Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Black Lagoon (Vulpesen/ask)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Matsu looked at the wolf and she spoke. "Very well." Matsu continued forward a little and stopped looking at the hallways as they forked and she spoke. "I'll go to the left, you take the right, these should lead to a rounded section. I am hoping at least that this is built like the other temples I have seen, those were built like wheels." She was going off what she knew of the layouts and smiled a little. "They were also kind of a maze but instead of getting lost you would just have to take the really long ways around with certain spokes leading to upper levels and some leading down. We want to go deeper."
He nodded and split off to head down the indicated path, calling Ace to his shoulder as he did so. "Watch yourself. Vent or not, who knows if theres something bad down here, say new residence after the previous eviction of the home builders." Call it paranoia, but Vulpesen never did trust dark places that he wasn't exactly familiar with. Especially when said places are used to house the secrets of a weapon used to kill immortal beings.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Matsu heard him as she expanded her hearing abilities and pushed to listen for the smallest sounds. She was letting the force make her lightfooted while she moved looking to not set off traps if there were any and to have her eyes watching all that she could. The nightvision provided more then enough before she came to a pathway heading down...Then around under Vulpesen's that might get her to her goal. She had said it would be like a wheel so she was expecting him to find a similar style crossing her path and going further around while she went down. Her eyes going up to the small vent slits that would lead up to him and she thought about how to signal she was below without yelling and held her hand up. Slowly the force gathered as she sent a flash of light through for him to hopefully see in the dark.
Vulpesen's boots moved quietly across the ground, something that came natural to him after years of practice. Ace, make sure to keep your nose and ears in the air. I don't want any surprises. Sure he might have had the force, but there's always something that someone should be prepared for. As he saw the light, Vulpesen sent a wave through the force, nothing physical but a sense of acknowledgement. Such a task was easy for him considering how close he was to the living force, and how similar it was to communicating with Ace.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Matsu gave a nod of her head and flashed the light in acknowledgement while she moved off and continued down throughout the corridor. Slowly she came upon several rooms and looked in them while she moved about looking at broken remains from tables and stands. Slowly as Matsu sifted her hands through the debris while she came away with a small tome. Matsu moved off and was searching more while she came to a larger chamber and looked down at a large grating with the sounds of water below. She slipped a hand through and was moving to open it to search deeper down below. The temple on Faustin hid many of its secrets under the grate in the library and this had not failed to be somewhat similar.
Vulpesen continued onward until he found a similar grate. Who knows what he could find down there, but t be honest, he didn't feel like getting wet at the moment. Besides, someone had to check out what was above ground. Sensing Matsu's shift in position, he left the waterways to her and continued onward, feeling that he was getting close to his first destination.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Matsu was floating down slowly while her eyes searched the darkness, she had everything she needed for now but was looking towards the water when she stopped. The nightvision showing the rippling shimmer from the rushing water while she went to the side. Matsu started walking and continued deeper into the earth following the water until it came to a sheer drop and thundering falls. She could explore that way if there was nothing else while she moved back up slowly feeling under her boots the slickness of it. The water was coming from deeper in the mountain as she came into a large cavern going towards the structures in the distance as she walked over a large bridge. There was torch sconces as she snapped her hands over it trying to ignite them and going deeper towards the center of the structure.
Vulpesen's walking stopped as he reached a closed door. Made of stone and holding several etchings, it certainly looked important. "Well Ace, what do you think?" His blue companion shook his head and drew his tail across his neck. "Yeah, thought so to. Second verdict?" This time a grin went across his muzzle (or at least, something resembling a grin. Dog mouth after all), and he waved his tail in the gesture of, 'after you.' "Again, we're on the same page." A quick check and he found the approximate place of the lock and he readied his saber. "Watch yourself!" The golden blade lanced through the field with one powerful strike and as the door swung open Vulpesen threw himself against the wall, letting a flurry of bolts sail past him in the place where he had just stood. "Gotta love the classics. I give it a couple minutes before it resets so lets get through here before then."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Matsu kept moving about, the torch burning brightly and her eyes adjusting to what she could find of the area. Night vision and regular vision fighting when the sound of scurrying came to her ears and she turned around quickly holding the torch in her hands. She didn't know what was down here but she was ready for it while the scent of wet fur and rotting meat came to her nostrils and Matsu dropped the torch activating the blade with a snap hiss and flash of silver light. The thick fur of the creature was going around while she was moving. The darkness coming on them again as she felt a claw strike her and throw her back. The armor not getting pierced but the bodysuit still felt all of it and there was howls.
He felt the stir in the force as Matsu was attacked and part of him wanted to rush to her aid. As a natural beast tamer, he would have been perfect for the situation. Still, she was a jedi master and he had faith in her abilities. Besides, as he entered his own room, he found what one would call a series of complications and obstacles. Already he was finding himself staring at trap after trap, threatened with death from every angle. "Ace... stay back. If this fails, someones gonna have to tell Matsu that her fellow master died during some idiotic stunt." His saber activated and he took a deep breath. "Ruurri help me!" With that, he charged forward.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Matsu was moving now, the creature was like a jakobeast but large and hairy but it was a fine fur she could observe... also those were polar creatures while her saber sliced into it. Running through the ruins had Matsu bobbing and weaving around while her hand came out and grabbed a column using it to grip and spin around as she kicked the creature away throwing the saber into its chest. Matsu observed and pulled her saber out as she looked at it. White eyed and black coarse fur very short while its teeth gleamed with saliva. It was just a large cat.. which might explain its agitation being she more then likely had the scent of wolf on her but now she was moving and using her senses to find where it had come from. The ruins were there and going deeper into them she could see some faint light in the distance.
Keep on moving, A soldier who moves, his valor he proves. Zarro's voice rang through Vulpesen's head as he leaped over a bladed pendulum. He who stands still is a target to kill! His hands hit the ground and he leaped up to the ceiling as a flurry of darts raced under him to slam into the wall. Early training had put him through similar gauntlets, but never had his life been so on the line. Ahead of him were still spikes, saws, and traps so old in design, he was surprised that they could possibly be this effective. He dashed forward again, his saber swirling to slice through a saw blade while his other hand tapped into his comlink. "Things are getting hot up here. How's your end?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Matsu continued walking as the the comlink crackled to life with Vulpesen on the other end. She was looking at all of it while speaking and searching, her words coming out quickly and quietly. "It is coming along, I have gotten deeper into the mountain and there are some ruins. From the looks of them they look like the ruins on Coruscant and some of the other worlds. Before the zhell when the taungs were there." She continued to speak and then grunted into the headset as she jumped to the side of a large blade spinning and Matsu let the force guide her through until the metal disc was above her. The grinding of metal on stone there before she focused and punched up her gloved hand striking the metal and pushing it out of alignment to bend and stop. "There is something down here, the traps are still active." She was wondering now what they might find.
"I think I figured out the traps by myself." He ducked under a scythe like blade which swung from the wall. "Maybe we should have switched places. I'm a big fan of the fuzzies." He continued his dash, ducking, leaping and slashing. Almost there. Just gotta keep from getting bisected for just a bit longer. The gauntlet was long and dangerous, but it seemed like he had gotten the easier path, it not just because of the lack of animals to eat him. Still, he was a bit closer to death than he'd like. "This better be worth it."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Matsu kept moving with it and dodged another trap as slivers of light came in and when she stepped into it the sound of darts firing came. She ran seeing more coming each time she passed through the light and stopped at the end. Matsu thought about Culpesen's comment and snickered kind of snotty like with her head going from side to side while she mouthed the words.'you got the easier job' She didn't say it over the comlink but going forward the jedi looked on and was looking at some fo the murals on the wall. "Looks like this temples people were on ships before, then they went to other worlds and encountered giants in armor who wielded blades that couldn't be broken.. but they took something. Something that might have been able to help them get the upper hand. A sword from one of the giants that could make them vanish and... it looks like they used it to steal a cube. I am guessing now and don't want to stop moving... It might be the holocron we are looking for. I'll keep going deeper see if you can find me."
Vulpesen ran through a clear space and slide under another barrage of darts. As Matsu's instructions called into his ear, he brought his saber's into the ground to slash a hole through which he fell. A moment later, he dropped to his feet behind Matsu, grinning as he found himself to be in one piece. "So, that was fun. Lets not do it again." He whistled and felt Ace's presence running over above him, doing what he could to avoid the traps based off of Vulpesen's actions.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Matsu turned around holding her saber more for protection and because someone just dropped down behind her as she grinned... "Yes I agree but this is not over yet we still have a great deal to do." Matsu was looking forward while she entered another room and looked up at the chamber. the dim light going around and the glow while there were grooves in the floor. Matsu stood there for a moment taking some of the vine as she tossed it and then there were large blades moving around the floor in the grooves quickly back and forth several times in perfect sync... "Well that isn't fun." She was looking at it and the door on the other side while letting out a breath. "We could try and jump or we could fly." Matsu looked up at the roof and jumped pushing the force to levitate and suspend herself in the middle of the room. She gave another breath backing up and kicking off the wall as she flew over the blades and as the door.
Vulpesen rose his hands in mock surrender as she raised her saber against him. "Whoa here, lets not go lopping off each other's heads." Jokes aside, he rose a brow as he little test revealed several deadly blades which could very well cause a slight hitch to their progress. "I think this temple intends to do that for us." As she mentioned jumping or flying, he would have though the answer was obvious, until she took to their air... and remained that way. "Show off... you've got to teach me to do that." The younger jedi gathered the force into his body and leaped into the air, aiming for higher spot on the wall. As he hit his first destination, he used another force jump to spring off to his next point of contact, the maneuvers serving for his own method of going over the traps, soon reaching the door unharmed and unworried of the dangers that had been before and below him.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Matsu looked at Vulpesen as he jumped and she spoke when he was near her... "Well it starts with happy thoughts and the force plus you need a few wisties.. to..." She smiled walking while they were searching. "Kidding it is actually easier then some make it out to be but it is also understanding of other force sects. THe shapers of the air believe they can become intangible and able to move through the air... So they do." She left it open there were a few techniques such as shifting your momentum to create flight with the force by changing it to propel you forward and up. She knew a few other tricks as the next room held the prize... or so. There was a large sitting statue with many arms coming from the body while she looked at the chest of it. "There is something in the chest... and head... and that thing is really big."
Vulpesen followed after her and sprung onto the statue's hand , crouching and perching on it as he looked over to Matsu. "I think I might have an idea for one of those ways. I once used the force as a thruster to keep myself inside of a dueling ring when I was just a padawan." He turned his gaze to the statue. "Something tells me that there's other ways to get in there other than slashing through to the treasure inside."

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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