Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blood and Sand (OS dominion of N'zoth)

Post: [1/20]
Location: Unknown
Objective: Blood Letting
Enemies: Himself
Darkness. The eternal abyss, a place where the light was void. How long had it been? How long had this darkness consumed him for? Red skin, blue eyes, Templar Armor. Before him the once grand citadel of the Templars, complete. Whole. The towers of light, dark, and twilight; the main halls and training rooms. It was as if nothing had changed. As if everything was still the way it was before.
Yet the Zabrak knew this wasn't true. Wasn't real. What was the last thing that had happened? Where was he before this? The Yevetha? This name blew across his consciousness as he focused. A blood ritual, an experiment between this species and the Sith's own alchemy. Sith? He wasn't Sith, he was Templar. A knight to defend the galaxy, and do what was needed, right?
Wrong. Images flashed through his mind, images of his past, both recent and seemingly ancient. How old was he? What was real, what was fake? The imagery of the temple and the place Krest once called home faded, replaced by a mirror. Within it, two images. One, Darth Ferus, Hand of the Dark Lord in his new body.
The other, a Pure Blooded Sith. Was this his past? His ancestry?
Slowly the red hand reached out, pressing against the mirror as the copies, the other lives of this man did the same.
Now was the time to learn of this Pure Blood.
The life of Hanchev.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Objective: Expand Influence[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Black Fifteen -- In orbit of N’zoth[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Dakita Calfur"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The shuttle settled into the belly of the orbital constructing platform, and it was met with some kind of form of amazement - which wasn’t exactly strange or crazy, because the hangar doors had been positively locked beforehand and that doesn’t simply change in a manner of moments… unless you had a brilliant slicer on your team, of course.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Let’s go.” the Underlord would finally say, before stepping out of the shuttle himself. He was immediately greeted by a group of angry individuals - they looked ugly too, and they had their guns trained on him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But if Khal was anything, it was skilled in going with the flow.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“You are all weak, and will not survive the Sith onslaught by yourself. I challenge your strongest to a fight to the death.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Insult them all and hope they grab the bluff.[/SIZE]
Objective: Expand Influence
Location: Black Fifteen -- In orbit of N’zoth
Allies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Post: 2/20

If Khal didn't want a vacation, that was fine. He could hole himself up in his Nar Shaddaa office like some kriffin' hermit. But Dakita needed a getaway. Especially before her Uni semester was going to start in a couple of weeks. She quickly booked a week on Zeltros and then at the last minute, sent Malvern the information. If he wanted to come join her for a week of hedonism, the Zeltronbury music festival and spice, then he could. Open invitation.

Anyway, onto the very serious mission. While Dak was surfing the holonet, her old boss, Cryax Bane had hacked into the Black Fifteen defenses.

How convenient. Now the Zeltron slicer didn't have to do anything.

She followed Malvern and Bane out of the shuttle, blaster in hand. But when faced with an angry mob with their rifles pointed at all of them, she raised her hand and her gun up in the other hand. But she wouldn't drop it. Not yet.

If the bluff wasn't taken, she may just start shooting to cause a diversion.
Objective: Become richer
Location: Black-15
Allies: [member="Khaleel Malvern"] | [member="Dakita Calfur"] | [member="Cryax Bane"]
While xir team/tag-alongs were busy dealing with the Yevethan version of customs, Laguz was already merrily on xir way, a spring in xir step and a quiet smile blossoming inwardly; xe couldn't afford to show xir content on xir face, lest xe give xemself away. It wouldn't do for a stuck-up noble to be seen smiling, after all.

At any rate, the shifter was already busy going places xe shouldn't be, and that was enough to keep xem focused. It was always fun, pulling a fast one on security, but the victory was made all the sweeter by the fact that this were all angry and highly murderous zealots.

Well, arguably, so were the people on the fleet surrounding the planet, and even more so the people pouring down onto the surface to slaughter those who would resist.

Laguz had never actually witnessed the Sith war machine in action, at least not from up close, and xe had little desire to do so. Open conflict was far from xir home turf, and the sniper preferred to fight battles that were tailored to xir preferences. Xe could, after all, simply pretend to be one of the big bads below and call in sick.

And promptly get slaughtered when they found xem out, but that was not a point in the plan that xe had arrived at, and neither would xe, because suddenly all of xir attention was pulled from idle, toying thoughts to the situation at hand.

The situation being a pair of nasty-looking Yevetha, cradling their weapons with their fingers a little too close to the trigger for Laguz's liking. Uh-oh.

"Is there a problem?"
Posts: [3/20]
Objective: #1 Capture the young
Enemies: Yevetha
Allies: One Sith

They belong to the One Sith now.

Greta's tone and choice of words had been presumptous, but that was how the Sith rolled. They cared little for the feelings of others or what was considered appropriate. After all, they were currently invading the planet with their armed forces, surely they had the right to requisition the young of the natives? Albeit forcefully of course. Being the doting guardians they were, the Yevetha breeding assistants refused to budge, and firmly took a defensive stance against the acolyte. Looks like they would have to do it the hard way then. At least she tried, they wanted blood, she'll be more than willing to oblige.

Igniting her sabre, Greta rushed forward with an overhead swing, her blade angled back and down as she committed to the attack. The lead Yevetha had been taken by surprise by the sudden ferocity of the attack and was nearly cleaved into half by the powerful stroke. The other two aliens quickly realised that they were under attack, unsheathed jagged vibroblades as they charged at the girl with guttural cries. She blocked and parried the incoming blows from the enemy blades, her sabre cracking and hissing as the weapons made contact with each other. Immediately after, she launched a counter-strike of her own, bringing the force of enemy's own blow against them as she sought to dominate the pair.

Judging from the surprised cries of alarm from the Yevethas, they were shocked at the strength and anger that came in the blows they received, all from a girl such as she. Greta was alot stronger than she looked, and she loved the surprise in her opponents faces as they realised that they were not fighting someone weak. People tend to rely on appearances waay too much, she thought. These Yevetha were not experienced fighters that was clear, but the vermin still put up a worthy fight.

As her sabre impaled the last of the two remaining adult Yevetha, a blissful smile crept onto her face. Interruptions gone. Greta clipped her saber back onto her belt and she gestured the troopers forward, ordering them to place stun cuffs on the the children and began herding them towards the incoming dropships. Pressing a button on her datapad, she activated the communications channel, ordering for the order the shuttles in orbit had been waiting for. The ships would be here shortly.

It was time.
Objective: Crimez
Location: Black Fifteen
Allies: [member="Dakita Calfur"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Enemies: [member="Laguz Vald"]

"I'll send you on a vacation, Dakita," Cryax said with a smirk. "The longer the better."

Laughing at his own joke, the Chiss pre-emptively ducked, expecting a compact or lipstick case to come flying his way.

Soon, Khaleel's vessel landed without a hitch, of course, although he imagined that many eyebrows were raised at the now inexplicably open state of the docking bay. Bane donned his Phrik helmet, his armor stolen Red Raven wares. He was packing a carbine rifle and a blaster pistol, both of which he could actually shoot adequately. Hopefully he wouldn't have to use them. Following Malvern down the landing ramp, with Dakita following closely on their heels, Cryax wasn't surprised to see a welcome party. Unfortunately, the group of Yevetha that crowded before them, bat-like faces tense with aggression, seemed less than welcoming to the trio of criminals.

Then Khal spoke up and both insulted them and challenged them in one simple sentence. Yeeeeeah. Maybe Bane should have waited inside the ship.

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a vibroknife. With a dramatic gun cock, Cryax lifted his rifle and leveled it at the angry Yevetha.

If he was going to die today, he would do it in style.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Objective: B – gotta love that capital
Location: In the palace grounds
Allies: 1 x squad Sitherhood troopers
Enemies: tbc
Theme: Holiday time at the monument

Darth Timoris strode across the open expanse of courtyard to the monument to the former leader of the Yevetha. She loked at the inscription at its base.

‘Tell them that beginning today, their lives depend on their being useful to us.’

“How fitting,” she said out loud as she contemplated destroying it. The old Melori would have – as a sign of power – but her master had tempered that outlook. Destroy it and you create a martyr – even if it’s a stone one. A symbol for the rank and file to get behind and oppose the One Sith with.

So she left it untouched and was unsure if that felt good or bad. But she did it none the less. Then she headed into the palace itself. It was truly as if it were still inhabited. Like some grotesque museum to the man ejected into space by the Empire all those years ago.

So she visited room by room. Wanton destruction no longer seemed sensible – this was a decent piece of real-estate and someone might want to live here. So instead she noted what was valuable and easily transported and ordered its removal to her ship. Paintings, boxes of jewellery, small statues…they would all fetch a decent price and some things she simply wanted for herself. It wasn’t that she was penniless or greedy. Her share of her parent’s estate was significant – but money was like power…you could never have too much. So she hoarded what seemed of most interest and left the rest intact.
Post: {7/20}
Objective: 4.....Searching for Artifacts (Bones)
Location: Ruins (Temple)
Allies: OS l Dark Jedi
Enemy: More Dark Jedi (x2).....then Sand again

Her ally walked next to her, his eyes glazed over with hate and his mouth dripping saliva. He would have made an excellent Apprentice but his fate was that of all the Dark Jedi inside the temple. Either he would die for his beloved 'Cassandra' or by her hand. Her thralls usually came with a short expiration date. Darth Venefica was a believer of eliminating them the moment they no longer served a purpose; brutal tactics perhaps but a necessary one.
The growl from her thrall was confirmation of what she felt. A Dark Jedi was in a nearby chamber. She began to remove her hilt and stopped, turning her head toward the towering Dark Jedi and flashed him a smile. Why should she go in there and add another death to her growing list? Besides, knowing the Dark Jedi would die at the hands of his former friend held a passionate appeal to her.
"Kill him," her words whispering through his dominated mind.
The monster of a man unclipped his lightsaber igniting it as he charged into the chamber. Standing in the hall, she listened to the clashing of lightsaber blades that sent a thrill of accomplishment coursing through her. Screams, curses, yells, and sounds of objects being smashed echoed out into the corridor. Then suddenly everything went quiet.
Her Dark Jedi stepped out of the chamber as the victor. And Darth Venefica clapped her hands in approval.
Post: {3/20}
Objective:Kill Everything
Location: City
Allies: Me, Myself, and I.
Enemy: Anything not bolted to the floor.

The Yevetha were upon him, and their emotion told him one thing. They thought they honestly had a chance against the massive man with his sword. Fools, he thought as power buzzed through his cells. Time slowing as the clarity of impending battle finally fell upon him, and a smile forming on his face behind the mask he wore. All of their arrogance washed over him as the meters separating them slowly faded with each step. Every one of them ran to battle, he calmly strode into it. Blaster bolts flew around him, and the ones that were close to being on target he simply dodged, his precognitive abilities giving him that two second head start on any assault aimed at him. Kryptus simply let the fire build in him as their emotions fell over him.

Within a millisecond, he burned those feelings from their hearts.

Daesumnor became a silver blur as he took a two handed grip while leaping into the fray. Bodies were all around him, their fear becoming palpable with each swing. For every one that fell, two took their place, and the Sith Lord wouldn’t have it any other way. Djem-So was on full display as he used his supernatural power and speed to become a blur of power. Every swing using the full might of his considerable strength and momentum to cleave through unguarded flesh. Fists, the butts of rifles, and assorted blades tried to make it close to his armored skin.

None touched him.

Kryptus’ unit moved as one as they did exactly as their commander did. Dominated with unyielding force, no survivors would be left.
Objective: Hunt
Allies: [member="Cadeyrn Centurion"]

Micah didn't exactly want to use a saber to gut a grub. That pretty much made the point of having a bloody bait for food to tempt null. Instead he would use the alchemized short sword he had crafted out of songsteel for the task. It had taken a great amount of effort to forge the item in a month’s time, utilizing all the resources from his uncle Dissero and his father to craft the exquisite blade. The time it took wasn’t due to being lazy about it, but because of the severe energy drain that had taken a toll on the teenager on the four step process of forging it, the alchemy, the force imbuement of the blade, and then finally the twenty four hour process for the additional benefits.

Songsteel was an extraordinarily light and luminescent silver metal, used in masterwork swords and staves. The metal was reserved only for the most exquisite of weapons, and was extremely tedious to forge and shape. The songsteel was highly resistant to lightsaber strikes in a manner similar to phrik and cortosis, which was why Micah chose the material specifically for it.

It was slightly heavier than one would expect for a songsteel blade, but that was due to the alchemization process and the Force imbuing of the blade. The forging process was both physically and mentally taxing, taking over three days with Micah on the Forge. The physical stamina and mental fortitude needed to hammer the blade while simultaneously channelling energy being extremely challenging; on completion though, the reinforced lattice both hardened the blade and sharpened the edge, as well as prepared the blade for the next steps in the forging process.

He had used so much energy then...
Post number [7/20]
Objective: 4, doing my own thing
Location: Holy place
Allies: One Sith
(Enemies): The Yevetha kanabar

Every apple drops from the branch, every grape from the vine, every gourd upon the ground. And for every vehicle driven by Yurzhoc on Yevetha, there was a holy structure in need of crashing. And by the Yun'O, he would make it so. A whip here and a screech there, the doors of the structure buckled against the cascading force of the transport vehicle as Yurzhoc crashed in with a howl and scream, closely resembling that of delight. Each smack against the ground resounded with a skate across polished floor, knocking seating from their bolted positions, spilling fountains of blood that continued to run on inner tubing. The floor became slick with it as Yurzhoc stepped out.

Looking down, he growled as Stebbles moved to lapping up the thick fluid. Kicking, he screamed with an accusatory finger. "NO STEBBLES, NO! BAD STEBBLES, BAD!" Stomping, Yevetha blood spattered against the metal transport as he looked towards the holy men hovering about in the church, of sorts.

Lifting up his arms, the fighting claws extracted from his knuckles, bleeding from cuts previously opened. "Fathers...I've come for a confession."

"You aren't welcome here, heretic!"

"No? That's unfortunate." He rolled his shoulder, the incoming attack obvious as the dew claw came out. It struck against his arm, splintering back before he drove the claw deep into the chest of the priest, breaking through the brain cage. Leaning forward, he smiled. "Will you hear my confession now?" He looked towards the other priests, coming forward for their piece of the Yurzhoc. Stand in line, cattle, everyone will get their turn.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Objective: Expand Influence[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Black Fifteen -- In orbit of N’zoth[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Dakita Calfur"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Pure technically Khaleel was anything but a hermit, he was pretty sure that he had been traveling more than Dakita for a long while now. Nar Shaddaa was simply his home, the place where had lived most of his life, but that didn’t mean that it was his only place to be.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Naw, there were too many opportunities to let that just slide.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Not that Khal could say anything about any of that, because Dakita never voiced it out loud. But she would know that her boss, the workaholic, traveled a lot for all his businesses. Being in Zeltros on one day, just to pop up on Etti IV on the other, before finally sliding into Fondor on the last day of Spring Break.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]That’s just how it happened.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But with all that being said, Khal probably looked like a lunatic right now. Stepping out of a shuttle and just [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]challenging[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] these bloodthirsty schuttas for some kind of duel, but there was more to it than that.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]There always was.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Underlord was a big fan of skewing the odds into his favor, and it was no different this time. So what nobody but him knew, was that before coming here he had made sure that people would support him no matter what.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]So when he brought up the challenge? One of them laughed and decided to start hissing insults, but he was quickly interrupted by one of the others.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“Hmm, a duel by the ancient forms?!” the beast would screech. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Another popped up from another side. “I haven’t seen a good bloodletting in ages!” it would add with a bloodthirsty smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]And soon enough everyone started chanting, the few skeptics being droned out. [/SIZE]
Objective: Money
Location: Black-15
Allies: [member="Khaleel Malvern"] | [member="Dakita Calfur"] | [member="Cryax Bane"]
There was a problem, as it turned out, and it the problem went by the name of Nip Tarr.

Why was he a problem? Well, you see, Nip Tarr was a problem because Nip Tarr was the name Laguz had borrowed as xir moniker for this little tangent to the left of Sith space. Two mistakes there; the first was assuming that N'zoth was going to stay 'to the left of Sith space' for the duration of xir visit; the second was believing that Nip Tarr was merely a name that one could wear and use and not be questioned for it.

Silly, silly Laguz.

Well, in the end, the thing turned out to be little more than a minor detour, because if anybody knew how to bullchit their way out of a sticky situation, it was the shifter. That, and it of course helped that you could simply pretend to be the guard who just arrested… well, your previous self. Hand dandy.

It was in said form that Laguz waltzed out of one of the detention rooms on the station, suppressing the urge to whistle a merry song while twiling xir stun baton in xir hand. It just wouldn't look… right.

With some effort and focus, the sniper put a rather grim expression onto xir adopted face, walking past oblivious officials and ever deeper into the structure, nearing xir first target at a sure and steady pace.
Post number [8/20]
Objective: 4, doing my own thing
Location: Holy place
Allies: One Sith
(Enemies): The Yevetha kanabar

"No?" Yurzhoc looked around. "No?" Making the typical sad face that only a tooth filed Yuuzhan Vong Warrior could make, he pulled the fighting claw from the twitching corpse and allowed it to fall to the ground. The body splashed up blood, which was currently flowing freely across the floor and out of the entrance. Those of the lower castes were collecting at the door steps and ascending stairs, lapping up the fluid. Likely starved, Yurzhoc assumed, concluding that that was the reason for their scrawny build.

"What do you want?"
"What do I want?" Yurzhoc turned towards the man in the ordained priest gear, or what he assumed where similar to the Most High Priest garb. Though to make the comparison, in and of itself, was nearing the edge of blasphemy. Mid thought, he lifted his arms and tilted his head.

"To destroy my enemies, to hear their shivering corpses in my wake, to hear the lamentations of their bathe in their blood." He looked down and smiled. "I've almost got that last part down."

"Why do you toil against our people, why do you invade this planet?"
"Are you Yuuzhan Vong? Have you made sacrifice to the Yun'O?"
"Well...there you have it."

The priest approached, with hands clasped, taking on a vindicated form of piety that Yurzhoc was unfamiliar. "You would persecute us...for not being like you?"

"Would you do any different...?" The hand of the warrior leaped out, clenching the throat of the upper caste member. He looked around towards those who seemed to lose their expressions of indifference. "I thought not."

And just like that, a row of dominoes, they would all fall to the sound of Yurzhoc laughing.
Post: [2/20]
Location: Unknown
Objective: Blood Letting
Enemies: Himself
Red hands. Golden eyes. Spines. This was the body of a Pureblood. A body that, while Krest did not recognize, it felt familiar. Before him, the ancient homeworld of Korriban. Before him, a city, a pure blood city. Without wanting to Krest walked forward, as if his body was on auto pilot. As he continued to move, different thoughts filled his head. what was for dinner? How long would it be until his son got home from his hunting trip?
A son? Krest blinked as he tried to make sense of these thoughts. Of course, as he continued to think about it he finally figured it out. These weren't his thoughts, but Hachev's. He was walking the life of this Pureblood, living memories he didn't realize he had. So this was the strength of the blood ritual he took.
On the purebloods walk home, something changed however. The smaller city suddenly became a wash of flame. Panic set in Hanchevs heart as he ran forward, all thoughts going to find his wife. Where was she? Who attacked them in the fist place? As he ran though, a figure dressed in black came before him. Before he could speak, his mind went black, attacked from unseen forces.
The Sith had captured him.
Objective: 3. Recruit a lair of bandits.
Location: N’zoth.
Allies: OS.

Sitting in the chieftain’s chair, she watched her new subjects. They would make fine troops, strong and fierce. With their former leader rotting in the sun outside the tent, she had effectively secure their allegiance. They may be reluctant at first, but the power of the Sith was unquestionable. Saiah’s pale grey eyes scanned each of the elite warriors sitting in the tent in turn. Some of them looked quite unhappy, but they would all come around eventually.

Saiah leaned back in her chair and pressed a hand against the wound in her shoulder. Her left hand clenched and unclenched to make sure she was not losing her sense of touch. She had bled quite a lot, and it made her clothes stick to her body. She had been foolish not to wear her beskar plates. They did not add so much to her weight, and the protection it provided was invaluable.

With a pained expression, she grabbed a hold of the dew claw stuck in her shoulder and pulled it out of her flesh. She grunted in pain and a small squirt of blood sprayed onto the floor in front of her as the natural weapon left her body. Saiah looked at the spike, turning it between her fingers, a smile formed on her lips as she clenched her right hand around the claw.
Objective: Money
Location: Black-15
Allies: [member="Khaleel Malvern"] | [member="Dakita Calfur"] | [member="Cryax Bane"]
The doors proved to be no match for the sniper's ever evolving slicing skills, and by xir passing observations, it seemed that most of the guards on the station were busy rushing off to some unknown engagement. Had the latecomers arrived, finally? Could that be possible?

Xir contact hadn't said anything, after all, not a peep from the man ever since Laguz had set foot upon the floating piece of metal, and that was… oh, well, a solid few hours ago at this point. Not that the shifter minded it much, really; xe had always been more of a solo player in terms of missions and… goals, for lack of a better word.

Well, there were better words, but they were just so ugly, and came with so much bias: assassination; murder; liquidation; not quite as nice, right?


Laguz used xir new cover as a guard to slip past the last layer of defenses, and then xe was inside the office, xir gaze lingering on the breathtaking vista behind the desk. The whole back wall of the room was made of tansparisteel, offering a view straight into the black void of space.

And then xe went and ruined it with a wide blood spray. Dammit, Laguz!

It was clear; xe could never be an interior designer, that much was certain. The deep red blood was smeared all over the beautiful — if rather… monotone — panorama in the background, and the otherwise comfortable-looking leather chair was, likewise, steeped in the body fluids of the now deceased official.

Yes, Laguz, goals.
The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Objective: Expand Influence[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Black Fifteen -- In orbit of N’zoth[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Dakita Calfur"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Khal dropped his duster to the ground, his shirt followed suit and soon he was only left with trousers and his boots - they didn’t trust him, and didn’t want him to suddenly lash out with some kind of hidden weapon or whatever. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]To him it seemed a little bit silly, and perhaps just a way for them to get a sneaky edge on him. With their needles that they could just drop from their arms and stuff. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Didn’t really matter either way. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The rules only said one single thing, two men came in and only one left, ya could only use that which you brought into the ring… and for them it was an advantage. At least for now, but they didn’t realize Khal’s biggest strength yet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Would soon change though.[/SIZE]
Post number [8/20]
Objective: 4, doing my own thing
Location: Holy place
Allies: One Sith
(Enemies): The Yevetha kanabar

"Have...have you had your fill?"

Yurzhoc rubbed the sweat from his head, it accumulating and seeping into the pores of the Vonduun crab armor. Sitting down on one of the wooden pedestals still available, he held his head in his hand and scratched the scars and manipulated flesh across his chin. Those deep pools of tar searched through the holy tower and sanctuary, to which he defiled, and looked down towards that skeleton of a being - xenophobic and unnecessarily so, such a weak race. It was from insularity, he imagined, that they would conjure such concepts. Isolated from the universe, behind their big star, they believed themselves to be the greatest species in the universe.

"Why did you resist against me, small creature?"
"We aren't...that small..."
"No, but you are compared to the might of Yun-Yammka."

"Who...who is that?"

Yurzhoc laughed, quietly for the first time, soaking in the consequences of his shaming on the people of this planet. In his wake, many lied dead and broken, yet this one remained. Gulping down his own blood, he struggled for the words. "Does that sustain you?"

The Yevethan shook his head, body immersed in the flowing founts of blood, broken by the Yuuzhan Vong entry. Clasping his hands together, Yurzhoc inspected the holy symbols of the place around him. The walls were littered with foreign idolatry, symbols cresting the stone and carved deep. He chewed absentmindedly, listening to the agonal respirations of his final victim.

"You have an interesting culture, Yevethan. But your people will not escape the ways of the Yuuzhan Vong, not this time around. I look forward to what the Shapers create from your weakened state. And then...then you will have something truly worthy for which to thank the Yun'O."
"Shhh...don't waste your breath, kanabar. Your time will come."

Stebbles took the last plunge, evacuating the last of the life from the corpse. With that, Yurzhoc walked quietly from the holy tower, Amphistaff finding nesting spot once more on his shoulder.
Objective: Hunt
Allies: [member="Cadeyrn Centurion"]

Man, did that entire month blow.

Had it not been for the help of his father and his uncle, he wasn’t sure how well he would have done on his own. It had been a drain on his energy physically, mentally, and through the Force throughout the entire month. He was sure he lost a good ten pounds because of it too.

Force-imbued blades were solid metal blades that required no power source, and that glowed with the power of the Force coursing through them, and Micah’s now had a faint discoloration that had turned it into a gunmetal blue gray. Imbued with the Force, the blade was now preternaturally strong and sharp, well capable of cutting effortlessly through most materials, with the exception of reinforced metals such as durasteel, which took more effort.

Once the blade had been forged, Micah had taken a rare Ruusan Crystal given to him by his mother in the hilt of the blade. While not directly affecting the typical lightsaber, the crystal, once he attuned it enhanced the crystal’s natural ability to help Micah focus on the Force. He then married the lattices of the crystal and the blade together, submerging himself deep into the Force, and meditated on the blade and crystal until he, the blade, and the crystal became one entity. Once the lattices had been married, the Micah channeled energy through the crystal and into the blade until it had begun to glow with a nimbus of energy; signifying that the blade had now been permanently infused with the Force.

The next three days he had spent resting. His mother had been adamant that he needed proper rest and to eat before doing anything more with the blade...

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