Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Blackout | ME Invasion of GA-held Yag'Dhul, Kiffu, Thyferra & Ukatis


Allies: Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar | Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan | Oyoos Groyuc-Konaasch
Enemies: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Gar Shale | Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland

"General," Pryce looked up from a datapad readout he'd been skimming. Some blasted fools from the senate had made their way into the battlefield and now their ships were dead in space. By the Force the battle was already complicated enough with the interference of the Empire and the Mandalorian's dreadnought. Now they had this to deal with? He set the pad down, crows feet pinching at his narrowed eyes.

"Lieutenant?" The younger man nodded at his recognition and seemed to straighten under the old Corellian's gaze. Had this youth even been born when the Kyprin had first been set out to the stars? Probably not. How had he ended up in the Renegades?

"Commodore Groyuc-Konaasch is hailing us." Pryce shrugged and nodded. The Renegade, and the Common Soldier Corps group the Kyprin Renegades were under the command of the Alliance in situations like these. Even though Pryce would have outranked him in any other circumstance he was deferential to him now - as per the bill he wrote all those years ago in his prime.

"Patch him through. " The face of the Mon Calamari officer appeared on one of the large screens that hung from his command chair. He was aboard one of the Alliance's new battlecruisers. They were beautiful ships, long and curved taking inspiration from a dozen different peoples from hundreds of years of naval doctrine. He would have loved to captain one in his youth. Pryce nodded, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips as he leaned forward in his chair, the aged leather creaking in protest.

"Starfighter support? That I can offer. Send the details for my flight commander, we have the fighters to spare."

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LOCATION: Boarding Pod
Objective: Board crippled diplomatic vessel, capture targets.
Equipment: Beskar'gam I Blaster Pistol I Blaster Carbine I Deflector Shield
Tags: [ Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Oyoos Groyuc-Konaasch Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce ]

"Miss Kryze, there has been a slight change in plans. Your pod would be launched at a dead diplomatic vessel instead. Kindly eliminate any military onboard and secure the diplomats onboard. We'll pull it closer afterward. Resistance shouldn't be a problem for you, but do let us know if you need assistance."


Jenn was almost relieved to receive the new orders. It certainly beat waiting around in her pod while mulling over the cost of war and her own ties to it. The Forge brought clarity, to be sure, but so did battle. No matter how upsetting the thought may be to some.

"New orders acknowledged, standing by for deployment." Quick and to the point, as she was expected to be.

Feeling her pod shift as it was loaded inside of the mass driver, Jenn went to take one last sip of- no, the bottle was empty. So much for last-minute hydration. More of a stress reflex, perhaps: she was, after all, being sent on a solo mission without backup in the middle of a warzone. Not that she needed any, but out in space, she held no control over the battlefield itself: if the fleet was routed, she would be in a world of hurt. But, then again, it was not hers to worry over. Every last one of them had a part to play, and she held onto the simple, but powerful belief that Keldra would come through and conquer. And, if not, pull her sorry hide out of the fire.

And then, the pod was launched, and the relative protection afforded to her was gone. Strapped into her seat as she was, she could do little but breathe in and out, choosing to focus on the rhythm she imposed upon herself rather than the barrage crashing against the ship she had just departed. She could see the distance to the target on her heads-up display, steadily decreasing... and the sight of the ship she was to board and secure filled her with renewed vigor.

She had a mission to accomplish. And it made things so much easier to think about.

This wasn't her first combat drop - and, if she acquitted herself well enough that day, it would certainly not be her last. When her pod finally made breach, she felt... nothing. Gone was the excitement of her youth, the trepidation she felt whenever a chance to prove herself was provided for her: no battle cries, no laughter, no bloodlust. The Mandalorian who boarded the crippled ship was silent as she all but ripped her blaster carbine from its seat on the pod's weapon storage.

Speed would be her ally, and unrelenting force her greatest weapon.

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He had only come here to pay respects to the dead. It had been years since he'd been to the system, the pain of loss too recent and far, far too heavy for him to bear. Their child was still too young to understand the grief that plagued their father and so he had been left back on Corellia with his grandmother and aunt and the companionship of animals. They didn't even know Gabriel had come here. He was alone, forced to face his demons once again. Demons that the Council thought he'd conquered when he'd attained the rank of Master. Demons that threatened to topple his life.

Of course when his old Kiffu Guardian friends heard he was in town they'd taken him out to drinks and dinner. One even gave him a place to crash for the night, though that old geezer was the one who needed the rest. He watched over the city from his friend's balcony, the city lights illuminating the skyline with a hazy glow that made the shadows of the hovering static trees long and ominous. There was a lightning strike and then the lights went out.

The Force tugged at him to move. They came swiftly and quietly. Mandalorians. He'd thought the people of the Alliance would be safe this side of their cloud of influence. Most reports had the Mandalorians raiding along the Mara and the Corellian Run, but this side of the Rimma? By the time the Alliance had come he was truly alone, most of his Kiffu Guardian allies killed in his covert strikes on their positions. Rage and hatred bubbled just beneath the surface. It had led him to do foolish things. His Padawan had reached out to him. Other Jedi and Alliance personnelle had reached out. But he'd destroyed his com device and waged a private war on the Mandalorians.




Objective: Deploy to the Deltas first mission
Location: New Alderaan to Kiffu

Tags: IC-01 "Chief" IC-01 "Chief" IC-32 "Gears" IC-32 "Gears" IC-8808 "Bob" IC-8808 "Bob"

I stood within the pristine halls of the armory, gritting my teeth at the adjustments made to fitting the Katarn class armor. Guess the accelerated age didn't tell you much about getting a new armor. From what I heard over the comms was that today was our first mission. Delta Squad would finally be seeing action, only thing I wondered if the so called "Chief" was ready, or at worse I might have to babysit the younger crew. When I was told that the Deltas were much younger than myself, it took every urge I had to not put a blaster bolt into the head of our dear advisor. Though, I suppose beggars couldn't be choosers. To make up for the displeasure I felt they granted me a new heavy blaster. I heard it's a prototype but ready to kick ass nonetheless. After several minutes the Katarn class armor finally fit, and now I was doing my final diagnostic checks.

Heavy Blaster? Check
Explosives: Check
Interchangeable Blaster: Check
Internal rage: Double Check

Everything was good to go, the armor while snug was good to go. Remind me to have a chat with the Doctor about a better fit next time. My comm continued to beep, and I knew that I had to double time, even as I felt the weight of the heavy blaster rifle slow my pace. It didn't take me long to reach the outside to see the rest of the Deltas get on board the drop ship. Before the doors closed, I shoved my hand in through the crack just to stop it from closing. "Not gonna shake me off that easily." I smugly replied through my comms as I took a look at the rest of the Deltas. There was Gears, always the thinker that one is. Then there was Bob. I already knew Bob was going to get on my nerves. Have to watch out for him, make sure that one doesn't get us all killed. Then there was Chief. Although while younger than myself, I would follow any orders given regardless. Still, I hope the lot of the squad can hold they're own. If only they knew the things I've seen. The nightmares, the mission always in my sleep... If only they knew....

We going to Kiffu of all places? I was thinking just how crazy it was, even as I silently listened to what the advisor was laying out for the mission. Supposed to take out some hot shot GA Official... Good! About time the Imperial jackboot came down sometime. Although discretion is our specialty. I turned to see Bob nod at me, and all I could do was give him a blank stare. I lay back into my seat, my hands on the new heavy rifle just itching to settle the itchy trigger finger. The drop ship kept closing further to the LZ, and within seconds that we were given the order to go, my heart was pounding. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, as if on autopilot I started to fall out of the dropship. I kept closely behind my brothers, readying the rifle as the twitchy trigger finger held itself back. I looked all around before saying aloud as he remained ever vigilant. "Let's lock and load, Deltas"
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Atin sat on a crate. What it held was a mystery to him. For all he knew it was a bunch of munitions that could send him and every other mandalorian in this hanger straight into the next life. He didn't particularly care though. his eyes were fixed to the helmet he held in his hands. The armor of his ancestors. He'd not donned it for battle since the day his parents had been killed by the Hutts. He'd gotten a feeling back then, something that sat in the pit of his stomach. Like an impending doom he simply could not have prepared for. He felt it again today.

"Hey," a familiar voice drew the man's attention as a hand clapped against his back. "Just don't die while I'm not there, okay?" Anna Carden Anna Carden said. Atin stood, turning to face the woman. "K'oyacyi, An-" Atin faltered a moment. "Carden." K'oyacyi.

A bright blue bolts of plasma flew around the sky, chasing the beskar-clad warriors as the flit about above the battlefield. The bolts missed them. Or at least, most of them. One unlucky bastard had taken the bolt to the chest, the payload strong enough to knock him out of the sky permanently. Off to the long march.

Sensors rang as somewhere behind Atin, another anti-tank measure was destroyed. Progress. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. At least Atin could hear the rumble of Imperial forces behind him now. Damn Imps were always too slow.

<<I'm detecting movement ahead, evacuation shuttles, moving to engage on the ground, three and six move to support as necessary, four, take my quadrant,>> Atin's commlink garbled, orders from the alor'ad. A Saxon, from what he'd seen. Atin didn't know her personally, but he knew of her aliit. Good warriors, all of them. Up ahead, the glow of a ships sensors could indeed be seen illuminating the black void. <<Copy, six moving to support,>> Atin responded, shifting his weight and letting his jetpack bank to adjust course.


A blaster bolt pinged off the mandalorian's shoulder, sending him into a spiral, and quickly off-course. It took more than a moment for Atin to stabilize again, and when he did all his HUD showed was red diamonds. Not good. The first rocket he fired sent Marines flying into the air, but before Atin had the chance to fire his mirco-missiles, the heavy-laser turrets opened up on him. He cut his thruster's entirely, dropping like a rock, even in his low-G environment. He landed with a grunt, rolling forwards to avoid breaking anything. On his feet, one, two shots. Two marines dropped as Atin slid into the piece of cover they'd been hiding on the other side of. <<One, six. I'm off-course. Link up->> Atin paused as he peered over the top of his piece of cover. <<Haar'chak. Jetii. Might be a minute.>>

Two more shots. The blue blade sprung to life and deflected his blaster bolts. Well, this was going to be interesting. The last time Atin had fought a force user, they'd at least been on mostly even footing. Sure, he'd had his force tricks, but he didn't have that lightsaber. Atin hadn't had his beskar'gam then though. And he'd won.

'Take it slow,' Atin reminded himself, popping out again, firing a few more shots, not aimed at the Jedi this time, but rather the marines supporting him. He couldn't afford to be distracted when he engaged the Jedi.



Maldor brightened as the transmission came in.

"Excellent. Yes, I read you. This is Senator Maldor Mecetti, on a secure Alliance channel, responding from the diplomatic shuttle 'Zephyr.' I am on a rescue mission, and will be glad of the fighter escort. We will be proceeding on a vector to board a disabled ambassadorial corvette."

He paused, listening for a moment.

"No, I will not turn back. There is likely a fellow Senator in peril, here. Or an Alliance envoy. It is my duty to-"

He stopped speaking as he was interrupted.

"Well, you can either shoot me down or help me. Senator Mecetti, Out!"

He smirked as the disabled corvette grew in size through his shuttle's cockpit viewport. He had hammed it up a bit on the com system, suspecting that this interaction was being recorded on a flight log somewhere and would provide a record of his unparalleled heroism.

"We are almost there," Maldor leaned forward in his chair with anticipation. Turbolaser fire and explosions burst all around. Then an object lurched across space, striking the already-disabled corvette. The object didn't seem to do any damage, but it was terrible to see the crippled ship kicked while it was down. That could have been Maldor, in other circumstances.

"Find an open hangar," he ordered, "If you can't find an open hangar, blast into a closed hangar. That ship has no shields left, from what I can tell."

The pilot urged the craft forward, bringing the forward guns online.

Maldor switched channels, hailing the corvette. "This is Senator Maldor Mecetti, on the diplomatic shuttle 'Zephyr.' I am coming to retrieve the diplomatic and political personnel aboard, lest they be seized by enemy forces.

Do not fire upon me when I land."

Maldor was pretty sure he heard his pilot mutter something uncomplimentary, but he ignored it as their shuttle zoomed towards the corvette.


Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland
Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar
Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan
Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra
Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Oyoos Groyuc-Konaasch
Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce
Hiro Statura
Yolaghun Yolaghun
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The fighting unfolded quickly on Ukatis, and had already begun when Amani arrived. Their anonymous tip had been right after all. Now they had to make sure the advantage paid off.

The astromech BB-610 BB-610 had tagged along to assist, his company more than welcomed by Amani, who would otherwise have been jumping into the chaos solo. "Watch yourself! It's getting a bit bumpy!" She warned as they descended through the atmosphere. Spacecraft and flak mottled the sky over Ukatis's capital, forcing their fighter into evasive maneuvers.

"Here we go..." Amani fought the controls, which jittered violently as an indiscernible something struck the wing. She brought the fighter to messy landing on a rooftop pad within the Capital's premises, and hopped out of the now-smoky cockpit as soon as she was able, "Glad I didn't take my own ship." Amani mused, inspecting the damage, "You good, BB?" Despite their mutual social circles, interactions between the mirialan and the astromech had been surprisingly sparse, but Amani was no less committed to getting Bee back home in one piece.

"See anything?" Out of the frying pan and into the fire. They had to make sure no Mandalorians reached the Ukatian seat of power. Figuring out where to start was part of the challenge.


Location: Ukatis, outskirts of Capital City
Equipment: In Bio
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Rayia Si Rayia Si | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

After a moment he felt a disturbing presence close by. But like before, it was ‘fuzzy’ and hard to really discern. Was she here too? That blue demon of a woman? He felt a pull to investigate, knowing that she’d escaped prior. But he would refrain. Ko knew he had to stay close to his Master and fellow Padawan, and not run off for some personal grudge.

The Kel Dor had sensed the arrival of another Mandalorian. One that seemed a bit different from the rest. He couldn’t see their unique armor however. Hearing their words and the response from Jonyna he connected the dots in his head. This must be that Hilal lady that she mentioned before.

Perhaps this was a good thing for Ko, to observe this conflict with his Master and Miss Hilal with a little less of a bias. The Padawan stepped off to the side some. Holding his cane sword up and letting it rest on his shoulder. His other hand held his green shoto.

“You must be Miss Hilal, it's a shame we’ve become acquainted under such tense circumstances.” Ko addressed the crusader, rather politely. Somewhat recalling how Domina Prime Domina Prime tried to teach Ko how to address a Mandalorian ‘lady’. Then he ‘watched’ as his Master began to engage the opposing warrior. It wasn’t often that he actually worked with Jonyna in these kinds of dire situations so it would be a decent learning experience for the padawan at least. But he couldn’t be too distracted by their fight.

Ko kept his senses sharp, hoping to merely fill a supporting role for his Master’s Battle, while also keeping the flank clear of and would be Mandalorian ambushes. Also conserve his energy so that if need be he could sprint into action against Hilal if it came to that.
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I'm scarier with my mask off.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: YagDuhl - Dodecapolis
MISSION: Protect/Defend
TAGS: Celt Saxon Celt Saxon / Kad Wren / @Zark San Tekka / A Aurelian Sigmund / H Halden Chaussidier / Nizhalgal Nizhalgal / Nelliel Kryse / @Aton Tracinya / Kostodu Xyston Kostodu Xyston


“This was going to get exponentially worse before it would begin to remotely get better.”

Such prophetic words.

The more Connell had thought he evacuated, the more would come out of the proverbial woodwork. This was the job and he would keep going, past the point of hopelessness or exhaustion, it was what had to be done, but it was more and more difficult. Transports that survived the escape would come back for more, but it took time. This warzone was not the place to keep evacuees standing around, so he found himself moving with them, to and from.

It was getting to the point where one would wonder who would be the ones he could not save, not “who was next”. There were Mandalorian fighters flying overhead, this was causing a panic among those to whom he was escorting Northward. All he could do was get them to keep their heads down and keep moving. until they were loaded onto the escaping transports. Padawans could continue to go with them, but he was going back. Bank into the fray.

The ground began to rumble more and more, invading troops, mechanized walkers and flights of Mandalorian warriors were firing on the dome. He could only tell this by the flashes of weapons fire coming from their guns and cannons. The army being sent was massive and the one in front who looked like he (or she, who knows) was looking to be leading the charge. If that wasn’t bad enough…

… more civilians came crawling out of a crumbled building… a school…

Those are children! Connell thought worriedly, though the look on his face told the same thing. His eyes grew to the width of truck tires. This was not the time for worry, those kids, the adults (teachers, no doubt) still needed to be exfiltrated and it was not going to happen without his help, They were already looking to him for leadership and the Jedi Knight was not going to let them down. They have had enough trauma in their lives as it is. Scooping one of the smaller children up into his arms, he took charge.

It’s going to be okay, follow me. We’re getting out of here. Stay calm, do you walk in line? Many of the kids nodded, or would respond with a meek “yes”. Good, let’s do that. Let’s go.

They would not have the chance to get far because more Mandalorians were landing on the ground, just feet from Connell and those to whom he was rescuing. It was then that he thought of something his father, Caltin, would tell him. It was a poem:

“Don’t feel the need to mention all the burdens that we carried,
the awful sights and sounds and smells, the echoes we keep buried.
That’s just the price we pay to be the ones who charge the fray,
to rush into the worst of times when others run away.

It doesn’t matter when or where, it matters not the danger,
We race as though to help a friend when called on by a stranger.
And maybe just remind the few, if ill of us they speak,
that we are all that stands between the monsters and the weak.”

Taking the child in his arms and putting her down into that of one of the older children, a teenager.

Here, Take her and keep her safe, it’s your job to keep her alive. He would not have said something like that, except one of them was firing on him. Quickly, instinctively, the Jedi Knight pulled out his lightsaber “Alpha” and blocked those shots fast enough. When the group would look to him for leadership, afraid beyond belief, Connell waved at them to go.

Keep moving to the North, you’ll be rescued in the North. There was a disorganized panic at first, which was understandable, they were mostly kids, but as they began to run, he yelled out one more command. KEEP GOING… AND DON’T LOOK BACK!

The one who fired on him looked to have disappeared. There was another one though, looked to be more petite, so had to be a female. She looked to be in charge. Maybe… just maybe…

I won’t insult you by trying to appeal to some sense of honor, or a code or anything. I do want to ask whatever issues you have with the Galactic Alliance, or the New Jedi Order… keep it focused on us. Those civilians running away… them and others… they’re innocent. Those last ones were mostly children. They just want to live, so I ask you… I’ll even beg you to leave them out of this.

Whatever this is. His lightsaber was still engaged, but Connell just stood there, he was in no stance and making no aggressive moves. Not stupid enough to think that he would not be attacked, but just trying to buy those kids all the time he could.

Continued evacuation.
Facing Mandalorians for the first time.
Buying evacuees time.
Location: Kiffu, Ground Assault
Appearance: This
Equipment: Mandalorian Armour, Rifle, Pistols
Tag: Oren Sol

War was not a fun time.

Emotionally speaking, war was filled with every dark and gruelling emotion that a Zeltron hated. It was toxic and most Zeltron would avoid being around such strong areas of the negative emotions. For Rhys, he preferred the highs of positive emotions, the way they could take a person to heights that they never felt before. Even in moments of grief, tragedy and turmoil, Rhys would be there laughing and trying to crack jokes to get others to laugh. He avoided the pain, the suffering, the depression. They would mood killers, they drained you as a person and he saw no benefits to them. In war, that was all people felt.

There was no time to crack jokes and make others laugh. They were focused on the impending death that loomed over them all. Rhys could sense it, he could feel it and it chilled him to the bone. He never contemplated his own demise. It never mattered to the Mandalorian pirate. He was enjoying life too much to consider the consequences of not living. The fear that others felt, the anxieties, if he had been weaker willed, if he had been a child. It would have all overwhelmed him and as soon as the Mandalorians made their first move. Rhys would have been on his knees, done.

However he walked. His rifle in his arms, cradled like a child. His mind laser focused on the mission. Those around him, those calling the shots, they had given orders and sensing the determination of every Mandalorian around him. He could tell this was crucial. He needed to get to his objectives and disrupt the Galactic Alliance. Take this world from their claws. It was a battle that could be long fought, but it could also be finished in a short few moments. If every Mandalorian had the spirit, the drive to push forward. Never lose an inch, taking each chance as they got it. Saw through every opportunity surrendered by the Galactic Alliance and their Jedi.

Rhys would have to work on a skill he normally reserved for his pirate crew. A skill that he never really like to use.

"OI! YOU MANDALORIANS! COME ON! WE GOT ONE CHANCE AT THIS. LET'S SHOW THESE ALLIANCE LOT THAT YOU GIVE AN INCH TO US, WE WILL FORCIBLY TAKE A MILE FROM THEIR GREEDY HANDS!" Rhys shouted out at the top of his lungs. His telepathic skill spread, it was not being used to soothe, flatter or charm. Those were his defaults with his innate skills, instead, he was using the telepathy to charge the Mandalorians, to lift their spirits and give their hearts determination that they would never have felt before today. He was motivating them in a way only a Zeltron could. He was focusing them on the goal the only way he knew how to.

The roar of those around him sent them into a focused frenzy that would push them forward further than they would have believed possible to go before. It was not an approach he used often but it was something he knew he needed to use. He held his rifle in his hands and ran forward. Aiming to reach the energy storage facility. He hoped that he would not be too late and that there would be plenty opportunity for him to achieve what the Enclave wanted from him.

Rose Dorce



ENGAGING: Conrad Derna
GEAR: In bio




It had come to war.

An alliance shattered. A people that had been prodded and pushed one too many times, that finally said enough. Even Lesha couldn't ignore the fact that one of their key Rallymasters had been lost in the conflict. That it could not go unanswered.

It made her more sad than angry.

Shai Maji Shai Maji had tried to avert this war. Now her death was one of the catalysts to it. It just showed how wrong this Galaxy was. That allies would turn on each other. Would expect the worst of one another.

Yet, she was here, on Kiffu, having just blown up another transformer with her squad to throw the city into darkness. Now, for the next phase of the plan - aid the Guildmaster in either seizing or destroying the trade centre.

<Stick to stealth, Beviins. No more than shadows. You all have the coordinates. Head out.> she ordered before a "Yes, Alor'ad." came in unison from the squad. Then they all faded into the night, their dark armour shrouding them perfectly. Bill was somewhere overhead, mostly gliding, his engines ominously silent.

Lish moved silently through the streets, only faintly aware of her squad all around her but staying far enough apart to not draw attention. Her squad's specialisation was attacking from above, but they had foregone that this round to keep the element of surprise. As Si'kahya, their execution in it was still flawless, showcasing just how highly trained they were.

As she moved, she thought back to Ryloth. The vehemence with which the Jedi had come at her, had been surprising. He had made it personal, which was troubling. She wished she could have gotten to the bottom of it. Find out which Mandalorians it was that had attacked his people. She sincerely hoped they weren't Enclave.

At some point, as they neared the corporate sector, her proximity sensors changed from just her squad to something else, more insistent. It wouldn't surprise her if there was an ambush waiting.

<Keep moving, I just want to check something.> she told her squad as the sensors increased their warnings.


Hiro Statura

Offending div/extends mobile view



Rear Admiral Hiro Statura watched the unfolding battle from the central command bridge of the ANV Tierfon, the massive Justice-class Supercarrier that served as the flagship of the Galactic Alliance Carrier Strike Group-1. The cacophony of alarms and the frenetic activity on the bridge were in stark contrast to his composed demeanor. Statura's experience had taught him to remain calm under the most intense of circumstances, and this battle was no exception.

The situation had grown increasingly complex with the unexpected arrival of Imperial vessels among the Mandalorian Enclave forces. The Rear Admiral's brow furrowed as he contemplated the implications of this unexpected alliance, a fact that had not been revealed in the intelligence briefings provided by High Command. The battlefield had become a chaotic dance of energy beams and projectiles as the Alliance fleet engaged the Mandalorian forces, and it was a testament to the resilience of the officers of the fleet that GACSG-1 maintained its formation.

"Attention all ships, maintain formation and focus fire on the Mandalorian fleet. Prioritize enemy starfighters and take down their screening vessels. We need to protect those diplomatic vessels," Statura's voice resonated over the bridge's communication system as he issued orders to the various task force commanders and squadron leaders.

As the Alliance fleet responded to the Mandalorian assault, Statura's attention shifted to the holographic projection of the battlefield, where he could see the detonation of the disruptor torpedoes, mag-pulse warheads, and advanced concussion missiles from the ANS Ibdun and ANS Montorr as they targeted the Argente-class Assault Cruisers within the Mandalorian formation.

"Nice hit," Statura acknowledged the actions of his fellow officer. "Now, let's keep the pressure on and ensure the enemy doesn't have a chance to regroup. We'll use every advantage we have."

Meanwhile, the diplomatic vessels were receiving the escort of Alliance E-Wing Multi-Role Starfighters, ensuring their safety amidst the chaotic battle. The Rear Admiral was relieved to see that the diplomatic delegates, including Senators Raphael Calgar and Natasi Fortan, would likely make it out of this situation unharmed.

"That dreadnought is a problem," Statura communicated his thinking to the senior officers on the holo. His eyes remained fixed on the representation of the battlefield, however and only occasionally lifted up to meet the eyes of Pryce or Konaasch. "Neutralization is a priority"

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Ukatis - Axilla, beneath the royal palace
Friendly Tags: Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania
Unfriendly Tags: Adenn Munin Adenn Munin [Eventually tm]
UL-13 "Corporis" Skin Suit | HG-54 Class Verpine Hand Cannon | C-11 Combat Knife | Lightsaber

Turning on her heel, Cora whipped around and leveled her pistol for Makko's head.


Hard blue eyes flared in surprise. A breath caught in her throat, one that she couldn't swallow. Her arm didn't waver, extended straight towards him, finger caressing the trigger until Makko removed his mask.

"…Oh." Was all she could say dumbly, stunned by the moment. Something about Makko seemed more upright, more assured. She had to remind herself that he was a Jedi Knight now, no longer the plucky street rat who'd somehow meandered his way into the Coruscant temple.

Cora's arm dropped limply to her side the moment Makko drew her into an embrace. It was awkward - dark red plating rubbing against the standard Sith Imperial issue she wore - but welcome. She hadn't expected to see him here. She hadn't expected to see him again.

"…H-hey." She croaked out, wrapping her free arm around his shoulder. "I'm here."

Even now she could feel relief rolling from him, seeing it in the way his eyes crinkled, in how some of the tension eased from his form. Strained and warped as it was, their bond had held, allowing Cora to reflect her own relief along with a wave of frigid guilt. Her reciprocation was slow and tentative, as if she were tugging on a rope to test its strength. He knew she'd been captured on Thule, but he didn't know the strange circumstance under which she'd stayed. Willingly. What she'd done, what she'd witnessed. Could she even come back to the NJO? Did she want to?

Before she could send herself down a shame spiral, Makko pulled away and directed their focus back to the situation at hand. Cora visibly straightened, face firming in concentration.

"I'll explain later." She said to the question he hadn't asked. "It doesn't look as though the Mandalorians have found this place yet – that's good. When they do, they'll have to contend with a number of dead ends and traps." Cora waved a hand to the markings on the wall. "These passages are like a maze - the initial entrance is in the back of the palace, but it funnels out into the mountains. It was made to shield the royal family in times of war, so there are reinforced bunkers and food stores. A small armory too, if I recall."

Chewing the inside of her cheek for a brief moment, she continued; " Shan Pavond Shan Pavond is here too. We're hoping to shelter civilians in here until they can be evacuated. I'm not sure where the King is."

Pressing a gloved hand against the wall, Cora closed her eyes and extended her senses outward. Up ahead, dozens of presences clustered as they fled further into the catacombs, heading for the mountains on the other side of the city. Among them was a familiar pinprick of light. Cora's brow furrowed – wait, not one, but two. Yet, stretched across the city proper, she felt more. Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el 's subtle call in the Force lifted her soul. Others had joined him here - Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Rayia Si Rayia Si , Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el , Amani Serys Amani Serys and Ryana mina .

Her connection with the Force was strengthened by her inherent connection to her home – she could feel them as they moved across the capital, all of them. They'd come to defend her home, her people. For some it was personal, for others it was duty, but they'd come and she was grateful.

A hail of thunderous crashes from above rocked the earth around them, a few loosened stones clattering to the ground. The tunnels had held fast against the aftershocks created by a series of ships smashing into buildings at the surface, courtesy of Domina Prime Domina Prime . Cora bared her teeth, jaw tensing. Each rolling explosion, each hail of blasterfire that could be heard was like a knife in her heart. With a deep inhale, she steadied herself and pulled away from the wall.

"There are civilians up ahead, likely nobility. Someone is guiding them out." Holstering the pistol, she tilted her head to the passage that stretched before them. "We should go, make sure to cover their escape."

A breathy sigh slipped from her, not unlike that of stately noblewoman preparing to attend a most unpleasant meeting. She gave him a strained smile.

"I'm glad you're here, Makko, but the circumstance leaves much to be desired."

Cora wrinkled her nose as if her garden party had been ruined by a sudden downpour.
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" Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania !"

The voice of Viscount Marcel von Ascania rolled like thunder, reverberating through the narrow point of the passage his son had been funneling people though. Civilians. Commoners.

There existed clear lines between the aristocracy and the common folk. As hard of a man as he was, Marcel firmly believed that it was the duty of nobility to protect the peasantry. A belief that he'd instilled within his children.

No matter the cost.

Marcel did not move slowly, but an injury to his leg sustained in the Ukatian civil war nearly fifteen years prior ensured that his pace was not brisk. As he stepped through the threshold, the Viscount cast a brief gaze of approval at his son. It was good to see Dominick taking his lessons to heart, but Marcel would not lose the child he'd spent so many years grooming to war.

"Listen well, boy." Clasping both hands atop his cane, he stamped it against the rough-hewn ground. "We are at war, and you are my heir – your safety is paramount, above that of mine and everyone else's here." Marcel placed a heavy hand on his son's shoulder, stalwart gaze creasing ever so slightly with fatherly concern. "You must go, Dominick. Flee into the mountains. Should I die here today, you must live to care for your mother and siblings as the next head of our family."

Marcel glanced over his son's shoulder, icy blue eyes scanning the head butler. House Ascania's position with the crown had become rather treacherous, and he'd come to the capital to negotiate a possible solution.

The hand of his daughter, Corazona, joined with the hand of the King.
Offending div/breaks mobile view. Correct ASAP

Yolaghun left hyperspace and soared toward Thyferra as fast as he could. He was quite excited. He'd finally gotten permission to engage in a battle without getting in trouble. And what was more, if he did well enough, he might be allowed to fully train as a Mandalorian! Sure, he didn't need armor, as strong as his scales were, but the beskar'gam they wore was just so cool looking!

<Hello, hello Enclave! Yolaghun here at your service! I was told a - I hope I'm saying this name correctly - Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra was in charge. Anything you need me do, other than attack any ships with a big Galactic Alliance logo?> He said over the comlink he was given.

With that, he immediately barreled forward, drawing the attention of nearby starships. He'd been debriefed on what most of the Alliance ships looked like, so it wasn't that difficult to tell which ones were enemies. He bet many of the people on board would be stunned to see him flying through space. Especially flying straight at them! He raked his claws across the hulls of ships as he flew by, leaving deep scars, but not penetrating all the way through. He let loose a volley of fire blasts from his maw, each one equivalent to turbolasers in power.

"Hey, hey! Look at me, Galactic Losers!" he taunted them, knowing they probably couldn't hear him through the vacuum of space. He was excited and didn't really care.

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Melee WeaponsCopad'kal, "Ambition", personal Mandalorian Kal.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
Iviin'Cer, beskar spear.
PistolsDXN-57 Breachlight blaster pistol.
BH Durin Charric Blaster Pistol.
OtherHallucinogenic knock out drugs and small Mother's Root dosses.
Auriel Combined Energy Bow.
Entrenching Tool.

Primary Objective: Protect Kiffu civilians from Mandalorian Enclave invaders.
Secondary Objective: End her duel with her sister quickly.
Allies: Probably nobody.
Engaging: Mev'ika...
Misc. Tags: To be discovered...

H E A L T H - B A R:
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The sisters looked up from their wrestling to see their mother motioning for them to break it up. The two let go of each other and looked up to her. Gwyneira smiled and nodded as the girls dusted themselves off. "Nice job."

Panting, Elise looked over to her little sister. She saw her pulling a twig from her hair, and Elise grimaced. Mevia was still several feet shorter than her, even though they were only two weeks apart. Elise frowned as Mevia looked up to Gwyneira with a focused, energetic look in her eyes, "How did I do!"

Gwyn looked down at the younger sibling and spoke, "Your footwork is improving. As always, your reflexes are where you're the strongest. You just need to continue working on your technique, and keeping proper stances. You're still-"

"-So I'm getting as good as Elise?"

Elise blinked, looking away awkwardly. She always felt... so strange... when Mevia brought up her own skills in comparison to her own. Why was she so obsessed with her? Elise clearly was developing into a different kind of fighter anyways. Mevia should have been focusing on herself, instead of comparing herself to Elise. Was it only Mevia having that admiration for an older sister? Or was something more there?

She could never figure it out.

Gwyn sighed, "You should focus more on your own skills, and not your sister's-"

"-But am I getting as good as her?"

Elise grimaced again, and Gwyn saw it. Gwyn spoke more to Mevia, but as she spoke to her, Elise heard another voice in her own head. Her mother's.

"I'm not going to tell her, but you're holding back."

Elise looked downwards, responding to her mother as the dialogue between Gwyn and Mevia faded into the background. "Yes."

"You know she may never develop fully without a solid sparring partner."

Elise crossed her arms, "I can't help it! Whenever I look at her, I see..."

Elise closed her eyes, memories flooding her mind. The weak little girl her father brought home. A Chiss slave from a Mawite Remnant world. Terrified of everything, reserved, and wide eyed in horror like no child should have been. Elise teared up, looking back. "I want to protect her, not fight her!"

Gwyn's mental voice was soft and kind, but also wise in discernment, "That is why we train. As Mandalorians, we are fighters at heart. You cannot protect her forever, dear. Eventually, you both will have grown up. Mevia needs to improve, but that also means you putting in your all. Don't be afraid of hurting her. As my Buir saw it, it was best to be broken in training by a mentor, than in battle by a real enemy. You're a kind girl, Elise. But sometimes, fighting is a necessity. Especially in this Galaxy..."

Then, her voice faded out. And Elise looked over to see Mevia looking at her, training beskad at the ready. Elise's Force Sense flared, and she caught the second training sword Gwyneira tossed at her. "Now..."

The girls both looked to their mother.

"Let's test your abilities in swordplay. Ready..."

The two snapped into fighting stances. As they eyed each other, they kept changing each other's positions as counters.


Mevia had a bold and eager expression on her face. Elise narrowed her eyes, gritting her teeth. If she wanted to do what was best for her little sister, she had to give this training her all. They both settled into decided positions.


Mevia bolted forward, raising her beskad in an offensive sweep downwards.


A shot of chain lighting shot through Kiffu's sky. Elise raised her kal, blocking Mevia's sword swing as it swept downwards. tears flooded Elise's eyes. This was no training match. This was really happening. Betrayal realized; Elise was fighting the very thing she had always desired to protect. She gritted her teeth, seething and loathing herself. Mevia proved to be physically stronger, breaking the blade lock and pressing a forward offensive. It was an angry, wild flurry of sword strikes. Obviously, Mevia was not thinking clearly as she pressed the charge. Elise stepped back, barely blocking the attacks with her smaller blade. She was barely able to focus as the two sloppily dueled. It was halfhearted and dull. Obviously, neither wanted to fight.

Elise did not want to fight.

But there, there was an advantage. Mevia's strikes were strong but left opening as she swung widely. If Elise could simply knock her out, this conflict could be ended quickly. Elise hissed, switching her grip on the kal to a reverse grip and letting the next attack lock with it. Pushing the locked blades aside the best she could, Elise lifted a finger and aimed to tap Mevia's head, forcing an unconscious state upon her with the Force. But even as her finger dangled close to Mevia's buy'ce, the bond they shared cursed her.

She remembered a moment she tapped Mevia's forehead. They were both focusing on academic studies, thought Mevia had been dozing off. Elise tapped her forehead, then chuckled as Mevia grumpily looked up to her with a sleepy expression. "Stay awake, silly! We've got two more pages, then we're done for the evening, okay?"

Elise teared up again, vision blurry as she hoped to finish this fight here and now.


Ryana mina



Friendly Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el
Enemy tag: Domina Prime Domina Prime
Equipment in bio

Ryana sat there wanting to get vengeance for ryloth she knew it was unjedi like but she kept her quiet fury under control she would do her duty for the Jedi, ukatis, and to fight for her friends world she hoped. Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania considered her a friend even if Cora did convince ryana to adopt pip who was a pain in her lekku she ended up loving pip. And considered cora a friend as well so ryana would fight for her and pips home world she only wished ukatis was more peaceful she would have brought pip but she couldn't look after pip and fight on a battle field at the same not easily anyway unless she heavily bribed him.

She listened to jasper speak she had seen horrors before so she would be used to a battle field but she would promise she wouldn't do anything reckless for him. He was on the council he held the future of the order in his hands as much as she was the future he would help mold what the Jedi she would grow into would look like. As the transport landed ryana stood beside Jasper her lightsaber in her hand as well she wouldn't leave the fighting solely to jasper maybe she should have brought pip he could have helped direct people if he didn't get trampled she would meet any mandolorians that tried to come at them head on probably to her and Jaspers detriment.


Melee WeaponsDavaab'beskad, personal Chiss "Execution" beskad.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
RiflesKSTR-24 Dvalin Cyro Blaster Rifle.
ENCL-45 Tyatr'geriuvr Plasmag Rifle.
PistolsKYR-54 Skathe Hand Cannon + Regular, Pyro, and Cyro Rounds.
M.I. Model 6.

Primary Objective: Take control of Kiffu for the Mandalorian Enclave!
Secondary Objective: Fight a beloved family member.
Allies: Mandalorians.
Engaging: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira .
Misc. Tags: To be discovered...

H E A L T H - B A R:
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What was this?

Was this real?

How could this even be happening?

Elise Vizsla, Mevia's elder sister, had betrayed her people. Everything she knew, everything she loved. How... how was this possible? She was dumb with shock; and even just as shocked that she so easily raised her blade against her's. Rage drove her, but she was so dumbfounded that she was hardly trying. Dismayed and bewildered, she was futile in her attempts to land a blow on her sister.

It was ironic, how much this reminded Mevia of their countless practice duels growing up. All the times they sparred and trained together. Elise, a shining prodigy amongst Mandalorians, and some adopted slave girl trying everything she could to keep up. Early on, it was admiration that drove her to try and catch up to her elder sister, but as the years went on, something darker took root in the younger sister's heart...

Mevia was pulled from her ruminations when Elise parried her beskad and reached out with one finger. Mevia had learned a lot on how to fight Force Users from her mother growing up, and she knew that Elise was now playing dirty. She was trying to use some kind of Force power on her. Bitterness flared inside as Mevia dropped her beskad and stepped back, moving backwards as the finger failed to make contact with her buy'ce. She gritted her teeth as she used her jetpack to make some distance. She was unable to read Elise's face behind her t-visor. Mevia growled, muttering.

"So that's how it is, huh?..."

Envy boiled over, as she looked at the older sister she looked up to. The older sister she looked up to... and was jealous of. She lashed out, throwing her arm as she shouted, "You're using the Force, huh? Decided not to play fair, huh! Sounds about right for you, Elise!"

She extended her arm and aimed her vambrace at her sister, rage burning inside as she spat, "You have no idea how lucky you are, you who carries Manda's Gift!"

From her vambrace, her fibrochord whip shot out. This was a high-quality whip, made specifically to battle Force Users. It was an essential addition to Mevia's arsenal, as she was untouched by the Manda's Gift. But as the chord fired towards Elise, Elise fired her own cable and caught it, keeping the whip from properly coiling around her. The two tugged at their whips, adjusting their positions as the played tug-o-war with their ropes. Mevia hissed, sending an electrical current through her whip. Elise had a subpar electrical resistance in her beskar'gam, and the attack worked. Elise cried out, her strength weakening, as a weak shock flooded her body.

Seeing that, and hearing her scream, made Mevia pause for a moment. She held her breath, a tingling of guilt pulsing through her bones. And yet, it seemed that a lifetime of hidden resentment was slowly making this... easier... She quickly grabbed her own fibrochord whip and yanked it, pulling Elise to the ground. Mevia snapped her whip off her vambrace and started walking towards her. She pulled her cyroban rifle out and aimed it at her, finding the strength to speak.

The words she was about to say... would scar them both for life.


| Location | Yag'Dhul, En Route to Dodecapolis
| Objective | Escort Bombing Run
| Focus | Kad Wren / H Halden Chaussidier

Nelliel glanced out the cockpit into the dark as her eyes fixated on Kad who was flying in close to her as he cracked his joke. She couldn't help but smile as she rolled her eyes from beneath her helmet, a small chuckle escaping her lips though her comms weren't on for her junior to hear her. She'd respond over the comms after he delivered his punch line as she spoke in a smug tone,
<" I ever mention that your jokes are terrible Hotshot? Hope that wasn't your best otherwise, I'd offer my condolences. It's a shame your jokes aren't anywhere near as good as your flight record. " >
She'd muster a smile before concentrating back on the sensor.
They were approaching Dodecapolis on schedule, and thus far no one had caught wind to intercept them for the time being. And yet, she still couldn't help but feel something in her core that was off, like the feeling of being watched. Her instincts were right as her sensor began to pick up a faint reading before glancing up to see a hail of laser fire coming towards them, specifically one of the bombers under her charge. She'd slam her comms as she shouted, <" Blackout, hit your burners and bank right now! "> The bomber pilot engaged their afterburners as they shot forward, tilting to the right, just narrowly dodging the laser fire as Nelliel continued,
"< Didn't think the Alliance was ready for us to hit them like this. Hotshot, do you have eyes on bandits? >"

| Friendly | @ Skull Squadron / @ Enclave
| Hostile | @ Revenant Squadron / @ Galactic Alliance / @ GA Friendly Pilots


The first ripple of her feelings, even marred by guilt, was a welcome sensation. It had been so long since he had felt anything from her at all. Shan had returned too. Cora didn't tell him much, but even the promise of an explanation was enough.

Makko had to mentally step out of the immediate situation. Cora had been shrouded in darkness. Other Jedi who had been captured had been snuffed out, their masters and loved ones sensing as they became one with the Force.

They were in the midst of a battle for the control of her home world. There were few situations for their reunion he could imagine worse than this.

"We've got mandalorian dropships landing in the city," Makko explained. They weren't transmitting messages but they were receiving short reports. He had been using his implant to overlay them on his vision.

"I don't know where your family is, or the King, but a warning went out to them."

He could feel her reaching out through the Force, her feelings stretching out towards those others who left a ripples as they moved through the light.

"There are more of us trying to secure the city," he confirmed.

Makko took a very physical step back. The thoughts and fears lingering at the back of his mind could not overcome one thing. He felt a wave of the genuine relief he felt to see her alive and well. Let that warmth drive everything else away. Even in the face of everything this place, Ukatis, wanted him to remember.

He smiled. An expression she might not have seen for some time. A one-sided smirk full of mischief that drew her gaze away from the worries in the corners of his eyes.

"You'll need this," he said. Makko reached for a pouch on his hip that contained rations. He drew out a small white tub and tossed it to Cora. "Now we're even."

It could have been a standard ration pack, but it wasn't. The plastic white hemisphere, the plastic peel-back cover that would always tear in the wrong place. A cake that remained dry despite the runny chocolate sauce inside. An academy canteen pudding. A two year debt repaid.

"You know these tunnels then. We'll follow your lead," he said, stepping out of Cora's way.

"And thank you for not shooting me," he added with a slight tilt of his head. "My Lady."

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