Darth Ferus
Post: [1/20]
Location: Unknown
Objective: Blood Letting
Enemies: Himself
Darkness. The eternal abyss, a place where the light was void. How long had it been? How long had this darkness consumed him for? Red skin, blue eyes, Templar Armor. Before him the once grand citadel of the Templars, complete. Whole. The towers of light, dark, and twilight; the main halls and training rooms. It was as if nothing had changed. As if everything was still the way it was before.
Yet the Zabrak knew this wasn't true. Wasn't real. What was the last thing that had happened? Where was he before this? The Yevetha? This name blew across his consciousness as he focused. A blood ritual, an experiment between this species and the Sith's own alchemy. Sith? He wasn't Sith, he was Templar. A knight to defend the galaxy, and do what was needed, right?
Wrong. Images flashed through his mind, images of his past, both recent and seemingly ancient. How old was he? What was real, what was fake? The imagery of the temple and the place Krest once called home faded, replaced by a mirror. Within it, two images. One, Darth Ferus, Hand of the Dark Lord in his new body.
The other, a Pure Blooded Sith. Was this his past? His ancestry?
Slowly the red hand reached out, pressing against the mirror as the copies, the other lives of this man did the same.
Now was the time to learn of this Pure Blood.
The life of Hanchev.