Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Beachfront Healing -- SJO Dominion of Kattada Hex

Objective 1
Tarish Galland | Karra Tor Karra Tor | Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa

Amani nodded along with Tarish’s words, shrugging, “Yeah. Got lucky, I guess.” Quite a thing to say as she glanced over at her now missing left arm, rubbing the shoulder as a bit of pain crept through. “Honestly, I only woke up a few days ago. I’m surprised they let me come.” The padawan was stubborn like that. Even with her body destroyed by the events of the battle, she still made her way to Kattada to see the others.

“I-I’m fine, though. Are you doing okay?” Obviously he wasn’t, not entirely. Even if it wasn’t as visible on the outside she could sense his pain. They had been through some similar experiences in that battle. She knew part of what he was going through. As Karra arrived, Amani gave her a nod and a weak smile. “Serys, yes. But, just Amani is fine, really. I’m glad to see he has someone keeping an eye on him.”

She scratched her head, looking around at the room idly, “How have things been here? I’ve been at Silver Rest ever since the battle ended.”
It was a nice beach, as far as such things had gone, still there was more to this trip than just leisure. Damian had just swam back in, a wooden four pronged spear in his hand, hanging from it several large fish.

Irrational as it may have been he was worried to leave Kyra away for long. Camp had been set up under a canopy, a proper prefab camping shelter this time rather than a makeshift camp under a tarp, and was in a safe location, touristy even. Everything was sterile and safe and yet a lingering guilt crept over him if he left for too long.

Moving across the sand, feeling the lapping waves at his feet, he approached and saw Tulan Kor approaching his niece. “If you’ve come courting,” he said in a joking haphazard manner, “I gotta warn you her uncle might not approve.”

Walking past the man with a devilish little smirk he approached the little campfire he had made and began to prepare the days catch. Of course fish in and of itself was hardly a meal, the rest he’d brought from home. Citrus fruits a couple of exotic vegetables, and an array of spices decked the sides of his little makeshift cooking station. Under any normal situation he’d have invited the older man to stay and eat with the pair but Kyra had expressed an interest in wanting to be alone and so he’d leave the decision to her this time.

“You feeling up for some food Kyra?” he called in a soft voice.

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor
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Objective 2:

He really enjoyed tropical worlds, this one wasn’t the Golden Beaches on Corellia, nor was it Pamarthe, but each world had its own unique flavor, and just feel. He was happy here, relaxed, and having the first night in a while away from the Twins. He had been working with Celeste and she put him on diaper duty, which meant he was there and just astrally projected away while it was going on. Still, it was nice to be on the sand and in the sun. He was doing his damnedest to ignore the sideways glance he was getting, from her. He couldn’t ignore it truly, but he could chose to not let it bother him. And that was what he was doing.

He knew they had to speak. He left because he felt not one, but two of HIS in trouble, and not to mention all the Jedi. Was that the first time he didn’t count the Jedi as his own? No, there was a difference between the girls he helped bring into this world, for better or worse, and the Jedi whom he swore to defend. He laughed at her.

“I’m always trying to. But I do know we have a space elephant in the room.” Were there space elephants? It was Star Wars, but this writer was too lazy to look them up at the moment. But which one was it, the running off, or Kyra?

Both, it was for sure going to be both.

Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel
Kaia had heard the call, and she made it so she came all the way back. She had not been avoiding the Silver Sphere, what are you saying? No, it was great to have babies that her father could be there for, and Kyra, who he could watch over when he hadn’t the time to do it for him and Jared… Yes, she knew that was being unhelpful, but also, she wasn’t really fond of babies. Luckily, it seemed Jared had spent more time on Commenor, coming out of the Rim, and both asking his father for advice on the Underground and helping with the kids. Good, someone else could carry on the family name.

She had her own things to do. And that was why she was sitting up on this roof, overlooking the location the Kattadans had given as a smuggler storehouse. She had no problems with smugglers, hell, did some herself, but disruption weapons? No, that was just cruising for trouble. She had her macrobinos ready and her nightstinger rifle was on the rooftop, she was looking down to see where she was going to be needed… Firing from up here, or hand to hand down there.

“This Kaia, got a view on the building. Can count a few inside, but they don’t have speeders nearby yet. I’m in a nest overlooking the main door.” She had said over what she was told would be a secure channel. She could only hope it was. She moved and laid down next to her rifle, keeping an eye on the building and traffic coming near.

Enemies: Smugglers and Zef Halo Zef Halo ? That can't be right
Allies: Some slippery water rodent and that other one Ripple Audren Sykes Audren Sykes
Objective #1: Heal my hurting body
Tags: Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau Tarish Galland Amani Serys Amani Serys Caden Evesa Caden Evesa

"Master Dainlei?”

Okkeus turned his head to the left. Standing there was his friend, Caden. After a small cough he began to speak.

“What did I tell you, cough, about calling me Master?”

A small smile lined his face. It was good to see Caden. He wondered if the boy fought on the ground during the Battle of Yurb. He didn’t hear the Padawan over the comms in space, so that was his only guess.

"How did you end up like this Okkeus? Do I even wanna ask?"

Thinking abut just what happen to himself, he truly didn’t know what happened. By others was he told he got hit my a Bryn’adul bomb, but all he could remember was his head slamming into the control console.

Caden turned back to the doctor. Slowly, he began to close his eyes. Sleep called him, like a long-lost lover. Quickly a dream started to appear. He was back it the bright room where he first met his master. Again, his hand was back to normal, and now all of his scars and scratches were gone.

Welcome back my Padawan.”

Looking up Okkeus saw his old master again. He still wasn’t used to his master speak, since he was supposed to be mute. The master had ignited his blade again, still a ghostly red. Charging Okkeus, he had to quickly move out of the wave to avoid attack. Switch on his saber, he just turned on the blue blade. The master charged again, this time the blades collided together with a hiss.

You still have much training. Your connection to the dark side of the force isn’t broken. Come home...”

From there his master seemed to disappeared, leaving him in a silent room. A few second later he woke up in a cold sweat. He began to shiver, his bones aching. He should probably see help for his nightmares, but for now, he kept them to himself.
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Objective 1
Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau Amani Serys Amani Serys Tarish Galland Karra Tor Karra Tor

Ura closed her eyes as she saw the medical facility. She almost didn’t want to be there’s, somewhat because she questioned how much they could seriously do for a Lervon. It wasn’t like they could bring back the parts of her that melted. Once they were gone.... She didn’t want to think about it. Either way, she walk in, not knowing what to expect.

As Ura slid in, she noticed Amani, Tarish, and... someone she didn’t recognize. The sandy being walk in slowly, but wasn’t sure if she wanted to walk up. She just.... The memories of everything. She still felt guilty about a lot. What happened to so many of her people, what happened to Amani..... She just couldn’t help it. She needed to make sure Tarish was at least ok though, so she walked up.

Objective | 1
Tags | Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Tarish Galland | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Karra Tor Karra Tor | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa |@Ura Iolar

Yurb had been a brutal battle, and by the end of it, Nida knew why the Bryn’adul were feared across the galaxy. Their enemy did not seek to take control of Yurb, and the senseless violence had been lost on her. Both Nida and her younger sister Kyra Perl Kyra Perl had paid a price to remain alive; Nida’s being her eye and Kyra’s being her arm. The younger Perl seemed confident that mobility to the limb would be restored, but the surgeon she spoke to suggested otherwise.

Once she’d been released from immediate hospital care, Nida was eager to distract herself with work. Master Nytrau had been cautious to allow her to work until she’d recovered enough to heal others without compromising her own health. Even now, she was only assigned to smaller tasks rather than handling full cases on her own. As much as it bothered her not to use her abilities to their extent, the quiet Padawan did not complain.

Slipping into the room, Nida bowed her head to Ilias, her remaining eye sweeping low out of reflex to examine his patient. He was in similar shape as many of those who’d come from Yurb, injured all over from falling debris or attacked by the beasts that had roamed the city, as had happened to Nida. There was another with him—younger, wide eyed—seemingly not in need of medical attention, but there for comfort all the same.

“Master,” Came her voice, soft as ever. “He’s fading in and out of consciousness.” Her fingers brushed lightly against Okkeus’ forehead, Zeltron empathy sensing his troubled state. Wordlessly, the Padawan kept her hand still, attempting to smooth over the distress in the man’s mind—or at least, to take the edge off.
Objective 2
Location: Secluded canopy on edge of beach-- behind mesh sunscreen, cause flup sunburns D:<
Interacting with: Damian Starchaser Damian Starchaser Tulan Kor Tulan Kor

He couldn't remember the name of the planet, but he knew that smell. Ocean salt-water. Sand. Crystallized rock, the sounds. The sound of waves, people moving around. Sand crushing beneath his feet.

No gunshots here, no explosions, no screeching metal, no crashing ships. No screaming enemy, no roar of passing rockets. He remembered that was where he got his scars- some of them. He blinked, having to blink several times. Tried to make sure he wasn't back on the sand, on his back-

He could vividly picture it, could feel it again.

He blinked, getting back to where he was.

Fight was over.

They held the line.
They won.

He won.

He took a long drag of his cigar, breathing rapidly. He was walking along the beach, stopping when he spotted Kyra Perl Kyra Perl . Another one of the Perls. But she had the same look he did, almost 20 years ago when he first started out. The same bleakness, but he only had his face scratched up his first time out in the fight.

She nearly lost her arm.

He walked along, closer to her, puffing on his cigar.

"War ain't pretty. Never got why people wanted it so much."

His brutal, curt honesty was jarring to most Jedi.
It was a nice beach, as far as such things had gone, still there was more to this trip than just leisure. Damian had just swam back in, a wooden four pronged spear in his hand, hanging from it several large fish.

Irrational as it may have been he was worried to leave Kyra away for long. Camp had been set up under a canopy, a proper prefab camping shelter this time rather than a makeshift camp under a tarp, and was in a safe location, touristy even. Everything was sterile and safe and yet a lingering guilt crept over him if he left for too long.

Moving across the sand, feeling the lapping waves at his feet, he approached and saw Tulan Kor approaching his niece. “If you’ve come courting,” he said in a joking haphazard manner, “I gotta warn you her uncle might not approve.”

Walking past the man with a devilish little smirk he approached the little campfire he had made and began to prepare the days catch. Of course fish in and of itself was hardly a meal, the rest he’d brought from home. Citrus fruits a couple of exotic vegetables, and an array of spices decked the sides of his little makeshift cooking station. Under any normal situation he’d have invited the older man to stay and eat with the pair but Kyra had expressed an interest in wanting to be alone and so he’d leave the decision to her this time.

“You feeling up for some food Kyra?” he called in a soft voice.

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor

Kyra flinched under the cutting gaze and curt words, the girl recoiling back a degree. The mesh did little to block her as he stepped up, her face as clear as his as she stared at him through the flimsy fabric.

"...I didn't want it. No one did." She raised her chin, a bit of defensive edge over the insinuation. Kyra had been careful. So careful. She had followed instructions-- she had done as told! Stay in the back line! Help the civilians! You can do good there! All while the knights and masters of the order lost their life to the cause! They didn't want to-- she didn't want to!

Never again.

A single tear bubbled up over lash line, rolling down and falling over the stubborn set of her lips.

The padawan would never let it happen again.

She didn't know the hows or the whens to her vow, but she knew it started with her getting stronger. She awkwardly climbed off the lounge chair, even that task awkward with her right arm bound tight to her rib cage. Was she hungry? Well, she'd eat. She silently moved to the table, where four seats sat while they were only two. She had had the option to include her friends and family, but Kyra's tendency to seclude when stressed was no secret. As always, Uncle Damian was her safety net. Did this make her spoiled? Maybe. He always raised her up when she was low. He never pushed. He was light hearted. He got it. He was silent at her side, and somehow that was all she needed.

Her eyes followed Tulan as she sat down, echos of his own recollections reaching her throughout the force.

Gunshots, explosions, screeching metal, crashing ships.

Kyra flinched, her eyes slipping closed. And she couldn't make it stop... any of it... his... hers... Nida's... She grabbed a fresh water bottle with her left hand, wordlessly jerking it and holding it out. A silent offering. because she wasn't hugging anybody anymore. But sometimes, a bit of water helped.

She blinked her eyes open, a bit of heat hitting her cheeks at the silliness that had possessed her. "... Can someone open this?" She asked the air, covering up the strange offer with a poorly constructed effort to act like it was for her.
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Objective 2
Near Kyra's Emotional and Physical Hideaway

It was no secret that Kyra Perl Kyra Perl secluded herself when stress found her. It was also no secret, however, that Gunnery Sergeant Tulan Kor... hated Jedi. Most Jedi, at least. He often said that he'd eventually meet a Jedi he didn't mind.

Hadn't happened yet.

So that's when Damian opened his mouth for a stupid joke about Tulan macking on a teenager, that he just stared at him with that very uncomfortable, killer gaze of his. The Starchaser was a man of stealth and guile. Tulan was a man of lies and violence.

Tulan hated him so far, and just stared, puffing on his cigar.

He took the bottle of water from Kyra, opening it for her, but set it back on the table for her to have.

He looked down at Kyra, noting her words and her apprehension to war and violence. Not everyone was like him. Not everyone got it. Not everyone saw what he saw. Knew what he knew.

"You showed the galaxy that we're able to beat back darkness. If we weren't there, they'd have burned that planet to the ground for a pat on the back from their ugly ass Overlord. You, me, this nerf herder-" A nudge to the now overtly disliked Damian's direction. "The Rangers, the Jedi, the Direwolves. There's thousands of people in the Galaxy who will never have to know war or violence or even a really bad day because of what you did on one place, at one time. Don't forget that, kid."

He pointed the cigar at her, realizing that's probably more than he ever spoke directly to a Jedi. But she wasn't really a Jedi yet- just a kid in a topsy-turvy galaxy, hellbent on chewing up and spitting out whoever it came across.

"For a long time, I didn't get it. I didn't get all the bad crap in the galaxy. But it may not be today, hell, it probably won't be tomorrow. But now that you know war, you'll know true peace. War ain't gonna go away. But you sure as hell made sure someone didn't have to know what it's like."


Tulan Kor- above all, knew about sacrifice.

And now, someone else did too.

But he still wanted to knock the highlights out of Damian Starchaser Damian Starchaser 's stupid hair.

Tarish Galland

Objective 1
Amani Serys Amani Serys | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Karra Tor Karra Tor | Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa

His eyes slid to her missing arm. A frown folding the smile that had been there. His failure. His fault. Told to watch over her, and put too many ewoks on a droid trying to do this, that, and everything between. "I'm sorry Amani...I-" She cut him off, asking how he was doing, which garnered a wry smile. "Gonna be fine. Nothing I can't work...through. Be back at no time." He slowly told her, attention training on the person that walked in.

"Bah, put a, bacta patch on, and call it a day." Tarish grumbled, eyes half closed and slowly sliding towards Amani. "Good. You need to, rest. Fight was hard, on you." He took another sip, dearly wishing it wasn't water.

"And yeah, it is water. Don't think, they'd let her, have any." He smirked, a snort following that had him grunting with a shot of pain behind it. Ura came in, his left hand giving her a half hearted wave. "Hey. I wasn't, to heavy...was I? I need to, cut back a bit?" He tried the smile again, breath shortening just a little each time he spoke. Torso was starting to hurt more but he pushed through it. Owed it to these two to at least see how they were doing. Couldn't put a day to when he woke up, and things got a bit fuzzy when the medicine actually kicked in.
Damian reached a hand out and took the water bottle opening it up before handing it back to Kyra. Wordlessly he reached down under the table and took out a glass sticking it into a cooling unit and bringing it out with some ice. He slid the glass over to the the girl as he stared at the grill.

Feeling his pocket he smiled a little as he felt his trusty flask. Reaching back under the table he proffered two more glasses and set them on the table pouring a measure out of the flask into each glass and sliding one towards Tulan.

“Want ice?” he asked as he took a sip of the sweet swill shuffling the cooler closer should the man wish to avail himself of it. He was busy though, and spared little more thought to it as he began working on the grill over the camp fire. He filleted the fish, cut and drained some citrus fruit letting it soak into the meat. Less than a minute passed before he had chopped a bed of veggies and placed them on four pieces of foil. The fish was placed upon the bed with a blanket of sliced fruit, an alien flora that he found tasted rather nice, and then were wrapped fully in the foil and thrown on the grill.

Now the waiting game began. Damian looked at Kyra and gave her a reassuring smile. All things considered he was proud of her, and protected that emotion onto the girl knowing her empathic abilities tended to pick up such things.

“Twenty minutes food will be ready,” he said looking back to Kyra. “How does your arm feel?”

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor
Objective: Provide/teach healing
Tags: Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Caden Evesa Caden Evesa | Nida Perl Nida Perl | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Tarish Galland | Karra Tor Karra Tor

Ilias nodded slowly, thinking over the paraphrased explanation of what had happened to Okkeus, drawing preemptive conclusions, before he would start to attempt confirming them. Something had hit him from behind, propelled him forward into his cockpit console, and he was jostled, perhaps violently. Judging from the black eye - which the ginger Jedi peered at, noting colour and swell - there could be concussion, and for the rest, fair bruises, strains, or even fractures. The more trauma to a wound, the more broken, the more time and energy it took to heal, and extra care taken in some cases to ensure proper healing. Healing through the Force was hardly instantaneous, and like a muscle, it needed to be worked to gain strength... but there were ways to make up for that.

"Master Dainlei!"

He was about to begin giving the wounds a closer look, leaning in closer to that eye, reaching to... when another joined them, coming to his present patient's other side. Ilias pulled up from his encroachment, lowering his hand, and turning his gaze to the newcomer, a cordial smile upon his freckled face.

"Don't believe we've met. I'm Caden, this here happens to be a friend of mine."

Ilias tipped his head, "I am Master Ilias Nytrau," he responded in kind, "your friend is a bit worse for wear, I'm afraid."

Young Caden smiled, looking to Okkeus, a smile of relief, no doubt, that the Nether had not claimed the black-eyed knight, and began querying after what had occurred... but was soon looking to him, with an eagerness he had felt in the boy before he spoke it. So keen to assist. Ilias slipped a glance to the side, seeing his freshest padawan joining the 'party' - he tipped his head in kind, in greeting - as he gave purpose a short think. Then he looked back to Caden, just about to give him an answer, when...

“Master,” his eyes, then his head turned to Nida, “He’s fading in and out of consciousness.”

His lips pursed, faintly, seeing the knight surface to the waking world again, beads of cool sweat glistening in an unattractive juxtaposition to the bruised eye, underwritten by some apparent fright. The Master Healer blinked, "I suspect possible concussion. Keep an eye on that, Miss Perl, and let me know if he experiences any further emotional distress, please," then turned his attention back to the other padawan, "As for you, Mister Evesa..."

Ilias stole another glance at their patient, eyes darting back to Caden. His mood turned a touch conspiratorial, and he bent just a tad over the exam table, as if to (but not really) share a secret.

" would you like to learn to help your friend get better?"
Objective One
Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau | Tarish Galland | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Nida Perl Nida Perl


Caden nodded along.

The Jedi Healer went by the name of Ilias Nytrau, Master Nytrau. Caden made a mental note to remember that fact, he figured it would be a good, polite thing to know just encase they ever came across each other again. He was almost sure they would.

He saw in the Jedi Master's eyes that he was about to respond to Caden's offer of help, when the purple girl with the missing eye spoke up. Caden studied her for a few seconds, deciding it would be rude to question her about the whole missing eye thing. He also decided it just wasn't the place or the time for it.

Caden's face was overcome with concern with the pink girl informed the duo that Okkeus was slipping in and out of consciousness. Okkeus was his only friend, and if anything happened to him then Caden knew full well he'd be completely alone in a galaxy filed with gods and monsters.

He vaguely registered as Master Nytrau called the pink girl "Miss Perl". He assumed she was a Padawan of some sort, which would make her Padawan Perl. He thought to himself for a moment, he had heard that last name before. He couldn't place it though.

Master Nytrau leaned over to him.

Then the offer. It snapped Caden back to reality in a way, an offer to learn to help Okkeus. He assumed in his head it was an offer to learn the ability of Force Heal. It was something he had read about in the libraries of the academy, but something he had never once thought to study himself.

He nodded.

"I'd very happily learn to heal Okkeus, as long as he'll be alright I'd do anything. Lead the way, Master"
Objective 2

Even with the Lervon voyeurs underneath them, they were swimming unfazed, to the delight of the non-voyeurs of a wide variety of species that had a genuine interest in swimming. Or maybe they have failed to realize the Lervon voyeurs wanted to have an idea of how other species moved through water, and they knew they will regularly encounter humans and Near-Humans going forward, so they have an interest in knowing more about other species, especially if they were forced to relocate on planets such as Kattada or Trandosha. There even was a Lervon gambler or two willing to bet on the outcome of that race, albeit only a small-time kind of thing. There were no buoys so it was hard to tell which way to go next but they knew they needed to return to the beach eventually, no matter how many Lervon or other beach-goers (either they were intrigued by the Lervon, or by the two going at it in the water) there were upon return.
The sound of Coren's laughter made things lighter, it always did. But this time, it wasn't quite enough to eradicate the awkward tension between them. Glancing his way again, sans daggers this time, she nodded in agreement. They were definitely due for a chat. With a bit of a sigh, she stepped her way over to him and took his hand.

Sometimes, being married and part of a couple wasn't easy. It wasn't always sunshine and rainbows. But Celeste was the sort that would weather any storm, so long as Coren was by her side.

“It's just...” she started, searching for the right way to put it. “I woke up... and you were gone.” Celeste kept walking again, now hand-in-hand with Coren. Her eyes shifted down to the sand as they went. “I can't stop you—I won't—stop you from fighting, you know.” Celeste refused to be the reason.

He'd given her an explanation before, and she'd accepted it. His girls were in danger, that's all she needed to hear. But the nagging sense of worry was there, amplified by the twins.

“You need to be there for us,” she finally said. “Not just me and the girls – but Kaia, Jared, Atti, and Kyra, too.” He had so many people counting on him, not to mention the Jedi as a whole. There was only so much one man could do, and she worried he'd stretch himself too thin, and then...

Well, she didn't really want to think about it.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser


Karra inwardly grumbled at the realization she had forgotten Amani's surname - not a very doctorly thing to do, forgetting a patient's name. Yes, she wasn't technically a patient, but remembering the names of people you talked to was good practise and it paid off when you could recall a myriad of things off the top of your head. It was all about the little things, she thought. Another thing she preached was honesty which, in moments like this, felt a little more damaging than helpful. She didn't want to answer Amani when she asked about the state of the place, what was she supposed to say? Everything is fine? That was just a blatant lie. She scrunched her lips up, suppressing a frown, and let out a soft sigh before brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. As much as she didn't want to worry them or make them feel worse, it still felt wrong to lie or misdirect, and refusal would be disrespecting their struggle - they fought to keep these people safe after all, it only made sense they wanted to know if their efforts paid off.
"Truth be told, things could be better," She said solemnly, looking down at the datapad awkwardly. "The Bryn did a lot of damage, people are coming in every day, some dead or dying, the rest...well, I would be lying if I said you were the only recent amputee here. The bright side is that, if it weren't for you two and all the others, the dead would be lining these halls instead of just the morgue, you saved a lot of lives."

A voice pulled Karra back, her eyes falling on Ura and widening in shock. She might not look injured, but she knew pain in a face, and she could feel it radiating off her. "What the frack..." She breathed, immediately moving to pull a chair up beside her so she could sit beside Amani and Tarish. "Please, sit, talk to me," She said, kneeling in front of her and examining her from head to toe. "You're in pain, aren't you? It's ok, you can tell us, where does it hurt, what's it like?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys Tarish Galland Ura Iolar Ura Iolar

Objective: 2
Location: Hutt at the edge of the beach.
interacting with: Damian Starchaser Damian Starchaser Tulan Kor Tulan Kor

Objective 2
Near Kyra's Emotional and Physical Hideaway

It was no secret that Kyra Perl Kyra Perl secluded herself when stress found her. It was also no secret, however, that Gunnery Sergeant Tulan Kor... hated Jedi. Most Jedi, at least. He often said that he'd eventually meet a Jedi he didn't mind.

Hadn't happened yet.

So that's when Damian opened his mouth for a stupid joke about Tulan macking on a teenager, that he just stared at him with that very uncomfortable, killer gaze of his. The Starchaser was a man of stealth and guile. Tulan was a man of lies and violence.

Tulan hated him so far, and just stared, puffing on his cigar.

He took the bottle of water from Kyra, opening it for her, but set it back on the table for her to have.

He looked down at Kyra, noting her words and her apprehension to war and violence. Not everyone was like him. Not everyone got it. Not everyone saw what he saw. Knew what he knew.

"You showed the galaxy that we're able to beat back darkness. If we weren't there, they'd have burned that planet to the ground for a pat on the back from their ugly ass Overlord. You, me, this nerf herder-" A nudge to the now overtly disliked Damian's direction. "The Rangers, the Jedi, the Direwolves. There's thousands of people in the Galaxy who will never have to know war or violence or even a really bad day because of what you did on one place, at one time. Don't forget that, kid."

He pointed the cigar at her, realizing that's probably more than he ever spoke directly to a Jedi. But she wasn't really a Jedi yet- just a kid in a topsy-turvy galaxy, hellbent on chewing up and spitting out whoever it came across.

"For a long time, I didn't get it. I didn't get all the bad crap in the galaxy. But it may not be today, hell, it probably won't be tomorrow. But now that you know war, you'll know true peace. War ain't gonna go away. But you sure as hell made sure someone didn't have to know what it's like."


Tulan Kor- above all, knew about sacrifice.

And now, someone else did too.

But he still wanted to knock the highlights out of Damian Starchaser Damian Starchaser 's stupid hair.
Damian reached a hand out and took the water bottle opening it up before handing it back to Kyra. Wordlessly he reached down under the table and took out a glass sticking it into a cooling unit and bringing it out with some ice. He slid the glass over to the the girl as he stared at the grill.

Feeling his pocket he smiled a little as he felt his trusty flask. Reaching back under the table he proffered two more glasses and set them on the table pouring a measure out of the flask into each glass and sliding one towards Tulan.

“Want ice?” he asked as he took a sip of the sweet swill shuffling the cooler closer should the man wish to avail himself of it. He was busy though, and spared little more thought to it as he began working on the grill over the camp fire. He filleted the fish, cut and drained some citrus fruit letting it soak into the meat. Less than a minute passed before he had chopped a bed of veggies and placed them on four pieces of foil. The fish was placed upon the bed with a blanket of sliced fruit, an alien flora that he found tasted rather nice, and then were wrapped fully in the foil and thrown on the grill.

Now the waiting game began. Damian looked at Kyra and gave her a reassuring smile. All things considered he was proud of her, and protected that emotion onto the girl knowing her empathic abilities tended to pick up such things.

“Twenty minutes food will be ready,” he said looking back to Kyra. “How does your arm feel?”

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor

Kyra's shoulder's coiled as Tulan Kor Tulan Kor 's distaste for her uncle rippled throughout the air. Distaste? No, it was hatred, back by the yearn for sudden violence. Her eyes flashed, the emotions violating her calm as rippling through her as if they were her own.

"Stop it," she whispered, hearing nothing said. Her good hand gripped at the table, her knuckles flushing white as she tried for a moment to build a wall around her mind-- the fact that the girl recognized the outside influence was progress in itself-- but the efforts were dashed by a sharp pang of frustration.

"Be nice!" She demanded, her sharp tone suddenly biting throughout the air. War had not been nice. The experiences she had sensed that day had been the least of her concerns, but as he dredge up the memories with words of what they had endured, the screams of pain reached her again. What the Bryn'daul had done was senseless. Unexplainable.

As was this stranger's distaste for her uncle. Kyra didn't want to be a cry baby. She was so done being a cry baby! But he pitted her. She felt it clear as day. Shame flooded her cheeks. The emotions boiled over, hot tears rolling down her face. Chit- mother flupper- no-

She hurriedly picked up a napkin and dried off her face.

"There's too many bad stuff out that need to be hit, you mind your manners. And if you're gonna join us you set your own plate. And we have a rule today-- that stuff doesn't enter the tent, okay? And take your shoes off, don't track sand in."

The man might had meant to bolster the girl, but as always Kyra heard one thing and tuned out the rest.

"Three cubes please," she told Damian, handing out the glass. She didn't look at either, stubbornly trying to blink her eyes dry. Today would be a perfectly normal day.

"...Someone turn up the radio."
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Once he awoke, Okkeus heard some people talking around him. Looking around Caden was talking to the doctor about learning force heal. Good, my soon-to-be Padawan could learn a new ability. The girl in the room mentioned something about a concussion, or was that the doctor? What was the doctor's name again? While they talked he slowly drifted back to sleep again. Just as he was about to go out he heard the voice again.

"It is time..."

"Time? Time for what?"

"Come home..."

"No, I won't do it. I won't go back to the dark!"

He opened his eyes. From the looks of the people around him he realized that he was talking out loud. More chills went down my back. This was it. This was the last sign he need to show him to get help. He can't go back to the dark side of the force. He just can't.

Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau Nida Perl Nida Perl Caden Evesa Caden Evesa Amani Serys Amani Serys Tarish Galland


Objective 3 - Secret Agent Otter
Allies: Audren Sykes Audren Sykes Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser
Enemies: Some old goat-ee Zef Halo Zef Halo

The tynnan took a glance around and became a bit more nervous as everyone got ready to move. A touch uncomfortable with the number of boots around him as he felt a pair of eyes watching him. A tall being, long hair of a soft color. Or was it bright? He wasn't entirely in the loop about the tall bipeds unique head fur. The headset that was precariously affixed to his goggles sprang to life, someone named Kaia giving them details about the view from their end. Thankfully he wasn't responsible for the details, but the information was handy as he switched mental gears and put the wrench away.

No speeder bikes were currently present. His little hands making the sealant tape ready to grab. Since most pre-fab doorways were made of metal construction, there would be a nasty little surprise for those attempting to leave the buildings. The transports skimmed the trees as they quickly came into view of the buildings the smugglers were using. When the transport touched down in a relatively clear spot, the trained miltary boots ran forward, and Ripple ran to the side on all fours, into the brush and making himself as scarce as possible.

With the fight beginning, the tynnan scurried through the brush on all fours, keeping low to the ground and his prescription goggles giving him the best view that was possible from his very low vantage point. There was a building close by, and the back door was plain as day. Bodies surged forward and away before the tynnan closed the distance and slipped five centimetres of metal sealant goop on the door and door frame. The sealant would take a few seconds to fuse the two pieces together, hissing and bubbling the entire time as Ripple ran around the backsides of the other buildings repeating the process as quickly as he could.

Always he darted back to the brush, keeping to all fours and watching for people running around him.
Objective 2
Kyra Perl Kyra Perl l Damian Starchaser Damian Starchaser

Kid was like a broken radio- sending signals, but nobody could understand her. He looked out to the ocean, then the pair of them. Tulan wouldn't be able to help her. He wasn't a Jedi. He'd never understand.

She didn't need him around. She needed serenity, the water, the sand, the beach, little sugar cubes in her water.

Other Jedi.

That stuff, she called it. That stuff never left Tulan. It lingered around him, like a heavy fog. Jedi could feel it. The evil that he did in the pursuit of good, the pursuit of what he thought was right. He was an anomaly, a bastardization of good and evil. An arguably evil man, who did good for the right people in the wrong way. Slitting throats, beatings, the things that he did to keep the boogeyman away were gruesome and horrible to most.

But to him, it was necessary, and absolute and just.

He didn't say anything in particular- just turned and toked on his cigar, walking away from the pair of Jedi. They would be fine without him- his advice was falling on deaf, troubled ears anyways. It wasn't sadness that lingered in Tulan, just an understanding that he didn't belong. Acceptance.

He walked alone on the beach, leaving the two to their devices.

The oak-wood smell of his cigar lingered near her tent, before fading away with the few bursts of wind as he left the two.

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