Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Battle of Midway (Invasion of Helska)


Purpose: Assassination
Location: Ice Cavern Entrance
Objective: 3 - Secure Caverns
Enemies: @Primeval [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Laguz Vald"]
Allies: [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Judas Zambrano"]
Controller: Alisa Kalor
Force Limit: 20 (18 with Alisa, 2 guarding Shuttle)
Submission Link: KT1 Battle Droids

Alisa's shuttle touched down on the icy planet, it's rear ramp lowering to reveal the caverns not far from her. She was first to exit, her hair blowing in the cold wind, followed by 18 of her droids. The other two droids stayed on the ship, already knowing to guard it without being given the verbal order. Ahead she noticed a rather large figure entering the cavern, no doubt the Gen'dai creature she had heard of. Breaking into a run, Alisa and her droids made it to the cavern not long after Kezeroth had entered, noticing only when she got there that he was not alone. There was another person who she did not recognize (Judas) and plenty of droids under their command. As his droids took point, Alisa signalled her hand forward aswell, sending hers infront of the Gen'dai and his unknown ally. She herself moved to their side, give a nod and a smile to her allies. "Hope I'm not too late."
Location: Ice Cavern
Objective: 3 - Capture Ice Cavern
Allies: [member="Nickolas Imura"], [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Tesar Osted"], @Laguz Vlad
Enemies: [member="Judas Zambrano"], [member="Alisa Kalor"], [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

All fourty-two eyes shot skyward toward the hanging teeth when the explosions from the enemy rocked the cavern, followed by the sounds of crashing ice. The Vahla shook her head at once and selected two troopers to accompany her into the tunnel, where to their dismay they found the entrance/exit caved in. With her hands on her hips she muttered, "Well that's convenient." Whatever the enemy had planned by sealing off this tunnel was in her favour. Upon returning to her troops, she was about to bark off orders when her comlink chirped in a broken transmission. "Did not copy that, please repeat?" Again the transmission came through with a more clear sound and she nodded her head toward her soldiers to mount up. "Copy that."

As they exited the opening, an idea came to her. If the enemy decided to reopen this tunnel they would have a clear shot to the main chamber, and that would be bad. What she was about to ask of her troopers was something no commander ever wanted to face. "If the enemy breaches the cave in, we will be faced with swarms of them. I'm not assigning any troopers to do this, but I'm asking for three volunteers to stay behind and act as the first line of defense." To the testament to the troops under her command, all twenty stepped forward. "I appreciate the enthusiasm. But I only need three." After a quick discussion between them, three finally took up the call. "Your goal is to keep them distracted and try to lure them into the side chamber. If they cannot be done, then fall back to the main chamber. And may the Force watch over you."

She felt a tinge of guilt leaving them behind but they were already heroes to her. She arrived with the other 17 soldiers and quickly met up with the commander. "Commander [member="Nickolas Imura"], our section is clear due to the cave in. I have three troops acting as scouts in case they try to reopen it. Where do you want us?"


Objective: 3
Location: Left Chamber
Controller: Ciara Jevnaker
Force: 20

Mikkel Markov

Exemplar of the Bleeding Sun
Location: The Caverns
Objective: Objective 3
Allies: [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Tesar Osted"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
Enemies: The Shadow Dynasty | [member="Judas Zambrano"]

Objective 3
Location: Ice Caverns
Controller: Mikkel Markov
Forces: 14 soldiers (umbaran)

While leading the group further down the tunnel, Mikkel picked up a broken transmission.

"Miklkel......heard an explosion....direction...." was all Mikkel could make out, but it sounded like the Commander. Attempting to send a return message, Mikkel activated his transmitter. "Mikkel here. We are trapped in a tunnel branching off from the one we went down initially. I repeat, We are trapped in a tunnel branching off the left tunnel."

Just as the Mikkel finished sending the message, the group came across an opening in the floor. Cautiously sticking his head down the hole, Mikkel scanned the opening and discovered it was another tunnel, extending back towards the main cavern in one direction and off to the great unknown in the other direction. Not noticing any signs of movement, Mikkel jumped down the 5 meters or so it was to the floor of the new tunnel. Aiming his battle rifle down the tunnel, he signaled for the rest of the soldiers to climb down and start making their way back to the main cavern.

Hopefully this tunnel comes out close to the main cavern, it might even be the center tunnel. Either way, we need to regroup with the rest of the forces before heading any deeper.

Noticing the loose ice hanging from the ceiling of the tunnel, Mikkel was glad his armor was designed to protect from heavy objects and brute force strikes.
Location: Space, same location.
Objective: Take out their fleet.
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Aedan Miles"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Legion"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Bant Mezaras"]
Unknown: [member="Vilox Pazela"]

"Sir, we have a incoming hail, the transponders are old, but Shadow Empire codes they are. What do you want to do?" Celty Toligon informed him as he watched the Primevil fleet proceed forward towards them. This was indeed a strange occurrence, who could it be? "Who is it Celty? Who is hailing me? I dont have time for allies to just come in for casual chat!" He barked out. Celty began her decoding, and reading of the codes. "This is from Vilox Pazela, who is that?" She had not been here when Vilox had first joined them. Romeo turned to look back at the Primevil fleet coming at him. "Old Dark Jedi who used to be with us, we havent heard from him in a while, though I dont know why...." Romeo stated, and stood up from his chair. Walking over to Toligon, he stepped next to her, and leaned into her. "What does he want?" He asked. "He wants to get behind us...that's it..." Romeo did a lot of quick thinking, his species known for being shrewd, he was a prime example of this shrewdness. What does he want behind me for? Think, why would an ally want behind their ally? We need to fire, not hide behind one another...what is he up too? He thought to himself. There was nothing logical behind his request, and he had come out from no where. How did he know the Shadow Dynasty was coming here? Romeo paced around while ordering out reports.
"Sir, they are coming at us with Dovan Basals, what do we do?!" Someone called out, and made Romeo stop in his tracks. He had witnessed those with the Horde, and new very well how dangerous they were. The Primevil had made a mistake to try those against him. "ALL BATTERIES LOWER YOU ENERGY TO THEIR LOWEST POINT, DIRECT THE REST OF THAT ENERGY TO OUR SHIELDS!" Romeo began yelling as he ran to the view point of his Crown. This was about to get nasty. "All batteries within range fire upon the center ship in their spear head formation, dont stop firing, missiles launch one at a time, and wait till its just outside the Dovan's range, and detonate it! Do not let up on the firing on that center ship! I repeat, all ships lower your weapons' power levels to their lowest, and direct all other energy to your shields! Fire all weapons in range!" Romeo turned to Toligon, and nodded. "I'll let him now he can get behind us, and I'll make sure all our weapons back behind us are at all ready to open fire." She turned to her comlink. "All BlackFires, prepare to launch on my command, the ship coming up behind us is a unknown, and could be a enemy, repeat all BlackFires prepare for launch on my command!"
Romeo looked at the few point, already the Long Guns were firing at the ship in the middle, sweet red shots arced over the Crown, and into the Dovans, but were only sucked in. Then the Crown would fire it's missiles, and detonate just outside the field of the Dovans. Again, and again all four Long Guns continued to fire. Then the Crown's own Turbolasers began to fire, while all the shields of each ship was given the extra energy that had been taken from the weapons.
Romeo knew because they were moving that the Dovans were not as strong as they would be stationary. "Begin moving us forward at the enemy! Continue to bombard them with the batteries, do not hold up!" As they began to slow crawl towards the enemy, each ship would slowly, but surely open fire, using all their weapons against the first ship in the front of their arrow formation. Romeo would take a deep breath, wait, and watch. There wasnt much more he could now till he saw their results.
Location: Hangar, and two choke points of the ship.
End Location: The 60 are going to the Resolute
Objective: Protect from Boardings
Controller: Me
Force Limit: 200 (100 are in the hangar, 25 are at checkpoint one, another 25 are outside my bridge doors.)
Link: Drakon Regiment
Enemies: [member="Dredge"] [member="Ciara"]
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

As Romeo did this, he gave more orders in almost forgetting about the Drakons. "I want the Triple Zero in the Resolute now. Solan has been boarded, I repeat, all Triple Zeros, get yourselves over to the Shadow Prince, and help him!" The commander of the Triple Zero would acknowledge this, and start loading up troops of twelve into each Drakon Dropship, and would begin their take off, one by one, heading over to the Resolute, some receiving glance shots from the enemy fleet. A total of 60 troopers would make it over as the Drakons could only hold 12 troopers all together, not including the pilot. A remaining 40 stayed behind to protect the Crown's own hangar. Their blaster rifles were some of the best, capable of dropping an enemy with one shot.
"Alright, lets go help the Shadow Prince men! We out number them here!"
They all honored the men that had died here, and felt the burning rage to revenge these fellow men. "Give em hell Getter!" One called out to his friend as they marched up towards the bridge of the Resolute. "We will show them what the Drakons are! For the Dynasty!" A woman called out from the group. They were all pumped for this. Their armor clanked together, and they knew they couldnt get reinforcements, the Drakon Dropships wouldnt take another run.
"We got the drop on them men, as soon the enemy is in sight, open fire, dont let up!" The commander order, turning corners left, and right, going up steps. More, and more men, and women had been laying still on the grown, dead from the Vong on the ship. "They'll pay for this!" Another commed. Their armor was hi-tech enough for them all to work together with their coms in their helmets. Romeo picked them out as the elites, trained vigorously, they were no push overs.
A few more corners, and they were now facing Graug, and various nasty things. They were un-phased by this. Slowly each trooper would open fire with their DH-X Heavy Blaster Rifle. The front line taking a knee, while the next line stood on behind them, and the third firing over the shoulders of the second.
"Eat Laser!"
The commander wasnt in the lines as he was there to command them, and couldnt die just yet, but he would proudly to make sure this war was won. Each trooper never stopped but to reload, but each blaster rifle had two clips so when one was wasted, the other was used. There was never a ending the barrage of fire coming from the Drakons.
Location: Shadow Dynasty Flagship
Objective 2: Kill them all
Enemies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="The Shadow King"]
Allies: [member="Ciara"]

Location:Hanger Shadow Dynasty flagship
Objective 2: Help kill them all
Controller: Dredge
Force Limit: 10 Yuuzhan Vong warriors 10 Graug Warriors

Dredge grabbed on to the nearest hanger crew running by him and with a large hand he lifted the young man into the air and snapped his neck with a thick crack. Tossing his body aside he let out a roar and took up the massive bastard sword, there were over a hundred dead from the initial attack and their bodies lay scattered on the hanger floor. It was a super carrier so obviously there was still much more killing to do in the hanger, but Dredge was happy to get to it. He was a solid twenty meters away from the perimeter of cover his men and Ciara's had set up was exposed to some of the random pieces of blaster fire here or there from fleeing hanger crewmen. But things got better from there, a group of a hundred shadow dynasty people ran into the room shouting cliched lines like they were a gang out of an eighties movie. Eat laser? Really? But that aside Dredge's eyes widened a bit at the sight of the incoming blasters trained on him and quickly dove behind a crate that was maybe twenty five meters from where they were opening fire. Dredge looked over to his men and yelled something.

"FREE BIRD!!" He screamed loud enough for his voice to carry out over the sounds of war.

One of the Vong stood up and raised a thumb in the air. He quickly ran inside the Rebluff and the sounds of whips being cracks and guitars and musical equipment were being set up. And I kid you not a small group of shaggy bearded slaves took up the instruments using the ships speakers and amps they brought on their own to blast out a soft song that was quickly interrupted by Dredge.

"SKIP TO THE SOLO!!" Dredge yelled again and the slaves did so

The slaves skipped to the solo and all hell broke loose. Dredge with his back against the cover smiled and spoke

"Much better." He said and stood up.

Channeling the force he used it to augment his strength and speed and with a massive kick he booted the massive crate across the floor twenty meters to crush two of the Drakons soldiers beneath it.

"COME AND GET SOME!!" He roared and charged forward

With almost a blur of motion he closed the distance between the formations line and the gap in the blaster fire he had created with the crate. And he went to town. Once in the formation the music was blaring and he was hashing and slashing at close quarters the massive sith sword spewing blood everywhere. Grabbing one Drakon trooper he headbutted the man and impaled another on the sword before throwing him across the room in a smear of red.

It was safe to say he was having a fun time.







Location: Flagship Hangar (cloaked Annihilator-class boarding shuttle)
Objective: Flagship
Force Limit: 50 B1 battle droids
Allies: [member="Ciara"] [member="Destiny"] [member="Dredge"] [member="Nui Akona"] [member="Unit 843"]
Enemies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="The Shadow King"]

He'd dropped fifty B1 battle droids out the rear of the cargo bay to make a distraction. Not especially astonishingly, the sudden arrival of a Vong/Graug/Primeval boarding force, and the ensuing firefight, provided a much larger distraction. It seemed just about everything was soundly distracted. Weapons fire zipped back and forth beneath the cloaked Annihilator. The large flat ship hovered near the top of the hangar.

It would start drifting this way or that in short order...because Seren was no longer at the controls. Instead, he was standing on top of the cloaked ship, cutting his way through the hangar roof. Anyone who looked up would see a man with a blue lightsabre standing on nothing.

As a general rule, though, people who looked up during a firefight died.
Location: Shadow Dynasty Flagship
Objective 2: Tactical Mass Murder
Enemies: Shadow dynasty
Allies: @Ciara , Dredge
Gear: DC-15A Blaster Rifle

*Destiny was surprised at the blaring of music from the vessel behind her. This split second of distraction was enough for a blaster bolt to sizzle past her exposed shoulder, searing the fabric of the casual outfit she had worn on the wheel. "Perhaps I should have acquired armor" Destiny thought while returning fire and eliminating the other soldier. How long would it be before a more powerful enemy rose to oppose the capture of their flagship?*


Huntress of the North
PC Template - Ciara
Location: The Deliverance
Objective: Objective Two
Enemies: The Shadow Empire, [member="The Shadow King"]
Allies: The Primeval, [Member="Dredge"], [member="destiny"]
NPC Template - 20 Personal Guardsmen
Location: Cargo hold, deliverance
Objective: Objective B
Controller: Ciara
Force Limit: 8 House Savona Guardsmen, 12 Graug Guardsmen
The Graug continued their barrage of mortar fire and chaotically deafening fire with anti-material blasts and slugthrower rounds from their Ratteler and Harbinger Rifles. The AT-RTs began turning their firing into overdrive as Dredge began his charge into the Shadow King's forces incoming forces. Their superior barricades and cover allowed for the forces of Ciara and Dredge to gain the upper hand with their initiative, disrupting the company of sixty men from dealing any true damage despite their smaller numbers.

Ciara holstered her Hunter's Bow to her belt and waved to one of the Guardsmen. He immediately brought out a plastoid weapons case and nodded before returning to his position. Ciara opened the case slowly and took out a DC-15A Blaster Rifle. She slowly loaded the powercell inside and then aimed at the company of Drakons. As soon as she pulled the trigger, the Guardsmen immediately unleashed a hailstorm of plasma bolts at the company, accelerating the process of decimating their forces.


The two AT-RTs began sprinting across the hangar at high speeds, firing at crowds of civilians and soldiers and surprising them with their sudden rush forward. The idea in mind was to rush the company with the AT-RTs in order to disrupt their formation and coherency further, and allow Ciara and her men to advance. As soon as the AT-RTs unleashed a furious barrage of blaster fire coupled with its mad charge, the four Graug soldiers holding Ratteler Rifles immediately charged forward as well, covered by their brethren with further mortar fire and anti-material fire.

8 House Guardsmen
12 Graug Guardsmen
Location: Left Tunnel
Objective: Three-Claim the Ice Caverns
Enemies: [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Laguz Vald"]
Allies: [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Alisa Kalor"]
Gear: Convergence Pistols, Arc Shadow, II-1ASR, Shadow Walker Mk.I, Sentinel Dueling Gloves

Location: Left Tunnel
Objective: Three-Claim the Ice Caverns
Controller: Judas Zambrano
Force Limit: 20
Gear: Convergence Pistols, Rapture launchers, Convergence Mk.I's, Arc Shadows, II-1ASR, and Dream Crushers
Submission Link: 7 Crimson Avengers, 3 Azuchi Guards, 9 Crimson Walkers, 1 EDG Droid

Judas had been ready to march down the tunnel till he felt the presence of his master. Stopping and waiting he turned to see the Gen'dai make his entrance. "About time you came. Thought I was going to have to take all the glory for myself." Judas said poking fun at his master and he had arrived with the other two EDG droids. This would be very interesting indeed. "As for the ice it was to ensure that I wasn't attacked from either side, that wouldn't be the best situation." Judas explained the words coming out of his mouth dry and as though all of this was a mere nuisance. Even though he did poke fun at his master he was relieved to have some more muscle along for the fight.

Standing there and looking forward into the tunnel Judas was just going to let Kezeroth go on with whatever he had planned. He had no intentions of stopping him, it was the smartest thing to do anyway. However seeing the stance he had took and the way it seemed like he was breathing Judas shook his head and began walking in the opposite direction. He knew what was coming and wanted nothing to do with it. He went so far as to walk out the cavern and stand out in the snow. Kezeroth's scream could still be heard though Judas wasn't effected by it as much but simply flinched before he headed back into the cavern.

Even now they had added a few more to their number with a women coming forward with her own droids. "Nope you're just in time." Judas said to the women letting Kezeroth take the lead and the women's droids going before him. Judas and his droids would go in last in the same formation they had been in the whole time not breaking it for a second. If others wanted to go first Judas was more than happy to let them.

Darth Vazela

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Location: The Libertas, flanking the Bandon-class Star Destroyer.
Objective: Objective II
Enemies: Undefined
Allies: Undefined

Ships: Alyndys-class Exploration Craft, the Libertas

The Libertas came to a stop at the flank of the Bandon-class Star Destroyer. The snake had entered the lions den that was the Shadow Dynasty and it's legions. Sat before the transparisteel of the craft's observational deck, the Dark Master continued to murmur beneath his breath. Umbarans looked on, their normally calm and calculating demeanor turned to that of concern. They knew what Vilox Pazela would plan and a sense of disbelief overcame them, now that the Libertas was flanking the Star Destroyer.

How had he pulled it off? A question he would deny an answer too. The dark side was flowing through the Dark Jedi now. Tapping into the vast reverses of knowledge he held within him, from a time that was yet to come, Vilox Pazela begun to twist and orchestrate his abomination. In the shadows of the Shadow King and the Bandon-class Star Destroyer that he was on, the Dark Master allowed the Sith Alchemy to venture forth across the Libertas.
Location: Aboard The Thorn (Skrii-Ro'ik Cruiser Analog)
Objective: Objective One: Whip the enemy into submission
Enemies: Our good "Friendsss" the Shadow Dynasty, [member="The Shadow King"]
Allies: Darth Legion, Bant Mezaras, and those aboard the various Primeval vessels

Ships: Skrii-Ro'ik Cruiser Analog carrying a GU-20 Fighter Squadron (12), and currently deploying GU-55 Bomber Squadron (7). (Weapon capacity stands at 45 Dovin Basals, and 65 Yaret-Kor)

Fleet Orders:
  1. "...Skrii-Ro'ik [spearhead] them excessively using Dovin Basals as I see fit, weapons firing en masse."
  2. "Zambrano the Hutt , I want you to use the dovin basals to set up a "shield" in front of the main part of our formation and start draining theirs'. When we come into range I want you to back off and harass them, we'll keep them from gathering on the back of your ship."
  3. "​​All bombers go forward, until I say so the target is the yorika or the other ships straggled in the middle. Carriers prepare to launch the rest of the fighters on my command."

Location: Bomber Squadron Recently Deployed from Hangar Bay
Objective: Objective Two - Targeting Nearest Hostile Ship for bombing runs until specific orders are given.
Controller: Zambrano the Hutt
Force Limit: 12 + 7 = 21 (One fighter will malfunction, in order to maintain appropriate force limits)
Submission Link: Not Relevant

Bomber Commander Steward was in the middle of staring out lasers and missile rounds disappear into the mysterious void of tiny black holes that came from the despicable ship he had been launched from. All men had been accounted for with no malfunctions, and all he could do was simply... gaze. All around him, hulking behemoths... citadels of destruction, prepared to rain death down upon the other in grand style. Red flashes light up his cock pit as a star destroyer takes aim at the vong ship to be disappointed by its invisible and unnatural shielding. This was nothing out of the ordinary for the Primevalan, but there had always been a certain majesty of being a small part of something so incredibly large... and witnessing it first hand as nothing but a pawn surrounded by rooks and queens.

It would be a short time before the bombers would have to be worried about the fury unleashed at their cruiser. One could only hope that it could hold its own, as like with most in the GU series starships... they were blind and dead in the water without their "mothership". Some men were already considered dead, in some ways, given that they were all in the heat of a massive battle, that could result the end in any one of their lives... at any moment.
Zambrano the Hutt swayed in his otherworldly happiness in witnessing the carnage about to ensue across the expanse of Helska's space. The uninhabited ice world, would soon see a pock marked surface filled with the a Dynasty of thousands of Shadowy graves, mingled with the sparse droplets of conqueror's blood. A soft cackle escaped the maniacal being, as The Shadow King foolishly attempted to resist the crushing effects of his new perception over the battlefield. Extra powered shields merely delayed the inevitable of gravity's ultimate victory over technologies ineffective deflector shields. One of several things would happen very soon, either the reactor core charged with overpowering the shield systems would experience a meltdown in the near future, or the shields would give way to the power of the Dovin Basals. There was certainly a manner in which one could prevent this from happening, but the Admiral in charge of the fleet would have to find that out on his own, and guess again. The bolstered shields gave him about an extra 5 minutes in addition to the time it would have taken originally to strip the shields off of his half of the fleet, to figure it out correctly.

Barrages of fire however, streamed across the expanse of space directed towards The Thorn, most of it unusually underpowered and easily absorbed, and the Dynasty seemed to be wasting ammo, as every time a missile had been launched (almost single file) they would explode before even reaching the influence of his Dovin Basals. This was fairly annoying, and wasted a degree of his energy, since the Dovin Basals were not collecting much additional energy or resources from the enemy barrage. The variety of fire too, was slightly difficult to concentrate on, but with 40+ of the creatures, the initial barrage could be held for now. A barrage for too long however, would become dangerous.

There was one thing however, that was successful for the Dynasty as it had been intended. The King's ship began to actively move rather than drift, thus forcing Zambrano to actively track the ship with his gravity beams. Currently himself, his entire ship was relying entirely upon momentum, as all 45 Dovin Basals were in use either creating the gravitic barrier or draining enemy shields. The effects of the Dovin Basals on a moving target, decreased their efficiency by mostly smaller fraction, but it was enough to buy the Shadow King another three minutes before nearly his entire half of the fleet lost shielding capabilities, a major deficiency.

The bombers launched from The Thorn, were order to attack the King's Crown, with the communications relay as a primary target followed by the engines, and to be finished with the life support systems. No commands to directly attack the bridge were given to the seven bombers, likely due to Zambrano's knack and love for harassing enemies without killing them... immediately. Of course, the bombers would have get through the shields first, which although were double shielded, where hopefully for them, in the midst of being taken care of. The bombers would be order to stay out of the line of sight of the Skrii-Ro'ik, as the streams of hellfire still rained profusely from the Yuuzhan Vong Vessel towards targets such as the King's Crown or any other ship he carried in front his main ship.

Soon the, Zambrano's aid warned that in order to prevent enemy attacks getting behind his ship, that he should divert some attention to propulsion as a means of slowing his vessel down so that that his protection could move up and protect his flanks, especially now that the Dynasty's Fleet were in motion towards the Primevals spear-tip....


  • Enemy Actions: Diverted Energy from weapon systems to bolster shields, proceeds to fire low powered Turbo Lasers, and detonates volleys of missiles prior to the gravity shield's range.
  • Reaction: Gravity Beams continue to press down on shields, still draining the shields as the canonical defense has not been used appropriately or alluded to, in the next post, about half the fleet shall be losing their shields until appropriate action is done. Dovin Basals absorb incoming fire, low energy rounds and pre-detonated missiles detract from resource collection, thus causing the "shield" to expend and exhaust more energy than ordinarily.
Location: Ice Caverns, Middle of Center Tunnel
End Location: In the Next Room with the Enemey, Right by Center tunnel Exit
Objective 3: Blast away!
Enemies: @Primeval | @Ciara Jevnaker | [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Mikkel Markov"]
Allies: [member="Judas Zambrano"] [member="Alisa Kalor"]

A new arrival at the last minute!? Great the odds were being evened out now, or atleast that was along the lines of the Gen'dais thoughts when their small party grew but one. Watching the Two EDG Droids march down the Tunnel and looking back to see who joined them he said. " Your late... and yet in time for the party!" Moving forward Kezeroth picked up his Mk.1 Convergence Rifle with both hands, Setting the Rifle to Full Auto he smiled as it hummed and glew slightly. Aiming between the two giant droids and Kezeroth being directly behind both it was an excellent way to push on. Feeling the Accelerating heartbeats of those his scream affected Kezeroth smiled as he could feel them better as he got closer, Having no clue how many were ahead and instead of feeling a number of pulses he felt one big one. His mask folded back over his face and his eyes grew big with excitement. This Shoulder Blaster on his right sprang to life, It was time to go forward. The Center Tunnel had a slight curve to it but once around it the Gen'dai noticed a Ice wall blocking his path ahead.

Taking a moment to pause Kezeroth summoned the force to alter his Voice, Not in a physically harmful way but just to make it deeper and more Monstrous. Though He did not like to admit this it was a tactic he learned from the Sith called Dun moch. If all went well the Soliders that entered the Caverns would hear this and become fearful on what it was that was behind the Fresh Ice Wall in the Center Tunnel. Again the Cavern would project his voice from all over.

" Haha! You are nothing but Shadows! Nerfs confronting a Krayt Dragon, Take up arms if you can and Prepare your-self's for a painful death!"

Looking back to [member="Judas Zambrano"] and [member="Alisa Kalor"], he nodded signalling them to come forward slightly into the tunnel. There was doubt that the thumping of foot steps could be heard close by now. The Enemy forces could only wait before the assault began, Anticipation killed Kezeroth but his best guess was that it also did the same to others. Ordering his guards to stand by the wall so he could get by easily. Grabbing a Rapture launcher from a nearing droid Kezeroth took a knee and aimed at the Ice wall ahead. Aiming at the Center and pulling the Trigger slowly he waited for the *Click* and the Particle Cannon fired hard! The kick of the weapon shook him all over. The Ice wall became no more and steam fill the area as a natural smoke, though it would rise quickly and Disappear. Taking advantage of the steam Kezeroth pointed forward ordering his two guard droids to advance on the double! Roughly Handing back the Rapture launcher to the Droid in behind him the Gen'dai gripped his rifle and moved quickly to get a good shot. When his EDG Enforcer Droids stood side by side in the tunnel Exit they laughed as Kezeroth shoved both out of the way and took a heavy stance. Blasting away and mainly everyone in the room with his Mk.1 Convergence... Full Auto. " Attack! Argh!" he shouted.

Location: Ice Caverns
End Location: Center Tunnel Exit, Behind Kezeroth
Objective 3: Guard Kezeroth
Controller: Kezeroth the Malevolent
Force Limit: 2
Submission Link: EDG Enforcer Droid x2
Gear: Electrostaff

Orders were Easy, Move Forward and Move Forward. Both Droids liked the way their master conducted an assault against the Enemy much could be learned. Straight Forward and hard pushing. Both Droids understood that their Electro Staffs would be useless till they got closer but at the time they were OK being shields for Kezeroth and his allies that were behind. Scanning Protocols commenced as the Droids guarded the Entrance to the Center tunnel, They were prepared to defend the Tunnel till all the Forces had came through.

Beginning Location: Ice Cold Caverns
Ending Location: STILL! Ice Cold Caverns
Objective: Objective Three - Claim the Ice Caverns,
Enemies: The Shadow Empire, [member="Alisa Kalor"], [member="Judas Zambrano"], [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"],
Allies: [member="Mikkel Markov"], [member="Tesar Osted"], [member="Laguz Vald"], [member="Ciara Jevnaker"],
Rank for Invasion: Commander - Beta
Gear: Gimti Arana, Storm, Sith Lightsaber, Derriphan's Eye, CQB LL-IWS,

As the men were gathering themselves, I had finally cleaned out my systems. Knowing that the Shadows that came closer towards us would be wanting to attack now while we were disorganized would crush our forces. It would undermine the entire operation. And I was not going to lose. Over the years I have steadily used force meld. Using it to aid in the creation of a being that I have been keeping a secret for the past 19 years of my life. I had to keep the troops prepared for war. And with how everyone was just disorganized, I needed to fix that now.

Standing up tall. I closed my eyes and focused. Letting the force flow through me. While this may be a form of battle meditation, I didn't care. I had to use every angle I had. I pushed my mind to enter all of the men around me. Just a small bit of my focus in each of them. Including Ciara. Entering a few words to calm and ready them. Yet, I never spoke a word.

"The Shadow Dynasty have come to claim this planet. We as the Primeval will not allow that. We have been brothers from the beginning. We stand together. We fight together. I have the power to raise cities, and the power to destroy planets. With me, anything is possible. Stand with me. Join me. Fight for me. Fight for your brothers, sisters. family. Fight for the people you love the most. Stand up and fight for what you believe in."

Opening my eyes, I could now see that they were getting up. Working now. Preparing their gear. I smiled brightly as they were trying their best even under these circumstances. Raising my hands. I began my work. We will have to make a stand here. Not by literally standing as of this moment. I smiled as my hands rose to create barriers made of stone and ice. Large enough for the men to crouch behind. It wasn't hard, but it consumed energy.

I then prepared myself. Checking my rifle to see that it was loaded, I saw my sword and lightsaber on my left and right hips respectively. and the dagger that was hanging from my left armpit. Ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. Securing my helmet, I then pulled up the cowl to cover the bone and scaled dome. Hearing the stomping coming towards us. I steeled myself to the sounds of war. Using the still small connection of the Force Meld to take some energy from the men, as well as send them approving thoughts of winning this battle.

"Calm yourselves. For whatever lies ahead, be it death himself, or a god, Stand and fight for if you don't you will surely fall for anything."

Turning to Ciara I spoke to her.

"This is now or never. Since you have a lightsaber, I'll clear out what I can for you to make a dash for them. Follow my lead, and keep the droids off my back."

I turned to face the wall of ice as it shattered. Caused from an explosion. And in came a very large and clearly hard foe to beat. Carrying a full auto weapon, I smiled. If one person could make a wall rise, then they can surely make one fall. Reaching up with my left hand, the force yanked upon the icicles that hung from the ceiling to rain down upon the man and his two droids that followed. Ten men would follow me rushing them into battle.


Bringing up my rifle, I fired upon the droids. The ten men running forwards acting as a shield for myself and Ciara which I completely planed to have as backup, as well to aid me in taking down the men coming inside. The others behind us would snipe out whoever came in, as well as shooting at any that got passed us. Looking to the large behemoth of a being, I knew that the only person who could take him out was myself. Possibly. However he looked familiar in some ways. Despite this. Under my helm I smirked as I ran forward. Shooting the rifle for all of it's worth.

Location: Ice Caverns
Objective: Objective Three - Claim the Ice Caverns
Controller: Nickolas Imura
Vantage Point: Kalee Hawns
Force Limit: 20
Submission Link: N/A

Kalee went into the shuttle and grabbed some supplies. It was easy finding it. Going around to men quickly to wrap bandages around the ears, It was then that Kalee could hear a voice. Strong and powerful. Yet calm. Telling her to fight with him. Him as in Beta class Imura. Kalee smiled. She picked up her rifle and walked over behind one of the barriers. She would be back here shooting and aiding Master Imura. Her thoughts clear even as a beast from behind the wall of ice spoke about a painful death. Kalee felt a little fear creep into her soul.

However Seeing Master Imura calm. Standing there as he checked his weapons. She felt a sense of pride serving under him. She steeled herself and saw that others were doing the same. Not one of them ran. Picking up her rifle once more, she couched behind a barrier. Training the sights down to the wall. Watching it as it exploded. only for the debris and the icicles above the new entrance fall upon those who were trying to enter. After the command from the other side came to he heard as attack, Imura yelled his own. With ten men within the troop he had running with him. Firing upon them. Kalee's face became blank as she pulled the trigger to end the life of a being on the other side.
Location: Moving Forward At Primevil Fleet
Objective: Take Out Their Fleet
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Aedan Miles"]
Enemies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Darth Legion"] @Bant Mezara
Unknown: [member="Vilox Pazela"]

Romeo was kicked back some as the Crown began to take fire, and the shields were being drained by the Dovans, but so far it was going as planned, Vilox still worried him, and he had no idea what to do about him. He had once considered him an ally, but now, with the suspicious behavior, Romeo was unsure he could be trusted at this very moment. He was a prime example of what a Dark Jedi was, selfish. The Primevil fleet was coming up fast, and Romeo had to do something about it. "Where is Solan!?" Romeo roared out, he couldnt keep this up alone, he could try, oh he would give them hell, but he was fighting a battle alone. "Sir, Vilox is pulling up hard behind us, what do you want to do about it?" Toligon explained to him. "Begin firing into different parts of the middle ship! Keep up the hail storm! Make those Dovans work! When we get about eight hundred meters from them, start unleashing all batteries on them at lowest power output." Romeo ordered again. The space battle was getting intense, and soon, Romeo would take control of the whole fleet if Solan, or Aedan could not get here to help him.
"Send Vilox a message, tell him if he doesnt start firing at the enemy, or at least get these fighters off my ship, I will assume he is a distraction from the Primevil, and commence firing at him, this is his only warning." And Toligon did just that, now Romeo would just have to wait to see what would happen with Vilox, cause the man was obviously not scared of his Ionizer, which was okay, as he being this close would not be able to take the Sparkers it possessed, and then the Heavy Guns that would begin to rip him apart.
"Im issuing the Krayt a new order, Captain of the Krayt, begin your duck in, and flip over."
This meant the Krayt ship would begin to dip under them both, Romeo, and the Primevil, whilst firing at their underbelly. Then the Krayt would do a full flip over them, and come down on the one ship they were already peppering down with fire from now ALL their weapons as they were reaching very close quarters. Then it would unleash all it's fighters, and bombers to start attacking. "All BlackFires, go go go! Get these fighters off us!" Romeo went back to look at his view point from the bridge, what could he do? He had to think fast.
"Send Saera a message! Tell her to get [member="Darth Metus"] on the line here, and to get him here ASAP if he can!" Romeo turned to Toligon, who was busily keeping up with all of Romeo's orders. Here, Romeo began to curse in Vahla, then stopped, and sat down on the bridge floor, and closed his eyes.
He began to focus on the hatred his crew felt for the Primevil, reached out, and felt the anger from the Drakons as they fought to keep Dredge, and those creeps at bay. He pulled it all in, and embraced it, and felt something strange coming from Vilox's ship. Something that was engulfed with the darkside, something that was pure nasty. Romeo opened his eyes.
"Ionizer behind me, unload your Ion cannons on that ship! Unleash your Sparkers, and when his shields are gone, pepper him with the Heavy Guns. Victornes! Unleash hell on that ship behind us!!" Romeo was not about to fall for this Sith magic crap, and did not have the patience do deal with a traitor first hand. With this, the Ionizer would begin firing it's Ion cannons upon Vilox, the man wouldnt know what was coming when the first hits came, the Sparkers were nasty as they drained shields heavily.
Locations: In the Resolute
Objective: Kicks Arse, and Rock Out
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Dredge"] @Ciara @Destiny @Seren Ordavo
Numbers: 40, (Lost 20)
Commander is now in a Cutlass.

"Break up! Break up! Get behind cover!" the commander began to order his troops, and to which they broke up, and started rushing away, getting smacked around with AT-RT fire, and Dredge's own people coming down on them. 20 went to one side, while 10 flanked the Vongy, and the other 10 took the opposite side of the 20.
"Someone unleash hell upon those walkers! Get that nasty bug thing out of here!" The commander with the 20 called out in his helmet.
Now the 30 were firing from both sides, unleashing hell of heavy blaster fire upon Dredge's people, and aiming their sights on the very opened walkers. The bug thing on the other hand was just a massive target.
"Got to hand it to Dredge, he knows good music." Bals Mahony said as he continued to fire at Dredge, and Ciara from the 10 that were on the other side. The 30 had take cover behind massive crates, vehicles of the sort, and was making sure to keep a level head on their shoulders.
Suddenly from behind Dredge, the other 20 would pop out from cover, flanking him, and unleashing their own barrage of fire on him.
One of the Cutlasses sat beside the Commander, who got an idea from this, and ran to it with two others coming with him.
Getting inside this Gunship, and making his way to the cockpit, he started it up, the engines, the targeting system, and weapons systems.
He called out to himself as the ship gently lifted up, and the weapons came online.
The Gunship began unleashing hell on the enemy troops, being sure to watch out to not hit the other Drakons. The medium, and heavy repeating lasers started to pepper the enemy with fire as the Commander of the Triple Zero hovered back, and forth to keep aim on him off balance. It's safe to say they had never driven one of these before as it looked more like they were doing a jig to Free Bird then actually going left, and right.
One of the soldiers even yelled out,
Location: Aj'Rou Dreadnaught 'The Reaver'
Objective: 1
Enemies: [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Solan Charr"]
Allies: [member="Bant Mezaras"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

Ships: X1 Aj'Rou Dreadnaught- 'The Reaver'

x10 long-range quad turbolaser cannons
x4 heavy long-range quad ion cannons
x5 ion cannon batteries
x25 heavy dual turbolaser cannons
x50 turbolaser batteries
x1 hypervelocity gun (forward/fixed)

Legion had the gunners lock on as the enemy Star Destroyer with the Ion Cannons and Heavy Dual Turbolasers and fire. The long range weapons were targeting the five support corvettes. The Hypervelocity Gun was recharging and still maintaining a lock on the Yorika cruiser.

"Heavy Turbolaser batteries focus on the Bandon destroyer. Ion cannons as well, longe range batteries focus on on Support Corvettes. Keep on the Yorika for the next volley from the Hypervelocity Gun. Keep an eye on the secondary fleet. Keep standard Ion guns at the ready for my signal. Bring that destroyer down."

The crew went to work relaying the orders they we given. The gun batteries turned and fired as soon as they were locked on. The mass amount of guns on the Dreadnaught came to life. Ion cannons seeking to disable the ships they hit and stall their advance, while the Turbolasers reached out to destroy the enemy vessels.

•Recharging Hypervelocity Gun to fire on Yorika
•Firing Heavy Turbolasers on Bandon Destroyer "The Kings Crown"
•Firing Heavy Ion Cannons on "The Kings Crown"
•Firing Turbolasers on Yorika
•Firing Long Range Turbolasers on Support Corvettes
•Aiming Standard Ion Cannons on Any target

Mikkel Markov

Exemplar of the Bleeding Sun
Location: The Caverns
Objective: Objective 3
Allies: [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Tesar Osted"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
Enemies: The Shadow Dynasty | [member="Judas Zambrano"] | [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

Objective 3
Location: Ice Caverns
Controller: Mikkel Markov
Forces: 14 soldiers (umbaran)

Cave ins. In each direction the tunnel just lead to a cave in. Sighing, Mikkel had given the order to return to where they had initially been trapped, and just as he did so he heard the enemy's voice boom through the halls. What was that? How could we hear that even though the tunnel was completely sealed from all points of entry? Mikkel thought. He knew that they had to get into the battle, and fast. When they got to where the tunnel had collapsed, Mikkel climbed up onto the pile of ice and started digging through by hand.

"Don't just stand there, help me!" Mikkel shouted, and each soldier holstered their weapons, helping Mikkel move the ice. That's it, just a little more. I can see the other side.
Location: Shadow Dynasty Flagship
Objective 2: Kill them all
Enemies: [member="Solan Charr"] @The Shadow King
Allies: [member="Ciara"]

Location:Hanger Shadow Dynasty flagship
Objective 2: Help kill them all
Controller: Dredge
Force Limit: 9 Yuuzhan Vong warriors 8 Graug Warriors

As the guitar solo from the slave band was blazing hard, Dredge was having a blast. You know when people reach that part of being in combat and they are in "the zone" well that wasn't true for Dredge, he lived in the the zone all day everyday. As the troops began to scatter to their various pieces of cover Dredge lifted his massive sith bastard sword and swinging to gain momentum and with it he brought it in a side swipe that cut two Drakon troopers in half while they attempted to run. Blood splashed on the ground and Dredge was moving through the fine mist of red that was left in his wake. The other squads were running like children from Dredge trying to regroup and attack the sixty or so men who had set up a perimeter at the Rebluff.

"GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT!!" Dredge roared and snatched one more fleeing Drakon trooper.

He brought the man up to face him then all of a sudden twenty guns were opening up on him. Dredge roared again in frustration this time and took the Drakon trooper to use him as a meat shield with his bastard sword gripped in the other hand the force still augmenting his strength. Bringing the man up to bear dredge ran forward as the man was pelted from two different angles of fire. Using his meat shield the armor he wore barely kept the combined bolts from passing through and hitting him as Dredge bounded forward and closed in on the first squad of ten Drakon troopers behind cover. He attacked them from the left forcing the other squad to cease fire as went to work.

"SHUT UP!!!" Dredge screamed as he threw the body of their once living comrade and pinning down a Drakon trooper under his dead weight.

Dredge lifted his sword and charged into the squad. The first man who crossed him raised his blaster but it was two late, bringing his sword down on the man he sliced his head clean off with a single blow as the guitar solo raged on echoing through the hanger. Two more lifted their blasters and fired, quickly dodging the first shot Dredge lifted his hand and shot fire forward roasting the pair of men alive. Three down. A bolt slammed into Dredge's back and he staggered forward the heavy armor keeping him fighting. Quickly snapping around he brought the sword with a heavy swipe smashing the blunt end of the blade against the man who shot him, the blade impacted and crushed the man against a crate with a sick smash. Another few bolts fired at him and he spun the sword forward to swat the blasters away. The other five men were staring him now and he could feel their subtle fear.

The men raised their blasters and fired. Dredge lifted his sword and threw it with enough force to send impale the man who took point. The tip of the blade stuck into the metal floor of the hanger and the man's dead body began to slide down the bone blade as the other kept opening fire. Two bolts hit Dredge weakening his armor more but the strength that was flowing through him was greater than the kinetic energy the blasters were throwing. The armor of the fallen sith emperor blurred forward in a sprint and Dredge's hands gripped the throats of two separate Drakon troopers. With an effort of will a sick crunch the two fell dead to the ground. In front of him the final two of the squad made their last stand unloading on dredge. Another blaster bolt hit his leg and cracked the front plate of the armor, but it wasn't enough to bring him down. Dredge spun and ran forward a good ten feet and with a massive fist he crushed the right troopers head in and with a quick motion he gestured over to the last man standing and burnt him to cinders with his power. Walking over to his sword Dredge pulled the dead man off of it then looked down to the first man he had pinned under his meat shield. He was struggling and squirming so Dredge hauled him up and with massive amounts of strength he ripped the man's head off spinal chord and all like the predator in the jungle baby. Looking over to the other ten men in the squad that had taken cover behind the other few sets of crates he said one word clearly giving the men one chance.

"Run." He said gripping his sword drawing in more power to destroy them.

On the front of the Rebluff the slave band was still blazing away on the guitar solo and and even though bombs were flying and bullets and blaster fire shot everywhere the men played like there was nothing else in the galaxy that mattered. A few men had been picked off in the fight but the Graug and Yuuzhan Vong troops kept fighting. Three Yuuzhan Vong with blast bugs loaded into their launchers quickly aimed at the gunship that was starting to lift up and try to take them out. It had to go down immediately, so the three warriors aimed their weapons and fired.


Three blast bugs flew from three different angles all homing in on their target which was the gun ship. The force dead munitions flew through blaster fire ducking and weaving and moving actively navigating the field. The gun ship would have a tough time dodging three blast bugs coming from three different angles. The rest of Dredge's men opened fire on the the thirty that were coming towards their position with @Cilara's men. Of course while the solo was still blazing and going hard as crap.










Huntress of the North
PC Template - Ciara
Location: The Deliverance
Objective: Objective Two
Enemies: The Shadow Empire, The Shadow King
Allies: The Primeval, Dredge, Destiny
NPC Template - 20 Personal Guardsmen
Location: Cargo hold, deliverance
Objective: Objective B
Controller: Ciara
Force Limit: 8 House Savona Guardsmen, 12 Graug Guardsmen
Before the the Drakon Company could superposition their soldiers to immediately flank Dredge and his company, via instant teleportation (floo powder) behind them, Ciara and her 14 men immediately fired on the exposed men, halting their advanced and preventing them from being in an advantageous position in the first place. Almost immediately, several, if not most, were killed or incapacitated by Ciara's men and unable to execute their maneuvers. Their superior positioning and cover allowed the House Guardsmen to stay unscathed from the ongoing blaster fire, but the Graug's cover was becoming more and more weathered and ineffective.

As soon as the AT-RTs began their dash forward, they were immediately fired upon by a company of 20 men. Although superior maneuvering of the AT-RT allowed them to dodge most of the incoming fire, both of the AT-RTs were downed by the time they reached Dredge's position. Many of the men were killed by the AT-RTs and support fire from the rear squad of 14 men behind them, but the Graug were still faced with enough resistance and opposition to prevent their movement. Taking cover behind a few cargo crates, they popped up from their position and immediately unleashed their SMGs in the company of remaining men, along with its commander.

Spotting the commander, the Graug immediately restored cover and took out their Ratteler Guns. They knew that killing the commander of was utmost necessity, and thus, they immediately began focus firing on the commander himself. Slaying the commander, the rest of the men were disorganized and the Graug reloaded their SMGs and charged into the company immediately, initiating slaughter among their ranks. Although they would sacrifice their lives, they would allow Ciara and the remaining men to push forward and directly annihilate the squadron which attempted to flank Dredge.

8 House Guardsmen
10 Graug Guardsmen
LOCATION: The Caverns - Chamber
OBJECTIVE: Objective 3
ALLIES: [member="Nickolas Imura"] | [member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Tesar Osted"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
: [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] | [member="Judas Zambrano"] | [member="Alisa Kalor"] | The Shadow Dynasty

OBJECTIVE: Objective 3
LOCATION: The Caverns - Upper tunnel (beyond the chamber)
CONTROLLER: Laguz Vald (writing-wise, not PC-wise)
FORCES: 20 Soldiers
Surprisingly enough, his early worries had been for naught; with the amount of noise the enemy was making, their goth Sith Lord was but a quiet little mouse in the background. Swallowing a snort, Laguz shook his head before molding his body completely against the ledge, spilling across the surface of the rough stone. Nothing but his clothes confined his nigh liquid form, and aside from his head the handsome construct of a man was all but gone. Ten meters above the main chamber, the Shi'ido was well hidden in the darkness and the cold, a hardly noticeable stain of yellow well out of the field of view of the forces below.

Unfortunately for them, however, the sniper had adapted to the pitch black of the caverns, exchanging his human eyes for those of the chiss. He waited carefully, counting breaths and moments and listening to every word that echoed off the walls. The massive brute disappeared into the tunnel, followed by a mass of droids and, finally, by a thin, tall orange silhouette that Laguz had put in his sights. He only had one shot before he gave away his position, and he had every intent to make the most of it.

Being the cheating bastard that he is, Laguz deformed his hands into thick pillars, steadying the reticule on the base of [member="Judas Zambrano"]'s neck. With the power that his sniper rifle packed, actual slugs and all, that beautiful brain stem would be torn to smithereens. And even if he missed the sweet spot, the guy would still be bleeding from his precious neck and facing the injury of a blasted cervical vertebra. Not just a flesh wound, to be sure.

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