Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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BLACKOUT (Galactic Alliance Invasion of the One Sith held Coruscant.)

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Coruscant - Financial district
Between mounds of rubble with two lightsabers (Darth Jar Jar's lightsaber in his right hand, an orange w/ black core lightsaber in his left hand)
Music: Wheeling Corby (Radiant Dawn)
PC: [member="Lisette Kuhn"]
NPC: Army of Malastare: 357/800, 1st and 7th Legion: 8,303/12,000, rioters
PC: [member="Abyss"] [member="Clovis Torcularis"]
NPC: 166 infantry, rioters

In the telekinetic blast projected by Abyss, he blasted not only Ugohr but also the journalistic team as well as the prisoner, who is now as good as dead; the camera drone would now go back to [member="Lisette Kuhn"]'s position, now that she fell to the dark side much as Depa Billaba, Echuu Shen-Jon did in the Clone Wars in the heat of battle, and also possibly Pong Krell. Surely, after the devastation wrought upon by the One Sith in a "scorched-earth" kind of strategy, especially as it pertained to phase 3 of Directive 12, viewers were hungry for real battle scenes. With both lightsabers ignited, Ugohr was seeing his own opponent close in on him in this long and arduous game of cat-and-mouse that was his engagement on Coruscant. Abyss finally catching up to him, he realizes that his role went wrong but that had nothing to do with his own execution. He could feel the rioters' deaths as equally many screams in the Force, and the aftermath of Directive 12 only wrought more destruction than the Alliance could possibly have wrought based solely on ground combat.

"Da dark side of da Force issa playing tricks on all of usen here today. Da dark side of da Force maken all of usen play a game of cat-and-mouse"

With his remaining forces tied up by hordes of rioters, Ugohr was to prepare himself to fight the very Sith manipulator that he warned the journalistic crew against. He only managed to make a lightsaber duel last a few seconds each time, and he knew that Abyss was out for blood. He even threatened to kill Ugohr's family if he was himself defeated, and his opponent's knowledge of Gungans was a little faulty. Many non-Gungans assumed that Gungans were mostly on Naboo or Ohma-d'un. But even if that was the case he probably threatened as such due to the bloodlust the dark side provided him. But this game of cat-and-mouse forced a lot of Force-taunts from each side, so one more Force-taunt or not would not matter as much to him.

"Yousa failed to prevent da execution of Directive 12: yousa failed to defend yoursa capital"

As with all times where he felt the need to ignite both sabers, Ugohr had to make sure that he could point a quillon to an opponent's direction. He knows a crossguard lightsaber in dual-wielding is dangerous, to both opponent and wielder, but that didn't seem to bother him that much: he was a brute and he had little fears. But often what turned a duel into yet another round of cat-and-mouse chasing, was due to other people or other things. He limped back within striking range using Force-agility, and again with one lightsaber for defense and the other for attack. That meant, unfortunately, that he couldn't spin around with two lightsabers, like some Jedi could. But unlike the last time, he aimed for the stomach with his right hand, while still blocking his opponent's red blade with his left hand.

[member="Abyss"] [member="Clovis Torcularis"] [member="Lisette Kuhn"]
The riots never quite reached the safehouses.

For starters, the Network had chosen locations that weren't easily accessible. Riots, much like fires or floods or other natural disasters, tended to follow the path of least resistance. With big angry crowds, you weren't just dealing with a bunch of individuals, you were dealing with a giant, angry, stupid organism made up of a bunch of parts, and those parts tended to stick together. Stragglers and folks around the edge might get cut off, but they usually tried to rejoin the whole.

The safehouses were placed in areas where large groups of people couldn't easily travel. The trick to filling them had been route planning. 300,000 plus people, thousands of different routes, most of them long abandoned. That's where Koko had come in handy. Her ability to control vast amounts of data had allowed her to route people into the safehouses without exposing them to any real danger, aside from the occasional thugs. Although large swathes of the city were currently in flames, or were subject to looting and lynchings, the safehouses were, well, safe.

Medical droids provided care for the wounded and the sick. Automated mess hall units provided food. There were refreshers, enough that there was rarely more than a few minutes' wait. There were play areas for small children, entertainment centers geared towards older children and adults who were into that sort of thing, and even consoles with limited Holonet access for concerned adults. Things were a little crowded, but one didn't live on Coruscant if you weren't ready to be around other people.

That's not to say that everything was going perfectly. Many of the refugees were legitimately worried about their families and friends that hadn't sought shelter. Others were worried about their homes. The Shards that staffed the safehouses did their best to calm them down, but it wasn't uncommon for sedatives to be issued.

The longer people were kept in the safehouses, the worse things would get. As soon as it was safe, as soon as the shooting stopped and the riots died down, people would be allowed to return to their lives. Some would undoubtedly be tasked with rebuilding their homes, or finding new places to live. The Network had anticipated that there would be some with nowhere to go, and made it clear that, as long as there were still supplies, people would be allowed to stay if they had nowhere else. And while they couldn't do much to help the refugees once they left, they would do what they could.

All told, the operation was one of the largest and most visible in Network history. Whether or not it would pay off would be determined in the following weeks and months. For now, all they could do was wait.
It had been years since he had utilized the Force for much beyond his rather blatant talent for warfare. But with the crystal and Mara's guidance, he was swept along eddies at first, the currents, and then inexorable tides. All of the planet, the very stone itself, wanted to be whole and wanted to be right again. It rebelled against the twisting that the Sith had wrought upon it. The Dark Side was just a tool in the end, but a more dangerous one, easier to misuse and abuse. And it's misuse led to disastrous consequences for the ones unintelligent enough to commit such idiocy. He would not relent, and drawing a breath, he sank further into moving meditation, his steps lethal and slinking, a hunter stalking prey that no one else could see. If anyone got past his brother to him, they would have a fight from the Nine Hells in order to reach Mara. For certain.

The lights flickered, but a blue glow suffused the chamber, and in wariness Julius unclipped his lightsaber from his belt, rolling it in his right hand, feeling the smooth metal and controls, the gentle pulse in the Force of it, and an idea came to him. Igniting the blade, he took a sentinel like posture directly in front of Mara, focusing on the Sapphire through the saber he was so familiar with. Through the crystal of his ancestors remains and the durindfire he had sent out to be imbued. Through crystals designed to dispel and dissipate darkside spirits. The snap-hiss was audible, and dangerous sounding, the green-sheened silver blade of light raised on high. His power was lessened, but focused from a broad spectrum to the laser point of a scalpel.

"Dum ni viv, las nin tamen VIV"

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
Location: Valley
Tags: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Break"]
Direct Conversation: [member="Jake Daniels"]

"Reclaiming items that once belonged to your wife..." He trailed off, taking in a deep breath. He recalled having a wife once, so long ago. In the foothills of a valley, nestled deep in Arkania, and a house made of stone and mortar. If he concentrated, he could see the smoke rising from the chimney and the smell of roasted meats. Sylvia had always been so good to him, from early childhood into adulthood, and had taken to cooking and child rearing like it was second nature. There was nothing left of her to recover, among all the ashes. Or the children left behind. "...That is a noble gesture."

Gabe had no room in his heart for hate, even for a member of the Sith dynasty. Enough of his life was spent hating and despising and now, all that was left was pity. Especially so, for this particular Sith. "But you hold on to the allegiances of your master, whom I can only assume trained you with a level of tutelage that deviated from traditional Sith philosophy." An assumption he had made in the moment, from such minimal interaction. "To destroy the enemy, to seek power, to become all powerful, these don't appear to characterize you." He ringed his hand against his wrist, stretching his neck. "Do you suppose your master desired for you to stay forever fixed to the Sith? Or do you imagine she desired you to seek out your own qualities and goals? The likes of which seem to no longer run parallel to these Sith."

Taking in another breath, he shook his head and smiled. Marrying the dialogue to the question that followed, he continued. "I have not always been so free to choose. In another life, I may have been on the front lines of the One Sith. Destroying life and righteous spirit, for the sake of the blood and glory and war." He used the notion of self loosely, as he would have never done so without corruption. But the path he had walked, in the past, was the set in stone and beyond denying.

Pausing, he looked towards one of the fallen acolytes. Still not a peep, unconscious through and through. The stars and the ambient hum must have provided a soothing melody for such slumber. "I align myself with my heart, as survival comes from the mind and the heart. It wouldn't be living if it came at the sacrifice of my morals. That is why I fight for the Alliance. But even so, such covenant does not make me a Jedi."

He turned quietly to Jake, curious. In his own way, the cling of duty was an admirable trait. But at the end of the day, hands soaked in blood would always show the stain. "Do you feel fulfilled with your choices of loyalty, without question towards cause?" Once again, he assumed. If Jake were truly interested in the different natures of the Sith, and of the love that came with marriage, it could only be assumed that he didn't aspire to the annihilation and destruction inherent within the One Sith. But with support came condoning and for those with conscious, he wondered what sort of weight that bared.
Hope is the elixir of life. (semi-retired)
Jareb Kaine said:
Allies: [member="Alexandra Russo"]
Enemies: NPC Sith Bombers
Objective: Clean up the skies

"Damn." Jareb muttered, igniting another bomber with one of his signature concussion missiles. They weren't even putting up much of a fight, but there were just way too many for GA forces to stop. Smoke and smoldering heat filled the atmosphere as charred buildings crumbled beneath the aerial assault raining hell down on it. Jareb had never seen anything like this. Would this be the fate of what was left of Corellia if they tried to take it back?

He didn't have time to think as he dipped into the empty speeder lanes between the buildings. There was a bomber flying low, and he watched it decimate the side of a building before he could get it into range. All the rounds from his X-Wing quad cannons couldn't make up for the destruction it caused. The bomber's shields gave out and it's engine ruptured, quickly bursting it into a ball of white flame. All he could do was minimize the cost, and the lives lost. As he hunted down another target, he passed over a populated square. Hundreds of beings scrambled in all different directions. Chaos would reign on the surface for weeks. Crime would be at an all time high. What a mess.

"Kark these Sith to hell." He said to himself before keying the comms. "Eleven, how's it going?" Jareb had split off from her when Sith resistance had thinned. "The city is a mess. I hope we're actually making a difference down here." He jerked the control stick left down a different lane as a building collapsed in front of him.

"I've lost contact with a lot of Rogues. Think they're still out there somewhere?" It was probably a pointless question, but Jareb needed something hopeful to hold onto in the chaos around him.
Allies: GA/Rogue Squadron
Skimming the skyline looking for OS craft

Russo snapped the T-70 up on its starboard S-foil and pulled back on the stick. She feathered the throttle back, slowing her snubfighter, then pulled it through a tight turn. Leveling off Double One triggered two full laser bursts that blazed throughout the air in front of the second bomber. The One Sith ship broke off its run inadvertently it seemed and slammed right into a gaping cavern marking what had once been a fifth-floor office.

"I'm doin', Sixteen. Got another frakker, but an effort a bit too late I'm afraid," Alex keyed exasperatedly to [member="Jareb Kaine"] over their ship to ship comm frequency they were now using.

Alleycat rolled the ship left, dropped into a dive, then came back up and over some center she couldn't quite make out from the destruction around it. And Alexandra used to know Coruscant very well from her days stationed at the Republic's old capital planet before the Sith took it from them.

"Knowing our fellow Rogues, the one's who went down will do everything in their power to get back to us… At least I keep saying that to myself. You should too. We need to stay strong for them doing just what we're doing."
The Entrance to the Hidden Paths

Beneath her the ritual continued to go onwards, the Jedi doing their job as arranged cleansing the evil that plagued the nexus around the core of the old Jedi Temple. They would continue like this until the task was complete. Above ground however the mission was a different one all together.

The crackling of energy colliding with energy filled Kira’s ears as her lightsaber intercepted the attack of the oncoming sith, his own blade cast aside by Kira’s defensive strike. The blue blade swung up after discarding the dark-sider’s weapon to the side and came across the chest of the Sith giving her room to re-organise herself on the entrance to the secret path.

Sweat poured from her forehead, her sleeve singed from a near miss against one of the earlier attackers, four of which already lay at the floor leaving a dozen still massed in a group several metres away from Kira. She took the opportunity to take a deep breath as her saber came to rest at her side waiting for the next of the Sith to charge forward.

A distant thunder lit up the sky that had gone dark, the black-out pierced with rising funnels of fire and energy. It seemed the Sith content with the knowledge that Coruscant was lost to them would not see it handed over intact. Yet even as much as it bugged her inner mind she knew the lives of those caught in the crossfire it was not something she had to pay immediate attention on.

“Time to die Jedi.” Another of the Sith had approached, his crimson blade held more confidently then the others, spinning it casually in his hand. His voice broken by the mask that concealed his broken face. “Slowly and painfully.”

She didn’t retort. Instead she just raised her weapon and prepared for his attack.
"The execution of directive 12 does not mean failure. It means that the Alliance and the jedi are to weak to defend those they have sworn to defend. Its over jedi, even if you win this battle there will be no coruscant left to rule."

Abyss watched as [member="Ugohr Poof"] slowly advanced into attack range, oberserving the movement of the weapons the jedi wielded as closely as possible. Coruscant had fallen, there was no trick left, no troops the jedi could command, no shadows the sith could hide in. The battle they both fought against each other finally reached the form it was meant to be since the first alliance ship entered the orbit of coruscant.

Abyss could almost feel the attack of his opponent before he even raised his main hand weapon. He was injured, his body was already struggling with the stress it was put under, but with the fire of hate inside him, he forced himself to stay on his feet. He would not let the jedi win, even if it meant to sacrifice was what left of his health.

He took a step back, but it was not meant to fully avoid his enemies attack. Instead of missing him the weapon left a deep cut on the stomach of the sith. He could smell his own burned flesh the moment he pushed his own lightsaber towards the jedis chest, trying to keep the red glowing blade under the jedi off hand weapon that was used to defend himself while his opponent was focused on finishing his own attack.

[member="Lisette Kuhn"] [member="Clovis Torcularis"]
Location: The Valley of the Jedi Lords. Facing their sacrilege.
Mission: Move the One Sith's History

Allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Tes Dralyn"] | [member="Darth Erebos"] | [member="Lassiter"] | [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] | [member="Jake Daniels"]
Direct Enemies: [member="Mara D'lessio Merrill"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Enemies: [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Kira Vaal"] | [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] | [member="Alen Na'Varro"] | [member="Meeristali Peradun"] | [member="Marcello Matteo"] | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Laguz Vald"]

Sniper bullet having gone straight through her chest, she was still processing what that had meant, and could soon pass out. Assisted along? She waved them off summoning inner fire to stand alone, like sith should. Her contribution was merely to direct, they did manage to clear many relics and even statue or two before sickening lighter energies took that which was theirs. At one point a weakened Sera could be seen giving all of her remaining strength to summon fire around her, only her fire came from place of greater darkness than usual, to counterbalance their efforts around her position. Absolutely futile though for she could not halt her force's will, that's what she realised, she realised their force was not hers to resist here.

Waving off any that looked upon our wounded priestess, she still struggled to breathe, twice almost passing out. Internal bleeding very real even if bacta was constantly applied to counter her trauma. Collapsed lung she might not regain, lack of air fitting for woman bearing her own fire across her palms. Jedi was set alight in her final act, but last of her strength left her in doing so, sinking. All she could do now, was trudge back to her feet and exit their valley, crippled. She had gained rare hatred over usual ambivalence, for their desecration of their temples. Coming years, she would rebalance what they had taken, for now she accepted her force's will for them to remain here. With her wound there was little chance she could do anything further about it either way, she badly needed to remain still, and find fixed healing.

Saber Staff | Initiate Dreamer Robes

Belt: Pouch of Glitterstim | Pouch of Bacta | 3 Tears of the Rist Darts | Stealth Field Generator (Busted)

Fin for Sera
Location: In the dark skies above Coruscant
Allies: None so far
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Jareth Johnathon Holst"]
Objective: Dogfight​

As Sylvia swooped up, she first heard and then felt the Sith’s laser cannons grazing the back of the X-wing. The explosion jolted her momentarily, until she brought the fighter back under control, the alarms blaring again. “Can you repair that?” she asked Cardinal, her voice trembling a little with the anxiety of being hit. The droid beeped what sounded vaguely affirmative – either that, or it was wishful thinking – and went to work trying to stabilize the engines. Sylvia had her own suspicions that the increasingly bumpy ride meant one of the thrust engines was taken out, but she wouldn’t know until her mech reported back in.

Then suddenly, Rogue Fifteen saw nothing. Darkness.

She was momentarily disoriented as she could see nothing, not even stars in the sky.

“What the...?”

She flew in closer to the outline of a building and then another. All of the lights were off. Power grid down. It would make flying much trickier, but her X-wing would still be trackable by both radar and her lights by the Sith fighter still behind her. “Here goes nothing,” she said, turning off the ship lights as she plunged her own ship into the darkness, allowing herself to be swallowed up by the matte black shadows of Coruscant.

The Sith pilot would need to rely on radar only to track her as she would no longer be visible. However, she would be flying blind, dangerously weaving in and out of the tall skyscrapers of Galactic City.
Location: Valley
Direct-Convo: [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
Tags: [member="Break"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

"Reclaiming items that once belonged to your wife... That is a noble gesture."

Jake nodded an acknowledgment of the mans words. As the war continued to rage across the planet, as civilians suffered from the atrocities being performed by both sides, as Sith and Jedi battled, as soldiers fought throughout the city world, among all of this there was a single sphere of peace. A Sith and an Unalligned; men of supposed opposite allegiances did not draw blades. They did not spew hate. There was no swagger. There was no theatrics. Two men spoke as they were... men.

"But you hold on to the allegiances of your master, whom I can only assume trained you with a level of tutelage that deviated from traditional Sith philosophy. To destroy the enemy, to seek power, to become all powerful, these don't appear to characterize you." Jake made no motion when Gabe scratched his neck. A lesser warrior, an edgy Knight might have had an twitchy trigger finger and lashed out. Just because there was no battle raging here, just a dance among surprisingly liked minds, didn't mean there wasn't some level of tension. After all a battle was destroying the world around them. "Do you suppose your master desired for you to stay forever fixed to the Sith? Or do you imagine she desired you to seek out your own qualities and goals? The likes of which seem to no longer run parallel to these Sith."

Gabe spoke before Jake could answer, continuing on in his thought. The man spoke of his current loyalties to the Galactic Alliance though not going so far as to call himself Jedi. The man seemed to be, in a way, as conflicted with the galaxy as Jake was. Then Gabe asked a third question. "Do you feel fulfilled with your choices of loyalty, without question towards cause?"

There was no rush to answer. Not with these questions.

One hand rested upon the dining table, fingers tracing around the edges of the coffee mug. Steam rose from the black fluid while icy blue eyes stared upon it. Another hand was raised to Jakes face, his fingers gently rubbing against furrowed brows. The Knight was frustrated, the stress lined evident as he tried to find some level of calm. The week had been long and hard really. Jakes patience had been tried time and again as the Dark Council attempted time to control the Knight. His gaze fell to a bruise on his knuckles.

A Lord had attempted bribery, trying to gain favor for information on his Lady Silencia. Why had no one learned over the decades that the loyalties of Darth Gravis were not ever going to be swayed. Gravis knocked the Lord on his arse, then unleashed an unholy beating upon the Council Member. That was the way of the Old Sith Empire. Treachery. His Lady Silencia was a woman of secrets. Many Gravis knew, many more he didn't. The Dark Council would have murdered for any of those secrets.

"I could kill them. Any one of them, at any time I chose."" Gravis mumbled as he turned his hand to look at entirety of the mark. Yet the Knight didn't kill the Lord, nor any Lord. He only served. He didn't lust for power, he never did. He only craved favor with his Master and family; nothing more.

Across from the table sat the elegance of his Master. Her power, her aura, all consuming and strengthening the Knights bond to the force. Her hands gently rested upon the table, her gaze fixated upon the Knight, "We never know how high we are, till we are called to rise; And then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the skies. The heroism we recite would be a daily thing, did not ourselves the Cubits warp for fear to be a King."

Jakes eyes rose towards his Lady Silencia, her emotionless gaze never waving when the pair made eye contact. The point of her poem was clear...

A distant explosion returned Jake to the present. Though unsure how long his mind had drifted, Jake finally had his answers to the mans questions, "There was only one time I ever had a desire of my own. My Master was a commanding woman. She ordered. I followed. Yet when I grew attracted with her daughter, I followed my heart. With time, my Master allowed me the freedom to chase my own path and for awhile my own path made me happy. A wife and children. A home I called my own. Then I failed them. My inability to find a cure for the Plague proved the fault of me following my own goals. It was because of me my family died; not some terrorist in the core worlds." Gravis paused as he turned his attention towards the heavens above.

"You assumption of my training is correct. My Master taught me to protect and guide. To be mindful and vigilant. Do not get me wrong," Jake momentarily glanced at Gabe, "She could be a cruel mistress," his attention returned to the heavens above, "but she was my cruel mistress. What she did to me and why she did it had purpose and reason. I never sought my own quest for power or prestige among the Sith Empire. I allowed my actions to naturally do that for me. My intention was never to upstage my Master, as many Sith strive to do. Any accomplishment or feat I managed was credited to her because it was through her I had life."

Jakes eyes momentarily began to gloss as fluid built up around the edges of the lids, "When I failed my family, I failed my Master. I broke a promise to protect them all. For that I learned the most important lesson of all," Jakes eyes now returned towards Gabe, "I am not worthy of personal wants and desires. Not anymore. I was not worthy of my wife of childrens love. I see that now. A good patriarch would have been able to save them. Because of my failures I default back to the first thing I ever knew; unwavering loyalty to my Master. I never failed at that. My current ambitions do not completely align with the One Sith, you are correct. However they are Sith, as my Master was."

Was it fair for Jake to blame himself for the hell of centuries past? Was it fair for Jake to carry the burden of that guilt?

The sound of a collapsing building caught Jakes attention, "I apologize if I have failed to answer your questions. Gabe. My Master always knew me to be a bit of a rambler. It appears that things have become a bit more chaotic as we have spoken." Jake took another step to the side, "I am grateful, from one warrior to another, from one man to another, for the civility of this interaction. I feel your friend may need your assistance now." Jake began to walk towards rubble that would allow him to higher levels and gradually towards the ship he recently acquired as temporary transport, "It was a honor to meet you Gabe. I do hope our paths cross once more. I feel we may have much we can learn from one another."

Blazing Eye

[member="Sal Katarn"]
The man was fast, Blazing Eye would give him that, but unfortunately, Blazing Eye was faster. He was a duelist, trained to exploit gaps and weaknesses in an opponent's defense, or his own, that may only last for a split second. Exploiting such gaps required a mind that was fast; fast enough to completely change battle direction when an obstacle was faced, like a defense field.

As soon as his sword connected with the field his mind raced, his mind was receiving, processing, and adapting. He knew he couldn't bust the field and he knew that his opponent had a scattergun and was aiming at him, so he had one choice. Up and over. With blazing speed he slid his hand down the durasteel rod at the back of his sword, kicking up with the leg that was still on the ground and shoving against the field, using the man's defense as a way to carry on his attack. Turning his kicking-wind up into an acrobat's leap, Blazing Eye catapulted over the field and landed on the other side, dodging the shot and lifting his blade as he did so. He landed and spun, bringing his sword up and over in a head-splitting cleave.

If he missed, so be it, his opponent was still on his back. Scattergun or no, that was a compromising position to be in. If he missed and the enemy brought up his weapon to engage, Blazing Eye would kick it away. If he rolled, Blazing Eye would slash again. Sooner or later, the weapon would run out of ammunition, and then it would all be over.
Location: Senate Rotunda - Abandoned Senatorial Offices; Enroute to the Atrium.
Current Objective: Advance and Secure the Senate Rotunda
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, Fifth Legion, [member="Aela Talith"], [member=Adder], [member="Kyber Salurra"] .
Enemies: The One Sith, [member=Soeht], [member=IT-88] (Nearest Hostile Combatant.)
Unknown: [member="Courts Stisee"]

Equipment: See Possessions Section In Bio (Link Broken.)
Unit Complement:
Fifth Legion, Fourth Battalion; 512 Combat Veterans (Spread throughout the Exterior of the Senate Building. Gideon's Detachment is Platoon Strength. (32 Combat Veterans, Status; Fresh and Eager.)

Stepping over the bodies of his fallen comrades, Gideon moved into the chamber with all the alacrity he could muster. His weapon was shouldered, and he spied nothing more than the marks of the enemies passing. They were too late to save their brothers-in-arms, and their bodies were strewn about the abandoned senatorial office like they were discarded children's toys. It was a harrowing sight that threatened to steal the Major's nerve, but as the sound of distant weapons fire erupted - the Soldier within stowed such irrational sensations and made for the origin point of the distant skirmish. If they had the time, the platoon would return once the battle petered out and policed the bodies of their earthly possessions. Their corpses would then be stripped of their armor and placed in the ceremonial dress uniforms of the Legion, and subsequently embedded into a capsule, which in turn would be shot into space. They deserved no less than an honorable send-off.

The corpses of their enemies, however, would suffer a different fate - one that many within the Legion would be divided over. Some would see them tossed off the Senate building and into the depths of the planet, to be devoured by the horrors that lurked below. Others would see them stripped of their equipment and burned atop a funeral pyre, allowing them to pass on into whatever afterlife they desired, finally able to rest. While it was an entertaining idea to consider the first option, Gideon doubted that Aela would go for it. She had final say, after all, and none within the Fighting Fifth would ever refute her command. That woman saved them all from the headsman's block, and that alone had earned her a wealth of respect from those that were now her subordinates.

Refocusing on the task at hand, the enarmored Trooper moved towards their last obstacle and began to operate as silently as they could. The sounds of blaster fire was stronger beyond this door, and it would do them little good if they had lost their element of surprise due to sloppy footwork. Rolling his alabaster combat boots across the floor with every stride, the former Stormtrooper came to a halt before the sealed portal. Kneeling down and withdrawing a small cable with a single sweeping motion, Gideon fed the tensile cord in between the parted connection between the door and its housing. Activating the cord and linking it's imaging software with that of his HUD, the Major was gifted with a grainy Azure image of what was on the other side of the door. Sure, he could've done this for every entrance that they had blasted open, but when was he ever going to get the chance to detonate copious amounts of explosives within the hallowed Senate Halls ever again? This was like a giddy dream come true!

As the image began to cycle through the various filters, to not only tighten up the resolution but cleaning up the interference as well, the Soldier was presented with an all too enticing picture. From his ground-level vantage point, Gideon could see that the remnants of the One Sith forces still operating within the Senate were situated directly outside the door and scattered throughout the hall thereafter. They fought with a furious abandon, knowing that their time had come, but seeking not to go quietly into the night. Each and every one of them strived to slay as many of his Alliance Comrades as they could before death had claimed them. Under normal circumstances, Aela's Prime Directive would've countermanded the Orders he was about to give. She was adverse to killing another living being, and it was doubtful she ever would. But, Gideon mused, that's why she had us. Her band of merry murderer's.

Trying not to chuckle as he began ordering the last round of breaching charges, Gideon withdrew the cord and slipped it back into one of the many pouches attached to his utility belt. With the soft chime of activation resonating in their aural receptors, the Major directed his troops away from the door and wordlessly activated the compact explosives. In an instant, pillars of particulate debris bathed the corridor beyond the breached ingress, coating those around the shorn doorway with a blanket of metallic dust. Those that were closest to the door were tossed from their feet, and an unlucky soul was crushed underneath the massive weight of the displaced door. Before the dust had even considered settling, Gideon and his men tore through the breach, allowing their visors to filter out the airborne detritus and gunning down those that remained. Precision plasmatic bolts tore the enemy lines asunder, whilst leaving the pervasive scent of scorched ozone in their wake.

It wouldn't be long now until the Battle for the Senate Rotunda had been won, and in recognition of that fact - the Major had turned towards Four of his men and ordered them to return to their gunship and grab the flags that resided within one of its many compartments.

"Hang the Colours so all can see. Let these Craven Sith know who's come to claim their lives this day." As they departed to carry out his Order, Gideon turned his silver laced gaze towards his distant Saviour and felt a measure of pride pool within his aching breast. "Let the People know the Alliance has bled for their right to choose, to be free..."
Location: Steps of the Sith Temple
Allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Enemy: [member="Ryan Korr"] [member=Marcello Matteo]

The blow had hit, but alas the armour had protected the Jedi. A shame. If only he could've been one of those swearing all the protection they required was provided by the Force. No such luck.

"I'm sure you have"

Pyrrhus growled back, fuelled by his fury and hatred for all things Jedi. Who would end up commanding Coruscant after all of this was over, he did not know. All he knew was that he would return to this planet, one way or another. To Pyrrhus it no longer mattered. He felt enlightened. His path would take him elsewhere. One Sith was no longer the cause, it was but a tool to accomplish his goals. When their usefulness had been wasted, they too would be discarded.

The Togruta watched as the Jedi made his preparations. Twin blades? Fair enough. Meanwhile Pyrrhus would make his own preparation. The distance that stood between them served his purpose. His stance widened slightly, the body of the tall being moving lightly as if nudged to one side and back with the wind, his hands weaving patterns before him while he began his incantations in ancient Sith.
Location: Valley
Tags: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Break"]
Direct Conversation: [member="Jake Daniels"]

"That's..." He lifted his eyes, once more, as sight was drawn to the destruction of the city. The failsafe of the Sith, if he recalled it correctly, was to never let the capital be taken. Whether that meant that they held the planet or destroyed it as they retreated, it didn't seem to matter. Worlds were held by the Sith simply as gestures and stepping stones. The first, to show that they could take whatever they wanted. The second, to use as foundation for forward movement during war. But now, with so many of the major pieces falling away, it seemed the faction was dying from the inside out.

He thought on Jake's answer as his expression trailed off. He couldn't deny the allure of guilt and self resentment. That was the easiest of paths, the surefire method of plummeting into darkness. Gabe could have known that reality, having suddenly felt the burden of a hundred years of cruelty, suddenly flung into an existence where such things actually mattered. No longer fogged by the haze of time and a loss of control, he could have wallowed and retracted from a sense of self. It would have been easy, to be guided by base instinct. But there was maturity in accepting fault in failure and then moving forward, becoming better for it. For Sylvia and his children, he wouldn't be stuck in it.

"That's incredibly stupid." He said it quietly, wondering whether that was the right choice. But it seemed, in just the few moments that he had spoken to Jake, that they Knight was as wayward as one could be. Cast adrift in a sea, he was grasping for the only mast left. He held out his hand, absentmindedly, showing the raised scars of his recent past. "You can't retract into your shell, in fear that you might fail. That's for the turtles and the snails."

Lifting his hood, he looked for guidance in the stars. Or perhaps in the reflection of himself in the distance. "I hope you find what you are looking for, Jake. And I hope you realize that your wife and children wouldn't have wanted this for you. Not if they loved you, as you did them. You are your own master now, that much is clear."

Turning, he waved to the other man as he departed. "We'll meet again, I'm sure." Reaching out with the force, he didn't feel the inclination to arm himself. There were sabers and blasters strewn about but they were simply metal in the dark night. And he had the force to guide him, the light necessary to find his friend. Time would tell whether he would truly be needed for the delicate matter at hand.
Location: Steps of Sith Temple
Allies: [member="Ryan Korr"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]

"Come, come. Strike me down, Jedi. I am within your grasp; my sword is lost. Imagine the lives you spare, think of the children."

The Sith Assassin's taunt was lost on the Jedi Master, save for one fact. The Light of the Force was not having the desired effect if she possessed the ability to speak so casually in the serpentine tongue of the Sith. Abruptly, the blinding light receded and Marcello lowered his hand. He could feel her now, rather...he could feel the void that was her soul in the ether of the Force.

Perhaps in his youth...the verbal challenge would have been enough to incite him into making a bad decision. Glacier-blue eyes briefly swept over the monstrosity that was the Sith Temple before him. Inside, he knew that he would not only be without support, but he submitted himself to whatever tricks and traps existed therein. It was bait that an apprentice or even a young knight might take, but Marcello had been waging war against the Sith for the vast majority of his adult life. More than three decades of constant struggle and loss were in his wake.

Inhaling deeply, the Rogue Jedi Master utilized the Force to grip through the area. There was a distinct aura of darkness that remained in the immediate wake of his attempts to purify, gripping that entity tightly, the Jedi Master attempted to rip it towards him as his feet were set to purpose. With a closure rate double to that which it would have been, Marcello prepared his blade...for whatever action would present itself as immediately necessary.
[member="Sylvia Nuru"]

*All was well it seemed until the lights went down.*

Dust: "Kark, switch to IFR tracking. We have to fly blind."

*Dust new that the X-wing was weaving through buildings but he couldn't tell her exact location. She wasn't force sensitive to a great degree so she was lost among the denizens of the planet meaning he would have to rely on his improved sensor system to knock her out of the sky. He saw her radar speck was moving erratically making the predictive targeting difficult, especially since he could no longer use his pulse laser to bushwack. He would have to keep above her and follow her until she either crashed in the buildings or pulled up from fear of dying.*
[member="Vexen"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Lyle Baelor"]

There was a fierce need within the Talith to follow after Vexen. His fingers unable to help the twitching nor the single step he took as if to go after the black, fleeting shadow. However, he knew that he had to stay here to keep Kai safe while she focused in on gathering the blueprint of the facility. They needed to get to the control room quickly. While they had no idea that [member="Lyle Baelor"] 's troops were mounting up security around the control room, Micah was well aware that despite the planet already showing retreating forces, it wouldn't be easy. They had to secure the area for the larger Alliance fleet to come in.

Swinging his gaze over to his youngest sister, he watched the sweat bead against her temple. When he had done so back on Dulvoyian, he knew what an energy sap it was. While Nohei was the expert at this, even then it would be mildly draining.

He wanted to ask how she was doing, but he didn't want to break her concentration. It was all up to her now to give them directions.
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"] and [member="Vexen"]
Enemies: [member="Lyle Baelor"]
Location: With Micah and Vexen
Objective: TBA.
Song: Graveyard Shift

With complex structures came complex architecture. The routes which she traced from the data she embedded herself in spoke of intricate designs. Well-thought out structures which painted the greater picture for her yet tried to push her away at the same time. It was as if the system knew that she was not supposed to be there and did everything that it could to try and keep her out, but the kid wasn’t an amateur, she knew how to circumvent it and what backdoors she could step through to speed up the trip down the cyberlanes. Slowly but steadily a clearer image was built up within her mind. Not from concrete imagery, but from the cables she found within the facility. Data, power, the countless transfers of information that happened at an immeasurable volume and speed.

Before long her hand let go off the cable to catch her fall towards the ground. Her palms landed flat on the cold metal surface, spread wide in a brief search for stability as her back arched up and down in a heaving motion.

“I got it.” She groaned before swallowing air. “Section 32-A.”

“Just need to catch my breath and we’re good to go.” Kaili hissed as her back continued to bob up and down until they became a regular interval of one or two seconds worth of fresh air.

“Time’s a wastin’.” The girl nodded as she got up from the ground and patted her brother on the shoulder. “Easy peasy, let’s go.”

And yet the sweat beads were running down her forehead as if it was pretty far from it.
Setting bones was not a pretty nor enjoyable process for anyone involved, insofar as Avalore was concerned, but like most normal people in the galaxy she hated causing undue pain to others. Unfortunately that was not in the itinerary for her or [member="Aver Brand"] today. One broken bone was bad enough - Avalore could clearly recall the bloodcurdling screams of a young boy with a compound fracture and the harrowing ordeal of resetting that one.

Today was much worse. The mere fact that Aver still maintained a conscious state was utterly mind-boggling on a level the Healer wasn't quite ready to grasp. A spiral fracture within the humerus was the cleanest break she could find - everything had stayed in place much to the Merc's luck but was the worst sort of precarious she could imagine. The field medics had already wrapped the arm in a splint - which they found after removing the armor there, so they replaced the pieces to keep it in place.

"Langley reported multiple rib fractures in the field," Rici reported as the medical droid continued its scans, producing imaging for the Healers. The Healer Aide blinked as she looked at the ones of the woman's leg, "it's already healing, Master Eden, look!"

Avalore squinted at the picture over Aver, eyebrows raising in quick succession, "There must have been a Healer in the field. Enhanced regen is the only other thing that could do that..." brown eyes glanced at the woman curiously. Wouldn't be the first character she'd dealt with that boasted such exceptional self-healing qualities, but it was troubling, "we need to make sure these other breaks are lined up proper."

The broken clavicle was next - a compound fracture. The woman's armor was the only thing that had kept the bone from tearing through her skin. The difficult problem was not the break itself but the fact that it was attached to a dislocated shoulder and settled just above several broken and cracked ribs. There was nothing to be done that wouldn't cause extreme agony. The following images of the area provided by the medical droid only cemented the furrowed brown on the Master Healer's face. A punctured lung already healed. Several cracked ribs on the mend.

"Forgive my frankness, Miss, but what the hell are you?"
“Yes,” Aver said with a tight grunt, eyes screwed shut. Do.” A high healing factor was obviously a massive advantage for someone like her, who lived and died in battle every day of their lives. It also hurt like all the demons in Netherworld combined.


Through her veil of white-hot pain and needles, bewildered voices trickled down. Shock. Wonder. Confusion.

This is why she didn’t do doctors. Sooner or later, they figured out something wasn’t quite right. Then the questions came, rapid-fire and prodding and bemused. If she could scowl through the rictus etched into her features, she would have.

“Good at my job,” she forced out, teeth bared.

Her species wasn’t exactly common across the Galaxy, whatever it was. Aver had no clue, motherless and fatherless as she was. For all she knew, she was some freak hybrid of two Force-knew-whats, a muddy pedigree with no past and no future.

“The arm, doc,” Aver hissed, and hated how close to begging her voice had come. Frak it. So what. The limb was already picking up its pieces, and she was rather fond of them like nature intended. If they healed wrong, she’d have to break the bone again, and boy, would that be a bother.

Icy eyes opened and caught [member="Avalore Eden"] with a steely stare.

Now, Master Eden?”

This time, Aver did beg.

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