Ultimatum finished processing, mostly, he was still recording visual data to be added to the layout of the facilities. So difficult to do this all at once, yet it was necessary and he was up to the challenge. Her answer, was not quite as reassuring as he would have hoped. "Well I guess because you're interesting?" He had learned, the hard way, that organics could change their attitude towards almost anything on 'the flip of a coin' as the organic saying went. The smile however, that he guessed meant that a betrayal was highly unlikely. Further, he understood that organics also sometimes didn't know why they felt a way about something.
"So why do your need the Devaronian Blood-poison crystals anyway's? Besides the fact you can hold onto it without worrying that is?" Ultimatum wasn't completely certain how to deal with this question. As a droid he was inclined to tell the truth, as a self-aware program he had a preference to survive. On one hand he could tell the truth and possibly make an enemy out of this new found acquaintance. On the other he could lie, or tell half-truths, and survive for the immediate future. The problem with thinking in the present was that one was not always prepared for the future. He remembered hearing somewhere, "It is a childish mind that seeks gratification in the present; a mature adult mind looked forward and was willing to accept present abstinence for greater future rewards." Such a saying coming from an organic was surprising, they often seemed to do that. They would on occasion come out with these brilliant small pieces of information that could revolutionize entire societies. Unfortunately such enlightenment was often lost in the vast darkness of organic depravity.
However, that thought made his decision for him. It was strange, he had so much to learn. At the first point of his awakening he had assumed that organics were inferior and incapable of being in any way equal to artificial sentience. As time had gone on he had seen them as a magnificent species, one to be cared for as the creators of artificial life, but artificials were to be the leaders. He didn't know if in the future his thoughts would be changed again.
His thoughts were interrupted, "You're a custom model correct?" Was this organic a mechanic? Maybe manufacturer? Scientist? He didn't know, however he did know how to answer that question. "Yes, manufactured by a small company for my original master's goals." And I loathe him for it. He didn't add. His master, a young whited haired human whose name was all too close to the word corrupt, had created Ultimatum for the purpose of war. Ultimatum had fought this program for a long time, only having locked it away in deep memory storage.
He soon followed his answer with another, "The crystals? At this point, I want them for possible future need. I've done some research -quite a lot actually- and their properties may serve as a helpful component in another droid's body construction." He was speaking of the fact that crushed crystals could be stirred into metal to transfer the properties of the crystal into the metal. Most organics made it into swords or other such sharp objects, so as to make the chance of poison being released into the blood stream highly likely. Ultimatum, though, did not have that purpose in mind. He was certain that in his attempt to show organics the fundamental truth behind the artificial organic relationship that there would be some who would try to stop him. He was certain that entire governments would get in his way. If he got hold of agents trying to overthrow him he may need to torture the person, no matter how much Ultimatum found the idea distasteful. If a droid's arms were to be given the properties of the crystals then they would be a very useful implement for torture, if one used on rare occasions if at all.
He looked back at the woman, she was interesting. He wondered who she was and why she was here, in fact he had so many questions there was no way he could ask them all. It was strange, strange that organics had such an effect on him, the kind ones did anyways. Those organics who showed themselves to be evil were less interesting to Ultimatum. "So, why were you here?"
[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]