Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Battle of Midway (Invasion of Helska)


Purpose: Assassination
Location: Small Shuttle heading down to Planet's surface
Objective: 3 - Secure Caverns
Enemies: @Primeval [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Laguz Vald"]
Allies: [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Judas Zambrano"]
Controller: Alisa Kalor
Force Limit: 20
Submission Link: KT1 Battle Droids

Alisa's small shuttle departed from the King's Crown almost immediately after the order was given for battle. Around her sat 20 of her KT1 Battle Droids, loaded and ready to fight. She had thought this a brilliant opportunity to test their abilities in battle, but a little back up didn't hurt either way. The shuttle rocketed towards the surface, entering the atmosphere with a slight bump that gave Alisa the notion to stand. As she stood, the droids stood and saluted. "Stay with me, follow my orders. And shoot anything hostile immediately." Alisa ordered, giving a stern look to the droids.
"Roger that, General." They replied in unison. General they had called her. It gave her a feeling of power, despite the fact that it wasn't a rank of true meaning, only what her droids saw her as. Her thoughts continued until she felt the ship leveling out, as if for landing. They were beginning to reach the ground.


Huntress of the North
PC Template - Ciara
Location: The Deliverance
Objective: Objective Two
Enemies: The Shadow Empire
Allies: The Primeval, Destiny
NPC Template - 20 Personal Guardsmen
Location: Cargo hold, Deliverance
Objective: Objective B
Controller: Ciara
Force Limit: 8 House Savona Guardsmen, 12 Graug Guardsmen
Words...Words were meaningless. Waiting inside of the cargo hold was meaningless. Really, Ciara didn't believe that the Shadow Dynasty would have the audacity of possibly attempting to board the Deliverance for good reason. Simply because she and the Primeval were superior in all aspects. She sighed as she was forced to wait. Forced to wait for? Primeval to be victorious most likely. Of course, it had only been a few moments since she had boarded the Deliverance and only a few minutes since the encounter began so...

She paused for a moment and waved at one of the Guardsmen vaguely and he immediately fetched her a oblong, rectangular cargo container to sit upon. Ciara plopped herself on top of the cargo container and waved for her plastoid cases to be delivered. Inside was a huge armament of weapons: a Nightstinger Sporting Blaster Rifle, eighteen custom forged Darksticks 6 inches in length, a DC-19 "Stealth" Carbine, and a DC-15S Blaster, with plenty of tibanna gas cartridges and power cells in order to massacre an entire brigade. And there were, at the moment, nine of these plastoid cases available for her to utilize. The other indiscriminate plastoid weapons case was of the same appearance, but different contents. These held twenty four Cryoban Grenades, six Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade and six Thermal Grenades. There were nine of these cases available as well. All in all, Ciara had enough armaments to destroy an army, and thus was confident of repelling a few boarding parties with finesse and ease.

She decided to distribute these cases to her Guardsmen and take one of each for herself.
Location: The Deliverance
Objective: Objective Two also BOREDOM!!
Enemies: The Shadow Empire
Allies: The Primeval

Location:Cargo hold, deliverance
Objective: Objective B, throw down some tasty jams
Controller: Dredge
Force Limit: 10 Yuuzhan Vong warriors 10 Graug Warriors

Dredge smiled and waved at [member="Ciara"] and was quite bored, the wrath of the Shadow Dynasty could be compared to a light drizzle. It was pretty lame so Dredge had to find a way to entertain himself and his crew. They could sacrifice slaves to the gods? No too messy. They could murder Ciara and company and play a murder mystery Roleplaying game with a real corpse? No he kind of didn't mind Ciara, she was ok in his book. Then it dawned on Dredge, and he knew exactly what to do. He pointed to one of his slaves on a little miniature Charlie Brown style piano. The slave nodded and he was only trained to play one song. And that was the great Star Wars galaxy artist Zib Eikram the slave started playing the little piano beat and one of his most trusted Yuuzhan Vong warriors started to spit that mad beatbox yo. What most people didn't realize in the galaxy that the Yuuzhan Vong had been in this galaxy for hundreds of years now, they had isolated themselves or had been exposed to the many cultures of the galaxy over the centuries. And Dredge had picked up the musical stylings of the hip hop genre.

"Have you ever met a slave that you tried to break
But a year into you couldn't put her to the stake.

Let me tell ya a story of my situation I was torturing this girl from the Mando Nation.

The way that we met was on campaign at a battle
She had long long hair and wasn't a hassle

I just got done dripping pouring with sweat
I walked through the carnage and guess who I met?

I screamed in her ear "come bend to my will"
She did a little motion that seemed quite shrill

I asked her her name she said blah blah blah
She had some shiny armor and a very big bra

I took a couple of stabs and I was accused
That I was a monster and I said I was quite amused

I started throwing fire she started knowing things were dire
But then I sprung the question and she started acting strange I asked where's [member="Strider Garon"]

She said I don't know, I only have a clue.
Come on, I'm not even going for it. Here's what I'm gonna sing"

"You." Dredge said in a even tone

"You got what I ne-ed, but you say I'm not a Sith, but you say I'm not a sith!"

"Oh darkside you! You got what I ne-ed! But you say I'm not a sith, but you say I'm not a sith!"

A Yuuzhan Vong made a deep inhaling sound like a record being mixed.

Yes the strange things Vong do when they are bored
Location: The Libertas, dark side of Helska.
Objective: Objective II
Enemies: Undefined
Allies: Undefined

Ships: Alyndys-class Exploration Craft

| [member="The Shadow King"] |

The essence of Sith Alchemy was the ability to manipulate life itself. Whether this was by the process of manipulating something that was already living or giving life to an inanimate object, the process of manipulation was to then create something new, a unique specimen unseen before. To the Jedi Order, this process was an abomination, an act that violated the laws of the natural and subsequently, they have waging a war against those who have practiced this arcane art since it's foundation.

As his predecessors discovered at the beginning of the One Hundred Year Darkness, Vilox Pazela would do the same at the end of the Four Hundred. Out here in the void, he was free to practice the science to his hearts content.

The Dark Master's eyes averted from Helska to the to the Bandon. He considered the Star Destroyer, center to the Shadow Empire's fleet, with wry amusement. For Vilox Pazela had been the Lord of the Sith during the says of the Sith Empire and knew the inventor behind the Bandon-class Star Destroyer well. Although he had not met with Circe Savan in a year, the Dark Jedi knew of the Shadow Empire's flagship well. After all, he had been one of four Sith at the time to commission the construction of this particular class.

The other three were probably with the One Sith collective. Vilox Pazela would not bow the knee to an unknown Dark Lord of the Sith that had seemingly risen out of no where. Out here in the Unknown, he would remain in the shadows and accumulate, so upon his return to the galaxy, he could do what no Sith or Jedi had ever done before.

End the Star Wars.

"Relay a transmission to the Bandon that I, Vilox Pazela, have joined the Shadow Empire in it's defense of Helska." This was a lie. "Relay the Libertas's codes to the Bandon to authenticate our allegiance." The codes were legit. The Libertas was an Alyndys-class craft that Vilox Pazela had pulled out of retirement, following his negotiations with the Red Ravens and the assistance he had rendered to them during their invasion of Barab I.

The Dark Master had never presented himself as a threat to Romeo Sin before. He would appear as an ally, serving the Shadow Empire and on an allied ship no less, heading to the rear of the Shadow King's flagship to reinforce it. Genius.


"Set course for the Libertas to flank the Bandon. Raise shields. Impulse on full burn." At the maximum speed the Libertas could muster, it begun to make it's way forward to the flank of the Bandon. As it moved forward, the Dark Master lifted his hands to the cowl of his robe and lowered it onto his back. As the Libertas crossed the space between it and the Bandon, the Dark Master lowered himself to the floor, before the transparisteel screen that stretched across the ship's observational deck and begun to mutter, whilst tuning himself into the dark side of the Force.

Ending Location: Ice Cold Caverns
Objective: Objective Three - Claim the Ice Caverns,
Enemies: The Shadow Empire, [member="Alisa Kalor"], [member="Judas Zambrano"], [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"],
Allies: [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Tesar Osted"], [member="Laguz Vald"], [member="Ciara Jevnaker"],
Rank for Invasion: Commander - Beta
Gear: Gimti Arana, Storm, Sith Lightsaber, Derriphan's Eye, CQB LL-IWS,

As the drop pods were getting closer and closer, they started to shake violently. Any and all communication ended with a white noise of fuzz. I looked up as my com link went dead. Knowing that it would be like this for the minute or so travel through the atmosphere. The inside was getting hotter and hotter as the ships were burning up. Sure the shields helped, but they couldn't block pure heat. Hence why I loved my Fire Shaping skills, and Pyrokinesis. Shields can stop the actual flames from catching you, but the heat is not stopped.

I readied myself. All of us were wearing harnesses, so when we landed we wouldn't just all of a sudden slam down towards the bottom of the drop pod. The woman next to me sounded like a kid on a roller coaster ride. having their mouth hang open and just saying "ah" in a drone and monotone voice. I shook my head. It was about a minute of this later that the pod slammed into the ground hard.

The entire thing shook, and it sounded more like a ping sound. Kind of like a coin hitting a tile floor. As soon as I realized we landed, I took off my harness, and started shouting again.

"Get your asses up and lets move!"

There was a loud clamor as everybody was getting up. Weapons loaded, and ready, I stepped out first into the cold cavern air.

Location: Ice Caverns
Objective: Objective Three - Claim the Ice Caverns
Controller: Nickolas Imura
Vantage Point: Kalee Hawns
Force Limit: 20
Submission Link: N/A

It was cold. That was for sure as when Master Imura stepped out of the pod, his breath was visible. Kalee could see her own breath as she brought her rifle up and trained it around the area. Everybody seemed to fan out searching for any hostiles in the area. Kalee was towards the center. less than three feet from the Sith Lord as she looked around. Even up above to see the large hole in the ice that had been made by the impact. Light poured in from the star close by.

Sparkles were floating down. Pieces of ice that were so small and tiny they shined in the light. Reaching up to her helmet with her off hand, Kalee turned on her helmet light. Flooding the darkness of the cavern with luminesce. Everyone else followed suit. Training whatever weapon they had with them, up down, around, and almost in every direction except for at each other. Kalee smiled brightly as her Arkanian white skin seemed to be the brightest thing in here. Other than the lights.

Nickolas Imura then spoke a single word command that echoed within the chambers.

OOC/ I've been informed by faction leaders that both sides' leaders have agreed to start with boarding so long as it's handled sensibly. If this is a problem and wires got crossed, PM me and I'll edit.

Location: Cloaked Annihilator-class boarding shuttle
Objective: Board the Shadow Dynasty's flagship - Resolute-class Star Destroyer
NPC Commander: Seren Ordavo
Force Limit: 50 B1 battle droids
Allies - Immediate: [member="Unit 843"]
Allies - Elsewhere in Objective: [member="Vilox Pazela"] [member="Dredge"] [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Ciara"] [member="Tyro'din"]
Enemies - Immediate: [member="Solan Charr"] (commander of the flagship)
Enemies - Elsewhere in Objective: Sorta [member="The Shadow King"], possibly [member="Aedan Miles"]

Seren's knuckles stopped rapping their slow rhythm on the bulkhead. The pilot's seat of the old stealth shuttle creaked under him as he moved to get a clearer view of the Resolute-class supercarrier that had just shown up. The secondhand (Third? Fiftieth?) B1 units were clanking something to themselves in the passenger bay, comms intercepts started chattering-

In the process of heading for the flagship, he jammed his thumb into a button and the blast door slid closed between the cockpit and the passenger compartment. Blessed silence descended -- well, relative silence. They were talking among themselves back there, and some kind of vigorous yet dull disagreement was in order. Fething droids.

The Resolute-class supercarrier and at least one of its escorts were Fringe-built ships. That struck Seren as more than a little odd -- what the feth was the Shadow Dynasty doing with a Fringe supercarrier? -- but it worked in his favor. As a Fringer himself, he had some idea of where to look, where to steer, and how hard he would need to decelerate as his stygium-cloaked Annihilator-class boarding shuttle slipped through the carrier's hangar field.

At which point he halted, tilted his nose up by about twenty degrees, opened the rear cargo doors and turned off the artificial gravity. Apart from some field eccentricities, the first sign the Shadow Dynasty commander would have of the cloaked ship's presence inside his hangar was the sudden appearance of a big tangled pile of bickering, Sithicidal, nine-hundred-year-old battle droids.

A chorus of "Uh-oh" rang to the heavens.

Seren's plan, broadly speaking, was to get out of the shuttle via its front viewport, and get about as far away from it as possible while just over four dozen droids and their obviously present, obviously cloaked ingress route gave him some distraction cover. As of yet, though, he was still in the tilted cockpit of the boarding shuttle, only a handful of seconds having elapsed since his entry into the supercarrier's hangar.
Location: Ice Cold Caverns
Objective: Objective 3-Capture Ice Caverns
Allies: [member="Nickolas Imura"], [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Tesar Osted"], [member="Laguz Vald"]
Enemies: The Shadow Dynasty

The ride down was anything but pleasant, but she had longed suspected this when a few others back on the ship had made jokes about using the pods. When they finally landed, a term she would debate with anyone at this pointe, the first thought to enter her mind was how many bruises she had endured; and the fighting hadn't even begun. She made a mental note to discuss with the R&D department about refitting these pods so they were more organic friendly. When the order from the commander was given, she quickly unlatched herself and slid the harness to the side, and rose to her feet triple checking to make sure the only weapon she had was still intact. If her lightsaber had broken, she would have to resort to using only the Force; and how long would that serve her until she depleted the energy. Luckily, her weapon had been unmolested by the not-so-fun trip down.

She was the last to exit the pod, not because she was afraid to fight, but she wanted to make sure there were no cowards hiding out. She detested cowards. She never understood the mentality of a coward, especially in the times of war. Your enemy would kill you regardless if you stood tall against them or dropped to your knees and begged for mercy. She had seen it many times from both sides, Jedi and Sith alike. A few times she had killed those begging for mercy. Cowards.

The cold was almost unbearable. She mentally thanked Tag for talking her into letting him add some environment protection to her outfit. She shuddered at the thought of freezing to death. What a fitting end to a roller coaster life that would have been. Her head swiveled on her shoulders trying to make heads or tails of their location. Despite the cold and ice, there was a snowstorm brewing, slow at first but over time it could be elevated to a full on blizzard. And she wanted no part of that.

"What's your orders Commander," she said to the barely visible figure, [member="Nickolas Imura"], raisng her voice over the snowstorm.
Location: Command Ship of the Shadow Dynast
Objective: Defend Command ship against boarders
Enemies: [member="Dredge"] [member="Seren Ordavo"]
Allies: [member="The Shadow King"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Judas Zambrano"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
Unkowns: [member="Vilox Pazela"]
Gear: Aedan's Beskar'gam 1 Lightsaber 1 Shoto

Ships: (Permitted control of fighters and their ilk in this invasion list following shortly.)
2 (6 fighter) squadrons Devastator-class heavy fighters
4 Squadrons Remnant-class multipurpose fighters
1 Squadron Dread-class light fighter
31 Cutlass-class gunships (Split into 3 fire groups of five)
6 Victorine-class medium bombers
2 with proton bombs
2 with proton torps
2 with missiles
24 Umbra-class Dropships
3 Squadron (8 fighters) of Mynock-class fighters
12 Victorine-class medium bombers
Proton bomb load outs
1 squadron of Blackfire-class fighters
12 Drakon-class dropships
3 squadrons of (6)Blackfire-class fighters
5 Cutlass-class gunship

Aedan Miles calmly stepped out of the shadows behind Solan his armor clad form hidden under a cape as he gestured the fighter control officers to their terminals and used the force to pull a datapad to him activating a secondary holo table that projected a series of items above it most of them highlighted a violet color to show what Aedan Miles would personally be leading. Aside from that his personal security team stood by in the shadows of the bridge as well as a rather large and fairly impressive droid he had been gifted. Turning as he kept half an eye on the data from the holo table he gestured towards the men at the terminals who started to issue orders. The Mynock-class and Devastator-class fighters breaking away to escort all drop ships down towards the planet swiftly creating a shielding array around them. The rest of the fighters instead went to form a defensive screen against fighters before the fleet making sure to leave clear lines of fire as they prepared for their next set of orders.

Sighing as the ships moved into position Aedan also sent a new order that was implemented by all ships. Lower power of laser weaponary and set to off mode firing to help deal with Dovin Basals they were a nuisance but couldn't catch everything. He also had them set any missiles that could to a proximity timer for detonation this would also assist. He walked over to where Solan stood and made a gesture. "If I may suggest setting missiles to either timer or proximity detonation my friend? It will help deal with that pesky Vong tech we have heard rumors about." Aedan turned and started to walk away gesturing his team towards him calmly. "While we are here no one takes the bridge if anything happens to me and I am disabled or unablee to give orders follow [member="Solan Charr"]'s orders unless they in your opinion place me in danger." The men of his security team nodded and then started to check their various weaponry using their CQC load out so that they were not at a disadvantage. The droid an EDG Enforcer Droid created by a pair of Aedan's friends was with them it carried some of the weapons Aedan had been able to get his hands on for it. In two of its hands it gripped a Mandalorian River gun L3 variant in the two lower it sported a pair of pistols with holsters actually fitted to its waist so it could reload easier as to avoid issues. It also had a vibroblade on its back sized slightly larger for it. Aedan sighed as he stretched and turned to watch the fighters and dropships break away from the safety of the fleet and begin their descent towards the planet.

Location: Bridge of Resolute
Objective: Defend the Ship
Controller: Aedan Miles
Force Limit: 7 (6 Mandos 1 droid)
Submission Link: Aedan's Security Team and EDG Enforcer Droid

Aedan's personal gear: Beskar'gam, 2 Lightsabers (nothing special standard and shoto), 1 Ripper MK 2, and 1 Lightsaber pike.
The Admiralty
Location: Cloaked Annihilator-class boarding shuttle
Objective: Board the Shadow Dynasty's flagship - Resolute-class Star Destroyer
Allies - Immediate: [member="Unit 843"] | [member="Seren Ordavo"]
Allies - Elsewhere in Objective: [member="Vilox Pazela"] | [member="Dredge"] | [member="Catalys Maijora"] | [member="Ciara"] Tyro'din
Enemies - Immediate: [member="Solan Charr"] (commander of the flagship)
Enemies - Elsewhere in Objective: Sorta [member="The Shadow King"], possibly [member="Aedan Miles"]

Ya know, as the supercarrier became bigger in the viewing port I wasn't actually thinking about the fact that it was a Fringe ship. Oh aye, it was strange alright, it shouldn't be here, but in the grand scheme of things? It didn't really matter. But there was something else that bothered me, something that kept my mind occupied as Ordavo closed the door and giving us some rest from the droids. Nah, what really bothered me was the identity of the Shadow Empire, or Dynasty- whatever it was calling itself these days.

I ain't just nitpicking here either, just think about it. The Sith were the Sith, the Republic was obviously the Republic, than ya had the righteous space cowboys (otherwise known as the Protectorate) and the hunters being the Fringe. Without going through the entire list ya can see how each and every one had their own 'thing', ye ye, I ain't all that good with words anymore.

Anyway, the Shadow Empire didn't have this inherent unique trait to it and that worried me. Look, most of the time it wouldn't really matter anyway, but I was fighting them right now. What if they were the relatively good side of the conflict? What if the- okay, who am I kidding here really? Took out a cigarette and lit it up, puffing some smoke while Seren was doing his thing.

This had been his plan - obviously, who else would try such a crazy thing? - and I would simply follow his lead for now.


Huntress of the North
PC Template - Ciara
Location: The Deliverance
Objective: Objective Two
Enemies: The Shadow Empire
Allies: The Primeval
NPC Template - 20 Personal Guardsmen
Location: Cargo hold, deliverance
Objective: Objective B
Controller: Ciara
Force Limit: 8 House Savona Guardsmen, 12 Graug Guardsmen
Ciara tapped her foot impatiently against the durasteel floors of the cargo bay in the silence of the hangar bay after Dredge's strange incantation of war: it was an interesting piece of art? music? expression? She couldn't understand its nature but it seemed skillfully done and it kept her amused. She exasperatedly sighed as the boredom swept over her and the effects of the hypnocane overcame her due to the lack of environmental stress. If the effects of the drug continued, Ciara would be impaired from functioning normally for at least the duration of the invasion and well, that is unfortunate. Unfortunate indeed. She visibly figetted on the cargo container before bolting to her feet and rallying her guardsmen, "GUARDS TO ME. FRAK THIS FRAKKING PIECE OF FRAKKING BANTHA ASS."

She cursed in extreme annoyance of the lack of events. "WHERE ARE THESE FRAKKING COWARDS?"

Bolting with her weapons to the exit of the cargo bay, her Graug Guardsmen and House Guardsmen immediately flanked her and began sprinting with her as well. "TO THE REBLUFF."

Ciara waved at the Graug crew members stiffly guarding the ramp of the ship and nodded, "We depart now. Initiate undocking protocols and furthermore, prepare my vehicle."

The Graug simply nodded before running to the hangar bay inside of the Rebluff.
Location: The Deliverance
Objective: Objective Two also MURDERIZE EVERYTHING!
Enemies: The Shadow Empire
Allies: The Primeval [member="Ciara"]

Location:Cargo hold, deliverance
Objective: Objective B, to the choppa!!
Controller: Dredge
Force Limit: 10 Yuuzhan Vong warriors 10 Graug Warriors

Dredge was about to kick off another verse and lay it down real thick, but before that happened the coked out chick started screaming. She was right, what were they doing? Just sitting around bored and beatboxing. Not that there was anything wrong with beatboxing and rapping but it was time to get serious and murder the crap out of some Shadow Dynasty folks. So Dredge and the Juice Crew began to pick up their weapons and get to going, and the best chance of getting to the enemy was to go with the coked up girl.

"Let's go." Dredge said with a snarl putting his game face back on.

The group of men proceeded out of the cargo hold following Ciara until they reached the hanger and loaded up into her ship. All twenty one men piled up and began to check their weapon systems. The Yuuzhan Vong with their horde bio rifles, and the Graug with their various weapons from the slave yards where they called their homes. They were suited up and ready.

Dredge remained in the back of the ship, his large Iron clad form now completely serious and steady. The darkside nexus that enveloped him fed into his veins and pure hatred and scorn poured out of him in torrents of anguish. Taking the massive Sith sword off his back he raised his blood red eyes and was ready to go.
Location: Resolute
Objective: Three-Claim the Ice Caverns
Enemies: [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Nickolas Imura"]
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="The Shadow King"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Kitsune"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Alisa Kalor"]
Gear: Convergence Pistols, Arc Shadow, II-1ASR, Shadow Walker Mk.I, Sentinel Dueling Gloves

Location: Resolute
Objective: Three-Claim the Ice Caverns
Controller: Judas Zambrano
Force Limit: 20
Gear: Convergence Pistols, Rapture launchers, Convergence Mk.I's, Arc Shadows, II-1ASR, and Dream Crushers
Submission Link: 7 Crimson Avengers, 3 Azuchi Guards, 9 Crimson Walkers, 1 EDG Droid

The one things that humans can offer that droids can't is their emotions. The droids that filled the dropship with Judas remained completely silent, unquestioning. The droids had no fear of death or of anything else that could possibly happen to them. They were programmed for only one thing... DEATH. Judas himself was somewhat the same but he did have emotions. Did he fear his death though? No. How could he fear death by this pitiful group that called themselves a power? A threat? Even if he did die his creations would live on. The droids he had created would live on and do nothing but cause more trouble for them in what Judas was sure would be many more battles. Clutching onto the railing above to keep his balance he stared at each and every single one of the droids then scoffed his helmet covering the notion. At least he didn't have to give some heartfelt speech to ensure they didn't give up on him.

He felt the whole ship shake as they entered the planets atmosphere and he began checking his weapons once again making sure they were loaded. The droids didn't need to as they had been trained to use the weapons and do proper maintenance on them. The temperature change was apparent from the moment they entered the atmosphere the dropships temperature dropping dramatically. The armor offered just enough protection against the cold that it would be little more than a nuisance to Judas. "Drop Point is coming up." The pilot said through the coms alerting them all.

The ship came to a soft landing right outside the cavern all the droids and Judas flooded out. "Formation Alpha!" Judas yelled the droids automatically complying. Formation alpha consisted of the crimson walkers all with Dream Crusher grenade launchers in hand, then the three Azuchi Guards behind them with II-1ASR's at the ready. The third row consisted of The Crimson Avengers three holding Convergence Mk.I's and the others holding Rapture launchers at the ready. In the final row was Judas and the EDG droid. The EDG droid was wielded a Convergence Mk.I as well. This formation may seem simple but the droids were spaced out enough to where the Crimson Avengers could fire without threat of hitting the other droids. "Line one fire."

Judas said as they stood outside the cavern. The Crimson walkers leveled their grenade launchers firing at the outside wall blowing a hole big enough for them all to enter in the same formation. "Thermal active now, use it to locate enemies and then shut it back off." Judas ordered as he did the same himself. The droids however were equipped with advanced scanners so they wouldn't be blind to threats such as mines or the like. The chill bit into Judas as he walked behind his formation of droids a smirk on his face. The battle was about to begin. His allies wouldn't be to far behind him either, each bringing their own forces to the fight as well. "Fire on sight." Judas said giving the order to his droids.
PC Template - Destiny
Location: The Deliverance
Objective: Objective Two
Enemies: The Shadow Empire
Allies: The Primeval,

*Destiny stood aboard the deliverance. Her experience aboard the wheel and soon after was still clear in her 'Mind.' She had been kidnapped, restrained, and befriended. None of that mattered now, no matter the details, she had a job now. She heard Ciara run for a ship, and followed, ready to accomplish her mission of destroying anything in the way of the Primeval. She was no longer emotional, her usual human emotions had cycled out giving way to her battle programming. She was ready to fight, and to learn.*
Location: Igloo
Objective: Seananners
Allies: [member="Josef Levik"] @Adolfo Jimenez
Enemies: The Allied Powers

The war was long and bleak. Already, German---The Primeval were doing their thing. With the guns.

Frak that.

Norge was busy playing go fish with his two bestest pals, Adolfo and Josef. You couldn't ask for two better friends!

The three warriors had worn themselves out hunting down wild weaboos in a strange land known as greater Syria.

"Hey Adolfo! You wanna go to Siberia?"

The dismembered head of Mivey Mouse, a droid Norge had slaughtered at Bisney World, turned its gorgeous head toward its Adonis of a master.

"Feed my children."


Josef Levik

Location: Greater Siberia, Helska
Objective: Stall Them
Allies: @Adolfo Jimenez, [member="Norge Rucras"]
Foes: 1v1me

It was far too cold out on this hell of a rock. Literally, that's all it was. Adorned in Siberian Bear Hunting armor, Josef glanced at his fishing rod before deciding to give up on fishing. The Rushin' man turned away from his failed attempts at conquering these scaled beasts of the deep and instead sought solace within his three-man igloo of wonder.

"I can't stand this weather," he groaned, "Mother was right. I am worthless."

And with that, he kicked a snowman and fled into the ice-box of a home.
Location: Berlin
Objective: Jew them
Allies: The Axis Powers
Enemies: The Allied Powers

The war was coming like a storm. On his balcony stood a tall and proud figure looking over the vast numbers of soldiers that were ready to give their lives to him and the regime. He began brushing his mousta with a special comb that was unique to only him and his awesome mustache.

"Go my children!" He yelled over the the marching foots of his army.

In response he received a...


[member="Josef Levik"] [member="Norge Rucras"]
Location: [member="Darth Isolda"]'s panties
Objective: Frak Adolfo
Allies: [member="Josef Levik"] @Adolfo Jimenez
Enemies: The Allied Powers








Norge landed on the ice flow just below Adolfo's house. He was ready.

Clenching his fists like he was making sweet love to one of his womens, Norge let forth a scream so furious, that the entire tundra began to shake.

The ground quivered under his gentle touch. His calloused fingers ran over the soft, supple ice flow, and a low moan escaped him.






Josef Levik

Location: Helskiskiski
Objective: beat dis foo
Allies: Nobody
Foes: @Norge Rucas

"No," Josef said, "You can't do this, Norge!"

The massive army of Red communists and their war mounts cried out in a rallying cry. Invisible bears wearing kevlar suddenly growled with the intense fervor that only war bears knew.


Huntress of the North

PC Template - Ciara
Location: The Deliverance
Objective: Objective Two
Enemies: The Shadow Empire
Allies: The Primeval

NPC Template - 20 Personal Guardsmen
Location: Cargo hold, deliverance
Objective: Objective B
Controller: Ciara
Force Limit: 8 House Savona Guardsmen, 12 Graug Guardsmen
Ciara walked into the command room and cockpit of the Rebluff and nodded to her main pilot. The Graug pilot then slammed the propulsion systems to full drive and began heading for the Resolute-class Supercarrier. It was a simple matter to deal with infiltrating a massive supercarrier. Of course, the only thing of concern were the flak cannon batteries, but those were only meant for intercepting missiles, massdriver projectiles, perhaps fighter. She analyzed the indepth scans the Deliverance provided on the ship. She pondered for a moment. It seemed that most of the guns were positioned on the starboard and port board sides of the ship. Thus...perhaps an entry directly through the stern? It was an idea considering... Ciara paused for a moment and walked over to the gunnery controls and nodded to the Graug gunners. She dictated, "Prepare to fire on command."

The Rebluff soon accelerated past the fleet of ships discretely, trailing at the edges of the sensor ranges before angling and positioning itself directly facing the stern. Ciara stated, "Right. Straight ahead. Godspeed."

The Graug immediately activated the thrusters of the Rebluff and began hurling towards the aft of the Resolute-class Supercarrier. She addressed the men in the passenger bay and barracks, "Alright, ETA...Soon. Get ready. And convey the message to Lord Dredge."

One of the Graug soldiers grunted in response and moved slowly to the area Dredge and his men were occupying. The ship quickly advanced toward the Resolute-class Supercarrier: as soon as the Rebluff was in range, the gunners immediately began firing the yorik-kors at the stern hangar bays of the Supercarrier. Of course, the reflector shield generators protecting the hangar bays absorbed the fire. Ciara shouted, "REDIRECT POWER TO THE YORIK-KORS. WE MUST BREACH THE HULL."

The Graug gunners grunted and began intensifying their fire on the hangar bays. The ship slowly decelerated as the ship began coming closer and closer to the Supercarrier...The ship was about to make a gruesome impact if the hangar bays were not breached...The ship approached closer and closer, and to no avail, the reflector shield generators withstanded the barrage. Ciara's heart palpitated irregularly and quickly as each bolt of extremely high energy plasma was absorbed in a midst of blue particles of light.

The shield collapsed for a moment, allowing three projectiles to hit the hangar bay before re-envoloping the hangar bay in a layer of blue particles. This ruptured the atmospherically sealed hangar bay and almost immediately, several humanoids were seen flying out of the hangar bay as well as several cargo crates as the air within the hangar bay was instantaneously sucked out in the vacuum. Ciara shouted, "ALRIGHT, REDIRECT POWER TO ENGINES. WE LAND NOW."

The Rebluff quickly approached the slightly opened hangar bays and stopped at opening created by the yorik-kors. The Yorik Coral Claws and Mandibles began breaking through the opening, causing more and more to be exposed until the Rebluff could fit inside. As soon as the Rebluff landed safely within the hangar bay, the emergency sealing protocols were initiated and blast doors soon closed behind them.

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