Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle for Balance Chapter III — GA invasion of DE held Tython


Chapter III : Bogan



Main Fleet
Starfighter Compliment [Partially Deployed]

"Treasury to Colonel Rackham , we are requesting air support for a full concentrate strike on the Sphinx Siege/Command Walkers in the back of the Alliance's Formation. They are considerably well-armed and have anti-air support so our best strategy is to destabilize the ground they are walking on to cause a complete collapse of mobility."

"Affirmative." Rackham responded before turning to one of the sensor officers. "Get me a visual on those command walkers and anti-air batteries. I want to know their positions and numbers." Rackham ordered. The Colonel then turned to both the flight bay and chief flight officer. "I want all squadrons on stand-by for immediate deployment. I want those pilots to be ready once we know how many targets there are and their exact positions" he further instructed. In time the Mawites and the Imperial Treasury would receive their air support as the final preparations were being made before launch.

"We have a visual on the Sphinx's Colonel." one of the sensor officers cried out from his console. "What are we dealing with here" Rackham responded desiring to know what his pilots would soon be up against. "Two of them sir, located on the frontlines appearing to lead the main Alliance assault." the officer added. "Any sightings on the supposed Anti-air batteries?" Rackham added. "No sir. We have no idea where they are." the officer responded again. Then it was the flight bay officer's turn to speak to Rackham "All fighters are prepared and ready for deployment at your command Colonel" he said informing Rackham that they were ready to launch the bombing run against the Sphinxes.

However before Rackham would give the order to launch the bombing run against the Sphinxes, the bridge of the INV Thunderer shook as explosions rang out around the Battlecruiser and it's escorting Carriers as they found themselves under a direct attack by enemy anti-capital ground batteries. "Colonel, the enemy fire is penetrating the shields of our carriers" the Captain of the Thunderer said, right as a turbolaser round struck the engines of the INV Malice destroying them and causing the Carrier to start listing on one side while slowly descending from the sky. "Where is that attack coming from" Rackham inquired as the Bridge continued to shake. "It's coming from the rear of the enemy formation. 6 Artillery walkers to be precise." the sensor officer replied.

"Get some TIEs out there to take out those walkers and turn the fleet around. We need to remain out of range of those walkers to avoid further damage" Rackham ordered. The chief flight officer simply nodded as he communicated with the Thunderer's starfighter contingent. Soon 3 squadrons of TIE Destroyers would emerge from the ventral hangar of the Thunderer as it began to turn around along with the Vindicator to retreat further away from the range of the attacking artillery walkers. The 24 TIE Destroyers would begin their final approach toward the 6 Artillery Walkers shunting the power to their shields as they prepared to unleash hell upon the walkers that took out the Malice.


[Friendlies] | Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe
[Hostiles] | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran

Items: Lightsaber I Engagement Ring I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X I Theme Song I Bloodline Tattoo

Tags: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Casaana Casaana Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
Location: Bogan II Temple
Objective 3


Mourning turned sour fast.

She could feel the turmoil within Caelan as he shout aloud, the undercurrent of the force fluctuating within his body, intermingling with the deep emotions he was now expressing.

As he screamed — begging, pleading Iston not pass, his hands gripping at his robes… and speaking of the hardship he was putting on his daughter, but rather to fight and to hold on… it took Annie back and by surprise, her eyes full of concern at the realization. He knew this man’s daughter — and she too like Caelan had now lost both parents. This event was only fueling the tempest that had been building within him.

The storm was building intensity.

Since her very first encounter with him, she’d never once seen him loose his composure, never once cry about his parents — the childhood and the innocence that was cut short. He never spoke much on his sister — but as he became still momentarily she went to reach for him, trying to comfort him — to give warm sisterly love and support… until.

The storm hit.

The temple rumbled violently as a breeze kicked up, the very air beginning to swirl around Caelan as his emotions now manifested violently… her eyes stark with worry.

He would bring this temple down on their very heads — she had to snap him out of this fit.

As the force maelstrom kicked up around him and began to force her back — she screamed to try to reason with him. “Caelan! Please! You must stop!” Her voice breaking as the tears from earlier dried, Annie pushing back against the force that now threatened to send her flying backwards.


As she looked into his eyes, she knew — the sweet boy that was always concerned with others, always wanting to learn, always proper and so strong, so resilient was not there anymore — he’d mentally checked out.

Debris began to rain on them as the walls of the inner temple shook, small and large bits of rock beginning to fall down and commingle in the torrent that now surrounded young Caelan. As she reached out once again, her body screaming with fatigue — a loud “THUD” would send shooting pain down her whole arm as she quickly jerked her left hand back, cradling it in pain, blood gushing out from her arm, a large baseball sized rock having split her arm open, cries of pain being muffled by the storm. “Your going to being the temple down in BOTH OF US!!! CAELAN!!!”

Her mind raced on what to do… what should she do? Her right hand coming up to cover her face as she stared at him, her heart breaking.

This wasn’t necessarily about Iston, or his daughter. This was a compounding and explosive cry of grief.

A large burst of wind that emanated from Caelan sent her tumbling backwards a few feet as she watched Iston’s body slowly rolling down the hallway.

Still cradling her bleeding arm, she got to her knees as her eyes narrowed, the same conviction, the same resolve from earlier that said she would protect Calean burning in her emerald eyes. A scream of defiance breaking from her lips… Annie willed her body forward, bits of sharp rock pelting against her body, as she took steps towards him — each step every step a fight as she gained ground, her body weighted down by the resistance.

He needed her — she had to be strong.

As she closed the gap between them, Caelan still unresponsive to this point, she wrapped her arms around him as the temple shook, Annie softly speaking in his ear. “I’m sorry Caelan… I’m so sorry your parents died. I’m sorry your sister isn’t here… I’m so sorry about Iston… and I know — it’s not fair, none of this is fair….” She paused as she carefully weighed her words, trying to keep a calm tone. “Iston wouldn’t want this — he would want us to be strong… he would want you to be strong for his daughter!”

Another piece of debris struck against her in the back as she let out a cry of pain. “Caelan! You’re so strong!… but it’s ok to be sad… It’s ok to cry! Please!” She held on to him, her voice breaking as she fought back tears. “It’s ok Cealan… it isn’t your fault… none of it’s your fault… I’m here and I’m not going anywhere….”

As the tempest swirled around them as she cradled him in her arms… praying to Ashla that she would reach him.



Lightsaber: X | Armor: X | Training: X | Casual: X
Tags: Casaana Casaana | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Sid Berik Sid Berik | @Others


Roman grunted as Casaana probed at his blaster burn, pain lancing through his bicep with each movement. He could feel the adrenaline surging through his veins, but it was a thin veil against the sharp agony. As the cold water from the canteen splashed against his wound, he let out a groan, fingers digging into the dirt at his side. He watched her intently, her brow furrowed with concentration as she reached out with the Force, gathering energy and focus with an intensity that both awed and inspired him.

The raw pain began to dull, and he marveled at her skill, noting how her face softened as she focused all her attention on him. "Casaana," he managed to breathe out, his voice low but filled with gratitude. "Thank you for… listening in healing class." His shoulder felt lighter, the fiery sensation easing just enough to allow him to think clearly.

When she rolled away, clearly fatigued from her efforts, he grasped for her, but she was quick to sit back up. "I'm right behind you," he affirmed, his voice stronger, filled with resolve. But even as the words left his mouth, he felt the urgency of the battlefield creeping in around them.

There was little time to dwell. Seconds later, his head jerked up as Casaana leapt into action, her form a blur of movement and purpose. The blue energy shield enveloped her, radiant and defiant against the blaster fire. Roman felt a surge of admiration, overwhelming his pain and fear for just a moment. It was an act of bravery that ignited something deep within him. Fueled by her fearless charge, he forced himself to his feet, every muscle screaming in protest but responding to the urgent demands of the moment.

"Everyone, move! This way!" he called out hoarsely over his shoulder, directing what little remained of their group. He was acutely aware of the void left by those who had fallen, the loss was a shadow beneath the surface, but now was not the time to mourn. As his emerald lightsaber burst to life, he was filled with a potent mixture of determination and desperation. The blade hummed in his hand, guiding his movements as he deflected blaster fire that began to erupt anew, the bolts sizzling past like angry wasps.

Casaana's daring move had drawn fire away from him, but he could feel the heat of battle closing in. He sprinted, pushing beyond his limits, lungs burning and legs straining as he navigated the perilous landscape. The sight of the trenches came into view, remnants of the temple rising eerily against the backdrop of chaos. He was closing in, but as he cleared the exposed ground and slid into the trench, he felt the weight of despair flood back in.

A rush of troops, armor glinting menacingly, emerged to meet him. Roman's lightsaber flicked through the air, deflecting shots and parrying blows, yet he quickly found himself outnumbered. His heart raced as the soldiers closed in around him, he could see Casaana darting through the air around him, her shield glowing brilliantly, a beacon amidst the storm.

But even with all his training, Roman was not invincible. One larger soldier charged him, slamming into him with the force of a thermal detonator. Roman hit the ground hard, the impact knocking the air from his lungs. The soldier wasted no time; they began exchanging blows, fists and blaster fire ricocheting off the walls of the trench as Roman struggled for the upper hand. The sounds of battle blurred around him, the shouts of his companions, the crackling of lightsabers, and the increasingly unfamiliar rumble of the Temple's foundation beginning to give way.

Roman pushed against the armored soldier, narrowly escaping a critical strike that would have knocked him out cold. He could feel it--the temple shaking, the ground beneath him thrumming with the a strange sort of rage. But he couldn't let that distract him. He had to focus, had to push through the pain and exhaustion. He summoned all that he was, every fragment of strength and hope, his determination merging with the shimmering energy of the Force.


Roman Vossari Roman Vossari l Casaana Casaana

His assistant gunner was named Torvus Valk.

He was 23 years old.

He had a beautiful wife, and was expecting his second child. A young family.

He joined the Imperial Army to defend his planet after the Dark Empire liberated it from effective slave rule, and brought industry and peace.

Torvus loved to go hiking, ride his two-wheel bike.

Torvus named his first child after his grandfather, Gaven. Torvus' parents couldn't have been prouder. Sid actually got to have dinner with them a few times.

Torvus wasn't sure if he was having a boy or girl yet.

Torvus loved to be with his troops, his squad, his platoon. Him and Sid had talked for a while, and Sid actually looked forward to having the life that Torvus had. Wife. Kids. Little house. A career military man.

But Torvus was being held in Sid's arms, and Sid stared up at the sky, crying out for a medic. But it was too late. The Jedi's initial assault killed him, and Sid was left holding his friend, the father, the son, the husband. And now, he was a corpse, his plasteel armor caked with dirt, mud, and blood. Sid's helmet was cracked and destroyed. He screamed at the sky, holding his dead friend. He buried his head in his chest- crying profusely.

Then, he looked up and saw her.

A Jedi.

He was holding his dead friend, trying to make sense of it all. They had killed him. They wanted to kill Sid, too. For what? Sid stared up at the Jedi, his rifle out of reach. She was a demigod, slaying all of his friends. And were there were one, there were many. Sid just stared at her-

She was a monster. A demon. Not an angel like the stories said. Great heroic deeds done in the Old Republic, the Clone Wars. Galaxy-spanning deeds of heroism. Lies. They killed. They maimed. And they robbed Sid of his innocence, his youth. For what? So that the Alliance could take this planet? For their religious wars? Sid had to suffer, his friends had to die, because she, and all the Jedi like her, could take a temple back?

He stared at her, swallowing his fear.

He gathered his hate, sucking in air.

And he said one simple thing to her, while he held his dead friend, and she stood over him in the trench:

"Fuck you."

Sid was once a kid. Couldn't drink on some planets. Too young to rent a speeder in most. And she was going to kill him, just like they killed his friend. She was a killer, and he was going to die here. But he held onto Torvus, his arms wrapped around his friends lifeless body. His face was stained with tears, but hardened when he saw the enemy.

There was a light in Sid's eyes before. A youthful happiness, vigor. Life.

It was gone now.

She and all of her type took it from him.

And for what?

Sid waited for the end, the death that he knew she'd give to him. A cruel end to a good man.

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EQUIPMENT: Training Saber, Mother's Lightsaber Crystal Necklace
TAGS: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Casaana Casaana | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

A sea of pain flooded him. Anguish. All of it at once, and no matter what, all he heard was his own screaming and the coursing of the Force through every fiber of his being. It was too much, far too much for a fourteen year old to handle. Especially one who had never seen death in person. He knew his parents were dead, but he hadn't seen their bodies. He had never seen war. Lazerian had been at peace for a long time. But here he was, witnessing death, gore, the loss. So much loss that his mind just couldn't handle it.

The screaming rage brought pieces of stone cascading down around him. Some of it would have hit him were it not for the driving waves of wind and energy that expelled themselves from him. He wasn't even aware that some of it was falling upon Annie, hurting her in severe ways. He wasn't aware of anything but horror.

But somewhere inside his mind he felt something. Like a tiny little worm wiggling its way into an apple, munching slowly on the fear, pain, hurt and everything else that had welled up within him for so long. The crystal inside the case on his necklace, safely beneath his robes, glowed, spreading warmth into him. His mother's lightsaber crystal. It wasn't the first time he'd felt something from it. It had happened before, when he met Arhiaa. It had happened that same day, when he was afraid. And it was happening again.

Even as he screamed, and Annie fought her way to him, he could see a light in his mind, steadily growing stronger and stronger until he saw her. His mother. She stood in a flowing gown of blue that glowed white. Her own skin radiated white, almost ethereal. She appeared before him, standing within the corridor, though only he could see her.

“I’m sorry Caelan…"

She loves you, Caelan, and she needs you.

“I'm so sorry your parents died. I'm sorry your sister isn't here… I'm so sorry about Iston… and I know — it's not fair, none of this is fair…."

You need to let go. Pain is fleeting. It will end.

“Iston wouldn't want this — he would want us to be strong… he would want you to be strong for his daughter!"

She's right. Master Voronwe would want you to be strong. If he knew how you felt about his daughter, he would want you to be strong for her, too.

Slowly the raging torrent around him began to dim. His eyes began to return to normal. The shaking in the building around them began to subside, as the two people he cared about spoke to him in tandem, and warmth spread through his cold body.

"Caelan! You're so strong!… but it's ok to be sad… It's ok to cry! Please!"

You're so strong, Caelan. Your father and I could never be more proud of you. You have sacrificed so much, lost so much, yet you care about everyone around you. Your destiny is not to end here.

"It's ok Cealan… it isn't your fault… none of it's your fault… I'm here and I'm not going anywhere…."

Go back. I know it's hard. It will always be hard, but you're only going to be stronger. Your new sister needs you. Remember, we love you.

His mother faded away as the last of the power that flowed from him came to a stop. His arm collapsed to his side and he fell against Annie, sobbing about it all. His mother. His father. Iston. They were all gone and Annie was counting on him to not fall to pieces any further than he had. He thought he could do that now. He had to. If nothing else, he was going to have to work his way through it all before he went back and had to break the news to Arhiaa about her father.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

The apology was a general one. It was meant for everyone he'd lost. Deep down he felt responsible for all of them, as though he should have done more, but he knew he couldn't have. He squashed the self-pity inside of him before it could grow. He wouldn't allowed it. The torment he'd caused had already hurt Annie, and he turned his face to her with tears streaming down his cheeks, his good hand rising to brush her tears away. He couldn't take her pain from her, though he wished he could, but he could break past everything, and focus on what was needed in the now.

"I'm sorry, Annie," he said again, his voice calmer, though tears still rolled down his cheeks. "I'm sorry I came here and put you all in danger, and I'm sorry that I hurt you. I won't allow that to happen again. I can't. I have to be stronger. I have to become stronger. Not just for myself, but for you, and for Arhiaa and for my people."

He looked her straight in the eyes, his own expressing a newfound seriousness and determination.

"I won't fail you or them."

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Aiden Porte Aiden Porte - Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal - Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor - Samuel Creed Samuel Creed - Gress D'ran Gress D'ran - Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
The Dark Empire - Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari
Armor w/Custom Chest Rig - Rifle - Pistol - Rucksack[ - Knife - Various Grenades

It hadn’t taken long for Junior and 3rd Platoon to hook up with the rest of Esk Company, just under ten minutes for them to meet up, group up and move out towards their objective: the enemy command post and the artillery positions near them.

Like Junior had expected his platoon had been ordered to the far left of the battalions advanced, his unit by the last platoon of the last company made sense but it still put him and his men on edge. He had brought this up to Captain Cho but had been rebuffed, saying it was just the nature of being the last rifle platoon in the last company.

Sighing internally he kept trudging forward, the sounds of battle coming east and the loud detonations of artillery coming from the north east. They trudged on at a good pace before the halt order was sent down the chain. Junior quickly raised a fist, the universal military hand signal for a unit to halt.

It was less than a minute later that Captain Cho’s voice rang over the unit comms. “Alright listen up troopers! Besh Company has eyes on a sizable enemy force coming our way that’s between us and the enemy command post, we can't go around them so we’re gonna have to go through them.”

Junior began issuing orders through hand signals, ordering his troopers to spread out and prepare for contact as Captain Cho kept speaking. “They’ve got a sizable amount of droids and a decent amount of armor, so 4th Platoon get your mortar squads loading Ion rounds and have your anti-armor squads break out the heavy launchers for those tanks.”

He knew what the next orders were going to be so Junior issued the relevant hands signals and his men broke out their entrenching tools, quickly digging small two man fighting holes. The 82nd wasn’t meant to be a static unit but that didn’t mean they couldn’t dig in and slug it out when they needed to.

As his troopers dug in, Junior heard the distinct thumping and whooshing down the line that signaled the firing of mortar rounds and the launching of anti-tank missiles and knew before too long him and his troopers were gonna be in the thick of the fighting.
Objective 3
Friendly tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Samuel Creed Samuel Creed Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield
Enemy tag: Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Sid Berik Sid Berik Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Lightsaber, Blaster, Armor, Demolition Charges.

Casaana didn't know chit about Torvus. Torvus was an Imperial trooper in armor made to resemble the same armor that forces of oppression had marched across the galaxy wearing for a thousand years. He'd come to Tython as part of a conquering army far away from his family and home so some Emperor or Moff could pull in more taxes or tithes or look at a bigger blob labeled 'Dark Empire' on their map and know they were important. If he'd wanted to effect change or make the galaxy better, he should have donated to charity or volunteered his time. Instead Torvus came to a Jedi temple world, their home, and shot at the people that lived there so the flag he liked could be on top of it. She had memories growing up here.

Casaana didn't know anything about Torvus or Sid, she stood over them considering. For a few moments she was safe in the cut of the repeater's dug-out, the imperial trench protecting her. This trooper wasn't armed, or trying to kill her. Anymore. And the gun was silent. Her lightsaber hummed in her hand, its green blade having saved her in the final moments of her charge when her shield had overloaded. The projector was now quiet and cooling. In those unprotected seconds, she'd seemed to fly forward. Roman pushing her on with the Force when she'd needed it the most?

Reversing her grip, Casaana sliced through the emplaced weapon and then its supports without taking her eyes off the trooper holding his dead friend. He looked just as haggard and worn as she felt, and she wondered if her eyes would look like his in the mirror. He said something to her, spitting defiance and venom and, resignation... "That's a bad word." She told him, her own voice tired despite its youthfulness. "Go home, you make others feel like you do now." And then she drew her blaster, toggled the selector, and fired a pair of shots into him. Stun shots. She wasn't a monster out to execute anyone. Hopefully he'd come to as a prisoner waiting to be traded back, or would sneak away after the battle lines had passed him by. Maybe his armor saved him from the stun shots, but as long as he stopped trying to kill her friends, she was okay with that.

Turning her saber back around to the proper grip, Casaana continued into the trenches, looking for Roman. He was supposed to have followed right behind her, using her as a shield. Or rather, using her shield to protect himself too. He was close, but in the confusion and melee of warfare and the tight spaces of the trenches, she couldn't pinpoint where. If she could stop and meditate she might find him. Rounding a corner, Casaana came face to face with a pair of troopers. A frantic slice cut the lead's blaster in half, and a thrust of her blaster hand sent him reeling back into his ally. She followed up with more quick stun shots. Just as she breathed a sigh of relief, three more sprinted around the far corner, drawn by the commotion or just running, she couldn't tell. The rumbling all around them filled the air and the ground shakes were growing worse. Casaana was starting to think that wasn't just weapons fire.

Green blade twirled, sending a duo of shots into the dirt walls flanking her. Then Casaana wrenched the blaster from one and hit him in the faceplate with it as she pumped ring after ring of stunning energy into the group. An armored figure jumped her from the roof of the trench and she cut him down, knowing that if she let him clobber her, she'd die. She fought on, sparing those she could and regretting those she killed. Wishing she were a better Jedi like her Masters or that one that had appeared to save them from the Leviathans. She hadn't said 'thank you,' she might not ever get to now. Casaana settled down into comfortable numbness as she fought and searched for her friend.

Give in, Jedi......

Aiden turned around swiftly, and was met with blaster fire as he reacted quickly and the bolts were deflected. The Padawan moved forward, his saber sword maneuvering in and around the trio of soldiers and thus found its home in the side of one of the dark creatures. The Jedi Padawan breathed heavily, his mind quickening on its anxiety's and fear.

Did you tell her....

"Shut up!" Aiden uttered, the wind picking up around him as a red blade came spinning his way. The Padawan narrowly avoided the red beam as it passed him. He landed on his side and quickly found his feet as smoothly as possible. He ignited his lightsaber once more and the familiar snap-hiss was heard. Blaster fire came his way once more and more blade met with blaster bolts. Aiden knew he wouldn't last long out here, if he didn't break for cover he was doomed. He didn't want to bring this fight to his allies, but he couldn't do it alone.

You are alone....

Aiden wheeled around, his senses giving him a quick edge as his blue blade met with red. Staring into the face of Sion, the remaining faithful of the Ren Knights. Aiden pushed forward, a series of attacks against the dark warrior. Each of Aiden's attacks met with a solid deflect from Sion. The warriors broke of from Aiden, leaping to his side and launching his own series of attacks against the Jedi Padawan.

Aiden's blocks were not as successful, while they hit the mark they were each met with less resistance as the series of attacks were too quick. The final two downward attacks on Aiden's center were met but they knocked him on his back. Aiden's composure was lost for a few brief seconds as he rolled away as fast as he could and scrambled to his feet. Beads of sweat on his brow as gripped his lightsaber hilt with both hands. The Jedi backed away a few steps, in full defense right now. He did his best to get a handle on his breathing before attempting anything else.

Disappointing, I expected more from you. It's a pity she's not here to protect you this time. It would have been quite the treat to take out both Master, and apprentice.....

Aiden's brow furrowed slightly, he glanced down at the Jewel around his neck as he mentioned Solenne Abraxas Solenne Abraxas "She's stronger than you." The Padawan voiced, speaking out to him for the first time. "Your not going to kill me, and you won't kill her." The Jedi's courage that was seemingly failing was rebounding at the thought of his Master. The light within the jewel resonating and increasing his own affinity with the force. His friends flashed through his mind, increasing his own drive to fight through this and stay alive.

"I'm not alone...." Aiden said stoically for the first time on this field. His own inner light beginning to shine brightly.

Sion's smirked and widened his eyes in mock surprise before brandishing his blade.

Neither am I...

Across the battlefield, causing their own mayhem. A group of four members of the dark exchange had closed in on their location. Each of them strong in their own right, making a small perimeter around the Jedi Padawan.

Aiden glanced around, turning in a complete circle at those closing in.



She released the breath she held caught in her chest for what felt like seemed an eternity as she slumped to the ground against the wall, clutching her arm as she smiled at Caelan. “It’s ok — I’m just glad I found you.” Saying it as if someone he’d been lost. As she stared softly at him, a twinge of pain came from her voice as she leaned her head back against the smooth cold stone surface and closed her eyes.

She was exhausted and her body was screaming at her. It had been a relentless assault all the way getting here.

Her mind began to access the odds as she dwelt on both of them.

Caelan was wounded and his shoulder was shot — he needed an experienced healer. Her left arm felt fractured. She had a gouge on her head, the sticky hot blood drying now as she realized her head was spinning, from not only the hit but the high she’d been stuck in — her brain now coming down off the pure and feral adrenaline rush that had pushed her body and fueled her forwards.

Speaking softly her voice broke the ringing silence that now engulfed both of them. “I’m not sure I have the energy to heal both of us Caelan — but I know we need to regroup. The troops were fighting outside, if we back track we should run back into friendlies… and then we can resume our objective.” Opening her eyes and staring intently at him, her emerald eyes full of steady strength and resolve despite all that was happening. “It’s what Iston would have wanted — we’re not letting his death be in vain.”

Reaching into her hip pouch with her right hand, she pulled out a roll of gauze and began to wrap her left arm up tightly, a yelp of pain escaping her lips as she cinched down on the wrapping — her body shaking in response to the fresh pain that shot out her arm. Looping the wrap up and around her neck, she slung her arm up and tight against her body, securing it to her as she let out a shaky breath.

Pain was an illusion, fear was the mind killer — there was only room for one thing right now and that was her, and her only.

Pushing it all down, Annie called her saber which lie on the ground near her to her hand, clipping it to her waist as she then moved her hand towards her head, her slow rhythmic breathing heard in the halls echoing like a drum beat.

In…. Out…. In…. Out…

She could feel the force indwelling once again in her body as the stinging sensation that once ran across her forehead subsided. Shifting where she sat, she slowly made her way over on her knees to where Caelan sat — she began to access his shoulder. “Caelan, this looks bad.” Her eyes concerned as she slowly touched around the area of the wound, this needed more healing experience and time than she had to give or offer. “Look — I think I can take away some of the pain… make it tolerable…”

Once again the soft cadence of her breathing filled the room as she thought of nothing but the light that filled her breath, allowing it to expand in her mind as she tried to ease his pain. The burning sensation would fade and the would would begin to close slightly, as a bead of sweat moved down her forehead. Having him help her, and in the same fashion she used the leftover wrap she had to make a sling and secured his arm. “It’s important we keep this secured… I’m, I’m not sure what damage that saber would have done to your shoulder socket or the muscles in the area… do you understand Caelan?”

As she finished she stood up with a groan, and helped him up with her free arm. Reaching down and grabbing Iston’s saber, she looked at it as she gripped the hilt and held it out for Caelan. “You said you knew his daughter — I don’t. You keep it and survive to give it to her… that, and I think he’d want you to have it to use to protect yourself until we make it out.”

The saber was large, but Iston had been a towering man and the weight alone wasn’t awful… but the weight that it carried, knowing it was precious cargo was daunting. It hummed with a faint energy, as if somehow his presence was attuned to the very saber and had left an impression over time. Its blade? It matched the same intense color that rivaled Annie’s yellow crystal.

Turning around and looking at the fallen Knight and then to Iston’s cold, but peaceful form, she spoke. “Master Iston — thank you for sacrificing yourself that we would live. I promise I’ll watch out for those younger than me and my fellow comrades. You taught me… so much in this battle, and I’m better off for having known you. Be at peace with the force — and I look forward to the day that I see you once again, reunited. May Ashla welcome you in her warm embrace.” Bowing low and respectfully she rose.

The dead would bury their dead — just as he’d said. The living still had much to do.

Turning her heel towards the way they came in, she looked back at Calean, her eyes hardened, ready for what they face next.

“Let’s go Calean. Let’s finish this chit.”


Command Center // :
Mobile One| CIS Mobile Command Center | ITD Headquarters
Tactical Center | ARENA-7580

Artillery Compliment //:

Super Tank Experimental | x5 Units |
Super Tank Shield Generators | x6 Units |
HAG-M | x10 Units |
J1 Proton Cannon |x10 Units |
Heavy Artillery Gun |x10 Units |
IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks |x10 Units |
Refresh Droid Units

Scout Compliment//:
Separatist Droid Speeders | 3 Platoons |

STAP-2 Aerial Platforms | 3 Platoons |

Main Army Compliment //:
Armored Multi-Functional |x7 Units | Advanced Forward Armor
X4-86H Repulsortank |x12 Units | Infantry Support Armor
G40 Series Armored Assault Tank |x6 Units |
C-9979 landing craft (10)
Troop carriers (500)
Multi-Troop Transports (550)
Armored Assault Tanks (650)
B1-Series battle droids (over 329,600)
B2-A Super Battle Droids (over 200,500)

Q-Series Droidekas (500)

Support Compliment//:
HMP Droid Gunships |x14 Units | Gunship Support

Droid Vehicle Losses//:
HMP Droid Gunships |x5 Units |

Troop carriers (70) Multi-Troop Transports (50) and Armored Assault Tanks (120)
IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks |x2 Units |
A mixed platoon consisting of Battle Droid Assassins, Assault Battle Droids and
Mortar Super Battle Droids

Dark Empire: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari Rackham Rackham
Galactic Alliance Commander: Gress D'ran Gress D'ran
Galactic Alliance: Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
Dueling Partner: Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka (Eventually)

"The Galactic Alliance is disproportionately focusing a majority of their counter-offensive and firepower on the northern side of the engagement zone. Which would indicate in any tactical sense that they are seeking to conduct a flanking manuever by breaking through my own defensive line and the Mawsworn's attack formation." Rhomrook quietly contemplated the situation, observing the conflict from the secure confines of the mobile command center. The holographic projector indicated that his troops were on the verge of total defeat on that front due to the Ziio LAATs missile barrage, and x2 Roc Drop Ship high altitude bomb, the six walkers, armed with Horn Beam Cannons, and even the ionic blasts from the Sphinx Siege/Command Walkers. However, he remained wary about sending additional units, suspecting that the enemy might be employing a ruse to divert his attention.

"I concur with such a tactical assessment but they have sent a reasonably sized force on this side of the engagement zone which will be able to bog down any potential reinforcements we send towards that quadrant. Additionally - we have noticed that the Falcon Artillery Walkers have repositioned and are unloading a full barrage on our Imperial Reinforcements within close-orbit, casualties up to this point are one carrier, several thousand battle droids, three-hundred vehicles and a few support craft." the GRX Super Tactical Droid said noticing the increasing presence of the Thunderstorm Armor Company on the ARENA-7580 holographic projector. The thick defensive fortifications around the command center, as per his internal calculations, would prove impenetrable; however, the Alliance forces could still serve as a potent distraction and drain resources required in other areas of the battlefield.

"We are wasting a good munitions on targeting the Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks within Firestorm, they have an overt manueverability advantage on such expansive terrain. Redirect forward firepower on the Falcon Artillery Walkers and bring up our Armored Multi-Functional and Super Tank Experimental for additional artillery support. I don't want to see even a single walker left standing." The Nosaurian said with a firm tone, recognizing the mistake in his strategy very quickly. He had allowed the Alliance Artillery Walkers to much time to reposition and therefore it had costed the Dark Empire a fully-operational carrier, which would lessen the amount of Close Air Support the ground commanders could recieve from the Imperial Navy.

"As you command, commence forward heavy bombardment on Sector 11116.887." the GRX Super Tactical Droid relayed the comamnd signal to the artillery range which would begin repositioning to cover that sector of the battlefield, as well as as allowing the full complement of Armored Multi-Functional and Super Tank Experimental enabling them to synchronize their targeting coordinates with the artillery range and begin preparing their own munitions.

The roar of heavy artillery guns could be heard across the battlefield, as the 10 HAG-M Units, 10 Units of Heavy Artillery Gun, 7x Armored Multi-Functional and 5x Super Tank Experimental would initiate the heaviest and most concentrated bombardment on the battlefield yet. Their projectiles soared through the air like a clap of thunder towards the Alliance Artillery.

The 10 Units of Heavy Artillery Guns along with the HAG-M 10 Units, 7x Armored Multi-Functional and 5x Super Tank Experimental would initiate the heaviest and most concentrated bombardment on the Falcon Artillery Walkers.

"Sir, our gunships have reloaded their heavy ordnance and are ready for redeployment. Recommendation: send them to support our offensive in the northern region of the battlefield. I caculate they will increase our chances of complete triumph by an overwhelming 9.00007% if we do not encounter any additional interference from the Galactic Alliance" the GRX Super Tactical Droid relayed the information to the Nosaurian Commander after recieving an update from the HMP Droid Gunships that they had been reloaded with new missiles and were ready for combat redeployment against the Galactic Alliance once more.

"Send in the gunships to attack the Alliance's Ziio LAATs and Roc Drop Ship, reroute an additional force consisting of 1 platoon of Separatist Droid Speeders, 1 platoon of STAP-2 Aerial Platforms, 6 units of G40 Series Armored Assault Tank and several squadrons NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers from our landing crafts towards the Northern Offensive." Rhomrook observed the atmospheric storm intensifying, its size increasing as additional ionized energy was introduced by the Alliance. His arms crossed in thought as the GRX Super Tactical Droid realyed the command down the data chain towards the HMP Droid Gunships |x9 Units | as they lifted off from the landing platforms nearby towards the battlefield.

Behind the gunships were the additional force consisting of 1 platoon of Separatist Droid Speeders, 1 platoon of STAP-2 Aerial Platforms, 6 units of G40 Series Armored Assault Tank and several squadrons NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers which were taking the long route around within fortified Dark Empire territory to meet up with the Northern sectors.

More squadrons of B2-A Super Battle Droids in their Anti-Air Super Battle Droid and Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper variant would be unloaded onto the battlefield, chasing after and focusing on the company underneath the command of Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad .

On the battlefield itself the Imperial Droid Forces fought in vain against Firestorm Walker Company as the Troop carriers (20) Multi-Troop Transports (50) using their (4) 17 kv anti-personnel blasters, and Armored Assault Tanks (30) would carry on counter asault, using their own Turret-mounted heavy laser cannon (1) Lateral lasers (4), Coaxial short-range blasters, Hull-mounted energized projectile launchers with "Bunker Buster" shell, Armor-Piercing shell and High-Energy shells towards the Tiger Command Walkers, Thundercat Mark II Heavy Assault Walker, Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks advancing in their direction.

HMP Droid Gunships |x9 Units | would engage Ziio LAATs and Roc Drop Ship,

Behind the gunships were the additional force consisting of 1 platoon of Separatist Droid Speeders, 1 platoon of STAP-2 Aerial Platforms, 6 units of G40 Series Armored Assault Tank and several squadrons NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers which were taking the long route around

Imperial Droid Forces fought in vain as the Troop carriers (20) Multi-Troop Transports (50) using their (4) 17 kv anti-personnel blasters, and Armored Assault Tanks (30) would carry on counter asault.

Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad is being engaged by More squadrons of B2-A Super Battle Droids in their Anti-Air Super Battle Droid and Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper variant.

"Activate shield generators near the proton cannons, and have them carry on bombardment through the overlapping shields" Rhomrook said watching as first the mixed platoon consisting of Battle Droid Assassins, Assault Battle Droids and Mortar Super Battle Droids were ionized out of existence, then the eight CHOMP went towards the x10 J1 Proton Cannons stationed nearby as they kept on bombardment.

The x6 units of Super Tank Shield Generators activated their mobile shield generators in an overlapping configuration, offering substantial protection against the heavy ordnance fired by the Puma IFVs and Tiger Command Walkers's, which struck the shields with considerable force.

It was around this time the x8 units of IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks and their Refresh Droid Units would stop withdrawing, having had time to reload their munitions while the Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks and Bobcat Scout Walkers were chasing them around the rock formation.

They would use their large-wheel base to turn on a dime within the harsh sand, unloading their Racks of heat-seeking missiles; 15 missiles in each launcher, 30 total would soar ahead from the launchers directly into the face of the Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks and Bobcat Scout Walkers as they came around the corner of the twin-rock formation.

The x8 units of IG-227 Hailfire-class Droid Tanks would soon find support from several squadrons NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers as they fired Ion cannons, Heavy repeating blasters, Shock rifles and Concussion missile launchers with 48 thermal detonators, 12 Concussion missiles, 4 Homing missiles and 4 Dumbfire torpedoes into the Galactic Alliance's Thunderstorm.

"Sir, we have detected a faint signal orginating from an Alliance Craft near our command center as it passed through our scanners until disappearing out of range." The GRX Super Tactical Droid said to the Nosaurian, unknowingly detecting the arrival of Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. and his airborne company. He did not have the forces to spare to check out such a signal, so he would have the Mawsworn underneath the command of Thomas Barran Thomas Barran conduct such an operation with their forces on this side.

"General Rhomrook to Khan Barran, sending you location of potential Alliance incursion near our command center and artillery range. Recommend sending units to collaborate with the Krath Troops to confirm if they are attempting a flanking manuever." He relayed the message to Thomas Barran Thomas Barran through the secure Dark Empire communication network, sending him the rough coordinates of the signal. Once such a transmissions had been properly encrypted and sent along the data-chain did the Nosaurian glance back at the holographic map.

A squadron of B2-A Super Battle Droids in their Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper variant would be sent from the command center towards the ionized-ridge that the Alliance struck in order to collect the combat data from the droids sent there. Unknowingly running into Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka 's listening post operations.

x10 J1 Proton Cannons which carry on bombardment on the Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks and Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks

x6 units of Super Tank Shield Generators activated their mobile shield generators in an overlapping configuration

Thomas Barran Thomas Barran is contacted to investigate the activity near the coordinates of Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

A squadron of B2-A Super Battle Droids in their Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper vairant would run into Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka .

Last edited:


EQUIPMENT: Iston Voronwe's Saber, Mother's Lightsaber Crystal Necklace
TAGS: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Casaana Casaana | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

They were cut off from the main group, lost. Their leader was dead, and it was two wounded padawans against the world. Two wounded padawans with wounded, useless arms, though each had the opposite hurt. What a pair they were. And he was useless on top of it all because he didn't really have any training and shouldn't have even been there. He'd never wanted to be in the fight. But now? Now he was certain he was never going to back down from the fight. He'd seen what it meant, what it could do, and he wasn't going to run from it. He was going to fight because if he didn't, what he'd seen happen to Master Iston and the Knight would happen to his friends and family.

"Yes, that makes sense. Regrouping."

He watched as she pulled some medical gauze out and began to wrap her wound. In that moment, he realized just how poorly prepared he had been to even help people. He had no medical equipment, not even first aid gear. All he had was the training saber. That particular saber had disappeared in the maelstrom of his own creation. He'd have to replace it.

He'd have to replace the trust Annie had in him as well. Re-earn it. This was surely all his fault, something he would never live down, but he would do what he could to make amends, and he would ensure this didn't happen again. He felt he had a way to do so, but it was something he could do on his own. Part of him wondered if Arhiaa would help, but given the situation, and the fact he would have to break the news to her himself, he wasn't sure if she was even going to want anything to do with him after this. He hoped she would. He cared about her very much.

"I don't deserve the energy from you to heal my wound, regardless," he said as she assessed him. "I don't feel it anyway."

The lack of feeling was probably a combination of the wound being cauterized and the fact it had shot right through the nerve cluster, completely destroying it. No nerve cluster, no transfer of feeling. Which was also why he couldn't feel anything with that hand. In fact, it was basically just hanging there in a grotesque manner. The ghost sensation was a thing and he kept finding himself trying to move his fingers, but nothing came of the effort. His left hand worked, though. There was that at least.

And yeah, he was exhausted, too. But he would press on because he had a duty, not just to Annie, but to Arhiaa and to himself. This wasn't the end of his journey, he knew that. It was just beginning, and he was more resolved than ever to see it all through. Perhaps he would never regain the level of happiness he'd had before, but that was a price one paid for doing the work. He wondered, briefly, if that was the reason his mother had given up the life of a Jedi.

She wrapped his arm up in a makeshift sling. A warmth spread through him, easing the rest of his pains and aches, as she did what she could. The sling would have been enough for him. He really didn't deserve anything else.

"Keep my arm as still as I can," he said when she asked if he understood. "I'll do my best."

Then she grabbed Iston's saber and held it out to him, and he stared at it. Iston. Arhiaa. The saber was a connection between father and daughter that perhaps neither had anticipated. He'd seen her pain before, the loneliness of the life she lead, and he was certain there was distance between the two of them. Distance could be caused by a lot of things, but he believed it had to do with her mother, and the fact that she'd died before Arhiaa could even know her. It was unfair to her, but it was unfair to him as well. But he understood it.

He sighed and reached out with his left hand to take the hilt from her. It was heavier than he'd anticipated, but he could handle it. The weight was closer to the real blades he'd used when training at home, or the wooden blades that he and Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic had practiced with. It pained him to have to use it, because it felt like the only person that should would be his daughter, not a random boy who just happened to be in love with his daughter. And yes, he certainly was. He would do anything for Arhiaa. Especially now, because she, like he, had no parents to look to.

Though Annie knew he knew Iston's daughter, he wasn't going to tell her just yet the specifics of it. It wasn't something he felt comfortable discussing when they were in danger, and he wasn't sure that he should until after he'd talked to Arhiaa about her father. Instead, he remained quiet as she turned to look at the fallen Master's body. It didn't seem right, just leaving him lying there to be devoured by bugs.

He walked over to the mans body, and stared down at him.

"I'll take care of Arhiaa. I promise that if need be I would give my life for her, and she will know that you cared for her. Rest in peace, Master Voronwe."

Activating the mans saber, the yellow blade springing forth, he swiped it the stone around them until a few sparks kicked up and fell upon the mans clothing. Then, with a little fanning, just a touch of the Force, the flames grew. It wasn't right to leave his body just lying there. At least this way, it would not be desecrated. He turned around again, facing Annie with a fierce determination in his eyes. The boy who had been scared when he first arrived on Tython was gone, replaced by a young man who was determined to make things right.

"Yes, let's go make them all pay for the ruin they sow."

He caught up to walk beside her, and they made their way back towards the entrance to the temple that they had previously utilized. Before them was fire, behind them was death. But the two of them were going to do what they had to in order to survive. And maybe, just maybe, they would do so. If they could reach the lines where their fellow Jedi fought.



Location: Bogan
Objective: III / BYOO
Equipment: Standard Lightsaber and Shoto, Armor(only for arms, upper ches, and helmet) Standard Jedi Utility Belt


Ko understood that the nanogene spores normally infected animals. However, it was far more than just animals that were being turned into technobeasts. On the battlefield Ko was not hesitant to utilize plant surge to give himself a considerable advantage in combination with Sokan. But Ko suspected that he would have a real hard time using the force to take control of the plant life around himself and the soldiers he was with.

Instead right now he focused on creating barriers and obstacles for his allies to use as cover. Ripping up the earth around them to form sudden entrenchments. He was just a Jedi Knight and wasn’t armed with any proper and purpose built ranged weapons. Well, he didn’t have any kind of hardware that was built for war. He’d be relying on his allies, and chief among them was The Force.

Right now Ko and the marines he was with were dug into the little trenches he’d formed for them all to return fire from. Given his lack of eyes he didn’t need to poke and seeing through The Force he didn’t need to over the soil he upturned to get an idea of what was going on. Already able to observe how blaster fire rapidly shot to and from their position and the directions they were going and coming from. Allowing him to get a good idea of where most of their enemies were.

The technobeasts they were up against were even less creative than battle droids. Continually lumbering forwards with no sense of self preservation. Even droids generally didn’t want to die. However, the foliage they were in still offered them a great deal of cover. He would attempt to deal with that.

Standing up from his position Ko sensed that close to him there was a large rock buried beneath the ground. Gathering up his energy he forcefully ripped it from under the earth and brought it between himself and the approaching technobeasts for cover. Gripping his clawed hands tightly he used telekinesis to violently crush the large boulder. Shattering it into countless smaller pieces. Once it had broken up enough he then had all the pieces of rock violently blast out away from him towards their enemy in a cone. Like a destructive wave of rocky grapeshot. The purpose of which wasn’t to destroy their opponents but to shred and decimate the vegetation that offered them coverage from the marines he was with. Almost instantly deforesting the area in front of himself and creating a clearer line of sight and exposing the technobeasts advancing toward them.

Once he’d done that it had become a lot easier for the marines to gun down the cybernetic sithspawns that continued to lumber along closer unfazed by their sudden vulnerability. Breathing a brief moment for everyone to collect themselves. The marine captain leading the company, speaking with their lieutenants and platoon leaders on how to advance as well as to check on any casualties they had. Their mission was to take out a facility that was supposedly responsible for this particular sithspawn infestation. Some odd mixture of a temple and research facility working on the technobeasts.

Once the coast was finally clear. They could begin their advance towards their target location. Along the way they got a better idea of how deeply corrupted the environment had become here. It seemed as if not a single organism had been spared or overlooked by the nanogene spores that created the cybernetic sithspawn here. From the smallest gnats to the biggest trees, and everything in between. An eerie mixture of natural and technological being mashed together. Reminding them all of how hazardous the environment was and also why they weren’t likely to encounter much proper opposition from the Dark Empire. Knowing that the more they stayed here the greater the risk of infection grew. They would all need some sort of care from Jedi healer after this to purify their bodies through The Force as well as spend a bit of time within a quarantine ward after this just in case.

Through their trek a tremor could be felt. Both in The Force by Ko and physically through the ground. Something big was approaching, stomping through the forest they were in, and it wasn’t entirely alone either. Soon enough they would get a visual on what it was that was coming closer to them. A large, hulking machine of war. It seemed unclear if it was some sort of wardroid or one of the technobeasts. But Ko course sense the darkside corruption within it. Knowing that it was indeed one of the sithspawn forces here. Perhaps it was some large apex predator taken from tython. Infected and ‘gifted’ with weapons and armor, grafted to its body. Once it noticed the company and the Jedi that accompanied them it let out a low howl, alerting the numerous smaller technobeasts around it of our presence. Sparking another round of battle…


Objective: Safeguard Padawans
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Casaana Casaana Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Target: OPEN

The Lion was impressed, having borne witness to the hectic yet effective assault on the enemy trenches by the pair of padawans. A veteran of more battles than he cared to recall, he knew well the state of mind that occurs to the chosen few; how when presented with a steady onslaught of foes one learns to string one's strikes, feints, and dodges into a seamless dance of death, seemingly without a thought. He recognised it in the girl especially by the way she made her way through the trench, striking down and sparing the enemy in equal measure.

The lad was dealt the poorer hand as a whole squad of Imp soldiers threw themselves at him, yet he bravely faced them head-on. Blows were exchanged in a muddy brawl, but before Roman could be overwhelmed several of the soldiers were felled by Thurion's intervening swordsmanship, causing the few remaining to back off and fall to their knees as he stood over them, the tip of his sword against the throat of the big one that had laid into the padawan. With a faint flick of his wrist, the Sunlight Blade cut the strap of the soldier's helmet as a means of intimidation as well as a gesture of mercy.

"Thou art brave," he turned to Roman, peering down at the young man through the narrow slit of his helmet. "Take care it does not get you killed. Your friend is up ahead." With that brief exhange of words, the Knight moved out ahead of the young man.

Only a short distance away, Casaana was methodically clearing her section of the trenches, yet she too had overextended. She would be ambushed at the upcoming crossroads by several Imperials, were it not for the armour-clad stranger. He landed in the midst of the ambushers, pinning one of them underneath his boot and causing the rest to panic and retreat.

There he stood towering over the young lady, eyeing here whilst keeping the enemy soldier pinned beneath his weight, his armoured boot pressed between his shoulder blades. Without a word, Thurion stuck his sword in the ground less than an inch from the soldier's ear. That stopped the flailing struggle dead in its tracks as the poor sod spotted his pitiful reflection in the flat of the blade.

"Steady. Catch your breath," he bid of her, holding out a cautionary hand. "You fight well, but do not get yourself separated from thine brethren."

By the time Roman had caught up with them, Thurion turned his attention to the temple beyond the trenches they found themselves in. The violent quakes had ceased, yet he sensed the source of said quakes were in dire straits.

"The temple," he stated his next concern aloud, then bowed his head momentarily with a clenched fist pressed against his heart. A moment later, his fist opened to reveal a bright orb of golden light in the palm of his hand, before it then vanished. It would reappear before Annelise and Caelan's very eyes, serving as a lightsource and a guide towards the exit.

"I make for the temple entrance. Wouldst you join me, Young Masters?"

Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Defeat the GA
Location: Ground, Bogan, Tython system
Equipment: Light Armour | Wardress | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || OPBC-01m
Friends: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe | Detritus Ren Detritus Ren | Sid Berik Sid Berik | Rackham Rackham | Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari | Open
Enemies: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Ryana mina Ryana mina | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Casaana Casaana | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita | Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Samuel Creed Samuel Creed | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


"I've only gotten stronger since then than I was then." I was still snarling, even though it was a statement of fact and there was nothing threatening in my tone.

Is it hindering my perspective? No, because I followed exactly what I set out to do. It wasn't inhibited or dampened; I had the vow I made a long time ago and I still held to it. As I said a few times, there were wounds that could never heal. For me, it was the things tied to that vow that kept me going. I could not find peace as long as those who hurt Asher were alive. Maybe he didn't care anymore because he'd let go of the past, he'd let go by the time I found him. But I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't. I couldn't do it in the world I created in seventy years, and I couldn't do it here. I was like that.

Maybe because I was born out of pain, hatred, anger and wounds. Without them, without drawing strength from them, I don't know who I would have been. That was me and I didn't want to be like Keilara. It was not for nothing that we split into several parts, because we could not exist as one. Neither could Kallan and Asher. As for brothers, Tommy has been like a brother to me for a very long time. Nevertheless, there was still the fact that Ziare didn't have very good memories with the brothers. Yes, I didn't say Keilara, because by that time, her memories had been torn apart into Ziare and me. But Ziare was oppressing me, feeding me all her anger, all her hatred, all of her pain, and she was good for nothing but survival.

Leaving me with all the pain, suffering, hatred, wounds... the grip on the hilt of the swords loosened as I looked up at Tommy.

"That's what keeps me going straight; what's happening to me is not letting me lose my purpose and not giving up on what I promised back then." I told him.

For the moment I didn't know what Tommy's purpose was, but since I was sure he wouldn't leave until he answered all my questions, I lowered the swords and so my hands to my sides. I just nodded at his words; I knew the twins had crossed over to that planet after Coruscant and met their uncle. They told me that after Eina brought them home, she brought them safely. I knew they were curious about Realspace, but they were safer over there. Although that didn't matter much to me, it certainly mattered more to Keilara, Kallan and Asher.

I didn't really believe that my curse would be passed on to the twins, if only because I couldn't really relate to them and Keilara was more of a mother to them than I ever was. And both their fathers cared for them much more than I did. I had the least influence on them. In that other world too. Even though they were different here, there were similarities. So, I never feared for a moment that they would be as depraved as I am. They will be more like Asher, Kallan or even Keilara.

"I'm not worried about it, I don't have any control over the twins and I care about them the least... I can't bond to them like Asher, Kallan or Keilara. I don't know why that is, but fortunately it's the way it is. You can relax about that." I said sincerely and not just to reassure him.

At Tommy's next words, I smiled gently under my helmet and shook my head in the same way. He didn't seem to know the ulterior motive behind my actions, what my true intentions were. I didn't know if he would understand, but they were essentially the same as he said. I just didn't know if they were the same from his point of view.

"I want to end the cycle too, Tommy, and fix it. I want to break it... and to do that, Solipsis has to die. He no longer belongs in this world. I want to lock up his soul and throw it away just as I did with Tu'teggacha's soul. So, he can't come back... because he's driving half of the current cycle. Time to take him out of the equation, for good." I told him.



Lightsaber: X | Armor: X | Training: X | Casual: X
Tags: Casaana Casaana | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | @Others


The earth trembled beneath Roman as he grappled with the weight of a massive Dark Empire soldier pinning him to the muddy floor of the trench. Sweat dripped from his brow and mixed with the grime on his face, as the soldier pressed down with brutal force. Their eyes locked, and within the chaos, a silent battle of wills transpired--strength against determination--each body a battleground in its own right.

Roman strained fiercely, his muscles quaking under the exertion. The soldier grunted, seeking a tighter grip, his intent clear--to end Roman's life here, in this hellish trench. Roman fought desperately against the pressure on his chest, feeling the stickiness of blood and mud beneath him, and the hollowness of fear creeping into his heart. As he struggled, something within him stirred--a warm pull within the Force--one that echoed pain and sorrow, telling him that something or someone dear was in danger.

"Focus, focus!" Roman told himself as he frantically twisted, trying to throw the soldier off balance. The soldier, however, was relentless; he pressed the barrel of a blaster pistol harder against Roman's side, inches from making gut-wrenching contact. Roman could feel his strength ebbing, but deep inside, a glimmer of hope flickered.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them shook violently once more, causing both combatants to falter. Roman seized the moment, throwing his weight to one side while pushing against the soldier's arm, deflecting the barrel away as the blaster fired into the mud. Panic erupted in the soldier's eyes, and for a brief instant, Roman gained the upper hand--he pushed, elbowed, and kicked until the soldier pistol was flung away, sprawling backward into the muck.

The revelation came like a bolt of lightning. Behind him, the ethereal Knight had emerged once again. Roman could just make out the sound of metal slicing through flesh and the echo of soldiers tumbling lifelessly to the muddy floor, bodies slackening their grip on the world. The remaining soldiers had been broken--he sensed it even without turning. They no longer held the spine to fight.

With a flick of that radiant sword, Thurion rendered a few more soldiers lifelessly still, and Roman could feel the tension release. The brutish soldier pinning him wavered and then began to retreat, a flick of the strap on his helmet signaling a surrender of will and hope as the Knight's blade glinted ominously in the dim light. Seizing the moment, Roman scurried from beneath the man's weight, dragging himself groggily to his feet, collecting the disheveled corners of his mind.

"I—I'm okay…" he said, more to convince himself than anything. With his saber now firmly secured in his grasp, he followed the Knight as he mentioned Casaana being ahead.

The Knight strode with unyielding purpose, his movements precise, effortless. Watching him launched a renewed sense of awe within Roman, reminding him just how much power existed in the galaxy. Who is he?

They made their way through the remaining shambles of the trench, and just ahead, Roman could see Casaana skillfully fighting off a squad of soldiers when suddenly the armored figure landed amidst them. Roman watched, eyes wide, he was a blur--boundless to behold--pinned one of the assailants down with his boot, causing the others to scatter in sheer panic. Roman felt hope brim within him; Casaana would be okay.

When the dust settled, he finally caught up to them. "Casaana! Are you okay?" he asked, steadying her against the trench wall.

"Thank you," Roman turned to the Knight and impulsively reached out, "I'm Roman, and this is Casaana. What's your name?"

Roman curiously looked toward the glowing orb that suddenly emerged in his palm. It illuminated the trench, casting flickers of golden light around them as he suggested they head toward the temple.

Nodding, Roman felt a pull within him to answer again, drawing his gaze toward the temple that loomed a short distance away. Something is wrong. With resolve, he pushed forward, leading the way towards the looming structure.

And then he saw it--a silhouette out in the distance, moving awkwardly, favoring one side. The sight made his breath catch. His heart thundered as red hair danced through debris, silhouetted against the backdrop of chaos.

"Anneliese!" Roman shouted before the weight of the world dissolved and his instincts took over. He sprinted dreadfully toward her, propelled by a force he could not name. As he approached, he could see her expression marred by pain, the left arm hanging limply. Rage surged within him as he closed the distance, his arms wrapping around her as though to shield her from all the agony that had come in this assault.

"Are you okay?" he murmured, pulling back to examine her injuries, searching for evidence of what had passed. "Please tell me you're okay!"

As he became vaguely aware of another hovering near, Roman's focus remained locked onto Anneliese. Each second stretched before him, uncertainty gnawing at his insides as he sought to comprehend the situation.
Objective 3
Friendly tag: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Samuel Creed Samuel Creed Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren
Enemy tag: Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Sid Berik Sid Berik Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Lightsaber, Blaster, Armor, Demolition Charges.

Rubbing sweat from her brow, Casaana trudged down the trench. Its once neat walls were fallen slump in some places. Consequences of the battle and earlier ground quakes resonating from the ritual in the temple spreading its sigils. She fumbled a new power pack into her pistol as she approached a junction, she wasn't sure how many shots she had left, but didn't want to be caught lacking. Fresh weapon raised, she rounded the corner on numb legs to find the heroic Jedi from earlier standing over a fallen Imperial. Gulping air, she nodded at his advice and let herself fall back against the trench to rest. How was he so clean in all of this? "Th-" She heaved a breath and spit out some grit that had found its way into her mouth before trying again. "Thank you. And for.." She spun her blaster in the air as if rewinding a holotape. "For earlier. Leviathan." Looking at her blaster, she holstered it and deactivated her saber, feeling that she was somehow safe for now.

She was drinking from her canteen when Roman bounded up to her and placed his hand around her arm. Smiling at the sight of him alright, she reluctantly put aside the last of her water for later. "I'm fine," she told him before he introduced them to the knight. Opening her mouth to say more, the Knight made a golden light that disappeared. "Yes, let's press on to the temple."

Following the others, Casaana circulated the energies of the Force throughout her body, sweeping away the lactic acid built up in her muscles and restoring her reserves of energy. It was almost peaceful walking with the other two, the calm and sure presence of the Knight and resolved Roman. At least until with a flash of worry he was gone, sprinting away while calling out a name, dread on his lips. Following him towards the temple, Casaana tried to make sense of things. Was this another Padawan friend of his? Drawing closer as the two embraced, she felt a flash of jealousy that she quickly pushed aside. This other girl had the same hair and pale skin as Roman. His sister? Feeling uncomfortable, she shifted next to the Knight before deciding to approach the three of them. "I can help some. At least enough to get you to the Healers." Both of the newcomers looked pretty well beaten, bloody, and bandaged. She couldn't imagine what they were doing this isolated from the others or how they'd survived so far behind enemy lines. All of a sudden, signing up for a course or two in the healing arts sounded like a superb idea.

Items: Lightsaber I Engagement Ring I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X I Theme Song I Bloodline Tattoo

Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Casaana Casaana Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield @OPEN
Location: Bogan
Objective 3


As the two walked towards the entrance of the temple, she blinked, a strange flash of light seen. Stopping and looking at Caelan quizzically, she looked again, her hand making its way down and towards her saber -- she wasn't going to be caught off guard again.

An orb of light appeared -- warm and calming, as if Ashla herself was giving a sign to her... yet something, deeper -- something more familiar past the light called to her, pulled at her heart.

She knew this presence... it was unmistakable.

Ushering Caelan, they moved with purpose, moving towards and out of the mouth of the Temple, until as they came in full view of the blinding light, her eyes closing as they stood at the entrance. Then, she heard it and her heart fluttered as her vision refocused.

As she looked around the field of carnage that laid strewn out in front of them, she saw Roman sprinting across the battlefield and straight towards them. A giggle, then a joyful sob breaking from her lips as she shouted out victoriously to him -- noting several others following shortly behind him. "Roman! We're over here!" Trying her best to meet him half way, she began to limp her way to meet him, but before she could anything, he was standing right before them as he gently cradled her within his arms. Her right hand, came up to his face as a huge sigh of relief and smile spread across her face. "Oh by Ashla, your a sight for sore eyes..."

Just as she'd done just moments prior to Caelan, he began to inspect and check her over -- he left no time or room to allow her to fuss over him. As he moved her left arm which was cradled by her makeshift sling, she let out a frustrated yelp of pain as he moved her arm. "Ahh! Careful! I think its fractured." A sharp inhale heard as her gaze softened. "I'm sorry, I know your just trying to help -- I didn't mean to snap at you." Looking over towards Calean, she spoke to Roman. "If someone in your group can heal me, I think I can still keep fighting... but I'm worried about Caelan." Taking a deep breath she continued. "After our advance on the temple, our group entered. We were ambushed -- I don't know how, but we were and thats how Caelan got hurt." She stared at his shoulder socket where the saber had impaled him.

Continuing on, Annie spoke. "I did what I could and staved off the other two... I don't know what you'd call them, Sith? Apprentice? After I ended both, I went to attend to Caelan, and that when our Leader, Iston... he -- he didn't make it. Before he passed, he -- saved us. Caelan lost it momentarily -- it was upsetting for both of us, but... I was able to calm him down and here we are." Wincing in pain once again as he touched her arm. "Can anyone in your group heal us?... or at least make my damn arm functional?" A frustrated groan coming out, her fatigue speaking for her more than anything.

Closing her eyes and trying not to allow her irritation of her arm to get to her she took a few unsteady breaths as she stared up at Roman -- her free hand reaching in her robes as she pulled a necklace out with her engagement ring on it, a small smile spreading on her face. "Couldn't let it get damaged -- I never stopped looking for you... I'm so happy you found us. I love you."

Looking up now - watching as the rest of the group begin to show up. She noticed another female, and.... the feth?

A Knight. A Soldier? No — a King.

He was clad in a shining aura almost, it was... heavenly -- his cape flowing majestically on its own, as if some force moved it and on his body was armor. His posture was noble -- and he seemed likened to a roaring lion prowling around as to whom he could devour.

Looking at Roman she blinked a few times. "They must of smacked me harder than I thought -- Roman... is there a Knight right there... or am I seeing things?"

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3rd Post







Friend: Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe Sid Berik Sid Berik
Rackham Rackham Phoenix Kasari Phoenix Kasari

Foe: Valery Noble Valery Noble Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Ryana mina Ryana mina
Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Casaana Casaana Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
Naxa Zalita Naxa Zalita Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Samuel Creed Samuel Creed
Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield




'I know you do, but I'm beginning to believe its no longer a matter of survival, but one of inward, soul-deep concern.'
Even with the eyepatch covering up the jewel behind and some of the expressiveness around it, Mercy would see that Thomas himself was calming quite easily, showing an eagerness to hear what his sister had to say, and with it a need to nudge the Tribal Matriarch down the right path. Whether by war, by life or by curiosity, the Great Khan had realised for a while that the one who would benefit most from these hard-fought freedoms was the Council of Three's leader, as what was earned for the Tribes was earned in turn for those who fought hardest to see it someday. It was then that Barran approached Kala'myr in inoffensive cadence, resting a reassuring hand on Mercy's shoulder for a moment, nodding with visible affirmation for all his sister had achieved to make it this far.

Playfully punching at the Matriarch's shoulder-pauldron, the Great Khan smiled before returning his Golden Skull mask to it's rightful place, and all throughout the process one-eyed Woad would declare,
'Life needs to find a way, and whether you feel any attachment to those Twins or not, your actions have assured their future, and that alone is reason enough to allow a little pride o' yourself.... Reason enough to smile, Sister.', letting the war-mask click into place with a pressurized hiss before his point was hit home properly. Then with a polite tilt of his head, the Woad then pointed to the Serennoan's blades, unexpectedly remaining silent whilst offering emphatic thumbs up in appreciation that she kept them all this time, only to chuckle a little at the slow banishment of all enmity and rage between them.

'You must remember what happiness, what joy can do to strengthen your Will. For I would suppress much in my own search for powers less - taxing than those to which I lose chunks of myself every time.'

Another curse broken since his encounter with the twins on Coruscant.

'I don't like the Omen of Durace any more, Sis-'

Wait a minute, I know that energy.
I felt that- on Ziost, before I-


At a pitch frequency so high it made the tinnitus feel like a burning hiss in the ears, with that hissing sound manifesting physically like burning lava on the eye-sockets, bringing pains phantom and real alike. There were no doubts that the presence he was sensing was one that belonged to a presence from Barran's first life, and not only that, but one who was fighting the Dark Side on the day he died, ringing with such vicious severity that Thomas had to remove his warmask all over again. Bleeding from the ears, the nostils and even from the one tear-duct he had remaining, this flashback (regardless of how fleeting these recollections were) would be one of the most-painful puzzle pieces of all to discover - bringing the otherwise-sturdy Goidel to his knees as the ringing intensified.


Powerful beams of light, struggling in upward, outward conflict by dark, lightning flashed clouds of an apocalyptic stormfront, as far as the eye could see, indistinct though it was, these skies returning to the mind would be the last that Barran would ever see as Laird Thomas III of Clan Barran. The last afterimages of an existence that ended in the latter months of 864 ABY, but for all the agonies they brought, the Bloodhound knew there was nothing about it that swayed him from his path any more; making these moments little more than a momentary hindrance, and at that, one that only served to test the fatigue and endurance of the one-eyed Woad in battle.

But much to the Great Khan's aggravation, he would find that he had missed a display of Force abilities that caused a landslide, tactically entombing the Marauders defending southeastern bottleneck before Thomas could regain enough composure to notice. Made all worse for Bogan's predicament when the Bloodhound's one-eyed gaze finally comprehended what had transpired, as seeing such transgressions on Mawsworn elements were sure to make the Khan's blood boil by that point of the battle, yet the threshold for calm, collected response had been crossed, and no protege of the Mongrel would ever let such slights stand uncontested.

'Ya know what, Sis? I think I might be done playin' cautious - I think I might want some mayhem now! AN' IF THESE CORE-WORLDERS WANNA HAVE SOME FUN - I'LL GLADLY KEEP 'EM ACTIVE!!!!'

<"Bloodhound to Ark One! Release the crate-pod squadrons! UNLEASH IT ALL ON OPFOR TERRITORY!!!!">
<"Ark One to Bloodhound. Hang tight - deploying the B-Doomsayers in five, four, three">






<"Sixer to Rook! Can you hear me?!">
<"You're coming through just fine, Sixer! What was that, a mini-earthquake or something?">
<"Look outside, toward our position. Jedi karked us with a fethin' landslide!">
<"Chiiiiit! Is Ghoul alive, Sixer? Be Honest now.">
<"Besides the coughing and spluttering, and the wall between us - he's fine, Ulusar!">

Muttering away to himself as the Holoprojections and Comm-Link array incessantly flashed and beeped around him, Rook would be slow to the steep learning-curve, but throughout he was vowing to keep the level head he had been blessed to embrace before deploying. Just one conversation was needed between the first-ever Trilunars, from Chiss to Arkanian for the sake of the many, even though the Chiss himself had barely made it out of the Ark's infirmary by then; it was just enough to keep Rook Darkhan from acting rashly in moments like these, and for that, the Arkanian swordsman was more than grateful already.

<"Alright, sit tight for now, we'll get you out at some point. Perhaps within the hour if we're lucky.">
<"Copy that! Sixer going dark!">

'Kark me, man! I have no idea how Dreamer keeps his cool - his set-pieces are near-endless compared to mine.'

With the cutting of the frequency, the white-eyed Swordsman was finally given time and space to think, and to breathe in a constrastingly meditative cadence, in through the nose and out through the mouth as if born to serenity itself. There was always time to formulate counters and movements in the heat of it all, and in the many lessons of Dreamer Darkhan, the only true prerequisite to command was the ability to see the makings of tide-turning strategy, that inexplicable ability to sense opportunity in the midst of abject mayhem. But for all the disadvantages his Chiss-born friend compensated, the Arkanian would be clueless as to how close he was approaching to his own levels of strategic unorthodoxy at the time, and though Dreamer could see that potential in crystalline clarity, Rook was resigned to progressing the hard way.

Resigned to figuring it all out on his own, despite the fact he had been nudged in the right direction already.

'Fifth Aspirants Brigade are standing by, Ulusar. Waiting in the southwestern crater, as ordered.', said an approaching voice, notably familiar in belonging to one who was known to be one of Ratchet's subordinates, especially for it's rough, gravelly tone. A voice distinct enough that Rook couldn't help but snap out of his dismay for a moment, even smirking by the time Shiv halted at the doorway's threshold, and by the time the Human suggested,'Perhaps you have other plans for us in the next phase? I'm hearing a lotta boomin' and bangin' after all. Seems kinda like a waste to sit back and wait now.', the Arkanian would find himself almost too quick in his inclination to agree.

<"General Rhomrook to Khan Barran, sending you location of potential Alliance incursion near our command center and artillery range. Recommend sending units to collaborate with the Krath Troops to confirm if they are attempting a flanking manuever.">
'You wanna take that one, or....?'

<"General Rhomrook, this is Callsign: "Shiv" - Temporary Warchief of the Fifth Aspirants' Brigade! Our Khan has gone dark officially on comms, but my contingent are pushing north soon, so hold tight and hold your ground for now.... Shiv out!">
'Good lad, now go look lively for your Ulusar! I'll see to it that the Mastiff rewards you well for this, move it!'
Once again, the Darkhan would be left alone with the bleeps and the flashing icons around him, but this time Rook realised he was beginning to enjoy the process; and with that, the following revelation would kick in when he realised he was beginning to understand the process, that very process that dismayed him just moments before. Mastery of the Mother's Will was one thing, but in terms of expanding the mind beyond and outside the box, the Darkhan knew he needed to overcome the hurdle of strategy eventually, making this moment of self-discovery hammer home it's point all the heavier. That distinct raider's sense of gamesmanship was certain to rub off on the white-eyed Swordsman eventually, this even Ghoul and Nail could see, and clear enough that even the least-educated among them could articulate what they expected of Rook in the future, and none would interrupt the last, most-important leap of the Arkanian's journey as a warrior.

<"How's it looking on the War Skiffs, Seven?">
<"Mid-feign, we lost a few to their heat-seekers, but besides that - westward uninterrupted.">
<"Good news, though I'll need you to keep pushing westward when you link with our trenches.">
<"What happened, Ulusar?">
<"OPFOR dropped in behind our lines, they're pushing on the Shield Dome from the south.">
<"I'll handle it, Eight and Niner can follow previous orders. Easy done.">
<"Fine by me, Seven.... Rook - out!">

Practically slamming his comm-link speaker into it's receiver by then, the Arkanian would need to take a quiet moment to hold his sanity together, sighing in suppression of all his inner irritations, wondering more than ever how Dreamer could handle such workloads in command. But once again, the Darkhan would look upon the Holographic projection with curiosity, and with it, newfound understanding of combat's perpetual ebb-and-flow effect, even casting digitally-etched prediction arrows of his own as the map-face was then drawn to a level, 90° flat facing angle. Marking the next phase of the Swordsman's progression as if by accident, just one single act was all it would take to open Rook's perception to close-air traffic and beyond.

But then something happened, a moment that started as simply as any turn of the gaze, yet the profound repercussion of what Rook would find in looking upward, unlikely though they would have been before this moment, would lend validation unlike any the Arkanian expected he would find along the way. Just a shame it was that what he was seeing did not reflect that same excitement, thus the smile would be slow to drain from a face that was slow to comprehend, appearing as if infront of headlights on a busy speeder-trail.

<"B-Doomsayer Gold, this is Rook - and I demand you tell me where you're going with those crates.">
<"By order of the Bloodhound, Ulusar.">
<"Ulusar - we're dropping these behind GADF lines! And we want 'em as far east as we can get!">

'Oh.... Well thats - uh - mildly comforting.'

It was a subtle reference of fatalism, but Rook would still find himself a little red-faced for missing it for a moment or so, but in understanding (eventual though it was) of what the Flight-Squadron Leader was trying to say, the Arkanian would find his stomach sinking in sympathies for heroes who were very likely not to make it back to the Ark that day. Betting it all on the slimmest chance the GADF's anti-air installations were slow to react, and with the grand and wondrous advancements in ordnance and artillery tech since, the Maw always knew they would be facing against a technologically superior Galactic Alliance for the long run, thus the requirement for strategic unpredictability was always prioritized to compensate for the often-asymmetric conditions the Khanate would be faced against in perpetuity.

These flashes of brilliance that seemed few-and-far-between at the turn of the century, perceived as near-unobtainable, but in finally seeing his Khan's foresight on the matter, also saw that the Bloodhound himself was working under the same mindset.
A relief of which the Arkanian never expected to feel in these moments, but one that soon turned a wild mind into something more cunning out of necessity, making Rook's mind spin to dizzying, stomach-turning extremes. The wars were beginning to darken peoples' souls once more, and across all the Galaxy, every faction they found would carry that same coldness of character; but after knowing what war could do to the soul, the Darkhan knew the Khanate had means to combat such darkness of heart within their own, a safety net for the next generations of Mawsworn Marauders.

But losing strong renegades like those who were soaring across his map-projection, as necessary as it would seem at the time, was finally starting to rub Rook the wrong way.

<"Good luck, BD Gold. I salute your valour.... You're a dying breed, Brother.">
<"We had a feeling we were buying a one-way ticket, and this persisted for nigh on twenty years - we're done with it. We just want to kill the curse in it's tracks, go out with a bang to cancel out the blasphemies once and for all.... Remember us.... BD Gold - out!">


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EQUIPMENT: Iston Voronwe's Saber, Mother's Lightsaber Crystal Necklace
TAGS: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Casaana Casaana | Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield

The appearance of a mysterious light in front of them gave him pause. What was it? It was light, and he didn't feel anything malevolent about it, but why was it there? As they moved forward, it moved ahead of them, almost as if it were guiding them towards the way out. Caelan shook his head when Annie looked at him. He didn't know what it was and he wasn't doing it, but at least it was leading them out of there. That was better than being lost in a place of darkness.

Then, as if something had bugged her, Annie started moving swiftly, and he struggled to keep up, trying not to bounce his injured shoulder any more than he had to. They exited into daylight and he had to squint his eyes for a while just to get them used to the brightness. When they did, he could see people rushing towards them.

At first he was worried they were new enemies, but she shouted at one of them, seeming to know him by name: an older, redheaded boy, closer in age to her. He didn't know him, but the fact that she did made the tension melt away that had built up. He didn't even realize that he had lifted Iston's saber into a position where he could strike if he wanted to, not until it fell away again. At that point, he clicked the saber off, listening to it retract before clipping it to his belt.

The older boy enveloped her in his arms as they met and Caelan frowned. They did look similar, but he was pretty sure that Annie didn't have any siblings. As Annie explained to him what had happened, in shortened form, he watched the two of them, studying the way they interacted with one another, and realized that they were something more than friends. Their interaction was a lot like the one he had with Arhiaa, though clearly they were more used to each others presence than he and Arhiaa. Perhaps they were dating and had been for a while.

Another girl approached, but he didn't know her either. Nor did he know the imposing armored figure that was moving to them as well, though he could sense the person inside was on their side. Wasn't the first time he'd seen a Knight. But when Annie asked about getting them some healing, he turned his attention back to her.

"Shouldn't waste energy on healing me. My wound needs too much work and there's still a battle to be fought," he said, choosing to forgo his own comfort.

And then she pulled out a necklace, and on that necklace was a ring, and she said she loved him. Caelan stared at it for a good while, completely caught off guard by the fact that she had a ring, that was clearly given to her by this Roman, and that she loved him. Did that mean? Surely she would have told him if she was engaged, wouldn't she? Maybe? Maybe not. They weren't flesh and blood siblings, she'd just taken him in and treated him like a younger brother. It wasn't as if he should expect her to tell him everything.

That kind of stung a little, and he looked away. Might not be true, he didn't know. Could be she just forgot to tell him. Wasn't as if they'd had a lot of time together since she'd brought him to Prosperity. Still, he felt as if he shouldn't hang around there. They could still fight if they healed her up. He was going to need a lot more than that.

"If someone could help me get to an extraction point, I would appreciate it."


"Firestorm" Walker Company:
  • "Thunderstorm" Armor Company
    • Vehicles:
      • x2 Tiger Command Walkers
        • Appetite for Destruction
        • Diver Down
      • x7 Wildcat Mark II Heavy Tanks
        • Speak Softly II
        • Divine Intervention
        • Rolling Thunder II
        • Apocalypse Now
        • Iron Side II
        • Heavy Machinery II
        • De-Escalator~ Rear right track knocked out
      • x6 Cougar Mark II Medium Tanks
        • Leonardo
        • Donatello ~ Right Missile Rack Destroyed. Alive.
        • Michelangelo
        • Raphael
        • April
        • Splinter
      • x7 Puma IFVs
        • Run and Gun
        • Live and Learn
        • Shades of Glory
        • Ride The Wind
        • Guns and Roses
        • Fire and Ice
        • Guns of Liberty
      • x2 Bobcat Scout Walkers
        • Connor
        • Mia
      • x3 Squads of Marines
        • "Tsunami"
        • "Twister"
        • "Volcano"
"Helldiver" Marines Company
"Krayt" Artillery Platoon:

"Midnight Train" Support Platoon:


The Maw.

Once upon a time, they would've been feared by the men of the 34th.

Not today.

"Gunners forward!" The commander of Blood and Guts called out as he spotted the incoming horde. "GLs free!"

The Maw would find out why the Wildcats were now equipped with quad grenade launchers. Back in Teta, they had relied on Mandalorian firepower to hold them off. During Coruscant, they hadn't the chance to truly engage the Maw, instead only finding Imperial forces. Today was the day. The day of retribution. The day the 34th had trained for ever since the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War. The whole GADF had. Preparing for the inevitable rematch between Maw and Alliance. Only today, it wouldn't be a simple rematch. Things had changed since the last war. This wasn't the Brotherhood.

This was an Empire.

The advance on the Imperial droid lines was progressing well, air support and heavy firepower from the Sphinxes had given them an overt advantages against droid troops. Thundercats and Wildcats opened fire on the counter-assaulting droid armor and heavy supers with HE mortars and horn lasers, the lasers focusing fire on the forward exposed tracks of the Persuaders, before finishing them off with a coordinated strike. Wildcats kept focus on pushing forward towards the enemy droid tanks, relying on their angled armor to bounce shells.

"Focus fire!" The commander of Thunderbolt called as he kicked his gunner in the shoulder, as a High Energy Shell impacted the front of the tank, rocking the cabin, and causing the shields to flicker as they showed signs of failing. "Damnit! Driver! Run those damn droids over if we have to!"

"C-copy sir. Revving the engine!"

The treads of the tank roared with life, as the Wildcat charged forward right into the path of a droid column, smashing metal under it's tracks with reckless abandon. Blaster Cannon gunners opened up on droid speeders and aerial platforms, as the push continued.

They were on the verge of a breakthrough. Tigers opened up on Mawsworn forces with near perfect accuracy, the intense drilling of the 34th's gunner accuracy paying off as heavy blaster bolts find speeders and infantry, while Mass Driver gunners switched from Ion Rounds to HEAT, targeting droid tanks and War Skiffs, and slowly pushing the front line forward.

<Noble to Solo! We're back in the game!> The major could only let out a sigh of relief as he heard that message play over his comms. Things were turning around. He certainly hadn't called in that air strike, but it was moments like this that led him to have hope.

<Copy Noble. Push up, we'll hold position till you meet us at the front.>

"Sir, Maw raiders incoming! They're hitting the Tigers and Wildcats as we speak!"


<Thundercats! Flak those damn Mawsworn!> He ordered. It was all they could do. They were too quick for mortars, but that wouldn't stop them from peppering them with shrapnel.

"They're hitting us on the left flank!" The gunner called out, as he shifted the cabin to the left, opening up with the heavy flak cannon as a bunker buster shell pinged off their heavy armor. Explosions of metal opened up over the enemy assault, raining shrapnel down on the war skiffs and AT-RTs, as Thundercats shifted focus from droid tanks, to Maw walkers.

"Keep your wits boys. Trigger, keep that thing on a swivel. Skywalker knows they'll have those damn Gore Wasps on standby. Bloop! Shell the Skav Kings out of existence." <All Cats, Scav Kings are priority target for mortar strikes. Hit those farkers with everything.>

It was all they could do. Throw the kitchen sink at them. This is what the 34th had been designed for, all the new technology that had come out since the last war. Prevention through superior firepower.

Fran could only pray it would work.

TL;DR 1:
Wildcats and Thundercats focus fire on droid counterassault, before shifting focus to account for Maw Counterattack.
Wildcats resort to shock tactics, focusing fire and trampling through droid columns as they push through the line.
Tigers open fire on incoming maw, using highly drilled gunners to pick them off.
Thundercats open fire with flak cannons on Maw War Skiffs, and heavy mortar fire on skav kings.


Flares and chaff rained off the sides of the Ziio as another round of air-to-air missiles attempted to shoot it out of the sky from the Gunships, as they pushed forward towards their new objective.

"This is Prettybird to Cerberus, do you copy!? We're coming in hot with enemy gunships on our tail, we need support!" The Pilot, Master Sergeant Plo Wan yelled into his headset, before letting out an expletive as he rocked the Ziio to the left to dodge another round of laser fire. "Yellow Belly, keep up the fire as much as you can!"

Specialist "Yellow Belly" was currently standing at the back of the crew compartment, holding on for dear life as he aimed the twin barreled warthog at the advancing gunships on their tail, letting out bursts of particle bolts from the back of the Ziio in an attempt to take down as many of these gunships as he could.

"Doing my best sir! Just...fark!"

A stray blaster bolt hit the boy in the shoulder, forcing him to hold the heavy blaster cannon with one arm as they rocked once more to the right.

"Sir, we got incoming! Both our Ziios and Rocs are heading towards our position, coming in hot!"

"Relay to Kraken! Marines, get those starboard blaster cannons ready! We have incoming! Get those tusks ready!"

"Aye sir!"

As soon as the Gunships were in sight, the Sphinxes opened up with AA heat seeker rockets, the electronics of the rockets avoiding the GA ships through their electronic identifiers as the soared towards the gunships. The Ziios and Rocs split up, allowing the 8 starboard blaster cannons of the Sphinxes to pick targets, using their AR sights to avoid friendly fire as the Ziios and Rocs flew straight at the command walkers, dipping under their massive legs to allow the twin dual blaster cannon ball turrets to get some shots in.

TL;DR 2:
Ziios and Rocs keep up rear fire on Gunships as they lead them straight at the Sphinxes.
Sphinxes open fire on gunships with AA missiles and blaster cannons.
Ziios dive under Sphinxes legs to force Gunships to face incoming fire.

That was all that could be heard as another barrage impacted the heavy deflector shields of the Falcons. It was a deafening roar, as Commander Havok made a prayer in his native language. They couldn't hold this position much longer.

But they had a mission. Those cruisers were still in range.

As they dust settled, all he could do for the moment was take stock of the situation. Their shields wouldn't withstand another barrage like that, but it had survived this one.


The Zabrak looked to his display. 4 percent. That was how much power the shields had left.

They needed to hit back.

"Scanner, relay orders. Fire on the move, we're moving again. Split each walker into duos. Splash and Endor, counter battery the enemy artillery. Relay to the 82nd ( Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. ) to get their asses moving. Chome and Hutt Busters, give that second cruiser another round. Sweet Child will be with us. We're firing on that Star Destroyer. Target it's engines. We'll keep that thing from fleeing, and when the fleet arrives, we'll have them scuttle the damn thing."

"Sir, Ties incoming! ETA 2 mikes!"

"Double time!"

"Aye!" The crew called, as the walkers dropped their shields, and got moving to the east. They'd use the rock formation behind them as cover against further barrages, at least.

Fifteen seconds went by, and another volley of 18 turbolaser bolts flew skyward.

Then the ties came. 24 of the damn things. They couldn't hold for long, but Havok was gonna keep them alive with his damndest try.

"Tusk operators, on a swivel! They have shields!"

20 rockets flew, aiming to disrupt the enemy formation. 4 of them were high yield Ion rockets, aimed not for any specific Tie, but rather into the formations themselves as they airburst right into the center of the formations, hopefully disabling the shields, before finally high explosive heat seekers came after, sought out individual targets.

Havok prayed they could hold them off before they could get any gun runs in...

TL;DR 3:
Krayt is once again repositioning.
Krayt is firing on the move, 6 shots directed at Rohmrook Half-Axe Rohmrook Half-Axe 's artillery in a counter battery. 6 shots at Rackham Rackham 's second cruiser, and 6 shots at the INV Thunderer, aiming for it's rear engines as it retreats.
Krayt engages Tie swarm with Ion and Heat Seeker Rockets.

Major Yanma swore as he watched the CHOMP rockets ping off the enemy shields. They couldn't pierce those shields in time without another ion burst, and Yanma knew that that wouldn't be an option for at least another few minutes. No, they needed to deal with this themselves.

He thought for a moment, before settling on a simple course of action. Something he read during his officer training. Maybe it was the sudden landslide to the north that spurred it on, maybe it was a simple need to win. But it all came as a simple phrase.

Fortune Favors the Bold.

<Appetite to Speak Softly, forward charge! All power to shields until you pass through those bubble shields!>

<Copy sir! Hoorah!>

The seven Wildcats of Thunderstorm followed the simple order. Rather than focus on busting the shields, the tanks roared forward in a spearhead, in an attempt to overrun the proton cannons with sheer shock and awe. Rerouting as much power into their forward shields and engines as they could, Wildcats shrugged off round after round of proton fire as they pushed forward, only firing their quad grenade launchers at the shields in an attempt to blind the proton cannons with sheer volume of explosives.

The Pumas followed closely behind, firing on the Maw contingent with HE autocannons to keep them at bay, still using the Wildcats as armored cover as they advanced, though one Puma commander resorted to using the remote-control grenade launcher on top of his Puma to contribute to the shield bombardment.

Elsewhere, the Cougars could only do much the same. Relying on their MDTs, the Cougars could only push forward and get inside the minimum range for the rocket firing Hailfires, using the mass driver HE round to hit the central head, firing round after round before they got close, some resorting to point blank shots.

The Bobcats weren't so lucky. Without any way to reliably defend against the missile barrage, the twin walkers were annihilated by the enemy rockets.

The Commander of Raphael growled as he watched the walker next to him disappear in a massive fireball. Why were they using those things? Surely, Si Tech had something better they could replace those with.

Suddenly, the radio lit up.

<Donatello to Appetite...> The words were almost slurred, as if the man behind the comm had come out of a daze.

<Appetite to Donatello, do you read?!>

They were alive. Oh thank the Force, they were alive!

<...we read. Sir, you owe us all a beer after this...> The man, Master Sergeant Tano groaned. <What are orders, sir?>

<Get back in the fight. Simple as can be, soldier.> Yanma smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. <Focus fire on those hailfires.>

TL;DR 4:
Wildcats charge proton cannons in blitz tactics, pushing forward to secure objective.
Pumas follow directly behind, using autocannons to surpress Maw contingent.
Cougars follow suite, blitzing the Hailfires while firing HE mass driver rounds.
Bobcats are destroyed.
Finally, they moved. It was a swift, if rather short reposition, but for a sniper it meant everything.

"Eyes on target." The Trandoshan called, as he got his binocs prepped. It was a routine, switch gunners to reduce eye strain.

"Copy. Any priority targets?"

"...aye. Eyes on Maw commander, to the northeast. You wanna take that shot?"

"...copy, I see him. Eyes on target. Taking the shot."

A single blaster bolt flew from the Spot, aimed right at the chest of Thomas Barran Thomas Barran .

A kill like that would be one for the record books. Even a miss would keep his head down. Only time would tell.

TL;DR 5:
Shooting right at Tommy. From Hell With Love, The GA.
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