Duranium Lord
Ultimatum activated the device and then led [member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"] out of the mine. He hoped that [member="Kha'ro"] would be okay, however he knew that Jedi were capable of handling themselves often enough. He kept his distance from the exiting Sith, trusting her as much as he trusted a Jawa. Ultimatum turned his attention to the surrounding area, quite barren and very much in the open. Cover was not very much available which meant that he hoped the speeder would arrive soon.
He turned to Zreame and asked, "How are you holding up?" He knew that they were almost there, almost free. Unfortunately the other droid had been trapped and would probably be scrapped due to its now 'broken' programs. He hoped that it would be gotten rid of via selling it or something akin to that rather than a simple destruction. If it were accomplished in that manner then there was a chance Ultimatum could obtain him at a later point.
[member="Sawa Ike"]
He turned to Zreame and asked, "How are you holding up?" He knew that they were almost there, almost free. Unfortunately the other droid had been trapped and would probably be scrapped due to its now 'broken' programs. He hoped that it would be gotten rid of via selling it or something akin to that rather than a simple destruction. If it were accomplished in that manner then there was a chance Ultimatum could obtain him at a later point.
[member="Sawa Ike"]