Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darren Onyx

They finally came to their heads and said "Let's remake the most popular and most demanded Star Wars game ever."

All I wanna see is all the maps from the previous two games (Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefront 2). So space and land. Plus Cloud City. And maybe bring all the major Good and Evil Hero characters. I'd also love to see the one thing where you go from land into space battle. So much is possible now.

Darren Onyx

Battlefront will not disappointment. Even if it sucks it will still kick ass. Why? Because it's Star Wars.

John Harrison

Dark Onyx said:
Battlefront will not disappointment. Even if it sucks it will still kick ass. Why? Because it's Star Wars.
*Cough* Clone Wars *Cough* Gungans *Cough*

Darren Onyx

I liked it. I don't care what people say, I love Star Wars. I even love the prequel trilogy, with the exception of Phantom, that shit was bad.

Darren Onyx

I love Clones and Revenge because it showed Anakin and his downfall. I really think that Phantom was really a filler. Although I do love Qui Gon. He was legit. #legit

Darren Onyx

Well I'm not saying its horrible. I love to sit and watch it. But it is my least favorite of the trilogy.

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