Sigma had left the ship. That was his prerogative. The brief introduction to what lay ahead would be enough to bring him back. That was what always got them, the taste of power, the feeling that they were capable of more. It wasn't a lie, certainly not in Rhoujens case, but it granted him a certain control over those he trained and that number was small.
"Run training scenario 07-X3-Delta." Salem spoke to the all seeing A.I, as he stood in the center of the training room, all clutter moved to the far walls. He was bare chested, his feet naked upon the cold tiled floor and upon his belt not one but many lightsaber hilts. Most had belonged to his brothers, long dead after the final conflict between the children of Talta. Now they were all he had, remnants of a time he could never get back.
"Training Scenario commencing in five, four-" She didn't let him settle into the countdown. The auto-turrets, set upon rails that navigated across the floor, ceiling and walls opened up.
The Force to the Norongachis had always been a song set upon an ocean. A vibrant rainbow of water that was tranquil and calm until called upon. Then it was a typhoon and a storm. It was biblical in its fury, laying waste to everything and anything that it touched. The music rose with his his call, the dancers skipped and spun upon the maelstrom under his control. His mind filled with the power, his body riding the high of the notes and then....
The bronzium saber, which was his own, slipped into his hand and deflected the first bolt of ruinous energy. His body became fluid, like the very waters that were his wellspring of power. Dipping and spinning through the hailstorm of light, barely evading, barely avoiding the searing pain. A dart of energy fell from above as a turret found its mark and Norongachi half flipped backwards-half to the side, his hand slipping to his belt and throwing another hilt into the air. An unseen force touched upon the ethereal, caught it then and set its blade ablaze. He landed and while hands worked through practised rhythms that were as instinct, his mind focused upon the fresh blade behind him. It snapped and hissed, unconstrained by flesh, it spun full circles that would have cleaved hands from arms and repelled the onslaught.
They moved as one, the viridian blade dipping and biting at all comers from the fore while his mind danced the cerulean saber through defensive motions at his back. Feet slid soundlessly across the polished surface, adjusting his stance by minute degrees one second and then taking him altogether out of danger the next.
Emah watched through the eyes of the turrets, the small cameras set atop their barrels giving her the perfect view of her quarry while they slipped speedily across the powered rails and spewed death toward him. A.I’s were supposed to be logical, they were supposed to be ultimately impartial; Emah was not. She knew Omega as intimately as anyone, her databanks had a profile stretching back a millennia, she knew what he could do. She knew what he could handle.
It was time to update her records.
She brought two more turrets online, that made four out of the possible ten, and set them to work. They slipped seamlessly into the ever changing attack patterns of the other two and she gave a digital smile when the first bead of sweat blossomed on his forehead.
His eyes never seemed to rest, constantly tracking, constantly assessing all the while his body moved. The dual blades snapped and hissed while he flipped and spun in the growing firestorm meant to end him. A blaster bolt splashed exactly where his next step would have been and he found his balance gone. His rhythm faltered and as the third blade joined its brethren he ground his teeth, his mind beginning to rail against the strain. It slipped into the forward guard as he found his feet again, its yellow edge cutting down three consecutive darts of energy while the rearguard batted others away, where they splashed against the hangar walls.
He had used this form of combat before but never with more than a single blade. As the infinite limbs of his mind moved and worked he found that he needed his senses more, he needed to see everything at once with his minds eye or the blades would become ineffective. It was tiring him, making his breathing come in sharp fast gasps.
His body was beginning to fail him, slowing every so slightly with every step and soon enough he’d be unable to mount a concentrated defense against the methodical A.I. The yellow saber moved to the right side and then another blade snapped from his belt and took the left, its red light joined the others and now he had a focused 360 degree defensive line. It wouldn’t last long but he was willing to bet that if he took physical movement down to a bare minimum his mind would prevail for longer.
The turrets were moving faster and faster, the whirr of their servos intermingling with the humming of the quad energy blades, and their patterns were ever changing. Emah wasn’t going easy on him, not that he ever expected her to and if he didn’t have the all seeing eye of the Force to aid him he wouldn’t have been able to see through the arcing brightness of his saber shield.
Blaster bolts were raining in toward him from all directions and then back out again as they met his defensive line but he was flagging. A blast near broke through the back before he managed to intercept it, then another from the front while he was momentarily distracted.
“Emah…” He warned through gritted teeth as his hands snapped the green blade of his saber up to deflect. The A.I responded with renewed vigour. The assault intensifying to the point where his mind worked so quickly that it went beyond thought. The Force roared like an orchestra in his mind, a tempest of power smashing against unseen shores and he was at its center. It guided his mind, his hands, his footfalls, as the art of skill became less hurried and more instinct but the mind could only take so much and he could feel his fatigue turning to anger that reached feverpitch when a dart of energy found the flesh of his shoulder.
“ENOUGH!” Omega snarled, the saber hilts of the yellow, blue and red shuddering and then collapsing with a hiss of sparks as they were blasted outwards and the turrets were ripped from their rails in the wake of his rage. “Thats enough…” He panted, his body slick and shining with sweat under the hangar bay lighting.
“Ending training scenario.” Emah responded as the broken turrets screeched to a rest against the various walls of the room. She shimmered into existence before him and through the haze of pain and exhaustion he couldn’t quite tell if she were happy or upset. “You lasted 10.35 minutes, acceptable for a second attempt. Unacceptable given what you should be capable of.”
“Its been awhile.” Salem responded, deactivating his blade and clipping it to his belt before a hand swept through his hair and brought it back into some semblance of order. “I’ll be in my quarters, let me know when he’s back.”
A shower, some food, and a synthflesh application later and Norongachi was back in his dark shirt and suit trousers, sitting upon the bridge of the Star Destroyer and mulling over his previous training session.
“Atrestes is looking for you, I’ve informed him of your location.” Emah spoke, interrupting his analysis.
“Good.” He replied, scratching at the synthflesh upon his shoulder wound beneath his shirt.
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]