Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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BLACKOUT (Galactic Alliance Invasion of the One Sith held Coruscant.)

Senate building - Basement
[member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Kyber Salurra"] | [member="Soeht"] | [member="IT-88"] | [member="Gideon Raith"]

One second, she was walking down the corridor, checking it room by room, and then…


Adder faltered in her tracks, her vision blurring. What is this her mind screamed, but it echoed hollow, as if she were locked in a small, tight place. Her heart skipped a beat, hammering harder and harder against her ribs.

What is this

Panic rose in her chest like the tide, smothering her, stealing her breath. The woman stumbled, barely caught her fall with the quick reflexes of her cybernetic arm. That, it seemed, wasn’t affected by the vicious chokehold drawing closed around her mind.

Looking around through the darkening haze veiling her eyes, she could see her fellow fighters bent and keeled over in similar states. Some had even fallen down on the ground, curled up like the children they were decades ago. Fear sank its claws deep into her heart, grinning at her widening eyes from the growing black taint in her vision.

And then it ended.

Snapping back upright, Adder gasped for breath like a woman drowning. Her grip on the doorframe had left a dent in the metal, and even now she had trouble releasing the vice.

“Everyone alright?” she yelled out once she’d regained a semblance of calm. Some managed a ‘yes’, others merely nodded. For the most part, however, they seemed to be recovering fine. A man in the back lay unconscious against the wall, resembling a sack of potatoes more than a human being.

“Chite, what was that?” Halen was the first to speak, looking around for the cause of the supernatural disruption. It was Toileen who answered his bewildered question, features grim.

“Frakking Sith, is what it was. Marshall Talith probably stopped the bastard before he could do any serious damage,” a tight, wicked smile curled her lips at the end. Smugness, Adder realized.

“Okay people, let’s move on. Nobody’s found a bomb yet, and there are reports from above about Sith reinforcements. Let’s show them some flanking action.” A few tired cheers met her words, and the squads poured back together, heading upstairs once more.
[ [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] ]

In many regards Sena was and always would be that scared girl outside the gates of her slave pit and home. Years of practice hadn’t done much to dull that pain but rather taught her how to control it for something much greater than herself. Something to give her another reason to go on. She usually picked the easier fights, preyed on the weak to boost her own ego. It worked wonders for her own sense of ego at times yet was more often than not destroyed when she put more thought into retrospect. A tough girl shell holding back the internal teen angst from before. In that regard, perhaps Sena was closer to a modern Sith than she would even know.

The stranger’s blade was ignited and both participants readied for battle. The calm before the storm didn’t last long. The ‘Sith’ put herself in a sprint for the Jedi. There was no time to feel fear, or pity, or remorse. As far as battles went the girl had faced the Hounds and lived. She had faced the personal guard dogs of her master and come out relatively unharmed. A single pesky, filthy Jedi was not going to stop her from going back to her apartment at the end of the day and celebrate the day the only way she saw fit.

No details on that though.

Sena came up to her target. Both hands latched onto the blade at first as she went for a wide sweep for her opponent’s mid-riff. It never worked, but idea wasn’t exactly to cause harm in the first round as much as putting your opponent on the defensive.

The attack was looking for a place to land when it happened; the lights went out and Sena tumbled. Possibly straight into the Jedi, possibly even missing the Jedi as a whole. It wasn’t pretty.
The Works
Coruscant Industrial Sector

| [member="Taeli Raaf"] |

Instantly, Darth Ayra's grip on the Jedi Master's arm became loose and then non-existent. She hadn't wanted to let go. With Force Lightning surging through her palm into the Jedi's arm, death by electricution would have been a certainty. It was an involuntary reflex born out of the fact that Taeli was now trying to electrocute her enemy via the opening she had created through Trakata, the Lightsaber technique that had allowed Taeli to bypass the saberlock that Ayra had created.

The Dark Lord's knowledge about Orbalisks was borne out of living with them. It had been a slow learning curve. She had only learned of the parasites ability to withstand a Lightsaber blow because of her training exercises with [member="Joon"] on Sojourn. She had then learned about the parasites ability to regenerate and heal from her excursion on Hoth, where she had explored the wreckage of the Vehement Sword and was subsequently ambushed by a Wampa. But the one weakness that the parasites had had eluded their host since they had infested themselves on her body over a year ago. This lack of knowledge was key, and so empathized how great of loss it had been for the Sith when the Jedi had got to Freedon Nadd's holocron long before her. Perhaps if Ayra had known the one weakness of the Orbalisk, she would never have used Force Lightning in the first place.

It was a similar predicament that the Sith'ari had found himself in during his duel on Tython. Unaware of what would happen if the Orbalisks were met with Force Lightning, Bane had been engulfed in his own attack, subsequently causing poison to run through his veins as the Orbalisks died. Screaming, Darth Ayra was blown back by the Electrical Judgement, the purple streaks of Force Lightning dissipating from her fingers as it's last strands ran their course along Taeli's body. She hit the deck, rolling across the bridge until she came to a still smoking carcass on the ground from where the blast had hit her.

Saliva filled and poured out of the Dark Lord's mouth, oozing it's way through the crevice of her lips and onto the floor. Dirt and smoke filled Ayra's nostrils as she laid in the open. She could feel the Orbalisks becoming rattled, almost scared for their life. In particular, she could feel the Orbalisk that had been blasted by the Electrical Judgement. It had burrowed it's way so far into her stomach that blood was leaking itself onto the bridge as well, agonizingly slow and painful. She gritted her teeth and tried to push herself up to her feet, feeling her scream rattled through her throat and out into the air for all of Coruscant to hear.

Ayra managed to raise herself onto one knee. It was enough. Her left hand- normally her weapon hand- wormed it's way towards her stomach, feeling the wound as if to test herself. Ayra's Lightsaber laid somewhere in between Taeli and her enemy, having fallen out of the Sith Lord's hand whilst she had been blasted away. Eyes widen in a mixture of shock, rage and fear, Darth Ayra pulled onto the dark side to search. Never had this happened since the Orbalisks had been infested. The behavior was shocking and worrisome. Ayra wondered how Taeli knew their weakness, her logical mind unable to fathom or figure out in that moment that her enemy had the holocron. Spitting a mouthful of bile and spit out, Darth Ayra begun to rise to her feet.

Ecarht Arak

Gladiator 7 (Dead PM Writers Account)
Enemies: [member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Jareb Kaine"] Dynamic Duo! (+One [member="Alexandra Russo"], looking smooth)
Objective: What's that burning!
Fluff NPC Allies: 9/12x Ki ES Mki Aces, Gladiator Squadron.
Surrounding NPC Regular Fighter Fluff: 75/120 Ki IC Mki Interceptors - 10 Squadrons. | 42/60 Ki SB Mki Bombers - 5 Squadrons.
#Loske is on an LOA
Was it still getting hotter?

Not getting her lucky break, drawn into their shooting match. Overconfidence was her downfall, even rolling as she was, engaging in another fancy thruster and rudder slide, her armor started taking hits and being shredded away to leave pure hull underneath “Daughter of a mother frackke…” [member="Loske Matson"] she was good, but ecs had this face to face, heavier armor, blazing away with everything she had until she was right on top of rebelbutt, screaming past her ship still firing all her guns. Holes appearing in the front of her own fighter, but she'd held up well.

Sweat coming off of her, she’d thought it was the stims. Only realising too late, her ship had internal fire. Whatever had heated up poor old ecsie’s cockpit from earlier was still getting hotter, because that very first hit had been the killer one, nothing was guaranteed in dogfighting. Flames spurted out the back of her fighter, warning lights going mad, and it began a sharp nose dive toward the now blacked out cityscape below. Flames turning black soon enough, thick and red, metal twisting behind her and sparks across the controls.

Navigating half blind through their blackout as systems went dead, our young blonde ace tried to pull the canopy but it was jammed, smoke filling crystal glass to block her vision. She tried to call it in, but the radio was frying as she spoke.

Pushing desperately to eject…

Could she get it open…

Clipping her wing against one of their darkened skyscrapers, her fighter began a spin of its own, pulling with everything she had, Kark it. She could see the building coming up ahead of her, straight through a window and out the other side, parts of her cockpit shattered into pieces and cut her like ribbons, something jamming into her leg, hard, to make her clutch it, she was stuck.

Ejection system wasn't budging… bleeding, FRAK IT ALL, she pulled out her family picture from her jumpsuit. "GLADIATORS FOREVE......" The resulting fireball as she hit the duracrete didn’t leave much hope for our teenager being alive, thankfully her death would be quick, burning along the ground as powercells went critical, and our girl’s flight ended with their ignition, one more lost memory of their conflicts here that nobody would ever remember.
Mission: Now get ready to leave it! #cheesy lines forever.
Location: Central Centax Memorial.
PC Enemies: [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Aneya Maev"] | [member="Elaine Thul"]
NPC Allies - Background Unless Engaged.

Civilian Insurgency: 10,000
Memorial Wall Defenses - Condition: Crippled | Generator and Power Down | Blastshield No More - Invaded!
Stage 2, Pour the Fuel​

You're almost out of tocks.
[member="Aneya Maev"]

As aces died in battles above, the bases remaining own starfighter squadrons were hammering the surrounding cityscape. For the entire galaxy to watch.

Shooting their torpedoes into the sides or foundations of higher levels, right in front of the cameras, the former Sith PR machine had surely gone mad to do this for the viewing of billions, mercilessly firing in patterns around central centax into civilian structures... Civilians had been cleared by now by High Colonel Melsk Thraus, continuing to move them, not all, because he couldn't reach all and whatever manpower he had left was mostly in full retreat getting the hell out of there. However concentrated efforts had been made to move them, but it wouldn't be any comfort for those about to burn. What might be curious is how exactly they were firing, specific points in a pattern, marked cleverly by an FFE's technicians in its design, weight began to creak above as metal twisted some more.

[member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Aver Brand"]
Directive 12, Stage 2 in effect

Red warning lights, and blinking red wall displays, in an otherwise pitch black bunker would announce stage 2 of 12. Anyone left running in blind panic at this point, getting out with their lives, they hoped. Aver had shut down the sith communications and coordination, they were running the protocols of directive 12, too late to call it off now even if they had wanted too. Loray had a tricky choice, take his chances with what that meant, and take time to kill the general, or get the hell out of there. He might do both but time was fast running out all of them. Aver's choice was simpler, but then she wouldn't be the only body bolting for the long stairs now the lifts were shutdown, the remaining survivors scrambling like a herd to get out!

[member="Elaine Thul"]

Sight was half the problem, time was the other half!

Elaine had one shot at this, get her troops, vehicles and whatever else she had to hand, in position to stop those bombers above now torpedoing the structures repeatedly at their mid sections, but High Colonel Melsk Thraus being who he was, gave Kelon Amadis a run for his money! Because below in the undercities they were setting explosive charges. The bunkers operating staff were not few in number, however with this blackout they were completely disorganized. An undercity, which was being well truly stirred up with the blackout! Predators or gangs having a field day as they could move unseen, settling old grudges, looting or in some cases getting a good meal off an unlucky wanderer. It was not uncommon to see a Sith former bunker inhabitant, to be off fleeing from some beast chasing him, running past Elaine's troops. She could doubtless capture a lot of them, or just stop them being killed if she offered sanctuary, though it was unlikely she'd have all that much time with what was going on down here. Two threats, above and below, last chance to pull back or try to be the hero!

Any gangs that caught the bunker inhabitants were less than kind to their former overlords, because chaos reigned once again in central centax's undercities.
Chaos with its own timebomb. Tick Tock Tick Tock... and the groaning of metal above.

NPC Actions:
Direct 12, Stage 2 is in effect. The remaining bases fighters and bombs target the surrounding cityscape, firing into buildings at the mid level.
Remaining Bunker Staff are setting charges at the base of the surrounding structures.
General Zerde is trapped by [member="Loray Tares"]
The area is almost entirely dark because of [member="Aver Brand"]'s actions, remaining sith are thrown into disarray.


Lilin could see the woman attacking her, the eyes and arm movement telling her she would try to hit the Jedi's abdomen. She was not one to predict every move her opponents made, but whenever she had the time and could obviously tell where she was going to be hit, she tried to use it for her advantage. And that time was one of these.

She could also tell the woman didn't really intend to attack her at that moment -- this was one of the simplest attacks one could make, meaning it was also one of the most easily parried ones. So holding her lightsaber in front of her, facing downwards, she tried to block the way to her stomach.

But the short duel was interrupted momentarily as the lights went out.

Lilin could only see the lights produced by the two blades. And she had to note, that was not enough to have a decent duel. She had heard and even seen people fighting in darkness, but she could assume it was difficult to defend yourself in such a crazy situation. Of course she had her flashlight with her, but in case there were any other Sith around, the light could have easily attracted unwanted visitors.

So she decided to do what she had feared so much -- fight with no light.

Lilin felt her saber parrying the woman's lightsaber, after which she quickly took a step back and tried to look at the nearly unnoticeable borders of the Sith in an attempt to understand where to hit her.

But like people often said, the lack of one sense could trigger the enhanced work of other senses. And Force Users had a sense most others didn't have... Even though she was really poor in the usage of Force Sense, she could feel it automatically turning on and guiding her along the fight. It was not like she didn't have to focus on it, though. She did a hard work trying to maintain the power.

"I would light a candle. If I had any," Lilin noted. "You must really like the darkness. Suits your alignment."

It had been a long time since she could last taunt an enemy. And she had to admit, it was really fun to do that. Probably just as fun as the rest of the duel.

Holding her saber with her two hands, she guided the blade towards the left hand of the woman's in a horizontal swipe. It was not the most effective type of an attack, but it had to do this time, using the momentum she gained from moving her saber from in front of her.

TL;DR: Lilin decides to fight in the darkness. Taunts Lassiter. Then horizontally swipes at Lassiter's left shoulder.


[ [member="Lassiter"] ]

Alesia Rivas

The Middle Levels
w/ [member="Lukas Krieger"]
Enemies: The Security Forces

Alesia knew all too well that she had no desire to get caught doing crime. So she would run along with the man, giving her best not to get caught by the police or even let them see her face. Trying to cover her head with her hood, she thought she was pretty much safe as long as they could outrun the security.

But then the lights turned off.

The girl was blinded -- she could see nothing, just like she assumed Lukas and the security couldn't. Of course the police speeder's lights could provide some light, but that was definitely not enough to keep chasing the two youngsters vandalizing at the streets of Coruscant.

"Quick, Lukas, over there!"

She grabbed the man's hand and ran off to a smaller street, hoping the police didn't see them going there. She herself had noticed the street in the last moment, so she guessed their chasers wouldn't notice it very early either.

Alesia couldn't see much, but her eyes were starting to adapt to the darkness. So she knew she wasn't actually blind, but the always lit city's lights had been turned off instead. Odd. She could see how it was needed for the successful invasion of the planet, though. If the One Sith was trying to regain light, they would already find themselves in a situation where the Alliance had taken over the planet.

"I've a flashlight or two with me, I think."
Galactic Alliance Forward Command
Medical Center

The victims were beginning to file in now, only hours after entry into Atmo. Coruscant may have been a massive planet, but here at the center of broken bones and dripping blood it felt just as small as any other.

Citizens. Soldiers. Warriors. Troopers. Black or white, Jedi and Sith, the likes of people and races she'd never even heard of before were slowly filling the Triage area. Avalore was giving commands, but she wasn't the only one. Others from the Circle of Healers were here today, other Master Healers of greater age, experience, and skill than she. The Marshall was glad to have them there, to take some of the weight off her shoulders and to help spread the amount of energy and attention needed.

Avalore was treating minor wounds at a small room off to the left of the main entrance of the Medical Center. A line had formed as the people were quickly assessed at the doors and filed off to the proper facilities.

A little girl with broken fingers - slammed in a doorway as her parents attempted to flee encroaching blasterfire.

A soldier with a lacerated arm.

A Jedi Knight with a shoulder popped from its joint.

A civilian with breathing difficulties after being caught in a partial building collapse.

The list went one and so did the day.

[member="Aver Brand"]
[member="Vexen"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Lyle Baelor"]
Gear in sig

Understanding what the Defel was nudging him with, Micah turned to his youngest sister. This depended more on her.

[ Think you can get a mental schematic of the layout? ] he asked her. If they could get a mental map of where they needed to go, that would make this all the more easier. He did the same back in the previous battle with the One Sith, when he mapped out the Wyyrlok in order to find out where the reactor was and the quickest path to get there.

[ If we can find the control room, the faster we can get there. ]

And Kaili could do what she did best.

Micah and Vex would get her there.
[member="Owen Holst"] [member="Kelon Amadis"]

Allyson pulled back with the Force seeing that she didn’t sense anything cybernetic in the enemies, but it seemed Owen’s dramatics did enough to surprise and buy them maybe a little bit of time. The Trandoshans tumbled towards them, but before she could react to anything and hopefully help Owen, a pair of hairy arms scooped her up. Looking down, she blinked quickly mostly confused at what was going on. Her mind went instantly into survival mode as she figured whatever it was that was carrying her would have a head and possibly a body.

Doing her best to thrash about, Allyson attempted to get away from the light bending defal. If she survived and discovered what it was that had taken her like this - well [member="Vexen"] if they ever met would probably get a rather nervous Allyson. Either way, the attempt to get away was suddenly halted by the twist of her waist and the sudden sharp reminder that her midsection was injured. Allyson coughed and caught her breath for the moment as the surge of pain subsided.

Gathering enough strength she attempted to shout towards Owen, but it was quite possible the cupboard wouldn't allow it.
The Works
Coruscant Industrial Sector

Gear: In signature

Allies: [member="Isha"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Ayra"]

"You... didn't know... did you?" Taeli gasped, speaking for the first time to her opponent. Smoke was still rising from her hair and robes, shudders wracked her body. Getting blasted with Force Lightning was still an unpleasant experience, and with what Taeli had done, she had had to loop it through herself. Still, her opponent had been blasted back. The orbalisk had been close to popping, and she could see the blood leaking from the stomach wound.

"Orbalisks... don't like electricity... at all. Something I learned in the course of... my research," she continued as her opponent slowly started to get back to her feet. She could be sporting, let her opponent get back to her feet... but Taeli was not a fool to let her opponent collect herself. Green sparks played between her free hand's finger, the purple light of her lightsaber still shining in the doom and gloom of the darkness. With a flick of her hand, Taeli drew on the Force and sent another surge of Electric Judgment at her opponent, determined to keep her down. If her opponent could notice in the dim light, there was no look of mercy on Taeli's face.

At the hydrosupply center, the Alliance found timed explosives and quickly started to disarm them. The Sith forces, those that had remained anyways, were trying to shutdown the mian water supply but they wouldn't be able to complete their work in time. Directorate marines and Alliance troops breached into the control room, blaster bolts flying. The Sith in the control room had no chance, they were quickly either killed or wounded.

"Sir, control room secured," the men reported back to the captain, who was leading an inspection of the water equipment. No signs of sabotage, the civilian workers had been locked away in one of the large rooms. Something just wasn't sitting right with the captain, but the objective was in Alliance hands finally. A lot of men had lost their lives in taking the hydrosupply, on both sides, but at least the Alliance could transmit to command that the water infrastructure would no longer be in danger of being taken offline by desperate Sith. Still, a defensive perimeter was being established while the civilians were cleared to leave or stay behind the safety of the lines. They had reports of some looters and riots breaking out in the Undercity because of the blackout.

The Alliance and Directorate forces were moving to the main power grid still, knowing that rerouting power and establishing the backups was needed soon. Sith forces were almost non-existent now, all of them having disappeared to parts unknown per this Directive 12. They would need to find the code meaning behind that, but that would be for another time. Objectives first, worry about the enemy future plans later.
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"] and [member="Vexen"]
Enemies: [member="Lyle Baelor"]
Location: With Micah and Vexen
Objective: TBA.
Song: Graveyard Shift

If there was one thing that hadn’t changed throughout the entirety of the op it was the fact that Kaili was still going through her routine of slow inhales and exhales as if in meditation. She let the ring carry her for this. Part of her felt bad for letting something artificial take care of something she herself was supposed to be able to handle, but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to make an exception. The girl had suppressed her nerves and temper all her life; to not have to worry about it felt weird beyond belief. Perhaps, in the end, that was the reason she was so focused on just breathing. It was a light-headed kind of feel. As if a shoulder had been lifted from her shoulders almost.

“Yeah, yeah I should be able to do that.” She nodded at her brother. “I’m going to need a moment though.”

It wasn’t really a request as much of a simple statement of fact. Armors, tech and speeders were a wholly different matter than that of big and complex, well, complexes. She gave Micah a sign of affirmation that he and Vexen were to look out for her as she knelt down and latched onto a nearby cable on the wall.

Her mind slowly began to seep into the lines, expanding inwards and outwards as she built herself a perception of what the facility’s systems looked like. Where they connected and where they ended. It was all a blur. The girl continued her breathing in the face of whatever the surroundings threw at her. She was entirely gone in the system at that point.

Yet even then these things took time...
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] | [member="Jake Daniels"]
Objective: Find the Boy
Enemies: TBD

Before Break could assist the two a third man, a sith this time, had appeared as if from the shadows. He was not familiar to Break and held no power over him, but this newcomer had called Break his friend and assumed the droid held some sort of loyalty to him. To an extent Break had ties with the OS but never enough to take direct orders. If not for the small squadron of sith acolytes heading this way Break would have rebelled and shown him what a machine of his caliber was capable of. Freedom was a valuable thing to Break and those who assumed they could take it from him would not last long. But alas Break bit his tongue and allowed the Sith to speak, (which nearly made him sick, Break knew that neither side was guilty of all the evil in the galaxy but he also knew when one was speaking from his rectum.) The explosions in the background timed to almost dramatic were distracting and Break soon began calculating an escape route rather than listen. Before long the speech was over and Break heard Jacen speak his mind as well. Spitting the faults of the sith back at the Sith. Bringing full circle the eternal struggle which had started this war. However to Breaks chagrin and surprise, Gabriel ended up handing over his weapons and telling his friend to go on without him. Break was never a fan of leaving a man behind but if he had made up his mind Break had no choice now but to assist Jacen with whatever he needed, to his fullest capability.

"I will keep your friend alive, and find the boy. You can count on it."

Break attached the weapons handed to him onto his hip and looked to Jacen.
Allies: [member="Loske Matson"]
Enemies: [member="Ecarht Arak"] (formerly)
Objective: Minimize Sith Asset Denial

Before Jareb could get in range of the Sith hotshot, Rogue Five had already peppered her ship with holes. He watched with wide eyes as they flew straight at each other with their laser cannons chugging. Five managed to hit her mark. As the enemy tried to turn for another attack, her engine gave out and she plummeted down from Coruscant's gravity. In her rapid decent she almost clipped Jareb as he gained altitude. For a split second, he thought he could see calm eyes of resignation through the canopy of the damaged fighter as it passed by him. Despite all the grudges he held against the Sith, it was hard to see the sad end of a life up close and not feel a pang of guilt.

"That was one hot maneuver Five!" His voice chimed instinctively. It would be remiss of him to not congratulate his comrade even after the morbid picture it left in his head.

With the death of their immediate threat, Jareb began to analyze the space battle at large. It was clearly beginning to sway into the hands of the Alliance. Sith fighter squadrons had been thinned and many had begun retreating back to the surface. But the most shocking thing was the black out on the planet. Jareb didn't know if it was all part of the plan or not. Jareb would have thought taking down the power grids on a planet like Coruscant would have been near impossible. It'd been done somehow though. What came next though was a different kind of unexpected. Dots of light began to speckle Coruscant's dark surface.

"Bombs. They're dropping bombs.." It couldn't be Alliance either. They hadn't launched bombers because they wanted to keep structure damage isolated. Detonators had been the obvious choice. This was a Sith tactic. It was something Jareb had been afraid of them employing on Lujo.

"They're trying to reduce it to a Raxus Prime..." He breathed. No. He couldn't let them get away with this. The GA didn't have the resources to rebuild Coruscant from scratch, nor replace the lives of their troops on the surface. His brow hardened, realizing that there could be no sympathy in war. The remorse for the pilot he'd seen falling to her death was wiped away.

"All Rogues, converge on Coruscant's surface. Those bombers must be stopped at all costs. Our people's lives are on the line!"

"Are you still there Eleven?" Urgency filled his voice.

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
[ [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Kelon Amadis"] ]

Those gray eyes of Owen opened wide in surprise at the sight of the trandoshan making a rapid approach. Their leader was dead, the chain of command shaken and stirred at the base. That was how they operated, his father had told him, as little less than an organized mob and when the adrenaline went surging through their body there was little you could do but duck and cover while hoping for the best. However, in this locale there was a distinct lack of both ducking and covering as the distance between him and the trandoshan was quickly closing in.

He had to think fast. His hand reached for a nearby jacket and tossed it in the trandoshan’s face as he threw a quick look to see if he could see Allyson. She was gone. Mysteriously so. There was no time to ponder it. His blaster lit up the room as he fired at the Trandoshan in the distance. He had to, the window in which the other trandoshan was occupied looked pretty thin as it was. The shot went flying towards the distant trandoshan’s head as the other Trandoshan tumbled above him, causing the man to fall to the floor and enter a struggle.

Hands wrapped themselves around the butt of the club, pushing away. Owen wasn’t going to die in a urine-soaked locale.

… At least not without having it be on his own damn terms.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Coruscant - Financial district
Outside the wreckage of an AT-AT with two lightsabers (Darth Jar Jar's lightsaber in his right hand, an orange w/ black core lightsaber on his left hand)
Music: Powerful Foe (Sacred Stones)
PC: [member="Lisette Kuhn"]
NPC: Army of Malastare: 406/800, 1st and 7th Legion: 8,994/12,000, rioters
PC: [member="Abyss"] [member="Clovis Torcularis"]
NPC: 401 infantry, 1 AT-AW, 4 Blastail MC-1s (reinforcements from [member="Darth Megnentis"]), rioters

The One Sith realizes that the Alliance didn't actually take that many rioters' lives. And, with Abyss, it was an endless game of Force-taunt after Force-taunt. Ugohr had to acknowledge that the stalemate just got way, way worse, with troublemakers everywhere and willingly walking through a minefield to commit their exactions. They think that, with a loss in power, they can steal with much less chance to get caught. But what they don't realize is that the action in the surface is just the tip of the iceberg as far as rioting, looting and whatnot is concerned. The riots spread like wildfire across the Financial District and even threaten nearby districts. It's as though years of oppression by the dark side have finally been released and the underworld population lets loose their collective frustration. Ugohr knew that he couldn't let such monstrous acts slide, and he got another .

"Da stormtroopers held yousa back for far too longo! Theysa steal da fruits of yoursa hard work under yoursa very noses! Da time issa ripe to taken back what yousa deserve! Aim for theirsa leg joints!"

Now the scuffle between Alliance forces and rioters became mostly a scuffle between rioters and other rioters, with Alliance and One Sith forces caught in the crossfire. The tug-of-war took on multiple forms and, as the SCNN camera comes back to the now plunged-in-darkness corner of the Financial District. With the drone [member="Aneya Maev"] deployed just overhead Ugohr, he used the Force to record on camera what he used to say, in the face of stormtroopers retreating, per orders from the One Sith high command, amid a torrent of rioters surrounding them. That, even when said stormtroopers received weapon hits in their leg joints ranging from transparisteel shards, vandalism flails, slugthrowers or even blasters captured from fallen soldiers, making the riot that much bloodier.

"Da Financial District issa target of large-scale looting, broken windows! Disen riots da result of a population dat suffered for far too long under theirsa evil hands! Da One Sith not even able to maintain order in theirsa own capital!"

"The stormtroopers have fallen back to the Senate district, general!" the Gran grenadier told him.

But when Ugohr was finished using a second Force-taunt, he spots [member="Abyss"], alongside the stormtroopers around him, being set upon by rioters, some are armed with stormtrooper blasters, others with a vibro-axe. Ugohr knew that, if he let Abyss close in onto a camera drone, he would spout more lies through it, so he swiftly used the Force to send the camera drone from whence it came.

"How does issa feel when yoursa own civilians take yousa for an Alliance vandal?"

[member="Clovis Torcularis"] [member="Lisette Kuhn"] [member="Abyss"]
Moments following this...

Location: Centax Memorial Wall
Tags: [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Darth Megnentis"]
Objective: Cause trouble
Gear: In biography
NPCs: Sergeant Demitri Ortan (Presumed Dead), Comms officer Aaron Baskovick (Presumed Dead) (Both members of the 769th Breakout Company), General Zerde of the 5th Army.

The screams echoed through the hall, in tandem with the noises of gun firing and that hot electric static buzz of an ignited lightsaber. A flicker to the left, then a flicker to the right, then a scream. The General's peripherals were stimulated with the vibrant display of speed, the sort of thing he thought not possible. It had to be multiple people, he thought, as he stomped through another puddle and rounded a tight left corner. Another scream, the sort that went on and on and on. The sort of unnecessary suffering that only the depraved would allow to linger. Zerde gritted his teeth hard as he took another step, running into a hard wall. He was running blind, only the ambient glow of shield provided sight, and did so for the enemy as well.

Bouncing off the slick floor, he slid as he recoiled and looked up. Hands clutching at the blood soaked duracrete, he felt the cold shiver of fear run up the back of his spine. The look of that red visor, unmoving in the dark, and weapon nowhere to be found. Zerde shook his head as he turned, clawing at the ground as he lifted himself from the floor and took off running. One pillar, two pillar, three pillar, four. He cut hard to the left, spotted one of his men, and pointed behind him. "He's over there, fire!"

The bodyguard personnel was more than happy to oblige, littering the dark thoroughfare with munitions. Casing smacked against the ground, echoing the dull resonating sound of metal against oil. And the sound of the bolt, moving back and forth through the frame, in tempo with the war screams of a lone warrior standing against this monster in the dark. Zerde looked back and he could have sworn he was seeing double. As if the top half of the warrior slid off the bottom, plopping down into the ground. And the sound of fire was no more. Just more screams, slowly growing quiet in the illusion of night.

Turning around a corner, he looked down the way and saw the red ambient light of the exit sign. It flickered, some sort of battery reserve. 100 paces, no more. He gripped at the column behind him, breathing heavy and hearing the beat of his heart in his temple. He could feel the sweat dripping down his forehead and as he went to wipe it away, forgetting entirely about the fact that his hands were covered in blood.

::Initiate~~~~~~STAGE 2~~~~::

The sound of words and static erupted from his chest, the receiver coming to life with light and sound. He let out a gasp, struggling to silence it and prevent giving away his position. But it was all compromised now and overcome with the feeling of impending doom, he took off in a full sprint. The shimmer of the blue shield flickered through the darkness as he passed columns. Almost...there.

Hitting another wall, as if it had appeared from nothing, Zerde looked back up and bared his teeth.

"What is...Stage 2?"

The beast strode forward, brazenly approaching the General as if he was common rabble. Zerde scooted back, hands searching for weapons as he found a lead pipe. Standing up, he screamed as he sprung forward. The proximity of the shield, the shimmer, it illuminated the attack. And how it landed squarely against the helmet. The head tilted just a bit, enough to reveal impact without any true significance. Zerde felt the impact on his own, the bones in his right arm cracking from the lack of give. He let out a wail, kneeling over as he gripped his right arm. But he was only given a moment of reprieve before feeling a hand against the collar of his neck.

Like the shield wasn't even there.

Feeling all his weight in his neck as he was lifted, Zerde grabbed at the collar and struggled, kicking hard against the plated armor.

"What is...Stage 2?"

Zerde couldn't tell this thing the secrets of the 5th army. He was tasked with the protection of Coruscant and it's forces, of the Centax Memorial bunker. If he simply gave this information away, it would show he wasn't worthy of the position. But then thoughts of survival crept in and he figured that if he appeased this beast, gave a means for survival, he might survive this fight himself. He might be able to regroup their forces, recover the loses, and then this armored figure would mount a pretty trophy on his wall. Lifting himself just a bit, leveraging with his good hand, he gasped for air.

"Directive 12....stage...2. Destruction of all...assets. Please...let me go!"
"Let you go? Of course."

The monster shifted his arm, just enough to afford hope. Zerde heard an odd popping sound, the sort that sent a shock of pain down the length of his body. And then numbness. And then darkness. And not the sort he had known in the munitions storage. No sound. No smells. Nothing.

Loray unclinched his fingers, the corpse of a supposedly great man falling to his knees. And then to his back. Dead like all the others. Loray looked up towards the dark ceiling, the feeling of swelling rapture nearly overwhelming him. So much fear and cowardice, almost too much for him to appreciate. Almost.

Reaching down to the General, he pressed his hands against the uniform and tore the badges, insignia, and name from the fabric. Gripping it tightly, he stowed the information in a pocket within the gunbelt and turned towards the exit. He remembered, before this place, the dead communication officer. Sitting in his chair, twirling, and the screen indicating route for escape. If assets were going to be destroyed, this place would surely be considered among them. And as much as death felt inviting, he would have it through combat. Not shelling.

Kicking open the door, adrenaline knocking the metal off the hinges, Loray began his run through the stair system. He had already checked the elevator prior to the General's arrival. Even with secondary power, those systems were offline. Feeling the fire of a day well used, he made haste as he moved up the stairs. The cybernetics kicked into action, lunging him up and upwards.
Location: Steps of the Sith Temple
Allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Enemy: [member="Ryan Korr"] [member=Marcello Matteo]

Before the green saber could tear open flesh the Jedi leaped above him. Pyrrhus stabbed nothing but air. This was normally when he would punish his opponent for leaving the ground in such a fashion. Pyrrhus would know where he’d land based on his pace and trajectory. However, blue locked against red and the Jedi Master maintained the saberlock as he transitioned through the air. Had more Ataru-using Jedi followed his example there would be more Jedi around today.

Pyrrhus turned with the motion. While his red blade was occupied with Korr’s own, his other was free to strike. Once more he stabbed with it where Korr would make his landing, aiming for his abdomen. By the time it would reach over Korr’s feet would already be firmly planted on the ground. The Force gathered to the Jedi as he prepared to unleash it upon the Togruta. Pyrrhus could either brace and continue the engagement after, or carry through with the moment of his attack, accept the blow, but hope to leave behind him a little something.

The Force crashed against him. The air got knocked out of him as the Togruta Sith was violently ripped off his feet and sent tumbling through the air on a path down the stairs. It must’ve been a pretty sight, the acrobat in black making quite the leap and combining it with a lightshow. The entire act would be rather short, however, if he landed on his head. It was a miracle he didn’t carve himself to pieces.

Halfway through the air he seemed to regain some composure, adjusting himself with an elegant backflip. Knees bent, he touched down in a rough landing, sliding backwards until finally slowing down to a halt. The Jedi had made the red man fly. Pyrrhus’ green lightsaber deactivated and got clipped back into his belt. The element of surprise was gone. Hiding it back up his sleeve no longer served any function.

Location: Rooftop, 2 klicks away from Valley
Objective: Prepare for Attack
Allies: Do we have those?
Enemies: Presumably anyone wandering the Coruscant undercity playing Pokemon GO and in need of a place to charge their phone

"Well, kark."

Eralam had done a lot of swearing in the last few minutes. Mostly it was because he could feel some extremely powerful Force users running around not far away, and none of them had any interest in a duel. He knew he shouldn't be fighting right now, but he was bored, and they were really powerful, from the feel of it.

"Perfectly good war going on, and here I am standing on a rooftop like a dumbass."

Even Koko was getting bored. With most of the refugees holed up, she was no longer needed to control the evacuation. It had been a relief to drop out of the datastream and take a break, but her nerves were jangling. The sounds of combat were echoing through the artificial canyons all around them, and while she didn't share the Iron Knight's enthusiasm for combat, it was hard not to get keyed up in a warzone.

"Well, why don't you sit doing like a dumbass?"

The elder Shard turned to glare. One would think that having a fixed face would make glaring impossible, but Eralam managed.

Koko wasn't impressed. She knew it was a hollow gesture. Despite his frustration, Eralam wouldn't lay a finger on her. For one thing, he needed her. Despite his fearsome reputation and the fact that he literally lived inside a droid, the Old Man was a bit of a Luddite. His revolver was older than most modern civilizations. He used the same lightsaber he built back before Palpatine came to power. He could barely work a datapad made in the last 50 years, much less control the Network's dataflow.

Plus, her Boss would be super pissed if something happened to her. Eralam wasn't afraid of Rusty by any means, but Rusty wasn't afraid of Eralam, and not only was he a top notch assassin when he could be bothered to get out of the shop, he made a lot of really badass guns. Eralam didn't think Rusty would be able to kill him, but he'd put up a better fight than most.

So no, Koko was not afraid of Eralam, and she returned his glare right back.

"Gods, you're like a human teenager moping because no one invited you to prom. If you want to fight that badly, go down their and kick someone's ass. I got this."

"Fine, maybe I will," Eralam retorted, stepping over to the edge of the building. "I'll find a fight, and it'll be awesome. Just you-"

And just like that, the power went out.

Ten seconds passed, not a word.

Thirty seconds.

A minute.

Right around the ten minute mark, Eralam broke the silence.

"SON OF A [redacted]. [Redacted] [redacted] WITH A [redacted] [redacted] AND A [redacted] [redacted]. I HOPE A [redacted] [redacted] UP THE [redacted] [redacted] BY THE [redacted] [redacted]!"

His tirade went on for several minutes as both Koko and his writer tried frantically to calm him down. Finally, he managed to stop swearing long enough for the Shard woman to get a word in edgewise.

"As I was saying, the safehouses are all running off their generators. They've still got light, food, and water. The outage seems to be confined to certain districts," she said, consulting her datapad, "but those districts are generally places where we have safehouses to begin with. I think it's safe to assume that they'll be targeted, by the gangs if no one else."

Eralam nodded.

"Have them button up and prepare for static defense. No one in or out without being personally approved by the site commanders. Leave comms open, but monitor the calls as best you can. Anyone tries to call someone in the undercity or on an encrypted line, I want to know why. We can't afford the possibility of infiltrators causing trouble."

Once again, Koko fell into her data trance and began carrying out the Iron Knight's orders. Things were going to get a lot worse down there, she reckoned. Might as well try to make the best of it.
Position: The Ruins Of The Black Pyramid, and moving to source of the blackness.
Allies: The Wonderful Galactic Alliance
Enemy: [member="Darth Megnentis"]
Gear: H.T.E Dueling Armour, Pink Lightsaber
Forces: Housecarls, 4 Infantry companies, 2 Scout Platoons

As her troops came close to bunker, she saw Sith running out of it. She hated Sith, they destroy everything they touch. Some stupid reason, the forces that oppose them feel they need to act like gentlemen, well she was no gentleman. As they came running out she had them shot, she was going to take prisoners, nor was she going to lose time trying to save them. She was dark jedi after all, hatred and paranoia was part of her, due to what they did to her. She was not going to forgive them any time soon, she did wonder though was this one there experiments that gone wrong. She head deeper into what ever they running away from, and sent a message back to HQ, Been attacked by Sith, they seem disorganised. Please take note of my position, and be prepared I think they unleashed a beast. After that Elaine and her forces, head into bunker to kill all the sith and what ever they unleashed on themselves.

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