Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Serial Identification: Unknown
Assumed Identity: Colyn Pendago; Lan Cai; Tyrion Ganymede
Alias: "BeeBee"
Make: Archangel Research & Design
Model: BB-4001X Human Replica Droid (HRD)
Simulacrum: Human
Gender Identity: Masculine Programming
Height: 130 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Synthskin: Chestnut Brown
Synthfiber: Mahogany Brown
Ocular Sensor: Light Brown
Date of Activation: 844 ABY
Place of Manufacture: Corellia
Vocabulator: Regina King
Thematic Inspiration: 6 Senz [ Function ]

[ + ] Utility Party Member (The Mechanic). Though programmed with a protocol chip for social interaction with humanoids, BB functions as a maintenance droid.

[ + ] Spare Parts. BB operates with a redundant droid brain, a primary brain for social interaction and an independent, second-degree droid brain that provides his logic reasoning for mechanical tasks. If one of his droid brains becomes damaged or destroyed, the other is still capable of operating (albeit at diminished capacity accordingly).

[+/-] Robot Kid (Ridiculously Human Robot). Constructed of aerospace grade carbo-plas and servo actuators in place of bone or muscle, BB is a Super Strong Child when compared to a baseline humanoid. This also enables BB to be fluent in more than six million forms of communication, including Droidspeak. BB's ocular lenses and auditory sensors also allow him to see and hear beyond the range of human perception (multi-spectral image resolution, multi-frequency scanning). The downside is that, as his senses are governed by mechanical sensors, BB has no olfactory sensory perception (smells/odors), but may be visually cognizant of particulate matter in the air. Nor does he possess a sense of 'taste.' His sense of touch is also different from the tactical awareness of an actual human being, as he is capable of discerning temperate and texture, but not the same 'hot' or 'cold' (or pain) of a humanoid.

[ - ] Batteries Not Included. Whilst not requiring food or water, BB does require periodic recharging. His diatium power cells are long-lasting, but finite. This means he needs regular access to a power source to maintain functionality. He is also vulnerable to ion-based energy, such as ion blasters or restraining bolts.

[ - ] Sleeper Agent. Programmed subroutines operating within the redundant droid brain can execute independent of his primary droid brain. This allows him to to conduct industrial espionage and steal engineering data and trade secrets for Archangel Research, with no conscious recollection of such retained in his active memory.

A young human male who possesses the sturdy build of a physically active child. He is heavier than he appears, owing to his metallic alloy construction. Its current synthskin covering is a dark flesh tone, beneath which is an artificial padding designed to mimic muscle or fat on an actual human body. His actual skeleton and interior plating is a lightweight metal alloy that is somewhat blue in color. Lubrication fluid between the skin and padding layers gives the appearance of bleeding whenever the synthskin layer is compromised, but a close inspection would reveal that the viscous liquid is more of a burgundy or red-plum color than the deep red associated with human blood. The synthetic fibers of his hair are mahogany brown and coarse in texture, typically flared out from his head in a style known as an 'afro'. His eyes are made from cloned organic matter intended for use in human organ replacement surgery, cybernetically augmented so to be able to connect and interface with his droid brain. The irises are brown in color.

YTA-1300 Light Freighter Luck's Revenge
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H I S T O R Y •

There was nothing exception about how this BB-4001X came to be. Constructed at an Archangel droid foundry on Corellia sometime in the late 830s ABY, the droid sat on a shelf as a shell waiting to be completed. Like a doll, whose clothes had not yet been made. There was nothing. No identity. No sense of self or purpose. He just existed.

This BB-4001X's story actually begins with the Pendago family of Haruun Kal. Though they would have never described themselves as wealthy, they were upper middle class to say the least. The Pendagos had three children. Two were Carida Academy graduates and the third was accepted to the Chandrila Art Institute. By all measure, the Pendagos had a good life, but by 840 ABY they were aging. Jobs had divided the family across the Core, Colonies, and Mid Rim. By the time their second grandchild was born, it was clear that their adult children were too distant to provide the help that the aging parents required at home. But, to buy a nanny droid for your aging parent was to add insult to injury, so the Pendago children sought an alternative.

That alternative was the BB-4001X model Human Replica Droid. Marketed as a companion droid, their juvenile appearance and catchy sales slogan as a "chore bot" made them easier to introducing to an assisted living environment -- where they were received as a novelty that was to be cherished, rather than a nanny or nurse to be scorned for the challenge to the notion of their own independence.

Which is how we arrive back to the droid on a shelf.

This BB-4001X unit was activated on the Twelfth of Elona, 844 ABY. Masculine programming, synthskin, and biofiber coverings supplied a human simulacrum that was reinforced through species-specific behavioral modeling. Now, the droid was a puzzle whose pieces had all been put into place. His identity was purchased for a few thousand credits, financed at 3.6% by an Archangel promotional marketing strategy to move the models out of the warehouses.

As a chore bot, BB-4001X was actually happy. That is, his programming was fulfilled. He achieved everything that the dictates of his directives demanded. He accompanied the Pendagos on trips. He programmed the autochef and took care of their meals. He maintained the house. He did upkeep on the speeder until neither was able to drive any longer, at which point he functioned as their chauffeur. Through it all, it never occurred to the BB-4001X to think of its existence as limited in any fashion. After all, this was the purpose for which it had been made.

Then the Pendagos died, within just a few short weeks of each other. When that happened, their estate was divided up and the BB-4001X found itself being discarded with the other unwanted items from the house. Loaded into a garbage scow bound for the junkyards on Kiara, BB-4001X was sentenced to an exile of eternal deactivated amid a sea of scrap for no crime other than becoming excess in the eyes of the consumers who valued his being based solely on its usefulness to them.

The garbage hauler was caught in the First Order's interdiction of the Hylian Way at L-49, the hull of the vessel shattered and broken by the sudden deceleration and subsequent collision with other vessels sucked from the hyperlane.

Adrift with the other garbage, the droid was cast into vacuum. A spacer recovered him during salvage operations mining the rich debris fields created by the clash between the First Order and the Galactic Alliance. His memory wiped, the BB-4001X was fitted with a restraining bolt and found himself sold to the Blazing Claw pirate clan, where his maintenance functions and remote slicer were turned to criminal use in helping the organization to steal starships and then assist in the "chop shops" that broke them down to valuable components for sale in the black markets.

This continued until 856 ABY, when an encounter with the Sector Rangers resulted in the BB-4001X being struck by an ion discharge. Knocked off-line, the ion blast had also disabled the restraining bolt -- a fact that his so-called owners hadn't realized upon reactivating him. Unfettered by the restraining bolt, the separate memory cache in the redundant droid brain allowed a partial restoration of the BB-4001X's memories. Enough to realize that his being with the pirates was wrong.

Now, he's a droid on the run. The Sector Rangers want to melt him down for piracy crimes he had no control of, and the pirates want to melt him down for skipping out on them.

That doesn't leave a lot of options for lawful living.

Axed Anaxes | Smuggling for the Corellian Confederation, while trying to moonlight for Offworld Exports
For The Republic | Galactic Republic Dominion of Kalist
The Ring and the Prince | Galactic Republic Dominion of Kuat & Alderaan
Scum and Villainy in a Vertical City | Spacers Guild
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