Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Benevolence | CIS Dominion of Montitia




Hearing that his...misadventure… caused some measure of disruption drew a small laugh from Rann.

“Sorry. Didn’t imagine anyone could have had plans concerning these guys.”

He crossed his feet over each other and laid back, reclining in his chair.

“Chaos serves it’s purpose, if chaos is the goal. Chaos wasn’t my goal here.” He gestured around the room, as if the dead had their valuables on them, “By all means be my guest.” he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at her.

“Your plan. Crime Syndicate battle royale. A lot more energy than these people deserve, I think.” he chuckled, “To be fair, they weren’t really worth mine either. The clock was a-tickin’. I mean if the end goal for you was their ill-gotten gains, yeah I suppose. I mean nothing stopping you from sending the order from Captain Sluggy over there's datapad or whatever. Just cause he’s dead, and we know that, doesn’t mean his guys need to know that.”

He moved his arms from his chest and interlocked his fingers behind his head, looking up at the ceiling thoughtfully.

“Had I known you had a whole thing planned I probably would have gotten more of these guyses locations and vaults out of Sluggy.” He cocked his head to the side and continued, “Come to think of it, decapitating the leadership might have a bad outcome for this planet.”

Rann giggled. “Oops.”

A crime organization leaderless might end up with a thousand crime organizations in its wake, and a thousand smaller and weaker yet with something to prove offshoots in its wake. Or, perhaps, Rann was overthinking it.

“Ah well. Can’t be helped now I suppose. It’s not like I could take control. I’m not in the right outfit.” He absentmindedly spoke, before looking back at the helmeted figure.

“Yeah, uh. Yeah go nuts I don’t care. Not my stuff. I don’t want their stuff. Not even worth a trophy. I don’t think…” he looked around, little hold-out blasters and standard issue blasters for the guards. Some Aurodium jewelry for the Slugman,

“Yeah no, don’t care.”

He shrugged and reclined again.

“Should probably consider leaving soon. Can’t imagine it’d take CIS military long to start shutting these places down. It’d probably not be a great sign if we were here.” He paused and looked at the figure.

“Well come to think of it I have no idea who you are.”


Dreidi looked up at the woman who scoffed at her and raised an eyebrow, oh hell no did this woman think she could talk down to Dreidi, Dreidi might be younger and probably less experienced but she was still pretty skilled and was adamant that she could do this job. If this woman was going to talk down to, then she was going to make sure that she did it better than her. That was the focus of Dreidi now, get the job done better than this person who requested back-up. Lefwen told her some of the situation and Dreidi tilted her head, she didn't know much about how these meetings went or how they were organised but one guard seemed a little laxed, but could be that this area of the city was so crime ridden that one guard was all that was needed or that there was more serious security inside. Dreidi frowned as she was told that barging in was reckless, she should have known that and cursed herself silently for just suggesting it.

"One guard, well if we wanted to get past him, likely be able to do a Jedi Mind Trick if we wanted to? As for seeing who else is inside, didn't you try using Force Sense or Force Sight? My mum taught it to me and it is super helpful seeing past walls..." Dreidi shrugged as she looked over to the building, she doubted that the criminals would be smart enough to use ysalamiri or a voidstone to prevent Force Users spying on them. "Or, or, we could use the Force to turn ourselves invisible? I learnt it a few months ago and been practising since, not great but I can do it long enough to sneak in, see who is around and then come back to report..." Dreidi suggested, she was slightly bragging about her skills just to show off how well trained she was and that she wasn't just some teenager.

Looking over to Lefwen, "unless you got a better idea for figuring out what is going on within that building?" Dreidi shrugged, giving off confidence she doesn't normally have but she was adamant not to look weak or inexperienced to this woman. Dreidi was skilled enough for this mission, she was damn sure of it.

Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)

"No," Lliara replied in a fashion that bordered on a sigh. "I don't need the grunts. It is less satisfying when the leader is not there or left defenseless at their base with the knowledge everything they had worked so hard for was gone. All their minions dead. The Confederacy closing in. Desperation sets in. Despair follows." A sigh of satisfaction followed her statement. Was it more effort than the people were worth? Weighed in such a fashion, certainly not, but... "I did not do it because they were worth it. I did it because it amused me." Something Rann might understand in time. Swinging a lightsaber around or shooting your way through a room was fun for a time by itself; inevitably, however, you began to seek more...creative means. The man seemed young, however, so he might have plenty of time left to enjoy the slaughter. Except for the 'malaise' he found himself in afterward.

"Oh, don't steal the leader's ship. I would not want you to die in their place." Any that tried to run terrified of being arrested by the Confederacy or slaughtered by even the smallest of outfits would die in a blaze of glory -- more so than anything they'd accomplished on this little world.

As for...loot, Lliara only smiled to herself in response. What she wanted wasn't in the same room they were in. Nice to hear the man had no interest in pursuing anything these organizations held in their possession, however.

The cloaked figure sat comfortably in the chair with one hand atop the table as the red line regarded Rann. "I am a Shadow. They can try to hold me, they'll be disappointed. You can call me Lliara."

Slowly she leaned forward toward the table. "Did you come here just to kill trash? Powerless, weak, inconsequential lifeforms are beneath you. Is it any wonder you felt nothing in their passing? So, before the Confederacy's janitors arrive, why don't you tell me what it is you want. You need to tell someone or you won't ever escape the rut you've fallen into."

Tag: Rann Thress Rann Thress | Open​


D I S C I P L E Q U E S T 2
Tainted Sample


Location: The Veré, Montitia
Equipment: Blaster pistol, stun cuffs
Tag: Baros Sal-Soren
Apperance: XoXo

Norres said:
"You know, you are just his type. Ee'everwest was just like you when she and Sal-Soren first met. Young. Headstrong. Purposed. Yet playful, effortlessly charming and incredibly desirable...sexually speaking, just to be clear."

Valere knew she was supposed to rise above Norres’ bait in a weary sort of superiority, but his words brought her back to that conversation she and Baros’ had a few months prior - and the rejection that followed. Despite the good thing going with him, herself, and the Wookiee, he made it painfully clear that his heart was already set in another direction.

This is what Norres does, she thought. He likes to play with people, get inside their head.

Where Respini seemed clinically insane, Norres was smart, calculated, and much different from the other Disciples they’d hunted. The worst part? Even knowing that, it didn't stop dark, intrusive ideas from entering her mind.

If Teyla was out of the way, would things have turned out differently?

It was not a great secret that she was jealous of the sufficiency Baros and Teyla found in each other, although if someone would have asked her a year ago about the idea of ‘love’, Valere undoubtedly would have scoffed. The job defined her life like a necessary disease. Up until her disgraced relief of duty, working Homicide wasn’t just what she did, it was who she was.

Now, edging closer and closer to the end of this chapter, forced Valere to face the reality of what she’d set up her life to be.

The job had taken her soul bit by bit, and now?

Well, at least she knew there was always a bottle of whren’s waiting for her when she returned… alone.

Inhaling a deep breath, Jannus forced herself to refocus her mind on the task at hand, trying to make sense of the images flashing before her eyes on the screen.

“Soren, leave Norres and come’ere.”

It was like pouring over the remains of a treasure map, there were clues everywhere, except there was no ‘x marks the spot’.

“This looks like a ledger,” Valere said, nodding to the unknown name attached to various transactions sent to different Disciples' they’d already captured. “Look,” she pointed out, “this one here is Respini.”

Were the Isoto’s paying them for their crimes?

Ivory teeth sunk into the corner of her lip in concentration, knitting her brows together. “There’s got to be more here, instructions, I’m sure.” Valere said, hearing the frustration bleed into her voice. “Bar, this is it! The holy-karking-grail! Everything we need. If we can get this to someone that can retrieve the files Norres deleted, we've got 'em."



Tags: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Lefwen blinked as Dreidi began reeling off a list of different abilities they could apparently use to gain entry to the building. She was grateful of the darkened visor that covered the frown that formed across her face as she tried to make sense of what the young girl was saying. She stood still for a moment, contemplating. There was no way this child was able to do half of the things she had just named, dank farrik, Lefwen hardly knew what half of the abilities were. Presumably, the girl had just heard about these powers from a storybook read to her by her mother, or something like that...

Force Sense was one Lefwen recognised though, and she quietly scolded herself for not having thought of it. She half-closed her eyes and let thoughts probe outwards. The market was incredibly noisy, filled with blurs of disappointment and excitement as money and goods traded hands. She tried to focus her attention on the space behind the door, but gave up after a few moments.

"Well, obviously we could use one of those abilities, but for all we know they might have Force-sensitives of their own..." she began, choosing her words very carefully. "Best not to draw attention to ourselves, yeah?" Some better part of her conscience told her not to be too judgemental of the young girl. That's what Amilthi would have told her. "Do not be overconfident in your abilities, Lefwen. Be mindful of the skills of others," she would have said.

Lefwen eyed the Sullustan stood between them and the door as he fiddled with one of the many miscellaneous components on his stall. "We need to get past the Sullustan. Tell you what, I'll distract him by pretending that I want to purchase one of those variable recombiners and you use a Jedi Mind Trap to convince him to let us past."
Looking at the woman, Dreidi raised her eyebrow, it seemed that Lefwen was not thinking of using basic Force powers or seemed to not even know some of the simple stealth based Force powers for this mission. This was something that Dreidi hadn't really experienced but she was normally around much more experienced Force Users, Masters in the abilities, so being around a fellow Padawan it was an eye opener she guessed. Shaking her head, "the point of Force Concealment is that you can't detect someone using it even if you are Force Sensitive, and most criminals around here are unlikely to be trained Force Users I'm guessing. But you can use Concealment and Cloak to turn yourself invisible and undetectable to Force Sensitives. At least that is something I was told but I haven't been able to perfect it yet, hard to combine them." Dreidi sighed then shrugged as the plan was laid out.

"Mind Trap?! Mind Trap? Are you sure that you are a Padawan? Do you not know how to use Mind Trick?" Dreidi scoffed deeply as she shook her head in shock, who was this woman and had she literally started her training yesterday? "It's Jedi Mind Trick, and it works best on the weak minded, I dunno if it is going to on this Sullustan but we can give it a go I guess." Dreidi rolled her eyes as she spoke in a condescending tone, she refused to be polite or patient with Lefwen, Lefwen decided to look down at her but seemed to be even less experienced than her on this mission. "Also, if you really think there are Force Sensitives on this mission then it would be a bad idea for you to go in since you clearly don't know how to hide your Force signature." Dreidi commented as she crossed her arms.

Walking up to the Sullustan, Dreidi lifted her hand up and tried to use the Force to inflict her will upon them, "you want to let us inside." Sullustan blinked and shook their head.

"Ha! Who do you think you are? Some kind of Jedi, get lost brat!" The Sullustan responded, the Mind Trick not working causing Dreidi to blush embarrassed that she failed with such a simple power, no she had to do this after calling out Lefwen for not knowing the power.

Reaching forward again, Dreidi focused her Force powers on the Sullustan, "you will let us into the building." The Sullustan's eyes glazed over slightly and they nodded their head, gesturing the pair into the building. Dreidi leading the way into the building as she looked around and reduced her signature in the Force to allow herself to approach stealthily.

Lefwen Claskier Lefwen Claskier
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

Tag: Lunara Azure Lunara Azure

Gerwald walked off the stage to the sound of whatever applause there was at the end of his little interlude. His comm device chimed as he made his way onto the main floor. It seemed his friend Lunara had sent him a message. He grinned, as he watched the recording of his performance while making his way to where she was standing at the bar.

He was about to greet her when his comms chimed again.

It seemed there was trouble brewing elsewhere, and another contingency of Knights were needed. The lupine sighed as he set the device down on the bar top allowing Lunara to see the message. This was supposed to be a night of fun, charity, and socialising, things Gerwald did not do well, not in this atmosphere anyway.

Eyes looked to the blonde force master at the bar next to him.

“Your choice. We can stay or we can go help. There are no other Knights here, but I could send the droid units if you’d rather not get that dress dirty?”

He looked at the glass of champagne she had ordered, and looked to the barkeep.

“I suppose I’ll have one of those while she’s deciding.”


Baros Sal-Soren

Near stumbling out of the makeshift brig, and following after Valere. Baros was in a daze, his eyes blurring over. He heard the soft chuckle of Norres disappear behind the closing doors of the room. Baros was walking backwards away from the room in a daze of emotion, and anxiety.

I have to warn Teyla.

The thought was the only thing that he could entertain. Even as Jannus showed him the the ledgers. Numbers. Pseudonyms and such like. His mind could only partially process what it all meant. He leaned forward over the table feeling a rise of acid in the back of his throat, he felt a gag, and holding the back of his hand to his mouth was able to rescue the moment from his stomach contents arrival.

Suddenly, Baros collapsed to the ground. No. He was thrown to the ground. His mind snapped back to the moment, realizing that he had not fallen from exhaustion or a panic attack, instead the ship had just lurched to the left suddenly, throwing him off his feet. His head hit the bulkhead with a toong sound.

"Valere! Are you OK!?"

His words were garbled and messy, but he got them out. He could see his compatriot against the wall, blood dripping from her forehead. He scrambled over to her, as the ships artificial gravity began to catch up with the sudden movement. He checked her pulse in a clumsy, unlearned manner. He couldn't find anything for just a moment, and his heart raced with the realization that she could was alive. He could feel her breathing. His sense caught up with him for just a moment, and he lay Valere down on the floor, on her side, just to keep her alive. There was an unknown threat that needed investigating immediately.

Baros slipped as he pushed up to his feet, and jarred his knee into the floor of the ship. He winced, groaning with the pain. A quick glance out of the window showed that the ship had banked downwards and was heading at an awkward angle towards the ground.

"RAFIKI!" Yelled the Corellian, but it was hopeless. The word was drowned out by a sudden rush of wind through the ship.

The boarding ramp had been opened. That was the only possible answer. Baros pushed on in spite of the pain in his knee and head. Upon entering the hallway time seemed to stop even as they plummeted towards the ground. The door to the brig was open. Across the hall the boarding ramp was indeed down.


Time disappeared in the moment between the door to the ships hallway, and Baros finding himself holding on to the pneumatic posts that held open the boarding ramp even as wind rushed past him. The man who knew of the expectant arrival of his children had just escaped.

Teyla...I'm so sorry. Briana, Brandyn...gods protect you.

With the names of his unborn twin children silently upon his lips and a heavy sense of dread within his heart, Baros felt the impact of the hands of an unknown assailant upon his back and he fell forward out of the ship...

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“I don’t know. Everything seems melodramatic but it’s the most accurate answer I guess.” Rann replied, shrugging.

“I want a great many things. I’m on a bit of a journey of self discovery I guess. It just came at these creatures expense.”

He got quiet and thought for a minute.

“I do know what I want.” He said quietly, but didn’t elaborate further. What he’d say would be tantamount to treason. And he wouldn’t survive.

“Sorry, yeah.” He spoke up, “yeah I... yeah. You’re right. These people were beneath me and not worth my time.”

But there are some people who are

He stood up from the table and gestured a hand towards the door.

“Shall we? I feel I’m done here. And as you say the clean up crews will be along shortly. Wouldn’t do to be here when they arrive.” He dropped his hand to his side before starting the walk to the entrance of the room. “Of course, you’re here for something. Or many somethings. You might want to make that fast.” He said, turning back around and staring at Lliara from the door.

“Oh and, not to be rude but I Don’t really have a name right now. So uh. Yeah.”
He chuckled and waited at the door.



Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)

The Woman in Black sat motionless as she watched the gears turn in Rann's mind. Journey of self-discovery. Didn't know what he wanted, and then did know what he wanted. Sounded like he wanted something over his head. That was good, far as Lliara was concerned. Why settle for what was easily within reach? You didn't grow being complacent.

Slowly his... guest rose to her feet as Rann stood. Janitors weren't really her concern; nor had Lliara been worried about explaining Rann to them. Though the man was prudent in assuming she wouldn't bother. Would she have? Who could say. It would depend on the manner of those that arrived... which one was more captivating.

Who cared if Rann killed a bunch of criminals on this ball of dirt anyway? Doubtful a single Confederate soldier knew any of them.

Lliara followed the man with a smile even if it was hidden within her helmet. "The important things aren't kept here." she replied calmly. "They can seize the gems and the narcotics. I've no use for them. The contraband of various minerals and compounds are what interest me. They'll be in hand shortly." A warehouse raided and cargo loaded. A guard or two might be otherwise oblivious to the summary termination of their employer. Lliara would put them out of their misery when the time came.

"No name? You really should fix that or someone, like me, might give one to you." Lliara stopped with one hand on her hip as she regarded the man on his feet. "Blackheart? No... Abaddon. Fitting."

She moved as if to step passed Rann before she slowly reached out to caress his face, if he let her. "Make sure you never stop moving forward, Abaddon. I'm looking forward to hearing about all the interesting places to visit." And more importantly the destruction left in his wake. "Care to join me? There's a blood bath in desperate need of an audience."

Tag: Rann Thress Rann Thress | Open​

Dak Hobson


So there I was, sitting there quietly, and enjoying myself aboard The Charitable Sun. It was a rare night off and you know what? I mean, yeah, I love what I do and I love serving her highness, but you know? A night off is a night off, and this Knight is going to take it. This was of course not really that, I mean I’m always working, but they can’t expect me to fight or anything can they? I mean, it’s me. I have a reputation to uphold, not to mention a cover. I’m not a fighter, but a… well… nevermind that part.

I mean, I put on a show night after night after night, I sell out stadiums that have to be expanded just to fit my fans! I mean, who can do that but me right? Look what I did on Coruscant last year, they said I couldn’t sell out the old Senate building and what do I do? Sell out the old Senate building. I mean it’s great to be me sometimes, of course, the little places are a blast too. I have some great fans, but you know, sometimes I just want to getaway. I want to getawayyy I wanna flyyy awayyyy yeaaah yeahh... I have to remember that, I think I have a single there. Anyway, a night off, it’s alright, isn’t it? ISN’T IT?

Oh well, where was I? Oh yeah, I was just sitting there at one of the tables, all “IHNCAHGNEETOH!” and chillin’ with a ‘Reactor core’ in my hand. I had my whole “unnoticeable” set up on. The glasses, the cap, the street clothes, I mean the handler that came up with this was actually pretty good at it. Too bad I had to fire him for stealing money from me, well, not me but her highness. Of course, who is there, but his wife, who points me out to a kid, but his wife? I guess it’s true. “Payback’s a queen and her stripper name is ‘Karma’.”

The kid was sweet enough, a little boy who was a fan and just wanted an autograph. I mean, how could I turn that down? How could I say no to a kid? He recognized me. He was a fan. I had to. Anyway, I gave it to him all nice and quiet, but what does he do? Hint, here’s the “Payback” I was talking about… he up and calls me “Mr. Hobson” out loud. Come on, kid! I’m trying to enjoy a night off? Oh well, he was just being a fan, and of course, more showed up, and more and more. Now of course everyone was wanting pics and autographs… a few of them addressed to “EABai” a weirdly popular name. Then the host… one of the agents, I don’t know if he was saving my butt or just out to mess with me. He gets them to shine a spotlight on me.

Well, the jig was up. Of course, I wasn’t gonna be able to just sit there at this point. I mean, I had to go up on stage. Well, at least I could flesh out a song I’ve been working on. Shouldn’t be too bad.

Location: In orbit of Montitia
Wearing: This
Tagging: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner


A soft sigh escaped from the woman’s lips as a slim digit reached out rest on the communicator, spinning it around so she could read it. It seemed like it was always the way, you settled in to enjoy a party, you start having a good time and then something always went wrong. It was like the universe was out to get her, to stop her having a good time. She didn’t know exactly what she’d done to deserve this, why the universe hated her so much but…there it was.

A long suffering sigh slipped from Lunara’s lips as she reached for her glass of champagne and downed it in one gulp.

“It’s fine. Let’s go, let’s go but if this dress gets damaged then I’m charging a new one to the KO as a legitimate expense and I don’t want to hear any arguments.”

The droids were…capable, but not really a match for a real knight, and she didn’t want to be the reason the Knight Commander was slacking in the job. The blonde did want to enjoy herself, but she’d just feel bad about that, besides…she could take out her frustration on whatever was messing with the knights.

Now that could be fun.


Tags: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Lefwen grimaced as Dreidi scolded her but said nothing. As the child approached the Sullustan, Lefwen hung back, her hand on the blaster at her hip and her eyes scanning the bustling crowd. She allowed herself to smirk as the Sullustan rebutted Dreidi's first attempt, although the irritating girl's persistence finally resulted in the stallholder gesturing for them to pass.

As she entered the building, Lefwen brushed past Dreidi and stuck close to the wall, blaster drawn but held low. Huge towers of crates and shelving made it hard to determine the warehouse's size, but the height of the ceiling gave some indication. It was gloomy, but here and there thick shafts of light cut through the murk from jagged holes in the roof, likely the result of decades of neglect. As she reached the end of one row of crates she came to a stop, the sound of her foot scuffing on the floor echoing off the walls. She held her breath and listened. There was no immediate response; no sound of guards rushing out, blasters and shivs drawn. Indeed, there was no sound at all except her slow breathing inside her mask. She waited expectantly, allowing the Force to begin to enhance her senses just as she had been taught. From somewhere far off in the gloom she began to make out the sound of talking, although the distance made it little more than a rumble.

She turned to face Dreidi. "I heard two men enter, and presumably they're here to meet someone..." She stopped and considered her next words very carefully. "But I can't make out if there are any more... Can you use one of those Padawan powers of yours to find out what we're up against?" She nodded in the direction of the door. "I've got you covered."





Tag: Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal | Finn Roberts

If one could describe Kiff, he was definitely not the most. . . how would one put it? Orthodox out of the Confederacy’s leadership. That fact had made him many enemies, pompous military career specialists with rods too far up their arses to see the stagnation in their policies and tactics. There had been a lot of high-profile exits from High Command soon after his appointment to Minister of War, and he suspected that the booze he'd consumed just to be able to deal with this mess was only the beginning of what would be a seemingly unending tab.

But even a Minister of War needed time to relax. And when one had a bar and lounge on their own capital ship? It didn't exactly restrict Kiff from his favorite relaxing pastime.

The crew of the Storm King all knew Kiff's policies when it came to gambling: if a higher up was on-board, then gambling didn't exist. Other than that? You played by the rules, and the credits you spent were your own. That last rule worked somewhat against Kiff's favor because, well. . . his boasts of mastery of the art of Sabacc weren't all just hot air. He'd grown up playing on the streets of Arkanis, where not only were rounds ultra-competitive, but the rules of Sabacc unofficially applied to slum life everywhere. You wanted to survive, you needed to look out for yourself.

At the moment, Kiff shuffled a deck in the corner of the Storm Lounge. He was aware there were some high-profile officers around and about in the system -- maybe they'd take the unspoken invitation to wager a few credits.


Entering the bar, Visanj took note of her surroundings immediately. Locating Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner and Lunara Azure Lunara Azure was easy. Just find the two idiots who just Holo-streamed a horrendous rendition of a kowakian monkey-lizard being pushed through a screen with a melon baller, and/or the musical equivalent thereof. Yep. Found them.

“Aheghm,” Vis said, clearing her throat loudly, “So much for discretion and professionalism. Instead, I am blessed with ignorance and incompetence. Who wants to go first and tell me which one of you enlistment waivers decided to stream the Lord Commander of the Obsidian Order conducting himself in a manner which one might describe its style as being early modern feth? Ignorance?” She said, looking at Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner with stern disapproval.

He began to stammer, but she cut him off.

“Darth Jiminy Life Day! I am not your mother, Ger. Get your poodoo in a group. You’re the fethin’ Lord Commander not one of Metus’ old society buddies from college. We are here on a job, remember? Right now, Confederacy PR office is playing Smokey the Bantha, putting out fires all over the HoloNet. On the upside, you’re trending right now. I swear to Shalya, when this is over, I am gonna have Jorgen "Shaky" Pallas DVM start dosing you daily with ‘please don’t be a schmuck pills’….” She turned to the still-giggling girl beside her. “And you, oh beacon of light, did you forget your brain beneath your Churchy sanctimony? Or is this your way of spreading justice and dignity? Anakin was right, and if Stormtroopers could shoot straight, Order 66 would have un-fethed this entire mess centuries ago. Can either of you take thirty microns and rejoin us in the real world? We have a job to do. Get your game faces on. Sparky, Sparkle, let’s go kids, playdate’s over!”

With that, Vis turned to lead the pair of delinquents outside to meet with Corius Harckon , passed Lofwarr Nysshyyyk , who merely shook his head in gloating disapproval and made a low guttural noise, that was just condescending enough that you didn’t need to understand Shyriiwook to know he was quite entertained.


Corius Harckon



Corius stood outside, eyes scanning the streetscape when he noticed Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner and Lunara Azure Lunara Azure leaving the club, with Lofwarr Nysshyyyk in tow. Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali , as usual, was in a bad mood as she peeled off a million credits from her ‘walking around money’ to donate to the philanthropic efforts inside.​
“A gift, from the Confederacy and the Dagatan Free State.” She said, a poorly painted-on smile masking what he surmised was a seething pool of rage. He sighed and looked at the Wookiee, “Let me guess, she’s happy and we’re all getting ice cream?” The Wookiee merely shook his head and chuckled. “I was afraid of that.”
As the statuesque blonde approached, Corius nervously tried to calm the situation with, at least to his mind, was a clever bit of humor to put everyone at ease. “How was the show?”
“Kark yourself,” came the retort, coupled with a glare that strangely recalled images of angry krayt dragons to his mind.​
“Welp, so much for ice cream. What’s the plan?” He said, patting his lightsaber.​
Clank, standing nearby, quickly piped up. “It is good to see you both alive.” He said to the newly-chastised pair. “We had a pool. I lost. Like my hat?” He pointed to the ridiculous hat he never seemed to go without.​
“Not now, Clank. She gets any more angry and we’re gonna have a repeat of what happened on Hoth. Do you remember what happened on Hoth?”
“Those poor, poor Wampas…I have never seen so much red snow before.” The droid said mournfully.​
"Please Clank, don't poke the rancor. And seriously Lord Commander, really? Try to stay focused, everyone else is. I am sure they're not playing cards up there in the fleet, so maybe we should try to be a bit more professional down here?"


Lofwarr Nysshyyyk



Lofwarr followed the pair outside, as his old protégé stopped to smooth the tension with what he could only surmise was enough credits to buy a small moon. Laughing at Corius Harckon awkward attempt to be clever, he presumed the Jedi was correct in his implication that today was not off to a good start.

When the droid spoke of the ‘incident’ on Hoth, his mind flashed back to his time working with Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali many years before when, due to a small misunderstanding she took it upon herself to clear the air with the moisture farmers who’d tried to intervene on behalf of a mark they’d just cornered. Last he’d heard, the village had been rebuilt. Good for them, he thought, One ought not to wallow too long. At least she only maimed the women and children.

But today hadn’t started on the right foot, and if they were going to get this mission accomplished, everyone needed to get their heads in the game. Just then, a pair of Twi’leks, twins by look, and dressed in what might best be described as wishful thinking and dental floss, walked past the group on their way inside.

“Hiiiiiiiiii Vis,” They said in unison sing-songy tones. The one on the right, smiled like a sand panther in heat before calling out in a voice so husky it could pull a dogsled, “Call us okaaaay. We miss you!” The two bobbleheads giggled and disappeared into the club. Corius just stared at Vis.

“Old friends,” She nervously choked out, “Quilt group…” Vis cleared her throat once more,

The Wookiee just sighed, it was going to be a very, very long day.


Dak Hobson



Tour Stop: The Charitable Sun
How’s the crowd?: Rich, Oblivious
How did you get there?: “The Golden Wings
Whatcha’ playin’?: Just a few songs to woo them over
Who are you playing to?: Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde

Okay, so I was only up there for a single, and I’ve done four at this point. No biggie. If it makes people happy then I’m cool with it. The fun thing about all of it is that there are some of “us” out there, and I don’t really know any of them. I wish I did, don’t get me wrong, but this whole “undercover” thing doesn’t allow for many friends on this end. It’s all good though as if they get captured, they wouldn’t lie if they say they didn’t know me. So, if there’s a bright side to it, there’s that. Then again, it would be nice once in a while if someone who knew me would walk up and say “hey”.

Meh, oh well.

This band, they were pretty good, but they were not my guys. They’re a little slow, not their fault but there are quirks to what we do. The last two singles… they just didn’t have the feeling like they normally have. Then again, this was a live show and spur of the moment. Man, that Sabacc game looks like a fun one, maybe when I’m done I’ll see about slipping in on it. It looks like my Mother n law is out there… well ‘ex’, she was always nice, right up until she blamed me for the divorce. It’s a good thing she doesn’t know my whole story, she’d squeal like a stuck mynock.

It’s funny, not one of my best shows and they’re still eating out the palm of my hand. If I was a bad person, I would use this in a lot of ways, what? With all of the money in this room? No way not to.



Normally, Karlo liked a bit more intel with his intel, but he'd been advised by Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol that when Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali looked like she was about to take on the entire shabla Sith armada on her own, it was in one's vested interest to stay the absolute haran out of her way. Of course, Karlo being born and raised Mandalorian, was well trained in the art of avoiding dangerous women. Instead, he instead had the detail follow her, Corius Harckon and Lofwarr Nysshyyyk to said bar when she'd taken off. Discreetly, of course. After all, according to some aruetii, it was the better part of valor. Whatever the shab that was supposed to mean.
Karlo was, however, aware of what their eventual objective was to be; they were after a certain criminal element on this planet in the way of progress as seen fit by the Confederacy. What this had to do with the Lord Commander of the Knights Obsidian or the adjutant to Exarch Talon was beyond him. There were enough of them to handle the task, and even that wasn't accounting for the wookie and the jetii. Of course, happy with his job and content with living, Karlo stayed the haran out of his employer's way and didn't ask any di'kut'la questions.
Goran's chuckles caught his attention, mostly because his technician had intentionally transmitted over short ranged helmet to helmet laser comms. "Shab, Ver'alor, did you see this dini'la osik?" huskily chuckled Goran. Karlo sighed. Goran wasn't going to bring whatever he was bringing up if it wasn't relevant, and given the situation at hand, he wasn't sure he quite liked that particular string of descriptors in this context. Goran took his sigh as a signal to show him just what it was he wasn't going to find amusing. Conversely, he found what he was looking at one hundred percent hysterical.
Perched on a nearby parapet, Karlo and squad watched all the possible avenues of approach. Confident that he wouldn't regret not sending anyone into the bar to assist Baroness T'shkali, he instead just patient returned to standing sentinel over the immediate area. It was only a minute later that he saw Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali appear with Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner and Lunara Azure Lunara Azure in tow. Karlo, deciding that perhaps now was the best time to figure out just what in haran the actual plan was, signaled for Gev to join him.
A quick repulsor slowed leap down and a short jog over, during which they flickered into plain sight as their armor's camouflage suites were disengaged, and Karlo and Gev were standing in the path of Baroness T'shkali. "There's a reason for the detour and tag alongs, right boss? Sure as haran hope you weren't banking on dragging us into a tapcaf routine."

Finn Roberts



TAG: Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde | Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal


"The kark has got your grannies in a bunch?"

Finn was frowning at a very grumpy Derrick while they were standing in the officers lounge on the Phantom Queen. The man could be such a drama queen at times.
"You. Dragging our asses out here where we have to sit on guard while the high poppelai party in the sky." Derrick mumbled in answer.
"You're kidding, right?" Finn asked in disbelief.
In response, Derrick merely lifted his arms in a dramatic shrug.
"We got orders, you dolt. I wouldn't be doing this for kicks." Finn shot back.

The clanking footsteps of a droid stopped just inside the door.
"Excuse me, Sir. We are approaching the Montitia System. We will be coming out of hyperspace shortly." came the drab monotone of the B1.
The glare Derrick shot at the clanker was hot enough to have melted durasteel. Finn rolled his eyes before looking at the droid.
"I'll be there in a minute." he told it. As the droid left, Finn looked back at Derrick. "Fix your face and get your butt on the bridge." he told his Lieutenant and best friend. Derrick pulled a face at him, but followed him out the door towards the bridge regardless.

On the bridge, he looked over at Logan who had his eyes on the scanners as they emerged from hyperspace.
"Logan, what you got?" he asked, lighting up a cigara as he walked over to the navigation panel.
"Bunch of civvies, Commander, but it seems the Storm King is also hanging there." Logan answered.
Finn drew long on the cigara before blowing out a cloud of smoke.
"We best go and say hello then." he said. He then turned to Derrick. "Let them know we're docking and send out the order that we are doing so."
"Yes, Sir!" came the sarcastic reply, but Derrick still did what was expected of him. It did not stop Finn from narrowing his eyes at him.

Within short time, the Queen docked with the King, graceful as ever.

Finn left the airlock and was met by some Ensign or other.
"He's in the Storm Lounge, Commander. Shall I...?" the Ensign started, but Finn waved him off before taking the cigara out his mouth.
"I know where it is." he said before sauntering deeper into the Dreadnought, Derrick hobbling behind him on his peg leg. Finn had always wondered why his friend had never opted for a proper prosthetic, but he had left it alone.

Before long, they reached the Lounge where Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde was huddled into a corner with some cards in front of him. Finn leaned against the frame of the entrance to the lounge, still drawing on his cigara while he looked at the new Minister of War.
"You just can't let the cards go, can you? Not even with your brand spanking new title? I am proud of you, Sir." he said, adding the respectful title mockingly at the end. This elicited a sideways glance and a raised brow from Derrick, which he ignored. He knew from experience that his Lieutenant would get over it sooner or later.


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