his arms, the parasites still amplifying his strength, the pain gained from them was almost too much to bear.

Then did Detritus finally release it. The screams of the runs were matched with his own. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” He would roar out. His arms raised as Detritus was engulfed fully by the crimson glow. The glow would turn into a bright beam that would launch into the sky. The crimson beam would be seen through all corners of Bogan, as when the red beam pierced into the heavens a heavy shroud was cast. Slowly did the sky start to turn black.

The Master of Ren was consumed by it all. The pain was too much, yet he stood his ground. His arms raised defiantly towards the sky, the crimson beam pulsed as it continued to shoot high across Bogan’s atmosphere. Thunder soon started to roar followed by crackles of red lightning.

The ritual was taking hold.


"Firestorm" Walker Company:
  • "Thunderstorm" Armor Company
    • Vehicles:
      • x2 Tiger Command Walkers
        • Appetite for Destruction
        • Diver Down
      • x7 Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks
        • Speak Softly II
        • Divine Intervention
        • Rolling Thunder II
        • Apocalypse Now
        • Iron Side II
        • Heavy Machinery II
        • De-Escalator~ Rear right track knocked out
      • x6 Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks
        • Leonardo
        • Donatello ~ Right Missile Rack Destroyed. Alive.
        • Michelangelo
        • Raphael
        • April
        • Splinter
      • x7 Puma IFVs
        • Run and Gun
        • Live and Learn
        • Shades of Glory
        • Ride The Wind
        • Guns and Roses
        • Fire and Ice
        • Guns of Liberty
      • x2 Bobcat Scout Walkers
        • Connor
        • Mia
      • x3 Squads of Marines
        • "Tsunami"
        • "Twister"
        • "Volcano"
"Helldiver" Marines Company
"Krayt" Artillery Platoon:

"Midnight Train" Support Platoon:

The tide was shifting. On all fronts, the GADF was pushing forward.

Gress's cabin rocked idly as a barrage of payloads slammed into the shields of his command walker. Taking a long drag, he looked over to command screen as he watched another droid gunship crash into the dirt below. "Spartan, report." He said lazily.

"Still at 60 percent power. We're holding steady, sir."

"Good man." He said with a puff of smoke, smiling. The might of the GADF held strong. As the Rocs and Ziios exfilled southeast, Gress's ears were filled with the sound of repeating blaster fire, as the marines within the walker continued to fire on the gunships.

"Sir!" Radar blurted, causing Gress to break from his calm. "Those enemy ships we've been taking out, they're dropping....rancors!"

That...was not the word Gress was expecting. Farkin' Maw madmen. "What's the locations?"

"Two groups to our south east and west, one to the direct west, and's directly approaching Krayt. They're going to be overrun sir."

All damn day. All day they've been trying to-

"SIR! INCOMING MESSAGE! The Jedi have taken the portal! GADF Fleets are inbounding!"

And like that, the blinding light shined through the darkness. "Call in airstrikes on all enemy positions! I want them to be bathing in bombs!"

"Aye sir! This is Hellstomper Bravo to Supreme Commander Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn , relaying targets to your holo-grid. Full carpet bombing!"

"Thunderer Gunners! I want full barrage on the enemy artillery! Radar, relay to Kraken! We're gonna put those guns out of order! Call in Air Superiority to reign in those Ties! Hammer Gunners! Target those Rancors before they can hit Krayt!" Gress was suddenly a flurry of emotion, barking orders like a madman. They had a tiny window, a glimpse of an overrun that they could only act on now.

Sphinxes continue to engage Gunships with AA missiles and blaster fire, as Rocs and Ziios disengage and exit the AO.
GADF reinforcements come from over the horizon, a full squadron of Y-wings.
Sphinxes target several DE positions at once. Hammer Batteries open up with turbolaser fire on rancors, and Thunderer Batteries open up with four heavy turbolaser rounds on DE artillery positions.


<This is Solo Squadron, we copy Hellstomper Bravo, we got 30 Aerial Gift-baskets coming down from the far side of the moon. ETA half a mike. Pick your targets boys, we've got a shopping mall tonight!>

Just over the horizon, 30 Thunderstorm Y-wings came screaming across the sky, follow behind by 8 X-wings, 4 of which immediately break off to engage Rackham Rackham 's Ties.

EVENT: Y-wing Bombing Run on all DE positions.
The first run had knocked Slash Zone onto it's knees, as the Tie's missiles slammed into it's legs, and had blow the right leg of Hutt Busters clean off, sending the walker crashing into the ground.

Still, Havok knew he had to hold firm. All the walkers that still could had deployed their Frosties as soon as the Ties had gotten started on their run, causing many of the missiles to vear off course. It was a deadly game of chess, as another round of AA missiles fired at the retreating Ties.

"Sir! Another counter barrage incoming!"

"Fark!" Havok blurted out as he slammed his fist into the arm rest. "We need to-"

<This is Saber Wing, incoming! We're gonna get those Ties off your tail Krayt!>

The first good news all day. 4 X-wings screamed across the sky, and chased after those CAS Ties, leaving Havok to regroup, as they prepped for the incoming barrage. <All walkers that can, move your asses! We're retreating east! We got thirty seconds before those rocks fall on our heads! Pick up Hutt and Splash's crews along the way! We're getting out of here!>

Splash Zone and Hutt Busters are destroyed.
X-wings engage Tie Destroyers, as the remaining walkers retreat east to avoid incoming counterbarrage.
They were this close. The Major in charge of Solo II could feel it. He watched as Party Wagon was riddled with enemy blaster fire, the APC slowly coming to a halt as it began spewing smoke. After the prolonged assault, Fran Tranka could feel the pressure start to mount. The shields and armor of the walkers and tanks were starting to give way.

Still, the push continued. Composite lasers focused fire on Persuader Tanks, while Fran grumbled as the tank duel continued. Wildcats taking on G40s, while Tigers provided supporting fire. It couldn't go on, they needed this break through.

Then the Maw began to retreat.

That was the turn of the tide they needed.

"Sir! Incoming word for Cerberus! Y-Wings inbound!"

And that was the tsunami.

"Binoc, relay priority targets! We're gonna push forward! Relay to Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad a full blitz!" <All Walkers, full blitz! Y-wings incoming to deal with the remaining tanks! Glory to the Alliance!>

<Hoorah!> Was the call over the radio, as Firestorm began pushing hard, Tigers charging full speed ahead into the formation of downed enemy tanks, as the Wildcats were forced to maneuver around wrecks, in some cases resorting to simply rolling over them.

Y-wings engage enemy armor.
Thundercats and Tigers engage remaining armor as all of Firestorm pushes forward.
Wildcats open fire on remaining tanks with heavy composite lasers.
Had it not been for the scream of a Y-wing launched CHOMP Rockets, the Cougars of Thunderstorm would've been overrun then and there. Missiles fell short due to MDTs, and it was only the torpedos that crashed into the ERA plating of the Cougars, causing minimal damage.

The commander of Leonardo punched his tank forward, crashing into one of the remaining hailfire droids, before ordering a point blank SABOT round right into the head of the droid.

Any form of command and control had become so decentralized, that the only standing orders were to complete the mission.

Wildcats and Pumas used the now inflitrated multi-layer shields to hide from incoming CAS fighters, as X-wings came down and engaged them. The Wildcats instead used their supreme speed to donut around the proton cannons, avoiding fire while opening up on them with their twin beam cannons, while Pumas followed right behind, spinning their guns to open fire through the shields on the tri-fighters, as the sky began to blacken.

"Sir, whatever the sith are up it, we can't have a repeat of Sluis Van!"

<All units! Continue the assault! We must trust the jedi!>

Not again. They needed to push forward.

Major Yanma could only take a moment to pray as bombs fell on the DE positions, the shield dome cracking under the pressure of repeated bombardment.

Y-Wings fire on counter-assualting droid tanks, while Cougars continue to engage Hailfire droids.
Wildcats and Pumas use Super-droid shields to avoid Tri-fighers, while using their speed to avoid proton cannon fire, engaging and destroying both with dedicated fire.
X-wings engage Tri-Fighters, while Pumas open fire on them.
A crack filled the air, as the blaster bolt was sent back, and vaporized what had been the Master Sergeant.

"Chit!" His spotter called, as he watched the bolt fly into, and through the body of the Gran Dunrel. "We need to move!" Was all the trandoshan could say, as he swallowed a hard breath. "Damnit Gran..."

"There's a crater 3 clicks back! We can call for evac there!"

The spotter stood there for a second, before his fellow spotter punched him hard in the shoulder. "Sir! Your orders! We need to get out of here!"

"...right, right. Get moving, I'm grabbing Gran's rifle."

"...copy sir. We're not leaving you behind."

Snipers retreating.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Tython | OBJECTIVE : 3 |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield
@Samuel Creed | @Zark San Tekka | @Noah Corek Jr. | @Aiden Porte | @Gress D'ran | @Ko Vuto | @Anneliese Kaohal
| TAG (FOE) : Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

Objective III — Bogan

"The Force is with me,
And I am one with the Force;
And I fear nothing,
Because all is as the Force wills it."

It was when he started to lose the aura of “Uncle Thurion” (not completely, but enough to turn his head) that Connel pivoted. They were going to succeed, but they had to do this “together” one way or the other.

Come on… Waving for Ryana to run with him, they met up with a group of Padawans just over the ridge. They were either sitting, or fallen on the ground, exhausted, beaten, but still in the fight, whether they wanted to be or not. If they were to stay here, that would be okay, no one would think less of them, if they were to continue? Well that was up to them, but they needed some kind of help.

Looking the way of Casaana Casaana , Connel pulled his Combat Shield off from his back and draped it over her. Take this. It will protect you from anything that is not Force directed. Connel immediately walked over to his honorary uncle Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield and crouched down next to him checking his pulse, but at the same time, using what little he was capable of in the way of Force Healing.

You’re not dying, not today Uncle. The fact is, Connel was horrible at healing another, because his Master, his Father, was as well, but he was darn sure going to try. After another moment or two, certain that he had done his best, Connel looked at the young kid looking shell shocked by everything. Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren . Pulling the Gauntlet off of his left arm, the one housing his Upgraded Shield and offered it. This will do the same thing as the other one. Just press the button in the palm.

His left hand was somewhat exposed (he still had a glove underneath the gauntlet), but he was skilled enough without it. He will survive. It was time to make sure that Ryana did as well. Looking her way, he said to her.[/COLOR]

Time for training on the fly… Force Shield… it’s not the greatest of defense, but it will have to do for now. cracking his knuckles and catching his breath. He finally looked back at the fallen. Especially with the Dark Temple turning into a gigantic Crimson bubble of light and then a beam shooting to the sky. Then came the Thunder… and the red lightning, one which struck a Jedi Padawan a good distance away but within his eyesight. He knew where he had to be.

I’m going to move ahead, there is a source to all of this and I am going to either slow, or outright stop it. This is something I have to do. Looking around again. None of you should have to. Get his highness to a medical wing. Those shields should protect you… so will Ryana…

Looking at her, fully expecting a protest, and argument.

I have no intention of dying here, but I won’t take a chance when it comes to you. You have a life now. You need to be able to live it. My life has led me to this moment. I am going to stop that thing. You have more life to live.

Looking back at Caelan and Casaana, I’m going to want those shields back. Then he turned to take off into a sprint. Ryana would be able to stop him if she attempted to.[/COLOR]


Lightsaber: X | Armor: X | Training: X | Casual: X
Tags: Casaana Casaana | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Ryana mina Ryana mina


Roman's grip tightened around Anneliese as he crouched low, shielding her with his own body. The chaos of the battlefield roared all around them, the thunder of artillery shells punctuating the air like a war drum, foretelling unspeakable violence. He felt the harsh grit of the dirt under his armor, the sporadic stings of shrapnel hitting him, but he pushed through the pain. His own Force barrier, though hardly sufficient, surged around them in a feeble attempt to ward off the worst of the onslaught.

Even as the remnants of his makeshift shield began to splinter and fade under the relentless barrage, Roman's own body took the brunt. Dust and small rocks rained down, scratching his skin and battering his armor. Every impact felt like a hammer blow, but he refused to let go. Anneliese's safety was his priority--no matter the cost.

Together, they clung to the chaos, and in a pulse of flickering light, Roman felt a powerful surge in the Force. He gasped, his heart racing as an unseen hand pulled them both through the air towards the towering figure of Thurion. "Hold on!" he shouted, more for himself than for her, as they were yanked into the golden cocoon of the Lion's shield.

The moment they landed, he instinctively twisted to cover Anneliese further beneath him, his back pressed against the golden barrier. Hellfire battered at the shield--Roman was forced to grimace as he absorbed the residual shock of the strikes. It was a whirlwind of destruction, yet somehow, over the cacophony, he felt a flickering of hope, a tether of solidarity coming from Thurion's protective aura.

Then, silence enveloped them as the bombardment ceased abruptly. The transition from chaos to stillness was jarring, but Roman's senses were overwhelmed by what lay outside. The scene was one of horror and devastation; craters splattered across the ground, torn pieces of bodies mingled with fragments of shattered armor. Fear threatened to consume him, but he forced himself to breathe.

He glanced at Thurion, who had collapsed to his knees--exhausted, straining under the weight of his own heroism. The sight of the brave Knight brought a swell of admiration within Roman, coupled with guilt. The gravity of the sacrifice made for their sake weighed heavily on him.

Roman noticed Casaana attempting to aid Thurion, her voice a whisper of a melody amid the gloom. Her dedication was admirable, but he couldn't ignore the ache inside him--a longing to help further. Without hesitation, he reached out and grasped her shoulder, channeling the Force through his own weary essence to bolster her efforts. He hoped that together, they could restore some strength back to the valiant Knight.

As Casaana labored, he turned his focus back to Anneliese--making sure she was unharmed, reasonably unscathed within the inferno they had just endured. The chaos still echoed in his ears, the horror of it all clashing with a desperate wish that they would emerge from this alive. A new pair of Jedi emerged to help Thurion, giving them shield and instructing them where to take the Knight before one took off again.

He flicked his gaze to Caelan, who remained rooted in shock. "Are you okay?" Roman's voice cracked with urgency. They needed to rally, to find strength in their camaraderie.

But in the midst of this determination, Roman felt the pull within himself cracking. Adrenaline left him, the dull throb of pain taking precedence as it shot scales of exhaustion through his body. He propelled himself to his feet, but his legs buckled beneath him, allowing him to collapse next to Anneliese once again.

Suddenly, a bright red beam shot upwards, demanding attention as it cut through the dimming skies, instantly causing the atmosphere to shift--a new terror looming on their horizon. Roman groaned softly, feeling a vague dread settle in his gut. He grasped Anneliese's hand with a fervent squeeze, seeking solace in her presence while he struggled to maintain his composure.

"They're not finished with us yet," he muttered through gritted teeth. The storm might still rage, but he would stand firm.


Roman Vossari Roman Vossari l Casaana Casaana l Thomas Barran Thomas Barran l Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal l Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield

Sid slowly opened his eyes-

His armor broken. Ribs, arm, maybe. Everything hurt. His ears were bleeding, ringing. Mud and blood caked his exposed face, his armor cracked in more places than one. The rookie pressed a palm to the mud, dirt, and bodies below him as he stood up, slowly.

The artillery strike decimated what was left of his position, and the advancing Alliance horde. He looked around- his weapon was cast aside, thrown about by the thunderous amounts of explosion.

The fire mission was successful.

Smoke, dust, debris filled the air- creating a thick, true fog of war. There was a dead soldier near him as he walked up the hill, towards the temple. He picked up the rifle, pulling the charge back again. No charge- not really, at least. Maybe a couple of shots at best. He limped along, unaware of what was to come. Dead men littered the battlefield, Alliance and Imperial alike.

Wasted youth, wasted ammo, wasted time.

For the pride of Empires, the folly of monks, and the fear of others. Demigods raged wars in the sky, casting spells and powers at each other incomprehensible to Sid and soldiers like him. They argued and bickered, and men like Sid died by the thousands. It felt hopeless. He walked for a little while, before he just-

Sat down on what remained of a pillbox, a machine gun position. He rested the rifle stock on the ground, helpless, hopeless in the fog. He couldn't hear, he could barely stand-

He looked to the side, a dying Alliance soldier looking up at him just the same. He sat down next to him, neither saying a word. He took the canteen off of his belt- it somehow surviving the barrage. Sid offered it to the Alliance trooper, who could barely nod- but a scarred, burnt and bloodied hand took it, taking a swig. He said something, but Sid didn't understand. Perhaps it was his home language. Perhaps it was just gibberish.

They both watched the battlefield below, tanks and ships in the sky streaking light in a horrendous display of power. Tython had been a focal point for a battle, a war that was long before Sid's time. And time repeat itself. Beneath him, the bones of every Empire, every Republic, every Alliance lay beneath him.

And now, that included his friends, platoon, and company.

He was the last, and he wondered if the Alliance soldier was in the same boat.

Was he dead?

Was he in hell?

Was this hell?

Or did they create hell?



EQUIPMENT: Iston Voronwe's Saber, Mother's Lightsaber Crystal Necklace
TAGS: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Casaana Casaana | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Ryana mina Ryana mina

From that point on he did what he had to. The blade sometimes just deflected blaster bolts. He knocked a few people away from him with blasts of the Force when he could. When he didn't have a choice he struck, trying to maim rather than kill. He hated it. Hated it all. But it was necessary to his survival and, as he was growing to realize, was going to be a large part of his life going forward. People did not always respond favorably to diplomacy, as Arhiaa had told him. Sometimes they had to do things through violence, even if it didn't seem right to do so.

He was moving, albeit slowly, across the battlefield when the artillery fire started to rain down upon their position. What did he do about that? How did he stop himself from being blown apart? This was beyond him. Luck would not carry him this day.

Then he felt something, a pull. Someone was pulling on him directly. He spun around, thinking it was a Sith, but then the pull grew and he was yanked across the battlefield to land at Thurion's side, just like the others had been. He groaned, and whimpered a bit, as he landed upon his injured arm, but quickly rolled himself over so his weight was not pressing on it. He looked up at the older man as he spread a barrier around them, keeping them safe from the death called from above.

The Master fell to his knees and Caelan sighed. If they were going to survive this they needed him to get them through it. No, that was wrong, wasn't it? They didn't need him. He needed them to be strong for themselves. He sat up, and grabbed Iston's lightsaber, which had turned itself off when he'd landed after being pulled across the battlefield.

Roman said something, and Caelan looked at him, realizing he'd asked if he was okay. He just shook his head in response. Then someone else was there, someone offering him something, a gauntlet? He didn't quite understand, but then he spoke about a shield, offering instructions, and so the gauntlet was taken, and affixed to his arm. He didn't completely understand what was going on anymore. Especially the giant red beam that was piercing the sky and causing red lightning to fall down. Red lightning that struck the ground and killed another Jedi in the distance.

"What?" he asked, new concern in his voice as he pushed to his feet. "What is that?"

He moved to stand in front of the others as Connel ran off again, leaving them with the help of Ryana. Even if they weren't ready, he would continue to defend them. Blaster bolts continued to come in at them, and Caelan started doing his best to deflect the ones that were coming in at their group. The giant red beam in the sky was worrisome, as were the bolts of lightning, but he would do what he had to in order to keep the others safe at this point. It didn't matter to him except to do what he had been instructed. Fight. Keep fighting.

"We have to work together or we'll all die."


Allied Tag: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Samuel Creed Samuel Creed Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Enemy Tag: Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

Speeding across the air near the ground Minerva noted the multiple of destroyed super battle droids her commandos finished mopping up. A glint of pride flashed through her eyes at their handiwork. The clankers had outnumbered and outgunned her company but they never outfought them! Soon that pride turned to sorrow, spotting more of the Talons now fallen on the soil as well.

Every fight has a cost.

It wasn't long before Lieutenant Tuni and his surviving platoon members joined her. They beheld the ferocious tank duel raging around them when the Mawities began to retreat. "What spooked them?" One young commando asked before another retorted.

"Mawities don't get spooked. They're too crazy for that."

"But they're still falling back." The first one answered defensively. Instantly they received an answer on the general comms.

"Y-Wings inbound! I repeat Y-Wings inbound!"

So the main fleet has arrived, Minerva realized. All around her the commandos cheered and hollered quickly followed by a directive from Firestorm's command.

"Full blitz Captain Fhirdiad! Pursue the enemy!"

"Copy that Firestorm, music to my ear." She answered before calling her strike force.

"Talons form up and press the attack! Platoons Two and Fourth Shell Buster! Three and One Plan Rathunter!"

Roaring out their defiance the Talon commandos still alive regathered midair in a sizable half square formation. As commanded the fourth and second platoons started with any hostile tank lagging behind. One tank's engines was destroyed by a missile, stopping it entirely, making it a stationary target for Firestorm. Another was struck similarly but was set upon by a commando team who set up an explosive charge on it and flew away before it exploded. A few more met similar fates all over.

As for platoon one and three they used a combination of missiles and ion shots to take riders or their speeder bikes at least they. Of course those of the latter that survived the initial volley began to spread out and definitely exchanged fire with the Talons chasing after them from above.

Targeting a fleeing speeded with a mounted twin turret that was shooting backwards Minerva unleashed a Striilir'ika mini missle from her vambrace and it slammed into the thrusters. Its rear end exploded in an orange glow as the vehicle suddenly crashed front first to the soil. Leaving the surviving occupants to be dealt with by her allies, the Mandalorian increased her jetpack speed to maintain the attack.

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