Republic Landing / Beach head
Command Base
It wasn't much longer for the shuttle to touch down, having rocked nearly the entire way from turbulence and incoming fire. The Jedi Master on board though had been deemed important enough to garner such an escort as fighters to cover the shuttle; along with her own small squad of personal guards. Both from the ranks of the Jedi and the Republic Army. Quietly she seemed to hum lightly in the shuttle to lift the spirits of those whom were with her. Her hand lightly touching the Jedi Padawan that was assigned the mission to keep her safe. A small smile crossing the Master's lips as she looked into the Padawan's eyes.
"Calm child. You will do a fine job."
Her voice cooed as she nodded lightly. The shuttle shaking lightly as it landed upon the beachhead that the republic had carved out in the opening stages of the battle. With the ramp slowly coming down the Jedi Master stood. Her robes thick and heavy as they cascaded down and over her form. Slender fingers brushed out the wrinkles as the Twi'lek Master stepped forward. Her personal guard disembarking first to ensure that the area was clear before she stepped off of the shuttle. Her hands clasped together before her as she stepped out into the light of the world. Bringing one hand up to touch the Lieutenants shoulder.
"Thank you officer."
A smile across her lips before she looked out at the command center where she just landed. Nodding silently she stepped forward, entering a small tent that had been prepared for her. The Jedi Padawan and her own master stepped in with Avy while the Republic squad remained outside. Quietly Avy took her place at the center of the tent before she gently came to her knees. Sitting back as her hands folded one over the other upon her lap. Closing her eyes she let out a small sigh, clearing her mind before she spoke.
"Now we begin."
She said silently before beginning to meditate. Though it wasn't just any Meditation; rather it was a very specific skill. One which would give hope and courage to those that she called allies, and bring fear and panic to the enemy. It would allow the Republic and Jedi alike to find weak spots and openings that would otherwise not exist. Avy deepened her state and soon enough the effects of her Battle Meditation would be known to the Republic and Jedi forces on the world.
@[member="Selena Halcyon"], @[member="Antares Windu"], @[member="Daella Apparine"], @[member="Diana Moridena"], @[member="Syn"], @[member="Iella E`ron"], @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], @[member="Kiskla Grayson"], @[member="Sochi Ru"], @[member="Aika Kawakami"], @[member="Saki"], @[member="Sarge Potteiger"], @[member="Karen Roberts"], @[member="Darc Xavier Talus"], @[member="Ella Nova"], @[member="Yinch"], @[member="Marakai Al'Orren"], @[member="Phylis Alince"], @[member="Je'daii"], @[member="Willa Isard"], @[member="Equa Dominator"], @[member="Jessie Volt"], @[member="Tallia Farn"], @[member="Talon Vosra"], @[member="Quenladose"], @[member="Avalore Eden"], @[member="Rianna Organa"], @[member="Marek S'hadar"], +Anyone else I missed