Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darren Onyx

That game was epic. I must say, Order 66 would be epic to play. Although I think it would have to be everything leading up to it and including it. So all the major battles of Star Wars Episode III.

Darren Onyx

That would be awesome. But the one guy. God I haven't played that game is forever. Sev I think it was, he died didn't he?

Darren Onyx

It could change between Sev trying to link back up with the Republic, and then it would change back to Delta. That would be epic.

Darren Onyx

I still think a Battlefront remake is something that should have been done years ago. Yet here we are. EPIC WIN
I want melee weapons. Imagine being a Clone Trooper/Commando wielding a Vibroblade and fighting a Jedi? That would be awesome, would it not?

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