Jace Padder
Jace Padder sat aloof in his leather swivel chair aboard the "Shale Crow", a ship he had stolen a mere few hours ago. That was the best way to smuggle goods though, wasn't it? using a different ship every time! Jace thought himself a genius for coming up with such a brilliant plan. And just like all of his other jobs, he sat comfortably, knowing it was a job well done. Soon he would be outside the Station on Hoth, where he could slip right passed the sensors with 3000 pounds of imported spice, sell it to the buyer and leave peacefully.
But for now, all he could do was sit back, relax, watch the beautiful planet outside the cockpit window and wait for his arrival. Reaching forward, he turned a dial on the dashboard, music began to leak through speakers around the ship, softly yet enveloping.
Jace let his eyes close slowly, drifting off as he put his feet up onto the dashboard.
"Here's to job well done.." He uttered, drifting off into sleep.
@La'kuus Quelin