Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beheading Teddy Bears


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Orphen"] [member="Sareen Zar"]

After the fires were made, everyone hung around them. It wasn't exactly a cold day, but a chill in the air reminded them that it was going to be night soon.

Kay spoke with some of the slaves, glad that they approved of where they were at so far. She let them know that they were free to go elsewhere if they wanted at a later date, but here they would be safe.

Half of her attention was soon taken up by the noises coming from the trees. As it got louder she looked in it's direction, slipping her hand inside of her satchel and gripped her blaster, though she didn't take it out just yet.

A sigh of relief escaped her as Gwrtheyrn entered their makeshift camp. She smiled and approached her tall friend, bowing her head to him before giving him a gentle hug. "Thank you for coming, my friend....You felt it too? The Darkness? I had thought that I had picked a safe place for these former slaves to begin a new life. And who might your friend be?"
Sareen approached the camp on his speeder, he was close enough to see their heat signatures as little blips in his vision. He knew they could probably hear him now, but he wasn't going for the silent type of hunting. No no no, he had something more special for this case, a quick plan to get this bounty over with. But just to make sure nothing went astray he unholstered one of his Westars, and let's say this one would do this to an Ewok

As he encroached he tossed the blaster into his handle gripping claw, leaving one claw open. With this arm he lifted it directly outwards from himself and the speeder. His plan was now in motion.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Orphen"]
Ophen nodded to his friend as he explained the situation, the Hutts were something not to be trifled with, though, while he was here and able to connect with the Holonet, he began to have ALPHA, through the Holonet contact [member="Taeli Raaf"] informing her that there was a grievous issue down here on Endor, informing her that a senator by the name of Kay was at risk and to send any nearby help if it was available, be it in the form of soldiers, allies or even Jedi who were in the area, he would continue to inform her that he was already on the scene with a representative of the Silver Jedi attempting to keep the lady alive for the mean-time, but, with the wrath of the hutts bought into the equation, there was no telling just how ugly this was going to get. The Hutts were a nasty lot, and even with his own smuggling connections they attempted to steer clear of the Hutts trade routes and not cross paths with their representatives... those who did often found themselves dead.

As he was working on his message, and attempting to follow the directions of his partner, Orphen had managed to fall behind a tad as his noble friend had managed to run off ahead with a righteous zeal. The large Maelebus with his much grander stride was able to make easy ground on the Jedi Padawan who was miniature in comparison. Ultimately resulting in him lagging behind the others... This, however, gave the Jedi the chance to slightly move around where his friend was heading, fanning out a little to scout the area, spreading out his senses not looking for people through the art of force sense, but for machines with his Mechu Deru... Of which he was far more experiences. It didn't seem like they were going to be alone for long... as soon after the Maelebus rendezvoused with the target, something spiked as his helmet picked up a fast moving object through the trees on the HUD of his helmet moving towards the location. Immediately followed by Orphen sensing the fast moving metal as a speeder bike, and the person upon it was heavily armed...

Not today.

Reaching out with the force, Orphen, some thirty meters from the biker within the cover of the trees, reached out toward the assailant, focusing on the bike, its parts and composition. It was a well made piece of machinery, though, it seemed to be stock standard and nothing he was not able to handle. With a flexing of his mind and a sudden jerk of his hand, core components of the bike would be reigned under the Jedi's control in a precise and calculated manner which would immediately cause the bike to pry from the rider's control and forcing the bike to accelerate subtly, not allowing him to reverse the process. The Jerk would turn the bike suddenly and violently into a large tree at high speed, suddenly enough that the rider would have about a third of a second in order to react before the collision. The rider was looking at a nearing full speed crash as he approached the area with the intent to perform his drive-by shooting. There were Jedi here, and they were not about to be taken down by a group of rabble sent by the Hutts. Drawing his own pistol, Orphen began to advance... the forest around them would prove to be a shield against the crash for Kay and Gwytheryn.

The man, having drawn his weapons would have a less than apt control over his bike with the few hands he had on the wheel as he 'sped towards his prey' The collision should he be involved would be more than able to break ribs and extremities with the sudden and violent impact. Following up, Orphen would tighten his grip around his pistol, his free hand moving behind him and lifting two of his pyraemon drones from his back and allowing them to activate to either side, giving them a silent order to take to the flight, move up silently into the canopy and flank out the opponent before them, Orphen was going to enter this fight, and he was going to enter it with enough cards drawn that would leave his opponent with little recourse...

There was no way a man that heavily armed and conveniently speeding in this direction wasn't a bounty hunter...

The dead Ewok however who had been lagging behind the rest of the crew confirmed it.

[member="Sareen Zar"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | @Gwytheyrn
To say Solan made him a basic cripple was an understatement. To say Solan had made him cry was an understatement. To say Solan had forced Jardo to his knees, pain throughout his whole body, mind filling with thoughts of all that death, emotion. Okay, that bit he could sort of handle, he didn't mind death. He'd proved that enough while working with the assassins. The pain was crippling, the pain was tearing him apart but the pain was also fueling him, making him stronger.

All he needed to do was get into his head, but he couldn't even attempt it. Instead he closed his mind, pain rushing through his body harder and faster. It was making him angry, he needed to get to his feet. He needed to use the force, force enhancement, anything that would cure the pain, give him strength and power. He was falling, the pain to much for a human to handle. If he didn't do something here, he was going to die.

"Get out of my head...!"

To say he snapped was an understatement. Everything was an understatement, and this was a major understatement. He took the force and basically threw it from his body, a mix of force push and mind control. A mix that would hopefully get this guy away from him, stop this pain. A mix that would allow him the ability to move, to grab his fallen lightsaber and finally kill this guy.

"Fight me like a man"

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Sareen Zar"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Orphen"] [member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Gwrtheyrn"]

A ripple in hyperspace was the only announcement as Taeli's ship emerged and the cloaking device kicked on. She had been on Bespin securing a new shipment of tibanna gas for Aurora Industries and the Republic when she received her new Padawan's message coming from Endor. She had already been in her ship, setting her jump back to the shipyards at Kesh to get everything squared away there for the project they were working on there under Project Bastion, but then this came. Bounty hunters after a Senator, probably ticked off the wrong criminals or the Hutts. Either way, this was something she was coming to take care of.

Cracking her neck a bit as her ship broke through the forest moon's atmosphere, she was picking up the signal from her apprentice . . . and then she felt a very familiar presence through the Force. What in the blazes was Solan doing here? Although . . . it seemed he was having a bit of fun himself as she could sense conflict around him and a lot of pain. She pitied the person who tried to get into his mind or decided fighting him was a good idea. She really did, even though it was probably a Sith or bounty hunter.

'Orphen, I've arrived in system,' she sent telepathically to her Padawan. 'What's the basic situation?'

As her ship headed for where she could feel her Padawan, another Jedi, and presumably the Senator, she also could feel something else heading their way that didn't feel like it was coming to play nicely.
[member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Orphen"] [member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Lady Kay"]

The shadows retreated from Jardo but the memories, pain, and emotions all continued as Solan laughed. This man would need to stop any mental connections if he thought he was getting out of this. His voice echoed through the trees as his hands reached behind him an a weapon he had no used for a long while moved through the air to his hand. The blade of the weapon curved and the shaft a hollow metal. Its weight was minimal to him. "Imagine feeling what you are feeling every day. Imagine feeling it and so much more and then imagine it twisting your mind to make you someone you are not..." He started as his skin began to look like it was pealing, flames erupting on the blade of the scythe that was now in his hands as he looked at the man.

The skin continued to peal away from his face, the shadows around him formed into a cloak and robes that could not be seen through, every bit of his body obscured but his hands and face. Those of which were nothing more than the muscle under the skin which started to rot away and bleed as it too began to disappear. "I can show you their pain a little bit more if you want, i can show you it because that is what you deserve. You are a Sith, you are one who likes to murder. No? Your connection to my mind works both ways, and now you know about me and i know about you so how about you bow to me and Beg for your life... then i might spare you..." He wanted to see what the sith would do as finally the muscle too disappeared from his hands and face, leaving only the bones underneath.

"Well?" He turned his head as he looked at the man from a few meters away.​
When the poet replied his voice was deeper than before. A basso rumble that seemed to reverberate with the very earth beneath them. With his more civilized sensibilities one was almost able to forget that Gwrtheyrn was a member of species of apex predators almost unmatched in their strength and ferocity. It was not so now , Kay's life was in terrible danger and thus she would perhaps unfortunately have to witness the parts of his nature that he often worked so hard to suppress.

"He is ahead of us. And so seems to be the first to make contact with the foe. None shall touch you - you have my word."

With that Gwrtheyrn drew his greatsword. The weapon ten feet in length was truly enormous, like something from another age in which gods and giants strode the galaxy. Jedi katanas and lightsabers were impressive weapons, but as the blade erupted into golden flames mirroring the hue of its wielders hide one could not help but be awestruck at the sheer potency of such a monolithic instrument of destruction. In its genesis the weapon was designed to slay the most gigantic and insidious sith spawn - what chance did a mere bounty hunter have under its wrath ?

Silver Jedi robes trailing behind him like a cape Gwrtheyrn strode forth towards the confrontation between Orphen and Sareen. Ewoks w atched on in awe as the gleaming titan entered into the fray. To an onlooker the Ewoks insistence on Gwrtheyrn's divinity would not seem quite so foolish a notion as it had before. With his horns held high his Olympian physique displayed and the wicked points of his claws and fangs visible one could not imagine a better incarnation for a god of war.

[member="Orphen"] [member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Orphen"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]

Kay nodded and watched the near transformation before her eyes. He was certainly intimidating. Even some of the former slaves that were nearby had cowered.

She remained behind with them. She had to watch over them, at least for a little while. They were safe here from the Cartel.

Kay looked up as she heard a ship nearby, but the thickness and height of the trees made it too difficult to spot. Was it friend or foe? Who knows? All that she knew was that she should stay behind while her friend and his companions search for one wishing to do them harm. And so she sat down on a fallen log nearby and waited, her hand clutching the strap of her satchel.
The ship ride seemed to take forever. Everything was ready for me to go. During the trip I had messaged Alex, to find out that she was actually given a different assignment. She wasn't even with the Lady. I was rightfully pissed that this had happened. If the Lady did this, then I could going to give her a good spanking and a timeout after I got her out of this mess. It was only after letting the ship come unto the planet of endor, that I could feel something weird. Almost as though someone had decided to turn off all the lights on the planet. I could.... feel it.

I shook my head and brought the ship down. I prepared myself for an all out war with all the weapons I could carry. Literally everything. Hell, even my crushgauntlets just in case I happened to come into a fight with someone who carried a lightsaber. Either way, I walked off the ship and found the one that Lady Kay had taken. However, after asking a man there, she had left for a village to help them with aid and whatever else. Always the Jedi side of her isnt it. I shook my head and went off once more. Trying to figure out which one of the damned billion villages she could have gone too. So I decided I would go from the closest one, to the next one and the next one.

Sitting onto my speeder, I zoomed off. Not caring that I was being stupid for just charging out here. Really I didn't care anymore. I was feeling weird, and I didn't want to accpet the fact I was. I would to my best to protect her. Even if that meant dying for that woman. I would do it. It was my job. And well.... I wasn't going to accpet or even mention the other reason why I wanted her still around.

It was then I found one where she was very likely at. There seemed to be alot of darkness hanging around here than normal. Almost as though someone were trying to hide her. Either way, I used my rifle's scope to look around and determine if there were any threats that I could see. At the moment, there was nothing really happening. I got back onto the speeder, and zoomed towards the village. Hearing ewoks yelling over my head at how fast I was moving. I was being rash and irresponsible. Either way, I activated my jumppack as the speeder slowed down. Launching myself into the air so I could land down into the middle of the village. Landing on top of some group of wodden chairs. Breaking them on accident, I then stood up and yelled out.

"Kay, Don't hide from me. This is not a game."

[member="Lady Kay"], [member="Gwrtheyrn"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Jardo Snow"], [member="Orphen"], [member="Sareen Zar"],


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Orphen"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Sareen Zar"]

The sound of someone yelling her name broke her from her thoughts. She wasn't in the village that Kalyr had entered, but she was not far off from there either. She was close enough to hear. His voice sounded familiar, yet angry, but there seemed to be no malice in it.

Kay got to her feet and walked over towards where she had heard the voice coming from. It took her just a few minutes before she could see his heavily armed, hulking figure walking around on the village floor. She recognized the armour and stepped into the village, calling out to him as she approached. "I wasn't hiding. I'm right here. Thank you for coming, especially on such short notice."

She gave him a bit of a smile, hoping to disperse some of the anger she had heard earlier. It had been a long time since she had seen her friend and bodyguard, only a few months, but it had felt much longer. And once he hears of the trouble she had found herself in lately, well, he might feel as though he should never leave her side. But Kay couldn't help it. Trouble seems to find her, even when she approached things with good intentions.
Sareen knew what was going on when his speeder bike began to disassemble on it's own. Jedi, Sareen thought, the ultimate bounty block. With that fresh in his mind he jumped off the bike to avoid collision with the ground. Once he hit dirt, his armor took most of the damage, but still spreading pain across his body. Just to make sure Sareen gazed at his claw, yep the Westar was still there. But his moment of peace was short lived when the outline of a large humanoid came into view, illuminated by his long sword.

Great, now there isss another who wantsss me dead, the thought ran through his head. It looked liek this bounty was now at of his reach, giving him an image of what his short-term future looked like, dirt poor again. Nowadays there was too much security and protection for a bounty hunter to make an honest living these days, typical. Sareen also realized he was either about to be judged by the score keeper, or his Jagannath points were about to be zeroed. A shame for all his species.

With little time left to prepare himself, Sareen unholstered his other Westar-35, switching the stun off. It was do or die time, and Sareen had intentions to make it off this rock free of handcuffs, and out of a body bag.

[member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] @Orphen @Lady Kay [member="Kalyr Alor"]
Orphen hid in the nearby bushes now little more than 15 meters from the Bounty hunter, his smile widening as he did not make a sound, steadying his breathing and submerging his thoughts in the force, inhaling, he felt power and comfort drawn into himself as his speeder was destroyed. Orphen was surprised that the trandoshan was able to react as fast as he did, without even so much as a blink the sudden jerk to the side as the speeder crashed spectacularly into a tree nearby, the Trandoshan spectacularly spared by the shrapnel of the exploding bike as well as being within the proximity of the heatwave of the explosion. The hunter must have been trained well, which now meant that there would be no more taking risks when it came to dealing with this one. He posed a threat to both Orphen and Gwrtheryn, not to mention lady Kay, who he hoped the Maelebus was keeping near to. The man seemed to draw a pistol, which made Orphen snicker as he saw the glow of the brilliant golden sword begin to irradiate the area with its fiery glow. Rolling his eyes as it seemed they had come to see if Orphen was okay, but noting that a pistol was not going to do anything to the natural armour of the Maelebus, which deflected blaster bolts like a Droideka's shield... the bounty hunter would be more likely to hurt himself with that weapon than hurt his friend.

But he may have something that could.

Focusing on his greatest strength through the force, he used his expertise in Mechu Deru to sense the mechanical equipment on Sareen's person, looking for any grenades or his powered rifles that he was not able to see. Should he find any, such small items would be easily broken apart, simply detaching the firing pins and means of firing with his rifles, and completely pulling apart the grenades on his person so that they would clutter to the floor harmlessly, never to be activated again. Though Orphen's power in the force was not great, dealing with small arms was part of his specialty, having built things from scratch on bigger scales and having an affinity specifically for interesting weapons and engineering... The battle was over before it had even begun, keeping to the teachings of the Jedi code, if one had drawn their light-saber, it was already considered a failure on the Jedi... as they had failed to resolve a matter peacefully and with diplomacy.

He hoped his master would be proud.

It was at that point that the com from Taeli Raaf would come in loud and clear, grabbing two more of his potential six pyraemon drones, he tossed them, ordering them to surround the perpetrator and cut off his escape if he attempted to flee, and for all of them to arm their weapons and be ready to engage when the signal was given. The best part of using the small drones was, as they technically used pistol class weapons, it would take a hail of gunfire from the miniature drones no larger than a frisbee to even leave a scratch on the maelebus, but, most basic armour, while being able to soak some of the stray bolts, especially those which did not collide with the target directly... the armour would no doubt eventually cave to the pressure, not to mention some of them would just plain hurt to be hit by to begin with. Leaning back against the tree all four of the drones surrounded the trandoshan, hovering silently around a ten meter radius of the fighter, preparing to engage as their weapon systems activated, bearing down on the man as the Maelebus primed himself for conflict... and so, now that everything seemed to be sorted, he opened his communication device to Taeli Raaf, searching for her frequency through holonet, as his throughts and skills with telekinesis were not grand enough for him to formulate a reply, so typing once again as to remain quiet, he sent:

"Ahoy... In brief: Senator Kay has been pursued by Bounty hunters sent by the Hutts after freeing slaves form their clutches it seems. We have some contact down here... and even I can feel a disturbance in the force nearby... Might be a Sith, I'm not sure... Endor is a strange place and I can't focus in on it... I've engaged a bounty hunter with the Silver Jedi, we could take him in for questioning, I'm pretty sure he's not going anywhere. We would appreciate any support you could provide Mistress Raaf."

Seconds later, after the message had been sent, the Jedi padawan drawing his own pistol would roll from cover and order his drones to engage. The sheen of his pistol as the four drones would simultaneously descend on their target, attempting to cut off all attempts at action, reaction or escape. Humming lightly as their weapons were now charged. Orphen cocked his head coyly to a side as he watched his opponent through his visor.

"This is your one chance to surrender Trandoshan. Drop the weapon, kick it aside, hands behind your head and interlace your fingers or we open fire... ... ... literally in his case. "

He said insinuating to the Maelebus with the flaming greatsword.

It was over.

[member="Gwrtheyrn"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Kalyr Alor"] | [member="Sareen Zar"]
Sareen was now angered, but he always had an escape plan. Although his weapons were shot, his armor was still functioning, as well as his comm systems. To remain inconspicuous Sareen gave out a growl, unknown to all this was a signal sent to his ship for a fast getaway. He may have lost his weapons, but he will not be captured.

And now was the time to divert his attention, "It ssseemsss you have caught me, Jedi." Snarling the last word, "I will comply." Calmyly and slothfully, Sareen did as the man said. Even with the drones steadily closing in on him, Sareen kept his composure, not giving the Jedi the satisfaction of worry. So it was now time to wait for his next plan to unfold.

Sareen's Lambda Class Shuttle's engines whirred to life, slowly the boarding ramp closed. With all entrances and openings secure the shuttle launched from the ground, in unison with it's landing gear folding up into flight position. It rose until the shuttle was just above tree level, making no mistakes. After a minute or two of calculation, the camouflaged shuttle took off into the direction of it's beckoning beacon.

[member="Orphen"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Orphen smiled, it seemed to be over, though something pinged in the back of the Jedi's head, there was something he had skimmed over when it came to this person, and, as something whirred to life in his armour, Orphen became suspicious, looking closer, closing his eyes for a moment he could picture a 3D layout of his armour, moving through it like a maze of armour plating and intricate wires, Orphen traced the activity to the locator beacon. The deed was small, and of all the things that would actually take a toll on the Jedi knight, this would be one of them. The locator beacon was small, very small, and such i minute function in comparison to the rest of the armour, though, he was leading his ship into a trap, with the DCD in range, his ship was like a gigantic drone, and if it was able to receive the signal and act accordingly projected by his armour, it was more than able to receive the signal of his DCD, allowing the A.I. which it housed to work quickly to crack the controls to his ship. Orphen wondered if he was able to remotely activate its weapon systems, because that would be entertaining. Though, it was true that some technology was not compatible with the DCD, though it tended to be machinery specifically designed with firewalls to keep out an AI, they did exist. So, Orphen thought that he would employ a little bluff of his own... Using the time his Ship was En route as time enough to weave his magic.

"Yo, Gwrtheyrn... He activated a locator beacon, we're going to have company soon... I hope that ship signal does not lead to a ship with remote access... oh... but the fact that you were able to meant that it must have remote access... I don't think you quite know who you're dealing with... The name's Savant. And I'm not just a Jedi, I'm a Jedi who's the best Slicer in the republic... All of those drones hovering around you, operate on remote signals, with a remote A.I... capable of piloting half a dozen war droids yet alone these measly drones... as soon as you ship is in range, My A.I. will infiltrate it through the same systems as your locator beacon... and then I will have it, and you under my control... it is hopeless..."

Orphen smiled cocking his head to a side and chuckling. Thoughsome of what he said was exaggerated, Orphen looked over to the Maelebus who was approaching, they needed to physically apprehend him just in case. His ship would likely not be far. At this point, Orphen looked for anything on his armour which would allow him to make an airborne escape, be it a rocket pack, or something else of the sort. Though, it was possible his ship was simply programmed to be able to sweep down low enough to deal some serious damage. Looking to his armlet, he began to charge his D pattern Gauntlet, it was able to bring down small tanks, so, depending on the size class of the ship, the charric mega-laser would be more than able to bring down one of the ships engines if all else failed... The Jedi's mind was a race of numbers, calculating every potential course of action he was able to, judging from the direction he came from, he ascertained the direction of the craft.

He concluded the mans' best option was to call off his ship until Orphen was no longer there. Quite simply, against a man like him who relied on his machines, Orphen was super effective. It was a mismatch, Orphen... with more training, would be later more than able to pull the armour from his body in pieces and re-assemble it as a hollow armour to fight for himself, leaving his opponent naked, weaponless, and helpless to the charms of the Jedi. But alas, he had not trained enough to be able to control things on that scale yet... but he was getting closer to that eventuality. The A.I. was prepped with Orphen's slicing algorithms, ready and waiting to be able to deal the kind of damage it was programmed to do... and with a half dozen fall back plans just in case.

He was done.

[member="Sareen Zar"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Gwrtheyrn"]
Sareen was angered, Slicers, there all cowards. That is when Sareen had an idea,

"I have an offer for you, Jedi. You cower behind you dronesss and visssor, fight me like a warrior. Hand on claw, no armor, no dronesss, and obviously no weaponsss. If you win, I ssshall sssurrender myssself and my ssship to you and your alliesss. If I win, I will give you the choice of sssurrendering to me or you and your friendsss ssstanding assside in my hunt for the bounty."

Sareen waited almost anxiously for his answer. Occasionally hissing his spliced tung. Sareen would not be detered by what he expected to be a padawan. Silently pressing buttons on his armor, keeping any sound as small as possible.

[member="Orphen"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Gwrtheyrn"]
Humans were as far as galactic species went extremely poor in hand to hand combat. While they could easily overpower an Ewok or Jawa they didn't posses the sheer lethality of the numerous warrior species that populated the galaxy. Even among their own genus the Hominidae they were the weakest members by far. Orphen possessed soft spongy flesh and nails that couldn't be considered claws in any sense of the word. If wounded he might take months to heal naturally and many of his necessary organs did not have biological fallbacks should they cease functioning.

The Trandoshan on the other hand was covered in strong scales and had wicked claws that could easily rend hide. On top of this his regeneration was much better even being able to replace lost limbs if circumstances turned dire. In a melee there would be little to no chance that Orphen would come out on top without resorting to either force usage or technology.

The same could not be said about Gwrtheyrn. If Trandoshans were a step above humans in terms of physical prowess then the Maelibus were above even that. If enraged a Wookie could rip the arms off a Trandoshan hunter leaving them with nothing but bloody sockets. Gwrtheyrn if he so chose could that to a Wookie. In many respects a brawl with the massive warrior poet was less like a fight between sentient races and more like being thrown into a pit with a rancor.

Hisses and crackles could be heard as the great blade drove itself into the earth. A taloned hand threw the silver vestment soaring high into the air.

"Challenge accepted lizard. Try anything with your wretched machines and my companion will burn both you and them to dust"

With that Gwrtheyrn surged forward with a speed that belied his immense size. A primeval monster of antediluvian form made manifest and set upon the guilty.
The herculean force behind the downward blow was something truly terrible to behold. The punch was launched so that it would impact the top of the Trandoshan hunters body with the secondary aim of delivering its concussive potency to a more central area if the attempted a quick dodge. Over a tonne of predatory mastery set to defending one he considered kin.

[member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Orphen"] [member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Gwrtheyrn"] [member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Orphen"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kalyr Alor"]

As her ship landed, and she walked down the lowering ramp in Jedi robes with her lightsaber on her belt, she could see the situation now. Lovely time for such things, she needed some practice.

"Perhaps you should pick on someone who actually can take you in a fight, bounty hunter," she said, a smile on her face as she approached the gathered beings. "Apologies, I don't think we quite caught your name. Jedi Master Raaf, at your service. I think maybe you've bitten off more than you can chew."

She could sense he was a Trandoshan, which meant a probable headache coming for them. He would feel obligated to fight and gain the bounty for his religion, to honor the Scorekeeper.

"I suggest you walk away, before your honor is insulted by getting into a fight you can't win," she continued, tilting her head in curiosity at the others with her Padawan. She recognized Senator Kay from the holo-recordings from the recent Senate sessions, but she didn't recognize the other two.
Orphen smiled as his compatriot stepped up to the plate, the challenge of the foolish Trandoshan was something which Orphen had not expected, though, Orphen was no fool, the close combat experience of the Trandoshan would almost by merit of his species alone, greatly outclass the Slicer, and considering that he was also angry, Orphen highly doubted that he would be able to match him in martial combat. The statistical probability of his win nearing the 6.3 percentile mark, the trandoshan easily winning a projected 93.7 percent of all possible fights between the two of them assuming that he had some combat experience and skill, be it street experience or combat, not to mention his hard scales and enhanced physical form in comparison to a normal humans, then being augmented again by Orphen's own physical stature, being scrawny at best and pathetic at worst. Though, he had made a crucial error when he had worded his accusation, targeting it with the word Jedi as the operative word... as, although Orphen and the golden demon to his left were of different orders, the two of them were still Jedi in many ways, making Gwrtheryn a prime candidate for the proposed duel. Crossing his arms, Orphen ordered the four drones to move back to a fifteen meter radius around them, still aiming inward on those within, giving them extra room. It was at this time that Orphen could see the ship landing nearby, no doubt the ship of his master who had managed to get here just in time.

But Orphen wanted to see this through.

"It is not cowardice to understand one's own strengths and limitations. I do not wield wealth bounty hunter, these are made by my own hands, I wield intelligence as a weapon, finer than any blade off your reptilian kind. These are my strength. It is not a flaw of mine that you are incapable of overcoming them as an obstacle. But, since you want a fair fight against a Jedi, I nominate Gwrtheryn here... He is a noble Jedi with more nobility and honor than one could ever imagine, and he would gladly fight you hand to hand without the aid of the force. I assume you did not simply direct that at me because I was the smaller opponent... you would not want to 'cower' behind false challenges after all. "

As Taeli Raaf exited, the moment she did so and before she could speak, Orphen raised his hand with a smile on his face, not so much to silence his master, but more-so that Gwrtheryn had already offered his challenge, and it would be dishonorable to interrupt and deny him of a formal challenge, and because of the alliance Orphen had already seemed to have with the Maelebus, he didn't want to sabotage their relationship with the actions of his master. It would become apparent quickly as the Maelebus stepped forward, and the hopeless situation the Bounty hunter was in was not lost on the Jedi padawan. The sword in which Gwrtheryn flourished was easily the weight of the opponent he was intending to fight, standing almost three feet higher, and with scales as hard as durasteel, not to mention that the strength to size ratio of a Maelebus was far grander than that of a man, and more like that of a great ape, like a gorilla or orangutan.

Orphen after the scenario seemed to be under control he looked to his master, turning and bowing low in order to silently apologize for his actions but a moment ago, hoping that he would not be reprimanded for the action. Sheathing his fire-arm, but not yet down-powering his gauntlet in case the ship of the bounty hunter still managed to show up, but now, with Taeli Raaf also appearing, it seemed that there was now a great many more options available for his capture. Looking up at his master he opened his mouth to speak, pointing in a direction upon verbal prompt.

"From what i ascertain, the councellor is this way, she is safe, for now, but i can still feel dark presences not far away... what should we do Mistress?"

Orphen spoke lightly, asking the far more experienced Jedi master for advice, when it came to the next course of action.

[member="Gwrtheyrn"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Sareen Zar"]
I didn't forget about this, totally not :D

The pain was just a little annoying. He had managed to close his mind just enough to numb the pain, make it a dull throb he could ignore if he tried. It was the thoughts that remained after, all those dead memories he could do without. He stared at his hands a little, trying to ignore what he saw. He knew it was only a force trick, a trick of the mind, although it was just a little disturbing. Jardo looked dead at Solan, eyes staring dead into his.

"You chose to hide behind the wall of the force because you're afraid. Well, guess what? I'm afraid, afraid of what'll happen to you if you don't stop whatever this is" Jardo spat, his words more confident than he was. If anything he was petrified, scared and confused. He was in pain, left as bone and confused. Yet, he could ignore that bit, he could ignore everything that was happening to him. He forced his hand to his pocket, fingers tightening around a thermal detonator. He clicked it lightly, setting it. Slowly Jardo removed it from his pocket, sliding it towards Solan slowly, stealth fully. He attempted to keep Solan's eyes upon him, his eyes away from the bomb currently about to blow behind him.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Sareen Zar"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Kalyr Alor"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Jardo Snow"]

The problem with a thermal detonator this close to solan would have been two things, the sith would have blown himself up in the progress and the sound that arming a detonator makes would be very noticeable. Unlike the battlefields of the galaxy their little skirmish here was nothing more than a silent brawl so far and yes he held his attection at first until the sound hit Solan's ears. He reacted in a simple way, his hand swinging to the left and sending the detonator flying off to the side while the other hand shot forward and sent a blast at the Sith's chest, hoping to get him out of any harm from the blast. Solan might be a darksider but he was no sith and he did not let someone get themselves killed nor would he murder someone unless it meant that it would protect more people to do so than it would to kill this one man. There was always the chance too that he could turn this man but for now there remained the simple fact of saving his life.

Once the two uses of telekinesis were done his attention turned to the thermal detonator that released a blast and it found its way to Solan, or atleast the outer portion of the blast and shockwave as it seared his arms and sent him flying into a try some ten meters from where he had stood before. His skeleton rattled as it strained and he groaned, looking to find if the Sith had survived the blast too.

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