Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Blackout | ME Invasion of GA-held Yag'Dhul, Kiffu, Thyferra & Ukatis



ALLIES: Adenn Munin Adenn Munin | ENCLAVE | IMPs
ENGAGING: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania or Makko Vyres Makko Vyres (Swopped out Sera Rosh for this charrie so come at me bishes!)
GEAR: In bio





The Mando'ade's beskads will taste blood once more. Glory would be won once more and justice served for the vode lost on Ryloth. The time had finally come to continue the work that Shel Beroya had started years ago - bringing back the Clan's old glory.

What had started out as a covert mission had quickly changed, forcing Jan and her clanmembers and Adenn and his to adapt to the situation. A situation that suited them better, anyway. Open warfare was both clans' forte.

Explosions rocked the buildings all around as both clans had taken to the air, raining Haran down on the Alliance.
<That one, Nam!> Jan said, motioning over to a very posh looking building which had some GADF on the roof, firing up at them.
<On it!> he said as he lobbed a thermal toward the roof. There was no hope for those on or below the roof.
<Nice one.> Jan said with a smile while golden bolts rained down on some other soldiers, the particle bolts making small little explosions wherever they hit.

<"To the palace! We will leave a trail of fire from our steps. Kill all in your path,">

The Beroya Alor'ad snorted. <Way ahead of you, Munin.> she said before swooping down, flames from her vambrace burning all in her strafe. <You heard him, though, Vode. Move on the palace.> she reiterated to her clan.
<Boy's got some kind of complex, not going to lie.> Evelyn joked as they all took off toward the palace.
<Tell me about it.>

She had to admit, however, that the Concordian had a kind of grace in his brutal efficiency with a beskad. She almost pitied the fools that fell to it. At this rate, they would secure what they had come here for within half an hour.

<Having fun, Munin?> she asked him as she lobbed a thermal at an apartment block.


Conrad Derna




Engaging: Lesha Priest

The Mandalorian scourge had come to the doorstep of Alliance space. It had been the threat Conrad had feared for some time. With the rise of the Enclave it was only a matter of time before they ran through the inner core of the galaxy to lay hold of worlds which had once belonged to them. To capture them, they would need to weaken the Galactic Alliance, they would need to eliminate the Jedi.

It was going to be a hard battle. It was going to be a long war.

Conrad had agreed to fight, not because he was loyal to the Alliance, but simply because he wished to see the threat the Enclave possessed to be squashed before it could advance any further. The Ronin found himself tethered to the Jedi once more, and with it the sad memories of loss he had suffered among them. His master was gone, and Conrad had never bonded with another.

He was likely never to.

Yet, perhaps there was one he had forged a bond with, something unlikely and wholly unwelcome.

It was her.

He could feel it in the deepest pit of his stomach as the mandalorians advanced. She was among them. Her refusal to understand how he could hold her people responsible for the actions of another empire were astounding. There were those who might say his logic was flawed, but many of the families which had committed the acts he held with such high disdain now served the Enclave.

She did not see it because she had not wanted to. How could the Enclave be wrong when they had suffered evils of their own? How could they be the perpetrator when they were just another victim.

He followed when he found her. Her unit was heading straight into the heart of the corporate sector. They would likely be ambushed, but the Jedi was not done with her. She could not simply die yet. No, before she breathed her last the woman needed to understand the pain he felt. This one needed to know why she was wrong despite everything she so firmly believed.

It was why he used the force to tap her on the shoulder. When he was certain he had her attention, he pointed her toward an abandoned building. The invitation could not have been more clear. Furthermore, if she was smart enough she would realize he was saving her life.


"It is perhaps the only thing I do understand now, Viscount."

He couldn't keep the bitter from his tone, not any longer. Marcel, everything he'd done, Dominick couldn't see any good reason behind it asides from the preservation of status. Preservation of something needless in the face of lives. Of people. He turned his gaze forward, fully intending to leave his father there. He was certain their own house guard was close by to keep the current head alive. Fully intended to just shrug off the old man's grasp.

But he heard something he didn't expect. Something that made his blood boil.

He spun without hesitation. After learning what Cora had gone through, after learning the secrets their father had kept, he'd planned to just distance himself until the time he took over the family to keep the peace with their siblings. Cora did not want to upset their younger brothers and sisters, and as much as Dominick didn't want to let it go, it wasn't his place to. It wasn't his place to pass judgement or have a stake in any of this. He'd been ignorant, assumed his sister's joy when she was in fact miserable, and never bothered to ask until it was far too late. But now?

Dominick was going to strike his father without any reservation.

There so much anger that he felt, but he saw her before he struck. Cora. She was here. The realization of her being here, of her having heard what their father had said, had him stay his hand and his tongue. He straightened out, unclenched his fist before nodding once to Makko. The Jedi from before. So that meant the princess they'd been taking about then was Coco?

Something to talk about another time.

"I think, Viscount, that is something you will have to get permission from her highness Corazona herself. It is not a noble's duty to make plans for the royal Princess, even widowed. If the King does not survive, she would be the last to take the throne. You saw to that much yourself once already."

Then he stepped away, towards his sister. And like Makko, he would be here. To support her, not act for her any more than he'd almost done.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres

The Vulptex

Thief of Thieves. Ninja Master.


Location: Kiffu
Objective: Intercept Mando Operations.
Names: Lyra, Samantha, Alex
OOC Music: Run With Us
Tag: Zorana Zorana Lyrrin Lyrrin @ Anyone else on Obj II
Unaware that @The Vulptex and her companions were nearby, Zorana jumped down from the roof and ignited her jetpack not far above the SIA agent.

In the dark of the night, all the Mando could see was the face of a fox leaping from the darkness, and launching...something at their visor. A small round object at their face, before disappearing back into the darkness.

Or at least, that's what The Vixen hoped. Stealth was key to this operation, and they needed to disorient and distract.

Once again, another Vulptex followed up from the darkness with what looked to be a blaster bolt aimed at the jetpack of the mando, aiming to disable it if they could. This one, The Eagle knew they only had one shot at this. Any miss would be tracked back to them and they'd have to reposition, or run. Hope was all they had for this hit.

Good: The Vulptex The Vulptex
Bad: Zorana Zorana

The lifeform scanner buzzed and flashed green as it had detected life within its range and of course it was a Mandalorian who appeared out of the gloom "W-ah hey!" Lyrrin stammered out as the warrior suddenly appeared and then proceeded to try and roast him alive. Being a Farghul did come with some perks like athleticism, which was the only reason Lyrrin was able to jump backwards and scramble away from the flames. Once Lyrrin was several yards away from the edge of the dual spouts of flame he pushed out his right hand in a fist and an envenomated Mk I "Kamino" saberdart shot forth from his wrist-mounted QuickShot with a hissing noise as gas propellant was dispersed.

The toxin that was laced inside of Lyrrin's darts was Manax-root poison. A slow acting poison that would eventually render an individual unconscious but most likely combat ineffective long before that stage "A little help!" Lyrrin called out into his commlink as he knew he was far too under-equipped to deal with a kitted out Mandalorian... and her quickness to violence didn't leave him with much choice on the social combat side of things!
I'm scarier with my mask off.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: YagDuhl - Dodecapolis
MISSION: Protect/Defend
TAGS: Celt Saxon Celt Saxon / Kad Wren / @Zark San Tekka / Darth Imperius Darth Imperius / H Halden Chaussidier / Nizhalgal Nizhalgal / @Nelliel Kryse / Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya / Kostodu Xyston Kostodu Xyston


Nice going Connell, you Schutta.

In his effort to not insult the Mandalorian in front of him, not only did he do so, he made things worse. It wasn’t like he believed that they would do such a thing, after all, he grew up knowing members of the Mandalorian Covenant when father was (and he eventually) a part of the Silvers, but it was something he felt that he needed to say. No sense dwelling on it now, especially since he didn’t have time to. His right hand was bound to his body, the chord was mesh-like and flexible but enough of an edge to tear at the exposed area of skin between plates in his body armor. The irritation of broken skin shot through the nerves in his body as well as into the grimace forming on his face. This reaction had a blessing as it energized good reflexes and the Force to assist his left hand in premature escape of potential bondage. Not wasting the opportunity afforded the opportunity to pull his secondary weapon “Omega”, the shortsaber out in time to cut him loose before his capture was assured.

This was a single warrior, he would not use both weapons on “her”(voice could be modulated), that was tasteless, so he returned “Omega” to its sheathe and gripped “Alpha” as he backed a couple of steps. Mistakes were made on both ends. I spoke something I didn’t necessarily believe, you tried to wrap me up. I’ve only been with the order barely a couple of weeks, so I won’t profess to know the details why you are here or try to talk you out of it. You have a job to do and so do I.

With a fast extension of his left hand, Connell centered the Force into his appendage in an attempt to Force Push the warrior away in only a desire to gain some space between them.
Engaging Celt

  • "Ure'adtr" Howler Basilisk War Droid​

ALLIES: Enclave - Suvi Dragr Suvi Dragr | Jericho Dragr (NPC) | Gold (NPC)
ENEMIES: GA - Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Selle Skern | Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken

<Ten minutes, huh?> Sahan was much further out than that, but he could make it to the target much faster. <Gives me time to make a little detour.>

Rotating in the air, he headed towards the capitol building. Using the laser in his left vambrace, he carved a large Enclave sigil in the side of the building. There would be no missing that. He grinned to himself and added Clan Dragr's war dragon emblem to the roof. "Looks a lot better now. This place would be better off out of the scum Alliance hands. They don't even deserve to exist anymore."

He took to the air once again, headed toward the Facility. In the mood he was, he had a thought. Grinning mischievously behind his helmet, he broadcast on open waves, simultaneously amplifying his voice for anyone nearby to hear. <"Alliance rats! I know you're out there! Just try to catch me, if you can!">

With that, he took off at high speed towards his goal, a sonic boom sounding as he broke the sound barrier. He didn't care about stealth. Sahan Dragr was spoiling for a fight.



Allies: Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Selle Skern , Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken , Any GA in the area.
Enemies: Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr , Suvi Dragr Suvi Dragr , NPCs , Any Enclave in the area
<"Alliance rats! I know you're out there! Just try to catch me, if you can!">

With that, he took off at high speed towards his goal, a sonic boom sounding as he broke the sound barrier. He didn't care about stealth. Sahan Dragr was spoiling for a fight.
And there he was. <Minvera, two o'clock. Get airbourne and get some fire on that Buirfracker out of the sky.>

Drego did what he was famous for. Broke into a sprint towards their target, and loading a 40mm EMP grenade into his Orar, aiming and firing the thing at the aerial target. He didn't even need to hit the fool, he just needed to get close.

A thoomp rang through the air as Drego leapt onto a rooftop, as the grenade flew through the air, before a pulse of energy rang through the air.

"Tanya, get the Bull into orbit. I'm gonna need it if this motherfraker don't come down."

<<You got it boss. Bull incoming in 5 minutes~!>>

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Dant Zeerno



~Turn off the lights (again)~

FLYING: KARA | MNV-52 Beviin-class Space Superiority Starfighter
OBJECTIVE: Escort bombing run
ALLIES: Nelliel Kryze | SKULL SQUADRON | Open
ENGAGING: H Halden Chaussidier
PROXIMITY: Yag’Dhul folks​



You know what's the best feeling you could ever have? It's when someone you admire compliments the very thing you two share, and they are very good at. That's exactly what just happened. Nelliel Kryze has just sung a praise on my flight records. I can't even think straight enough to form a coherent response, instead electing to stay in silence as I can feel the heat creeping up my cheeks. Compose yourself, dumbass. It's just a compliment, you know you're that good. It's not like that I'm not used to compliments, it's breakfast, lunch and dinner for me growing up. It's just the fact that it was Nelliel that said that, to hell with her opinion of my humor. I'm pretty sure she laughed at that deep down, she just doesn't want to flatter me too much.

The good ol' daydreaming was interrupted all of the sudden by a blast of laser beam coming towards the bomber squadron, which Switch was able to spot and react upon. Karkin' haran, must be the Alliance. <On it chief.> A quick glance at the peripheral revealed that not only is there not an interceptors squadron dispatched as for now, the ship that was shooting at us wasn't even an Alliance naval ship, but a mere spacer freighter. <Got it, it's a freighter ship, Switchblade. Should be a field day.> Rather than wasting too much time and risking interceptors' reinforcement, quickly clearing up the space of this freighter might be a good idea. <Watch my back, Switch, I'm engaging.> Without waiting for her answer, I throttled Kara's engine up and speed up towards the freighter, shooting from Kara's forward mounted laser cannons at the freighter.

As I flew closer, the radar catches that there is a second freighter, albeit not engaging us yet. The fact that both ships are not of Alliance navy might mean that the other one is choosing to escape the engagement, but you can't be too safe. <Got another freighter flying off the atmosphere Switch! Not sure what their tactics are.>






Gear: Anti-Toxin Face Mask | Tactical Knife | Saberbreaker Gauntlets | Space Wizard Pattern Boots | Sunfire Signet Ring | GAB-34 Fang | [Pair of Eshan Charms] x3 | Training lightsaber

Braze winced as he heard the disturbing sounds over the comlink, the blood-curdling screams sending shivers down his spine. The combination of those horrific cries and the disapproving look Jasper had given him left him in a state of both disgust and horror. It was a stark reminder of the reality and brutality of the battlefield they found themselves on.

He padded silently after Jasper, keeping a cautious distance of about thirty feet behind his Jedi Master. As he approached the scene, his pale jade-green eyes settled on Dima, who was now within his line of sight. His expression shifted to one of deep concern, and he let out a slow, steady sigh behind the mask he wore.

Braze couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions – anger, fear, and a sense of responsibility. He knew that he needed to focus on the mission at hand, but the sight of Dima and the chaos she had wrought weighed heavily on his mind. His pale green eyes focused on to the man briefly and he tentatively approached.

As Braze approached the mangled man whom Dima had thrown, a surge of urgency and compassion overtook him. He couldn't simply stand by and ignore the injured individual, despite the chaos of the battlefield. He knelt beside the wounded man, his eyes scanning the injuries and assessing the situation.

The man was in a terrible state, with grievous wounds and blood staining his torn clothing. Braze's hands moved swiftly but carefully as he tried to stabilize the wounded warrior using basic battlefield triage techniques. He searched his utility belt for any medical supplies he might have, cursing himself for not carrying more. He was not a skilled medic like Shan Pavond Shan Pavond , and force healing wasn't something he really practiced but he tried his hand at it as best he could desperately working to try and save what little life he could and ease the pain. Fortunately, Braze was something of a 'battery' for the Force as it were.

With trembling hands, Braze applied pressure to the worst bleeding wounds, attempting to slow down the flow of blood. He did his best to keep the man conscious and reassured him with calming words. "Hang in there," Braze murmured, his voice filled with genuine concern. "You're going to be okay. Just stay with me."

Despite his lack of extensive medical training, Braze did everything he could to provide immediate aid and keep the wounded man as stable as possible. He knew that every moment counted, and he was determined to do his part to save a life amidst the chaos of the battlefield.
Heart Breaker and Life Taker

"Vendetta?!" Hilal laughed. "Girl! You were worth a chit ton of credits! But now that we're on the battlefield facing each other, you're now an enemy!" Part of Hilal did wonder if the Empire of the Lost still had Jonyna's bounty up, it was unlikely since clients would move on if no Bounty Hunter fulfilled the contract though if a client held a grudge against client, bounties could remain up for years.

Hilal saw that Jonyna was deflecting her blaster bolts, her HUD detected Owls heading straight for her location. "Owls?! Is that the best you can do?!" the Bounty Hunter laughed as heat seeking mini missiles launched from her shoulder pads heading straight for the twin Owls. Just then, a flaming projectile struck Hilal across the chest briefly knocking her out of the air. "Chit!" Hilal cursed blaming herself for being cocky. Thankfully her armor only maintained superficial damage leaving a black smoldering scratch across the chest.

"You'll pay for that! Literally! You realize how much money I spend maintaining this armor?!" Hilal shouted looking at her masked apprentice and launched a barrage of concussion missiles about 10 of them straight towards him.

"You are a handsome guy. Shame I have to kill you," Hilal muttered, she always found Kel Dors attractive mainly because of their masks. It added to the mystique of their species, and he was respectful to Hilal something that she blushed at. But alas, she was a Mandalorian warrior and he a stinking Jedi, they were as compatible as water and oil.

The Bounty Hunter then turned her attention towards her second apprentice this time she unleashing a..... fruit? "Hilal immediately raised her wrist dousing it with a stream of fire. Hilal then accelerated towards the Rayia Si Rayia Si firing her blaster cannon while unleashing 5 more concussion missiles towards her.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Post: 1
Location: Capital City, Ukatis
Objective: Protectors
Equipment: DC-15s side arm blaster | Tetan War Spear | Tetan Short Sword | Tetan Armor
Support: X3 Tetan Flying Decks (For Medical and Evac support) | X200 staff and soldiers lightly armed to protect the evacuees
Allies: Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Enclave
Tags: Open

Phoenix stood at the end of one of the Docks of the three Tetan Flying decks, looking out at the Capitol city. Empress Teta had offered it support in the form of medical and evacuation relief if needed and so several of their ships had been dispatched to Ukatis and other worlds where conflict was brewing. The Mandalorian Enclave had launched several invasions point in the southwest territories according to the intelligence reports. Empress Teta was here to offer what little it could, ever since the Maw occupation of Empress Teta, its fleets and armed forces had been decimated.

Yet Phoenix had offered her support regardless, her aim was not as humanitarian as one would hope. Instead, she was looking to restore Empress Teta's image in the eyes of the Alliance. The Maw Crusades and the role the Tetan Crown played it had left a big black mark on the once proud worlds legacy. Her motives were more a diplomatic move, but she doubted the alliance cared too much about that, just happy that Empress Teta offered the aid it could in this trying time.

She stood stalwart as several of her soldiers and medics brought in refugees to the Flying Decks. Her Jade eyes continued to look forward deeper into the city. A part of her wanted to go the hunt pick off Mandalorians and feast on their adrenaline filled veins. The thought of tasting their vitality caused her to lick at her upper lip but she quickly retracted it. She needed to keep her darker inclination in check better, mentally scolding herself. She was here to bring pride back to Empress Teta, not indulge in her dark fantasies.


Wearing: Gladiator Armor

Armed With: Five Rings

Objective: Shadow Crown.

It had been quite a while since she had operated in Alliance Space. After Exogal, where her reputation for slaughter had reached its absolute zenith, she had disappeared from Alliance Space, and the tales of her horrifying cruelty and savagery to the Mawites spread and grew only slightly larger than the actual truth, because there had been no real playing up or down when the truth was more bloody than any tall tale. The Demon of Jedha, as she had come to be known, was now some sort of ironic scary story told to the Alliance's own children rather than those of one's enemies, who didn't need reminding, as many of them had died by her hands.

The Alliance had been wary enough of her by the end that she was convinced they had deliberately targeted her with a Starfighter strafing run on Metallos. By the end of the war, Lynda flat out hadn't bothered charging for her involvement in a fight. The kill was all that had mattered.

She hadn't told anyone in The Alliance she was coming except Nathan. She had never attacked Alliance personnel (unless you count that one time at Epoch she nearly killed the acting Chancellor as collateral damage in her assault on that Corporation) and the courts had dismissed the charges, but it had still been a while so she would have to be wary if she came upon actual soldiers from the Alliance. With enemy Mandalorians, she would behave mostly in a Kill-Upon-Sighting fashion.

Lynda leapt from a roof, using the Repulsorlift tech in her suit to slow her fall as she descended on a squad of Mandalorians.

The mindless "KILL" command that had looped in her databases over and over when it came to the Maw was absent on as the sensors in the Mandalorians armor went active and they immediately started firing at the gladiator clad woman , her sword point diving into the gaps between the plating on the shoulder of her first victim, even as she deflected the bolts with her gauntlets, superhuman speed reacting to the vicious swipes of three of her attackers with Beskad's and parrying them also, having not even retrieved her sword from the first corpse.

She was honestly pleased most of them were still alive. Fighting Mandalorians actually forced her to rely on her tactical databases to properly meet attacks that would have killed veteran duelists, dodging the blasts of flame from one's gauntlet and retaliating by kicking a loose speeder door into the Mandalorian's neck, the blunt force impact of which broke it and killed him instantly.

One tackled her with a jetpack, driving a Beskad deep into her stomach. She didn't feel it, and it wouldn't kill her. Instead, she slammed her head into his , causing his Flight in mid air to spin out of control and cause them to both crash into a nearby building.

Lynda hooked her hand under the rim of hold helmet as he desperately continued to stab her, brutally ripping it out of the clamps used on the neck to hold it in place smacked the Mandalorian with it before kicking him off of her and impaling him on debris...just as the remaining three arrived via their own jet pack.

Lynda blocked their blaster bolts and Beskad strikes with the pilfered helmet, cartwheeling out of the way of fired toxic darts.

Lynda drew the Beskad she had been stabbed with and used it in conjunction with the stolen helmet as she somersaulted and rolled towards them, under constant attack.

She sent her will through the braces and the ancient relics, obeying whoever wore them dampened all light in the room to near pitch black conditions, She could hear them perfectly and to their credit, they managed on sheer instinct and experience to block the first few dozen of her attacks before she finally scored a blow in one's midsection, and his innards slipped out and he almost doubled over in pain but heroically fought on instead, to her surprise... initially, at least, before a second, more vicious gash put him down for good.

She was bathed in flames and shrieked metallic shrieks as she retreated, flesh naturally heat resistant but the stuff she had just been hit with was just short of Napalm. Even she would need a minute or two to recover from it.

She crashed through a window, still on fire as the two remaining Mandalorians pursued, whatever substance she had been sprayed with refusing to die out. She saw a pile of gravel at a construction site and used the Repulsorlift tech in her suit to dive at high speed into the pile even as the two Mandalorians stayed on her. They fired rockets at the pile, bursting it apart but there was no sign of her.

The pair landed, not sure what it was or where. Lynda certainly didn't feel like the terrible Demon that had prosecuted a final ravaging at Exogal.

Something was missing. The rage was gone.

Lynda was terrified of it coming back. Because if it came back, she wasn't sure she could free herself of it the next time.

And yet...

...she wasn't doing so well without it.

Lynda had camouflaged herself under construction site debris close to the pile, watching it explode from the rockets. She was a burned, disfigured mess slowly repairing itself.

Where was it? Where was the spark?

Lynda resorted to cheap tactics, emerging from the debris and tossing a relatively cheap piece of rebar into the less armored throat of one and was forced to run from the Flame thrower of the remaining one at first, before she managed to disable that with a well tossed threaded bolt, that damaged the flame thrower horribly, causing the Mandalorian to be engulfed in her own flames and burn alive, screaming as she cooked in her own suit (GLORY KILL!!!).

The burned Android looked around her, could see The Mandalorians everywhere in the distance, blowing up everything...

Lynda stuck to the shadows as she healed and her suit repaired itself, retracing her steps back to her sword, finding with surprise a few Ukatan Citizens gathered around the Mandalorian the sword was impaled in. As they barely reacted except with general disgust at how damaged she looked from the flames, Lynda realized these must be some of the locals.

"I take it you received the message?" The disfigured Android asked.

"It said to look for you in this general area..." one of the finer dressed civilians said, holding up a heavy long blaster that had been sold to his group anonymously. "We saw you ambush them, so we waited for you."

"Dangerous. Foolish." Lynda chided, her face now repaired enough to be recognized. "Those blasters any good?"

"Well, it takes two of us firing dozens of bolts on full auto to get past their shielding and the weak parts of their armor, but it's better than nothing. Plus, they're crazy accurate..." another answered.

"Follow me..." Lynda ordered, walking past them to look at the drop ships of the enemy coming through.

"I'm going to teach you how to make them bleed..."
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Objective II: Shadow Storm


Chit!” the Chiss growled behind his visor.

There goes stealth. Drego Ruus Drego Ruus was moving high, Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad even higher herself. Yarmin dropped to a knee, configuring his DC/03 for long-range sniping. The ‘Viperwasp’ was a deadly piece of Alliance hardware, heavy as hell but packing more than enough firepower to ground a Mandalorian jetpacker.

Yarmin’s infrared vision lit Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr up like a Life Day tree through the scope, even from this distance.

<“Got eyes on the flyboy,”> Yarmin informed over their comms.

<“Adjusting- damn, he’s moving fast as hell- taking the shot.”>

He pulled the trigger, launching a ferromagnetic round aimed for the jetpack itself. Yarmin didn’t expect to hit the first time, keeping the crosshairs trained on the Mandalorian for a follow-up shot in case the quarrel failed to detonate.



Objective 2

Allied Tag: Selle Skern Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken

Enemy Tag: Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr Suvi Dragr Suvi Dragr

Minerva Fhirdiad too heard the challenge out in the airwaves from her hidden position. Subsequently Drego called out for her to engage him. Understanding what is required she quickly told her troops.

"As soon as you see more Enclave warriors engage them. Just like we been practicing."

"Copy that Cap. Go get him!" Irni answered for everyone else present.

With that in mind Minerva suddenly ascended via jetpack and jumpboots for increased speed. Once in the air she flew toward Sahan, firing nine blaster bolts aimed for the jetpack’s general direction. Between her suppressing fire, Drego's EMP grenade and Yarmin's sniper shot the Enclave warrior got more than a challenge.
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"The dome over the city won't last too much longer, but there are emergency defenses in place. An energy field will trigger. I'm sure that will only slow them down slightly, though. Eventually, they'll get through. Atmospheric pressure inside the city will be lost once that happens. All the buildings will automatically seal themselves in atmospheric bubbles. We Givins can survive short times in vacuums, but not permanently, and your people can't at all, so make sure they're prepared for that."

"Thanks for the warning, Senator."

Alliance tactical enforcers lumbered into position to repel the mandalorian armor advance. A mass driver cannon roared over Zark's head before stomping past. Heavy repeaters continued to chatter transmuting dead sky into a maelstrom of energy bolts. Without an atmosphere the battle for this world was strangely muted.

"Look to your own safety," he implored before ending their transmission, "May the Force be with you."

Instinct warned the Jedi Master to shield the marines around him, but he could not be everywhere. Despite his efforts more troopers began to fall. Zark glimpsed a beskar silhouette in the smoke of their last stand. He raised both arms to center his focus, and a cloud of dust and small stones swirled into life around him before rushing at the assailant on gale force winds.

"Padawan Xyston," Master San Tekka attempted to make contact, "Padawan Fraissi. Status report?"

He felt responsible for every soul on Yag'Dhul, but the young Jedi most of all.
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Objective II

IC-7734 "Blaze" gave Bob a blank stare in response to his greeting. Bob rolled his eyes and went back to the files. He could read pretty quickly. His chip seemed to help him absorb data faster than normal, even without a neural download. He called up images of the terrain, based on advanced recon and he took notice of the gaps in their knowledge. Fog of war was to be expected, but it was the things that you didn't know that would kill you. He committed every single blank spot on the map, every single unscannable corner, every low resolution alleyway to his memory as quickly as he could read it. He then inflicted that information on Sev's memories, which caused his brain to calculate ideal potential sharpshooter vantage points for both the commandos and the enemy. It would be a hard slog for any force to fight through.

Anyone... Except for elite clones.

Suddenly, he heard IC-32 "Gears" murmur something about budget behind his helmet. Bob perked up and thought about it. His detailed mind suddenly wanted to go over the briefing materials and correlate what Gears was saying. It seemed like an interesting topic.

Bob was on the verge of chirping in about it when a compulsion suddenly stopped him... That's not what Sev would do. Bob's gut lurched as he felt different words come out of his mouth from what he actually wanted to say, "yeah, I don't care about the kriffing credits. Just stay out of my way when it comes time to pick off targets."

The words hurt Bob as he said them. He desperately wanted to embody his idol, but something inside of him was different from what he truly wanted to be. It was concerning and he secretly began to wonder if IC-01 "Chief" and IC-7734 "Blaze" had trouble connecting to the personalities that they had also downloaded. Oh well. For now, he would resolve to play the part. That's the kind of solution that Sev would have chosen in this situation.

IC-01 "Chief" reiterated the briefing based on the files and what Jade Frossilo had said. The Sev part of Bob's mind felt impatient, while his... Other mind seemed to enjoy the diligence and redundancy.

Maybe I need to make an appointment with Akiya Orime aftwr this mission...

[ Location: Ukatis Orbit | Shuttle Hangar ]
[ Allies: Natasi Fortan ]
[ Vicinity: Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Yolaghun Yolaghun | Oyoos Groyuc-Konaasch | Hiro Statura ]
[ Opposition: Vemric Keldra | Jenn Kryze ]
- - - - -
Raphael could feel the concussions around the ship, reverberating through the hull and into the deck plating. Whatever was going on out there was hell. At least their ship hadn't immediately become eviscerated, which that meant despite the engines being out, the reactors were probably intact. For now. In the chaos unfolding in the small shuttle hangar, Raphael had decided it was for the best that they vacate, allowing the limited crew to stand to their stations - no one wanted to be stuck babysitting a senator, let alone two, in the middle of combat. "Stay on me." Raphael had said, blaster pistol in one hand, a crate of seeds in tow. They'd made it partially up the corridor towards the bridge when his world went black.

A shudder shook the very backbone of the Corvo, the drifting hull emanating a violent creak as a foreign object slammed through its outer layer and into the guts of the ship. Had Raphael and Natasi been just a hair faster they might have made it past the point of impact. Unlucky.

The first thing Raphael felt when he came to was confusion. Where am I... why is it so loud? Alarms blared, severed electrical conduits sparked and fizzled. The senator forced a swallow, tension in his chest lessening. Breathe, a silent voice seemed to say. An icy coldness gripped his chest as he inhaled, thick acrid smoke filling his lungs before he coughed violently. Cough... Cough, what the fuck.. He could see now, that each time the conduits in the ceiling sparked it revealed the massive destruction. The emergency systems had sealed off the corridor to the vacuum at least but the air had thinned. As his memory came back to him he looked rearward frantically. Natasi. Squinting in the darkness, the emergency lights illuminated the hallway just enough to see the woman, blaster in hand. Raphael breathed, or coughed, a sigh of relief. His own blaster lay at his feet, the crate of seeds undamaged just behind the Senator.

He couldn't have been out for more than a few seconds, looking back to what had caused the explosion in the first place sent his stomach flipping in knots. A boarding pod. An overwhelming sense of dread filled him then, clumsily he stepped backwards with his blaster raised, pushing the crate backwards towards the direction they'd come. The way ahead was closed in by the hull of the pod, they'd have to go around. "Back! That way!" he motioned towards Natasi. Just behind the pair a bulkhead had closed, and the control panel lit up an amber hue. To get through they needed to override the safety protocols first, then make it across to the parallel corridor on the other side of the ship. Rushing, he looked back over his shoulder just in time to see the boarding pod open, a profanity escaping his lips once more as he turned and leveled his blaster at the widening maw.


Valery Noble Valery Noble
GEAR: In Bio



There it was.

Sensors said that the ambush would be toward his 2. There weren't Mando'ade around him, so it could only be that. But where the proximity came from, was only a building.
"Trying to hunt the hunter, are we?" he asked under his breath before shooting back into the sky with his jetpack. If they had the high ground, his stealth was lost anyway.

Touching down on the roof, he had his pistols trained on the target already. He wasn't the Guildmaster of the Enclave just for kicks.

But the face he saw through his visor, had him pause on pulling the triggers.


Once upon a time, a friend to the Mando'ade.

They had even enjoyed a drink together, themselves.

Now, he was staring at her over his barrels.

The woman that had killed Shai.

He had been angry. An emotional wreck from the whole situation. He had been ready to exact gra'tua for a lost friend and vod. But looking into the face and glowing eyes of the woman that had once been a friend as well, had him clenching his jaw.

It felt like a lifetime, but after a only a moment, he lowered his pistols, holstering one of them while the other hung at his side.

From the tempest of emotions within the veteran, there was one thing that was now right at the forefront - answers. He needed at least that if he was to gun down a friend.
://: Vren? ://: came Nag's voice in his ear.
<Go.> he told her softly without taking his eyes off Valery before finally holstering his other pistol.
://: Allright. ://: she said before going silent once more.


A calm, yet loaded question that only she would know what it actually meant.


Rose Dorce



ENGAGING: Conrad Derna
GEAR: In bio




She found it.

But not like she expected.

The tap on her shoulder wasn't exactly physical, so Lesha didn't waste time to look for the arm that wasn't there. She wasn't some young and inexperienced Mando'ad. She knew what the Force was and what it could do. Her gut also told her that this wasn't some random Jedi.

It could only be him.

Her attention was pulled toward an abandoned building not far from where she was now. What was he up to? This was so much different from their encounter on Ryloth. There, he had been much more driven to just kill her. This was different.

<Freya, keep pushing for that Trade centre. Don't stop for anything and lend your firepower to those already there. No quarter.> she ordered.
<Where you going?> she asked.
<Bogey. Nothing big. Just keep going.>
<Yes, Alor'ad.> With that, the squad took off.

Lish looked at the building for another moment, chewing the inside of her cheek behind her helmet.
<Bill, stay close but out of sight.> she told her basilisk.
://: I'm a particle beam away, always. ://: he said.
<Thanks.> She was only slightly aware of his bulk far above, only because of the Friendly proximity notification.

With a heavy sigh, she moved toward the designated building, drawing a pistol as she did so. It could be an ambush, though she doubted it. He didn't seem the type.

Stepping inside, her thermals took over big time. She faintly caught the heat signature.

"Why am I here, Jedi?"


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