Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Benevolence | CIS Dominion of Montitia


Visanj looked around. She put aside the furor she had regarding the recent foolishness of the Lord Commander and the Exarch’s aide, refocusing herself on the mission at hand. Save for the brief distraction of two toys she’d broken a time or two, now having disappeared into the club behind them, her team was now assembled. Just in time, her personal detail had arrived, bringing a sufficient force together.​
“Corius,” She began, her eyes saying it all, “Take point. Clank, on his six. Jedi, try not to feth up, you’re playing bloodhound, find me something to kill.”
Corius smiled. This was what he did best.
“Ng’rhr, grab the rear. Keep that cannon of yours at the ready.” The Wookiee grunted in the affirmative and took his position.​
“@Karlo have your men take the flanks. If the Jetii or the Wookiee calls out, then lay down the fire. Glad to see you!” Vis extended her hand with the grip of one Mandalorian warrior to another, and a silent nod ensured that Karlo knew he was fighting with vode. Mandalorian ways have been Dagatan ways for centuries, the bonds of blood and the influence of the Resol’nare ensured they would remain so.​
“Now, Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner er, Lord Commander, you’re with me in the center. You, Bright Eyes, you’re with me too.” Vis winked at Lunara Azure Lunara Azure the Exarch’s aide. She was nothing if not a very, very attractive wingman. Hopefully, she could fight too. If she was what her jacket said, Vis determined she would have to explore her further very soon.​
“We’re going to reinforce the others. If this goes sideways, they’re gonna need the firepower, and we’re the artillery. These criminals, they’re not likely to go quiet. If that protest goes too loud, we’re the blasters, beskar, and best bet to even the score. So get it clear folks, right now we’re the cavalry. People are counting on us, and if we drop this ball, they die. Snap it up, because we’re not gonna let that happen.”

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D I S C I P L E Q U E S T 2
Tainted Sample


Location: Montitia
Equipment: Lightsaber, Ashlas Guard
Song: XoXo
Tag: Baros Sal-Soren

“Risk is a part of life Alora, you just have to take a slice of it along with everything else.” Teyla tucked the rest of the supplies into her backpack, pausing to glance up at her elder sister. “Don’t look at me like that,” she grumbled, lowering her head back down to avoid further eye contact.

“What you’re doing is unnecessary. Endangering not only yourself, but the lives of your children, and on what? The whims of a vision that might be nothing more than a metaphor. It’s reckless.” The underlying edge of disapproval in her sister's voice was difficult to miss.

Teyla finished zipping up the travel pack and slung it over her shoulder, ascending with a slight waddle up the loading ramp of the Set. Alora followed close to heel. “Force prophecies aren’t metaphors, sis. They aren’t absolute either, but...”

They hadn’t been wrong before, not in the slightest detail in concern to both Damon’s fate and that of their parents and Kintel. If she had not ignored those visions, could their fates have been changed?

There was a question to haunt her for the rest of her days.

Teyla placed a hand against her distended stomach, heavy from nearly seven and a half months of pregnancy. “I can’t sit around and wait to see if this possibility comes to pass. I’m sorry, but… that feels a whole lot like giving up.”

Depositing her bag in the empty copilots seat, Teyla took up residence at the controls where she was most comfortable, beginning the preflight sequences.

“Besides, I received news yesterday that the Confederacy is on a diplomatic mission to provide relief for Montitia.” Sensing her sister had something to say, Teyla preemptively answered the unspoken question. “Is Montitia more dangerous than Naboo? Probably, though I can’t say how much more. I’m taking some precautions and bringing K2 with me. He’s already in the bunker charging up for the days ahead. I’ll be in more than capable hands if anything happens. Which, nothing will. Everything is going to be fine.”

“Yeah. I’ve heard that before.” Alora countered quickly. “I’ll say it again, I don’t think you should be going.”

The conversation was going nowhere fast and the brunette arched an eyebrow in annoyance, making a low groaning noise.

By all rights, Alora was correct in that the pregnant mother should not be leaving Naboo. She should be staying put until the arrival of Brandyn and Briana. The coming weeks would increasingly become more difficult, and in another month she’d be permanently grounded. When that time came, she was determined to see it through with Baros by her side.

“Then I guess it’s a good thing that it isn’t your choice to make.”



The world was so unlike the gloriously lush Naboo with its abundance of viridescent landscapes. By day, the only way to tell that the entire world wasn’t monochromatic, was by relying on the light blue that came from the skies above.

Those who lived here would certainly benefit from coming under the Confederate banner, and had she come in an official capacity, Teyla would have brought more aid to help in the relief efforts taking place this day.

But that was not her goal. Today, she didn’t care about aiding the many.

She could only focus her efforts on helping the one.

The Jedi mother-to-be had traced Baros and Valeries movements, always lagging one or two steps behind them on the trail.

Frustration had given way to fear and trepidation, taking hold as she struggled to make sense of the sparse clues they’d unwittingly left behind, every second wasted ticking that much closer to demise.

Ultimately, Teyla opted to push aside practical methods in favor of the obscure. Over the last several months her innate abilities had flourished, the Force flowed through her, buoyed her, connected her to everything. Focusing, Teyla reached out, seeking for that connection she shared with Baros to guide her.

A pinpoint of light in the darkness.

“Baros,” she breathed, pressing her intentions on him. “Hold on.”


In a clearing, she watched with horror as it all unfolded. The Vere plunged towards the planet with deafening speed.

No, no, no, no, no!

She had not come all of this way just to watch the people she loved be taken from her. Where before Teyla had managed to obtain a sense of calm, that hard won tranquility was quickly replaced once more with her fears.

It filled her mind, overflowing into pure hot power. Reaching out with the Force, she imagined plucking the ship from out of the air and softly returning it planetside.

The Vere slowed marginally, unsteadily wobbling through the air.

Teyla grit her teeth, feeling the sweat pour down her face as she strained to control its descent, nearly losing her grip entirely by what she saw next. Distance didn’t give Teyla any indication of who it was that Monitita pulled towards her. Only the familiar, intimate mark of his presence in the Force, spoke of his identity. Baros, free falling to his death.

Her concentration broken for even the briefest of moments saw the Vere rock uncontrollably in the chaos of wind and gravity, the sound of metal shrieks and groaning coming from the sheer amount of pressure being put on it.

Blood pumped loudly in her ears, bearing down to regain control. There were others still on the ship, and the cost of the moral dilemma unfolded before her eyes.

Which did she save? The ship, and everyone inside, or the father of her unborn children?

I can save them all.

She thought, ignoring the check on her own hubris.

Bearing down with all the strength of her being, blood screaming in her ears and her heart drumming wildly inside her chest, a litany of curses swore down her tongue.

Kilometers away, she finally released her hold on the ship and mustered what strength was left to slow Baros descent, lowering him down as a feather floating on wind... until ...


Behind her, the collision of ferroceramic and earth knocked Teyla to the ground from the sheer pressure of the shockwave.

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Location: In orbit of Montitia
Wearing: This
Tagging: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali | Karlo Kyrr Karlo Kyrr


It had been a long time since someone came in and made Lunara feel like a schoolgirl, in fact breezing in and making people feel small was generally something she tried to do. The minister of science on the other hand very much wasn’t amused by people sitting in a bar relaxing and enjoying a well earned break while contributing to a charitable cause. Which actually matched everything that the elfin blonde had heard about the Baroness. Mischievous eyes glanced over to Gerwald, rolling for a moment before reaching over to pluck the drink from his hands, downing it before getting to her feet and linking her arm through her friend’s. At the best of times, she would never be able to toss the man around, but she could at least tug him in the direction of the door.

“We’d better go, before the Minister decides that we’re surplus to requirements and decides to practice her human resources skills on us.”

Everyone had heard stories about the minister’s skill in that department, about the budget lines for new carpets. Not that Lunara was worried, but the more people who were involved in sorting out whatever mess was happening on the planet, the less chance of friendlies getting hurt needlessly. Besides, if it meant that the Minister and her entourage got hurt instead of her friends, she couldn’t really complain about that.

The entourage in question seemed to be gathered outside, talking between themselves about something to do with a hat. And the minister had the nerve to lecture them about professionalism when betting and hats were involved. An eyebrow reached up for her forehead as the woman settled her gaze on Corius.

“Our fleet? Are you sure about that? Really really really sure? Professionalism is where you find it, and a party…isn’t exactly the best place to worry about being professional. Especially when you’re meant to be putting on a show for charity. Or are you saying that you’re too…rigid and too worried about your own dignity to let your hair down in the name of a good cause.”

The Mandalorian commando that dropped down on them completed the troop that was starting to fill out the street. It was only that soft whisper of the force that allowed Lunara to prevent herself from jumping out of her skin when they showed up, armour clanking on the ground.

“Wait…this isn’t the tapcaf appreciation society?”

A finger came up, the slim digit wiggling in Visanj’s direction.

“You ma’am lied to us. How dare you!”

The humour soon evaporated as they moved down the street towards whatever encounter with the criminals they were falling towards. Lunara could feel how the group re-oriented towards their target, the veneer of professionalism before the slapstick shell they had wrapped around themselves.

“Well gold-hair, if it’s all the same I’ll stay safe behind you and the wolf here. I’m better in a support role than I am a frontline fighter. If your troops run into trouble then I’d rather not get in the way when the two of you go charging into the fight.”

And hse knew her friend well, nothing would stop the Lord Commander from stepping in, but from the back, she could weave the force to protect everyone…or to bring death to their enemies. That did sound like more fun.
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

Tag: Lunara Azure Lunara Azure | Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali | Karlo Kyrr Karlo Kyrr

”I’ll make it up to you… dinner and dancing, promise… but this problem isn’t going to take care of itself so we better see to it before…”

It was all Gerwald could manage before the Minister of Science came busting into the room and handing out orders and lectures like they were candy. When he heard a dressing down shot in his direction, Gerwald looked at Lunara and mouthed…

“Oh chit…”

The timing was rotten, and the lupine knew there was no real way to explain. Granted Visanj should have received the same invitation that he had. This was a charity event after all, and Gerwald had been more than certain he could swing both, and even if he could not, there were capable Knights already on sight. Vis did not think him that inept did she?

Gerwald nodded when Lunara suggested they leave, though dropped a thought in her mind.

<<“I do not think she would be so bold as to dismiss the aide of Exarch Talon.”>>

The lupine on the other hand… it seemed fur coats were in again, and there were plenty that seemed to want lupine in their wardrobe.

The more Lunara talked… and the words with which she spoke to the MoSci, Gerwald was beginning to rethink his current assessment. At least the focus seemed to be on what they needed to do, and it was directly in Gerwald’s wheelhouse.

He nodded as the order was given. This wasn’t the place to debate chain of command, as right now, it didn’t matter. Either way the matter would be resolved, and the Lord Commander would get a little exercise. The wolf did offer his support to Lunara’s assessment of how she could best serve however.

“Lunara is correct, if she hangs back a bit there is a lot more she can do for us than if she has to be direct. Tell me, Minister T’shkali… do you think these criminals would last long in an ice storm? Tell me you wore your thermal underwear today? Because it is about to get very cold.”

Gerwald looked to Lunara and nodded.

“Some cover if you would please?”


Baros Sal-Soren


The shock of the shove took Baros' breath away for just a moment. And then, air rushed in his mouth as he fell...tumbling head over feet. His mind raced, trying to make sense of his predicament. Many would think that the moments before their death would be filled with revelation or at least realization. Perhaps you would remember good times, faces of loved ones, or unrequited loved ones. Perhaps regret for past sins, or tasks left undone would capture the mind. You would think that your mind would go there or some place similar. Maybe you would cry out to your unborn children asking their forgiveness for not being there for them, or to your precious Teyla who you had struggled away from and towards through nearly a decade of your life, knowing all along that she alone filled the void. You would think she would be there...but no.

A scream filled Baros' thoughts. It consumed him. He was going to die. He could do nothing about it. Abject, uninhibited terror took hold and he screamed, his voice yelled against the wind as his mind just screamed...

...and then...

He slowed down?

He felt some invisible force tugging at him, like a soft pillow or sheet starting to catch him in slow motion.



His eyes scanned the region below him as he drifted towards the ground. He could see Teyla.

"Teyla!" Baros yelled though his voice was hoarse and nothing much came out.

As he drifted to the ground, a building started to drift into his line of sight between he and Teyla. The last image he saw was of the ship heading roughly towards her, and then the loud sound of the ship hitting the ground.

The terror that he had just faced paled into comparison to the hollowed out feeling that hit him Blood drained in his face, and his legs felt like they carried cement shoes with each step. Time slowed to a crawl as he pused past stunned on lookers, and rubberneckers who were looking for the latest town gossip.

He rounded the corner of the building that stood between him and Teyla. Just as he did, the body of Norres went flying towards him, with smoke plumming from his back. Baros ducked to the side with just enough time for the Disciple to hit the wall of the building across the street. What?

Double taking, triple taking, and then realizing, Baros saw a bloodied Jannus Valere standing in the open door of The Vere with Rafiki's bowcaster at her hip. To her left, and slightly in front of the ship was the crumpled form of Teyla.

Time now disappeared, as Baros had not recollection of the steps that took him to Teyla's side, where he stooped to his knees, picking her up from the ground and craddling her in his arms. "Wake up...gods....please wake up..."

Tag: Lefwen Claskier Lefwen Claskier

Dreidi felt Lefwen barge pass her as they headed into the building, she rolled her eyes as she followed, seemed like someone was too keen to prove themselves. She moved quietly as she could, Dreidi wasn't the most refined in stealth but she was going to try as much as possible. As they moved in, Dreidi held her breath for a moment and tried to listen in on what was being said or going on, unfortunately she couldn't hear much, her Force Listening skills were not good. Looking over to Lefwen when she mentioned using her Padawan powers, Dreidi sighed and went to explain that Force didn't work like that but she shook her head. Thinking better of it, she decided that mentioning at this current moment would not be proper. Later, when the mission was completed then she would do it.

Closing her eyes, she bended the light around her, using the Force to slowly turn herself invisible. While she was mostly invisible, her body could be seen if someone knew where she was, the transparency was not perfect. However, she moved forward before Lefwen could make a comment, she did want to hear anything from someone clearly not well versed in the Force and the difficulty that this power took. Moving deeper into the building carefully, Dreidi looked around and spotted the two guys that Lefwen had mentioned before. With them was another one in the meeting with two or three guards with them. Dreidi attempted to move in closer to hear what was being said.

As she stepped closer, she heard something being said but it was a language she couldn't understand. Cursing herself for not paying more attention in linguist classes with her father when she was younger, she wasn't paying attention to her surrounding and knocked her foot against a crate, creating noise. Biting her lip, she hoped no one heard but the possible buyer looked at the dealers then gestured guards over to Dreidi's location. She crept back and made her way to Lefwen, revealing herself when she was out of eyeshot of the criminals.

"So... There is roughly 5 or 6 in the room, was hard to tell. They looked armed but not particularly threatening... If you know how to use that blaster better than you know how to the Force." Dreidi's barbed comment was due to embarrassment she felt in making noise when she was trying to be all sneaky.
Much of the night had not gone according to plan. While the charity had brought the funds necessary, and produced a decent amount of goodwill among the citizenry, attacks spoiled the mood of the evening.

Efforts of those like Rann Thress Rann Thress , Lefwen Claskier Lefwen Claskier , and Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic , saw the initial wave of corporate terrorists stopped. Still others such as G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1 and Aya Lin eventually led to the capture and arrest of corrupt leadership behind Montita Consolidated. Not everyone was captured however. Having managed to escape the planet, those who managed to get pas Confederate forces were last seen heading toward the world Kayri III.

Despite the fact that not everything went according to plan, at least Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner provided the holonet with quite the show thanks to Lunara Azure Lunara Azure and her nimble fingers. If only Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali had not seen it. She would ensure the Lord Commander did not live it down.


D I S C I P L E Q U E S T 2
Tainted Sample


Location: Montitia
Equipment: Lightsaber, Ashlas Guard
Song: XoXo
Tag: Baros Sal-Soren

Having not accounted for the space of time she'd need to get out of the way before the Vere crashed, the shockwave racked her body, tossing the pregnant mother like a rag doll. Everything went dark quickly. Raven hair, that was once done up in Teyla's typical crown-braid had all but come undone, splayed out as a dark shroud across her face. For a long time following the invasion of Coruscant and the year spent as Ferian Adair's lab rat, Teyla would have greeted the prospect of joining death like an old friend. She'd felt so empty and desolate then, as though she had nothing to live or fight for. Now, however . . .

A familiar voice echoed in the faint darkness of Teyla's mind, even through the ringing haze that stole her ears, she could recognize the panicked voice of Baros' deep baritone. Groaning for consciousness, Teyla rolled her head to the side, coughing and gasping for fresh air as all of her senses slowly sparked back to life. All at once her eyes opened. A warm chestnut gaze peered up into soft-blues, dark lashes fluttering and blinking to try and regain focus.

Muscles contracted to regain autonomy, trying to reach out a hand as a comforting caress to let him know she was okay, but stopped short when a sharp pain shot through her. A brief swell of panic raised up in her. The children! But feeling the pressure of a swift kick to her ribs from one of the twins settled her, realizing the searing sensation was coming from her shoulder. Teyla's body lengthened out, swallowing and relaxing into the comfort of Baros' chest. Her other hand moved, finger tips brushing against the stubble on his cheek. "We're alright," she breathed, sounding winded and weak. Searching his face, she could see the unspoken question in his eyes and premptively answered. "I had a terrible vision."



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