Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bekk Mag'ra





UL’ZABRAK NAME: Bekk Mag’ra.
RANK: Ay'vyshtal, Jhere.
- The Jutrand Academy.
- The Jedi Praxeum.
- The Jedi Order.
SPECIES: Zabrak.
LANGUAGE: Ul’Zabrak (Links: Here & Here).
AGE: 29 (Zabrak Standard Years).
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 6ft.
WEIGHT: 90kg’s.
EYES: Blue.
ORAT (Krest/Horns): Seven.
JAT’I (Tattoos - Personal): Blue/Tribal Markings over the face and body.
SKIN: Black.

  • The Saber Arts: Bekk Mag'ra has prioritized the practice of swordsmanship and the way of the Guardian, rather than that of the Consular who seeks to Master the Force. He is a skilled combatant on the field and has trained with various different types of Lightsabers found within the Order (Dual/Staff).
  • Jedi Ace: An experienced Jedi Pilot and technical engineer, Bekk doesn't just fly the 'Kal'vyshde' , but he has put many hours into personally working on it's systems to try to maintain and keep the starfighter in premium condition, despite the rather ancient model it's been made after.
  • Zabrak: The Character Traits of the Iridonian Race are well known for being a hardened people due to the climate of their home-world, making them typically stronger than the average Human and exceptional soldiers in the field of war.

  • Impulsive: One to go with the flow and react, rather than plan and follow through. Bekk Mag'ra's somewhat casual attitude has often gotten him in a number of sticky situations where some of them have nearly cost him his life. He pertains to the idea of "living and learning", yet at times, his students in the past have even questioned his methods and suggested he can be a little too reckless.
  • Undisciplined: Trained by a Jedi Knight whom spent most of her days in the streets toughing it out with all kinds of Gangs and undesirables, Bekk's role-model has taught him to trust more in his instincts than the authority of others. While he was always encouraged to respect the views of his peers and most especially his superiors, there is no one he relies upon more than himself. At times, this can lead to some heated discussions with those above his station.

Skill Level: Initiate | Padawan | Knight | Master.


Bekk Mag'ra is a member of the Zabrak Species of Iridonia, known for their distinctive 'Orat' or otherwise thought to be Horns which breach their scalp around the early years, in Bekk's experience, the age of ten standard cycles. His skin tone is dark and has left him rather comfortable in warmer climates, a natural resistance to the heat thanks to his time spent on Iridonia. His Jat'i (Zabrak Markings/Tatoo's) were chosen by Bekk himself and hold personal meaning, signifying his identity both as a Zabrak and a member of the Jedi Order.


Bekk Mag'ra’s well known for rejecting the old ways, more street thug than he is a philosopher. His entry and training within the Jedi Order has been anything if not a controversial case study of unconventional method and a look into an alternative approach on how to do right by those that struggle to live in peace. First impressions, aimed at Bekk, lead to an abundance of questions, that challenged the expectations of the Jedi Order, as his approach to training vastly contrasted with the rest of his peers. His casual persona and personal approach, allowed greater ease when working alongside everyday civilians. Bekk’s capacity for sentimentality and emotion was his strength, acting as his personal motivation to serve the Order.

The clear differences in mentality revealed an obvious distinction between the Order and the Iridonians. However, there were traits that were viewed favorably, by both the Zabraks and Jedi, which Bekk possessed. His convictions were widely acknowledged by all, firmly believing in the need for sacrifice and selflessness, something he constantly employed when prioritizing the needs of others before his own well being. Having grown up with a dark and troubled background, of loss and conflict, his sense of duty and intention to provide aid for those he encountered across the galaxy, is an uncontested part of his personality.

  • Res Selenoran.


Trained in the ways of the Light Side of the Force by Amoné Fayden, Bekk Mag'ra (at that time known as Kieran), was offered a path within the Jedi Order that differed from many of his fellow students; She who was trained by her Father (Vantus Fayden), a former Rogue Jedi with a price on his head. The young Zabrak was taken under Amoné's wing at the mere age five years, due to their obvious cultural similarities.

Bekk Mag'ra knew nothing of Iridonia nor his people before beginning his Apprenticeship under the Jedi Knight; His birth parents had abandoned him on Coruscant and were later revealed to have been lost to the Black Market Slave Trade known to the Criminal Galaxy. Every day that he spent training within the Jedi Academy, he also spent asking questions about other Zabrak and why his Master considered herself Tlestri (Outcast).

At the Age of Ten, Bekk underwent the turbulent growth of his Orat, his craniel bones growing through the scalp which was to signify his coming of age and entrance into adulthood under Zabraki Society; recognizing this, his Master sought special council with her contacts on Iridonia in order to request that Kieran undergo Res Selenoran (The Challenge), a Rite which formally confirms one's place as a Warrior and Zabrak of Iridonia. Over the years, the two had often spoken about this time and Kieran had voiced that he did not wish to be considered Tlestri (A Zabrak who refuses or fails to fulfill Res Selenoran). Outcasts of their People were given less privileges on Iridonia than Guests and Non-Zabrak, barred from the home-world, not to know their true selves.

Accepted under special circumstance, given his status as a Jedi Padawan, and eventually passing Res Selenoran, Kieran Orion was then named Bekk Mag'ra and earned his Jat'i (Zabraki Markings/Tatoos).

  • Team Rancor.


Bekk Mag'ra had two very strong relationships within the Jedi Order that stood out above the rest, his Best Friend Kantha Maitri and Motoko Isawa, she who became his Girlfriend in their younger days. While they had been issued their specific Padawan Clans and Bekk was a member of the Dactillions like his Master, they three came together to form their private club which they named Team Rancor.

Together, the three members of Team Rancor would grow well into their adult lives, experiencing life outside of the Jedi Academy as prospective Jedi. Under the watch and guidance of either their personal Masters or ranking members of the Jedi Hierarchy, they would be given assignments to complete under the organization of the Council Members of their branch, consisting of a large variety of objectives in order to help the denizens of Galactic Society in whatever their needs required the Jedi Order.

Eventually however, as they matured and reached their adult years, the three would learn to walk their own paths. Kantha Maitri, a truly gifted Jedi Consular and Miraluka wound up returning to his home-world in order to assist his own people in their studies and understanding of the Force for which naturally guides their kind.

Motoko and Kieran on the other hand fell away from one another as war reached Iridonia and he had felt it was his calling to leave the Order for a time, to take to the support of the Zabrak; he would later learn that she had transferred out to another branch and though they remained in contact, their relationship was mutually set aside in favor of their service to the Galaxy and to the Force.

  • The Death of Vantus Fayden.
Former Jedi Padawan, apprenticed to a Council Member of Bekk's branch within the Order, Vantus Fayden was forced into hiding when a price was put on his head and endangered not only himself but also his daughter, Amoné Fayden. Having gone off the grid, for many years he was not heard from, beyond the few secret meetings he and Amoné shared.

As her apprentice and a growing member within the Jedi Order, Amoné eventually decided to involve Bekk Mag'ra who had seemingly idolized the stories behind her Fathers previous history within the Order. Still being haunted by the price on his head, Vantus had reached out to his daughter in the hope of tracking down and eliminating a new criminal ring that had been profiteering off of trafficking and illegal bio-engineering and chemical weapons rackets; So began a five year investigation that would lead the Jedi Knight and her Apprentice across a variety of planets, tracking clues and members of the criminal organization until they eventually caught up with it's leader, his whereabouts being disclosed to the two during the dismantling of a trafficking cell responsible for the abduction and selling of persons on the world ofRakata Prime.

Arriving covertly upon the world of Ansion, the Jedi had reached out to Vantus who seemed adamant to join them for the final push against the man suspected of his infamous bounty and grotesque offenses against civilized society. With the element of surprise, the trio moved to infiltrate the facility, disabling as many personnel as quietly as they could before eventually alerting one of their officers and triggering the facilities alarms. Armed with their lightsabers and Vantus Blaster Rifle, a battle broke out as they fought to reach the syndicate leader, Argo Ross.

During the final moments of the operation, the Jedi seemed to have Argo cornered and about to surrender himself into their custody. Vantus however, having spent so much time outside of the Jedi Order, had lost restraint upon his emotions and during the fight had allowed his anger to get the best of him, fueled and determined to end the mans life, fearing that the criminal justice system on Ansion wouldn't see justice appropriately served.

In Bekk's attempt to talk Vantus down from killing the man in cold blood, Argo Ross produced a secondary blaster pistol from his boot and shot Vantus clean in the back, resulting in Bekk instinctively moving to take Argo's head, ending the mission and so too learning just how quickly and severely ones emotions can influence their actions, as well as the well-being of others, guilty or otherwise.

  • Bekk Mag'ra - Jedi Knight.
​For Bekk's achievements made in service to the Galaxy and under his representation of the Jedi Order, he was granted the rank and title of Jedi Knight. A day that brought the young Zabrak both great pride yet also remorse for the way that their assignment had ended. His promotion would mark the last day of service within the Order by Amoné Fayden, having witnessed the loss of her Father, it had been Bekk who had led their evacuation and his late Master had been devastated by the loss, later deciding to resign from her position and only informing him after his Knighting ceremony.

In the absence of his Mentor, Bekk Mag'ra would go on to train several young Jedi Padawan, each of them contributing to the Order and serving to help the Galaxy wherever could be managed. Clara Baunes, Zander-Bo Umra, Kyrios Vox and Jago Mirax. Each of these young trainee's would learn from Kieran's experiences, and he too learn from them, to grow into the role of knighthood and find his way to comfortable fulfill the responsibilities expected of the position, in a way; often reminding him of his mentor and wondering how many of his new learnings had been similar to her own. Of the four Students, three of them would make it to Knighthood and Clara Baunes would find her pursuits leading her away from the Order in search of a different life.


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If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.



Bounties Collected:

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If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.



  • Emotion, yet peace.

  • Ignorance, yet knowledge.

  • Passion, yet serenity.

  • Chaos, yet harmony.

  • Death, yet the Force.


  • Guard society with justice.

  • Do not act selfishly or seek the pursuit of power.

  • Respect all life, in all forms as it is the life-line of the Force.

  • Community before individuals, the greater good before the needs of the few.

  • Help those who cannot help themselves, provide service to those in need.

  • Do not harm those who cannot harm you, do not seek violence where are alternatives.

  • Use the Force to serve the Force.

  • Above all else, is the will of the Force.


  • Use the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack unless in the aid of yourself or another. A lightsaber should never be your first resort. Seek peaceful solutions to all hostile situations in that you might deter the suffering of another.

  • Do not fight in the pursuit of personal gain, but rather for the sake of better serving the Force. To fight for ones self is not the Jedi way and such pride and selfishness can ultimately lead to the Dark Side of the Force.

  • Be mindful of your feelings, though you are not a droid, meditate often and learn to have self control. Ensure that in all acts, you think first with your mind and let your heart come second, ensure that all you do in active duty, you do for the betterment of others and through the will of the Force.

  • Meditate always on the Light side of the Force, gain knowledge and understanding of it through clarity and peace of mind. Use these moments to center yourself and loose all trivial matters only to commune with the living Force.

  • Beware the lure of the Dark Side of the Force, it is a dangerous and terrible path that will tempt you through your utmost desires and your most prominent feelings. This is said to be the easier path in that you serve only yourself, but only from the light will you find true peace.

  • The Light Side is a long and arduous path, a path of servitude to the Force, of service to the people of the Galaxy of all nations and races. It is the way that puts others before yourself and above all, it is the true path to finding peace in life and in the Force.

  • Seek knowledge through the training of the spirit and of the mind. Do not cease in pursueing the active and regular exercises of the Jedi way, the exertion of the physical body will give strength and promise to ones affinity in the Force, and always ensure that you are ready and able to meet the requirements of the Jedi Path.

  • Harmony, peace, and compassion; these are core principles in every Jedi's personal being and will aid you in your unison with the force, to be at peace of yourself through all that you do.

  • No matter the reason, to take a life is always to wound the natural veil of the Force. Do not resort to this where there may be an alternative; to kill is a Jedi's absolute last resort and will not only disturb the flow of life in the world, but so too will it take from you; whether mental or physical, no Jedi is above the loss of life.

  • The Force is present in all life, binding all and unifying all. Learn that you are of it, that you came from it, and that you will one day return to it.


  • Courage.
When met with a situation of life and death, to risk ones health for the greater good is to show courage in the Jedi way. A Jedi Knight does not allow fear to cripple him or her, it does not deter the path but one must simply see through it, turn away your doubts and act knowing the Force is your ally and will strengthen you in the times you feel at your weakest.

  • Faith.
The Force. It always was, always is, and always will be. It has been present in the galaxy since the beginning of time and will continue to be far longer than you or I. It's mysteries are too great for the Sentient mind to truly fathom and understand in all it's entirety. It is why we are here, and what we spend our lives dedicating to serve; never lose hope and keep faith that it has a will for all; only through the force will we find true peace.

  • Discipline.
Training is what makes you who you are. Just as a wheel sharpens a sword, training sharpens the Jedi, solidifying them as a Knight of the Force. Your training will never end; you must be disciplined enough to remain on the path of the Light.

  • Integrity.
Stand by your given word and all that you hold true, the image that you portray of the Order to the public can be a detriment to our ability to aid the galaxy if tarnished so but also keep these practices for your self as well. Remember that you do not only serve others who only see you when you are near them, but that you serve the Force, which is always aware of your existence.

  • Humility.
Always remember that while you are able to use the Force, this does not give you any entitlement to stand above those who cannot. You are only a Jedi because you have been trained as a Jedi, not because you are superior to others. Also, do not take the use of the Force for granted, do not flourish or use it needlessly as it is not a tool to be exploited, it is life, that it might be respected.

  • Self-Awareness.
While the Force has no limits, you do. Consider all possibilities, even those that may not end in victory for you. Always know that you are capable of failure, and that your successes are a gift from the Force and that your failures will come and go. Do not dwell on your short comings but in every instance that you do not meet the demands of yourself or that of the path set before you, recognize where you fell short and build on these lessons so that you might avoid doing so again.

  • Confidence.
A cause is not lost until you accept that it is lost. Within sound reason, strive for success, in hopes that you will overcome whatever boundaries may lie in your path to fulfill the needs of the people and the will of the Force. Failure is a possibility, yet life goes on and so must you if you are to serve galactic society through the Jedi Order.

  • Wisdom.
A Jedi does not believe in absolutes, nothing is black and white. Though there will be times when it will be difficult to discern the right course of action. You should always attempt to look at the situation before you through different perspectives, calling upon the Force for Guidance. Be sure that your actions are just and you have done all that you can to seek the best possible outcome in your objectives or trials, for your actions will always come with consequences; good or bad.

  • Cautiousness.
Always be conscious of your environment, rarely is the Jedi path one without hidden dangers. Know that rushing into things is never the answer, and that it is always best to keep ones senses high, alert and focused. Be wary of what may appear to be easy, for it may be your undoing. Do not follow blindly the words of others who might have want to decieve you. Know your situation and your limits. Know yourself.

  • Honesty.
Always strive to carry the truth. It permits a clean conscience, and allows you to avoid falling into a web of deception. If you cannot be honest with those you serve, you cannot be honest with yourself, and therefore can never be sure of your place in the Force.

  • Dependability.
Tied closely to honesty is dependability. When you speak the truth, always maintain that your actions represent your word and your intentions. Always carry out what you promise, and honor those whom you’ve offered service to.


  • The Force:
The force is an energy field created by all living things. Because we are force sensitive the Universe is never a cold and dark place. Instead the Force gives us purpose and guides us. The force can be broken down into the Living Force and the Unifying Force. The Living Force Is what gives us our running, jumping, combat, abilities as well as our heightened senses, moving objects, and effecting the emotions of others. The Unifying Force is the Force's will, it is a cosmic energy that whispers your path ahead of you.
  • Knowledge:
Knowledge is considered to be the most important of the three pillars. What would Master Shan Know of the force beyond her vague feelings if she hadn't learned from the holocrons? How could you battle Masters in the Temple have taught you proper saber techniques without the use of the demonstrations contained in the archives? Through Knowledge you will learn about the galaxy around you, it's stars, it's planets, and the species that live within it.
  • Self-Discipline:
This Pillar is usually the ones Initiates are anxious to learn. This is because it is where you learn your combat and saber techniques. However, without a demonstration of your grasp on the first two pillars you will not move on to this one.That is why it is called Self-Discipline. When learning of this pillar you will practice meditation and the combat form Soresu. You should be practicing meditation at least 3 times a day.

The origin of this Character has been heavily based off of a previous Character I played for three years in an RP Community on Jedi Knight Academy.
The events and story pre-dating his arrive to In-Character Threads on Chaos have been modified to better suit the Community here.


Model Art Credit:

Sai Akiada
Aslyn Denethorn
Amoné Fayden
Nastajja Arren

Photoshop Work:

Aslyn Denethorn ([member=Tirdarius])
WolfMortum ([member=Veiere Arenais])

Origin of Character:

March 03, 2012
Jedi Knight Academy

OOC Note:
Character was previously merged with [member=Veiere Arenais].

Revived by impulsive muse!

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